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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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this is al jazeera. out of there i mean this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes last ditch breaks it talks to resume to try and break months of deadlock as reports suggest the british cabinet is backing a possible new deal. they cheated and they regard presidential
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election but we will still win. yes donald trump repeats false claims of for his 1st public rally since a presidential election as he campaigns for republicans running for the senate. venezuelans vote for a new congress but critics say the president trying to seize the last thing body controlled by the opposition. she is a capsule carrying pieces of a distant asteroid lands on earth scientists say the samples could explain the origins of life. and he just came up with only sports new south african england are forced to abandon their latest cricket match after more positive cova 19 results. so than last minute talks to do to restart between british and european leaders as the scramble to reach
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a post trade deal intensifies there are now just 25 days left before the u.k.'s transition period ends and both sides admits there are still significant differences british media are reporting that prime minister boris johnson's cabinet would back him over a new deal brokered if. no agreement is reached sticking points include the level playing fields making sure that businesses don't have unfair state backed advantages over their competitors there's also access to u.k. waters by e.u. fishing fleets and how future disputes will be solved now failure to agree by the end of the month will mean that tough new tariffs and cumbersome border checks will come in from next year and that will be a further blow to economies already dealing with the fallout from cave in 19 or let's get an update from 19 barbara standing by for a sit in london and not him so we've seen in past negotiations that a deal emerges at the last minute from a smoking pile of standoffs and resistance think it's feasible this time.
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nick it's feasible but it's a different situation here the european union is negotiating with a 3rd party nation which is not a member of the european union namely the united kingdom and this is at the heart of the matter because if you listen to what the british have been saying in the last 48 hours or so since friday when a week of intensive talks in london ended without an agreement the british side have been saying that the european union had been making a series of demands which infringed british sovereignty a lot of very well known bracks it voices within the conservative party here as saying that the european union is failing to recognise that that the u.k. is a sovereign nation experts will say well any kind of trade negotiations involve ceding some kind of control some kind of sovereignty that's what happens so it's very difficult to see how they'll get around the sticking points which as we know are
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fisheries the level playing field and governance now just on sunday the u.k. environment secretary george eustice has said that the talks are in a difficult position because the european union introduced in his words a whole load of additional demands one of those believed to be on fishing whereby it's reported that the european union is pushing for a 10 year transition period before there's any change to access to british fishing waters the e.u. has denied that but on the level playing field as well there are concerns here that the e.u. is trying to tie britain into for example environmental regulations and workers' employment law or employment conditions as well that is something that does come with the territory there will be some kind of demand for tariff free access to the
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you. ropy in unions markets so it's a very complicated situation where none the wiser now than we were on saturday when boris johnson a sort of on the law and the head of the european commission had a phone call and then mandated their chief negotiators to resume the talks in brussels on sunday we don't know exactly how far they're going to get we're about birth john to this cabinet saying that they would back a no deal breaker is that something that we should expect anyway or what does it mean. i think it's. a reminder that boris johnson has created a cabinet a government which is very loyal to his vision of bricks and he came in. and got rid of a whole load of people in cabinet who would not sign up to his ultimatum to his vision of breck's it that it had to be done at all costs he won an election saying we will get bricks it done it's not surprising but it's not very relevant anyway
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because nothing has to happen for a no deal breaks it the only thing that can avoid in a deal breaks it is if the you and the u.k. sign a trade deal and nobody knows if that's what's going to happen and that is a prospect that is worrying many businesses in the united kingdom and on the continent but particularly here in the u.k. there are there are warnings from people on the trade groups representing transport companies wholly is that they're not going to be ready in time they're not they haven't seen for example the i.t. system at the ports that there are going to be severe delays because of customs checks and so on under no deal breaks it but even under this deal if it does get hammered out there will be checks there will be demands there will be paperwork there will be disruption but the greater threat for business is no deal perhaps it or not i believe there for the moment tonight in london but let's explore further the implications of all of this we can speak to john to les who is a political commentator joins us also from london via skype so jonathan 1st there
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is a hope that this standoff may be the so-called darkest hour before the dawn of an agreement but if we don't get a deal tell us more of the implications of that and how the e.u. and u.k. will look post december 31st. well i mean the 1st thing to say is that a deal that stick for and for now you deal in for the businesses because even though they'll be no tariff arrangement under deal we presume there's no huge tailbacks the channel for example because now goods are being taken out of this in the market in the customs union they'll be subject to all kinds of regulatory checks on standards rules of origin from goods from and countries outside the e.u. and u.k. and so on so they'll be months of disruption to business with a deal and without steel but without a deal it to us just gets much worse because they'll be no formal cooperation between the 2 sides so all kinds of goods can get held top of the food that
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a lot of businesses who do trade with europe who go into our manufacturing industries are very experienced farming is very expensive even fishing is incredibly expose nazi are an evil race but you say much of it is coming down to fishing there's no deal then fishers cannot sell stocks and they catch into the e.u. and the latter roles and that means the factions who don't boss as well yeah real problems on the as if there is no deal or or indeed if there is a as you say a flimsy kind of a deal which won't be that different to no deal can it be something that can be looked at again down the line that can be reassembled later or is december 31st absolutely is that the the end of the line. well december 31st is the end of the long for this process that is the end of the transition period and a lot of britons have come to become accustomed to thinking that everything will stay pretty much the same because nothing's changed the last 4 and a half years but things really will change as you say often that's not december but
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it's not the end of the road indefinitely the u.k. and the e.u. are bound by a joke free history culture that will have to tool an occasion 8 for decades to come and what i suspect will happen is no deal with true so unsustainable that a government probably in labor government there is more to study as the new year we go back to the negotiating table and try to build on that relationship that was raised if there is no deal snoring and that kind of poison and it to take a number of years to get back to the negotiating table but i just think that pragmatism practicalities without will simply have to have a trade deal because we can't survive without one thought of more negotiations is mind boggling is that i guess you could say that this was always going to go we knew it was going to go to the wire ultimately so what concessions will have to be made to get over the line to get any kind of a deal. the most important thing to remember in the whole premise that process in.
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the u.k. needs a deal more than the e.u. does the u.k. is much more exposed to products it is much smaller much less powerful much less rich and so the concessions will have to come from the u.k. so that's always been the case and a very new something the u.k. government has never really and knowledge or acceptance so you don't have to be a concession or the metal playing field allowing the e.u. treaty with tariffs if the u.k. on the cuts in on competition will standards and the have to be some kind of concession from the u.k. on fishing access the e.u. oh see the e.u. will have to make some concessions on their use france as well but the bulk of the concessions will have to come from the u.k. and boris johnson will have to address that up as a. victory as you know he starts it's great analysis. political commentators speak to us from london. well the outcome of the breaks it talks could impact the u.k.'s
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kovac 1000 vaccination program that is due to rollout from tuesday jonah hill joins us live from outside the hospital in north london where vaccinations that will be given out said janet tell us more about how we're hearing how this whole rollouts will happen. when it's already being described as the largest immunize ation program in history quantities of the vaccine vaccine have already arrived in this country we're told having traveled here by the channel tunnel from belgium where they're being manufactured and then being passed on woods to 50 hospital how much they'll be the initial vaccine sites the role in hampstead is one of them full rollout to begin then on tuesday the initial target so to market if you like for the vaccines is the most vulnerable the over eighty's and care stuff that we started with people who are already inside the hospital said to you that visiting is outpatient or being discharged and then invitations will go out at the people to come to these hospitals shortly afterwards it's hoped this
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program will expand local medical surgeries general practitioners have been told to be on standby from the 14th of december to administer the javits a shot in the arm you'll recall with the booster that follows $21.00 days later and then they'll prepare for masters distribution eventually using sports stadiums conference venues and the like too tricky issues to bear in mind the 1st sort of technical logistics of handling this vaccine it's got to be stored at minus 70 degrees celsius it's not going be thought out before use it can only be you moved forward times within that process of time it has a shelf life of 5 days so quite a tech quite a complex sort of technical infrastructure that's going to be placed as this program expands and secondly the question of quantity 800000 doses available now the government talking about scaling up to $5000000.00 by the end of this month hundreds of millions more on order of. this vaccine the pfizer vaccine and the
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others waiting waiting approval though as you heard there with the increasingly tense talks going on there are concerns that the full widescale rollout could yet be delayed as breck's it becomes and a final reality on the 1st agenda or agenda thanks to the journal reporting from london. to the united states which has reported a record number of covert 1000 infections for the 3rd day in a row nearly 230000 cases and more than 2 and a half 1000 deaths recorded during the past 24 hours that's according to the johns hopkins university the u.s. has seen a major assertions all of the virus over the past month putting even more pressure on hospitals. now colombia has been trying to restart its economy after months of covert 1000 restrictions the christmas holiday season seen as a lifeline for small businesses but with cases rising again many fear a 2nd wave of infections and tendre run p.s.e. reports from largest wholesale market think iran sand mall is bustling get to in
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the morning i small resellers and regular buyers from all over colombia has sold for the best and cheapest garments of the market gone are great early rise the biggest gloating wholesale fare in the country taking place this year in the shadow of the 19 to be heavy this family has had a stall here for almost 20 years he says import i got to stay this year is different but even more important because we're all struggling to rescue our businesses from failing to save the sacrifices of so many years. i could be the restrictions have hit colombia's economy hard especially small businesses that are only now starting to recover the weight infections rising once again many feared a lucrative christmas season might be cut short if it only causes that but selling these clothes is the only line support for us the only way to pay the bills pay off
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some debt keep our head above water because we haven't received any help from the government. traditionally demand to go in with take place every december night but this year it has been cut down to 2 per week shopping centers have reduced capacity and increased security measures to avoid becoming a new focus of infections but the biggest worry lies outside the malls. where hundreds of informal vendors occupied the streets with merchandise and thousands of buyers corralled them often without wearing masks or maintaining any distance the mayor's office is threatening to shut down the entire affair unless. the crowds are somehow brought under control but the seller syria say that would be an economic catastrophe don't think out because it's complicated and contradictory the government has the right to impose restrictions they see fit but what about our right to survive i mean i love the way experts say that allowing these events is
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like playing with fire. it's a difficult period even if the government has been orienting people day in and day out people are tired at this point i expect that after this holiday season we will have the same situation we are now seeing in europe or the united states people might still fear the virus but they're done with the restrictions. it's a balancing act between the economic needs of the people and the reality of a pandemic that is far from being able because i listen to them and just. but i'm also ahead on the news hour including after decades in power we look at more to come or in this president might be helping to achieve the country's 1st ever regional elections. it was people in honduras struggled to find food and shelter after being hit by 2 of the strongest storms of the year. and lewis hamilton's replacement george law school justice is out on hold position in bahrain it will have the school.
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all right what was meant to be a rally to back to senate candidates has turned into an opportunity for donald trump to once again for speak lame he won last month's us presidential election he's been campaigning in georgia for republicans facing running folks next month the poll will decide which party controls the u.s. senate a white house correspondent can be held get reports now from valdosta in georgia. donald trump was not the declared winner in last month's presidential vote but that didn't stop these georgia voters from attending trump's 1st post-election rally. thousands here believe trump defeated joe biden even as the president's court cases to overturn the election results have overwhelmingly failed and i said joe biden stole the election in one reelection landslide our awareness wide we see all the
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fraud we see all of the balance there were piled up there were. brought here in boxes and in trucks at 3 o'clock in the morning and even though he agrees trump was in this southern state to tell them to go to the polls again this time in the upcoming senate elections that will decide whether the u.s. congress is controlled by democrats giving biden the ability to push through legislation but there's a new challenge for republicans some supporters say they've lost faith in the vote and may not even show up if you go and change their go anyway they've already got a vote. probably already are fraudulent in my opinion but. i'm just i'm not going bowden and if they don't turn this election around or if the governor don't do something to make me change my mind. both republicans and democrats are spending millions trying to win georgia's 2 senate seats but trump
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insists republicans will keep a grip on the senate warning georgia voters the future of america is at stake you must go vote because its stake in this election is control of the u.s. senate and that really means control of this country the voters of georgia will determine which party runs every committee writes every piece of legislation controls every single taxpayer dollars trump also continues to insist he defeated biden on november 3rd he claims the mail in ballots received after election day shouldn't count he cues as democrats of stealing the election and vows he will take his challenges to the supreme court to win a 2nd term they cheated and they regard presidential election but we will still win it we will all right a new poll shows just 25 percent of congressional republicans acknowledge biden's presidential win that's why his supporters are fighting to overturn poll results
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and to block democrats from winning again in georgia. but democrats are also fighting the day before president trump's visit here for the president barack obama made a virtual campaign appearance and president elect joe biden will also be making a visit to georgia before its january vote can really help get al jazeera valdosta georgia. a committee in the u.s. is from the direct to microwave radiation is the likely cause of mysterious illnesses among american diplomats in cuba and in china at least 2 dozen to promote it's reported dizziness pressure and cognitive problems during a period of new. 2 years from late 2016 the study didn't say who was responsible or whether it was an actual attack but it did note that the former soviet union had done previous research into such injuries. and as well if people are going to the polls in a highly contested parliamentary election boycotted by most of the opposition the
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us e.u. and most latin american countries also say they will not recognize the election president nicolas maduro says he will step down if it if his party does not win the vote but other latin america at its embassy in yemen explains that's unlikely. like a great many venezuelans who live in low income areas have got access unemployed baker williams it is says he has much better things to do both in sunday's national assembly elections. like for example preparing sink sheets and wood as a stove because he has no cooking gas. it's always promises promises and every day things are worse over government does is blame those who have no power this is one of the world's richest countries but we have nothing because of this terrible administration the problem he says is that voting in the legislative elections won't change a thing yelling in that mainstream opposition is alleging fraud and isn't even competing thus making the outcome a foregone conclusion. there's
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a joke going around in venezuela it says those americans should follow our example we know the winner of our elections long before they even take place critics say it would be funny if it were true. this is the new electoral commission which is stacked in favor of the ruling that israel and socialist party and these have been israel is new in the trunk voting machines they were bought after a mysterious fire burned down all the ones that had been audited by an independent body these conditions are far worse than the ones about the work you're in their past fraud that was. go in 2017 with the problem that national consistency as a great sole non. technical basis has been. among the candidates for president nicolas maduro his wife celia flotus and his son jr.
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apart from declaring the leadership of the largest opposition parties illegal the government controls and censors the media and while voting isn't mandatory at a recent rally the party strongman deals that look at bail said those who don't vote don't eat there won't be food for those who don't vote. government supporters say they're counting the days until they take over the national assembly the only democratic institution that isn't nominally controlled by the opposition. but. this is their opportunity to expel those contrails who for the last 5 years mistreated the venezuelan people and indeed there's no doubt about the winner the only real question is how many people may heed the opposition's call to staying home and abstain and see in human al-jazeera. voting is underway in cameroon 1st ever regional elections the president will be the vote will appease separatist groups in the english speaking west by granting more local powers but the
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opposition is boycotting the elections saying that the it's just trying to consolidate his grip on power because what has this. even for the candidates of the governing party cameron's 1st ever regional election campaign is proving rather dull municipal councillors are voting for regional delegate candidates campaigning explain how municipalities regions and the national assembly have to work as one for the unity of the nation but with pictures of president paul everywhere the opposition believes this isn't about local issues but a way for the 87 year old head of state to tighten his grip on power with most political opponents imprisoned the opposition is boycotting the vote saying it will not be credible but the governing party likely to win most of the votes in. the english speaking regions of cameroon separatists have warned people to stay indoors until their grievances for greater autonomy is addressed this issue critics say that it was. regional. because it was that if it increases that it's going to need
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to do this and some just regions of the country that is interested in regions of. the east. we. killings. this itself the streets and. armed separatists called the english speaking regions of cameroon amazonia they see it as an english speaking country struggling for independence from a french speaking nation for the government this is an armed rebellion that requires a military intervention against separatist groups as a result of the fighting 3000 people have been killed and nearly a 1000000 people have been displaced among them traditional chief. i'm scared to return home if i go back. even talking in front of camera is dangerous i'm worried for my children family and my community how can i support them from here. for the government of pulled me out the vote is
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a step towards greater regional autonomy addressing the aspirations of those displaced in an attempt to bring an end to conflicts plaguing cameroon but the campaign has failed to garner the attention of a population accustomed to one party and one man dominating and controlling the political landscape for the last 38 years nicholas hawke al-jazeera. that's porn in congo who's the president of the center for human rights and democracy in africa and joins us on skype from in cameroon welcome to the program so these 3 regional elections have their origin in 1996 law which wasn't implemented until now and is suddenly being implemented just as the country is embroiled in the separatists conflict is it really all about granting more powers locally while it's supposed to be granted more focus look at the unfortunate the timing is not the buzz but people especially in the south where some mobile is we don't stand of
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it content and we need. more decentralization of this. and something like a trade routes is there we go how many is now willing to get into that because the ideally when you do. it's something that is supposed to work on you know each you've got a current situation and what would happen but they used to see that but what's been . the look out got me but i know that the most of the patsies i boycotted most of the parties did not involved in the resupply let shuns because the council those who are going to be. election about was what got there but most of the party so i did end of the day it was it's more of a coon issue on which to bring to have a nice $95.00 but i'll since control by the impact and there's a perception in the county about the same members of the ruling but i response for the crisis and it's always
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a motorist rejoins for the police got crisis that's the other parts of the right as all the while in the room while political opponents are in prison so you can imagine this is going to consolidate because grip on power and hasn't been any of any meaningful attempt to negotiations with those regions in conflict. at the end of the day that's what's going to happen there was a grand battle we we thought beasts no hopeless situation it was supposed to be a means one that any self but unfortunately also on the part of the parties. did not appear but equally also with changes that have come up out of the ground cosmetic so these is just going to enhance and entrench the hooli by t. it will be more power because of indication he's not ready to see any part of his office or currency or of his followers but you know elected office just can't get into these offices and try to be mean if you look up a solid without an office but i am and i'm pretty that those who will be voted in
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the original houses will be 1st up of the people under their political interest may shock you to put the people to put the people up 1st it might get some meaningful changes in the us great to get your perspective a separation. thanks very much indeed ok you are. type 11 and his rough. the european weather pattern is stuck again in the winter that's usually not a good thing the sticking point is a big area of high pressure cold weather in the east which means everything that comes in from the west from the land to get stuck and there's the line where it is stuck that has recently meant a lot of stuff has been a warning now valid for 3 days of severe snow big depths of it for example in summer it's in switzerland about a meter and a half full here but the same in the tirol in the western side of austria and it is still falling there you could get to the beach or in a house that's 3 meters in total for this area there's a warning out still for that this rain if it's not snow fairly heavy slow moving
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rains a warning of strong winds on the creation coast and in serbia so this is the area where all the action is happening at the moment i will things will finance a little bit on monday the snows to fall but not so much on the stormy stuff and it will be thunderstorms moves eastwards with some cold air tucked in as well as a bug area of northern greece the same time coming to southern bay biscay strong winds and fairly heavy rain that's power just in land in the southwest of france in the force of it and beyond that take me to tuesday night as that comes in we get another developing storm in the western med so we could repeat the process all over again with potential dangerous weather for some it's early and again austria. still ahead here on al-jazeera we follow the plight of ethiopian refugees who fled fighting to sudan looking for safety. taking the road less traveled more on the inspiring woman who takes books to children from a regency in pakistan. and one of the best of the action from italy is in thailand
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go 2nd in the table coming up peter and. so me al jazeera london broke our center 2 special guests in conversation people think that racism is having tussle vitriol towards black people and there's no understanding of what systemic racism is unprompted uninterrupted success comes with opposition if you're not upsetting people you're not saying anything f. 100 meet any of. there is not a family in britain i believe has not been touched by empire studio b. unscripted on al-jazeera. from mother to daughter an ancient craft kept alive by a bustling matriarch. from start to finish. all traditions intertwined with new designs making this family's place unique into uneasy as
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a rich tapestry of the threads on a just 0. 0 . 00. canada you're watching al-jazeera michael top stories this hour and u.k. media is reporting that the british cabinet will see. or prime minister boris johnson on a no deal breaks the u.k. and the e.u. are still it all just less than a month before the deadline to reach a deal talks are set to continue later on sunday. in his 1st post-election rally u.s. president donald trump has again falsely claimed to have won the election in georgia
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he's campaigning for 2 republican senators that have run off in january that will decide which party controls the state. and venezuela people are choosing a new congress and election boycotted by the opposition united states the european union and most latin american countries calling the votes a sham that will enable president with duras ruling socialist party to take over the last state party controlled by the opposition. the u.n. says new fights uni theatres northern region of to graze forcing more civilians to flee to neighboring sudan more than 1000000 people have already been displaced by the month long conflict reports now from get near the sudan ethiopian border. valinor. father mother children grandchildren great grandchildren relatives neighbors all crowded into one tent then among the latest ethiopian refugees to cross the border to sudan then send them out the militia said they would kill us
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because we're from t. grey they told us you have 24 hours to leave and they began to loot animals and property according to the u.n. during the last few days the number of refugees arriving into sudan has increased from about 400 a day to more than 800 part of the crazies due to a new round of fighting that has been reported between the ethiopian army and to green rebels in the area of sherry west of the regional capital a killer there's a lot of men on. they also reckon there's a lot of fear there's a lot of. communal conflicts inside to get i and they found it is. 0 or safer to come to sudan i'm standing at one of the main border crossings between each all plants around this is the city 3 dividing the 2 countries and these people you see behind me are all ethiopian refugees fleeing the conflict inside utopia the other side easy to appear you don't see many people on the
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outside they tell us they are afraid to talk to the media but at the same time they say they really don't want to go far away upon this place because it is the closest to their homes. stories of separation or not being able to reach family members are common here the sudanese red crescent working in coordination with the international committee of the red cross is trying to help but then i'm on the bottom on the other side of it. we started a program called family reunification at the beginning we allow them to call their family members for free if that doesn't work we send short messages viral partner agencies in ethiopia so far we've conducted 2500 phone calls and sent 86 messages 70 percent of the phone calls lead to good results it's been 26 days since this if you open woman from the city of ramallah lost contact with her husband and children she is here again to check with this with a nice red crescent office for new information not ready to give up she says she
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prefers to stay you near the border hoping loved ones might show up here at any moment. here's where we would live now who joins us from our cooper company in sudan and mohammed so the numbers of refugees are growing they're showing no signs of diminishing as we heard from your report terribly hard for those who left loved ones behind. the number has increased as you have seen in that report and the explanation or part of the explanation was the new fighting in the new fighting that's going on now the government saying it is around doing up and finding the. rebels especially the leadership. and the citizens come. come in from there talking about the continuation of looting they talk about 2 rounds of violence they have seen one of them is the military coming to chase the rebels and the 2nd is members of a local militia particularly on how
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a militia called farno who come after to after the defeat of the rebels to loot inside the homes and 2 weeks to expel the civilians from their faces they talk about those stories and also about separation about loss of loved ones seeing people being killed on so on where i stand now is that our camp this is where the sudanese and the ngos the u.n. are trying to move most of the refugees who are now near the border or in other camps because the other camps they say are not safe here that place is expanding as we speak there is a lot of construction going on building material being given by the u.n. and also food behind me you can see queues for some cash that has been distributed or being distributed by the norwegian refugees council so that's that's a new development here because people have been complaining of the monotony in terms of the type of food being given to them and now they have the ability to buy
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other stuffs that other material or things that they like to buy particularly those who have children and so on there is a local market springing up and the place is expanding the feeling is that this situation is going to take a long time before it can be resolved people are saying they can't go home to chokey until they see a political settlement and i until they make sure that the area of to gray is under the authority of a locally elected government. this is going to be very challenging for some time to come as near term haven't thanks very much for that update quarter. results of kuwait's parliamentary election held during its worst economic crisis are out voters replaced more than half of the 50 member national assembly and what's been seen as a blow to the government's plans for reforms 31 new representatives judy take up seats for the 1st time but all $33.00 women contested they failed to win a seat the united nations has condemned shelling in yemen which has killed 6
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civilians at least 10 others were injured in the port city of data it is the 3rd time in a week that civilians have been killed in attacks agencies are also warning of worsening from in like conditions 2 dozen people have been detained in israel during protests against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu thousands gathered outside his home and become a weekly show of anger demonstrators are calling for him to resign over corruption charges and his handling of the coronavirus damage israel is moving towards an unprecedented 4th election in less than 2 years of the government's failure to pass a budget. thousands of armenians have protested again calling for the resignation of the prime minister that angry over a cease fire deal with us raj on forced ethnic armenians to hand over land to its very forces the prime minister nicole announced the russia brokered deal last month ending weeks of wall of the disputed region in the corner back well it's been
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nearly a month since 2 hurrican slammed into central america many areas are still underwater in honduras thousands have been left homeless and that's making the already critical health emergency from the pandemic even worse than long as it's real. this is baby joshua he was born just over a week ago at this makeshift shelter under a bridge in san pedro sula. his mother 23 year old. tells us her family lost everything during hurricanes ada and iota 2 powerful back to back storms that flooded the city last month. has been in my living here for more than a month now 8 days ago my baby was born inside this tent it was very hot i was expecting to go to the hospital but i had no choice but to get here. ada and i otoh were 2 of the strongest storms of 2020 in one of the most active atlanta hurricane seasons in recorded history. the impact of the storms in honduras has been
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particularly devastating bridges and power lines collapsed roads buried under mudslides and entire towns flooded many are still underwater more than a month since the 1st storm hit. says she hadn't finished clearing the mud from the 1st storm when the downpours from hurricane iota flooded her home for a 2nd time. what that song i think of the people suffered more than myself i thank god because even though i have nothing left inside my home. the full will still standing and that's something. honduras is one of the poorest countries in the americas the destruction left by the storms has exacerbated an already critical situation and complicated efforts to curb the code 98 outbreak here. relief workers say international assistance has become more important than ever and warned that in many ways the crisis is still worsening. i really serious day it's easier to
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understand reserve displays. destroyer. and there's not a small number. of them and they are in a soup show or interim shocker in medicine. the honduran government says state shelters or at capacity meaning that thousands are now left to fend for themselves on the streets any hopes they have left now depend on the kindness of others who are willing to lend a hand when you ended up a little al-jazeera a strong enough or it is a bad thing to contain bush fires that have now burned hoffa a world heritage listed island people in the coastal town of fraser island have been told to evacuate immediately while faas which of rage for 7 weeks was followed by an illegal come 5. a japanese space capsule carrying samples from an asteroid has been retrieved after a successful landing in the australian outback the mission began with the launch of
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2 spacecraft 6 years ago and created a file. for japanese scientists the sample could provide clues as to the origin of life on earth as a treasure island is where the australian national university research school of science is and will be analyzing some of the samples explains what sort of information research is hoping to get. the subsurface sample gives us sort of a ground truth for understanding what's been happening on the surface that the real issue of taking an asteroid robins as sampling of a meteorite is that we can actually look at the skin of the asteroid and understand how it's evolved in the solar system what age it is how long it's been exposed to solar wind of the sun and things like that so we have both the sample from inside the planet as more as well as the surface then we we basically are starting material and the exposed material and we can ever do a much better job of figuring out the history of that object the interesting thing
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about the asteroid that we've gone to it's a seed known as a seed type asteroid going to we think the closest analog to those asteroids of the carbonaceous conroe it's quite a rare type of meteorite but those of the meteorites contain a lot of latakia a lot of. organic compounds and things like that so these are potentially the seeds of life on earth and so we can relate that this most common type of asteroid to these sort of remedial writes and we have an interesting association that tells us a lot more about what's going on in us solar system or that these rare meteorites are not so rare operable because the asteroids will turn out to be very common. i think a stuntman news by possible florida used to scale some of the world's tallest buildings is up to 106 again in spain ellen because it could only watch those george king climbed barcelona's 38 story. and that was without ropes or any kind of safety
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equipment he says he wants to lift people's spirits during the pandemic he served 6 months in the u.k. prison for climbing to london's tallest building the shard narratives got down to ground with a welcome party waiting for him. so they had their own al-jazeera we'll get the latest from south africa to more positive coronavirus cases putting his cricket is into lockdown that's coming up with peter. in 1958 charles de gaulle made a famous speech in algeria. but take it don't hold back the tide of algeria and independence all keep france's colonies in africa and the pacific. in the final episode of the series al-jazeera explores how the long and bitter fight for the french empire still resonates today a lot in tennis french to colonise ation on al-jazeera.
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news while not all of those displays have witnessed the effects of the recount they say this there is they heard from family members and relatives enough to make them come here rather than think that detail coverage challenge the government faces is aware that it can persuade people to keep fighting by restrictions when they need to work to feed their families from around the world the so-called swedish model may be under some pressure but a full lockdown is unlikely and perhaps even impossible. one. 0 oh oh oh. now millions of children in pakistan already struggle to get an education but the
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situation is only getting worse schools across the country shut down for a 2nd time because of the pandemic well one university student decided to do what you could help and here's a story my name is whomever me and i'm a psychology student i've been for imparting knowledge so i'm running a small library in pasco which is a small village a remote village in the northern areas pakistan i said working islamabad i had a good job and i felt i can do better than that so i moved in here because i always wanted to do something for the community of this region i came to know about the move by library that was founded by a japanese lady called new xeno i started working with them faso is in the middle of to be assures and there are more to be always have threats we never know what can happen next because the glacier outburst the landslide ings they're very common here we go to different villages we provide the kids with book the books are all like for different age groups. the literacy rate of foss was 101st and i think the
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system in pakistan is very poor. there are 2500000 kids in pakistan who are out of school right now is books are not for sale we don't sell them it's been few months i've started running it along with my team we're thinking to expend it more we want to go to more school more villages where kids don't have access to good books because these books are very recent and these are more drenthe that every kid should get i think kids of pasta are super lucky to have this vote by library i think what attractive as compared to a library packed in a room so it's more attractive to the kids get attracted when they see them all by library coming they're all drawn to us at all we need books i appreciate their passion for books that would be great if we have more more by libraries like this because having books at your doorstep says it's a great thing. because the government there should make such initiatives. such
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great ideas everybody tries to send your kids to school to good school and get them good good education so get there get good jobs or maybe scholarships and go abroad and you know they can make their earnings when you have love for something you get it. all right let's move on to sport now his people make thank you so much so african england's latest attempt to playing an international cricket match has been abandoned because of the coronavirus sunday's one day international in paul was cooled off because of 2 positive covered $1000.00 tests at the hotel where the players were staying positive tests are reported to be hotel staff this is despite the series taking place inside a bio secure bubble front as one day international in cape town was also abandoned offer an unnamed south african player tested positive. joining me now from paul this cricket writer and broadcaster neil manthorp you think it's time that to abandonments out of tune out how likely is that that this one day series is now
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going to be scrapped altogether. well there's a very strong possibility that the mother. positively or trying to be positive about playing the secular sort of games. should chill tomorrow night at meudon so wednesday. you have to wonder where the players stand in mind. sufficient to get their best to play cricket match in their current circumstances i mean what is to be so difficult as about those being on the morning all on the day and actually right from friday's game and start to get off the bus before being told to get back on richard gelles so there are also 2 england squad members who have confirmed positive tests and if they are confirmed if they are. confirmed not to be.
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false positives then the trial will most certainly be cold often those 2 players would probably have to quarantining kind of job before returning hive so there's a strong possibility that the other they're talking about going ahead all right it looks very much like there was a breach of the supposedly by a secure bubble how much of an embarrassment is this for cricket south africa i'm not sure i'm doris and yes they have been absolutely must logical and in their preparation of the construction of the biosecurity bottle and the egg and whilst reported being involved and every step of the way they would be consulted. and i of course have experience of constructing these by a secure environment because i buy a summer international cricket themselves but i'm getting that and at the moment there's been. trying to call it has been detected and security around the hotel which by the team to share it has been profound by the standard blue light of the riot chief office a uniformed offices perimeter security is in
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a virtually impenetrable there are security cameras in the hotel and there's been no breach there or a green zone hotel stop to have tested positive as you mention they'd been home sites staying at the hotel since november the 16th day for him to write the regs on stock who would like in the kitchens outside of the bubble itself and so far no breach has been detected so a small. disappointment rather than embarrassment but if it is found a proven track and trace to jessica has been a breach of the by a secure environment then it's going to be deeply embarrassing or i will leave it there for now neil mental thank you very much for your time much appreciated. formula one valtteri bottas will start sunday in bahrain from pole position his job was slightly easier this week without easy sales teammate lewis hamilton to contend
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with has already won the championship and is isolating after testing positive for covert 19 standing george russell was not far off the 22 year old with just 3 hundreds of a 2nd slower and he will start 2nd on the grid ahead of red bulls max stop and. obviously incredibly happy to be 2nd in some ways you know it was obviously frustration to lose it by such a small margin about 3 profit on it this weekend. and after p 3 had a really poor session i just needed to go back to my room lay down just relax and let it come towards me. yeah halfway home happy. meanwhile future f one driver make sure america is on the brink of claiming the formula 2 championship we started saturday's race in bahrain from 18th but 40 is way up to 7 it means going into sunday's final race he still has a full team point advantage. for a rally driver sebastian is on the cusp of winning the 7th would have been 8 years
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that's all the charitable leading alphen evans crashed the season ending monza rally on saturday is toyota went off on the snowy stage 11 and couldn't get back on the road but the driver and co-driver were unhurt they were not the only ones to crash in the same spot this was gus greenslade ending up on his roof as. he'll still have to finish in the top 3 on sunday to overhaul evans 14 point lead on bomb in spain's lower league or barcelona have suffered a shock to one defeat to cut this it was a pair of those that did the damage for the newly promoted club gave them the lead before megabit all restored the advantage the win since cut to 5th place in the standings while basso languishing in 7th 12 points behind atletico madrid in italy into melanne have moved to 2nd after a 31 win over romelu lukaku opened the scoring at the san siro and it was quickly
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to know when ashraf found the net goal scoring continued in the 2nd half thanks to a victory for his side who are now just 2 points behind league leaders ac milan. and you then so smart cristiana rinaldo 750 of korea go before kickoff against torino teammate leonardo baluchi helped you they maintain their unbeaten start to the season in the local derby and they came from behind in the 89th minute to win $21.00 the result moves events is to 3rd. there was a top of the table clash in germany on sunday between champions by in munich and rb leipzig thomas scored twice as by and had to come from behind only 33 draw that result meant that by in states 3 points ahead of like sieg in the table. after 9 months fans shutterbug the pandemic have been allowed inside the stadium to watch
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a game in the english premier league again while it doesn't apply to all matches fans in london were able to watch manchester united beat west-end 31 changing lockdown rules now allows up to 2000 people to watch outdoor sports but stadiums will remain closed in areas still classified as high risk. that's all this year again with more data nic i pay to see you later thanks very much so the coronavirus pandemic has dimmed the festive cheer in bethlehem while the christmas tree outside the church has been celebrations are being scaled back just about 50 people were allowed in manger square where jesus christ had to be thousands of pilgrims usually come from around the world in the event abraham is in bethlehem in the occupied west bank. in the past few years it was very hard for us to find that. cover the christmas tree lighting. that's resulted without people
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they are getting the support line what did. you find what you found. out if it was here. at the. hotel fire me. but. the feat. here put it that like this here what you have to. any who work on a john region the hotel owners were anticipating a very busy season and more tourist season so they took loans and expanded their business not their in debt not only them but their employees many were laid off and have been looking for alternatives but no one is hiring unemployment rates are soaring and with an average of around 2000 cases each day of the coronavirus a 2nd lockdown is looming this could only mean bad news for a city that has always depended on tourism specifically during the christmas season
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. that's the news of ali will be here with another half hour news discover minute spot for me to come later. with tiny you didn't cameras in the mills or illegally filming and sharing people's most intimate moments when i went east investigate south korea's spy cam deming on al-jazeera. december on al-jazeera it's 10 years
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since of revolution in tunisia ignited the arab spring al-jazeera looks back at the uprising and asks what really changed across the middle east the stream is where al jazeera is global audience becomes a global community a year after the 1st coronavirus case in china will examine the devastation caused by the virus and the efforts made to eliminate covert 90 people in power is back with more investigative documentaries and in-depth stories climate leaders will gather online to press ahead with a new stage of the paris climate agreement and examine the possible likely solutions december on al-jazeera. canada a country of promise and opportunity for migraine workers but with little protection from the state or thirty's many are forced to pay extortionate relocation phase and a saddled with hoping debts $7000.00 to come to canada here have been called the knot of money in one brave group of indonesia and workers speak out and seek
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justice for their exploitation migrant dreams a witness documentary on al-jazeera. a diverse range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of the network's journalists on al-jazeera. the arab league. last ditch breaks it talks said to resume to break months of deadlock as reports suggest a british cabinet is backing a possible no deal. i'm fully back to boyer watching al jazeera live from doha also coming out. they regard presidential election where we were still went to. donald trump repeats false
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claims of fraud at his 1st public rally since the presidential election as he campaigns for republicans running for the senate.


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