tv Counting the Cost Al Jazeera December 10, 2020 2:30pm-6:31pm +03
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emotional distress in just over 60 percent shows signs of post traumatic stress disorder since 2017 roughly a 1000000 range you have fled to by your desk during a brutal crackdown by me and most military and you rightly is the author of that report in a human rights research to fortify rights he says officials in both minimal and bangladesh have done nothing to improve the mental health of ranger. we're seeing very extreme rates of traumas and duns anxiety symptoms and depression symptoms among grown directed use numbers that far as the world health organization estimates so the world health organization estimates that and situations similar that those out there who are basing in these kinds of emergencies only about 15 to 20 percent of adults will generally experience mental health symptoms like this and you can see that our rates are much higher $3.00 to $4.00 times higher than that among the right for your refugees and bangladesh the key ingredient for being able to heal from these kinds of symptoms of mental health the stress is to have
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a stable environment where your basic needs are met and where you're going to have a situation of safety that you can recover and heal from these cut times of distress and that situation is not the kind of situation that they're living in in the refugee camps in bangladesh and also not the kind of situation that they arrive from when they left me in march i think that's probably deteriorated even war there has been no time for myanmar in terms of a desire to change the systematic her base of restrictions that drive mental health distress there's been no efforts to and bangladesh to really improve the campaign vission to provide a stable living standard and a situation where randi refugees can recover and there's constantly these new stressors being introduced. the relocation of refugees about punch are potentially against their their will in some cases. and other other stressors such
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as hope it are constant way the hurricane and these kind of things raise the distress level even more as as we move forward. france's data protection watchdog says it's fine to google once again the watchdog says the tech giant has been fined $121000000.00 for breaching european union online privacy rules in a statement said it had also imposed a multi-million dollar fines on amazon for breaching the same rules related to tracking user data facebook has been hit with lawsuits lawsuits from the federal trade commission and almost every us state they accuse the online company of using a buy or berry strategy to snuff out rivals and its correlate explains facebook could end up being forced to sell some prized asset it's. it's the biggest social media giant in the world with more than 3000000000 users across its platforms but now facebook's iconic thumbs up is facing a legal sums down the company's stands accused of using illegal tactics to dominate
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the industry for nearly a decade facebook has used its dominance and monopoly power to crush smaller rivals and snuff out competition all at the expense of everyday users over the past 15 years it's bought up some 70 companies but it's the purchase of the photo sharing app instagram in 2012 for me a $1000000000.00 followed by the messaging app whatsapp 2 years later that regulators have called into question then i was asking the court to consider breaking it up the federal trade commission and other authorities have tried suits and celebrants for money damages against the big tech companies in the past and there's really no amount of money that will change their behavior so there is more to focus on our actual limits on our conduct and also on potentially rolling back
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some of those mergers facebook says the deals were approved at the time and call the government's argument revisionist history but it's not the 1st time it's come under scrutiny for its practices last year it was fined $5000000000.00 the largest penalty of its kind for previously violations and it's now the 2nd tech giant to face a major legal challenge this year that's after the u.s. justice department sued google for violating competition laws for many of the movie seen as a government crackdown on big tech power and they did a lot to protect these companies so they could no german grow but facebook has grown to such a size that it doesn't need protection by the government any want more and it needs to beat it. and the government's take a closer look because if we do allow monopolies to get this sort of control over the over the the industry then it what it does it stifles competition the lawsuits are the biggest anti trust cases to enter the u.s.
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courts in more than 2 decades and they're expected to be battled out for years to come car leg al-jazeera the u.s. justice department is investigating the finances of hunter biden the son of the president elect among areas under scrutiny biden's business dealings in china he says he's confident an investigation will show he's done nothing wrong the revelations will draw more attention to hunter biden's financial history that undermined his father's white house campaign or joe biden's transition to power is moving ahead with his nomination of a retired general to be secretary of defense if confirmed lloyd austin would become the 1st african-american to lead the pens can the nomination is drawn much praise but also some concern how did your caster as this report retired general lloyd austin has served in the u.s. military for 4 decades rising from west point graduate to leader of u.s.
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central command as the leader of u.s. forces in iraq austin oversaw the withdrawal of troops under the obama biden administration and austin was a diplomat it was not an easy task he build relationships with iraqi counterparts and with our coalition partners austin said wednesday as defense secretary he would continue to work to strengthen coalitions america is strongest when it works with his allies. and over the years i've worked hand in hand with their diplomatic colleagues and partners around the globe and witness 1st hand what we're able to accomplish together biden says austin is a skilled leader respected by troops and admired for his integrity if confirmed he would become the 1st black u.s. secretary of defense leading a military where more than 40 percent of active duty members are of color but it is personal experience helping inform our efforts to ensure that our armed forces and
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select the full strength and diversity of our nation that black latino asian american native american women l.g.b. t. service members are treated with dignity and respect but austin's nomination also bring some controversy u.s. law calls for a civilian led military requiring top brass to have been out of uniform for at least 7 years often has been retired for 4 years which means he'll need a congressional waiver jim matt is was the last defense secretary who got a waiver but members of congress said then their action was a one time exception now 2 democratic senators have already said they will not approve a waiver for austin and the retired general may face tough questions about his recent work for a defense contractor so many dig up some some dirt of some current real we're.
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drawing what out there. this becomes ready for those who don't want to see. her often says if confirmed to biden's cabinet he would approach the job of u.s. defense secretary from a civilian perspective and surround himself with civilian staff but it is congress he will have to convince castro al-jazeera wilmington delaware. talk coverage of the current. pandemic in the philippines is one country where many people are already suspicious of vaccines and the good reports now from manila on a previous inoculation drive that had deadly consequences. has 3 children she says not all of them have been vaccinated that's because she's afraid she says vaccines of course the death of many children although she admits that's just a story she's heard repeatedly. even if the coronavirus vaccine arrives i won't do
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it even if it's free i will still not take it i am afraid they might get sick it's a sentiment shared by many here they say when it comes to getting vaccinated they are free to come forward the government says it wants to achieve herd immunity against the corona virus and plans to vaccinate up to 60 percent of the population but health officials say achieving this will be difficult because their budget for procuring vaccines is limited and many people are wary of be inoculated that's partly because of controversy over a vaccine campaign in 2016 health officials under former president been ignored chemo introduced a vaccine created to help prevent dengue fever it was said ministered in schools to more than 500000 filipino children but when president of the good doctor did to caucus later that year he ordered an investigation into allegations of corruption and misconduct against the keno and members of his cabinet made by the public
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attorney's office. critics say this was just political and an attempt to prosecute members of the opposition but the series of public hearings and the government's crusade against them have largely contributed to with health experts called vaccine has events health officials admit that then go vaccine controversy a few years ago remains to be one of the biggest challenges in convincing many here to get immunized and the lockdown imposed by the for. government to stop the spread of corona virus has made the situation even more complicated now since the dengue controversy immunization rates in the philippines have fallen leading to a rise in curable diseases like measles and told you officials say the government needs to reassure people. are worried. by present or the 1st. more undersea brought by it and i think we need to be more
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transparent to the people about the r. and. d. and there's no one person dead and. health officials say they're working to improve and roll out the vaccination program across the country and the arrival of coronavirus vaccines is best opportunity for it to return to normality jim duggan al-jazeera manila. well still ahead here on al-jazeera we have spoken up italian football legend how the rossi dies. we'll look at the legacy that he leaves behind plus. a monocle and i'll give him brazil where protesters have found out the broadband from the country's hungry.
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i. know you're welcome back so protesters in brazil have appealed to congress to extend emergency financial aid it's been a lifeline for 1000000 since the start of the pandemic but the government wants to stop it by the end of this month on a communique have has more now from rio de janeiro. the idea was to build a makeshift slum overnight in front of brazil's congress a stark reminder that 10000000 brazilians are going hungry and depend on the government's emergency aid to survive the qubit 1000 pandemic but the police made the protesters take down the boards they were only allowed to set up the 5 metre long table with empty plates and bullets but not for very long. so.
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this is the brazilian poor receive bullets instead of rice and beans. since the pandemic began brazilian n.g.o.s huge prize has staged peaceful protests meant to cause a visual impact and raise awareness like this graveyard narrow scope of cabinet after brazil beef you before and 2nd largest tuna buyers hot spot and new congress last says it's the 1st time we're being silenced. people among our friends are there millions of brazilians are unemployed and depend on the government's $60.00 monthly handout which will end in january they'll have no means of putting food on the table nor making their voices heard. it's a dramatic situation people living in the sometime in the heart of rio de janeiro know too well. was 8 months pregnant lost her job as
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a store cashier and cannot find another government handouts are her family's only source of income. unemployment rate has reached a record high if we can't work and we stop receiving emergency aid how will we survive. until the pandemic geography used to work as a guide taking tourists to the spot that made the sun come up a slum internationally famous it was here that michael jackson filmed the video of his protest song they don't care about has. the government already cut him agency aid by heart i mean while prices in texas have tripled and infections are on the rise again only 4 years after his visit to some time on michael jackson was painted here on this wall this time fighting the coal bid 19 pandemic people here are still living in poverty but now they're facing the coronavirus unemployment and then uncertain future with the possible end of the government's financial aid they say
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michael jackson song they don't care about us could not do more contemporary monica are not here for all just sarah rio de janeiro. to argentina no way congress is set to vote on whether to legalize abortion later on thursday if the bill passes it will be the 1st major country in latin america to approve the procedure that's only allowed in cases of rape or if the mother's life is at risk throws a bear reports now from one of. the legalization of abortion has been a demand by women's rights groups in argentina for years. many medical professionals agree dr asada reyna who works in this hospital in the city of la plata says thousands of abortions are already happening in atlanta steinway and women with complications and up here heated political rhetoric i'm told this is a matter of public health because when we have a high death rate of productive women of mothers because many of the women that
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have an abortion have children and they may die this is also about inequality because a woman with money can have a safe abortion but a woman without resources may lose her life. it is estimated that around 500000 abortions happen every year in argentina but maisel proles tall one of the drugs doctors prescribe to terminate a pregnancy is expensive so many women resort to crude desperate measures like inserting probes in their bodies to induce an abortion for profit that we can provide here patients arrive here with organ failure and the characteristics of a septic abortion heart and kidney failure and in shock they're very serious cases and with a high death rate every year thousands of women are often allowed because of complications with an abortion some of them the logs doctors working in this hospital i love that when women are low here they're thrilled to say that because i
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mean a lot pregnancy because it is illegal and they're afraid of being reported to the public eye argentina's congress is set to vote on the legalization of abortion it's a divisive issue in this. mostly catholic country in 2018 the bill passed the lower house but failed to pass the senate women's groups are hoping this year the outcome will be different in the end and down on the president of the nation alberta fernandez sent a bill that corresponds to his campaign at present lawmakers are taking their positions and hopefully we can finish 2021 with legalized abortion and that is secure and free in argentina but resistance to the bill runs deep pope francis is argentinean and has repeatedly opposed to any attempts to legalize abortion. this is a campaign promise by alberto fernandes so it shouldn't surprise the church's hierarchy or the pope with whom the government has
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a good relationship the church will go against this like they did with the same sex marriage the catholic church has been against divorce reproductive rights distribution of contraceptives and sex education the mostly conservative sectors see women as objects and not as people with rights. rights that women in argentina i hoping will soon be frying into law. when a scientist. a british scientist say people with a history of significant allergic reactions should not have the pfizer vaccine which is now being administered in the united kingdom that's after 2 people received the job suffered adverse effects charlie onto a house this report. britain's rollout of the pfizer biotech vaccine continues but advice on who can take it is changing after 2 people with a history of severe allergy suffered reactions both recovered quickly but the
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agency who approved the vaccine is making revisions last evening we were looking at 2 case reports of allergic reactions we know from the very extensive clinical trials that this wasn't a feature but if we need to strengthen our advice now that we've had this experience in the vulnerable populations the groups who've been selected as a priority we get that advice to the field immediately. britain's mass vaccination program already poses one of the think it fled just tickle challenges since world war 2 but scientists warn that vaccines alone will not change the course of the pandemic immediately and face masks which help prevent the transmission of code it should be worn for another year i want to be very clear for the next 3 months we will not have sufficient protection we're going through the most difficult time of year for research infections and the most difficult time of year for the n.h.s. so the idea we can suddenly stop now because the vaccines here it would be really
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premature. he's too in germany when fiction rates continue to rise despite restrictions and isn't tentative capacity many are calling for even tougher knock down measures wednesday's german death toll of 590 was the highest since the pandemic began barking and impassioned plea from chancellor angela merkel if it was out of india until then it's a feeling i want to say this if we have too much contact over christmas and afterwards it turns out that that was the last christmas with the grandparents then we will have really messed up and we should not mess up. in front to the numbers and not encouraging new infection stand it around $13000.00 per day down dramatically on a month ago but still $8000.00 more than the target president emanuel not crawl set in order to release the country from lockdown restrictions despite the vaccine the arrival all 3 countries fear
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a 3rd wave of coronavirus could hit when hospitals are at their most vulnerable child their. italian football legend has died at the age of 64 he was the hero of italy's 982 world cup win where he was top scorer and he was named best player too he also won 2 italian city titles with the ventus rossi was said to have been suffering from a terminal illness the football world is of course also be mourning diego maradona who died late last month we've been speaking to. an associate professor at rome tre university he says overseas efforts contributed to its least most memorable well cup triumph. he was cold war huge criticism he only up came back to our football and he only played 3 games because they have been accused of a big fixing scandal to your employer to pay for to eat for 2 years it will not
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play it was actually the trainer of the initial selection of the late painful bit of gold we feasted in feeding him after divorce rossi had been one of the big surprises of the 1978 you know work out so we came out against all odds in 82. came out as the underdogs. they did brazil i would lead a stronger side nicol division argentina the world champion and janet money was the reigning european champions were clearly easily came i mean from the from from down to winning and there was something that nobody will ever forget now a multi-million dollar test launched by space x. has ended in spectacular failure have a look at this. inferno the 16 story unmanned rocket known as starship 8 snorts successfully with
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a landing that gallo a concrete pad didn't go to plan and it's hoped that this series of rockets will one day take people to the moon and mars the u.s. air space cup it is the same thing faced about the explosion then it is broadcast with a message next s. and. all right as we mentioned earlier the text president is in azerbaijan he's been attending celebrations in the capital back to following a victory in a regional dispute with armenia turkey back to his advice on in the fight you know going to karabakh and the syrian president ilham aliyev have been holding bilateral meetings they will be signing some agreements let's cross live now to see of course you knew in istanbul and see him tell us more about president when's visit and its significance. well nick the says prisons are dan's 1st visitors are bridge and after this brokered cease fire between us our beit hanun
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our mania that ended the 44 day conflict in in the horn of korea by this visit is significant and very important as it's it's like a legitimate exposure. of military support that everybody knows to us our veterans and it is doing to military parade that we have with we have seen the the military equipment provided for the as our bridge our military the turkish armed drums tunes are being exposed also the armenian armies are many and forces military vehicles that were captured by the are very forces were exposed during this military parade that took place more than an hour ago current the 2 leaders are having a tete a tete meeting again it's they are expected to give a press conference a very soon everything is ready and journalists are waiting for them to leaders
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emphasize the importance of the slick 3 as it's not only azerbaijan's victory but also a victory for all turkey countries and present their downside that this will open a new era and a region and turkey and as our bed john will be carrying out the cooperation beyond the current diplomatic and military cooperation that has been ongoing again today 2 leaders are expected to sign a several memorandum of understanding and other equipment including one that is to establish a joint media platform between the 2 countries which is actually very interesting indeed and in how my dear he mentioned that he mentioned that our mania had at trustees towards the hours are bridge or. people and they have to face this and presidents are drawn the one referral which was very important he referred to
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the islamic army of the caucuses that played a major role in the caucuses campaign in the world war one as it's a military branch of the former ultimate state this is also seen as turkey's uncle as us ration to extend its influence to into caucuses and other turkic it took a countries like. sit in thanks very much indeed a city closer to the istanbul but with sit him as and when we hear from a president who and his counterpart in the mallee have this is the scene the press conference which has been set up in the presidential palace in back we will be hearing from. the turkish president for us attire when in the coming minutes. so that is it for me that clock for this news hour my colleague robots and i will be right up in a couple of minutes with more of the day's news but for me the clock and the rest of the news out to you it is far from.
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the world food program will receive the nobel peace prize for fighting against hunger and the use of starvation as a weapon of war we ask executive director david beasley how the challenge of combating global hunger will be met in the age of the coronavirus pandemic the nobel interview on al-jazeera. they call them scene days knowledge property subdivided into small quarters where one or more families live crammed together is the only option for many haitian migrants in chile and it's public knowledge that they're exploited by unscrupulous landlords and now with the coronavirus pandemic they're being discriminated further. a few weeks ago this day with 88 groups became nationwide news because authorities moved the haitian
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residence to a special one teen area with better facilities but 1st the results of their control of virus test were published on the municipalities web page violating the patient's right to confidentiality. the neighbors began throwing rocks and rolling insults at the haitians because a few of them had been confirmed to be carrying coronavirus now they tell us that they feel even more discriminated and vulnerable than ever. i was raised in france. these are my grandparents. these are my parents and this is mean. fighting both isis and the us of. the 1st of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable family. the father the son and the jihad. run on al-jazeera. be the hero of the world needs.
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washing. we are willing to grant access to the single market to our british friends it's the largest single market in the world. but the conditions have to be sure. the european union prepares for a no deal gregg's it's the commission chief 1st of all the loan for zones contingency mosher. hello i'm about this on live from doha with the world news on al-jazeera coming up the u.s. surpasses 3000 coronavirus deaths in one day exceeding the number of people killed
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in the september the 11th attacks. a new report finds most rohingya refugees suffer from depression and emotional distress. let me take you to the nobel prize announcement for the world food program and it is being awarded as a virtual event because of call that 90 let's listen in. as awards to those that conferred the greatest benefit on human kind in the fields of science literature and peace. today noble prices in all the disciplines referred to in the bills will are being celebrated in stockholm and oslo respectively since 19 are won the nobel peace prize has been presented in oslo on the
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10th of december the anniversary of alfred nobel's steps it is a grand event where we gather in the oslo city hall in a normal year the city hall would have been filled to capacity and you would have been greeted by the norwegian royal family. the president of parliament the prime minister and other officials on norway equally important you would have been hailed enthusiast sickly by representatives of civil society but due to the corona virus pandemic it was not possible to host you in oslo today instead i am speaking to you from them and we can nobel institute and you are in the
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w f p headquarters in rome we are together despite the distance forced upon mars by the pandemic executive director david beasley staff members in rome and all over the world as announced on the 9th of october the norwegian nobel committee has decided to award the 2020 nobel peace price to the world food program for its efforts to combat tonga. for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict affected areas and for acting as a driving force in the efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict we also believe
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that the world food program a united nations humanitarian agency with global responsibility represents exactly the kind of international cooperation and commitment that the world is in dire need of today under normal circumstances i would have presented the award to you personally in the city hall at a later point we hope next year we will be honored to welcome you to oslo so that you may deliver the nobel lecture on behalf of the w a p we will then have the opportunity to celebrate this year's peace
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prize in the proper customary way since you cannot be here today your noble prize medal under plough man have been brought to rome instead on behalf of the norwegian nobel committee they will now be presented to you by lisa politike lark co president of the international peace. which was the nobel peace prize laureate 1910. thank you madam chair on behalf of the no we janab committee it is my great honor
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to present the nobel peace prize for 2020 to the world food program represented here by executive director david beasley mr beasley let me convey to you all my warmest congratulations and i ask you to come forward to receive the nobel medal and diploma on behalf of the world food program. thank you my goodness.
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it's quite something. well waking up this morning in this beautiful city here in rome it's hard to imagine that in about 400 a.d. this city experienced a massive famine it ended up killing almost 90 percent of its population the students of history associate something else with that ancient date the beginning of the fall of the roman empire now did the famine cause the fall or did the fall cause the famine i think the answer is yes both waking up this wealth in this wealthy modern technologically advanced world it's hard to imagine us going through a famine like that but my tragic duty today is to tell you famine is at humanity's doorstep for millions and millions of people on earth fare you to prevent famine in
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our day or destroy so many lives in cause the fall of much we hold dear. own behalf of the secretary general of the united nations antonio terrace our board our sister agencies are incredible partners and donors and on behalf of $19000.00 peacemakers at the world food program including those who came before us and especially those who died in the land of duty and their families who carry on and on behalf of the 100000000 people we serve to the norwegian nobel committee thank you for this great honor also thank you for acknowledging our work of using food to combat hunger to mitigate against destabilization of nations to prevent mass migration to end conflict and to create stability and peace we believe food is the pathway to peace. i wish today that i could speak of how
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working together we can in the world hunger for all the 690000000 people who go to bed hungry every night but today we have a crisis at hand. this nobel peace prize is more than a thank you it is a call to action because of so many wars climate change the widespread use of hunger as a political and military weapon and a global health pandemic that makes all of that exponentially worse 270000000 people are marching toward starvation failure to address their needs will cause a hunger pandemic which will draw the impact of code and if that's not bad enough out of that 2c7xw3xw depend on us 100 percent for their survival how will humanity respond. let me tell you why what we do with the world food program works 1st food is sacred anyone who has sat down to
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a thanksgiving or a holiday meal or taken communion attended a seder fasted for ramadan or made a food offering at a buddhist temple knows that in every human whether there are people of faith or not knows the power of food and not only to sustain us but bring us together in our common humanity. here's a 2nd reason the world food program works because what the 19000 of us are doing is an act of love dr king nobel laureate in 1964 said love is the most durable power in the world and like dr king from a very young age i learned this teaching from jesus of nazareth as he taught from the torah love your neighbor as yourself i've come to understand that a better translation of what jesus actually said is love your neighbor as your equal think for
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a moment what that really means imagine every woman man girl and boy we share this planet with is our equal and if we would just love them a size. imagine what that would do to war to conflict to racism to division and to discrimination of every 10 or what warms my heart is this 100000000 of my equals my neighbors receive food from the world food program this past year and we have verted famine but what tears me up inside is this this coming year millions and millions and millions of my equals my neighbors jordan neighbors are marching to the brink of starvation. we stand at what may be the most ironic moment in modern history on the one hand after a century of massive strides in a eliminating extreme poverty. today those $200000000.00 of our neighbors are on the brink of starvation that's more than the entire population of western europe
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only other hand there's $400.00 trillion dollars of wealth in our world today even at the height of the covert pandemic in just 90 days an additional $2.00 trillion dollars of wealth was created and we only need $5000000000.00 to save $30000000.00 lives from famine what am i missing here. a lot of my friends and leaders around the world who have said to me you've got the greatest job in the world saving the lives of millions of people well here's what i tell them i don't go to bed at night thinking about the children we saved i go to bed weeping over the children we cannot save and when we don't have enough money nor the access we need we have to decide which children eat in which children do not eat which children live which children die how would you like that shop
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please don't ask us to choose who lives and who dies in the spirit of alfred nobel as inscribed on this metal peace and brotherhood let's feed them all food is the pathway to peace the world food program. now something else well please thank you know. who. it is this great to be with. that was the world food programme executive director
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david beasley receiving the nobel peace prize for 2020 on behalf of the organization and its 19000 employees during his speech there he said that the organization believed that food was the pathway to peace he said the peace prize was more than a thank you it's a call to action for the $19000.00 as he said are doing is an act of love al-jazeera as nobel interview with w f p chief executive david beasley is going to be at $1630.00 g.m.t. here on. your in your leaders a meeting in brussels on the preparing for the u.k. leaving the block without a trade deal the european commission chief has presented contingency measures to members if negotiations for post brags that trade deals fail british prime minister barak's johnson and the european commission's chief 1st of all in the lane have
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until sunday to reach an agreement. we are willing to grant access to the single market to our british friends it's the largest single market in the world. but the conditions have to be fair they have to be fair for our workers and for our companies and this fine balance of fairness has not been achieved so far only goetia are still working and will take a decision on said. well let's go live to not even bother and wonder who's covering the story for us it really does seem as though time is not on the side in the goshi it doesn't. it does and you got a hint of what sort of on the line was just saying there to reporters she reminds everybody that fe half an hour asked the chief negotiators michele bachmann here for the e.u. and david frost for the u.k. to start talking again from thursday with that deadline suppose
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a deadline of sunday but is a live underline at the same time has put out a tweet in the last few hours saying that she doesn't believe she's not convinced that even if a deal is struck in the next few days that it will be put into force on time as she put it by the end of this year previously people were saying if there were to be a deal that it could be it could come into effect provisionally pending ratification from the european parliament if that institution didn't manage to get rounds to voting on it in time will nobody knows exactly what's going to happen next they are talking but there are huge differences and as she suggested the red line for the european union is fair competition protecting the single market but for the u.k. the demand is respect our sovereignty we must be in control of our own laws as well
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as our own territory including fishing waters well the foreign secretary ridge dominic robb has said that fishing remains one of the sticking points a lot of commentators thought that that had been smoothed over in the last couple of days so it's very hard to predict what's going to happen whether last night was the last chance where any breakthrough any signal to the leaders of european union governments and the signal might come out that yes there is hope or whether it's just just continuing for the sake of continuing until a deadline of this weekend dominate rob said that the talks could actually go beyond this coming saturday sorry sunday saying that. britain is going to do everything it can to try to get a deal but at the same time both sides making it clear or saying that they're ready for a no deal breck's it on the british side there are major worries for big industry and small businesses particularly on terrorists which will come in in january if
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there's no deal which could see prices rise significantly for a lot of products that him thanks very much indeed that's not him bob are talking to us from london. e.u. leaders are also expected to iron out disagreements over the blocks budget climate goals and response to the coronavirus pandemic the biggest focus of the 2 day meeting though is a clear as told $2.00 trillion dollar coronavirus recovery package at the center of the dispute is poland and hungary have taken issue over funds being tied to the rule of law but now there are hints that a deal may happen today we are fighting for the unity of our. common continent. and even what is more important not just the victory of the european union but we are fighting for the victory of the of the common sense because it's obvious that when our nations and so many millions of people are in real need because of pandit we can because of the economic consequences of that we have to
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behave reasonably and to find a way for reliable pro-choice and a victory for common sense to provide. pandemic house services to the people who are in need and to provide financial assistance for those countries who are really in need to have the people services following the story from amsterdam and she says the coronavirus budget is at the core of the divisions. there are conditions put on this money from the northern european countries let by the nat'l and saying that countries who want to have this money they need to apply to democratic rules that are. common here in the european union and they have accused hungary and poland for not abiding by these rules looking at the independency of the judiciary and also freedom of the press and corruption so basically poland and hungary after these conditions were put in they said we are going to veto this this budget all together
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we are not going to agree with this so germany has now finally managed to make a compromise the rule of law will still be put on the table but sanctions won't be implemented immediately and the country is hungry and poland can go to the highest court in europe which will take them a few years to win in time but definitely it's going to be a difficult discussion still because the dutch were very keen on this rule of law and they don't want the hungry and poland to have another 2 or 3 years to feel the sanctions and still get european money subsidies for their economies and other countries in the south of europe are really waiting for this budget and specially for the recovery front because they have been suffering so much from the corona pandemic. italian prosecutors believe for egyptian security officials were involved in the kidnapping of an italian student who was found murdered in 2016 they say one of them might also have been behind the killing. journey was found dead on the
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outskirts of cairo 4 years ago but the identity of his murderer remains unknown his body showed signs of torture before his death. turkey's president is in azerbaijan to celebrate his close allies victory against armenia and their conflict over the disputed territory of nagorno how to block president obama is attending a military parade that's been taking place in the capital ankara had backed by john ging 6 weeks of fighting which ended last month well let's go live to sin and cos who's in istanbul why was it so significant that the president of the one should be there. during this 44 day conflict many say that turkey's military support does our page on army was crucial and it was the reason why they came to a victory within such
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a short time turkey has been training as our great john military as our bridge on our means since early ninety's when azerbaijan was a very fresh state without an army when the 1st car of our war happened and many people who were the space for the from their homes and that's why it is very important for 2 countries because they call themselves as one nation with 2 states that's why today's parade military parade was important. to nations anthem splayed also autumn in armies autumn and empires army anthem played during a military parade which is also very important yes this is a high moral and backing for us our bridge on as turkish military is present out there but also for turkey it is important because for it's a way to extend its influence into the very complicated landscape the caucuses through us are begun and they have
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a land connection through the notch of on every small portion of land but this is important for cherokee to have a sustained attachment. with the turkey countries through us are begun to they said this is not that only a victory for us our big john or toward turkey but also an opening of a new era for the united of the turkic world cinema thank you very much indeed that's in course you know talking to us from istanbul in the understand we are waiting for a possible press conference by the president was a pleasure. and of course there's a tie up of the one himself. and the number of reported u.s. coronavirus deaths has gone past 3000 in one day for the 1st time johns hopkins university says 3071 people died on wednesday exceeding the number of people killed
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on september the 11th that was the world's single worst terrorist attack almost 290000 people are known to have died in the u.s. since the pandemic began japan has recorded 2810 new coronavirus infections on thursday that's the highest number of daily cases there so far tokyo is the hardest hit part of the country is governors requesting bars close earlier than people have been urged to avoid nonessential outings japan's experiencing a 3rd wave of the pandemic the government says it will buy 10 and a half 1000 deep freezers to store vaccines it's preparing for 290000000 doses from pfizer and asked as an account opponents of a 23 $1000000000.00 arms deal between the u.s. and the u.a.e. have failed to block it in the u.s. senate ministration plans to sell f. $35.00 fighter jets and advanced reaper drones to the gulf country the presidents
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approved the sale as a side deal to the u.a.e. is normalization agreements with israel. refugees in bangladesh are in the grip of a severe mental health crisis that's according to a report by the fortify a rights group called torture in my mind it says nearly 90 percent of range of refugees who fled suspected genocide meum are symptoms of depression about 85 percent have experienced emotional distress and just over 60 percent show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder since $27000.00 roughly a 1000000 have fled to bangladesh during a brutal crackdown by minimize military under the violence the author of that report and is a human rights researcher at $45.00 writes he says officials in both me and bangladesh have done nothing to improve the mental health of the. we're seeing very extreme rates of traumas and does anxiety symptoms and depression symptoms among grown directed use numbers that far as the world health organization estimates so
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the world health organization estimates that and situations similar that those out there who are basing in these kinds of emergencies only about 15 to 20 percent of adults will generally experience mental health symptoms like this and you can see that our rates are much higher $3.00 to $4.00 times higher than that among the right for your refugees and bangladesh the key ingredient for being able to heal from these kinds of symptoms of mental health the stress is to have a stable environment where your basic needs are met and where you're going to have a situation of safety that you can recover and heal from the kinds of distress and that situation is is not the kind of situation that they're living in in the refugee camps in bangladesh and also not the kind of the duration that they arrived from when they left me in march i think that's probably deteriorated even war there has been no time for myanmar in terms of a desire to change the systematic her base of restrictions that drive mental health
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distress there's been no efforts to and bangladesh to really improve the campaign vission to provide a stable living standard and a situation where randi refugees can recover and there's constantly these new stressors being introduced. the relocation of refugees about punch are potentially against their their will in some cases. and other other stressors such as hope it are constant weighty occurring and these kind of things raise the distress level even more as as we move forward. farmers in india are continuing their protests against new agriculture law the blocked major roads and they're now calling for more citizens goshi ations or the government have so far failed as farmers stick to their demands elizabeth put on them as more from the state of auto pradesh. or one side of this busy highway between the states over there predation delhi remains closed to traffic as thousands of families continue
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to camp out here that's after farmers rejected the government's proposed amendments to farm laws on wednesday now it's been 2 weeks that tens of thousands of farmers are blocking 3 key highways into the indian capital region protest against laws which they say give large corporations unfettered access to the indian agriculture sector and that will see their prices for their projects minimum prices driven down and so the government said that it made 3 amendments addressing farmers concerns about the deregulation of the market including rising assurances of minimum prices to fall say that it's not enough to amend goals which were created without consultation with which were pushed through parliament which inherently favor large corporations and that the government must repeal them and calls for bigger protests up only growing farmers are asking for the blocking of 2 other major highways
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between the cities of delhi and our grand delhi n.j. pool on saturday and they're calling for more nationwide protests on monday. france's data protection watchdog says it's fined google once again it says the tech giant has been fined $121000000.00 for breaching european union online privacy rules it's also imposed multimillion dollar fines on for breaching the same rules related to trucking use of data. a multi-million dollar test launched by space x. has ended in spectacular failure. the 16 story unmanned rocket known as starship s and 8 launched successfully but the landing on a concrete pad didn't go according to plan and it's hoped this series of rockets will one day take people to the moon and mars. italian football legend paulo
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dorsey has died at the age of 64 but also he was the hero of italy's 982 world cup when we was top scorer and named best player he also won 2 italian c.v.i. titles with juventus rossi was said to be suffering from terminal illness. this is all it is either of these are the top stories the world food program has received this year's nobel peace prize the event was held virtually this year because of the corona virus pandemic the w f p's executive director david beasley has received the award he warned of a hunger pandemic that could be worse than covert 19 because of so many wars climate change the watch for it usually hunger is a political and military weapon and the global health and then make that makes all
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of that exponentially worse 270000000 people are marching toward starvation failure to address their needs will cause a hunger pandemic which will drawer the impact of cove if that's not bad enough out of that 2c7xw3xw depend on us 100 percent for their survival. how will humanity respond utopian leaders are meeting in brussels to discuss breaking a deadlock over a major economic correct recovery plan the u.k.'s eminent a departure from the block is also on the agenda. italian prosecutors believe 4 egyptian security officials were involved in the kidnapping of an italian student who was found murdered in 2016 julia her journey was found dead on the outskirts of cairo 4 years ago but the identity of his murderer remains unknown his body showed signs of torture before his death turkish president's visit out of ones in
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azerbaijan he attended celebrations in the capital buck who following a victory in a regional dispute with armenia turkey backed azerbaijan during 6 weeks of fighting over known al qaida buck for the 1st time the number of reported u.s. coronavirus deaths has gone past 3000 in one day that exceeds the number of people killed in september the 11th the world's worst terrorist attack a $23000000000.00 arms deal between the u.s. and the u.a.e. appears to be going ahead after opponents in the u.s. senate failed to block it the top administration plans to sell f. 35 fighter jets and advanced reaper drones to the gulf country so as part of a side deal that was made when the u.a.e. agreed to normalize ties with israel those are the headlines coming up next on inside story goodbye. the usa is always of in place the people running the world people pay attention to what goes on here and how does it is very good to bring the news to the world. will the democratic republic of congo slide into renewed
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turmoil the ruling coalition has fallen apart and the president is threatening to dissolve parliament so what's the fallout from this power struggle in this african country this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program i'm a homage i'm joined congolese president felix just a kitty pledged to build a strong nation when he was elected last year but his reforms have been challenged by supporters of former leader joseph kabila who shares power with him just ahead he has scrapped the ruling coalition saying a new one will help him push through his agenda he is seeking to flip the majority in the legislative body in his favor to be able to do just that the president has threatened to dissolve parliament hold new elections and has acted to remove
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a speaker of the house his decision has sparked chaos in the assembly and the political crisis is threatening stability in the r.c. security says the move comes after weeks of consultations with political parties. should transfer them to the man who's on the coastal taishan has resulted in the rejection of the coalition between the come from kolkata and the heading for change by an overwhelming majority of the sec conclusion comes off to 2 years of tireless efforts to self-sacrifice to preserve the essentials within the coalition. the proca below common front for congo or f.c.c. considers jessica this decision illegal. this is not to the f.c.c. notes that the unilateral conclusions drawn by the president of the republic seriously violate the constitution and serve as a pretext to liquidate established democratic institutions through the establishment of a dictatorial regime at the service of personal power. joseph kabila rule d
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r c for 18 years before stepping down around 2 years ago his favorite presidential candidate lost to felix just a kennedy in the long delayed 2018 elections but camilla's power was retained when his allies won a parliamentary majority in the same vote just ahead they formed a coalition government with camillus common front for congo after assuming power last year major disagreements arose between the coalition partners leading to political deadlocks in the past 6 months they have differed over security electoral process and constitutional court appointments to name but a few. all right let's bring in our guests in goma we have thomas fasc senior democratic republic of congo researcher of human rights watch. a is a researcher at the center for research on the congo he joins us from washington d.c. now vanda wall deputy project director for central africa international crisis group
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she joins us from running again in the netherlands welcome to each of you combine how fragile is the current political situation in d.r. c n n considering the unresolved issues from the 2018 presidential election do you believe that something like we're seeing now was inevitable. the free level framing is really important in december 2018 coalition must want to vote the elected leader and the result do not reflect the will stretch 'd of the college the are likely winner was declared the president elect's just a kitty and what we know now that there has been a secret deals between camilla and felix which will sign a lot of kenya stuff africa and egypt creating the form
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of so-called pacific transition but because of that because the will of the proposal listen to we created a constitutional crisis we have a winner or a presidential election who does not have any strong power even in the parliament any shop our suggestions of the republic and he's quite liberal was really acquired as has been seen where bill remained in power and 2000000 alledged. if you control the situation is completely difficult for phillips around the country and the only solution to that and i hope the call this president listening to many people are listening is to listen to the will of the congolese people in 96 when you want to lead a protest move by democratically and i believe in 2020 we can do the same by listening to people and having leaders that represents the people so that we by the constitutional crisis we have now like how likely is the president as
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a candidate will be successful in forming a new majority coalition. it will be quite difficult for him to form a new maturity in parliament because he will need substantial support of the f.c.c. commission that holds most of the seats in parliament so in order for to succeed and to form a new majority he not only needs to convince members of the opposition so mariska to jump down ben but also members of the f.c.c. to join newman general thomas if this were to become a protracted crisis how much could this paralyze the government and how much worse could things get. this is definitely a risk as dan jet that if the crisis. gets any longer obviously there will be you know popular discontent and growing anger at the.
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paralysis of state already remember that during those last few weeks of consultations it basically brought the government action to a halt so there is an urgent need to find a peaceful way out of this crisis in a way that. a government can be. acting reforms towards building at the root of your towards respecting human rights and ending impunity in a country that. this president has to get it have enough support from powerful politicians and from military leaders in order to be able to pull off forming a new coalition. i mean forming a new coalition will not change the fact that the will of the people not being
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sensible let's just back from work let's say 2 days able to convince the opposition politically or militarily there is to come to the supports i do not know how they will address the 22000000 congolese war 'd at the verge of starvation according to the world food programme i do not the hard disk addresses the issues in the system properly are seen thousands of congolese have died i mean just people security track or just publish that report where the stated that they are but 2127 currently have died in the past 20 months which is war than the last 20 months of arches of camilla so we have it's serious material conditions of the coolest being violent the congolese are suffering a discipline it's happening because 'd the petition for the republic has been actually been distributed to an elite has no interest of the congolese people.
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argue that because felix just like any lacks the credibility from the college people it's hard even for the coolest people to come eggs but some other possibilities for which i think can be a way forward such as having another election knowing that the 2018 was very disputed is a way in the right direction but what's more important is decisive action that you'll have will hold people like dan gottlieb anabelle for taking steps into the state economy and creating a mining company suffer a lot meals about those we are rest corrupt. government officials living in the eggs rescue of the who's listed in the justice department reports. haha chip. as far
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as receiving corrupt running for bribery this is a low threshold legal case in the united states. then the killer and as well ready ready. relief that was decisive action is actions will allow the congolese people to trust in his will to really transform the country for a newcomer if you doesn't come even close to those. recommendations to live to control the country mckellar the united nations envoy to the d.r. see warned that the threat of this political gridlock poses you know it's a huge threat to the political gridlock poses to the country's security and economic situation what are some of the replications that the country could face. i think so really is reagan stating that because of the. political gridlock between she security and kabila there has not been
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a lot of progress on the political level and konami one it is because just security has been distracted by political affairs in kinshasa and i think you can see that when you look at events and what's happening in the east where violence has increased over the past few months. so security has also because his focus. keeping the coalition together or working with camilla he has failed to work on improving the economic conditions in the dear city so you see that it is past become increasingly difficult for the population to to benefit from wealth that has been acquired by natural resources in a d. or c. etc i mean i am not sure if i understood your question completely right as in representation so if i should touch upon something else to then i know that i don't know that that answer sufficed for the question that i asked thomas let me ask you
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how much political clout does former president kabila have he is a sinner or for life is he essentially considered to be the only game in town when it comes to getting things done politically. thing that was certainly true last year when the deal was made between just kiddie income self you know he has retained control of the government's control of the parliament's control of most provincial governments and of the security apparent us i think that 2 years down the line and mounting political crisis. it is now a sort of question mark how much of all that power can be lost he'll holds dairies the possibility of this event him he still holds most of that power and i think we are going to see whether that's true or not in the coming weeks in the coming days
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even but it's also possible that some of the. either parliamentarians or some of the support says you know may have switched to the sides because they see that these could mission is actually going nowhere and that they need a new majority cheats. to have a proper government that will be able to enforce meaningful reforms so i think that's a question mark at moment but what we seeing in the last few days is not the polarization between the 2 sides is at its peak and we've seen you know trashes in parliament spitting supports as if she's catty and supporters of that community neutrally throwing chairs at each other and we also hearing a lot of you know hey treat an anguish an extremist language from one side to another and vice versa so there's a there's
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a sort of. really sort of dangerous climate that ease that has been brewing for some months now and it's not entirely clear how . and intends to to diffuse the tension and where the katrina has any intention to also trying to diffuse that tension a lot kembali i want to take a step back for a moment to try to explain the root of this a bit to our audience it seems that tensions between f.c.c. and ca c h really erupted out into the open in july and it revolved around the issue of the appointment of new judges to d.r. c's top court what was what was at the root of that. and i think we're trying to friendly to really show. controls the state
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institutions before the presidential elections to make sure the constitutional court judges where pointed who will pledge allegiance to him jointly in the party when you look at the national assembly we have 500 members of parliament or at 350 of that from the f.c.c. when we look at the said that we have a 108 senators 92 senators in the senate after on the f.c.c. we have 26 provinces 21 gov 31 progression of government are controlled by camilla and about 20 of those 'd got at the governor of this province of our from tabula region we have the military like a ballistic control and actually currently we have a military force a militia of 2500 soldiers 'd they are paid by the government right now to protect him so he controls the spitter succession and he can actually move in some
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shape or form not. tried to do was to include 3 new constitutional court judges because the game of the election for the $23.00 will be played at a 'd level usually in the question you should have called and also in the electoral commission so he has made sure to in introduce 3 judges which could be i was not happy about and they also introduce a new president on the. 'd electoral commission clearly showing that everyone is preparing for 20231 of them in the before colleagues and they remember camilla has been in power for already 2 terms so if we are already talking about 2023 it is likely but just a couple it's going to run again and we're going to try to interpret the constitution much differently or have someone we can trust to be in power so. by extension there is a power struggle from philips trying to assert its power when it does not have and
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kabila continuing to maintain the illicit network that we have built for the past 2 decades and in the final analysis the question of justice is very important in a line but that doesn't quite get caught for the issues to end the look of course his nobel peace prize it called for the international tribunal for the combo to trial the crimes that have taken place we have to call it the 15 people who are committed men to the past was leading the country and then it's the 1st justice. melaka the african union has now called on the d.r.s. these leaders to work to preserve peace and stability what are the regional implications that we be looking at here if things continue to deteriorate in the r.c. well you see that since assuming office just security really focused on mediating within the region so he tried to bring 70 to ugandan president and president obama
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. to bring them together and what was behind the struggle between these 2 men was allegations of support to armed groups in eastern d r c so there is a big risk that when the violence escalate or the political situation in. in kinshasa that there are also implications in the east that could for instance be because political leaders such as and she security activate spoilers they have in the field in the east or because. the violence continues to increase in the east so the regional implications will be important so i understand the cold by the african union also because she's sick 80 mo as of january or february next year head chair of the african union so it is interesting to see how he will try to. increase stability especially in the eastern
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part of the r.c. thomas the head of the u.n. stabilization mission has expressed concern over the situation in eastern congo saying that in security gray violations of human rights and displacements continue to affect civilians notably women and children how dire is the situation there. it's pretty dire in congo you have different pockets conflicts throughout the region whether it is north south. korean and beyond and just take south for example you have a very 1000000 displaced people these. and as a result of of the many countries in that line and attacks almost daily does been a little bit in the attacks over the last few weeks but it's coming back and you
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can tell that tensions are running high and that again it's civilians who are paying the heavy price it's not only displacement that the population news was suffering from many other abuses with the reaches them be chains and the rest from the m groups will sometimes by the congolese. security forces military troops or the police but also abduction kidnapping for ransom and. women. still suffering from the sexual violence and sexual assaults. this has been going on for years and yes now and it's a conflict that. repeats itself some parts of the region then you have over $100.00 groups you know still active in that region
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and as. colleagues have just said you know each time that you have a protracted. political crisis. the repercussion. what. then immediately or in the meantime. something could be knighted that said there is a war you've got the longer the political crisis continues. to move or repercussions that will be in the east with the population paying the price kamali do you believe it is possible that we could see a negotiated end to this crisis and if so how would that come about it is possible for the cresses to actually be negotiated for peace of the minutes in new york city i mean what i would like to see is the return to the 28 in the
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elections holding a new election will really help in getting the credibility to go to the hollywood scene for is to have the population of the people to trust in the democratic process so calling for you election is one second the call for justice is very critical the question is will continue to see is because the crimes are yesterday has not been dealt with over 6 new comedies people have died in the past 2 decades along i stayed for describes the creation of an international tribunal for the recommendation of the un looking after such a report published on the double for us 2000 that is critical of this time the whether the peace process called for it and congolese around the world are calling for the tribunal to be put in place if those 2 things actually put in place a reelection are running again of the elections so that the people can trust in the
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democratic process and krishna which are built for the r.c. we have a path to peace in the us now like how do you think the international community would react if president ikeda does indeed try and hold new elections. i think it will be very difficult to achieve security to organize new elections because it moved me a very costly exercise and that she saw in 2018 it took quite a long time to organize those elections in fact they were pushed back twice so for the international community i don't think they would consider elections the right way forward at the moment. organizing them is costly as i just said but also elections were held in 2018 the results were indeed contested but i think for international as it is more important now to underline the importance for the respect for the rule of law to have strong state institutions to make sure that the
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2 political actors the main ones so camille and she's sick 80 find a way out of this crisis a political one so encourage them to have a dialogue to have conversations not necessarily with the with the goal already intention to keep the coalition together but to make sure that. the crisis does not ask and so as i just pointed out to avoid that the the political crisis becomes a military one you just asked for the fact who for who controls the security forces who controls the army i think it is very important to look at the next few days and weeks what's going to happen with the military and the armed groups in the east and avoid the bait that these activists will play a role in the weeks to come all right well we've run out of times we're going to have to leave the conversation there thanks so much to all of our guests thomas vesey come bali was heavily and melika vend the wall and thank you too for watching
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you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a.j. inside story for me my going. you. are interrupting inside story to bring you breaking news from the 11 on the former caretaker prime minister has been charged over the beirut port explosion which devastated the city. and 3 former ministers are accused of negligence about 200 people were killed in the august the 4th disaster with thousands injured and many more left homeless it was caused by a huge stockpile of highly explosive ammonium nitrate which had been improperly stored at the port for 6 years before are the most senior figures to be charged in the investigation which is being criticized for its secrecy and lack of progress let's come some more from is in a honda who's in beirut for us this is really quite
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a revelation tell us more about what we knows and. well like you mentioned the significant developments in the ongoing investigation into the beirut 4th explosion last august an investigation which really has been slow moving and now you have the judge which is who's leading the investigation charging politicians for the 1st time so far the suspects those who have been charged have been low level mid-level employees customs officials at the port authority as well so now he is charging the caretaker prime minister has sandy have as well as a number of former ministers now he's going to be questioning them this is what we understand he's going to be questioning them on monday tuesday and wednesday this is still not an indictment they have not been found guilty but the judge believes that there is enough in enough evidence at least to initiate these proceedings
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against these these men now you say why it why has found it's a question that many are going to ask because he was not the only high ranking official who knew about the presence of highly explosive material ammonium nitrate that's warehouse 12 at the beirut airport in fact official documents show that in july both the president as well as him were informed about this inflame of old material at the ports and they did they did nothing about that that has some give himself has a knowledge that he was scheduled to visit the port to schedule to visit that warehouse before the explosion but postponed the trip because he was receiving conflicting information now they cannot question the president the judiciary can't do that because there is a specialized body that questions the president's special courts really so right
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now definitely a significant development in this ongoing investigation xeno we mentioned before that the investigation had been criticized for. the secrecy and lack of progress and after the explosion itself we saw a tremendous amount of violence and anger on the streets amongst the people of beirut particularly about corruption that had been an ongoing thing is there any i know this is obviously just breaking but is there any suggestion perhaps this might go some way to allaying the anger that those people have been feeling. well yes there has been a lot of public anger many feel that high ranking officials will not be held to account really in a country where there has been a culture of impunity they feel that the jury because it is you know many many many human rights groups they accuse the judiciary 11 on of being politicized in fact the judiciary try to throw the ball in the court of parliament a few days ago saying that parliament should be the ones questioning ministers and
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politicians it's not my jurisdiction to do that as the speaker of parliament said no we're not going to do that unless there's an indictment we will question ministers and threw the ball back to the it to the judiciary so if you ask many especially the families of those who were killed the victims of this explosion they feel that this could be just part of a waiting game they're trying to buy time or maybe the caretaker prime minister who really was a little known figure and who just took office a few months earlier may take that may take the fall when he was not in charge for the successive years the successive governments that left this material at the warehouse 12 for so many years without doing anything about it they believe this is because of corruption negligence at the different political parties have influence at the port in fact the states authority in the ports is is is very weak so people are going to be skeptical they will think that this is just another attempt to buy
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time we're going to have to wait to see about their reaction but so far there's still no reaction from the caretaker prime minister we have to remember that his government he resigned and his government resigned a few days after that port explosion because there was so much anger in the streets and then of course as you were just mentioning there the state of politics in lebanon has been essentially fractured since this happened but there was a lot of there were a great many problems a great many fissures in the poll the political situation up to that point this can only go to the mill towns and this just makes politics in lebanon even more complicated. well this country has been really going through multiple crises an economic crisis a financial crisis there's a financial collapse the state is close to bankruptcy people savings are trucked in banks the people who have deposits in dollars are not able to access access their
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money the withdrawal there's a cap on on withdrawals as the government is refusing to carry out much needed reforms reforms like fighting corruption in order for the international community to provide financial assistance much needed financial assistance to kickstart the economy already more than 55 percent of the population and this is a relatively small country approximately 6000000 people and that includes 1500000 refugees 55 percent live below the poverty line every single day you hear about people losing their jobs businesses closing so this political class which has been governing this country for decades this political class which is refusing to carry out those reforms for for many reasons and one of them is that they're going to lose their grip on power they've been using the state's resources to give support to their people to maintain support among their constituencies so they're not doing that in fact just yesterday the prime minister doesn't that held
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a meeting with the president he presented an 18 member cabinet line up in the hope that there will be some sort of a deal but there are not any. because the different rival camps are fighting to ensure a veto power because could you imagine if they start opening the books and there's a forensic audit not only in the central back but in state institutions as well more than one politician will be will be questioned so years of negligence years of corruption the economy has been run to the ground and then you have that massive explosion which really affected the lives of so so many people. 200 people killed people are still this. people are unable to return to their homes because of the cash strapped government has not been able to rebuild their homes and the money from the international community has just not been enough so yes a lot of crises there's a political crisis an economic crisis a currency crash and of course that massive explosion that really affected the
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lives of so many people then a thanks very much indeed cinna harder bring us up to date on that breaking news from lebanon the former caretaker prime minister has been charged over the beirut port explosion along with 3 other former ministers the pews of negligence let's go to brussels where your leaders have stepped up their preparations for the possibility that the u.k. will break away without a trade deal the european commission chief has presented contingency bowser's to members if negotiations for post brags that trade deals failed british prime minister abbas johnson and european commission chief of on the lane have given their teams until sunday to reach an agreement. we are willing to grant access to the single market to our british friends it's the largest single market in the world. but the conditions have to be fair they have to be fair for all work to send for our companies and this fine balance of fairness has not been achieved so far.
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are still working and we'll take a decision on sunday. well lots of other big problems in the agenda of the e.u. summit we're going to speak to steadfast about that shortly 1st let's talk to paul brennan in brussels paul let's talk about brags that 1st of all it sounded from what we were hearing earlier on that there is really no ground being given on those sides and time is running out. well they're certainly far apart that's for sure i mean we spent a very late night cold nights out here on the pavement outside the pink commission building on wednesday hoping for some kind of breakthrough but none was forthcoming a 3 hour dinner between boris johnson and us live on the land ending with simply both sides recognizing that they remain far apart a lively and interesting discussion was how to lend the european commission president described it's. a difficult conversation was how boris johnson's team
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described it and they both went away agreeing to continue talks but with very little optimism that there could be a bridging of the gaps so what's going to happen well it's not going to be on the agenda of the european council summit which is the remaining e.u. 27 leaders meeting in the building of my left shoulder here today they're going to talk about other things which that 1st and we'll talk about in a 2nd what the e.u. has published today there is a contingency plan of how to try to mitigate destruction which is inevitable after january the 1st if a deal isn't agreed by sunday and it includes things such as for example keeping the status quo as far as fishing rights in territorial waters goes for 12 months through the whole of 2020 wanted to try and mitigate the disruption there try to keep road passenger and freight passenger across the channel try to keep that most of the same for about 6 months other things in basic connection by road freight and
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road passengers and separate regulation if approved by e.u. states will allow the channel tunnel road and rail links to continue for 2 months now there is a safety contract the safety regulations which actually run out in february and the reality is if those can't be agreed by the end of february an agreement between the european union and britain about that then actually channel 10. services could be suspended at the end of february if there isn't an agreement so there's a lot at stake here and these contingency plans are trying to mitigate that of course we need to hear from the and the british side as to what their perception of it is because a lot of these that have been published today are actually dependent on a reciprocal arrangement being agreed by the british and paul brown in talking to us from brussels paul thank you very much indeed while leaders are also working to iron out disagreements over the e.u.'s budgets its climate goals and its response to the coronavirus pandemic now the biggest focus of the 2 day meeting is to clear
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a stalled covert 19 recovery package which is worth more than 2 trillion dollars at the center of the dispute as poland hungary would take an issue over funds being tied to the wall of law but now there are hints that a deal may happen today we are fighting for the unity of our. common continent. and even what is more important not just the victory of the european union but we are fighting for the victory of the of the common sense because it's obvious that when our nations and so many millions of people are in real need because of pandit we can because of the economic consequences of that we have to behave reasonably and to find a way for reliable pro-choice and a victory for common sense to provide. house services to the people who are in need and to provide financial assistance for those countries who are really in
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need to have people. and among the stories we have coming up a new report finds most were here refugees suffer from depression and emotional distress. africa's top health official blasts terrible vaccine inequality after wealthy nations are accused of buying far more dozers than they need. that football is unite once again becomes a day off to one of the most notorious incidents in champions league history and. italian prosecutors believe for egyptian security officials were involved in the kidnapping of an italian student who was found murdered in 2016 they say one of them might also have been behind the killing julia was jennie was found dead on the outskirts of cairo 4 years ago but the identity of his murderer remains unknown his body showed signs of torture before his death
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a prominent saudi women's rights activist is expected in court later on thursday there's enough hawthorns case was transferred to a court dealing with terrorism related cases 2 weeks ago floor was among a dozen activists arrested in 2018 and accused of harming saudi interests rights groups say she's been held in solitary confinement and assaulted while in prison saudi officials have denied allegations of torture turkey's president is in azerbaijan to celebrate his close allies victory against a minium and their conflict over the disputed territory of the whole know how to buck the president's vision about a one attended a military parade in the city capital but coup and could have had backed by john ging 6 weeks of fighting which ended last month and well let's go live to sin and cos you know who's in istanbul for us talk us through the significance of president the one being there for these celebrations. rob this is the 1st time prisons
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are gone visited john after the after the $4.00 to $4.00 day of conflict over not going to end it in victory for the journey at the end of this conflict. john and territories that have been occupied by army and forces for de last 3 decades have been liberated and since that they took in as that bridge on the have been shoulder to shoulder back then as aboriginal was a fresh state without an army and since then turkish military turkish army has been training as our rage on soldiers to a proper organized army and today we have seen 2 leaders announcing the victory as a victory not only for 2 nations that have supported each other brotherly but also a victory for all turkic countries and of. and opening
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a way for the unite of those turkic countries apparently well as arbet john sees took his support as a high moral and in terms of logistics of course as oppose a positive contribution but for turkey it's beyond that because through us our big john turkey is able to extend its influence tours to caucuses and into the turkey countries reaching out to central asia that's why it has been very important in 2 countries have been calling each other as as one nation in 2 states and bourse leaders underlined this corporation will continue and go beyond the current version of it and if we will see soon that 2 leaders will be assigning several by little agreements memorandum of understanding including the one of the joint establishing a media platform which has been very interesting for many people and of course they
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have during the. military parade earlier in the day 2 leaders emphasize that armenia had allegedly. had atrocities against the. people and they must be accountable and turkey's president made a call that armenian people should understand what has the wrong policies that have been conducted by their mannion politicians and in no go no carb on now there will be a new era and john president have i live here in his features after the victory he has had that as our bridge i will invest the now go in a corner for the infrastructure superstructure of the region and new needs logistic routes will be a stop this so this is all this is also another corporation field for 2 countries but of course some also see that it turkey has so many aspirations over
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over central asia through azerbaijan this can irritates russia who has who is the major regional player in the region and turkey and russia has already fragile cooperation at strategic corporation in syria and libya sitting thanks very much indeed sin and cos we all live for us in istanbul ok let me take you back to that story i was telling about earlier that your leaders meeting that's happening in brussels at the center of that or one of the key issues that's going to be discussed is that is a covert 19 recovery package is worth over 2 trillion dollars there are some things that that might be moving ahead something might be happening with that let's talk to step voss and she's joining me live from step just bring us up to date with the fact that for such a long time there has been no movement on this particular package and then all of a sudden it looks as though something might be changing just talk us through what's going on. yes it's not only bragg said that
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is a major headache for the european union right now but also this recovery package and also the budget together they are $2.00 trillion u.s. dollars and this all has been blocked by hungry and poland in the last couple of months and the reason for that is that in the northern european countries there was additional conditions put on this money a rule of law application and so to speak meaning that countries in the e.u. wants to get this money have to abide by democratic principles that we have here in the european union and poland and hungary have been accused of backtracking on democracy looking at the independence of the judiciary corruption freedom of speech freedom of the press hungary and poland who are very upset with this additional condition and threaten to veto the whole package all together meaning that nobody was getting any money in the meantime the german chancellor as the leader of the
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european union at the moment has managed to reach a compromise and this compromise means that the rule of law is still intact it's still there as a principle but sanctions won't be implemented immediately hungary and poland can go to the highest court to to appeal against it which could buy them another 2 to 3 years viktor orban the prime minister of hungary has already sort of declared victory is as is very optimistic that in brussels this agreement will be signed by just a few hours ago the dutch prime minister mark herter who has actually been leading this this group of countries who are very skeptical and want this rule of law to be implemented has said that he has more questions before he's going to sign this agreement in the next 2 days so this is still a heated debate expected in brussels. thank you very much indeed talking to us from . the world food program has received this year's nobel peace prize the
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event was held virtually this year because of the corona virus pandemic w f p's executive director david beasley received the award he warned of a hunger pandemic that could be worse than covert 19 because of so many wars climate change the watchword use of hunger as a political and military weapon and a global health pandemic that makes all of that exponentially worse 270000000 people are marching toward starvation failure to address their needs will cause a hunger pandemic which will draw the impact of covert and if that's not bad enough out of that 2c7xw3xw depend on us 100 percent for their survival how will humanity respond speaking to voters here for the nobel interview david because they said he hopes the refugee crisis in sudan won't become a protracted one tens of thousands of ethiopians have fled across the border into
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sudan since the conflicts in northern seagrave region began in the van but the w f p chief says the agency is struggling to deal with existing humanitarian disasters when you look at the amount of monies that we are having to raise now we're actually going to have we've been raised about 8000000000 dollars this year we're looking at $615000000000.00 that we're going to be next year 5000000000 just to avert famine so we've got so many hotspots right now and western donors and donors around the world are struggling with the amount of monies that we need so we're hopeful that because we're already spending a lot of money in sudan and now you've got this crisis and we hopeful we're hopeful that this can be over as soon as possible to morgan's at a camp in sudan's god that if providence. the wall food program already run several operations in sudan from treating the displaced people and the refugees in the western region of darfur to opening up humanitarian line and delivering assistance
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in the southern region of the nile and south kordofan now the latest crisis the world food program has had to respond to him for dan and perhaps in the entire world is the refugee crisis that is unfolding in the eastern part of sudan thousands of people are fleeing from the to gray region in northern is g.o.p. or many of them walking for days on empty stomach before arriving to the border to be able to be registered as refugees actually some of them are at the edge of the organizations are now giving us food and we hope people benefit from it people were hungry for 2 to 3 day some haven't eaten for a few days but now we thank god we can eat and benefit and. that initial initial american i've come here to get food for my kids they're hungry and i can now give them food to eat and it had taken about a week for the player free to step up its operation and be able to respond to the crisis by distributing food but then the reason it's attributes that to is that the most of the camps are in remote areas it has that it takes as much as
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a week sometimes to be able to access the camp in the eastern part of the country now the world food program has responding to this current crisis is not easy comes at a time where the country is going through an economic crisis to be or food shortages as well as a state of emergency that was declared in september due to floods that have devastated the country what are the problem and just hours earlier when the world food program came here yesterday they gave us flour salt in oil they gave us a lot of things to eat and that's a good thing food that we call the food and drink to be able to survive because if not for the world food program who have died including the little children the world food program has a small so it's changing lives saving lives the number of refugees who are over after today is expected to head 200000 by april but the world food program says no matter what the crisis and even if there is shortage of funding and support for the other programs it will ensure that every single refugee who arrives to sudan is fed
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and catered for. well joining us from paris is only surviving he's director of participant policy at the norwegian refugee council it's good to have you with us your organization obviously working in similar areas to the w f p talk us through how important you think this nobel peace prizes i think this year's nobel peace prize is both timely and very appropriate as d.c. was just saying that you know that the needs are increasing in just one week ago that un included don't we if she came out with new numbers from yemen which shows that 13500000 yemenis are currently at risk of starvation and we have seen of course that colby 19 has excess or made it that so and so we're faced with this in many places and i think it is appropriate because of the work that the if she's doing you know in true just pure shit cetera but also in the way that the partner without their organizations and n.r.c.
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is working in about 30 countries around the world and several of those countries we are working closely together with w p just to get through it and to help people with their livelihoods and there is a serial mentioned that i don't think is very well known and that is the role that w. if she did it plays at the logistical back all of the humanitarian community when we need as humanitarian to go from the capital to our heart area it is very often no b.f.d. that provides the flights or the convoys to get there so this is priceless really both times we are appropriate and it's not just about the end result of the work that is done is it is also i would imagine about the risks that are faced on a daily basis by stuff of the w f p and other organizations trying to manage the simple logistics of getting that food to where it's needed. absolutely and we see you know what we have seen ease in korea are increasing challenges in terms of access to many of these places
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you know it can be logistical and challenges it could be challenges because of security because of attacks from attacks from armed groups etc you know i think he o.p.'s case in point right now where there is a desperate need to get humanitarian aid into the tikrit a region. where we still face in those access challenges and it's really key that humanitarian organizations are getting access and are getting access in a way that allows us to work in a neutral and impartial manner is there any and many other things and one of the things that david beasley menton mentioned in his speech which we carried earlier on al-jazeera was of course the weaponization of food supply where food can be co-opted or hijacked and used as leverage or simply refused to some people exactly and we've seen this in in several conflicts in recent years where you know
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where areas might have been deceived or there or there has been sort of import of both fuel and food has been used as a as a as a regular pressure on on the whole the various warring parties and of course the people who suffer from this will be the civilians what's really important right now is that you know we cope with 90 and we all a lot of focus sort of internally in domestically as well is that funders keep on providing humanitarian funding to these situations it could be 90 percent of anything it is that we're in it all together and go back in the day i guess hit some of the most vulnerable the hardest and we need to be able to support them and provide assistance to those people we're going to get your thoughts on this only so often we appreciate your time so thank you very much indeed. algis it is noble full interview with chief executive david beasley will be at $1630.00 g.m.t.
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here on. going to refugees who fled suspected genocide in miramar are in the grip of a severe mental health crisis more than a 1000000 of the displaced are now living in bangladesh a report by the fortify rights group find a majority suffer from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder stephanie decker reports. the numbers are staggering if not surprising a new report on the mental health of the right has found that most of those surveyed suffer some form of mental health problems almost 90 percent indicated they suffered some symptoms of depression and just over 60 percent reported symptoms that suggest post-traumatic stress disorder or p.t.s.d. a lot of the elements of distress posttraumatic stress disorder depression what we're seeing in our research is that they are what is underlying this distress is the systematic race that there is in the unmarked violent experience in myanmar and
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the everyday living stressors of being in a refugee camp so these are much more systematic drivers of distress that are much more complicated to address during your volunteers conducted surveys among households and in community workshops to come up with the findings the report adds that these mental health symptoms including p.t.s.d. depression and anxiety increase the difficulty of refugees to function for example just over 91 percent of those asked so they found it challenging to carry out common daily activities such as men tending basic hygiene engaging in social or religious activities or performing any other daily tasks around a 1000000 have lived in tough conditions in these camps in the far south east of bangladesh for 3 years now. they fled neighboring me and maher in august of 2017 during a minute to crack down the torched villages and lead to soldiers being accused of mass killings rape and torture. earlier this year the international criminal court
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ordered measures to prevent the genocide of ridding of muslims in myanmar genocide is a charge that has been strongly denied by me in mars' peace laureate aung san suu kyi calling the events in internal conflict triggered by militant attacks on government security posts but the stories of atrocities and persecution number in the hundreds of thousands each has a tragedy in what is the world's largest refugee camp the future of these people remains uncertain and now many are facing a controversial move by bangladesh government. in island in the bay of bengal. most have no identity papers no home and no future that's adding to the worsening mental health of young and old stephanie decker. much more still to come this keeping up the pressure india's farmers refused to back down in their campaign
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against new agricultural laws also. facebook as used its dominance and monopoly power to crush smaller rivals facebook is hit with lawsuits that could force it to sell prize assets what's an instagram. account in sports the n.b.a.'s most valuable player is being tight lipped on where he's going next fall is going to have those details coming up. the world food program will receive the nobel peace prize for fighting against hunger and the use of starvation as a weapon of war we ask executive director david beasley how the challenge of combating global hunger would be met in the age of the corona virus pandemic the nobel interview on al-jazeera. from mother to daughter an ancient craft kept alive by a bustling matriarch. from start to finish. all traditions
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prime minister has been charged over the beirut port explosion which devastated the city. and 3 former ministers are accused of negligence about 200 people were killed in the old was the 4th disaster. european leaders are meeting in brussels to discuss breaking a deadlock over a major economic recovery plan and the u.k.'s eminent departure from the law is also on the agenda. the world food program has received this year's nobel peace prize its executive director david beasley received the award he warned of a congar pending that could be worse than covert 19. ok more on that breaking news out of lebanon let's talk to zyna hulda in beirut so we're talking about 4 ministers the former caretaker prime minister and for 3 former ministers who've been charged do we have any idea of why these individuals have been targeted. well this is what we know
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the caretaker prime minister whose government resigned in the aftermath of that explosion was aware of explosive material he was aware that thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate was. wealth in fact according to official documents the caretaker prime minister as long as as well as the president were told by security officials that this material in warehouse 12 pose a security risk neither the president nor the prime minister did anything about that we also know that has them did have had scheduled a visit to warehouse 12 he never made visits he acknowledged that he postponed the visit saying that he was receiving conflicting information now many will say why isn't the president also being charged what we understand from legal experts and constitutional experts that requires another court and other courts will need to issue those charges now if you ask the lebanese that many lebanese in the streets
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they will say to you right now we've been trying to talk to people you know this is a positive step yes but he's not the only one who should take the fall the ammonium nitrate was out that warehouse for many many years and many officials former current affairs ministers they were aware and they did nothing about it now they are being charged with negligence and so they are going to be questioned next week but we understand from judicial sources that the judge feels that there is enough evidence to at least start these proceedings against the former the caretaker prime minister and these former ministers but not enough evidence yet to indict them or to charge them a you know a guilty verdict. xina thanks very much indeed that sunoco to bring us up to date from beirut. africa's top public health official says it would be terrible to seeing rich countries receiving covert $900.00 vaccines on his continent misses out
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tone and congress song director of africa centers for disease control and prevention added that fair distribution is a moral issue with a new surge in cases being recorded in several african countries he's criticized western nations which are buying more vaccines than they need it's also as governments with excess dozes to give them to countries in need are joining us from brighton in the u.k. is christine staggering she's the executive director of funk aids and she has worked extensively across africa thank you very much indeed for being with us unfortunately this situation doesn't appear to be new complete economy in relation to africa does it. yeah thank you for having me it's not new because especially those of us who have worked on a child be in dates for a long time like i resolve in the organization i work for from my mates we have seen this before right in the early ninety's our government nineties when it meant the same for ha b. was available in the global no the rich countries it took many many years until
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that medicine arrived in africa and was available and affordable for patients and africa i had my sort of leave to look on at the time when i have a baby but memory of how devastating it was to bury our families our friends and i'm afraid that this situation it witnessing now is just a repeat of that same history that those who can afford it will grab what is available and leaving out those who might need it much more to those of us on the outside of the of the operations there and the logistics and so on it does seem as though an organization like the world health organization is ideally placed to set be centrally coordinating the sake of all the vaccines and the distribution of them fairly wide thought no happening. i think the attempts are there in the systems and the mechanisms have been created to pool knowledge to pool know how to pool intellectual property and to pool technology it depends on all countries playing to
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the same rules and i think what we're seeing right now is what many have called that scene nationalism where rich countries are buying what is available to them now making bilateral deals why pay lip service to global solidarity and saying that they would participate in these global mechanisms i think there is a lack of transparency how the mechanism works and you know what is actually available to countries that are not as rich as united kingdom of us 'd the european union i mentioned before the john the congress on the right of the african centers for disease control and prevention had said that fair distribution was a model issue how much model responsibility do the drugs manufacturers have to ensure that the drugs are distributed fairly. i could not agree more with john i think i am at a time where we have seen how vulnerable in frangela many health systems are in the world and many populations are we all carry
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a moral responsibility to ensure that when we have the technical innovation of such a vaccine it is available to those who are on the front lines those were more up and most at need and that includes our you know of people in africa it includes people living with hiv you might have a greater need it comes from white house workers and you know it is not the time to make profit out of innovation it's a time to say you know a global condemned it and i think if we have seen one thing i like the saying that has been repeated by many such as the head of w o we will not be saved until none of us will be saved until we are all safe right so it vaccinating one country in the global north is not going to solve our problems we need to show global solidarity and leadership and that includes the pharma industry you know those banks in vaccines are a public good and they need to be available to the public and therefore you know we
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need to work in collaboration to make sure that that happens christian settlings executive director of funk line aids and we appreciate your joining us and i was there thank you very much indeed thank you for having me the number of reported u.s. coronavirus deaths has gone past 3000 in one day for the 1st time johns hopkins university says 3071 people died on the web and still exceeding the number of people killed on september the 11th the world's single worst terrorist attack almost 290000 people are known to have died in the u.s. since the pandemic began. japan has recorded 2810 new corona virus infections on thursday it's high as day and a number so far tokyo is hardest hit it's governor is requesting bars close area and people have been urged to avoid going out if they don't have to japan is in the grip of a 3rd wave of infections the government says it will buy 10 and
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a half 1000 industrial freezers to store vaccines it's preparing for 219000000 doses from pfizer madonna and astra zeneca ghana's election observers are urging people to respect the results of monday's presidential election president's nonna a call for outdoor not only one a 2nd term in office but his opponents have vowed to challenge the results they've called it a brazen and shameless attack on our democracy from aca here's i'm going to do this . before i do gave the 2020 presidential contest everything he could knowing that there are 7 to 6 this might be the twilight of his political career. is why delegations of corruption against his government defying president calderon to defeat tribal former prostitute for 2nd time. although his party said it knew it won its this declaration that confirmed the successful 2nd term but they're
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going to be. through the results have made good loud and clear that the 2 parties the n.p.p. and d.c. must work together especially in parliament. for the good of the country. now is the time for each and every one of us irrespective of our political and fully. to unite. join hands stand shoulder to shoulder and walk out to plays gonna when i see disaster be. proud to say to you read one it's this declaration that can be successful 2nd term it on the basis of the foregoing election results and by the power vest said to me as a temp as an on the next i'll commission on donna and then attending office of the presidential elections it is my duty and on up to declare not to down i
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do as president elect of the republic of donna. at a standoff between security forces and supporters of the opposition candidate john muhammad preceded the declaration although they may have forced a change in venue for the announcement it wasn't enough to save their candidate from defeat an angry protest or says they will never accept the victory of a call for i don't bring it to god i'm not there let alone look at the gun that's not really the one that's really i don't like the senate did not we don't know i don't like and we are not accepting does not mean we're going to miss our result. many party loyalist and the rest of the nation look to former president john muhammad to reign in new supporters so as not to plunge the country into chaos he says he will but he's also not conceding defeat i want to states categorically and shaming that i'm not congratulated any person.
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nor attention be made to steal this election we will resist it. tensions between supporters of gun us dominant political parties have been on the rise even before election day despite the deployment of 63000 security personnel and a peace pact signed by the leading candidates at least 5 people were killed. in post-election violence. for artists like wow what. already tense situation why some business owners decided to. the last time elections were friends it was 8 years ago. then opposition candidate for i do tempering of the result and filed a petition with the election tribunals. and all the supporters of president for i do say they want to hold back their celebrations. across.
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opponents of a $23000000000.00 arms deal between the us and the u.a.e. have failed to block it in the u.s. senate the top administration plans to sell f. $35.00 fighter jets and advanced repro drones to the gulf country the president approved the sale as a side deal to the u.s. normalization agreements with israel. takes a closer look at the power of the f. 35 and what its sale to the u.a.e. could mean for the region the united states has agreed to sell 50 advanced stealth f. 35 jet fighter and 18 reaper drones to the united arab emirates a sale with a potential to change the balance of power in the region so why is the if that the 5 all googly the most powerful fighter jet in the world 1st it's unusual shape and the materials it's coated in make it difficult for radar to track the aircraft is
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nearly invisible to any and defense system searching for it then it's advanced technology allows it to identify many threats at once and deal with them civil tenuously this will give the immorality air force a significant edge and make it one of the most powerful in the middle east. israel is concerned it will lose its so-called qualitative military edge in the region protected by u.s. law it means the united states cannot sell weapons to any of its regional neighbors the would put them on a par with israel there is now reportedly a discussion on how the us will proceed with the possibility of the us could receive a slightly less sophisticated version of the aircraft the defense deal also includes 18 reaper m.q. 9 be armed drones the usa already operates chinese made on drones over the skies of yemen and libya but the ones who will buy from the united states a markedly superior the reapers far more sophisticated with better senses and a greater range allowing it to carry
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a wide variety of weapons this model is certified to operate within a busy civilian airspace which means it can operate anywhere not just in remote rural areas both these weapon systems will significantly increase the u.s. military capabilities they're not defensive in nature and will enhance the u.s. ability to strike any potential opponent in the region so for the weather here's everton. hello the weather looks pretty changeable across much of europe at the moment and not in a good way we've seen some very heavy showers thundering down poles around the age of the attic areas of low pressure moving from west to east bumping into this area of high pressure as blocking things off there's more wet sand windy weather coming in from the west as we go on through the next couple of days but starting to cry she where we say it's a very heavy rain slovenia tud rome and had well a month's worth of rainfall in just 24 hours and that has led to widespread flooding much of the country seeing some problems particularly along the age
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reacted with some very heavy writing that has inevitably caused widespread disruption then there's more wet weather where that came from further showers longer spells of rape rolling in as we go on through friday southern parts of the balkans at this stage some snow over the high ground west of weather pushing towards greece you notice but more wet weather also making its way in from the atlantic snow there over the outs that's going to gather and make its way further east which is be go on into the weekend some more big downpours coming through most of my over the alps snow there for the pyrenees as well but some really wet weather swirling away across central parts of the mediterranean and that wet weather will also make its way across the aegean turning increasingly wet for that western side of techie. indian farmers are stepping up protests against new agricultural laws urging more to join them negotiations with the government have gone nowhere as elizabeth put on them tells us from the state of auto production. on one side of this busy highway between the states over there predation delhi remains closed to
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traffic as thousands of families continue to camp out here that's after farmers rejected the government's proposed amendments to farm laws on wednesday now it's been 2 weeks that tens of thousands of farmers are blocking 3 key highways into the indian capital region protest against laws which they say give large corporations unfettered access to the indian agriculture sector and that will see their prices for their projects minimum prices driven down and so the government said that it made 3 amendments addressing farmers concerns about the deregulation of the market including rising assurances of minimum prices to fall say that it's not enough to amend goals which were created without consultation with which were pushed through parliament which inherently favor large corporations and that the government must repeal them and their calls for bigger protests are only growing farmers are asking
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for the blocking of 2 other major highways between the cities of delhi and our grand delhi n.j. pool on saturday and they're calling for more nationwide protests on monday. francis day to provide privacy watchdog has handed out its biggest fire $121000000.00 to google the watchdog called can ill said google have broken french rules on advertising trackers known as cookies and amazon's been fined $42000000.00 for breaching the same rules kills said both sites didn't seek the consent of visitors before advertising cookies were saved on their computers. facebook's been hit with lawsuits from the federal trade commission and almost every us state they accuse the online company of using a buy or bernie's strategy to snap up rivals and as kara leg explains 1st book could end up being forced to sell some prized assets. it's the biggest social media
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giant in the world with more than 3000000000 uses across its platforms but now facebook's iconic thumbs up is facing a legal sums down the company's stands accused of using illegal tactics to dominate the industry for nearly a decade facebook has used its dominance and monopoly power to crush smaller rivals and snuff out competition all at the expense of everyday users over the past 15 years it's bought up some 70 companies but it's the purchase of the photo sharing app instagram in 2012 for me a $1000000000.00 followed by the messaging app whatsapp 2 years later that regulators have called into question then i was asking the court to consider breaking it up the federal trade commission and other authorities have tried suits
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and celebrants for money damages against the big tech companies in the past and there's really no amount of money that will change their behavior so there is more to focus on our actual look on our conduct and also on potentially rolling back some of those mergers facebook says the deals were approved at the time and call the government's argument revisionist history but it's not the 1st time it's come under scrutiny for its practices last year it was fined $5000000000.00 the largest penalty of its kind for prissy violations and it's now the 2nd tech giant to face a major legal challenge this year that's after the u.s. justice department sued google for violating competition laws for many the movie seen as a government crackdown on big tech power and they did a lot to protect these companies so they could no german grow but facebook has grown to such a size that it doesn't need protection by the government any want more and it needs
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to beat it. and the governments take a closer look because if we do allow monopolies to get this sort of control over the over the the industry then it what it does it stifles competition the north suits are the biggest anti trust cases to enter the u.s. courts in more than 2 decades and they're expected to be battled out for years to come. al jazeera coming up next in sports with fatah reaction from italy after the death 'd of world cup winning hero followed on. business leaders is both to find the brass pot.
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service for his father rob thank you so much italian football legend paolo rossi who led his country to world cup glory has died at the age of $64.00 rossi when she would tally in syria titles during his 4 years with eventis but it's his time with the national team that would be best remembered rossi was a top scorer named best player at the $982.00 world cup in spain is 6 goals led italy to victory at the tournaments which he'd almost missed because of a match fixing scandal we've been speaking to general j.c.l. an associate professor at rome tre university he says ross's efforts contributed to italy's most memorable world cup triumph. he was called. huge criticism the only up came back to our football and he only played 3 games because the i've been accused go be fixing scandal to your employer to pay for to
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eat for 2 years it would not play it was actually the trainer of the initial selection delayed until be out of the world we did in picking him up because roth you have been one of the biggest surprises of the 1978 argentina world cup so we came out against the all you needed to. came out as the underdogs italy. brazil i would lead a stronger striving to competition argentina the world champion engender money was the reigning european champions will clearly easily came i mean from the from from down to win and that was something that nobody will ever forget. zidane sedan says around madrid fans can be proud of their team after they booked a spot in the group stages of the champions league also be brought back to nil to advance as group b. winners french striker karim benzema getting both goals or else german opponents
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also progress despite the loss put in more. disappointed we and all the rail madrid fans can be happy and proud of the team this is what i care about and i think that the fans today must be very proud of the team they know that we are always going to give everything on the pitch against all odds today i really enjoyed the game as a football fan paris st germain and is them boba shock share produced a display of solidarity before resuming their suspended match players from both sides took in a before the game restarted at the park the process on tuesday both teams walked off the pitch after the 4th official allegedly used a racist term to identify the turkish side's assistant coach here we bow here she went on to win 51 and advance as group h. winners. here they took a strong decision on tuesday and they showed the solidarity with the opponents it was a strong decision and a brave decision in the locker room it was clear they wanted to show this kind of
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reaction. so the green side also have advanced the semifinals of the asian champions league beijing f.c. at the elgin new stadium in doha 2 goals from june and graue led else same to the 2 know their tree and stretches their winning streak in the competition to 7 matches a face either missile coby or c one blue wings on sunday. the belgian of toffy for his end of year rankings for a 3rd straight time they beat out world champions france to retain top spot a total of $352.00 international matches were played this year the fewest since 1087 because of the code 19 pandemic. india is set to stage its 1st bilateral cricket series since the start of the coronavirus pandemic the national team hosting land for a test t $20.00 and $1.00 day international series the tour will kick off with 4 test matches the 1st which begins on february 5th in chennai and the n.b.a.'s most
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valuable player yama $72.00 who is refusing to comment on whether he'll sign a contract extension with the milwaukee bucks the 26 year old is locked into the 2020 season with the box and has until december 21st to sign a 5 year 228000000 dollars extension or enter free agency next summer a spot having the best regular season record past 2 years the boks have not made it to the finals since the 1973 season. i'm didn't focus in basketball i know this is really really big for the city of milwaukee and now in the n.b.a. wounded the media world and all that but you know i've been a private person. whenever you guys. decide something that i signed a contract you guys probably gone before i know. ok and that is all your support for now back to you rob. fara thank you very much indeed and that is all for me for the moment i'm going to be back with more on all these stories in
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a couple of minutes talk more details of course on the web site al-jazeera dot com . covert 19 is grounded global travel for countries dependent on tourism like kenya the effects of devastating. effect that you have not been called when. somebody dies livelihoods vanish people in power reveals the hardships facing affected communities and the efforts being made to protect wildlife from the threats of increased poaching in the wake of the pandemic kenya the unfathomable virus on al-jazeera. who ming city a city with a drug problem. in the neighborhood consumed by trafficking. transforms the square into. giving children the bleak frameless street and it's.
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to it. lebanon's caretaker prime minister has charged over the beirut explosion that killed almost $200.00 people and left the capital in ruins. i'm about this and this is obviously a lie from doha also coming up. and we are willing to grant access tool the single market to our british friends it's the largest single market in the loot. but the conditions have to be sure. the e.u. chief lays out a backup plan in case of a no deal brad said after talks of britain's prime minister failed to resolve the
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deadlock. shoulder to shoulder turkey's president shows his support for us or by john as it celebrates the recent military victory over armenia. famine is at he meant he's divorced from millions and millions of people on earth and a warning from the chief of the world food program after the un agency is awarded this year's nobel peace prize. ok let's begin with some breaking news out of lebanon on the caretaker prime minister's been charged over the beirut port explosion which devastated the city and 3 former ministers are accused of negligence in the about $200.00 people were killed in the august the 4th disaster with thousands injured and many more left homeless it was caused by a huge stockpile of highly explosive ammonium nitrate which had been improperly
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stored at the port for 6 years ok let's get more from his in a holder in beirut center just bring us up to date with what we know about this so far. well like you mentioned the significant breakthrough for the 1st time in this investigation politicians have been charged previously it was mid-level low level employees at the port and custom authorities so now the judge is saying that he has enough evidence to at least initiate proceedings against the caretaker prime minister his son deb as well as a number of former ministers he believes that they had a role that they were negligent and now we are getting reaction from the caretaker prime minister has he is saying that he is the surprise that he is being targeted he is saying that his conscience is clear and he is questioning really the leading judge so one thing that you know accusing him of violating the constitution and
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bypassing argument saying it's party events really jurisdiction to question ministers there has been a debate for some time now you know which authority and levon on has the right. to question it investigates the politicians last week or 10 days ago the judge asked parliament to investigate ministers parliament refused to do that the speaker of parliament says that 1st you have to issue an indictment so many will believe that so that maybe the different branches of government are trying to buy time or at least trying to show the lebanese public that they are doing something because they have come under a lot of criticism for the slow moving investigation many human rights groups really have criticized it for lacking credibility and lacking transparency and center we saw in the aftermath of that explosion but also in the run up to it as well furious demonstrations in the streets of beirut particularly over allegations
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of corruption amongst the government is there any indication although as we know this is a breaking story but is there any early indication that this might do some way to try to allay the anger that the people have felt about this. a lot of public anger been speaking to people there saying well yes this is a step forward but it's definitely not enough and there's another thing people have lost faith in the authorities even in the judiciary which many have accused of being politicized they really believe that so this could be part of a game some will say why are you pointing the finger at him that he took office just a few months before the explosion a little known figure who is not backed by any political party who had no influence at the ports and that they should go after the people are calling the big players the different political parties all of them had representatives at that port all of
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them had influence at that point and that port. you know there has been a lot of corruption allegations but there are others who believe that they didn't do his job because in july security officials put a report on his table on his table and on the president they vote saying that there are thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate that they would pour it and they pose a security risk and neither him nor the president did anything about it in fact he was even scheduled to have was scheduled to visit the port before that explosion to visit that warehouse and he did it and he acknowledged that and he said that he puts foam to visit because u.s. receiving conflicting reports so some will tell you that this is the significance that forward others will say that he could you know jeb could be a scapegoat and others could say that they're just buying time because it really boils down to many really not having faith in the political class that has been governing this country for decades and many of you believe that they are responsible for this explosion because of the negligence and corruption and not
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only at the port but in other state institutions as well as in a quarter in beirut bringing us up to date with the breaking news out of lebanon on the caretaker prime minister and see for the ministers being charged in connection with the beirut port explosions in the thank you very much indeed. well let's go to brussels where your leaders have stepped up their preparations for the possibility that the u.k. will break away without a trade deal the european commission chief has presented contingency measures to members if negotiations for post brags that trade deals fail the british prime minister barak's johnson and european commission chief delenn have given their teams until sunday to reach an agreement. we are willing to grant access to the single market to our british friends it's the largest single market in the world. but the conditions have to be fair they have to be fair for our workers and for our companies and this fine balance of fairness has not been achieved so far
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our negotiators are still working and will take a decision on sunday or paul brahmins live for us in brussels covering this poll both sides certainly seem to be as far apart as ever and no pressure result them to get something if they can organized. well yes i mean i mean both sides are pains to say actually you know 97 percent of this is actually agreed it's the 3 percent that is proving to be a sticking point the fisheries the level playing field the jurisdiction and the resolution of disputes that's really sticking in the mud as far as these these 2 leaders go the hopes that wednesday night's dinner this 3 hour meeting face to face between us live on the land the european commission president and boris johnson the british prime minister could actually give some kind of political impetus after the negotiators had just hit a brick wall themselves within the constraints of their mandate in fact they couldn't find
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a common ground they've agreed to extend it for 72 hours the negotiators will go back to the negotiating table until sunday when a final decision will will be made but frankly the the realisation from both sides was that they're still very far apart on these crucial issues and today the european union has actually issued some contingency plans for what should happen after january the 1st if a no deal proves to be the outcome and they include things just basically to keep aviation flying to keep road transport moving through a couple in a proposed to have reciprocal access to fishing waters for 12 months throughout the whole of 2021 wild well you know the aftermath this is sorted out proposals for air safety measures continue separate regulation will allow the channel tunnel road and rail links to continue for 2 months and propose that basic connections by road freight and road passengers continue for 6 months so these are kind of stopgap measures that the european union is proposing the u.k.
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reaction to these measures has been a little bit noncommittal at this early stage paul stick with me for a moment because of course while all of this is happening with brags that e.u. leaders have been deadlocked over a major covert 19 recovery package poland and hungary have delayed in the signing off of the deal because they've taken issue with funds being tied to the rule of law but in the last few hours hungary's president hinted that a deal may happen. today we are fighting for the unity of our. common continent. and even what is more important not just the victory of the european union but we are fighting for the victory of the of the common sense because it's obvious that our nations and so many millions of people who are being real need because of pandit we can because of the economic consequences of that we have to behave reasonably and to find a way for reliable approaches and a victory for common sense to provide. pandemic house services to the people who
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are in need and to provide financial assistance for those conflicts who are really in need to have the people ok let's go back to paul in brussels there's no question i think between any government that this money is desperately needed but what does this latest step mean. basically you've got the multi annual financial framework it's the e used budgeted lasts all the way through to 2027 and the e.u. leaders at this summit have to really sign it off but there is a problem because the e.u. is bound together by common values such as human rights dignity equality for example and there are concerns among certain countries in the e.u. that poland and hungary with their right wing governments have not been upholding the certain but the european values poland for example has been accused of interfering in the judiciary and in the media that have been issues in poland as far as equality and gay rights for example hungary has similar issues and similar concerns and the feeling among the european union countries was that the access to
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this this recovery fund should be some kind of sanction against poland and hungary to try and bring them back into the fold hungary and poland clearly objected very strongly to that and threatened to veto the signing of the of the budgets and that obviously would cause massive problems if you delay this budget so a compromise has been reached by germany with close contact with hungry in poland to say that the european court of justice would be involved in this and the sanction the arbitration process would would only kick in the rule of law mechanism if the european court of justice process had been exhausted it takes it out of the realm of sort of political the motivating sanctions against poland hungary into a more legally based thing and hungary in poland seem to be accepting of that so got to be signed off signs are looking good paul thanks very much indeed that's paul brennan talking to us from brussels. italian prosecutors believe that 4
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egyptian security officials were involved in the kidnapping of an italian student who was found murdered in 2016 they say one of them might also have been behind the killing julie origine was found dead on the outskirts of cairo 4 years ago but the identity of his murderer remains unknown his body showed signs of torture before his death a prominent saudi woman's rights activist is expected in court later on thursday. with case law hopefuls case was transferred to a court dealing with terrorism related cases 2 weeks ago. was among a dozen activists arrested in 2018 and accused of harming saudi interests the rights groups say she's been held in solitary confinement and assaulted while in prison saudi officials have denied allegations of torture still ahead on al-jazeera a new report finds most were hanging refugees suffer from depression and emotional distress. gone as president and coo
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for otto wins a 2nd term in office but not without controversy. with high pressure dominating the weather across parts of asia fine and dry and pretty quiet so i sit in the case of too much of china. 5 celsius there for beijing we're looking at celsius full seoul korean peninsula generous satele want to show is still air into northern parts of honshu maybe the possibly wintry in nature across a condo for a time but nothing too much to speak of and is a similar picture as we go on into saturday should brighten up nicely in tokyo by this stage of temperatures getting back up to around 15 celsius in the sunshine
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destroy and sun it was a good parts of south asia as well as we do have a little cloud just pushing into northern parts of in the west the disturbance rolling across pakistan will bring some wetter weather and some wintry weather across the high ground up towards kashmir known pos of india and you see some wet or whether they're just around jouret and that's all to do with this area of low pressure the circulation just swirling away in the arabian sea throwing some wesa weather through and northwest of india could see some wet weather as well along with mumbai temperatures here at around 32 celsius over the next couple of days elsewhere across the region as you can say it's 95 and sunny. but. the world food program will receive the nobel peace prize for fighting against hunger and the use of starvation as a weapon of war we ask executive director david beasley how the challenge of
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combating global hunger would be met in the age of the corona virus pandemic the nobel interview on al-jazeera. play an important role in checking it when i. ringback move. the i. you want to call it is either a reminder of our top stories this hour lebanon's caretaker prime minister is being charged over the beirut port explosion was devastated the city been 3 foreign ministers are accused of negligence about 200 people were killed in the august the 4th disaster. european leaders are meeting in brussels to discuss breaking
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a deadlock over a major economic recovery plan the u.k.'s eminent departure from the block is also on the agenda. italian prosecutors believe 4 egyptian security officials were involved in the kidnapping of an italian student who was found murdered in 2016 giuliana jenny was found dead on the outskirts of cairo 4 years ago but the identity of his murderer remains unknown. the world food program has received this year's nobel peace prize the event was held virtually this year because of the corona virus pandemic w f p's executive director david beasley as received the award he warned of a hunger pandemic that could be worse uncovered 19 because of so many wars climate change the widespread use of hunger as a political and military weapon and a global health pandemic that makes all of that exponentially worse 270000000 people are marching toward starvation failure to address their needs will cause
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a hunger pandemic which will draw the impact of cove and if that's not bad enough out of that 2c7xw3xw depend on us 100 percent for their survival how will humanity respond. and speaking to all ages 04 the nobel interview david beasley said he hopes the refugee crisis in sudan won't become a protracted one tens of thousands of ethiopians have fled across the border into sudan since the conflict in northern syria region began in november the w.f. pete chief says the agency is struggling to deal with existing humanitarian disasters when you look at the amount of monies that we are having to raise now we're actually going to have we've been raised about 8000000000 dollars this year we're looking at $615000000000.00 that we're going to be next year 5000000000 just to avert famine so we've got so many hotspots right now and western donors and donors around the world are struggling with the amount of monies that we need so
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we're hopeful that because we're already spending a lot of money in sudan and now you've got this crisis and we hopeful we're hopeful that this can be over as soon as possible and i just it is noble full interview with you have peach chief executive david beasley is going to be at 1630 g.m.t. here on al-jazeera. ok let me take you live to azerbaijan's capital baku were turkish president's visit tell you about i want to speak it is there to show support for us about sounds victory over armenia then the 6 week conflict in the horn or cutting back let's listen in they were happy we were. happy with them. of course myself and all my nation. it was a very happy time. as a governor and. part of the. parliament we
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have experienced the happens all together. and. of course. it was joined by. the media. can graduate. and they always managed to deliver their messages. today during the celebration we were invited. and so we have seen the excitement in the celebration and. i joke. and we were very excited and this is what's what i expected from the celebrations. of course. it is it's our duty to congratulate. this success of
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course the process out of this. hopefully will be full of success as well. as to moments so what we have and what we have discussed today. current why. has been such a. such a. uncertain territory and why did they have such a struggle. you know. of course. the united states russia france there were most powerful countries in the world why they could not and why couldn't they were. couldn't they. may have a resolution so why didn't you tell. them that.
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we started to receive very positive messages for us 1st of all it was france. they were calling my brother. there are trying not to have influence of course they were trying to reach us too. but we didn't go get back to him. because we knew. his. suggested it. because our brother said so we want to cut the cord now and they did because. they did
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a 7 hour the take in the said was it started to go and when it started to go so. we. had discussions with mr putin and of course we have discussed the diplomatic. side of of this issue. of course the intelligence side of the issue the events side of the issue and with all these all this work. it started to go to a different direction. so. we weren't. i cannot put aside mr putin's approach here of course. influenced look. at this process into a positive course yes. and now we're at the stage.
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in the mean time as my brother just stated. about the nature of the plot homs. was very important for me maybe we can have a. multiple platform of course mr britain except that there's 2 so what is this. multiple part form it's turkey by john iran. and amman stan they can be all in this quote form. and of course with this segues that says that platform we can establish a regional peace. of course that the it will have responsibilities.
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it too will be political responsibilities infrastructural responsibilities there are there is a lot of work. and i mentioned this to my brother too if you. take a positive steps. we can take steps to but we need their positive steps of course we don't want to close out or sermon stance because we want to. take the steps of peace. and we have no grudge against armies armenian nation our problem is with armenian administrations we haue armenian people in our country. well. we have armenians in our country and some of them are immigrants
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some of them have have citizenship some downs but even if they don't have to do the job it doesn't matter we still have them as guests because. main purpose is to establish peace. so. you. try to take care of by just decided that in your own assembly in your own parliament and you just think that this is a state you have no right to say so even pressure in your own is not accepted in this. and and mccraw you're standing up and stating this and you're trying to get this through your parliament he couldn't understand how to run a state and he couldn't understand how to run
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a country. in our usa and the the material there really informed by our review of the data. we have then and received back after a few more people information requests a drive by either the clarified questions related to the day that was the last but certainly not one we have been preparing for today very fact meeting. today the meeting in which the committee will abide own independent at that moment of the data.
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ok watching all jazeera and we've been bringing you live pictures from us about john's couple baku turkish president recep tayyip erdogan has been speaking he has been there to show his support for us about john's victory over armenia in the 6 week conflict in the golan know how to block want to go to sin cos you know who's our correspondent in istanbul cinema a couple of things that stood out to me that they're talking about the fact that russia and france were the most powerful countries in the world why could they not end the conflict in the going back he was positive about vladimir putin's influence to put this happened on a positive course but one interesting one that i did want to ask you about he started to talk off the cuff about what he described as a multiple platform involving turkey by john and iran and of missed on which is of course the turkish name for armenia which would have political responsibilities and
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economic responsibilities if you can just talk us through what your understanding of what is. definitely this speech shows that pres turkey's president as well wants to be a peace broker in the caucuses and. expects that expanding to. come to his yes he has been a strong military supporter of john and as a 44 day conflict over not we're not karbala he supported. president they have no idea as war against iranian forces over there will keep our eye territories but yet he says that both leaders have agreed that a new regional cooperation platform. and yes in the region there are there are corporations for instance let's say azerbaijan. russia between iran russia and turkey but those 6 regional players russia azerbaijan are made yeah of
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giorgi are and turkey. and iran must come together with this is what we understand from them i have to say that turkey has a border with our mania and. i once upon a time a couple of years ago we had turkey's president by a visiting guy mania and watching a football game with his armenian counterpart but the relations have been fragile and turkey's borders are course there are many have but i have to say that if turkey doesn't open those borders it is difficult for our men yet and yet opening the doors doors to armenia also at something to turkey because turkey has a lender it. trade on going to central asian countries and armenia is an important part of that transit route so if there is a peace installed in the region definitely this will work for all countries yes so let me just interrupt shadow very briefly because president other one has been
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speaking again we have the translation back let's go back to what he's saying kind of will be the same it will be developed in the same way. because he proved himself. today when we went to visit the graveyard in smoke and a man. told me that. every time i come back to azerbaijan i just see a different time zone. and i have experienced this quite a few times in the last 20 years and even last summer when we visited. when the real we will visit caravan we will see how kind of bias changed these
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signatures that we. done today were all symbol that good there will be more signatures come in and the other by john and current bar will develop will continue developing and. may call it help us. god made him rest in peace martins and all. and i hope their secrets continue no doubt by john. that's more from us about john's capital about who we've been bringing you live coverage of turkish president's visit tell you about the one who's been baku there to show his support for us or by john's victory over on media in the 6 week
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conflict in nagano kut-o. back i wonder if we can go back to our correspondent to sin and cos you although know we can't go back to sin and cos you know at the moment. this is we can bring you some pictures of some deals that they were signing allie around the variety of different ideas that he was talking about. the president out of one had mentioned that he was going to be bringing together some some deals and arrangements that would bring the cornal cotta back together with azerbaijan and the hope is that that's what he said would bring both countries back together and essentially normalize relations but he also talked about a multiple platform involving avoiding involving turkey azerbaijan and iran and others in the political responsibilities of the region news continues here at al-jazeera off of the stream. as joe biden prepares for the united states to reenter the powers climate treaty boris johnson and u.n. secretary general antonio the terrorist co-host
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a virtual meeting of world leaders we'll bring you live updates and in-depth reports as countries struggle to meet their climate talk it's special coverage on al-jazeera. hey they're welcome to the stream i'm josh rushing sitting in for for me ok today listen if you're watching this live online that means you're watching you tube and that means the chat box right there but check it out we have a live stream producer there waiting for your comments and questions so you get in to me and i can get in to our guests throughout the program but they key for joining us but be a part of the show to today we're talking about afghanistan and drugs but this time not popping in here when but meth met this starting to spread across the country is they're able to actually make it there in afghanistan from a plant that grows naturally these are new developments in the drug trade there and
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actually here's what's happening with some of the people addicted to it in the country check out this. a lot much other than that all of them when i was very young i went to iran there were 11 of us in one room only me and an old man we're not using drugs the rest were using and i gradually started using the drug without a. whole lot and i thought i would do whatever it takes from sometimes laboring to stealing and even murder to get math but anything that i could do to get it i would take money out of them. in a showing up not just afghanistan but in countries around the world from australia to south africa much like the heroin trade out of afghanistan but the other side of this is it's actually bringing a con of me in jobs and commerce to the area of afghanistan that could sorely use it during these times now discuss issues issue i'm joined by a panel of experts who i'm going to ask to introduce themselves david can we start with you certainly thanks for the introduction josh money as david men still
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i am an independent consultant and i've been working on the jokes issue in afghanistan for the last 24 years since the last couple of years looking at the growing mess industry and i can say this for david stone i've been to afghanistan to 11 or 12 times i've covered it over the years when i want to know what's happening with drugs there i go to his reports 1st been a fan of his work for a long time so pick for joining us david mark thank you i'm going to george. clooney representative for the united nations office and drugs and crime in afghanistan will be nuisance 2009. all of us for you know the seas were in the country with which is a major coup it's absolutely thank you for joining us mark i appreciate it and then from kabul because of that. thank you josh our iraq are there for us i
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count. communication a company called flappers and i have formerly served as the the minister of commerce for the government of afghanistan so let's get right into it david you've been looking at the job situation have ghana stand for a long time when did met start to pop on your radar. the 1st time we actually came across it was when i was doing some work on the. the bombing of the heroin laps in 2017 this was a policy that the u.s. forces in afghanistan. developed and they were taking out heroin laboratories across the southwest of afghanistan in an attempt to reduce the amount of money that was available to the taliban so we started exploring this and in doing so spending time in some of their own laboratories. coincidentally some of these
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places were also producing methamphetamine now this have been produced for a number of years using over the counter medicines and we can see the remnants of the bottles of various congestions and cough mixtures out the back of one of these labs what intrigued me was the fact that some of these cooks in these labs were saying we don't do that anymore as far too expensive and what i could see in some of the photographs that were being taken were some buckets some large barrack plastic barrels of green goo and i started inquiring about this and it turned out this was a federal. wild crop the grows in the mountains of afghanistan being soaked to make methamphetamine and the argument that these crooks are saying is this costs the cost of production over the counter medicines they congestions we can't make a profit the price in iran is too low so as a consequence we've moved to this or federal based production so as
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a consequence of that we then start it's a track down what this crop was where it was grown and how the market function so we ended up in places like bosnia and wired back and then subsequently into taiwan are in core and you can see some of the photos of people harvesting the crop in these areas goes completely wild in some places it looks like across in other places it's more of a bush about 2 and a half meters in size and this is harvested and brought down to the mountain so we started doing more and more we're following this market this what we thought was a fairly and nascent market and realized over time that this is developed quite dramatically in those last piece of work we just did for the european monitoring center in lisbon was actually doing a lab cow. based on some further field work with cooks in back or we could understand more about the visual signatures and how these labs operated and what we
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realized were people moving away from methamphetamine labs and what we had was a growing cost each industry in effigy in laps and then that product was then being sold to make meth from the editorial and we counted these labs using imagery and came across $329.00 laps just in back or alive so this was a this was evidence of a completely shift in scale and the fact that we you know it's spices a bit like the cocoa industry when some of the market shifted away from buying role coca leaf in places like the levy or colombia to wanting to. by processed products and so what we now have farmers who are one side there is no opium and on the other side there are also producing these very using very simple chemistry and using cheap it's this basic esoteric and this is now turning up in a variety of different places including the iranians the seas doing an ounce of not
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just crystal meth but acid rain suggesting that we may have may have even repurchasing of that product so we've got this this now what we would say is a growing meth economy that links the lower areas in the deserts of the southwest all the way up the mountains where this crops being harvested and and so you know we're seeing a made i don't like your analysis on this i feel like your analysis on this is really at the forefront of it mark it isn't mining up with everything you're seeing from your inder do you have a bit of a different perspective on this. there's just no what david is saying is you know concurs with the results here in a v.c. is seeing we definitely your report very effectively covered the the abuse or the news side of it and certainly massive drug use problem throughout the country we're talking about of possibly 3000000 drug users and this is from
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a survey in 2015 when methamphetamine had not reached the levels as currently out in the country then moving into the rural population is getting very definitely we're seeing an increasing numbers of farmers involved in the rural communities in bolton and this i typically will mirror one of the things a room you have touched on a touching of one of his well is the leader of the fight of the elicit a call me now an important thing that we have to take into consideration here is none of these rules population groups that are working in this area are actually getting rich from the activity itself these people quite often get locked in a cycle of debt to the actual traffickers and the free really are to start looking at effectively address addressing this problem we need to really be looking at those who profit from the illicit manufacture or the are students in
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a fact of illicit trafficking of methamphetamine use or there has been an emphasis in afghanistan very much force in that already is to focus on the product on the table in looking at methamphetamine seizures of which there are many the continent of its police has seized the return of methamphetamine in afghanistan this year already we're seeing 50 kilograms was seized at the international airport this year a lead in the country and this isn't a hero there have been many international flights but these people are people who will in the a few drinks trash and the manufacture of innocent. i mean and even the the little traffickers these are not the people will think if we really want to move in rooms we do need to look at the the deep dive on the illicit a komi getting into the massive amounts of money that organized crime or deriving from this activity and really looking ways of affectively interesting money laundering a forfeiture and really don't imagine those who are profiting from the activity i
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have some questions stacking up from our online community right now but 1st i want to go to because that on as ask are you know we're seeing images as we're talking about this of the drug addition addiction issue in afghanistan i know you're in kabul i'm curious will where the women and the families and this picture how does drug addiction there out affect the women in afghanistan. thank you josh i'm actually sitting here looking at pictures and listening. to both mark and david who are actually the exposure some listeners pretty much frustrate it thing and it's that shock and i have to say that every morning when i go to work i. called the streets and there are particular locations where our. kids drug addicts come to get. hold of those locations because for major parties people are homeless
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and there have been streets so you can actually see our team on the streets of call. as a direct consequence of. people who unfortunately are become drug addicts. there are not many woman actually that you would see lizabeth on the streets but how that doesn't mean that woman are not affected by this. woman are affected mode. and look for most people who can see a little more extreme drug addicts or people who have become drug addicts because the men and their families have been actually the one who brought it in the house and. started being a secondhand smoke or a 2nd. and i've been issued in. addiction. being saying i think. there's clearly
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a direct relation between the domestic the rise in the domestic violence from the increase in the number of people who become addicted to drugs and i think clearly the. woman will direct you are in direct. i want to bring up some questions from our online community right now peter king has asked which gangs are involved with meth are they the same as heroin or is this a different mood but it's also as wise a federal which is thoroughly medicinal not used as a legitimate crop so maybe talk about that a minute about how we can do develop irresponsibly around this what are the levels of meth productions across the country where is it taking place i don't know but the gains question mark deep with that big in your purview. we are seeing police drug shipments of of coniston being moved out of the country we're seeing.
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islam color border crossing from her up into or spend will look border crossing from going to stern and into. pakistan police drug consignments are giving you an indication that it is the same groups that are involved in trafficking move her in and methamphetamine so again moving the only one with orders with her who the seizures in the street like the maritime seizures and her wind mentioned but i mean and ketamine being sees as part of the same concerns so again giving you an indication of these are the 'd same groups that are in both interested in the substances. but along that the same lines as always dr james there in bradford sent us a comment he's an assistant professor of history from boston bring us up a 2nd of what this means not just for afghanistan but for the international market . who the international mortgage of
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the of dentist and methamphetamine is extremely cheap compared to the course the. companies would nor the traffickers would be incurring in other countries and they would to touch the pull and the the fund that afghanistan can use naturally occurring the federal really undercuts the coast to the trafficking organizations in other. countries they're either having to divert for most of it will procure issues or they're having to do food chemicals and this is using the p. 2 if you know to prove the labelling for their book with other precursors which greatly increases the cost to the trafficking organizations ok i'm never going to comment from dr proffered actually that as he would have. also other merchants as a major source of unset any ends does not bode well for the world obviously but especially asia which has a dramatic growth in the demand from salamander last 2 decades but also is really
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a symptom of this environment and this this global as it marketplace which candidate approaches to drug control haven't worked and they haven't dealt with the drivers of demand so i think more long term solutions and sustainable solutions to this are going to need to focus more on reducing demand and that's as a public health approaches to 'd drug addiction and possibly even decriminalization of use will do more to reduce drug supply in afghanistan mcinnis up well what do you think about the idea decriminalizing drug use in afghanistan. i think that the post's. political economy in ottawa. clearly for a major part has been shaped by the protection and trafficking drive and i also think there's a direct correlation between the. coalition military presence on the
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ground and also the no enforcement activities basically that has focused on. a counter that could take efforts so i think the trend that we have been noticing specially post 2014 after the quote correlation. draw down in the last one stone has been the sharp rise on the. production on trafficking which has and out if you think when the law enforcement efforts so i do believe that there's a stronger. law enforcement compliment but i'm not particularly sure that currently it's. streamlining and lee. in the counter-narcotics. but you clearly in the form of decriminalizing marked as the. talking troll
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does it have a position on legalization or decriminalization of drugs afghanistan. well from a lot of the comments made to health response with regards to drug treatment is definitely more in line with her punitive response so putting people in jail for using drugs is definitely an outdated. philosophy if i'm not a good way of addressing this problem so definitely looking at a community based psychosocial response to drug treatment will be much more effective than punitive measures at the same time you have organized crime groups that are profiting out of this organized crime and will continue to profit out of the activities and really chasing the money it really comes down to not the criminalization wolf the useful decriminalization of the actual trafficking of djibouti there you need to take. concerted action to prevent the traffickers who
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are international who are prepared to prate of the weakness of the society you know the people who are involved in this in the wrong areas as you said are not getting rich but they might be making a living in a way that that they don't have other options for right now david i think you mentioned colombia as example or maybe as mark someone mentioned earlier in the show we have a video comment from someone in our community this is from shabnam the seamy she's the executive director of conservative friends of afghanistan who also brings up colombia as an example of how to approach those. however contrary to popular assumptions the illicit drug trade can actually create development opportunities and how to roll in peace building for example you could accomplish coca farmers use money from their crops to invest in natural and education or community projects to build bridges owns we've roads this is not an easy problem to solve but that's all the more reason to drop an open mind and invite the input of the people afghanistan
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the food greatest impact holding on to a failed international policy of war and drugs will never produce peace in what i see. today but i'm going to pair that with a comment someone just made in our youtube group there about ephedra has tons of additional uses is there a way that we can actually turn this into a legitimate crop if not take away the condom if that these areas have found around the planet. it has been a legitimate crop for a number of years i mean it's a crop that if you look at the work we did in ghastly people were harvesting this very marginal levels and taking it to the pharmacists in a major provincial center and has been shipped to india i mean it has legitimate uses either as fear or or as fodder or as a medicinal crop but you know there's nothing as attractive as using it to produce methamphetamine and much of the shift towards the say in afghanistan is
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a function of global developments including some of the developments in iran well as a colleague of mine alex out of home shown when iran squeeze down on its meth lab suddenly all of the treatises that mark was talking about they had to source supply from somewhere and they came to afghanistan and some of the construction workers brought their skills back some of the afghan construction workers brought their skills back set up laps and again very local afghans started producing this stuff to push back into iran and now we have a very good quality cheap products that is finding its way all the way to australia as mark says the profit margins are great on this i where we we basically work for about 30 dollars a kilo but this is this is good quality crystal meth and it is now moving across southern africa is piers to be moving in southern africa eastern africa sri
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lanka and as i say turning up in australia where they say the purity level is equivalent to that of other other countries that have a much greater history of methamphetamine production. mark so there's no advantage to the meth coming out of afghanistan there david saying that it's kind of a good pure product is one how do you tell when you find meth in south africa that it's from afghanistan into well why in the world would it be advantageous. george the middle him enough going to have the export road methamphetamine is for its crystalline which is a new clear indication of it's already extremely pure so the it would be difficult to with an extremely will forensic analysis to determine whether the methamphetamine has come from a plant based or hood river or if it's pharmaceutical or 'd chemically based so a lot of the. belief that is coming from afghanistan would strain from the trafficking
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routes and the people who've been involved in the in the truck investigations that into the the actual seizures what we have been seeing though in afghanistan is as well as the pure crystalline mittens that i mean there are lower grades of myth confirming becoming available in the market and these are going to be traveling to and distributed to mystically in the country and this is being done under the name of tablet a lot of people are assuming that it was ecstasy that was actually m.d.m.a. what was in these tablets but from our route with the country according to police forensic lab or treat we are finding out now that at least 70 percent of these tablets to contain methamphetamine as opposed to. any a mode which is supposed to be the listening reading spoken very harmful for society in the countries methamphetamine tablets appear in what you are calling meth on the market or running out of time but there a couple more questions here from our online audience vinnie wants to know is there
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a corresponding decrease in heroin use with the increase of bet as in when no markets maybe you have or david where there were some hints of use that would be done recently that suggested that by the b.b.c. actually and they were talking to some of the meth users in couple and some of the uses there was we're talking about the fact they used both and they talked about these products for spies a bit like on the supply side their brothers. people are considered other really drug case because i want to i want to bring you in here dee you know but the taliban's biggest position on this and if they came down and put a complete crackdown on as something would be welcomed by the population there. you know that's something that i kept wanting to intervene did you can't you do you talk about this is a problem dollars actually looking at. the linking it to a security and corruption and the country. unfortunately
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the way tall of one in your age on dish is that. this took an equally be a local driver off conflict of the program someone had that just so wrong what they're hearing it's actually a means of menu stream country for men state actors including. assault and there have been conversations around. the reduction and level of drug production on trafficking on around the time when the top ones are governing the country but clearly from what you're seeing right now there are all to thank for just wanted to let me have been a dirty word they're taxing it at this point but if they were to take over it's unclear whether they were allow that to go or if they're just happy to tax it now to to fund the wars that goes on there well that's it that's all the time we have for today i want to thank all of my casper joining us on this discussion of course a topic afghanistan that we will keep watching here the stream of how much they're english and for all there's 20 of us on the show thank you it's lovely to see you
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and i will see you again next. candidate is on the cusp of a new chapter in its history. after the u.s. and the taliban signed an agreement to pave the way for the withdrawal of international troops. high cost was paid to get to this point. over the past few years the u.s. has increasingly conducted its part of the war from the sky. with more bombs dropped last year than any other year in the past decade. but with that came a rise in civilian casualties. if this war didn't stick. when at mistakes do happen and this is about owning our mistakes this is about things guidance about accountability in a largely unaccountable war the same ways we interviewed not receiving adult humans from the us left them without closure. they told us that they stole it would happen
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to their loved ones was a crime. and they want justice and answers something war too often denied. i was raised in france. these are my grandparents. these are my parents and this is mean. fighting both isis and us on. the 1st of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable family. the father the son and the jihad part one on out is iraq. play an important role protecting it would. talk to al-jazeera we heard scott realistically how can you deal with institutionalized corruption in this country we listen if this breaks up and real conflict between august on and india this has implications for the rest of the
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world we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter on al-jazeera. org. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm adrian for the get this is that he was i'll buy from joe coming up in the next 60 minutes lebanon's caretaker prime minister has sunday august charged over the beirut port explosion. killed more than 200 people. we are willing to grant access to the single market to our british friends it's the largest single market in the world. but the conditions have to be the chief lays out a backup plan in case of
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a no deal breakers it as leaders of the clock for the annual summit. health officials in the u.s. discuss emergency approval for the pfizer beyond tech 19 vaccine all to reports of allergic reactions to the jab in the u.k. . but in the grip of a severe mental health crisis a new report finds many working the refugees suffer from trauma and depression. and in sports italian football legend crapo rossi dies. headed his country's world cup triumph in 1863. we begin with breaking news from lebanon the can take a prime minister has on the up has been charged with negligence over the beirut port explosion 3 of the former ministers have also been accused more than 200 people were killed in the august 4th disaster with thousands injured and many more
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left homeless it was caused by a huge stockpile of highly explosive ammonium nitrate which had been improperly stored up the port for 6 years before the most senior figures to be charged in the investigation which has been criticized for its secrecy and lack of progress let's get more from a series in a hunter who's live for us in beirut why it has. been charged. well according to the lead judge one half and knew about the present explosive material at the port he was given written note the 3rd. yes and he did nothing about it he failed to take action he was told that they pose a security risk so this is according to the judiciary and why has jim is now being charged and he is going to be questioned next week. in
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a tweet following that statement said back to his conscience is clear in fact he is accusing the judge of violating the constitution and bypassing parliament because he believes it is of parliament that tries and investigates ministers and officials now this is undoubtedly a very significant development you mentioned that this investigation has been slow moving it hasn't been transparent human rights groups and the victims' families and survivors of that blast have been demanding an international independent investigation and we are in one of the neighborhoods really that was damaged badly damaged this neighborhood was on the front line and we've been talking to people here and they say why is it just has found dead maybe yes he was negligent he had information about the explosive material at the port but there was years of corruption at the port years of negligence years of incompetence by
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a political class more than one person and i found jeb shouldn't take the fall by himself when her son like to get his day in court. he will be questioned next week the way forward is still not clear i mean even though his tweets when you read it it is still not clear whether or not he will agree to be questioned because he is saying that the judiciary is bypassing the constitution a few maybe a week ago 10 days ago the judge screw the ball in parliament's court saying it's parliament who should be investigating ministers because of their political immunity and parliament threw the ball back indigence issue. court saying no unless you indict a minister or a former official our specialized court in parliament cannot do anything about it so a lot of lebanese will say are they trying to buy time but the bottom line is this many officials you know official correspondence between the various branches of
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government show that the judges security officials current and former ministers current and former prime ministers even the president himself because it was only in july that president palin and caretaker prime minister happened there were given that notice about the presence of ammonium nitrate that they report and they did nothing about it so for people here it's here is a corruption by a political class that has been governing for decades they should be held to account there should be high level accountability and it's not just have did. i was 0 sent a whole reporting live there from beirut center many thanks indeed here's a quick look at the abs role over the past year he came to power in january after weeks of civil unrest led to the resignation of sadal heavey at the end of 2019 he was quickly tasked with fixing the worst economic downturn in decades hoping to rescue thousands of jobs and keep the currency of flows but they have stepped down in august after
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a string of ministers resigned accusing him of corruption or cues themselves rather of corruption and negligence over the beirut port blast by thousands of angry protests mark dahl is a professor at the american university of beirut he's with us now on skype what do you make of this the care the caretaker prime minister being charged up to when he was that he had power what for less than a little over 78 months. and yet that they're charging him with responsibility for that last. it's not very surprising and this is the deep states attack on the rica slink and the deep state is protecting itself and the clearest indicate your tooth out is when that accusation cut and foreign minister they also accused 3 previous transportation ministers a lot about it get a sponsor before the pork but fail to accuse the 3 previous prime ministers who
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have been and power since 2014 when the my trade ammonia and shipments came into lebanon so it is ready clear that this has been a very selective accusation by the deep state which includes the major 6 political parties and their leaders and along with 'd the security forces because an accusation like this without including any of the security authorities that that directly to sponsor before reporting this and taking action including the customs of thought it through the ports management and the minute to the intelligence officers who all knew about this is a great failure. make a mistake clause is that he admitted publicly that he sent his person in detail to check on them on them nitrates and the officer he said the senior officer reported back saying it's only through 2 lies that all monium that is known to us to take action and that was on the record in some of the meetings that was neat and women's
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press so i think the need is taking that event which is the most sacrificing the weakest link to he is from the public that they are taking some actions for months after in the us they think at last in other words he's being made a scapegoat he says that his conscience is clear he did have his hands pretty full at the time of the blast trying to sort out that the country's economy is he going to get a fair trial if it comes to that. hideout to really get an a trial in lebanon on theirs and that's requires a special tribunal created by parliament to basically try presidents and ministers including ex ministers and ex presidents so the political class has an mo in place custom made to protect themselves and the litigation so unfortunately i think this will go into that are going so far lemon and we're
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driving around for years until it is no longer tell of them listed and the of that conflicts will be fought off from this country and we will never get properly justice for its part again of the corruption that is instituted to the thinking that each they best is running 11. commission leaders and of the powers that control. could talk to so many thanks indeed for being with us thank you very much . in brussels e.u. leaders have stepped up their preparations for the possibility that the u.k. will break away without a trade deal for this prime minister boris johnson the european commission's chief on the land have until sunday to reach an agreement but they're making contingency plans in case they don't. we are willing to grant access to the single market to our british friends it's the largest single market in the world. but the conditions have to be fair they have to be fair for our workers and for our
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companies and this fine balance of fairness has not been achieved so far our negotiators are still working and we will take a decision on sunday blocks leaders are also working to iron out disagreements over the e.u. so true trillion dollar budget includes a recovery fund climate goals and a response to the coronavirus pandemic at the center of the budget dispute though poland and hungary if they can issue of funds being tied to the rule of law but there are hints that a deal may happen. today we are fighting for the unity of our. common continent. and even what is more important not just the victory of the european union but we are fighting for the victory of the of the common sense because it's obvious that when our nations and so many millions of people are in real need because of pandit we can because of the economic consequences of that we have to
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behave reasonably and to find a way for reliable pro-choice and a victory for common sense to provide. house services to the people who are in need and to provide financial assistance for those countries who are really in need to have the people we have 3 correspondents following the summits that boston is in amsterdam for us will talk about the differences within the e.u. need packable bring us up to speed with the reaction to the meeting between johnson and on the lam but we get with paul brennan in brussels paul we heard us live on the land there offering something of an only olive branch if you like a 6 month conditional offer of access to the single market after the u.k. transition period ends at the end of the year. well what's happened is that the european union given the way that the negotiations have gone and given the way that the dinner on wednesday night went the european
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union has finally published its contingency plans should a no deal transpire on the 1st of january its have plans for a while it has chosen not to publish them until now but it's now it's done so as the european union leaders are meeting in the building over my shoulder and in them are some interesting proposals such as for example that access to fishing waters should continue for 12 months i read a couple of the others for example and that is a proposed keeping certain air services between the u.k. and the u. european union for up to 6 months proposed that the safety measures continue to be recognized and that avoids the city to ground planes for example with incompatible safety rules basic connections by road freight and road passengers would continue for 6 months and then there is separate regulation about the channel tunnel road railing to continue for 2 months because 2 months at the end of february the
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current safety regulations expire and if there isn't an agreement then essentially the services under the under the channel would would have to be suspended so they put these plans these proposals out there the u.k. reaction has been some more reticent some more sort of noncommittal in fact i think some of the sources within the u.k. have actually sort of rebuffed that for example saying the fishing no come january the 1st that's it get out of our fishing grounds so it's not a done deal by any sense in the sense of the imagination but these are proposals to try to mitigate the delays the disruption that is likely to happen on january the 1st if no deal and being what happens all right paul many thanks indeed let's go live then to london the what's the mood in london following that that meeting last night between the prime. minister and the news chief and in light of course of what paul was discussing just
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a few moments ago the publication of the news contingency plans in the event of no deal. with so far leaders here in the u.k. of very much sticking to their guns that the december 31st deadline is a hard deadline if no trade deal is in place britain will pull up its drawbridge it will unplug its economy after half a century of being intertwined with the european union the last thing it wants to be seen to be doing now is to make sure that that juncture at the end of the year turns not into a cliff edge but but a slope the british government wants to show that it is honoring the will of the people in leaving the european union on time by the end of the month and it's sticking very much to the position that or no deal is better than a bad deal after a 3 hour meeting between boris johnson and us live on the land on wednesday no sign that concessions that were on the table we know whoever that negotiations are
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continuing they're still remains a chink of light that they may be some kind of breakthrough before the new self-imposed deadline of sunday what we've seen the goal post move in the past if the mood music changes behind the scenes who knows maybe that sunday deadline might not be quite so so much of a full stop but at the same time the british government are saying that they are prepared to walk away if necessary because the old sticking points remain fishing business competition rules and who and how any disagreements or agreements will be decided upon will be arbitrated on post breaks in those issues haven't gone away they've backa life for us there in london let's go to amsterdam then to sara step fast and is there step. on the something of a side show at this summit at the moment they've got the. here's budget to try to agree on author it was rejected when poland and hungary raised
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objections one of the chances of getting a deal. exactly adrian that is far from the only headache of the european union is struggling with right now hungary and poland actually have threatened to veto the whole budget it's a $2.00 trillion dollars budget for the next 6 years and also this very important role in our recovery fund and many countries are waiting for this money especially the countries in the south of europe but also in the east of you europe countries that have suffered the most from the from that make that the northern countries under the leadership of the netherlands have put additional conditions on this money the so-called rule of law principle saying that every country who wants this money needs to abide by democratic principles that here common in the european union and now hungary and poland have been accused of not abiding by these
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principles especially looking at the independence of the judiciary corruption the lack of freedom of the press hungry in poland who are very angry about what is so they drafted this feed the netherlands already announce also that we'll go ahead without the 2 countries but germany as the leadership of the european union right now has aren't out some kind of compromise saying that the rule of law will still be as a principle but sanctions won't be implemented immediately the 2 countries hungry in poland can go up to the highest court in europe and then they will buy time for 2 to 3 years or viktor orban the prime minister of hungary has already sounded very fixed story is that he was very happy he said this compromise will definitely lead to a deal in brussels in the next 2 days but just before the summit started the dutch prime minister mark kirk said i'm not going to sign it i still have so major questions here. to foster reporting live from amsterdam.
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this is that these are from out 0 still to come on the program some entering strategic ties turkey's president attends and others airy military parades to celebrate its victory in the glow kind of broccoli life in istanbul. ghana's president appeals for national unity after post-election violence there but the opposition set to announce their next. one in sports the n.b.a.'s most valuable player is being tight lipped on where he's going next far here with all the details a little later. as the number of global curve at 19 cases continues to rise signs that vaccination programs are around the corner of spot optimism and safety concerns could slow the progress of an ocular actions the fire beyond tech vaccine was rolled out for the 1st time this week in the u.k.
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with health care workers and the vulnerable 1st to get it but officials there have warned that those with out for lactic allergies should not get the job after 2 national health service staff have adverse reactions the u.s. food and drug administration is beating right now on whether to approve the pfizer be on tech vaccine for emergency use there they'll be looking at possible safety concerns of a serious particle hane joins us now live from silver spring in the state of maryland where the f.d.a. headquarters are based what are we expecting patty from this meeting. well adrian i just want to point out 1st how unusual this is this is a federal building the doesn't get a whole lot of attention especially not from the media but we're all camped out here outside and this meeting is being run out of the f.d.a. headquarters here behind me but the participants are all mean virtually obviously because of the pandemic so what is going on today well it's the verb pack that's the accurate that's the it's what they call it anyway it's
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a committee of really really smart scientists and doctors who are outside of the agency they're poring through the data that pfizer gave to the f.d.a. the f.d.a. said is very accurate but they're going to have questions and so this is an advisory committee the f.d.a. usually follows their recommendation they're going to be meeting all day talking to all these different experts asking questions that the vast majority of us can't even begin to understand what they're talking about a bit at the end of the day they're going to vote around $21.00 g.m.t. and if they vote they could vote yes unanimously and if so it's possible the f.d.a. will. give emergency authorization use to divakar scene of course there could be one or 2 that have questions and need to have to take a couple of days to get those questions answered but the f.d.a. has put out a preliminary report saying the data is good the process of safe and they are giving every indication so far that the f.d.a. will eventually approve the pfizer vaccine so how soon before americans will start
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receiving the job. well the federal government says within 24 hours of approval they're going to ship out 2900000 doses here in the u.s. we believe that health care workers and people who are in nursing homes and long term care facilities they're going to be the 1st to get it in all we expect about $50000000.00 doses of this particular vaccine by the end of the year that's what the company says they can do so about 25000000 people vaccinated because again it takes 2 jabs so they're obviously going to take a very long time to get to the general public but at the same time there's a question about how many people are actually going to take the vaccine in this country there's a new poll out from the associated press that said 50 percent of americans said they really don't think they're going to take take take the vaccination if you have that much resistance it seems like the virus is just going to stick around for much longer so that's part of what they're doing here at the f.d.a.
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they want this attention that they're broadcasting on you tube all of these scientists talking with all their scientific words because they want people to know that this is safe because again people tend to be scott many people to be skeptical of vaccines in this country that's when we're not seeing a global pandemic and we're not see the process being this quick never before we see the vaccine develop the screenplay. reporting from silver spring maryland. in the philippines many people are suspicious of corona virus vaccines. reports now from a previous inoculation drive that had deadly consequences. has 3 children she says not all of them have been vaccinated that's because she's afraid she says vaccines of course the death of many children although she admits that's just a story she's heard repeatedly. even if the coronavirus vaccine arrives i won't do
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it even if it's free i will still not take it i am afraid we might get sick it's a sentiment shared by many here they see when it comes to getting vaccinated they're afraid to come forward the government says it wants to achieve herd immunity against the corona virus and plans to vaccinate up to 60 percent of the population but health officials say achieving this will be difficult because their budget for procuring vaccines is limited and many people are wary of be inoculated that's partly because of controversy over a vaccine campaign in 2016 health officials under former president been ignored introduced a vaccine created to help prevent dengue fever it was said ministered in schools to more than 500000 filipino children but when president of the good doctor did to caucus later that year he ordered an investigation into allegations of corruption and misconduct against the keno and members of his cabinet made by the public
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attorney's office. critics say this was just political and an attempt to prosecute members of the opposition but the series of public hearings and the government's crusade against them have largely contributed to with health experts called vaccine has it and health officials admit the bangor vaccine controversy a few years ago remains to be one of the biggest challenges in convincing many here to get immunized and the lockdown imposed by the philippines. ever meant to stop the spread of corona virus has made the situation even more complicated now since the dengue controversy immunization rates in the philippines have fallen leading to a rise in curable diseases like measles and pulled you officials say the government needs to reassure people that are not. present or that there's. more under siege and we need to be more
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transparent the people about the are in. the world to. be. health officials say they're working to improve and roll out the vaccination program across the country and the arrival of coronavirus vaccines is best opportunity for you to return to normality jim duggan al-jazeera manila as donald trump's presidency winds down his administration is ratcheting up the pace of federal executions beginning with the one on thursday it goes against a 113 year tradition of pausing executions during a presidential transition and is raising alarm bells among observe us live now to washington white house correspondent kimberly hellcat is there complete tell us more about this. well up until donald trump came into office federal executions were extremely rare or adrian they were upheld by the supreme court in
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1998 but since that time prior to donald trump becoming president there had only been 3 but now with donald trump in the white house he is going to be responsible by the time he leaves office on january 20th with the executing one quarter of all federal death row inmates now a lot of rights groups are particularly alarmed at this attack given the fact that this really breaks with tradition what we're seeing is an incoming administration of harris the vice president elect and president elect joe biden who are on record as opposing capital punishment but given the fact that this is ministration is putting them through in the american people have spoken certainly speaks volumes to many americans who are standing by watching this what we know is that there are 5 people that are scheduled to imminently be executed between now and inauguration day and what the argument is from the justice department is for those who are
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unhappy with what's taking place and that they are simply carrying out the law that is the defense of the trumpet ministration they say if you don't like the law it's up to congress to change it so what's been the pushback. well there's been a lot of pushback a rights groups activists have all been filing letters with the president it would filing it with the courts with the department of justice some of the arguments that have been made are that a majority of americans are on record as saying in a most polls that they favor life in prison versus execution the other thing that is a big concern is the fact that this seems to be disproportionately affecting communities of color it is notable that over the summer when we have a lot of the racial justice protests that executions were only carried out on white people but since those have dissipated in fact now the 5 minute executions involve for african-americans and one woman so many say that this is disproportionately
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hurting minorities as well there are concerns that many of these people have mental disability and these are some of the arguments that have been made but so far it does not appear the trumpet ministration is going to hold any of these executions are white house correspondent kelly how could reporting live from washington can be many things opponents of a 23000000000 dollars deal between the u.s. and the u.a.e. have failed to block it in the u.s. senate to trumpet ministration plans to sell f. 35 fighter jets and advanced repub drones to the gulf country the president approved the sale as a side deal to the u.a.e. as normalization agreements with israel italian prosecutors believe that for egyptian security officials were involved in the kidnapping of an italian student who was found murdered in 2016 they say that one of them may also have been behind the killing sure as jamie was found dead on the outskirts of cairo 4 years ago but the identity of his mother a remains on his body showed signs of torture. a prominent saudi women's
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rights activist is expected in court place on thursday the jane i'll have to force case was transferred to a court dealing with terrorism related cases 2 weeks ago i thought was among a dozen activists arrested in 2018 that accused of harming saudi arabia's interests rights groups say that she's been held in solitary confinement assaulted while imprisoned saudi officials have denied allegations of torture. a weather update next here on al-jazeera then but about peace prizes but awarded and the winner is warning of an impending crisis worse than the coronavirus pandemic. libya's internationally recognized government has released 2 russian detainees signaling and policing of relations will have read live reaction from tripoli.
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various looking pretty quiet now across the middle east some subtle changes going on we have still got some showers some wet weather it's that eastern side of turkey just pushing across the caucuses over towards the caspian sea northern parts of iran could catch a shower to here include enough in terre temperatures at around 60 degrees celsius cold enough here in doha as well $25.00 degrees celsius on friday and it will fill even cooler as we go on into sas stay a freshening northwest the a fresh breeze blowing through $23.00 celsius here the winds picking up a little bit lifted dust and sand to watch out for down towards the south of the region you might catch a shower to around the southern end of the red sea that western side of yemen but nothing too much to speak of and it's largely dry air around the horn of africa plenty of showers though into the democratic republic of congo i will see some wet weather.
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