tv The Stream Al Jazeera December 16, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm +03
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for what international monitors described as massive systemic rights abuses taken off sky it says more actions needed we called the europe to be brave in their decision and support the people of bill the rules now. said he'll step down after a new constitution is agreed but hasn't said when opposition protesters say they'll stay on the streets until he's gone the next year brian al jazeera. i'm committed on doha with the headlines on al-jazeera germany has gone into a nationwide lockdown almost central business is a closed and it's world famous christmas markets and mulled wine stalls will be shot through the holidays the country also recorded another 952 corona virus deaths its worst number yet in a single day but the barber is monitoring developments from brussels. on monday we
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know that a meeting by the use regulator the body to talk about authorizing the pfizer vaccine is going to happen so germany is saying that within days from then sometime next week they could start administering vaccines it's going to be rolled out according to the european commission across the european union to be seen to be done in a way in a coordinated fashion germany wants millions in the next couple of months to be vaccinated so they say 60 percent of the population could actually have the vaccine by next summer but between now and then there might be many hurdles and really the big concern now is to try to keep people from meeting each other if it's not necessary britain's prime minister abbas johnson is resisting pressure to scrap a planned easing of coronavirus restrictions over christmas johnston says strict rules will be relaxed for 5 days so families can be together 2 british medical journal say the decision will cost many lives. it's been around for 2030 asian
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games will be held in the qatari capital was revealed as the venue by the olympic council of asia on riyadh was named as host of the 2034 games. iran's president says he is not overly happy about joe biden's u.s. election when it is clear that the quote terrorist donald trump is leaving office. speaking ahead of a meeting in vienna on the 2050 nuclear deal. turkish president. says u.s. sanctions won't stop his country building up its defenses the sanctions had been imposed over its acquisition of russian defense systems says it's a hostile stance by the u.s. against its nato ally but added that the problems created can be overcome. those are the headlines much more to come here on algis there right after the stream which is coming up next.
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al-jazeera. right well every week. after the ok we'll be watching the screen today there are young people across the african continent who are fleeting for their future this is how he. described the crisis at the well it may summit in 29 t. . i am lucky that i am still surviving and to take this chance for granted because people are dying every day i made a decision to protect the only place i could ask. i will tell you that we are a generation of scared people but very ambitious very united
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very persistent and very good action. you get to meet 3 cairo warriors from the african continent you will be out to tell you pretty much anything you want to know about the climate crisis only act we can consummate you can test and they are ready for your questions and your comments your new team it's jumping to the comment section and be caught up today. i am going to greet the guests the guests will say hello to you hello. you just saw hilton right there at the mess summit in copenhagen just over a year ago it was really good to see you introduce yourself to a global audience. thank you hi everyone my name is hilda flavia meconium a climate optimus from uganda and i'm going to be here make
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a matter have you hello elizabeth welcome to the street and tell the world. how everyone my name is elizabeth we're putting it on environmentalists and academics activists from kenya and i'm also the founder of an initiative called the green diversion issue deal which i'm sure rancher and during the conversation and also currently have. had in companies that. and also and i'm a consortium facts works on protecting green spaces thank you and has a great to have you and hello on the juices nice to see tell everybody what you do . thank you so much i didn't allow don't like it it came from a book we did nigeria the bondo pilot likely. to greet the equality in africa i'm at epcot but it is not a bit like there is a bit silly at the lake chad we don't think that it needs to go within this big kid
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not to dry up imo thought even if you thought about it right you joy in nigeria. good to have you let me start here on my laptop so we tooltip out on twitter young activists across africa even efforts to combat the climate crisis crisis can young climate activists save africa this is alex 8 i believe so it may take a while because because climate crisis is not at the forefront of the african took in but it should be if you activists continue to sound the alarm it will reach a wide range of people especially remote areas is the key i like this because it's so. not at the forefront of the african trouble and lizabeth when you see alec saying that why is it when people are actually being paid by the climate crisis right now on the african continent why is it not number one.
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i would say the 1st thing to what he has mentioned that information is key so it happens that for the most people that stand to be the more affected they don't have the needed information to know how to adapt to the crisis and also on the other hand you find that the stories of the african continent. and especially because odd from being a continent but is greatly affected by the crisis it is in the same continent where people are watching on solutions where young people like as like you are like and then you can other young people out there trying to walk out solutions to try and address the climate change in parts so if we can get to these stories from the african continent then i think we can get to have the credit crisis also be at the forefront comes to the african continent that's it we need to keep reminding people that in africa is no longer after unsung it's happening right now and all these
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stories of what is happening need to be told and the need to be informed out there to go out so that people can see that. to be sure one example healed of of what is happening is a very tangible examples of people watching can think this is not just theory this is happening to people's lives so i want to take you to east africa to ethiopia where and this is all of all of east africa there's a major issue right now with locusts and so these pictures from quite recently at least some of this year this is what locusts is during the course of doing to thaw and not just ethiopia but through east africa have a look. better than. using that. on the on my wall tom what's going to hit a you know. exactly that of a lesser known as a 2nd opening. 'd
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'd 'd 'd i know you've come across locusts in uganda can you give us use that tangible example to show how the climate crisis threatening kanda. well. again they're about the start of this year we. are going on over and up to now they're actually just reduced but still the problem once very big and also we have been suffering the same effect with the floods and the raising what has
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a leg which is the world's 2nd largest freshwater body so because you go there is an agricultural country we depend most on our culture. feeding economy most of us in an agriculture and seeing such diverse sitting in on the climate for instance or the effect. it affects us more because this is our life this is our future and without a culture we are nowhere so this climate crisis. every problem except with every issue making it worse for our lives for the lives of the children because they have a longer future to stay so climate change makes everything was from floods killing people claiming people's property claiming traditional lands making people claim a traffic using their own country and. let me just bring it in as an equal
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going to put this question on you tube. so to me says the african continent doesn't contribute much to climate change that it's mostly europe and the usa that more and i think they really took about c o 2 so. when you look on a map and i'll show it to you in just a moment. you'll see who the pig and meat is and is only south african the only emits a little bit i'll show you that in a moment that is a plain as in the case that is a really well made by 2 to mix up and you say what. ok so i'm going to say is that the irony of the only thing that i think that does not make much but yes we are feeling the impact of the climate change crisis that means we had to suffer casey affleck by the climate to decry the kind that is why we need to be united because our climate frankly deaconess countries to each other to my
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grandchildren and all that from so if we don't take these next things we are still needed is a great topic though because climate crisis knows no boundaries so i think that is going to have sexual acts a refugee from that things that we are trying to prevent that climate crisis does not become. an international crisis because right now in nigeria was easy to try to our national security because it leads to is political climate when christ. is the vibe all these people because the people who do not the eastern part of nigeria have been dropped out of deforestation and specially from this train killing charge that have displeased millions of people because coming into the modern talking indian people depends on the league was out strong by the night depicted trying to seize these so it is becoming a cried bitterly daily disease because we are faced with mostly fitted crises that
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ranges from droughts floods food insecurity all of these cause this threat to our national security because it is going to lead to loss of life so you can i went and sought of life now you tried so hard to decide to become thai because the alternative life knew that people seek to get it's great to have said this to try and that is why i call myself an eco feminist because independent of all of these women not get directly or indirectly affected because they carry said you are the ab use the process of going for the file each other company given out for marriage at the every state so we really need do you all want to be you. united all right not to be left behind because right now we are led by do we are not. everyone is. i don't make a bet and i get to see you in a moment yeah so what i'm thinking about is action what are you doing i hear that
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you already know in. really how lucky is i what i want to i want to share with your sister eco warriors are right there to share the conversation a little bit back to you so i'm just wondering what are you doing elizabeth in kenya there is such a rich tradition of honoring nature when gary messiah the nobel laureate. started a mission to plant trees to actually educate young people and i see something that you have carried on can you tell us about that and the education process that you're going through with schools in kenya because it is a massive project it's not a young person doing let's ponder she trains it involves so many schools it is a real system for how how do we get young africans to about climate change tell us more about you. so and begin maybe by saying that the best are we can also
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get young people to get to the fire and is to get them involved and also have them connected environment so i personally go it's connected to the natural age and all the say that's having grown up in the central highlands of kenya and in the most forest that we've done in kenya i got to love nature and connects to the natural world at a young age because i recall the trees ahead of me the bushes beside me and even being able to see it's close to clean streams which are very rare in parts of the law today so these are the things that give me that strong connection to nature and i felt that in the process i also began to learn from nature and in the process i began to feel the pain of nature caused by environmental degradation and that means that things like people throwing trash out of windows seeing people cutting down trees would anger me in the process and also the lead professor ramify was my greatest source of inspiration and i would say that i really admired how walk and i was really interested to understand why she would do the things that she was doing
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back then and that is why today when i get to a park in kenya like. forest lake or a forest i now understand why she was because she was doing it for the generations and so i think this love and connection for nature made me realize that people can definitely get are not natural call to action to address environmental challenges and they can do that when they get to connect directly to the natural world so that is why i decided to found an initiative to also get other young people and children to get that similar and that's natural connection the natural wild when they are still young so this initiative is called green generation initiative and it all began with one tree seedling and one receiving has grown into hundreds and grow into thousands of christenings and of course the company has to make sure that every child in every school in kenya gets a chance to plant and adopt. attrition that's who because i personally planted my father's tree at the age of 70 s.
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so i'm trying to get that street growing cults are among children because we planned so many thousands of trees and tree limbs on trees in the wild but the biggest question is how many of those trees actually gets to grow up to much surety so the best way we can get young people is to educate them and not just teach them but educate them practically because when a kid plant a tree and they natura them and what you'd grow then they are landing and getting connected to the natural wild and so that is how this campaign is trying to match up the young children to be russians of the environment. ok you think if you questions these are great questions this is johnson i held a meeting and he johnson's question just says yes we the young ones we are ready to change africa but we need support from the elders to share that story about new discussing climate change with the professor and how the professor reacted. well by the term 0 as
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a compass i was in 2nd and then i approached my professor. to ask him about climate change because he was teaching about a career meant unsustainability. really wanted to know more and how he is visioning this whole process all. electronic procurement so when they approached him she told him that not exists and then that a week children. and students can do nothing about whatever is happening and then he told me that climate change is god's decision god's plan whatever god planned will have and if god planned a drought in the drought will happen if god planned range then rain will happen if god wants to in the world then he will in the world and then. no control over it and there's nothing that the young generation can do to create change or to make any difference and i strongly disagreed with. because i believe that we young
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we've the younger generation have everything we have the power the power is in our minds and not only as the young generation but also politicians and leaders as we have these resources we have the technology that can help us transform the world into a more sustainable planet we hope we have all whatever it takes but what is missing is the political wheel and this in the action it's let greed and selfishness that is in our communities in our need does making them not to make the right decisions white now what we need are concrete steps to be taken in order to combat the climate crisis because it's not something that is going to happen in the future it is something that is here it has killed millions and millions of people and it's still claiming lives it's making our lives not very very miserable most of the
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people in the global not have entry to face this direct impacts of climate change but i'm telling you that we people in the global south says this things each and every day we have to cope with the same issues floods of tough floods droughts droughts hunger the climate crisis is impacting us more than the ovid crisis thing to. do though will only show that was last year at the world may some of the upset really upset what impact did that have in the people who listen when you pour out your passion in your understanding of how the climate crisis is impacting africans right now will impact us. well actually talking about it's now i really feel disappointed like i felt even after because that was the 1st time i shared my story and. i thought that everyone
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will understand what africa is really facing what we really busted in each and every day but to my dismay as very disappointed because there is no action being taken since then it's like everything was in vain and yes you talk about this story and then everyone. comes up to you of to talking and then they're like oh you're inspiring that's a great story and this something happened you know inspiring go into being in scene just do you know do you know if i'm if i make it do you know you i stand when people say that you are inspiring or they patronize in the is the global north patronize you. well it looks more than that because if i am inspiring then what do i inspire you to do i mean it shouldn't and that inspiring it should provoke an auction it should make an impact that's but this not
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only. let me i'm going to allow a little bit of inspiration lead into this program because it comes with elvis paul tangena and he's the coordinator of the great green wall initiative if you don't know if you can it you'll be amazed because africans have been being climate where it's a very long long long long time this is what elvis had to say to you have a listen to this image council in the continent of should. this to work with this young people are those who make the change that they weren't because the future so divisive is to. be activist. and continue on top of the same across the level of the esoteric we've seen a lot of openness to work with them. i want to show you the twitter page of this climate where his climate name is dixon and dixon told us earlier on the street
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that the biggest challenge to climate activists on the african continent was the lead is because the leaders were only thinking about the next election they were thinking about the future so young people who are of the future generations and in ek when we talk about concrete acts actions will be think about the oh you're so inspiring you know what wonderful young activist what do you want what action do you need. i think in maine and that was actually needed to me so i've been my own reality and the political will because we're not political we can't grab power. and that is why we are trying to think did i did call and most importantly are the gratitude like we got me know that we need to balance all of these are young people we are seeing that the few want to make full of pride
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you know if i'm not thinking now and that is why we are calling that. we said when we did want to because that is the road miles who are. fighting for home but we are calling our actual because that didn't come it went far what me that no one will commit to me i've been able not. to talk to i didn't go in i didn't. but at any case if i may say i know it's no chicken because you're on the same here but this political will is the answer to every single problem that every country as a hat so what do you want them to do because they're not doing it right now are they who do you want to happen because you know that doesn't mean anything. yes there is a need for any leads. because 'd then with mental climate talks to get germs are one the power watch could do i think that is what is needed because if they keep falling people are on the globe of science that's the main we need the funded for
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each case even require me know if your vision was that given to help to transform to side so the meadow folks who should be not being now i'm sure got down needed for those who ought to know a lot killed for that is good in vain that said to ask a feeling that we need because we know that the climate crisis is appling in every 2nd of every be on it's not a track while he's going to choose and that's why we need more action was smart potential black pickup scene not being quite that big chunk of meat to good shows for our downfall because see that it comes true and i must mention the that there were also climate education not going into what's in the is that he is very important because that's the success they have that will stick in creating the hillside the old created the kids that we want the club bringing up on. because i'm a country like my climate that we can chill in including that's how i died by 50
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because we are depressed we need don't we picking on everybody coming from different backgrounds so if we don't get to fight the it's my look i agree watching them when in which case the program called all the initiatives are being used to the car use it so the i've decided that climate that the kitchen. played a role in occupied react very strongly when i graduated from school when i thought it important for me graded kids people and the school because we don't have to be up in the corner equal on that the need for our blog at the new curriculum but our people growing up in a ball. fight the problem we got if we don't know about the problem is really big but at the need for all people create the opportunity that education in day and there's only me i admire that rugged 30 where they believe i am can cry through public or picked up. at any case thank you so much and i know it's
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a list of really bringing you advocacy here to the stream and showing it's going to be an uphill challenge about how you approach the climate crisis in africa but we hear your passion and your determination what passion and love passion and determination happening on instagram live let me tell you who we're going to have coming up in just a little bit. sunday through wednesday we'll have it always have an instagram live conversation at the a.j. stream t.v. account at 2030 g.m.t. we are going to be connecting with a member of friday's future. and having a. really deep cold in a conversation about how young people globally are trying to impact the climate crisis how they driving it how they shape it and how they're getting the rest of us to get on board so that the age a strange instagram like the 2030 g.m.t. from monday that's it for today show thanks so much anybody who makes.
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jazeera. this is al-jazeera. hello and welcome i'm peter w. watching the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the world health organization says europe faces a high risk of a coronavirus resurgence months and 2021 as germany and the u.k. introduced tougher restrictions before christmas. iran's supreme leader says hostilities with the u.s. will not end with donald trump's exit from the white house.
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