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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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corruption it is real reporting it's not if you keep challenging assumptions and the official night we all decided we need to tell him i was the leak we don't want to lie on authority and. village post on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. hello i'm about this and this is the news our live from doha coming up the next 60 minutes the us gets ready to begin covert 19 vaccinations after we get final approval. international aid finally arrives in ethiopia seagrave region after more than a month of violence between local fighters and government forces. and u.s.
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supreme court throws out donald trump's latest lawsuit contesting the results of the presidential election. and stepping up efforts to protect the planet while leaders plan to unveil additional goals for 5 years since the powers climate deal. i'm joined again with the sports the well that's a dating agency reassures athletes over the current virus vaccine and red bulls max the 2nd takes pole position for sunday's from 3 in napa tapping. the country hardest hit by the corona virus is preparing to administer its 1st vaccination that's off the united states health officials authorized the pfizer bio insect vaccine for emergency use in the last hour the head of the u.s. drug regulator sought to assure the public good safety ahead of its rollout and urge people not to let their guard down. this vaccine met the f.d.a.
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as rigorous standards for quality safety and efficacy science and data guided the f.d.a. decision we worked quickly based on the urgency of this pandemic not because of any other xterm pressure this decision was based on the strongest scientific integrity and i am so proud of the work that our career scientists have done while our federal partners are already taking steps to distribute this vaccine we remind the public to remain vigilant as an occupation will take time well hospitals and pharmacies have been preparing for a nationwide immunization campaign but pfizer's vaccine needs to be kept at ultra cold temperatures some states are worried there won't be enough dry ice to transport it when news of a covert 1000 vaccine in the u.s. can't come soon enough with daily cases soaring to record highs that have been more than 15000000 infections and nearly 300000 deaths of our correspondent john hendren
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is going to have more of what the f.d.a. has been saying in just a few moments but we're going to begin our coverage with this report from mike hanna in washington d.c. thank you very much. followed immense pressure from the white house during the course of the day president trying to additional fire wall between politicians and da deliberations with a furious early morning tweet describing the f.d.a. as still a big old slow turtle and addressed in the f.d.a. commissioner he continued get the damn vaccines out now dr hahn stop playing games and start saving lives the white house chief of staff is understood to have followed up with a phone call to the f.d.a. commissioner urging him to expedite the approval. this followed a rip you off the vaccine by independent health experts thursday you voted overwhelmingly to recommend emergency use authorization president trump has now
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welcomed the f.d.a. approval they have really good news today our nation has achieved a medical miracle we have delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just 9 months this is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history it will save millions of lives and soon end a pandemic once and for all the vaccine manufacturer has said it will be able to roll out an initial $20000000.00 doses within 24 hours of approval in terms of guidelines drawn up by the centers for disease control the 1st recipients will be frontline health care workers and the elderly in assisted care facilities though it will be left to the governor of each state to establish distribution protocols the governor of new york state andrew cuomo said he was expecting 170000 doses by sunday or monday this will be enough to treat 85000 people in the 1st wave of facts
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and nations. a 2nd vaccine manufactured by madonna will come under review next thursday it too says it will be able to roll out 20000000 doses within a day of emergency use approval the virus continues to rage throughout the united states with more than 200000 new cases being reported each week and some 3000 deaths a day being recorded and health officials warn that it will take months before the vaccine begins to have an impact on the stock statistics mike hanna al-jazeera washington. ok let's go live to john hendren who's in washington d.c. for us obviously the commissioner as we mentioned of the f.d.a. giving an optimistic message but still telling people that they have to be patient that's right stephen hons job in a news conference this morning was essentially to reassure people that this vaccine
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was safe and that they should take it and his job was made a little more difficult by president trump who on friday apparently sent a message we are we've seen in a neumar a number of reports saying that han needed to get that vaccine approved for emergency use by the end of the day friday or he could lose his job that's one of the problems of people concerned about is the kind of political influence that has been going on all along that is a rooted people's confidence in the vaccine and one of the dinner table conversations you hear in the u.s. is are you going to take it when it becomes available for most people that's not an option because what we're seeing right now being distributed is about 3000000 doses those will go to medical workers doctors nurses and people in elderly homes who are the most vulnerable regular people who don't have co-morbidities can't really expect to get this until march or even closer to the summer and of course they've each got to take 2 doses so the f.d.a.
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commissioner was trying to reassure people that this is a vaccine that has undergone rigorous testing and despite the fact that it's come out in less than a year the record timing and when you compare that with the mumps vaccine the shortest period ever up to date right now that took 4 years yet john the logistics of this of course are going to be key and we were just hearing in mike's report that it's going to be down to the state regulators to be able to decide eventually who gets it within their state so again this is adding to the fact that this is going to be a long and pretty drawn out process. that's right this will be similar to the coronavirus approach you saw for the past several months where the federal government made recommendations it goes to the states and the states made their own rules in this case the states will be guiding distribution within their territories some major cities will be doing that is well targeting various groups but right now one of the big concerns that people have is the fact that this has to
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be kept at a temperature about 67 degrees celsius very very cold and it can only be outside of a refrigerator for about a minute before it goes into packaging with a dry ice those packagers can keep that product safe for about 30 days if the dry ice is replaced about every 5 days you've got u.s. marshals accompanying shipments of this and then there's this orchestration where all of the products that go along with it the syringes and everything are being sent by a separate company they're supposed to arrive before the vaccine arrives so in the coming days we will see people getting vaccinated starting monday or tuesday but it will be months we are told cording to the news conference by the f.d.a. this morning before we really know what impact this vaccine has and it won't really have a significant impact on most regular people until next spring or even thereafter if there are any delays john thanks very much indeed john hendren bringing us up to
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date from washington d.c. mexico's health regulator has also given the green light for the emergency use of pfizer's covert 19 vaccine the decision makes it 6 countries to allow the experimental vaccine to be rolled out mexico's also agreed to buy $35000000.00 doses from the chinese farm can see no biologics raul beneath his model as a professor at the national university of mexico when he says rolling out the facts he nationally is going to be extremely difficult. the freezer true is one of the biggest challenges because the mexican war and gas if he says bought in the big cities. think is there they were said that the army will be in charge of all of this the big program of to put the books into the population but nobody knows how the army will who will do that when they will all of this research
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than any wish places they say they put the books into the population this is a. big question for the mexicans to start the program the vaccine is announced to the starting 2 weeks in mexico city. one city in the north of the country quote we are very close to they do as border but only they announced in those these 22 cities but that people even in the rest of the country is is what we can announced way when they are men come port the vaccine in their places in the cities this is the big big big challenge ahead in the news hour including in mexico's canceling the world's largest catholic pilgrimage but worshippers say the celebration is needed no more than ever we'll tell you why this indonesian religious leader turned himself over to police. and the pressures on manchester united as they face local rival city that's one of 2 big european darby's coming up on saturday.
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ok the u.s. supreme court has rejected a legal bit from the state of texas to overturn the results of the presidential election trump had backed lawsuits that sought to throw out results in 4 key states won by joe biden they too are getting reports. many legal experts in the us predicted this outcome the supreme court dismissed a bid by the state of texas to overturn the presidential election results much to the anger of trump who tweeted the supreme court really let us down no wisdom no courage trump and his republican allies wanted the court to set aside results in 4 states won by president elect joe biden michigan pennsylvania and wisconsin 18 republican attorney generals and 126 republican members of congress supported the
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lawsuit but in a short statement the court said that texas has not demonstrated educationally called musical interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections biden's team celebrated the decision saying the supreme court has decisively and speedily rejected the latest of donald trump and his allies attacks on the democratic process this is no surprise dozens of judges election officials from both parties and trump's own attorney general have dismissed his baseless attempts to deny he lost the election trump and other republican organizations have brought more than 52 seats in various states they've achieved partial success in only one but legal analysts say trump may continue to try to overturn the election results i don't count now for trying to just do something else even though it probably won't get anywhere because it is over as of monday when the electoral college to me but we cannot be in the head down to think what he might try to do next but this was
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really his last day on there critics of trump say his refusal to concede defeat has damaged the integrity of the u.s. electoral process and biden's victory will be officially certified by the electoral college next week victoria gate and be out there are. ok let's pray to clear finkelstein she is faculty director of the center for ethics and the rule of law at the university of pennsylvania it's good to have you with us on al jazeera thank you very much indeed in victoria's package there we heard debbie heinz the legal analyst saying that he will try to carry on doing something he's talking about donald trump but this was really his last hail mary other any options left open to donald trump as far as the election is concerned. this was really a definitive loss for donald trump and he does not have any other serious options left there's always the theoretical possibility that faithless electors could turn around and vote for joe by vote for donald trump rather than joe biden but the
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likelihood of this is vanishingly small it would take $37.00 electors to change their minds and if you think about it $33.00 states have laws preventing this going to the point where electors can actually be fined if they change their vote so it's really quite impossible even even in states like pennsylvania where there is no faithless elector law states could actually replace an elector and an important supreme court decision says that these laws replacing electors and then penalizing them are constitutional the general practice of doing that without a law would probably stand up as well for those of us watching this whole process from outside the united states one thing seemed to continually come up in terms of these legal cases they were making allegations there was no proof at no point did there ever appear to be any substantive proofs of proof of any abuse of the
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electoral process given the fact that times lawyers are experienced people why do you think they felt it was a legitimate action to take to put that kind of argument forward. well you're absolutely right to highlight that and one of the certainty is that none of the courts impose rule 11 sanctions on these lawyers for bringing frivolous lawsuits and very possibly they should haven't had that happened early on in the process this might have deterred some of the litigation but with this kind of political hot potato they may have wanted to give the perception and allow these that the trunk campaign could do absolutely everything possible to pursue every legal avenue and certainly they have done that but i think that the campaign was in the end after other things than turning this results around because it was paid
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really clear they were not going to be able to do that it's been much discussed that donald trump was trying to raise money and i think that's at least part of it but i also think that the g.o.p. back to this so strongly because they're looking at 2024 and there are some serious election law issues here that are going to continue to be litigated for example the gap between state constitutional provisions potential gap between state constitutional provisions and the laws that state legislatures passed authorizing widespread mail in voting without excuses the republicans may try to go after that going forward to and that would dramatically reshape their chances in 2024 very briefly given what you've just said in that therefore there is the option of the possibility that we are going to see litigation happening in the future in the run up to the next election do you think that donald trump and the way that he has
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approached this legally might have actually made things tougher for future republican candidates. that's an interesting question that he might well have because right now the republican party has been all in for donald trump that is it's been the official position of the republican party that this was a fraudulent election but as you say without any evidence of fraud and that is certainly disenchanted many many republicans who have switched parties or or who voted with joe biden so i think that the republican party has deeply discredited itself i think the support for this lawsuit and for donald trump's attempt to overthrow a legal and very clear election will cost the republican party will cost an enormous an enormous amount in the midterms and as really discredited their commitment to the rule of law and their commitment to peaceful transition of
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power unfortunately it's created and contributed to enormous polarization in our voting public and we're going to see demonstrations today in the u.s. expressing that so we need civic education not only for our mainstream population but we need civic education for our lawmakers who really have to understand the importance of the peaceful transition of power and abiding by our constitutional norms are really good to get the benefits of your expertise in these clear clear from the start and we appreciate your time and thank you very much indeed thank you. the 1st international aid convoys arrived in the ethiopian city at the center of recent fighting in the seagrave region a convoy of trucks with the right cross or distributed medicines and other supplies hospitals mccauley the army captured the city and declared victory while vital fighters from the tickly people's liberation front have
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a vote to fight on jeremy england as head of operations in ethiopia at the international committee of the red cross he has more on the types of supplies being brought in we managed to get 7 trucks in with our convoy today after day on the road those trucks are containing and medical supplies primarily to support the regional hospital there i do regional hospital and several other hospitals in the regions and pharmacies. we also carry some fuel and non-food items as light items and some of the supplies. for the operation there but the main priority is to carry medicines surgical supplies and just basic items that are necessary for the hospital to function the host remain reference hospital mckinlay has been unable to function fully. developed interruption of supplies for over a month now they are dealing with a large number of trauma patients in mccallion so you've seen is the number of
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wounded persons and also displaced persons coming into that city and the cities only residents being deprived of power water communications over a month so they've obviously been requirements for the support. doctors that have to choose between different patients who they could treat with diminishing supplies and without the ability to disinfect correctly so we were very very concerned about the situation occurring we're delighted to see that 2 convoys that arrived there from the government of ethiopia with food and some additional medical supplies in the last week and together with our convoy we hope that begins to ease some of the pressure couples international airport has come under attack i see these of rockets have killed at least one person and afghan government spokesman says the shots were fired from a vehicle on the city's outskirts no one has claimed responsibility for the attack . new evidence in the case of an italian student tortured and murdered in egypt
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could further implicate security officials there video clips obtained by al-jazeera from italian judicial sources indicate for the 1st time that 28 year old researchers only 100 journey was being monitored while an egypt caught a leg reports. that this video recording may not show much but for italian officials investigating the brutal murder of julio region in egypt it's a breakthrough the 1st evidence that the italian student was targeted and put under surveillance by egyptian authorities was because i was actually going to make this image was 3 hours it was. it comes after italian prosecutors announced plans to charge for egyptian security offices with the students torture and death they say one of the defendants colonel as a commercial assigned the informant to monitor julia a month before he was killed. ok start or say we saw today we
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know that the egyptian general security followed regina's track for 40 days we know that he was arrested 1st in a camp been transferred to cell number 13 of the egyptian ministry of interior this is a very dangerous matter need telling people strongly condemn it we firmly maintain our position with respect to closing diplomatic ties with egypt ridge and his body was found on a desert highway after he disappeared in january 26th saying he was last seen near an underground subway stop in cairo where he'd been researching the sensitive topic of labor movements in egypt his mother later said his body was so mutilated she was only able to recognize the tip of his nose rights groups say the marks resemble those resulting from widespread torture practices in egyptian facilities the national security agency is quite all torrijos we have a document. the torture we have documented forced disappearance in the country and
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how the judiciary is effectively in service of the system of repression in country the death sparked outrage in italy and strained diplomatic relations between the 2 countries with italy's government accusing egyptian authorities of non-cooperation we want forth and justice for our citizen who has been killed and tortured in such a terrible way we have an explanation egyptian prosecutors have continued to insist that region his killers remain unknown and authorities deny any involvement in fact they've announced a temporary suspension of the investigation but he said he plans to push on with the case regardless the suspects will be tried in an italian court in abstention as for julio region his parents they're still calling for justice for their son his mother applauded an investigation that not only shed some light on his death but held up what she called a mirror of how human rights of violated in egypt every day car leg al-jazeera.
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protests are taking place in cities across france as part of a nationwide rally against a controversial police security bill the measure would make it a crime to publish photos or videos of on duty officers opponents say would undermine press freedom to document police brutality that have been weekly rallies for weeks now and the intensified after footage emerged of 3 policemen beating a black music producer. the world's largest catholic pilgrimage has been cancelled due to a surge in covert 1000 cases about 10000000 people visit the basilica of our lady of guadalupe in mexico city every year but this time church and government officials have asked catholics to worship at home instead our correspondent bundled apollo reports from mexico city. every year millions of people flock to the mexican capital for the day of the virgin of guadalupe celebrated on december 12th. it's the largest catholic pilgrimage. in the world and an important religious festival
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for many faithful catholics. this year however the coronavirus pandemic has put those celebrations on hold. get a natural house was among the last catholic pilgrims to visit the holy shrine before authorities closed it to the public. can't just be back my mother's in the hospital she's in very serious condition and i have faith that our lady of guadalupe will help me so that she'll be home soon. mexico city's national shrine houses an image of the virgin mary which according to a legend dating back to $1531.00 is said to have miraculously imprinted itself on a cloak belonging to an indigenous boy named one diego the day of the virgin of guadalupe is mexico's largest annual public gathering on any other year this area outside of the basilica of our lady of guadalupe it would be a sea of worshippers but as deaths from coronavirus have continued to increase dramatically so have restrictions on public gatherings. enforcing these
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restrictions or more than 1700 mexico city police officers with the annual pilgrimage officially ancyl church leaders and government officials have encouraged divo teas to attend catholic mass via television or live stream ceremonies online. bloody slow devil and artists in in the state of one haka says even though people aren't allowed to visit the national shrine they can still bring the virgin of guadalupe it into their homes and in the week i mean that's. what's being proposed is for people to not go outside and his stead set up an altair in their homes where they can receive the blessings of the virgin where we can still say the same preggers were used i'm sure the virgin would gladly make an exception in this case and visit each one of us in our homes. the annual pilgrimage for the day of the virgin of guadalupe is a tradition that reaches far beyond mexico's borders even though travel to her sanctuary won't be possible this year faithful catholics in mexico and around the
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world are finding other ways to worship money ended up a little al-jazeera mexico city. so i had an al-jazeera i'm forced to pay bribes for services that should be free the people of ghana say systemic corruption is only getting worse and american ski star michela shifrin turns to the giant slalom for the 1st time an 11 months joe is going to tell you how she's getting on. how either the weather sloshy set fair across the middle east if a little on the cool side has to be said some cloud pushing across to some other wet weather some wintry weather here recently a distaste disturbed across the eastern side of the mediterranean as we go on through the next couple of days sunday's not see bad but a few showers there just creeping into northern parts of syria just coming out of
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turkey as we go on through monday you see some really wet weather and some rather windy weather across that east side of the mets any time very unsettled in cyprus and i'll just make its way into syria lebanon and jordan further south it is generate dry still what a brisk wind down towards the gulf temperatures here in doha getting up to around $23.00 degrees celsius some a time below the seasonal average but as i said last you drive or some hazy sunshine that sunshine stretches down across the whole of africa plenty of showers into central parts of africa because just storms for that eastern side of angola at the moment actually we could see some localized flooding here wetter whether they're pushing across into the democratic republic of congo still some showers are rolling across into zimbabwe some showers f.-a central and northern parts of my sam big could still see some wet weather there for type in that he says out of south africa but clear by monday.
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what you know just remind of our top stories this hour the u.s. is getting ready to begin a nationwide covert 19 vaccination program the food and drug administration approved the pfizer vaccine for emergency use the head of the agency assured americans that it is safe. the u.s. supreme court has rejected a legal bid from the state of texas to overturn donald trump's election defeat trump headed back to the lawsuit which sought to throw out the results in 4 key states where joe biden has won several other legal challenges and been rejected.
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the 1st international aid convoy has arrived in the ethiopian city at the center of the recent fighting in northern tiebreak a convoy of trucks from the red cross will distribute medicines and other supplies to hospitals and mechanics. the u.n. secretary general is urging world leaders to declare climate emergencies in their countries speaking at the virtual climate ambition summit and said we need to stop the assault on our planet for the sake of our grandchildren the meeting marks the 5th anniversary of the paris climate accord and 2015 countries agreed to stop global temperatures rising 2 degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels well since then extreme weather events from drought wildfires and super storms have taken their toll and highlighted a renewed call for action so how is the world placed in its battle against the climate crisis the clock takes a look. it was an extraordinary moment after endless years of negotiations nations
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of the world united in this common cause and the paris agreement was born that girl got into a i pad law but celebrations they were short lived within 18 months the accord was in deep trouble suddenly u.s. leadership was lost. and the united states will withdraw from the paris. lima court well in the 5 years since paris national commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions well they haven't measured up and time is running out remember the agreement ange to stop global temperatures from rising 2 degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels ideally one and a half degrees but average global temperatures are right now as i speak at $1.00 degrees and climbing and the impacts of
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a warming world they're already shocking displacing millions and costing billions extreme weather events are becoming all too familiar from superstorm stew record wildfires from heat waves to devastating floods ice packs they've continued to diminish at both poles with the current decade the warmest on record it sounds bad it is bad and yet despite it all suddenly there's an opportunity president elect joe biden has pledged to return the united states to the paris agreement the world's 2nd biggest emitter of greenhouse gases back at the table and the number one a matter that's china responsible for 28 percent of global emissions they promise carbon neutrality by 2060 other countries have followed suit japan and south korea committing to net 0 by 2050 joining the u.k. the e.u. and next year the united states and hopefully more to come out of the tragedy of the covert pandemic suddenly major economies are eyeing
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a green recovery with trillions of dollars in stimulus funds available i think yes we are in a moment i would say in a turning point in a moment in history and it's set in my view it's a great opportunity very few either some very few generations have the opportunity to become so relevant for at history overall it doesn't mean that it is going to be easy on the contrary i think these bullets on our shoulder. and even be there by sponsibility the thing is nations pledging action is one thing implementing policies to ensure new found hope is not misguided well that's quite another but never will there be a better opportunity to realize the goals of the paris agreement and to put the brakes on the worst effects of climate change tom rather conex the co-founder of global optimism along with christiana for gratis who is the un chair when the paris
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accord was signed tom joins us from thomas in devon and that's in the u.k. thank you very much indeed for being with us as somebody who has been at the front lines in the heart of this debate over the last few years felt to you. well obviously the last few years have been very disappointing in the sense that the united states announced its withdrawal from the paris agreement soon after president trump took office and at that time we were all extremely concerned that that would precipitate a wider number of countries coming out and declaring that they would also not meet that paris commitments however the good news there is that despite president trump pulling back on u.s. leadership no other countries came out to step back from their paris commitments and now of course what we're seeing is a return to international leadership by the united states which we're confident will see under the stewardship of president elect biden and climate envoy john kerry of course the other thing that's happened the last few years and this was referenced in your pre-rock is that the impacts of climate change have just become
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exponentially worse we're now seeing continents on fire we're seeing real serious impacts from climate change and we're seeing real anger on the streets so the recipe for some major changes now in place we have of course as nic was mentioning seeing many countries particularly poor countries around the world being hit hard by covert 19 is it realistic to think that countries in those circumstances dealing with the economic fallout of cover 19th are actually in a position to be able to look realistically and logically at dealing with climate change 1st. well the 1st thing we need to remember of course is that climate change is fundamentally unfair and it's been predominantly caused by a subset of countries which is the industrialized north a point made very powerfully just a few minutes ago by prime minister modi and the climate ambition summit however the paris agreement is very clear that every country has responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and actually the recovery from cove it is an opportunity
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to now reinvest in our economies reinvest in infrastructure to get people back to work and invest in jobs we have the technology necessary to actually now and deal with the climate crisis and the good news is and this is one of the major changes since paris is the economics has moved to mentally in our favor it is now good economics to invest in renewable sources of energy to drive down emissions to invest in nature to make these sorts of changes so i would argue that actually investing in the future is a fundamental part of how come how all countries including developing countries can and should recover from the kobe pandemic if people in any country are not convinced that the government of their country is actually going to be doing enough what can they do as individuals in order to at least feel that they're doing their part. so recently my friend and colleague jennifer garrets my wrote a book called future we choose and in that we set out 3 different actions that we would encourage everyone to take the 1st is to realize that this is the most
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decisive decade that human history that sounds like an exaggeration to say that but it's really not by 2030 we will either have got on top of this issue or we looked lost control of the climatic system so the 1st thing for each of us to do is to decide that we will face this decade with determination and commitment and really be part of making a difference to see it through and make a change there's a lot of anxiety and fear now but we don't need to give in trying to think we can face this with determination optimism the 2nd thing is to look at your own footprint that can be very significant for individuals and if you look at it in terms of what you can achieve in 10 years particularly those in countries that are emitting the most industrialized countries you can drive that down very significantly that can have a big impact overall but also it will encourage you to do more and critically the 1st part is how you engage with power each individual needs to look at their roles in their lives that's a citizen as a voter as an investor as a somebody who purchases goods and services as an employee and engage with power in
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all of those ways to actually exert some influence and demand that while we can we get on top of this issue some of the conduct is co-founder of global optimism and it's good to have you with us and i thank you very much indeed thank you and you can watch our extended interview with the executive secretary of the un framework convention on climate change patricia espinosa that said or 830 g.m.t. on sunday talked to our jazeera venezuelans have been voting in a referendum organized by opposition leader han high dome as follows last week's parliamentary elections in which president nicolas maduro regained the power of the national assembly why does referendum is asking venezuelans whether they want to end the divil and hold new elections. said the country is losing the fight against graft it ranks on the corruption perception index of $180.00 countries and citizens have little faith in you only elected politicians
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will adequately tackle the problem reports. also she will picks on his motorcycle for a fee although the government has banned commercial motorcycle operations in the capital across the business thrice he says what keeps them in business is paying a bribe. from the police on the streets to markets and public business offices many gunnin say they are compelled to pay bribes for services that are meant to be free that was what pushed and mr your bought into activism i had an issue with my. electricity meter and so i had to go to electricity company. and stuff were demanding that i i had to pay something before they quote
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a funny service but exposing corruption comes with a heavy price in $21000.00 a young journalist was assassinated near his home because of an investigative story he was doing. most famous investigative journalist honest as conducted many undercover investigations and corruption in guyana. the mosque award winning journalist says threats against him and his colleagues are real and it's intimidating many i must say there's a dip a bit of a depth of some level of fear by some journalists because they think that this government is a bit intolerant a journalist many have died many have sacrificed that's not inducing mass in a sense of the city. again and say they are more worried about corruption among public officials even institutions investigating abuse of public trust at mit the problem is huge said well an increase i would say people are
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beginning to be alive to the responsibility of holding people accountable and this is general election corruption was a dominant theme part of last time in an election gone has got a hung parliament one no party holds absolute majority analysts believe that the results of monday's vote sends a strong message to politicians that people have taken note of more corruption cases and i demanding accountability. when i we talk to say how much of that they will get from public officials activists a strong institutions by principle society and fearless journalists are needed to tame corruption that's draining hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayers' money each. al-jazeera across. a muslim cleric in in the nation has turned himself into authorities for breaching covert 19 restrictions altar organizing gatherings that attracted thousands of supporters but it is the leader
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of the islamic defenders front the group has a history of vigilante action and it demands the adoption of islamic law in indonesia as a washington reports from jakarta. shihab is seen by many as a polarizing figure in indonesia after ignoring police requests to come in for questioning he turned himself into authorities over accusations of preaching covert 19 protocols. today god permits i can come to the jakarta police to attend to the investigation into me in accordance with the law the return to indonesia last month after 3 years of self-imposed exile in saudi arabia thousands of supporters showed up at the airport to welcome the leader of the islamic defenders front or f.b.i. back to jakarta. since then he's been involved in several events that drew large crowds including his daughter's wedding i mean that the bible remember was that promoting this topic and he didn't come for questioning when we asked him the 1st
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time all the 2nd time we stated that we would a raised him but today he has come here raise it is accused of ignoring covert $1000.00 protocols by hosting large events in a country with more than 600000 confirmed covert 900 cases but human rights organizations say they're concerned there is more to this case than just health violations. we have an increasing concern about increasing crackdowns by indonesian government to where the islamists are those perceived to be a slum is said to ready cause. and you know those who are not in not aligned with the government met the narrative of nationalism. in its early years the f.b.i. was accused of beating lanty isn't targeting nightspots western embassies and some minority communities f.b.i. is considered a hardline organization by many and although its membership is significantly
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smaller than mainstream religious groups its leaders are able to organize large demonstrations. when thousands took to the streets in 2017 to protest against the governor of to counter a christian ethnically chinese man of allegations of blasphemy. was seen as a key figure in the demonstrations that were viewed as a challenge to indonesia's secular identity. before travelling to saudi arabia recently was charged under the country's pornography laws those charges were later dropped now he could face 6 years in prison for violating code 19 regulations the concern just next period will be precisely how the government manages what it clearly is clear that i see them as a political problem. how they managed the perception that they're actually using our goals to repress the group for political reasons rather than actually right now or days ago police shot dead 6 alleged supporters of phrasing police say the men
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were armed with guns and a sword but indonesia's national human rights commission is investigating the incident and whether the killings were lawful and police in jakarta say they will continue their own investigations into respect jessica washington al-jazeera to contact. india's prime minister is trying to assure protesting farmers that new laws will give them more opportunities that enter modi says the reforms will attract investment in agriculture and make farmers prosperous thousands of farmers have been blocking roads around new delhi demanding the laws be scrapped they're worried that prices will be under cuts leaving them vulnerable to exploitation by private companies 25 years after the bosnian war tens of thousands of displaced people are still unable to return to their homes the economy has been crippled but for many returning home isn't an option tony berkeley visited a camp where people are still fighting for a better life. time has stood still in parts of rural bosnia to make
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a living these men have to scavenge for low grade discarded coal the way they did 100 years ago they were promised a better life but 25 years after the war ended they are still suffering they are the forgotten in 1905 the settlement at the age of that benefits sea in northeast bosnia was meant to provide temporary accommodation the roof leak there is no insulation and the living conditions are cramped other sickly or they're not and everyone is promising us that they will get better but nothing is getting better yeah where we are like cattle stuffed and these buildings had 0 was wounded by a serb shell instructor needs her brother and several cousins were killed she knits socks to sell for a dollar a pair she's one of more than $7000.00 internally displaced bosnians who have largely been forgotten and. they have been forgotten by the government small children who came to the temporary collective centers have remained in them and they're having their own children in them now it's unbelievable how much time has
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passed and they're still in the same horrible situation local authorities say they are working to improve the living conditions of all those who've been displaced and projects are in the pipeline but so far nothing has been done another approximately 90000 displaced people have found their own accommodation because they haven't been able to return to their homes even though the dayton peace agreement stipulated the right of return for everyone. i think it is unsafe to go back to srebrenica especially for the children i was a child when the one genocide happened i experience so many horrible things i would never want my children to experience what i did 78 year old fighter all of which wasn't scared her husband was among the 8000 muslim men and boys from strabane eats are executed by the serbs the village of qana which polly was overrun 27 years ago and she had to flee but she won the right to return to her. house although she says
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she suffered several beatings from the serbs she also won a legal case for the orthodox church built on her land to be demolished but servile saudis have so far not complied with the court order you'll realize that now no. i sued the orthodox church when i returned here but nobody wanted to help me establish my rights i tried so hard and it took 5 years for me to win in court i received threats from the serb side this community like most in bosnia expected so much more when the war ended but after 25 largely fruitless years their lies of harvey improved and with the political paralysis and the economic stagnation many are either choosing to leave or want to leave. official figures show that 1800000 bostons have left the country but leaving isn't easy for the poor here they have to stay and fight for a better life tony berkeley al-jazeera years events camp northeastern bulls. still
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ahead in sports a chinese born player makes history in the u.s. college football jones going to have the details in sport. we're told technology can help tackle the spread of coated 19 but all tech solutions the best solutions we're starting something that seems like it's even in public health very quickly becomes a measuring people what data is being collected where is the storage ali ray looks at the limits of tech and the potential of other creative ways to deal with the issues we face track it when tech tools go viral episode 3 of all hail the lockdown on al-jazeera from a al-jazeera in london to a pass and tactics special guests in conversation i don't kill because of colonialism unprompted fun interrupted there's a sense of why a month but i'm still having some legitimacy in terms of spreading that knowledge
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and technology pretty good pal me still is that patrick so you clearly make a recommendation for something monumental a horrific past flavoring studio to be unscripted on al-jazeera. it has to have the support here is joe roth thank you very much red bulls max the staff and we'll start from pole position for sunday's last grand prix of the season an appetite appy the dutchman snatched top spot in qualifying from the sadie's with terry both last seconds and world champion lewis hamilton inserts is the stop and 1st pole of the season just 8 hundreds of
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a 2nd separated the top 3 with hamilton tonight a record extending 99th korea poll on his return from coronavirus. yeah it was a. tricky qualifying in the beginning you know to get your laughs and i especially had it destroyed the last saturday night or so many corners where you can make a mistake but they are lucky everything turning them together in the final lap. it's never been a difficult weekend i would say just getting back into a rhythm even though it's only a couple of weeks off it just felt like i lost the momentum and i really struggled so far we needed a little balance this weekend still i gave it my all and regulations to max a way for him to seal the deal of the year year very performance we're going to give him a good home to give him for the money tomorrow. as more countries approve the occurred a virus vaccine the world anti-doping agency has reassured athletes they would be breaking doping rules by taking its widest says it has no reason to believe the job poses an anti doping risk but they'll continue to monitor ingredients as vaccines
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are approved meanwhile the head of well that except coast says he'll leave it up to the athletes to decide if they should take it or not. all i'm saying is i'm not sure that it is for sport to be pressing the case for fit young people are i would like on the other hand the when the vaccine does become available and the right moment let's have the opportunity to make use of it they do but are not mandates in the summer we'll take a view. you know the speed with which the vaccine has come together and all the things that the rest of the population are are grappling with there's a couple of big games coming up in europe 1st say manchester where local rivals united play city in the english premier league united coming to the game looking to bounce back from the disappointment of their champions league exit earlier this week the pressure is on manager going to salsa as they sit 7th just
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a point ahead of city when you get the 1st goal in a game it's easier of course it is so that's something we we want to get to in this game we've done. well against. city in the last few few games against them early on then again it's a 90 minute game and we but we want to get off to a good start of course meanwhile his counterpart at city pep guardiola expects to handle the situation and says he doesn't need to give him advice on how to deal with being under pressure i'll have to get into board because he has he's strong enough he knows how it works does does job and like you said in the beginning of the question so when you win we are a genius and when you lose we have to sack happening united in all the clubs around the world does the reality. the other big darby of the days the spanish leader's
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athletico madrid faced local rivals right now in a league that had to go on an 8 game winning streak in the league and qualified for the last 16 of the champions league on wednesday royal life 4th 6 points off the pace with just one win in the last 4 league matches but if history is anything to go by atletico have beaten rail in la league since february 26th. we are a very competitive team and it's going to be a very good game we are going to try to win the match without thinking that we are the champions we want to defend what we won last season and we will do it until the very end in my leisure on which is you must sign your real madrid have been competing at the highest level for years now so that makes us admire our rivals and their players even though they are getting older with some players 333435 years old they are still competing as if they were young players in their heads i admire them even though they are an historical rival for us american ski star mckayla shifrin
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has placed a 4th in her 1st giant slalom race in 11 months schifrin who is the 2018 olympic champion in the disciplined last race the event in january before the death of her father in the current virus pandemic which ended last season early sesay is race in the french result was won by multiple c. know the italian claims her 2nd straight giant slalom win of the season. in the men's super g. invalid he says with the amount of yet still got his 1st world cup win at the age of 32 he made his work at davey 12 years ago but it wasn't until saturday that cap hit still found himself at the top of the podium for the very 1st time. and frenchman benjamin have a has won the 2nd world cup moguls event of the season in sweden the 26 year old who finished 14th last week in finland leapt to victory with his final run on saturday. pedigreed is still on track to become the 1st american to win the biggest
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prize in european go for the race to dubai he's in a 3 way tie for the lead of the season ending world's top championship thanks to shots like this victory will see read finish as the top player in europe and earn him $2000000.00 but england's lee westwood is just one shot behind the prize if he wins the tournament. and japan's. top of the leaderboard at the u.s. women's open should be in a cottage a $67.00 in the 2nd round and histon to take a 3 shot. finally in the u.s. a college football player has made history jackson he is believed to be the 1st chinese born player to score a touchdown in the movie the arizona state university running back went over the line against the university of arizona as he's won 77 came to america from china at the age of 17 and played just to hear. his name in chinese characters on the back of his jersey on his head hurt. that is now with.
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joe thanks very much indeed and that's it for me for this news hour i'm going to be back in a moment with more of the day's news so stick with it like. he uses performance art to draw attention to the critical and controversial issues thanks china. when he states china. now to 0. on the deserted streets of they've become familiar figures carriers on bicycles delivering food and medicine to lock down colombians most of them here are
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venezuelan migrants some mother of 4 says contagion is always on her mind none of them receive health insurance for their work and exposing themselves and very few seem to have it yet there may be a bright side people who look down on them as a skilled migrants now say there is so. in short to control the virus and receive messages on the scene that we are you know as i was a nurse back who what i am doing is not all that different from my passion helping others. 'd held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell denied the right to a fair trial no charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent me to saying this crime journalist. to demand my new true links and voice solidarity with all detained journalists sign the petition. 'd
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to say. morning. al-jazeera. and. the. world leaders celebrate the 5th anniversary of the power climates deal and look for ways to move its agenda forward. i'm about this and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the u.s. approves of pfizer's covert 19 vaccine now it's going to work out how to distribute it. the u.s. supreme court throws out the latest lawsuit seeking to overturn last month's
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presidential election. international aid finally arrives in ethiopia's tiebreak region after more.


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