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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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me invisible thread on al jazeera. this is al jazeera. hello and welcome i'm peter w. watching the news live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the world health organization says europe faces a high risk of a coronavirus resurgence months and 2021 as germany and the u.k. introduced tougher restrictions before christmas. iran's supreme leader says hostilities with the u.s. will not and with donald trump exit from the white house. the u.n.
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says millions of children in ethiopia do not have access to aid since fighting in the region of great began last month. also ahead fear and anxiety among parents of more than 330 children kidnapped by nigeria's book fighters announced on how much and all the sports. world this is to go. as one of both to host the 2030 asian games the cattery capital with days the multi-sport event for the 2nd time. top story of the world health organization says the coronavirus and their mic could worsen in europe early next year now that warning comes as several e.u. countries including the netherlands and germany struggle to contain rising numbers of infections and the number of deaths in the u.k.
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london and the surrounding areas have now. and to the highest level of restrictions the u.k. prime minister boris johnson wants to relax rules over the christmas holiday season scientists say the plan will cost lives germany's entered its 1st day of an emergency locked on which will name it most christmas gatherings and events the restrictions come into effect on a day the country reported $952.00 deaths the highest since the pandemic began and the world's 3rd worst affected country brazil vaccination plan has finally been announced the president. says he will sign a $4000000000.00 deal this week to buy any vaccine approved by the regulators in a moment we'll go to brazil monika here is standing by for us in rio jonah hall is live in london 1st let's go to need barca in brussels with the developments across europe so need germany especially going from bad to worse.
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yes from bad to worse restrictions significantly tightening after the 1st lockdown lites was introduced last month which saw the closure of all lesser leisure facilities bars and restaurants now that has been extended mean the closure of all non-essential shops schools and nurseries are also being affected as well many people see this as a necessary step others are treating this rather reluctantly particularly all the businesses that were hoping to recoup some of the lost profits ahead of christmas we believe that there is some wiggle room though on christmas eve and christmas day and the day after allowing a certain limited number of family members to meet but nevertheless this is pretty much the tightest restrictions that the german government could implement or across the country's 16 different federal states primarily primarily because the numbers have been going in the wrong direction for some time for at least 11 days in a row the death toll has been above 400 deaths
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a day and now this sudden surge 952 deaths in a 24 hour period the number is somewhat skewed by the late arrival of some data from saxony nevertheless though it has concerned an awful lot of people close to the german government including scientific advisors who say the 1st lock down helped to reduce contact between people in the country by 40 percent they need it to be closer to 60 percent for it really to have a lasting effect but germany isn't the only country to be implementing this tight lockdown the netherlands also begins a 5 week increase in restrictions there including the closure of schools in nurseries too after reporting an increase in $11000.00 infections in a 24 hour period there is hope on the horizon though the european medicines agency meets on monday with a view to approving the bio on tech finds a vaccine we believe that that vaccine may well be rolled out immediately. many
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saying very ambitious the of the hopes of how 4000000 people vaccinated before the end of the year that would be only 10 days that we're talking about 400000 vaccines a day potentially may have thanks very much need baccarat correspondent telling us the story out of brussels live now to london and my colleague jonah whole sojourner boris johnson's plan how should it shape up do you think heading into christmas week when it's looking frankly as if the sort of structure of the plan remains more or less unchanged remember that we're about a fortnight now out of national lockdown here in england going back into the 3 tier structure of coronavirus restrictions london in the southeast as you mentioned entering that structure as of today 60 percent of england now covered by the stiffest level of restrictions with 3 quarters of local areas in england registering infection rate rises in the face of all of that boris johnson has come under severe pressure to alter or scrapped this plan for christmas between the 23rd
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and the 27th for 5 days he promised people that they could put 3 families together in a secure covert bubble and spend christmas together as close to a normal christmas as it was possible to get while he's remained steadfast he didn't want to do that nobody wants to be accused of cancelling christmas even in the face of scientific and medical advice the has warned that this will add to the death toll that it will add to hospitalization numbers overwhelm the n.h.s. and quite possibly lead to a 3rd wave next year now during the course of the day the 4 nations of the u.k. they have devolved powers over health of course met and agreed in principle to keep that structure of the rules in place is what boris johnson had to say in parliament . there is actually as i say unanimous agreement across all the. buke a government devoted ministrations it can be members of all parties with just be concluding his own that we should proceed in principle with the existing
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regulations to speak up because we don't want to criminalize people's long made plans so that's the fabric of the rules intact the nuance though is in the detail because already some of those the nations of the u.k.'s wales and scotland in particular have issued their own guidance severely strengthening the advice they're giving people about how those rules should be applied wales and scotland saying well you don't really need 3 families perhaps try and go for 2 scotland say you don't need 5 days perhaps try and stay together just for the one day and we're expecting a press conference from boris johnson and the chief medical officer chris waited for england in about half an hour i think expect something similar from them ok john a stay close we'll come back to if there are any developments out of that news conference live now to rio and our correspondent there monica so monica but mr paulson are you saying he will spend an awful lot of money on any vaccine that seems like a quite a bold promise actually. yes it's
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true he finally came out with a campaign we're still at the country is the best thing and be asked that my correct mean what together with votes for the state of stump all of which is the richest one is in best thing in another bag producing a big thing with china which is the coronado back and brazil is also had agreement with. other poor farmers the world throughout the what like fight there are in the jag. and anyone that does get an approval from the needs which is the regular oratory agency here in brazil he says he will buy now the news today. is that they that they will start a campaign today to make people aware of the importance of the back and so that people receive but you must remember that the president himself has said that he will not he does not want to be vaccinated he already had coded 90 i need
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says he doesn't want to be vaccinated and 22 percent of brazilians are wary of back to the campaign would be important is this something monica of a u. turn to mr paulson otto he spent so many months at the beginning of the pandemic in effect playing it down and here he is now today saying well actually as soon as we can get the vaccine we will get it into the country well he's always been working for the vaccine and he never with again that he always played it like he had a discourse when he talks to his supporters it's like this is the little flu i got over it easily let's not panic let's not talk about covert covert covert much like the president donald trump whom he had miers but parallel to that he has been working to get these vaccines and we have been campaigning
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a bit against the chinese back that used which is the one that is be financed by the state of the law with that story that you know kind of the crime against. the virus came from china the chinese backed mean but today i'm going ask him and they made it it became clear that whatever bag he proved to be faith and his approved by the regulatory agency brazil will get they won't play politics with that apparently according to what the announcement and they will or will think think the money to vaccinate the whole population of the 1st 4 months will be for people that are. and rick like on the front lines and indigenous people monica thank you very much. gaza's government is appealing for medical supplies to help contain the corona
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virus outbreak the gaza strip has reported a new record of 935 new cases in the last 24 hours and recent rises further straining the health system after more than a decade of israeli blockade restrictions have been tightened and doctors say the rate of infection could soon become uncontrollable. and south korea is preparing to implement its toughest coronavirus measures yet on weapons to south korea reported a wreck or daily number of infections with more than 1000 cases. almost half of singapore's migrant workers have been infected with covert 19 in the past 9 months most lived in shared rooms in big dormitories they face restrictions on their freedom of movement only to speak gradually lifted next year overall singapore has reported more than 58000 infections since the pandemic began. and the us health system is straining under the pressure of the coronavirus pandemic intensive care units have been running out of beds in
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a least one state mississippi and there were fewer than $100.00 available in los angeles county home to millions of people as rob reynolds. in california and across the u.s. the coded 900 numbers are staggering in los angeles county population 10000000 there were fewer than 100 intensive care unit beds available on tuesday in some areas like the central valley and counties east of los angeles there are 0 i.c.u. beds left more people will die because the whole. statewide more than 42000 cases of covert 19 were reported on monday breaking all previous single day records were still in the tunnel going through the most challenging and difficult search we've experienced since the beginning of this pandemic most of the state is under a stay at home order still public officials pleaded with people to wear masks and
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socially distance. we just had to order $5000.00 additional body bags they just purchased for the state that should be sobering after more than 300000 deaths nationwide millions of doses of pfizer's vaccine are now being distributed around the country with medical workers at the front of the line more encouraging news came from the u.s. food and drug administration which found moderna vaccine candidate to be 94 percent effective emergency f.d.a. authorization for the vaccine is expected by the end of the week a new poll shows 71 percent of the u.s. population wants to get vaccinated right away that's an 8 percent increase from september widespread vaccine acceptance is essential to combat in the virus vaccine rollout also costs money congress is still working on multi-billion dollar covert relief legislation but they're not there yet no matter how long it takes will be
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here until we get a codebook the country's top infectious disease expert dr anthony fauci recommended that president elect joe biden who is 78 years old and vice president elect kamel harris get vaccinated right away in the interests of national security we want him fully protected as he enters into the presidency in january so that would be my strong recommendation biden said he'd take that advice like you are now to the public. much of the ongoing nationwide search is attributed to virus exposure during travel and family gatherings over the a thanksgiving holiday last month with hanukkah underway and christmas coming next week doctors are begging americans to stay home and stay safe rob reynolds al-jazeera los angeles. plenty more still to come here on the news hour for you
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including why 2021 could be a year of unprecedented disaster for 200000000 people who looked at an emergency watch list of the most severely potentially affected countries. in australia's growing trade route with china can bridge the moms w t o intervention. and in the sport find out what happened when this world cup winner turned coach bases his wits against his brother football action a little later with santa in about school such violence. level talks to salvage the 2015 iran nuclear deal have now been announced foreign ministers from iran russia china germany and the u.k. well they will be convening next week iran's supreme leader has appeared for the 1st time in weeks to suggest the u.s. will remain hostile to iran despite the change in presidency in washington and
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that's a sentiment echoed by the iranian president hassan rouhani. domi iran. i tell our people if this pressure persists it is from an individual that unfortunately still has a few weeks to go he has been the united states most lawless president and hopefully he is leaving we are not excited about mr biden taking office but we are very happy to see trump go he committed so many crimes he's a murder a terrorist he even causes problems when he wants to buy a vaccine he's a man without humanity or moral principles we are very happy that this arrogant man who wasn't committed to any pledges has been toppled we have correspondents on both sides of this dispute in a moment we'll go live to should have written see him joe biden's home state 1st let's go to door search party in the iranian capital tehran dosser so they are having a virtual meeting is that being seen as progress there. well
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it appears that this is one of the 1st steps in what is to come when the new u.s. administration takes office in january i think there is a lot of discussion going on right now and this meeting with the foreign ministers will be seen as one of the final steps in trying to prepare a plan to present to the incoming administration in the united states to say this is where things stand with the way this is what they would recommend there is a lot of discussion inside iran from various officials we also heard from the supreme leader ayatollah khomeini who said that if these sanctions are removed they shouldn't hesitate for one second he was pointing to the fact that officials who are in favor of dialogue should continue if that is in the national interest in the best interest of the country there is a sense of hope with the incoming administration of president elect biden there could be a change in the tone that iran has had to deal with over the past 4 years there is
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a sense also that this is in the interest of the international community it is not just going to benefit iran if the united states returns to the nuclear agreements we heard also in the past 24 hours from the u.s. special envoy on iran elliott abrams who said that the united states now has the upper hand given all the pressure the economic pressure that iran is now under they have a chance to really seize this opportunity to force iran into possibly renegotiating this nuclear deal but officials here have said over the past the point of contention that remains on all sides is iran's ballistic missile program and iranians have said that that is absolutely not up for negotiation the iranians have said that they've done everything there and uphold their side of the way they have had inspectors from the i.a.e.a. visiting 26 military facilities that are outside the nuclear. it's they've given
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access been on announced visits that those are things that could possibly come to an end given the fact that the parliament has passed a new bill given the remaining signatories of the agreement a 2 month period to remove some of the sanctions so there is a sense that time is of the essence and there will be a small window for the incoming u.s. administration to try and remedy the situation thank you very much live returns the who's in wilmington delaware she what can the by ministration bring to the table here if this is heading in the right direction there are conditions when push comes to shove on the part of the tiran administration welcome mr biden come up with that we haven't seen before. it's interesting that those who was talking about abrahams that abrams that saying that the u.s. has the upper hand let's go even further now and that's a message that we are hearing from both republicans and democrats we always have to
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remember the budgets policies are filled with 6 with people who are very hostile to iran to use a term that i think also use a lot of you just said a moment ago there's a lot of hostility to iran and on both parties biden's own incoming cabinet that he's nominated and his advisors a full of bolts and liberal interventionists the difference is these holds in liberal interventionists surrounding biden other ones you negotiated the j c p a i guess it's much opposition within the democratic party party itself so the position has remained steady the whole time that biden would return unconditionally to the j c p a way water and what does that mean that means lifting sanctions in return for iranians iran's action on enrichment and that remains the position now much to the dismay of both the republicans and the liberal interventionists and the democrats
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you know the hawkish democrats so this continues to be the position most recently restated in. an interview with thomas friedman in the new york times who seem very very disappointed by this position but that is that i think that there is an understanding in the in the biden camp babs it was the u.s. to neg deal that it itself had negotiated and there's an agreement with iranian officials that this isn't just about iran and the u.s. it is about it's about security and the benefits but better with everyone to get back into into the j.c. appear at least that's what everyone says jake sullivan the incoming national security adviser for joe biden i guess he was one of the key negotiators and he the however. the position seems to be from him certainly is the goal of the j.c. 'd but that doesn't mean that you should negotiations aren't going to happen in the future attempts at making deals all missiles or regional activity won't be
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attempted and perhaps joe biden said actually in those cases they'll try to bring in other regional partners along with the original signatories of the tracy period discuss those issues but the body count has ruined consistence a return to the j c p a way ok we'll leave it there thanks very much she had her tons of it in wilmington delaware. and we're getting news from the treasury department that the u.s. is imposing iran related sanctions on individual entities that's just dropping on the wire services for us to see if we get any more on the no that's all we know at the moment just the u.s. is imposing iran related sanctions on individuals and entities in iran at the risk of stating the completely obvious of course it is still the trump administration mr trump and his administration clearly wishing to leave something of a footprint on the white house and white house foreign policy when it comes to the state department and also people like mike pompei oh they are going u.s.
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secretary of state he's been front and center delivering on mr trump's message and mr trump's key take on where that relationship with iran is heading potentially that may be got rid of or may have a buy them maybe not be talking to a regular guest here on the news hour out of tehran to find out what the iranian reaction to that particular aspect of this ongoing debate and dispute might be in the coming weeks we move on. nigerian security forces have rescued at least 15 students kidnapped in the northern state of cat sina hundreds were taken on friday from a boarding school in the city of calcutta now the government is being accused of not being open about the number of children who have been abducted it's also denied reports is negotiating with the kidnappers a faction of the armed group has now claimed responsibility parents of the victims are pushing for stronger action. it's almost tedious and here and here without this
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you might say that he could nap on friday night from those pundits people yank us in a street. so wallace wacken he picked out i see my song but honestly speaking stupid i didn't see my story that's why i'm a high fat woman. with and to begin to think there's no way i can measure my anger now this is the 4th day we've come here in the morning to the school we can't sleep we can't eat because of our missing children when we see security men moving back and forth it gives us hope of finding our children. stay with us story our credit risk from a job. the return of 15 more students are greeted with a relieved by communities in and cuts in the state however the emergence of these students is still shrouded in mystery a lot of people are saying a lot of some reports are saying that the military rescued them however a lot of witnesses are talking about how the children escaped their abductors and made it to safety now some parents are maintaining vigilant get out governments can
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be school insisting that they will be there they will continue to be there until the government and all the authorities rescue their children and return them to their parents safely now there are concerns in the west in nigeria after the claim bible koran that it's holding more than 520 of these students abducted last friday many communities are now concerned that boko haram has expanded its area of operations far away from its traditional power base in northeastern nigeria now to the north idea northwest and now i think to the existing problems of banditry and kidnappings that have displaced many communities in that area meanwhile the kids in the state government insist that it's not negotiating with the abductors of the children of the school children. international rescue committee has released its emergency watch list of countries who are suffering will worsen in the coming year the 20 countries represent just 10 percent of the global population but 85 percent
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of those in need the i.o.c. has called for action includes afghanistan syria and the democratic republic of congo yemen tops the list for a 3rd year running. the scale of the needs and the steep drop in funding have left the humanitarian response close to collapse ethiopia rises and the watch lists top 5 for the 1st time because of fighting in the northern region of ukraine and the biggest outbreak of locusts in decades unicef says more than 2000000 children are being cut off from humanitarian assistance in the region of ukraine in. concerned the situation will worsen if access to the children is delayed fighting broke out last month when the prime minister ahmed ordered a military offensive against local forces thousands of people have been killed the european union is reportedly delaying a nearly $110000000.00 aid package to ethiopia over the crisis in ukraine. george reading's he is the lead global crisis analyst for the international rescue
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committee he joins us on skype from london how bad do you think it might get in this particular region. what we know is that there are already at least 100000 people in need of humanitarian assistance and because of the latest events there are going to be another 1100000 people in needs us more than double the number of people in need of assistance just as of us are this need latest fighting but i think one of the things that's really important to remember about ethiopia is that there is a much bigger situation going on here and indeed across nearly all the countries on our watch it's we're seeing a triple threat of climate change and actually talked about in climate conflict and covert 90 that it driving massive increases in the that we have a truly unprecedented global situation of 235000000 people and if you mention assistance and as you were saying that 85 percent of those who watched as countries and that's because of this triple threat in any case even before this conflict in
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takeaway had escalated we had seen the number of people in need in ethiopia at double between the start of 2020 and the middle of 2020 and that was primarily due to the cave in 1000 outbreak because of people losing employment and the economic impacts of the pandemic so we've seen the doubling and there are other issues going on as well. yemen has been at the sharp end of suffering for a long time it's hurt food insecurity it's been on the brink of famine for what 2 and a half or 3 years why is it in that context donor countries they're not refusing or backtracking on their pledge use but they are definitely slowing down on delivering on those pledges why is that. i think one of the key takeaways for us from kind of watches this year is that the key drivers of need to keep increases in need are happening in some of the countries that have long term conflicts and the
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paradox here is that as a conflict continues the impact of it. is mount on top of each other it gets worse and worse but international attention fades and wanes away and so that's what i think we're seeing in yemen we've seen in some the other countries as well though seen significant increases in need but there's a level of donor fatigue sitting starting in and with yemen specifically we already see that starting to hit in 2020 with millions fewer people per month receiving assistance at the end of 2020 and beginning even the needs are increasing in yemen is one of poor countries going into 2021 that is at risk of famine or who are those countries yemen. northeast nigeria and south sudan on the top 10 about watch list and what we are concerned about the ahead as as a level of normality may start to return to western countries and i'm sitting here in london where we're seeing the backs him being rolled out but in places like
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yemen we're concerned that as a need to increasing western countries they have been traditional and another traditional donor countries may because the economic impact because of the extent to which this pandemic has made a lot of countries look inwards they may be less willing to put money forward for the response next year as you were talking to us george we're looking at some pictures from the region the are genuinely disturbing for sure but whether it's ethiopia or yemen are there people involved in these ongoing conflicts who are quite happy to use this elongated this lengthening suffering as a point of leverage if you will so they can i would imagine in their minds get to what they would classify as being victory. and i think what is clear from the countries on our watch list is that whilst there is this triple threat of conflict climate change and the 19 underpinning it all in same these countries it
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is a conflict that this is the 1st among equals of that triple threat and yes that does imply that there are people who are willing to put conflict based interests ahead of the mountain situation this is the this is a side effect of conflict that we've seen these massive human to needs and also one of the real concerns that we have going in 2021 is that the way in which conflicts are being fought we often see a high level of disregard for humanitarian assistance and that can be a level of willingness to target humanitarians or at least not sue protect about $10000.00 civilians in the way that people would like to into an international humanitarian law tragically colleague of ours was killed in ethiopia last month and west we've seen a pattern of attacks on hospitals in several countries so we're seeing those attacks on aid workers we're seeing also that is bureaucratic impediments
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and these don't get as much attention but they can have just as much an impact the 19100000 people in yemen living in hard to reach areas by the u.s. assessments and yes part of that is down to insecurity but just as much that's down to bureaucratic impediments which are so dull things like approval processes for moving humanitarian assistance from one place to another that are just being unnecessarily slowed down and that is resulting in critical lifesaving assistance not reaching people as speedily as it should george it's an important story stories multiple stories the need to be told thank you so much for joining us here on the news or would you appreciate the time thank you. ok still to come for you here on the news hour unesco at south korea's lenten lighting festival to its list of cultural heritage sites we'll look at its history and we'll tell you what it's all about what it symbolizes. mean that i would trade be a rose iraq is not foolishly i also had
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a call for action to defend democracy is the entire belorussian protest movement has given the e.u. top human rights award. and the australia captain assumes a warning to team india ahead of the 1st test the latest cricket coming up in sport with santa when we come back. from. the storm that was in the eastern med is split into 2 hearts down the rain stopped falling in turkey it stopped falling in cyprus the stilson right in stone the northeast of turkey and the low a bit has turned into an on shore breeze really from lebanon southward towards sinai bringing showers thunderstorms rain or cloudy skies a focus of the gaza reflects that showers on thursday still what the dark skies on
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friday in a brighter looking saturday now friday's national day in qatar the weather looks set fair $24.00 degrees is probably a minimum of the warm but it's going to reason we humans are to feel all that with a few clouds in the sky otherwise it's looking fairly fine thread arabia it's iran which catches a bit of rain or snow a tight after as a by john as well as a remaining storm just fall apart where the active weather for the south is seasonal it's been worse while it's balsam flash floods to cause when the tower we're talking about 5200 millimeters typically in those big showers we're showing thursday and friday will probably edge eastwards and north. covering good part of something was a big zimbabwe and zambia but johannesburg is not free of charles sundry on thursday this was again on sunday. following 2 fatal crashes in the past year boeing decided to brown the brand new 7
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through 7 max but this wasn't the 1st time that grounded a new aircraft back in 2013 the 77 dreamliner ran into trouble when a battery caught fire but as al-jazeera is an investigative unit discovered there was more to the problem than just smoking batteries. rewind of broken dreams the boeing 787 on al-jazeera. when the news breaks the impact of the storms in honduras has been particularly devastating when people need to be hurt no group has claimed responsibility for the shooting on the outskirts of srinagar in indian administered kashmir people here say they're living in fear al-jazeera has teams on the ground they never ate the scared it would spread we simply don't know if we can take you to bring you more award winning documentaries and live on air and online.
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you're watching news hour i'm pretty top your top stories so far this hour the world health organization says the coronavirus pandemic could worsen in europe early next year and that morning comes as several e.u. countries including the netherlands and germany struggle to contain rising numbers of infections and the death rate. by jury and security forces of rescued at least 15 students kidnapped in the northern state of kut ciena hundreds were taken on friday from a boarding school in concord a city the government is being accused of not being open but the number of children who've been abducted. iran's supreme leader has appeared for the 1st time in weeks to suggest the u.s.
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will remain hostile to iran despite changing presidency in washington the u.s. treasury has just impose more sanctions against iranian individuals and companies. verdict being handed turn in the trial in france 14 people have been accused of aiding the attack on the satirical magazine and 2015 to 17 people were killed the attackers were killed by the police in a separate standoffs bottlers our correspondent at the courthouse in paris natasha just take us through what's been handed down. all the judge here at the court in paris has begun delivering the verdict so so far what we understand is out of the 14 people who are accused of providing some form of support to those 3 gunmen who carried out the attacks in paris and generally 2015 we know that at least 12 so far have been found guilty 6 are not of terrorist offenses the judge has said monks those accused of the main ones ali riza pohlad
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who is accused of providing mainly just a core support to those gunmen and also hired boumediene who is the wife of amity coulibaly the man who carried out the killings at the jewish supermarket a few days after the attacks shortly after the prosecutor the judge i should say as yet though to deliver the sentences but we are expecting sentences anywhere between 5 years and life in prison natasha will come back to you if there are any more developments in the meantime thank you very much. the u.s. treasury department today naming switzerland and vietnam as a currency manipulator and put 10 other nations on a watch list in a report aimed at stopping countries from gaining unfair trade advantages the department through until june 21 the 2 countries intervened in currency markets to prevent effective balance of payments adjustment switzerland denies the allegation
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trade ministry declined to comment the designation triggers special negotiations if the issues cannot be resolved the u.s. could impose economic sanctions. australia is launching a formal appeal to the world trade organization over china's decision to impose heavy tariffs on its barley now in may beijing imposed 5 years of juicy is on the grain in effect halting a 1000000000 dollar trade the 2 countries have been in a trade dispute since australia called for an investigation into the origins of the corona virus pandemic we are highly confident that by still on the evidence gathering analysis we've put together already strongly has an incredibly strong case demand in relation to defending the integrity and propriety of growing growers and bali produces we have focal infants at the diana not i'm julie subsidized that i do not dump that product in global markets in that they have operated with
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nothing but commercial imperatives in relation to the way they have engaged in the china market. or china's foreign ministry is insisting australia has not properly addressed allegations that the bali is being undervalued and subsidised. to shoot what i want to stress is that the australian government should take his concerns seriously and take concrete actions to criticise discriminatory actions against chinese companies. an inquiry in new zealand has found at least a quarter of a 1000000 young people were abused while in state care over recent decades the royal commission into historic abuse from nearly 2000 survivors the inquiry which was established by the prime minister to send a government in 20 teen found indigenous maori and pacific families were disproportionately affected by the abuse the new zealand government says it will act on recommendations once a final report is finished. it's been announced the 2030 asian games will be held
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in doha the cattery capital was revealed as the venue by the olympic council of asia who was named as host of the 2034 games under a compromise agreed between cattle and saudi arabia the games of the 2nd biggest multi sport event following the olympics are serious and the richardson has more from. it's a victory really for the horan cattles long term commitment to its sporting infrastructure i mean it's hard of course not to see the geopolitics of this situation with saudi arabia being part of the blockade that's been imposed on cattle but i think this is slightly more nuanced and perhaps slightly more straightforward than that qatar has vast experience of hosting huge sporting events it started really in 2006 when it hosted the asian games for the 1st time it's remodeled its national stadium and everything really is in place so really host an asian games and since then last year we saw the world athletics championships
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hosted here in doha and of course the big one coming around the corner the football world cup and that has resulted in even more investments in training facilities in transport facilities for fans and media so it's already there and the scale of this event is hard to understate it is the 2nd biggest multi-sport event after the olympics it will involve $10000.00 plus athletes and the olympics the limbic association both regional level and the international level by thomas back is at pains to stress that it doesn't want to overburden hosting countries and at the moment cats are in a position where pretty much tomorrow it could host these asian games has to be said that riyadh and saudi arabia are also moving in that direction they are starting to host big sporting events be it a formula one race next year they've hosted big boxing matches in the last few months as well but in terms of hosting multi sports events with large numbers international athletes it isn't quite there yet so this compromise has been
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required by saudi arabia to be given that extra few years to prepare for the 2034 asian games. britain's tom cortes has given the go ahead for the expansion of london's heathrow airport the $19000000000.00 project to build a 3rd runway has been bogged down in the legal battles for decades a judge ruled against it in february but on weapons to the supreme court overturned that saying environmental concerns have been properly addressed british prime minister boris johnson is among the opponents he once said he would lie down in front of bulldozers to stop it. british scientists are heading to the south atlantic to investigate an iceberg the size of a small country that's drifting towards the island of south georgia but we're sensing potential damage to the delicate local ecosystem. reports not from where as iris. the iceberg now has a 68 a it's one of the biggest ever recorded more than 4000 square meters it broke away from the antarctic last in the sea ice shelf in 2017 and is drifting toward south
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georgia at about 20 kilometers a day and is actually massive in terms of icebergs mostly icebergs when they're in the open ocean they tend to break are going to smaller icebergs this one remarkably as remains intact and that is still even more remarkable because it's got quite a shallow keel is not very thick so we expected to break apart a 68 day is about 200 meters thick and one fear is that the iceberg will run aground when it reaches the continental shelf around the island the challenge facing the team is to assess the impact something so huge might have on the vulnerable south atlantic ecosystem so something the size of luxembourg is going to be a massive impact on an island like south georgia which is not much bigger than blocks of. the ice berg is formed from glacier ice and as it melts to release billions of tons of freshwater into the sea potentially devastating krill phytoplankton and
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other species low on the food chain that in turn could threaten the diverse ward life on the island there's no light in the moon it's one of the most pristine pieces in the world with the ocean of phone at its most. that's the problem. the scientists will employ 2 reporting submarines to measure the temperature salinity and levels of phytoplankton in the water around the iceberg collect and study animals in the. sea no say well it doesn't just i don't know if we don't protect the oceans these kinds of events will become increasingly frequent and the impact it with. greenpeace and others have long been warning of the effects of climate change but say the threat presented by this enormous iceberg is one that cannot be ignored. there al-jazeera one osiris. 20 new species and 4 thoughts have been extinct or been found in the forest region of the bolivian
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andes the leap frog is among them just 10 millimeters in length as one of the world's smallest amphibians and the devil was also found in large numbers that was last observed 20 years ago. south korea's lantern festival has been on a by unesco with a special designation for intangible cultural heritage the lotus lantern festival is an event to celebrate but his birthday was among $25.00 applicants to receive the honor from the united nations right mcbride picks up the story from so. it's an annual event eagerly anticipated across south korea held around borders birthday tracing its origins back more than a 1000 years the festival symbolizes the enlightenment of mines through borders wisdom but coming in spring it is also a celebration of life that all koreans can share in this year's event was scaled back because of the pandemic. this reflects the philosophy of buddhism that we care
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about people normally large crowds gather to see the illuminated floats that often reflect current events recent improvements in into korean relations that lead to joint a limb pick teams and the possibility of reestablishing rail services between north and south were celebrated last year to kuwait to tear this year's festival with the goal of peace on the korean peninsula and the world by overcoming conflicts with buddhist spirit of mercy 2 years ago south korea's buddhist temples were recognised by unesco for their contribution to the heritage of humanity for the cementing buddhism's role in the fabric of south korean society. the law total enter a festival represents traditional culture that has been practiced by the korean people for a long time and has also played a leading role in promoting korea to the world south korea's bed to have this festival included on the unesco list emphasizes it's important beyond religious
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boundaries and coming during a winter dominated by the global pandemic lanterns for many here are a reminder of the promise of future springs to come pride al-jazeera soul. still to come here on the news for you this french football star receives high praise from one of the old story coming up in just a moment. the
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all. the all.
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the opposition movements in belarus has been awarded the european union soccer off prize for human rights been protesting against the government since the disputed election way back in august has alexi o'brian law unclever. giroux atlas and a socially distanced european parliament svetlana taken of skya the face of the protest movement connects the issues annual award to defending human rights to be are not alone she had to day beside as thousands of resends who inspire us give us strength and hope. until a few months ago she was a teacher with no political ambitions. when her husband an opposition candidate was jailed ahead of august's presidential election she vowed to continue his campaign stepping up to challenge a man often described as europe's last dictator alexander lukashenko who's been in
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power for 26 years. the european union's called the vote neither free nor fair president lukashenko was sworn in for a 6th term and taken a skier was forced into exile. 6 hundreds of thousands of people began protesting week after week calling his victory illegitimate and demanding he leave office you to me see everything which that morning over the past few months you have shown the world what it means not to give up you have defended your rights and you have not given up the struggle despite the pain the suffering and the fear. bella rose's summer of discontent is extending into the winter protesters braving freezing temperatures and refusing to give up. their war cry long live bella ropes. and the using a new tactic to evade the security forces holding smaller rallies away from the
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central city gathering and dispersing sometimes within minutes it's been described as an underground resistance organized in secret chats on social media. these crowds chant i'm going out the last words of a fellow protester as he left his house and men sc he died after being beaten by police. the european union sanctioned lucas shanker for what international monitors described as massive systemic rights abuses taken off sky it says more actions needed we called the europe to be brave in their decision and support the people of bill the rules now. said he'll step down after a new constitution is agreed but hasn't said when opposition protesters say they'll stay on the streets until he's gone the next year brian al-jazeera. ok time for sport has some thank you very much
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a while the president of the olympic council of asia says everybody is the winner following doha landing the hosting rights for the 2030 asian games with riyadh set to stage the following edition both it is that competed in a vote early on wednesday and oman came out on top and health will face 2030 event is the 2nd time qatar will host the multi-sport event the country is also the host of the football's biggest showdown the 2022 world cup. other than just limit this achievement wasn't made just to the right is the result of 16 years of hard work we are proud of this historical moment today we have one good beat for 2030 and it's no surprise carter histed of the arts reports facilities and experience in whose 2 world class events would be speaking to a professor of eurasian a sports industry simon ted wick he believes this latest successful qatar sets them up for another bid to stage the lympics as we know cattle have effectively built
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a nation. based upon sport so a lot of its infrastructure a lot of its urban developments have been connected to the staging of the world cup and also to other sporting events too like the world athletics championship in in 2019. and so it was absolutely crucial i think in terms of legacy and in terms of delivering a return on investment for the. 6 from it some various projects to not only did over the world cup but to subsequently also host of the maker events and what 2030 will do is it will enable the country to to deliver on its 2030 national vision but also to utilise the infrastructure the sporting infrastructure that it has now created it will be of build upon the 2022 world cup legacy but i think what it will also do is propel qatar forwards in terms of bidding for the
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olympic games and we we know that. it's increased seems increasingly likely that cattle are obviously door har will bid for the games possibly as early as 2032. french striker can invent a must start for real madrid as they not stop a 3rd straight win. benzema scored twice as los blancos beat atletico 31 the victory means real are now 3rd in the table level on points good leaders real sociedad well let's take a listen what the real boss had to say when he was asked on whether benzema is the best striker in france's history but i mean. look at us in the early is for me what he is been doing is the proof he's been playing at real madrid for a long time more than 500 munches his goals what he has won and done is all proof in itself for me is the best it is very clear to me. why was owners or
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even in a clash between brothers and italy's top football division on tuesday been event managed by italians well cup win a few people in zag faced off against lots you who are coach by his youngest sibling is in mourning well the game itself was settled by 2 volleys the 1st was this stunner from last year on the relay 25th minute 25 minutes and then the equaliser just before half time final score one for. australia captain payne says his team won't back down on the receiving end of the sledging by india's players the team's face off in the 1st of 4 tests starting on thursday the match in adelaide will be the 1st 'd test action for either side since the assumption of international cricket to after the coronavirus and used to shut down india won the last 4 match test series between sides in 20182019.
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in terms of what goes on the field will have to wait and so you certainly don't go into it planning to have run ins or the overly aggressive aerial that we just sort of go out on execute airplanes firstly with s.q. with bat and ball and. as your nights on fields things can be a little bit willing and if they are big guys there's no doubt that the same might be taking a backward step. and that's as well for me i'll have more for you later on but for now i'll hand you back to the saima thank you very much when we come back here on al-jazeera in about 3 minutes we'll get you across all the very latest coronavirus developments out of germany the u.k. we'll also drill down into that story about the tree c.p.o. the 2015 iran that nuclear deal we've had developments on that story as well just in the past hour or so with sanctions being imposed on individuals and entities based in tehran more news on the web site i'll have more news for you in the flesh
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so to speak in a couple minutes ask you. an invitation to bear witness to all that life office. the hides the lurkers the trials and tribulations. and everything miracles the injustices the defiance the tests of character and the person to witness documentaries with a delicate touch on al-jazeera reporting in the field means i often get to witness
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not just new. this is breaking but also history as it's unfolding. on the red one there might be covering politics and lax in my covering protests. but what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. and the poorest suburbs of 3 european cities community tensions often reveal a sharp cultural divide. future and are signs like discrimination is the real problem in brussels al-jazeera world meet some of those struggling with racism radicalization and life on the margins of troy for this young man a week from this than they're listed the other face of europe on al-jazeera.
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context this is the 1st in-depth storytelling around the biggest issues. and today you should do it again. governments in europe struggle to balance a major holiday season with protecting people against coronavirus. welcome i'm peter w. watching al-jazeera live from our headquarters here in doha also coming up. is still. wins the bid to host the 2030 asian games. 15 students kidnapped by boko haram in nigeria have been rescued despite reports the president says he is now.


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