tv Inside Story Al Jazeera December 12, 2020 8:30pm-9:00pm +03
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still bring the virgin of guadalupe it into their homes i mean there is that i mean look at it that's. what's being proposed is for people to not go outside and he stared to set up an altair in their homes where they can receive the blessings of the virgin and where we can still say the same prayers were used i'm sure the virgin would gladly make an exception in this case and visit each one of us in our homes. the annual pilgrimage for the day of the virgin of guadalupe is a tradition that reaches far beyond mexico's forgers even though travel to her sanctuary won't be possible this year faithful catholics in mexico and around the world are finding other ways to worship melinda apple al-jazeera mexico city. this is our facilities at the top stories the united nations secretary general has called on world leaders to declare climate emergencies in their own countries speaking as he opened
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a virtual gathering called the climate summit and turning the tide has said people need to stop the assault on the planet for the sake of their grandchildren some of marks the 5th anniversary of the paris climate accord these a moment of truce this is also a lot of hope more and more countries have committed to net 0 emissions the business community's getting on board the sustainability train we see city striving to become greener and more live a bull we see young people taking on responsibility and demanding it of others the promise of n.f.c. the world reality now on the press to cop 26 i urge everyone to show in bisham stop the assault on our planet and do what we need to get into the future of our children and grandchildren the us is getting ready to begin a nationwide covert 1000 vaccination campaign health regulators approve the pfizer by a vaccine for emergency use. we applied our high standards a review in reviewing this product so that americans can have trust and confidence
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that the vaccine meets f.d.a. is rigorous standards for safety and effectiveness and with this authorization we know that our federal partners are already moving to distribute the 1st doses of the vaccine throughout the country the u.s. supreme court has rejected a legal bid from the state of texas to overturn joe biden's election victory president donald trump had backed the lawsuit which sought to throw out the results and 4 key states won by biden several other legal challenges have been rejected the 1st international aid convoy has arrived in the ethiopian city at the center of recent fighting in northern tier a convoy of trucks from the red cross will distribute medicine and other supplies to hospitals in mcallen those are the headlines the news continues here on in about half an hour to inside story there by.
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5 years since the paris climate agreement on it is growing faster than ever but around the world people are taking action so could the pandemic the new chance to tackle the climate crisis this is inside story. hello i'm a man's a viral and welcome to a special edition of inside story in collaboration with the united nations environment program the paris climate agreements was born 5 years ago world leaders pledged to cut carbon emissions and stop global temperatures rising by least 2 and ideally 1.5 degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels but instead of changing
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course the last 5 years have been the warmest on record wildfires heat waves floods and melting icecaps all point to top in crisis i would not to have a touch destroyed disease outbreaks such as corona virus pandemic could become more common but despite the gloom there is hope every year the un recognizes people who lead by example in tunning the planet around the champions of the earth this year include the prime minister of fiji the 1st country to ratify the paris agreement and then to activists who pushed against drilling in the ecuadorian ahmanson a farmer who modified traditional techniques to stop the certification and the sahara out and a man who spent his life fighting environmental injustice in the united states. with the usa expected to be back in the climate fall and china committing to long term emissions reduction targets we are hopeful that the global momentum production in greenhouse gas emissions can really regretted and made even more ambitious
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everything else would be meaningless if there could be in this economy flea market so we must put some of the union this time with this 3 and a nicer planet the present minister of putting c.p.i. is siggy modest but then of a fairly. new. you know well for some time. before called in $1000.00 commuters a car were inundated with all kinds of environmental hazards and disparities over $1000.00 brought to the service the underbelly of what systemic racism is doing we have to pandemics and that's happening at the same time the call of pandemic and hand emic of racism and they both must be attacked at the same time. let's bring in our guests in copenhagen and go on to 7 seas executive director of
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the united nations environment program and we have to recipients of the un's champions of the earth award in berlin is dr fabian lee into his you know sick disease specialist and grip later at the robert cox institute in boston is mindy lupa an environmental entrepreneur and c series a nonprofit sustainability advocacy organization a warm welcome to you all thank you for being here and i'd like to start with you so fighting talk and action from the champions in the video just then but what where was the paris agreements we thought of carbon neutrality from around 130 countries now and still the science of saying that we're heading for 3 to 3 world so is there room for hope from the person or is it a load of hot air. oh no it's not a lot of one day it's absolutely essential that we meet its goals anything else would be impossible to contemplate but look let's look at it this way if we just do what we promised in what is called the nationally determined contribution these
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promissory notes that each country has submitted well yes then yes we will by the end of 2103 degrees over $3.00. but with a net 0 commitments that have come in well we're beginning to shave off a little bit we have 51 percent of all emissions have come in and made this met 0 that they will reach that 0 commit emissions 520-2050 that should get us to iraq $2.00 degrees we're still not there but then we would like to see obviously the others come in plus right now we are literally pumping trillions of dollars into our economy to restart post pandemic so the question before us is do we want to push that public money we have borrowing from the future make no mistake into a broken planet on we want to use this to restart with a cleaner greener planet and that's why i will not again i hope have so much public
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money going into into the private sector into businesses which is a good thing we want to restart our economy let's make some green strings attached let's make sure the disc goes to and with conditions on company use that can can reduce emissions and let's go for renewable energy and all of these infrastructure investments that are being approved across parliaments across the world so we can get there and actually with the stimulus packages being approved driton now we have an opportunity to make it our of our calculations my last point show us that if we use what we project in terms of stimulus packages still to come if we use this in climate positive. we can hit 2 degrees and we're within a fighting chance of 1500000 where do you stand on this because are you as hopeful and you were there at the paris agreement when you helped to catalyze the necessary business support to to get the paris agreement across the finishing line so so
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thinking back to 5 years ago are you hopeful that we could turn this around. it's i'm not only hopeful and i am and i'll talk about why that's the case but it has to be the way we think about our future somehow issues like climate change have become things that some people support others they become political what we're talking about here is our children's future every person i know who has a child the niece and nephew certainly i have 2 children they're grown now we would throw ourselves in front of the bus if it were coming out our children that that's what we do and it didn't wouldn't matter what political background we have or what country you're from right now we're looking at a challenge and a threat that is like a quest that works well and we've got to bring come together for country in all parts of the world and all term political persuasions to stop that bus but i think
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we can and i think we can for the solid reasons one is the paris agreement is far on it's powerful and when the united states back in and we are back in that's the good news with the change of administration we have the entire world focused on the sheraton it's going to go and i think we can meet it the other reasons i'm optimistic is i've spent the last 5 years while the united states did back out that over the last 3 and a half years working to move capital markets leading businesses leaving investors they now understand and they've been at it for a long time as well that this is a problem that affects our economy as well as of course our humanity our children our families and they're acting so it is not people just waiting for government it's hundreds and hundreds of companies st we will get to net 0 by 25th day if not earlier and we're now expecting that the 20 to 40 and now the investor community
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people are making commitments as recently as this week that they too will get. so i think we have to be hopeful i am hopeful based on what i'm seeing but it will not be easing we've got to move at a pace and a scale but it's entirely different than what we've seen before us moving slowly is the same as not doing anything climate isn't big enough problem that we've got to keep moving it quickly the less we at now the further the problem grows so it is time and i'm delighted that the u.s. is backing and of course the planet's not going to respond say pledges and promises to fabian what's your view of the situation as a scientist. well obviously things are interconnected right so we have the climate which and impacts the environment and people directly and animals so if you have intact and vironment you obviously also have
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a much better chance to reduce the risk of disease transmission from different kinds of animals to humans to keep them at the places where they belong so there are all these interconnections right by cutting the forests also acts again affect the climate and that again affects the disease threats so we have to recognize that there is not one problem there are several problems to tech to that the same time so we have the environment the human health and the anymore how closely into connected and this is actually nice because we can make use of the different approaches to reach the same goal so this is what we call the one health approach and this is what we're fighting for and anger can you tell us a bit more about what it what is the one health approach. so what we're really looking for and desist part of the important work and why we are really we are making to support at this time to to adopt
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a favor in the end arts is to understand that if you like planets or e health nature's health. is connected to retin or a healthy animal health is connected to human health yours and my health and often we have not really understood we build our hospitals we have our ministries of health what have you and we go to the doctor and we consider that that is completely separate from how as a planet doing but the thing here is that we need to understand it we're seeing these zone gnosis east diseases that emerge in nature is often transmit it's a wild animals are and then perhaps to a domesticated or illegally traded animal what have you onto humans we're not really fully understanding that that that is and the incidence of snow says has increased tremendously and that as we illegally trade more and more as we fragment
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and destroy natural ecosystems and and fragment them well then these ecosystems get under stress so the one health means that we need to understand that we have to work together on the planetary dimensions making sure our ecosystems are healthy if you like animal dimensions making sure both domesticated and wild animals are healthy and understanding that the seasons which is of course where dr lenders has been doing a phenomenal work and ensuring that we our human health is taken care of we recently had united nations environment program signed a and m. or you with our friends in w.h.o. the world health organization our friends in f.a.o. the food and agriculture organization and the organization or why you that deal. as with animal health this is critical and it's not new unfortunately at this is been on the agenda for many years but countries haven't quite understood it because it
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seems so farfetched but what do i have to do what does my health have to do with that of an ecosystem but in fact as we heard from dr len just everything is connected to everything and it is important that we begin to understand those into connect and deal with them as such. and mindy what are you saying from the business community because if that if not there is an understanding that everything is so interconnected but but still i mean in that post pandemic stimulus funds the government says still putting 50 percent more money towards fossil fuels at rather than $70.00 ople energy how can the how can we explain that well it's a good question and no respondent to my colleagues since your question if there was one thing we learned from code said it is one where a world community and 2 if it has shaken our system a system of human health we are seeing that some like anything we've ever wanted or mansion and it has shaken our economy and i hope we are smart enough as
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a world community to learn from that that one set of circumstances and of course it's not one but the start was one that comes it has rocked our economic or personal or humane or planetary ecosystem in ways that we never could have imagined and we're also absent doesn't really matter who are in venezuela or brazil or china or the u.s. we're all suffering mightily both and with moment and a fundamental human level. the reality is climate will be worse and it's already starting to be the shake to our system in terms of our economy our health our humanity will be far worse so the need to understand where we're living in and we are living that together and to what climate will bring upon this is really crucial we know we should have acted earlier on coat it and we know we have to act
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now sooner rather than later at extraordinarily increased efforts to deal with climate change and i think the key is we are all understanding that there are people critically disagree with the science point over all our opinion leaders our public our students our young people who are in the streets calling for change and demanding more from all of us businesses are seeing the impact on their economy think about if you're an insurance company we paid out billions and billions of dollars this year alone from storm damage from wildfires climbed this upon us and thought leaders understand that and are starting to act so it is true we haven't moved all business leaders or all of the public but we need to do that through facts through science and also through fear we're all fearful of what might come next and so can we move this stimulus package and i couldn't agree more that
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is and should be a key focus for all of us we will likely see somewhere between $5.10 trillion dollars that's trillion with a t not billiards. moving in to remain as. some call it build back better some see there's a stimulus package some see it as an infrastructure bill but that's more money being pumped into our economy globally than we have seen in our lifetimes and it gives us 2 options we either stay the course and use it in the re we aris have and stay. and a fossil fuel economy which will do a stand or we use this enormously important opportunity to make sure that a good deal of those trillions of dollars go into building our economy in the healthier safer way but in a way that's more equitable that's just and there are specific examples it's not just words there are cement there are steel there are products that we could use
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that are less than a minute let's not go there for a new rate every new bus station every hospital with those old products that are hugely admitting let's use it with different with different cement let's not only bill clinton raised to the suburbs let's build mass transit in our inner cities where people need more transportation options let's build out new energy systems that are decentralized where people locally have more say and let's do job training to make sure that we're ready for the new economy and bring in all soaks in the economy not just the traditional people who have benefited from it you know sometimes we talk about an opportunity in the future i think that opportunity is now this minute and we will focus on that money or it will move past us very quickly so when we're given the opportunity of trillions of dollars of new money being invented literally print it because it's money that didn't exist and our
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treasure isn't on spec that countries are all doing it let's find a way to be smart to be capable of it come together and make sure we use this unique and once in a life or 2 to date to build back better anger in the recent emissions gap report your site found that fossil fuel production has to the klein 6 percent pay yet for the next 10 years but actually were on track for an average annual increase of 2 percent so as mindy said the time is now but yet the actions of of countries around the world doesn't reflect now which will. no i mean well 1st of all you know yes we saw a gift in 2020 we shouldn't attach too much importance to that differ from a carbon perspective that's because the solution is obviously not to lock humanity up and have $1100000000.00 children out of school so once we saw a dip in 2020 of 7 percent in terms of our emissions we're seeing a year on year increase by around as you say 2 percent that then leads to
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precisely in the wrong direction so we need to if we want to have a chance of hitting 2 degrees we need to shave off significantly of our company emissions and if we want $1.00 is around 7.6 percent we said last year reduction year on year but here is the thing with now the net 0 commitments which have come in and you're seeing from korea from south africa from japan from the e.u. . as well as from china net 0 before 2060 and we assume when biden when biden the president elect takes office he said on the 1st day he will rejoin paris and we assume that they will also make a net 0 by 2050 commitment if that that will take us to 63 percent of all emissions that begins us to get us somewhere as i said if we include the
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u.s. we would be reducing and hitting $2.00 degrees more or less if we'd then expand that commitment to those g. 20 especially big g. 20 countries the g 20 in him it's about 78 percent of all the emissions in just those 10 to 20 countries nearly 80 percent of all emissions and they are is a story as well as a present responsibility so getting them inside is what we need. but with the net 0 commitments we are seeing something that is happening now what we are calling for and this is what we will be hearing today in the climate summit is we want to see don't plan this in 2049 because that would be too late you have to submit each country has to submit what is called a national or determined contribution to come $26.00 that will take place next yank lascaux where they. detail the plans for how what are you going to do in 2022 what
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are you going to do in 2023 and on and each 5 years we want to take stock that's under the paris agreement and see how we're doing and stretch ambition that's the only way we can get the good news is if we compared to the n.b.c.'s a national term contributions that were submitted in paris 5 years ago to where we are today ambition has been stretched so we're beginning to make that headway with the trillions going into stimulus now is the time and as mindy said so eloquently we can't borrow it's always children who will be paying these debts that we are taking now in terms of bonds and cetera et cetera we can't leave the kids the next generation folks with a debt as well as with a broken absolutely but what about individuals in general this is the 5th anniversary of the paris agreement it's also speaking to terry champion sara i mean what is the we've been talking about government and business but what is the role
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of individuals in this what role can they play in being part of the solution in the emissions gap report to which you referenced we show that 2 thirds 2 thirds of all emissions are linked to private homes households so when people say well it's hopeless what can i do know you can do everything because to so it's very emissions are linked to private households to amble billeted to how we move about by air by sea and by land including the food we eat because that's often transported from far away places with a heavy carbon footprint and it's linked to our residential how many square feet of square meters do it does each person needs and it's into the food we eat but dr faber my other individual if things stories aren't about other things that individuals can do to prevent pandemics as well. i totally agree that every individual can do a lot and that is not always linked directly to emerging diseases but to climate to
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habitat and to what we are using at home what we are eating where the food comes from i mean people are eating much more stuff which coming from other countries now than we used to write so remember their local food we have these kinds of things and and that will impact also health indirectly the other thing is obviously that that you can just buy the normal things like hygiene how do you store your food and how how do you do your live basically in your day to day life already also reduce risk here i mean the important thing is that we are an enormously large human population there's no species as the mean and as we are and we are not different populations we all one big population around the world right so if a virus makes a jumps into a population it will spread around the building very quickly so we have to be extremely and even more sensitive to about these issues than we used to be 20 or 100 years ago so we are really on the rise with our species still and this is
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creating from an infectious disease point of view an enormous risk so this is an additional layer. to consider when you think about the risk taking by changing the environment on how we intrude in the last forest and how we live our environment in general. so irresponsible for a lot on a and therefore it's as i as the champion show it really is within our hands failed to do something about it all thanks to all our guests and anderson talked to fame he had leaned back and thank you too for watching this special episode in collaboration with the un's environment program you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story and you can also join the conversation on twitter we are a.j. inside story for me i'm on to barrel and the whole team good bye for now
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thank. the latest news while not all of those this plays out when this be a fact of this recount they say this there is they've heard from family members and relatives were enough to make them come here rather than think back to details coverage to challenge the government faces is a way that you can persuade people to keep providing by restrictions when they need you to fans from around the world the so-called swedish model might be under some pressure of let's a full lockdown is unlikely i'm perhaps even impossible. we've
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never had a president who has literally for 4 to 5 years repeatedly attacked our democracy. you know lose your letter to everything that you i don't have a narrative i have a question you're hitting that's really where people can get treated and just feel sure even through their join me richelle carey on outfront as my guest i'm around the world take the hot seat and we debate the week's top stories in pressing issues here on out is there. covert 19 is grounded global travel for countries dependent on tourism like kenya the effects are devastating. that you have not been called when. somebody dies livelihoods vanish people in power reveals the hardships facing affected communities and the efforts being made to protect wildlife from the threats of increased production in the wake of the pandemic kenya the unfathomable virus on al-jazeera. dissecting the headlines in the midst of
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a pandemic let's start with some of the on the ground realities affecting the news coverage what's the lay of the land that stripping away this big reaping story about presidential corruption it is real reporting it's not if you keep challenging assumptions and the official line we all decided we need to tell our score look we don't want to rely on the authority and it's media listening post on out is there. al-jazeera while tells the intriguing stories behind 4 classic songs from palestine and jordan social snapshots of different times and places from the british mandate to 19 fifties jordan and the palestinian diaspora today musical expressions of their cultural identity and their yearning for the homeland that many were forced from in the 1948 songs for the love of history on al-jazeera.
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understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound so no matter how we take it we'll bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson this is the news hour live from doha coming up the next 60 minutes stepping up efforts to protect the planet's bald leaders plan to unveil additional goals 5 years since the power supply in the deal. the u.s. gets ready to begin covert 19 vaccinations after it gets for.
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