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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2020 3:30am-4:01am +03

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this will be a major incentive for people looking back still. chase you people who actually hold that publishing you could sell. but i mean recently i think the last couple of weeks maps saying that stevie nicks is just so well apparently about $60000000.00. but there's even sort of dance producers like calvin harris apparently so is his for the 100000000 which i think makes but dylan's work 430400 1000000 actually like a bit of a snit. this is not to say everything is of the top stories u.s. health experts are that warning that the surge in corona virus infections is likely to keep going up in specially after the holiday season the country's already reported its deadliest 7 days since april and what we have now is
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a challenge ahead of us of the bleak months of december in january where we have a baseline of inspections that literally is breaking records every day with regards to number of infections number of hospitalizations and numbers of deaths the numbers are really stunning we can do something about it but that's something right now is public health measures the u.k. is gearing up for a mass coronavirus vaccination program which begins on tuesday the 1st doses of the pfizer veiling tec vaccine we're given in england wales and scotland. e.u. and u.k. negotiators have failed to make any headway as they attempt to reach a post bragg's it trade deal but his promise about his johnson set to travel to brussels this week to try to work out an agreement. united states the european union and a number of latin american countries say they won't recognize the results of
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venezuela's parliamentary election allies of president nicolas maduro won the poll push the opposition boycotted people with electing a new congress. the important thing for venezuelans is not to be apathetic about the situation on the contrary it's participation protest and demonstration the response the slap in the face a you want to give me to the dictatorship to poverty to dignity is in the streets and it's on december 12th the organized and mobilized and un security team has been denied access to account for at a train refugees in war torn region conflict between the ethiopian government and the team great people's liberation front broke out more than a month ago those are the headlines coming up next it's inside story.
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then as well as president consolidates power nicholasville right says he's retaking control of the last state institution in opposition hands so does his opponent had any legitimacy left this isn't. hello welcome to the program. many say venezuela's parliamentary election was over before it even began the opposition boycotted sunday's vote calling it a sham president nicolas maduro says he's regained the national assembly the last institution controlled by his opponent. it's the latest setback for the
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opposition's aim to remove madore from office outlets in america and reports. it wasn't necessary to wait for the official election results to be announced to know the outcome as a jubilant president. made clear. we had the patience the wisdom to wait for this hour to wait for the state to get rid of that nefarious national assembly that the opposition used to bring the plague of sanctions on to venezuela now with this vote we will have just. one i know they are in israel as mainstream opposition boycotted the legislative assembly poll which they say lacked the minimum conditions of a fair and free election the pro-government supreme court had taken over 3 of the 4 principal opposition parties appointing new leaders who are accused of being pawns of mughal in addition the court appointed a new electoral council also to the government. and there were no independent
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observers only staunch supporters like former bolivian president evo morales despite threats to withhold subsidized food boxes to those who didn't vote the turnout was poor. in this voting center in the macoutes a district that is normally a lot of people when there's an election today what you have is a fraud now a country which is clearly that 2nd line of the real. foreign allies like russia china and iran will likely applaud the elections which could give their commercial agreements with venezuela a stronger legal framework with which to circumvent u.s. and european sanctions but the united states the e.u. and many latin american countries say they won't recognize the new parliament. plans to ask the new assembly to appoint a special commission to try enemies of the state especially opposition you know one by go but that could bring on more international reprisals declare. i think it
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would be better from a juror to leave quite a alone. and play cat and mouse with him grab him by the tail and let him go what will the world see an opposition leader who once had 61 percent support and now has half of that and is losing more by the day. my dog has been recognized it when israel is interim president by more than 50 countries but his legitimacy has rested on being the elected leader of the national assembly. come january when the new legislature is sworn in the opposition will lose the only state institution it controlled destroying would predict to god as the national remnant of democracy in venezuela. you see in human al-jazeera in 2019 declared himself interim president claiming the duros reelection the year before was a legitimate as head of the national assembly gado said he had the constitutional
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right to lead more than 50 nations including the u.s. and venezuela's neighbors recognize him as the legitimate leader quite a promise to relive the door up form a transitional government and organize free elections but his powers were limited as majority maned in control of the military and the judiciary. let's bring in our guests pulled open is an analyst an electoral system specialist at venezuela analysis dot com he joins us from merida in venezuela and new york we have venison newman founder and c.e.o. of the consultancy asymmetrical she recently resigned as the official representative for one gado to the united kingdom and ireland and joining us from washington d.c. eric phones with vice president at the council of the americas and former senior advisor to white house special envoy for the americas can see all of let's begin in venezuela with paul dobson is one as well the no one party states. not
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a toilet run not a told us and looking at the initial results of yesterday's elections we can see that the ruling party and that allies are 8 parties which will say back that confidence of he won a majority in the national assembly but there are also important representations for the opposition and one bloc of the opposition won 18 percent of the vote another block won 4 percent of the vote and even the left wing critics of the government the communist party won 3 percent so then that was done the various representation in the new national assembly which will start its ruling on january 1st but will it have any real teeth. when i was with every parliament in the world there is a majority party there is a majority voice we could all flee impose its agenda on the on the parliament this is how democracy way and we will expect that the ruling party will in will possum majority of the lot but it wouldn't wish it to the president or the national
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assembly but there will be opposition voices within the parliament how effective that will be and it would have another lot on the capacity of the parliamentary legislative took me to elected minister norman in new york is quite a rosy picture pulled of his painting that i think perhaps you think i don't. know i don't agree with him at all. absolutely not i mean this was 1st of all the middle regime is illegitimate whatever it does is illegitimate it has you know it has ups 1st of all it has. the mother was not supposed to be in power because he had a farcical election in 2018 the entire creation of basic kwang why though stems out of the legitimate national assembly that that got sworn that won the election in 2015 so everything that my daughter does is illegitimate period. no constitutional guarantees we have no proper international observation they had they call they made they co-opted the insignias of the main opposition parties they
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paid for the so-called opposition they had no free air time they blocked communications and they threatened people with food i think if you don't vote you don't eat any election where you have a party that says threatens you with starvation without voting for the regime is is i'm tired democratic is using food is actually part of one of the complaints of crimes against humanity is using food as a political weapon so in this election they committed a crime against humanity in this so-called election and that's really all you need to know and the participation was really this spite of. so starvation was absolutely reasonable it's around 20 percent around 20 percent perhaps even that well now polio was a little unfair to you by saying you painted a rosy picture there but you were telling us with what was going on however then i suppose it's quite a different picture is any part of that that you do agree with what the let's just
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clarify the participation according to the data released by the independent national electoral count for 31 percent. there are a host of international independent international observers in the country who are very who are verifying the electoral process they will be admitting a report within the next 48 hours on their conclusion so i think the election in itself doesn't fact meet international requirements of comes parents and one of their element which manesar pointed out with his iranian is that all of the candidates we didn't have the 2nd of the communist party candidates but one of the opposition candidates had free airtime on national t.v. on private and public media andre would have written the proposals to the country ok there were $107.00 parties running so i think we have to be very careful when we look at this election and we shouldn't be basing base our conclusions on preform prejudices or political analysis trying to distort it to defame personal political
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agenda but there was food was used as a weapon in this election you can't deny that some of the government spokesmen did indeed point out that there was there was a link yes and this is also you have to be looked at this has to be investigated of this is of course not nor right in any sort of functioning democracy without a doubt. in new york or in washington d.c. eric phones where the u.s. made a big deal of backing why the. alarm bells must be ringing surely. well in some ways yes in some ways no i mean this was a completely pre-determined result i mean we could've said what the result would have been 3 months ago or so the european union refused even to send a delegation to observe because they said that even the basic elements of free and fair elections could not be met and this was months ago so this so-called election yesterday you know met no standards of legitimacy and because of that there was massive abstention across the country the united states knew that intice
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a paid it expected it so from that perspective it was a rather ho hum result in the context though going forward it does consolidate them of their oath dictatorship it does remove the last vestige of venezuela's once vibrant if imperfect democracy it does take away the last public space for legitimate opposition voices to be raised in a peaceful manner so going forward it's going to be more complicated in venezuela no question about it and the question will be how does the united states and the international community respond or now faced with a consolidated dictatorship and will that change policies going forward or will there still be an effort to try to make some sort of accommodation i think that's a real question that's going to have to be asked the incoming administration to the u.s. joe biden has got a challenge on his hands with iran with china with russia. i mean how far up the agenda is venezuela going to get the u.s. it's
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a really good question that you're asking emraan because look any new administration in the u.s. is going to be faced with a wide variety of challenges in the binah ministration coming and it's going to be faced with an even greater set of challenges than normal because they're simply not receiving the same level of cooperation from the outgoing trump administration in terms of transition in terms of building a smooth process to continue looking at some rather complicated issues going forward and you mentioned several of them this way it is however the worst to man. tarion crisis in the modern history of the western hemisphere over 20 percent of venezuela's population is now outside of the country as refugees this is a situation that can't be ignored the question will be you know is there a policy that can really help address some of these issues and that's what people have struggled to find and it will be incumbent i think on the incoming administration to really work to try to find those solutions i would say however
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that washington is driven often by a crisis and therefore if something happens and we're not hoping or predicting or wanting this to occur but if some some crisis occurs in the venezuelan context that would push the issue up the agenda in washington now if you were advising the special envoy for the americas the white house to the americas eric what would you be telling him or her right now. well i would be telling him a couple things the 1st is the humanitarian crisis has to be addressed by the international community it's not our fault but it is our problem because this is affecting neighbors it's affecting the people of venezuela so we have to do better in terms of addressing humanitarian crisis number one number 2 we have to continue to work with the international community this is not a u.s. issue this is about this whale issue and we have to make sure that those that that perspective is maintained by the international community the allies the friends certainly the democracies in the western hemisphere but then i also think that the
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work that the organization of american states has done is very important very profound showing the venezuela has the the de facto government regime has and is committed crimes against humanity against its own citizens that process really has to be worked at the international criminal court in the hague that process is going forward but it is taking a long time and my hope would be that for example that the united states could help encourage a more rapid process along those lines sanctions i believe will be continued against individuals in venezuela and of course then the question is is there a negotiation process in the future i guess you have to ask the question is would a negotiation process do any good with their regime actually be willing to negotiate anything in particular and that's something that i think that the incoming administration in the united states will also have to decide. if you had any advice for the incoming administration what would it be and would you like them
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to push venezuela writes itself and. yes absolutely they would i mean i know that option for the incoming biden administration national merit is not top of the agenda however venezuela is at the top of that i'm american agenda because of the crises as eric was saying it isn't because it's the biggest humanitarian crisis it also has 2 issues one of the main supports for my google you know touches upon 2 issues that are high on the agenda for the biden administration which is china and russia we can expect biden to take a much stronger line against russia. than the trumpet administration did and china continues to be very high on the agenda if you read any of the white papers of many of the incoming people from the administration they're all aligned and concerned about chinese influence in the western hemisphere i'm not you know i don't think that necessarily everything is the fairest but it is certainly an influence point that we have seen that we have seen in him and us whether that china continues the
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continued support helps keep mother there more broadly though that russia issue russia has very long term plans to stay in venice well and to really dominate and shown it into another cuba that what does pose very strategic threats against the united states i believe that a lot of the incoming people in the biden administration get that their number of issues that i think the opportunity to bring to work more collaboratively with the with the european union presents an opportunity for the for the by the mid ministration and they can also they need to also go back to pushing things like anti-corruption and integrity i personally would very much like to see them pursue a very aggressive and very coherent. asset recovery program a lot of what has happened with why my google remains in power and why has people who supposed to you know keep him there is because of the illicit financial flows from venice well other than russia it is one of the biggest complaint proceeds in history and all of that money that has flowed out has flowed through other
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political. parties to foreign banks to foreign countries and there is no surprise that those countries have been corrupted into supporting them and they need to keep my doodle there because it is basically a washing machine for illicit financial flows so by tall getting that more broadly than just the sanctions were really cutting off those channels as a way to disincentive was the increased support from other rudolph and all that much we talked about on the floor surely we are never going to come to i want to come to pull dobson on this if the united states and its allies play hardball with venezuela that plays in to the door his hands right he can just say well look the americans meddling once again in south america 1st without a doubt without a doubt one of the major policy line which helped the ruling party been a failure when yesterday's elections even find the us blockade against the country the us blockade their government have been ruling have been have been running on
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that line for months on end and trying to explain away all of the problems in the country and put the blame exclusively at the door of the blockade when we look at the problems in the country often we can't talk about them without mentioning the blockade the blockade a completely illegal criminal and their international law and also has been described as a collective punishment but we also have to look at other internal factors which is something which the ruling party is not doing in venezuela corruption mismanagement brain drain and everything else but these are the us policy under the trumpet ministration certainly gave a very easy scapegoat to the matter of government in terms of explaining away the on going to economic problems in the country but now we've got a challenge on his hands and he has consolidated power which he has done he's got a real challenge on his hands in order to be able to deliver for the venezuelan people and you know if there are functioning there if the the resists blockading simply won't be able to do it we'll. with or without a doubt without doubt one of the major lessons from yesterday to election is that there is cross party disillusionment with political leadership both in terms of the
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heaviest of forces but also the opposition forces and that really has a lot to do with the fact that people are looking for solutions people are well aware of the problems people are well aware of the causes of the problems in venezuela that must consciousness about the illegal criminal blockade which is coming out of washington and the people now understand a lot of that want solutions and they're looking for solutions from any party any group in which we will promise them to them and it's really about time that we start seeing things things change here on the ground and the quality of life in peru for ordinary venezuelans of an associate shaking at the. yes i just wanted to add one comment i want to be clear that what i was advocating was not actually the you know more sanctions or more of the blockade is as old obstinate as labeling it what i'm talking about is getting back the assets that were stolen the things that belonged to the venezuelan people the mismanagement of the money that flowed out through corruption through illicit financial flows so i'm not saying wait
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a strangulation but we know that at least 302450 1000000000 dollars has been stolen from the venezuelan people that should be found and that you can incentivize banks by giving them sort of a certain percentage of like almost a finder's fee and put it into a boskone that becomes a trust becomes the basis of a future sovereign wealth funds and give everybody who collaborate in giving back what was stolen from the venezuelan people back to the future prosperity of venezuela a stake in the future prosperity so often issues that can be found and i think that the elicit financial flows network is a very good way to do it i'm not talking about stopping the money to develop some people quite the opposite i'm saying what was stolen should be restored i'm talking about addressing the kleptocracy so in terms that is a solution and there are many other solutions that can be proposed i do agree that we do need. you know a coalition that is also more representative of an opposition that looks like the
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people it purports to represent but it's what is a is a rainbow or the real running because they are not always but i would like to make rather guess as well. in d.c. look sanctions are always not a great tool for governments as often they often backfire as in the case of iran for example in the maxim press or policy the us has held that is any of what vanessa is saying makes sense to you is a good strategy. oh absolutely i mean hundreds of billions of dollars have been stolen by the regime through illicit sales of of oil which is the patrimony of the country through out right theft through money laundering by those by definition those assets loads are devilishly difficult to track down there and that's not to say that the international community hasn't been looking at those for a long time but i want to take you back to one other point and that is the issue of sanctions ideally sanctions are not just to you'd be used to punish they're also to be used to provide leverage to create conditions that the people in power will find
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it difficult to sustain and therefore want to negotiate a peaceful resolution to a political crisis there is no blockade on the country items are allowed in items are allowed out a blockade is not something that the united states and pursued it has pursued sanctions on individuals and of those core of course sanctions the energy sector as well and the individuals have been sanctioned for a fast and that's a little saying but also for things like drug trafficking also for things like human rights abuses things like that that the entire human and international community is behind the other thing i think we have to mention is that the united states explicitly allows and encourages humanitarian assistance into venezuela and it's madeira himself who refuses to accept it 2 years ago the international community try to get humanitarian assistance into the country and when there are deployed photos on the border of colombia and brazil to literally kill people to make sure that humanitarian assistance did not come into the country and that was
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really looked because on the issue there if he would allow in humanitarian assistance from independent bodies like the red cross then in fact that would be something that would help the venezuelan people muslims. you are shaking your head almost everything eric follows us just said. what i think. with with all due respect i think a little more tension need to be paid to what's actually happening in venezuela humanitarian aid has arrived has arrived many times over the last 2 years agone come from washington no but there are other instances in the global community which provide humanitarian aid to maybe maybe for the people in washington it is hard to imagine that there are other powers in the world but yes they do exist and they haue sent a monetary inane red cross humanitarian aid chinese humanitarian aid latin american humanitarian aid even from the vatican they sent humanitarian aid ok so this has happened in the government are not blocking this and the other point i want to take
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issue with is the the light the light that the u.s. is allowing things to come in and out of venezuela only a few months ago the u.s. seized some oil tank this bring in fuel to venezuela they took this oil and then they sold it and that money i presume is in the federal reserve but it doesn't you know harry minutes way low so the u.s. had not allowing things to come in and out of venezuela there is have been a shortage of the fuel in venezuela which i cannot repeat how something to do with mismanagement of the industry corruption brain drain a whole other range of of issues principally principally because of the blockade because the us is seizing fuel tankers bringing fuel to venezuela pulled into fuel and i'm going to feel that i'm not running. from iraq iran is under saddam sure as i a few were allowed in a few were allowed in and then subsequently u.s. east but they that's not of it as well an issue that's actually america and iraq but it's a device that's all those tankers were leaked it was it was it was you know if you
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look at 45 minutes whaler to distribute across the country for its population and the u.s. did not allow this you wanted to write another country this is a fact erick what do you think there has been sanctioned that's correct the energy sector has been function but under international sanctions but there is a blockade on the country crude and medicine and humanitarian assistance and other things are allowed into the country the process. i'm here is because of governance coming from caracas the collapse of the economy instituted by maduro and the folks around him and the fact of the national patrimony that has been conducted for almost 20 years by the chinese to governments this is the real problem the international community is trying to find ways to address that in a way that's consistent with democratic practice and that does the most good for the most venezuelan people who at the end of the day are the real people who are the losers in this entire political battle i want to thank ole august foldup son
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the knesset and eric foxworth and i want to thank you for watching you can see the program again any thought by visiting a website 0 adults column and for further discussion go to our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story and you can also join the conversation on twitter we are at a j inside story from iraq and the whole team here and life and. al-jazeera well to meet some extraordinary women. who are making things happen
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that way. following their daily struggle to survive. for their families to thrive. the swimmin street sign that is on al-jazeera. in 1958 charles de gaulle made a famous speech in algeria. it. was take but don't hold back the tide of algerian independence all keep france's colonies in africa and the pacific . and the final episode of the series al-jazeera explores how the long and bitter fight for the french empire still resonates today blood and tears french to colonise ation on al-jazeera. the world food program will receive the nobel peace prize for fighting against hunger and the use of starvation as a weapon of war we ask executive director david beasley how the challenge of
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combating global hunger would be met in the age of the coronavirus pandemic the nobel interview on al-jazeera. van. essen in doha the top stories on al-jazeera the u.s. health experts are warning of dark times ahead in the fight against covert 19 the country's already reported its deadliest week since april and there are fears the worst is yet to come as people get together during the upcoming holiday season and what we have now is a challenge ahead. of the bleak months of december and january where we have a baseline of inspections that literally is breaking records every day with regards the number of infections number of hospitals age.


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