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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm +03

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japan's space agency is awaiting the arrival of samples from asteroids about orbits between earth and mars the mission began with the launch of the high a booster 2 spacecraft 6 years ago and that's coverage millions of kilometers the capsule will briefly produce a fireball as it reenters the atmosphere before landing in every moat area of southern australia japanese scientists hope the sample could provide clues to the origin of the solar system and possibly life to get. clear again i'm fully back to the headlines on iraq over 1000 vaccinations are under way in russia despite questions about safety teachers doctors and social workers will be the 1st in line to get the domestically produced vaccine alexandra go on to fly has more from moscow. we are in the center of moscow in front of me
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committee behind me is one of the vaccination centers that opened today there is in total 70 of them in all schools started working at this morning and it is receiving patients who had previously scheduled their appointment afford this vaccination we're talking about people who work in health care system education or in social security systems and they have to be younger than 60 and they have to be basically health is still suffering from no serious chronic diseases. iran's supreme national security council has approved a motion to stop inspections by the u.n. nuclear watchdog an increase in richmond of uranium the plan is expected to be in place in 2 months time after it is signed into law by president hassan rowhani ethiopia says it's captured or killed most of the leaders of the battle tikrit region as it tries to bring an end to the month long conflicts e.u. says a deal to open access to humanitarian aid doesn't go far enough u.s.
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president donald trump is pulling nearly all american troops out of somalia in the next year months some 700 american soldiers are training and advising somali forces in the fight against al shabaab latest order follows a series of announcements to withdraw forces from missions abroad before he leaves office voting is underway in kuwait spawn of entry elections a record number of women are among the more than 300 candidates this comes as coates economies reeling from failing falling all prices and the coronavirus demick and u.k. prime minister boys johnson is sent to speak to the head of the european union to try and break the impasse on a trade deal british an e.u. negotiators post talks on friday after failing to find a common ground a compromise on a series of sticking points those are the headlines inside story is next.
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several mosques in front of face closure as politic crackdown what officials call a separatism the government says is to protect the nation's secular values but some muslims feel they're under attack so how can this be result this isn't a story. welcome to the program i'm wrong on the french government stepping up its crackdown on what it's calling religious separatism 76 mosques are being inspected nationwide they'll be closed if they're found to be a security threat it's present. latest response to
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a number of recent attacks that he's blamed on radical islam islamic organizations accused of inciting hatred have been raided and closed mccrone is pushing for a moms to register and agree to a charter of republican values but his government denies it's deliberately targeting the muslim community. real. there are 2600 islamic places of worship in france when you consider 76 out of the 2600 where far from the so-called widespread radicalization but there are some very concentrated places of worship there are clearly anti republican where you moms are followed by intelligence services where the discourse runs counter to our values such as equality between men and women and where this hatred of jews catholics in france as well as dubious sources of financing. present emanuel mccraw response to the crisis has created tensions with the muslim community in early october he said in
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a speech that islam is in crisis around the world he then laid out plans to tackle what he called radicalism 2 weeks later a french teacher was beheaded after he showed cartoons of the prophet mohammed during a lesson on freedom of speech mccrone defended the magazine charlie hebdo republishing those same cartoons muslims in several countries protested and began boycotting french products and on october 29th 3 people were killed during a stabbing at a church in nice were called it an islamist terror attack. let's introduce our panel in paris. head of the justice and liberties for all committee in london philip mallya professor of french and european politics at the university college london and in the moroccan city of a front in his armor sari associate professor of international studies at the university a warm welcome to you all and like to begin in paris with yasser one of the things
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that is confusing to so many doesn't really understand the internal workings of france is that instead of strengthening existing antiterrorism laws and make this about a policing issue say for example something that they did in great britain this law seems to be about protecting the name the values of the republic the idea of secularism i don't understand why the values of the republic need protecting in this way can use explain what's going on. well if it nicholas sense it just the way to government is a whole day in the 1st victim of terrorism abroad i.e. muslims or the suspect community of the holme we've got a new connection to france a desire for his brother not over and to answer your question when we speak of french values this is a you know a loose term what are we really talking about if you're talking about the motu of
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the republic media. and fraternity where in that case where the freedom where muslims lose their riches freedoms and can't organize as communities like any other community in fronts that where is it quantity at one with these are all facing structure or discrimination and what's the connection between protecting friendship and values and to fighting terrorism not crosses a smokescreen in many ways mccall was to go hunt on the far right in a particular order land you want to be put to position himself as the protector of the nation but he's just not not answering the question why he's friends getting attacked more people are dimes and why the government keeps failing to provide these attacks despite having all the measures he asks for him to prevent terrorism now the and the last point if i may i don't think it money when michael was that he's a government i meant being investigated for rent of a for a rape and sexual harassment and come to us and speak of you know french of bad news when his own cabinet is filled of people being under investigation for comfort
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of interest corruption charges and even for lying under oath let me bring in finance my head in london philip once again in the u.k. when there was a problem with terrorism eventually the communities had to be enlisted into the fight it did take a very long time to grieve the most famous cases the friends report mosque which eventually was taken over by people from the community and all the extremist elements were kicked out is france following a similar method here or is this something that's a bit more extreme to use that word. i think on the face of it and you have to be very cautious because this new bill is. prepare a should only and it's going to be put to the council of ministers next week only but if you look at some one of the provisions it would seem that yes there is according to the government kind of threats in different various places and mosque
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in france and those places would be under threat and all that being overtaken say by radical islam is that remains to be seen because part of the problem in this national discussion is that there's very little evidence put forward by the government to release of stone she ate it's claims as to why that there is actually a threat or not but let's assume there is a threat it's i i i most astonishing that in order to combat terrorism and there is indeed terrorist threats one should ask you know the overall population and we know when we said your whole population in fact we are targeting they are targeting indeed the muslim population why one should ask them to india to so-called republican values which are very loosely define why is that in what way is it going pretty to make any difference in the fight against terrorism so that's really a big really puzzling and i think in france when this debate is being at is
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happening you know a lot of people also come to understand so the conclusion which can be drawn at this stage is that probably the government is pushing that kind of thing forward for political reasons not really to fight terrorism but it's for political gains but you also a lot in paris this could backfire if it's the muslim community the muslim community are key to stopping these attacks because they are the ones who are in those most they can see that behavior early they can see criminality quicker than most they risk at the fronts risk alienating those people in. it well it only shows a best that the news to him said when islam has been hijacked by terrorists in 2014 and though as a you know it's reports from domestic intelligence court the joint reports and uk reports ask the government to stop with this repressive response and his repression based strategy and to reach out to communities and bring them to the daybreak to find solutions and have
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a permanent dialogue an atmosphere of trust this is not happening today and if the government says you know they want to crack down organizations. on the acquisition of separatism for us and there is not a new definition of separatism or what you can a zation the 2nd point to all the studies show that what you guys asian takes place outside of the mosques of some of the organizer communities but he jane is online. at places where the communities are no really in no direct apartment no emmanuel michel and there's little sort of i'm the issue and he does not care whether he's our unity and muslims are not we when we see for example that yesterday alone the minister of interior ordered that 70 mosques get it checked and at a year prior to that the previous minister of interior said that there was a crackdown on last using all available of his mission be it fire protection you know ahead of you know standards except to up to shut them down and that very same day the minister of interior was due to appear in court for his reply negations and
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sexual harassment charges and so when you have a minister of interior mobilizing degrassi of means of the state has to avoid going to court and on top of it you have the president who wants to or violent place you did but getting involved in kerik and i fear is a and then it creates a problem when there is none yes i mean look you cannot use the communities and of the already lost some when you should them to n.g.o.s on accusations and refused to the mother to court i'm sorry their will of the law is what is gone and today emmanuel mccoy is actually putting a much bigger problem let's take the international perspective here and if iran. i'm sorry associate professor of international studies traditionally france has had a very good relationship particular when it comes to intelligence sharing with north african countries. do you think that given mccrone is language islam is in crisis around the world this crackdown on muslims that he's doing that international relations might be affected and therefore actually make things
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slightly more difficult when it comes in things like intelligence eric. in general generally speaking in terms of international relations i think that this can have an impact on. france's prestigious around the world the role of the muslim or we saw this with the different units of boycott in french problem so we saw in the reaction of some leaders in particular the gunman in turkey so this. this kind of attitude can we certain have an impact on french prestige. or the chaos there they exist. has been cultivated for decades if not centuries. in terms of. intelligence sharing and. i'm not sure this. will have and in fact remember
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that when. 'd the boycott of french products or the call for booklets in french products took place the minister of the freshness of foreign affairs came to visited with his mark and colleague and they said that in. france look for the trends. he was here in for the moroccan support for the french government francis does entanglement from this imbroglio in which a transit after those declarations of michael. and in terms of and so this is to say that in terms of intelligence sharing and this is a. this is. a jury and moral code particular deal with france. cultivates there are a close relationship with friends this is how france appreciates. the
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support of its counted. interdictions. in these 2 countries and these 2 mcgreevy countries so i'm not real question. we haven't any substantial impact on delusions sharon fully has already had an impact on domestic politics is this yet another example of the penalize ation i want to say of french politics the politics in france are being dragged to the right. i think probably yes because look we've got here a young presidency he was 39 when he was elected in 2017 it was seen by many i think to start with in the u.k. where labor is a young modernized liberal economically liberal but also politically culturally parole and all not sign of the argument clearly that's not what it turned out to be
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frankly because by 1st of all appointing a number of hub ninus in the government currently people are pushing very hard for the sort of agenda of a criminalize ation of peepholes thoughts and opinions because this is what it is in the end when you don't break the law in a democracy kountry the role of a state or any state is not to request its citizens to you dear to set them values as long as you don't break the law you should be free to lead your life as you see fit and that's where we were going down that route in france and i think my core clearly and that's really what is quite fascinating is not putting a whole to 2 it is clearly seemed to be going along that and how to explain that well as a political scientists i would say we're probably yes there's a there's an election year to make into us time you wants to be reelected and e.c.c. looks around him he says to his left is no real serious opponent so he looks to his
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right the main conservative the main conservative policy letter purity is really disarray so what is is main opponent again that's the far right and neither of them like 2017 so that's probably one reason as to why he thinks that he can gamble by outbidding at 10 on a road in traditional seems and ideas it is a very risky move because in politics that fury ape your opponents idea if you're trying. you lay those ideas there's a risk that it would backfire because people the voters will think in the end well if you didn't legitimated the ideas of his opponents then probably let's vote for him or her because you know if the opponents think the same probably we should we should bring the support of the people who flocked up those those ideas in the 1st place. yes or a serious shaking your head there are some of the comments that felipe was making
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particular when he described the crowd as a liberal well why we shaking at well because we heard the signals that emanuel like or was not really reliable or you would you was everything and nothing at the same time let's say for example the the case of girl is asian so you go to a jury and speaks of crimes against humanity it catches here or the language or from the right and then back writes and says the exact opposite one day he would say we should stop with this venture for lacey did targeting muslims and then he got his heat from you know the people around the money said no we sure are up to we have to save muslim women or we can't wear lipstick during the month of ramadan so there has been a constant you know going left and right for the everyone which was a clear indication that emmanuel michel would be wrong to be influenced by the people around him that the men would not call him when he got elected he learned it himself surrounded by advisors that say from what games you were either from the heart that right you know staunch you know new liberals or
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a staunch secular fundamentalists from the left or as an example he's minister of education mr brock if we don't know what he did or for education for us but what we know is he's waging war against muslim women wearing a headscarf listening girls wearing a long skirt and his obsession with applying his version of nice he did on top of it if you speak of race if you're for example emmanuel mccall did not stand with the official body. that would support lace you see the observatory a place you do but he stood silent when john mission broke out set up a buddhist oreck an. empty shell court the sorry to disturb you yes i just want to i just want to share a question just pick up on one of those points is this then an n built xenophobe it racist attitude that france has or is this mccrone using this as a calculated political decision to gain popularity. what i think your question is right on point and i was coming to it is not we cannot say that this is only
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a political maneuver for emmanuel mccall to be elected that has been a 30 year or longer a movement to normalize a far right ideas that can go back to the years of course for me to hold being in power witness in the 1980 s. so when he said that emanuel mccourt does what i call islam with a version you of were talking about you know we had problems you're putting this in for a problem to look at their version with public opinion no i mean i can but there are structural drivers for these moves in and out what was being preached by your money not been the far right wing the historic you know far right figure in france in the 1980 s. has been picked up by the mainstream right in the mainstream enough to enter the amendment mccourt and i agree with mr maher you know that when you know it's on the left there's nobody really serious about it which confirms that he says that when you say your client you become lucky because the socialist party tried to apply right wing you know but it takes living it became extinct and on the right side of the money when michael ware he's got money and opinion as most probably he's open
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and which raises a question where our friends as you know a leftist liberals are the people who stand with the human rights as an example if i may finish there is out we have seen a thousands of people marching against the global security bill last weekend but we wouldn't see the same amount of people are marching against the law or not on the separatism now target was pleased especially with the problematic article 2 of the floor that prohibits thinning the police may be removed from the security billups and inserted it into the law against separatism which specifically targets muslims let's go back to the international reaction to hair in his arms her and we've seen this often with then let's have religious communities of all he's not just the islamic community and countries when they feel that they are under attack they look for outside help they look for other countries other leaders to come and help them defend their case and this. case we have a very outspoken you touched on this earlier very outspoken are the one of turkey
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really pushing mccrone and france quite hard this kind of language do you think it is useful coming from turkey well. not specialists in thirty's politics but. i think that this also answers. political domestic needs. and beef up his credentials. internally in turkey and also with the wider muslim community in rich he wants to be considered or he ends up being considered. a leader a leader at least among a good part of the muslim or so as it serves. whether this this is he is considered a leader of this kind of reaction is what will.
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introduce all. fronts i'm not sure that that will be the case i think that. as my 2 colleagues here a agree with the fact that this. these moves respond these moves by more correspond to the message french needs and it's not the. of of the discourse of real stop france from acting the way it wants to act. phillipe if this lauri's if this bill is problematic and there are issues with it is there a better way of dealing with this what is the what is the alternative. i think to be fair the senate seat now would be probably no bill a toll i think there is clearly and i think legal experts judges come forward in front of the debate and say well we've gotten already those loads you know if you if you want really to criminalize online hate speech we've got that there's no
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need for you know and of course yes for be so the answer would be no no no i think probably the needs appeasement. the president systems we should be really addressing the whole nation should be our inclusive and where is this a look probably is also helping feed that kind of the sort of in sieges and climates in which you know you tend to does ignite implicitly or explicitly enemies with enemies within we that was an expression calling in the u.k. margaret thatcher in different circumstances but we know what it means when you start flying up enemies with and it's very very bad for the for the cohesion of a nation and that's partly we reached that point in france where people have to be very careful so far i think what is quite remarkable is that the population at
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large has reacted very well whenever there's a terrorist attack people are refrain there's no who. in general people behave there's no there's no temper need for retaliation but of course if you have a government showing this what i believe is a very poor example setting very poor example of course things could changing and so and of course if if the fall rights would eventually come to power that would of course make make things worse as we know the program of the far right so i think john so your question will be able probably. and what france needs a moment it seems to me is appeasement enthuse even you know it includes even have sars sorry we are running out to tom i would like to get to yasser as well yes is there an alternative to this bill. no i mean like you know we have this bill it's really hard to be dumped the identity would be to audit our counterterrorism and totally overall it and we think our friends it deals with the jury but by
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connecting the bombs it sends and serve as a brother and the bombs it gets idleness you can't be the promoter of the manufacture of death and then expect numbers in return so you really have to think about front as a rule or a broader and wise structure of the 40 years of counterterrorism have been a feature is a and of course you know i discourse of appeasement would be welcome to date we have to remember people that a 1000000 people have a cross the poverty line and $50000.00 people almost have died of course at $19.20 would be even worse than 2020 so if michael really cares about his country he should actually bring it together and not divide it further. let me finish one as are and efren is or is there any way any form of law that you've seen internationally that has dealt with this accusation that it's the nation's values are under attack by a religious community. i think that. what friends needs
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is to look at other examples. what comes to my mind immediately is how india for instance not occur india but india was in the bones though too with the issue of circular is a secularism that is truly accept the diversity offer allusions rather than. separates religion from public runs thank you all our guests yasser the aussie philip myin and his art was sorry and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website or desire dot com and for further discussion as for facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story and you can also join the conversation on twitter we are at a j inside story for me and around town in the entire team here and i hope i don't .
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2950 s. he disputed election 4th believe he is 1st indigenous president into exile of all morality is considered his future and hope to return his call to rally behind new candidates. with a tense new election drawing close in late 2020 people in power went behind the scenes to see if the indigenous movement could pull off a remarkable comeback in libya exile will return on al-jazeera jumped into the stream and julian on global community bio diversity is bio security it is
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that essential for our species to survive be part of the debate i know you have ideas and you can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table the police are not neutral and all of these cases fear is to terrorize and here's the other part of this there's no consequence to this stream on out as they are. played an important role in protecting human. race. the world food program will receive the nobel peace prize for fighting against hunger and the use of starvation as a weapon of war we ask executive director david beasley how the challenge of combating global hunger will be met in the age of the coronavirus pandemic the nobel interview on al-jazeera. holding the
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powerful to account as we examine the u.s. its role in the war on al jazeera. 11 o'clock and hala top stories here on al-jazeera uncovered 19 vaccinations are under way in russia despite questions about safety teachers doctors and social workers will be the 1st in line to get the domestically produced sputnik roxy that is on target for has more from moscow on the vaccination process. we are in one of the vaccinations centers in moscow claiming that opened today there is in total they say 70 of such centers in which patients can come after they signed for it on the line now these are very specific categories that get the priority that is people working in health care.


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