tv Inside Story Al Jazeera December 14, 2020 3:30am-4:01am +03
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the rate the demographic change the vatican's announcement of pope francis' visit to iraq has given many christians hope that what is left of their heritage can be preserved but the demographic changes here are so extensive that few believe they can be reversed seem awful to al-jazeera but. you're watching our deservedly so robin a reminder of our top stories the 1st batch of the fires a band that cried a virus vaccine is being dispatched across the u.s. vaccination of health care workers and the elderly begins on monday as the nationwide death toll approaches 300100 has more from washington d.c. in addition to sending these 2 specific hospitals they're also being sent to c.v.s. and walgreens to drugstores and their pharmacists will receive the vaccine personally and in their own vehicles will take them alone within
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a radius of 75 miles from each a very locations to distribute them to nursing homes where the elderly are most at risk in many cases it will be the frontline health care workers doctors and nurses who will be receiving the vaccines 1st and then it will spread out to the general public over the coming months we are told the general public might start getting vaccinations from march to april may and june it's only has overtaken britain for the worse covert 19 death toll in europe both nations of registered more than $64000.00 dance it's the special commission for the pandemic says all e.u. countries will begin their vaccination program on the same day the british leaders have agreed to extend but said talks without a trade deal will be both a texan tyrus for goods travelling between the u.k. and the e.u. starting on december 31st. well hackers of infiltrated computers the u.s.
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treasury department and possibly other government agencies the u.s. national security council says it's investigating the cyber attack it comes less than a week after a major u.s. cyber security firm fire i said foreign government taxes had stolen tools it uses to probe the defenses of its customers tributes have been pouring in for john le carré who's died at the age of 89 the author was the spy turn novelist behind some of the world's best selling espionage fiction that carries agent says he died in call in england on saturday after a short illness he worked for britain's intelligence service before turning his experience into books which helped define the genre of cold war espionage literature into tinker tailor soldier spy and the spy who came in from the cold those are the headlines about with more news in half an inside story is next.
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and italian student is tortured and murdered in egypt now italy is pressing charges as more evidence suggests involvement by egypt's security services so will that finally be justice for judea a regime that is it's my story. hello welcome to the program i'm wrong come on it's been nearly 5 years since the death of a regime in egypt you talent student was researching labor unions when he disappeared in cairo his body was dumped by road at 9 days later italian investigators say the
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28 year old had been beaten and tortured new videos obtained by al-jazeera suggest the security services had followed him for more than a month if egypt blocking its investigation prosecutors in rome have now charged full gyptian agents with kidnapping and murder egypt as suspended its own probe but says whoever killed regime had no connection with the state. we today we know that the egyptian general security followed regina's tracks for 40 days we know that he was a recent 1st in a camp been transferred to cell number 13 the egyptian ministry of interior this is a very dangerous matter need telling people strongly condemn it we firmly maintain our position with respect to closing diplomatic ties with egypt the lawyer for regime his family has welcomed the charges as a new chapter in the investigation. yemeni chief julie every genie was spied on for many weeks and that was even in his house the egyptian national security forces
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entered his rear searched it and took pictures of his passport and followed him everywhere they were taking pictures of him and creating a spy network that includes his friends all this can't be done by one individual only and the responsibilities well can't be placed on one single pass in such a matter and ashley would be from the highest authorities rights groups are calling for accountability in hundreds of other cases the committee for justice says that 1056 people have been killed in egyptian detention centers since bill fattah el-sisi took power in 2013731 have died from a lack of health care 144 were tortured and 67 committed suicide the egyptian commission for rights and freedoms says that more than 2700 people have been forcibly disappeared since 2015. let's bring in our guests engine a vote we have i'm afraid director of the committee for justice dahlia for me is
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the associate professor of political science at long island university she joins us from new jersey and to be on the hell is a political writer and analyst specializing in egypt and he joins us from washington d.c. a welcome to each of you i'd like to begin in geneva with our made in the fray the italians are saying that this is damning evidence not just of security services involvement but they're also saying that this shows that there was a conspiracy to try and prove that it. was actually part of a spy ring do you think there's anything in those charges. thank you for having to be around. we've got to get the transparency when we talking about some thoughts or thoughts of transparency on the bar to sit there's not transparency in the world and especially got bigger as any case already gotten and that is huge and it's. gotten to the irish and how many detentions that's our users this is something it's
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p.r. for us and also to us for the international community. when we try to open service about 'd what's the situation and are we so it's that there is not all that transparency on that there is a bit of transparency and to live in peace bishop and rich and that human rights missions and additions and starts that this is not transparency that this is like the positions of the situations that there's usually gene trying to you think that robot got that to mislead the public. that missed it up to its source i think it's not only misleading it's not only salt and that's up they also tried to mislead the warren commission of inquiry as we all seem and the solution of sorts. out the our underpins all that must be
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a chance and that is christianity as examples it's not on his old energy good it's also. in trying to mislead the human rights mechanic. that's by giving it until information about many. of the uses. by. how doing its. part in egypt with think that without that expense oh and then the human rights organisation. and i would say i eat meat. since that egyptian regime. where. i can see that number one all it's who ever you hearts on the other hand what i mean just actually is an interesting point you make there let me just put it in the below the bill the egyptian government stopped the probe into regime he's deaf they've just said actually they didn't have anything to do it wasn't the state
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however they haven't provided any real evidence that our guest in geneva is basically saying that there's no transparency and there's never been any transparency when it comes to human rights in egypt. ok thank you very much for your kind invitation and. also the distinguished guests and to the under the desks ok let me put it this way the question of any human rights activist whether this kidnapping disappearance is exciting and then it takes away a little bit and then later it is revisited so that cycle has been followed in the case of jeannie and others whether it could be repeated in the future it's possible so it will be an issue it will be a file and there are many issues in so many countries who are by the human rights concerns was always recycled often and under different circumstances and as a matter of fact illiquid defend the present term prison term has never been silent
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on the questions of human rights in egypt where there are asian ear or any other subject it has always been raised and debated. the other part of the question points to the issue of transparency i mean well come to the age of globalization everything is open i mean it's a circle back to the debate or the syndrome of an open society it is no longer george orwell's 1904 and to tell attorney and society hiding the secrets of the states in court a court a ministry of propaganda so every nation faces oppression even the united states about the transparency of the elections that the transparency of the treatment of inmates or the human rights activists when it comes to egypt yes egypt is an open society it cannot escape the dictates of openness so any human rights
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issue will never be hidden from egypt as a matter of fact i recall once and expect egyptian who told me when i was young and very wise a statement any rumor in egypt has its own. foundation and grounds because there is some substance to all a pip talk about anything so any human rights concern in egypt has to be transparent you cannot hide it well just because egypt has a. showing of ill if there is no probe there's no transparency dollar for me in new jersey the italian prosecutors have named 4 people they are providing evidence but the egyptians are don't seem to be paying attention what's a 2nd what's the consequences of naming these people. so 1st let's look at the evolution of the egyptian narrative you know just last month the prosecutor in egypt said that the perpetrator of whatever happened to regina is unknown but if you recall just awhile regina's body was being flown back to italy the egyptian
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government executed for individual saying that he was killed by a criminal gang the narrative in egypt by the regime has evolved over time and what's happened in the past month is very interesting because the italian government has actually named 4 individuals and is looking into the investigation of 12 more individuals that it's asked the egyptian government for information on that they dipshit government refuses to release any information now the naming of tarik sauber mohammed ibrahim captain osman homie and magic bird hema sharif is very interesting because by naming them in public what's happening is that they are now liable in risk detention under interpol if they are to leave we used to talk about human rights violations in the names of states and regimes now by targeting individuals at the lower ranks they can actually be arrested if they attempt to leave the country here in united states the global manusky act that was passed
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actually allows the u.s. government to sanction individuals and target security officers who have particular pated and perpetuated and enabled torture to happen to to activists and other individual especially those who hold for in foreign passports now just this past summer the european union also agreed to establish a similar regime to the global manusky act in america allowing its 27 member bloc to sanction those responsible for human rights abuses so by the italian government naming individuals we've entered into a different moment of accountability on the international world stage because accountability. is not coming from within the investigative bodies of egypt and that's become clear over time moving from a narrative that he was killed by a criminal gang that evidence was found with these gang members and when the evidence was presented to regina's family they said that this does not belong to
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him and so by creating an international farce over the cover up of a cambridge university student whose doctoral dissertation was looking at union activities among street vendors being seen as a threat is quite telling evidence released this week and tapes so is that regina was followed for over 40 days that there are tape recordings of individuals and within the security apparatus who are a member talking about what do we do with the so-called young man we have him this leads that this was actually state perpetuated torture leading to the death of a foreign international grad student the evidence released recently by the italian government dalia i have to say the egyptian the egyptian government is actually it one of its defenses one of his many defenses in this case is actually if this will wasn't a foreign student you wouldn't catch and now you do because it's
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a foreign student now it was a nothing to do with us it was a criminal gang a-k. those are the evidence presented but we've shut down the probe i mean there is there is the italian government bringing this to the fore but what about all the rest of the people of muslim brotherhood really who've been arrested people on his of tough they over the years any opposition group have been cracked down on why don't those stories get told you why this will. you know since 2015 there have been almost 3000 cases in egypt a force in forced disappearances the have led to torture there are over 60000 political prisoners yes what is happening in the prison systems in egypt and throughout the country remains on unknown because egypt has done several things it's denied the entry of human rights workers like human rights watch and amnesty international it just imprisoned and released because of international pressure members of a human rights organization and so this is indicating if the egyptian government
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can law on what's happened to an italian graduate student from cambridge university then imagine what happens the average age of the international community has remained silent on what's happening in libya for strategic reasons for example the italian government even though this is an italian graduate student it's evolved even in its relation of egypt from removing its ambassador to actually becoming a weapon sales country that sells weapons to egypt a country that's involved in a $1300000000.00 oil project with egypt and so even the italian government just like the french government just like the united states hedges its bets on is it international human rights or is it our strategic interest but what's happening with the global might act and the highlighting of cases like regina and for example the incoming biden administration is that there might be a turning point where the international community is forced to look at human rights
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violations its political the and helpful are some very very there's a there's a vital point ali let's just put that point to that in geneva there's 2 points i want to put to you firstly our guest in washington d.c. said actually we don't live in 1904 anymore do is the police state anymore egypt is partly the society so it is transparent just because of the fact we live in the modern world and secondly what do you think of this point that the incoming biden ministration the european union etc months used regime his case to actually take a look at what's going on inside egypt. ok i will begin with 2nd parts and i have a computer guided their sheep case and my view will we have now come to the truth of what's happened with the g.b. and the situation now with the change we are not calling the court of justice or a genie and before more than one. who will have. presence
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and his attention and sense of sense. is unique is not only a victim of your heart it's be hard to enter key in the french citizen in. america james and i hate doing hence most of us and that's our matter detainees in egypt and others. where it can't hold up and that without the trying to balance or killers and tortured souls are what we think we will. not be justice regarding this is syntax we are speaking now about more than 1000 detainees killed inside egypt's sense to expel their uncertainty and if this is. for all of this i will answer the 1st which is accountability do you think that egypt the government.
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which runs us into egypt to governments. accept any investigation they got the one sounds they tell me is done. except your genius because it is in there but they get from god well that's what are you going to respond so let's make it our target let's get it let's get a response well below. that is not the 1st edition since 2013 until now or what how does the feds well let's get a response seal your question in the below hill what's your response. ok look egypt can still handle the crisis because i mean they have a history of this i'm old enough to remember the 1970 s. when. massive cases of human rights atrocities that were committed after that illusion of july to discern under the regimes of nasr were just revealed and now
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and so there was an admission of the crimes of the former head of the intelligence apparatus a lot nicer and his associates and as a matter of fact just a few days ago about brown the former war minister or the guy who hired people who worked for his talent to torture the muslim brothers and other inmates died and that also revived the whole question about torture and detention in egypt egypt can still manage the crisis the can i advise them to have a full and candid admission of everything if he was killed and tortured just stated publicly and loudly and then somehow you would be forgiven but i think egypt has transformed. you cannot really high things in egypt anymore because that is the mid-south since the 1970 s. has acknowledged look at an event you have made i have made that point but let me just put something else here ok so if we are in
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a position where you're suggesting that egypt is transparent it should make these admissions however it shut down the regime probably always shuts down any probe coming into human rights abuses within egypt itself it never really investigates human rights abuses and there's very few actual convictions we've got 1056 people dead since our bill fattah el-sisi took power in egyptian jails no one has been held accountable for any of those deaths simply because the government employees and if you start charging government employees you're going to find that you are going to be a very unpopular government surely that's the case. ok this is actually a big question and can be debated from different perspectives let me just focus on 2 points quickly. it depends any discussion with the egyptian government and the minister of interior it was that's a definite on human rights has to be done so to certain organs for in certain institutions like for instance in the case of the journalists if some journalists
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have been abused the head of the syndicate would talk to the police will talk to the prime minister to the president and usually there is a distancing between the office of the president and the human rights abusers that has been the norm since the dots in the seventy's because we held that blossom so much involved in observing and knowing about human rights crimes the 2nd thing is that like when it says if there are problems say in the treatment of christians the cup the church will talk to the foreign to the prime minister to the interior minister so the police will be scrutinized this way so any human rights issue or will be debated with within certain institutions whether this is an event or a lot is another debate but you cannot hide it i'm quite sure that any developments in the case of the british regime need is still being discussed and debated there is some discourse going on i do not know about it but i would love to reach out ok
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does he have family in new jersey our guest in d.c. is saying that the institutions that are ways of dealing with these human rights abuses they may sometimes country the church they may sometimes even go through political organizations other those institutions. and that not that we know of if we think about what's happened in the past 7 years since the military coup of 2013 there's upwards of 60000 political prisoners there have been the torture to death of just this year of 140 individuals over 100 over a 1000 have died in prison from torture neglect but and if you look at the cases that are use and abuse against women and children in egypt's prisons today misty international released her i'm sorry human rights watch and really sort of porous saying that there are cycles of hell of what women go through in egypt's prisons including gang rape by security officials this case is highlighting is
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a regime all the way to the top that is type 2 that is tied to abuse of individuals if you look at the case that was filed in american courts june of this year by activist mohammed sultan against the former prime minister has and the former prime minister being accused of actually ordering the torture of of political prisoners this case highlights that this is these are not independent acts that are going to be dealt with in syndicates or by journalists indicates that this goes all the way to the top and what's become clear in the case of or in genie is that the torture was ordered he was monitored he was followed there's a special security apparatus that just monitors foreigners in egypt and all of this is been highlighted by this case and what this is greater reflecting is that if this is how foreigners are treated americans italians british. and british students then imagine what happens to every day gyptian is that don't have forces speaking
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on their behalf outside because there are no longer any more human rights. we are going out on that would like to come to the other guests as well. just very quickly egypt has institutions all capable of dealing with this as our guest in washington d.c. do you agree. i don't believe this is not true this is not sure but if we if we if we see the situation calls lee there is no names that you shouldn't use it and suspect it's any crimes against human rights old irish i haven't even started but since i believe that is your she doesn't now care about it's that human rights situation all or any. i don't but rather mis information. this is the way that egypt regime and egypt institutions right used. to answer our church. to speak about or to answer to which i got my
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rights violations what we know will sorry i'm going to sorry we are running out of time and i would like to come finally to guess the bill but helen the bill after having listened to everything that you just heard do you still think they are capable institutions and a decent human rights situation in egypt. it's not a perfect situation i would not use the term these since it's not a perfect one but again it is subject to debate it can improve and if there is any mistake could be highlighted and eventually you will settle this because on the question of human rights you have to think it is selective and this is a plea couple in every country every situation 2nd it can be said to lucky you have that was africa where a whole population was because he denied basic rights and then you have the truest commission so somehow there was any consolation would that this is this can be found in egypt depends on the attitudes of the political leadership but i think you
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can have this disposition of any consigning to any complains about human rights violations i want to thank all our guests ahmed maher for a family and the bill and i would like to thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by this single website i was there dot com and for further discussion go to her facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story and you can also join the conversation on twitter we are at a j inside story for me imran khan and the whole team here and i found out.
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the latest news while not all of those displaced have witnessed the effects of the recount they say this there is a very fun time in memphis and relative for enough to make them come here rather than think back to detail coverage challenge the government faces is aware that it can persuade people to keep applying but restrictions when they need to work to feed to families from around the world the so-called swedish model might be under some pressure of let's a full lockdown is unlikely on perhaps even impossible. he uses performance ott to draw attention to the critical controversial issues facing china . one day states china. on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. right ever. so many ounces here in london to a cost center to special guests in conversation i am killed because of colonialism unprompted it's fun interrupted there's a sense of what it must but i'm still having some legitimacy in terms of spreading the knowledge and technology pretty go pal meets tools that parents need to make a declaration for something as monumentally horrific past slavery studio to be unscripted on al-jazeera. we've never had a president who has literally for 4 or 5 years repeatedly attacked our democracy. you know blew through literacy isn't going to be i don't have a narrative i have a question you're getting there where you're treated and you just feel sure even
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further join me richelle carey and up front is my guess from around the world take a hot seat and we debate the week's top stories in pressing issues here on out is there a. deserve means the whole robin and horror mind of our top news stories the us is racing to mobilize its 1st shipments of the fires are beyond covert $1000.00 vaccine launching the country's largest ever immunization distribution effort it offers a ray of hope in a bleak fight against the pandemic that's killed nearly 300000 americans john hendren reports from washington d.c. . the united states rolled out the most ambitious vaccination program in american history. to the applause of workers at pfizer's michigan vaccine plant it is a test of an.
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