tv Counting the Cost Al Jazeera December 19, 2020 1:30am-2:01am +03
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tokyo with the city of new gutta 3 drivers have been taken to hospital and soldiers are delivering food and blankets to allas more heavy snow is now for cost across the weekend all of us plenty more to read about here al jazeera dot com you can always that watch is on live streaming there as well. just a quick recap of the headlines stories this hour for you and the united states experience its deadliest week ever from the corona virus with some 18000 people killed according to figures from johns hopkins university 3270 fatalities recorded on thursday alone despite vice president describe this week as the beginning of the end of the pandemic as he and his wife were inoculated live on television karen and i. are that happy to step forward for this week. to take
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a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine that we have secured produced for the american people kiran and i wanted to step forward and take this vaccine to assure the american people that what we cut red tape we cut no corners mexico city in the surrounding state of mexico is suspending all non-essential activities in an attempt to control the latest spike of cars that one can invest so now only the sale of food energy transport manufacturing and financial services will be allowed and till the 10th of january the city's mayor says hospitals are at 75 percent capacity in mexico city have been almost $20000.00 deaths. in germany there are reports of temporary freezes be used to store bodies after a spike in coronavirus deaths and then in sweden the government has introduced its toughest restrictions yet with all non-essential public what place is being closed until late january that includes gyms pools and libraries face wasso for also been
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recommended on public transport but restaurants will remain open a week after they were kidnapped from a school in northwest nigeria more than 300 students have been reunited with their families parents in katsina state rejoice as a school their son's for the 1st time since the kidnapping details of their rescue a not clear but some of the boys say they were beaten on a daily basis by they kept as the ethiopian government is offering a reward in exchange for information that could help locate leaders of the region's governing party that it is promising a reward of 260000 dollars a have been in hiding since federal troops captured the regional capital mcalary those are the headlines counting the cost is coming up next. the american people have finally spoke in america as i slid this off balance or become more dangerous the world is looking at us. with the election behind us will the republican
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party dump truck to the hill weekly take on us politics and that's the bottom line . i'm adrian finnegan this is counting the cost on al-jazeera look at the world of business and economics this week the pandemic decimates millions of jobs and pushes many into extreme poverty could have green recovery be the solution to saving the global economy. flag of convenience chinese ships and cruise but flying the senegalese flag local fishermen say the waters off the coast of being overfished. slaughterhouses are hot spots for covert 19 activist investors say that meat
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processing plants could be the cause of the next pandemic. the coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on the global economy it's pushed back global efforts to reduce poverty improve livelihoods and health care now understandably nations of poured billions into shoring up health services but the recovery now that lockdowns are being lifted needs to take into consideration all of the global emergency climate change with temperatures hitting 100 degrees fahrenheit in siberia and the arctic circle the challenge couldn't be more dire let's put this into perspective because we can tackle poverty job creation and climate change at the same time to limit rising temperatures to below 1.5 degrees celsius 2.42. really an dollars a year needs to be spent on energy systems around the world until 2035 that's around 2 and a half percent of the world's economy the u.n.
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says the money is there because the international monetary fund says that governments of spent 10 trillion dollars in responding to the pandemic but more is needed despite that it's estimated that up to $100000000.00 people have been pushed into extreme poverty the i.m.f. says that further spending should focus on minimizing job losses and preventing a rise in inequality many nations are turning their attention to the recovery the european union as citizens had 750000000000 euros for its recovery fund all of which 25 percent is to be used for climate action we have 2 stories for you on poverty and jobs in a green economy at a moment now to serious nicola gage reports on how geo political tensions are putting pressure on the astray and government to invest in renewable energy as it recovers from the pandemic but 1st a story that's familiar in advanced and poorer nations alike up to $12000000.00 mexicans are estimated to dropped out of the workforce jews of the pandemic many
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are in danger of falling into extreme poverty al-jazeera as john holdren reports now from mexico city. i don't want to give voters are exhausted after an all day search for food. if you want to see how cove it's affecting the poorest in mexico they invite you to the 2 rooms this family of a share there's a dozen personas is the last we start at 10 am and come home at midnight just looking for food where we can get milk nappies enough for all of us before the pandemic nicholas had a job as a security guard and once he sold sweets in a market it tween them they could feed the family were well that's all gone once he told us when we 1st met her at a soup kitchen that embezzling i beat everyone since the start of the pandemic from much we haven't had work and my 2 little ones my mom and my baby depend on me so i
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have to deal with it and. this donated food is the only reason they're not starving . and all along the country's development agency says the pandemic could tip more than $10000000.00 into extreme poverty and it's already happening we went to 16 soup kitchens across the capital all of them told us that lines of grown men he said they're serving 3 or 4 times more meals than before what we found coming to the soup kitchens is that there's a lot of people here from the informal sector street vendors rubbish collectors market workers people that are already for and this is just tip them over the edge . even as the need has increased the number of soup kitchens and cells has phoolan those turning out to feed people like the benito from braced. up and then more because of the pandemic similar kitchens close down and so people said to us please don't close to if you do when are we going to go. it's
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a salient question politics but told us that the federal government say programs don't really work for those in the informal sector like nancy wilson like id's and calm prove that. they've lost their jobs she's grateful for what she does get from charitable soup kitchens thanks he cleans toilets he wants to trump a little but i think you know. by the end of the day the family's eating the battles won tomorrow they'll join the queues again. john homan how does it make scarcity. inside this workshop in the city of large industrial gear boxes are being made and repaired most of for the mining sector but recently the business has turned to renewables also fixing wind turbines it now makes up 10 percent of the company's repair work and that's expected to double in the next 4 years for us we see renewables an important part of her we know it's growing and we
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want to be there to support it. colin still making have defined will go on for more than a century but the focus is quickly shifting to cleaner technologies including the potential of building components for wind and solar and making cleanest. but history it doesn't have a national climate or energy policy and union leader. says that slowing investment what we have in this country is a policy vacuum and it's letting down our environment as much as it's letting down our coal miners while the use of renewable energy is rising as surely remains one of the world's biggest exporters of thermal coal and mines a being expanded the coal industry employs about 3000 people here locally and thousands across the trail some experts believe that using renewable hard. grain steel is the most competitive option in the future to replace them both jobs in
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call as demand for carbon products. that still some years away but there is huge debate about whether a strategy is post coronavirus economic recovery should be powered by clean technologies that would need government support what it's telling is that complier all a meaningful role of providing alter employment but i only within a water mr develop a plan that diversify our situations in a variety of different industries 19 has cuts demand for coal forcing down prices there are also reports. that some chinese power plants have been told to stop importing coal has tried tensions. with a large scale switch to. pressure growing for the creation of an energy policy to invest in projects that can protect. and the environment. in the. well that's 2 case studies of what's happening on the ground right now how
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we deal with that is a challenge that nations are trying to get to grips with and many are exploring green financing as a means to tackle poverty and unemployment but money isn't too much of an issue for rich nations but what about some of the poorer parts of the world delighted to be joined on account of the cost by sound the. executive director of the united nations global compact the world's largest sustainability focused organization sunday you work with what something around 10000 companies around the world many of them in various states of financial health of the moment some are using government bailouts to support jobs but are very in a position given all of that to push ahead with the united nations sustainable development goals which range from poverty reduction to climate change thank you and thank you for inviting me to talk about this really important topic you are right i think the the covert era has has pushed many economists into the state where they do need to rely on government bailouts and this is happening both in the
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developed as well as the developing world now you know actually just 2 days ago i did a sort of tour the tablet with all our our members around the local networks you're right over 10000 companies participate in the un global compact and they are various stages of you know of need in terms of economic support i think what is very important is that we do need to really start stimulate economies to be able to allow businesses to build back and build back better of concern really i think is perhaps more the medium of the small enterprise sector has because statistics have shown that globally most of these companies have not been able to to survive through the coppa 10 demick resulting in job losses and obviously huge income losses as well and so it's a fine balance between to fitting innovating around the businesses that use taps already did paps you know working along with other companies to grow but also being open to be able to receive a. nomic stimulus packages in which have always in short shapes that they do come
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from from government but how long are governments going to be expected to dip into the pockets and big bailouts loans grants like this that's pretty easy for developed nations to keep doing good but what about developing nations other pink calls from ethiopia's prime minister for $100000000000.00 in economic stimulus from the g 20 and the g 20 has offered a debt holiday i mean that's that's not going to get them very far is it no you're right i mean i think you know this economic recovery program that we need to go through is going to be multi-faceted i think if you look at the other end of the continuum shift away from just the government you know i think banks and finances and credit institutions also need to look at what sort of you know either. you know facilities or more terms they can get especially to small businesses who often really are not part of the largely banked sector or those who can easily access
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credit and credit financing you know i think supplies need to look at what the what they can do in terms of allowing some sort of flexibility supply chains also need to be open and flexible so i think you know i agreed there is huge amounts of money that governments probably need to set aside if they're looking at stimulating economies as a whole but i think this this consideration has to trickle down advanced levels of the economy it's really what we're talking about building inclusive business you know right from the ground up and i think you know a match between private sector financing public sector financing and some innovation to really look at what trucks and serves as a truly read it needed right now to drive economies forward i think in all of our countries we've seen a massive resurgence of e-commerce and the opportunities that e-commerce and mobile payments and technology has brought to drive economies forward i think it's also an opportunity for businesses to stop innovate think around what they can. and also
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look at the business opportunities that you know for example the sustainable development goals will afford to them you know you could get we've seen a lot of businesses shift production lines and going to perhaps working on health products this in a lot of businesses shifting to look at more innovations around agriculture and education so i think you know it will take an amount of financing but also there is the opportunity to recreate what business looks like for the future is there a need for a marshall fund for a green recovery globally you know one of the things you know often when we look at cobie we look at the things that haven't gone so well and where there's been destruction perhaps decimation but as we all know i think climates and the the reduced pressure on economic activity has actually provided some big wins for climate and i do think it is time to look at financing that supports proper green growth top inclusive growth green jobs it's a great opportunity to refocus on what we have the global compact as well as within the u.n. a pushing which is really
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a tug at 1.5 degrees maximum level of temperature growth you know to really minimize what could be the catastrophic impacts of climate change if we can grow back in a way that really supports mitigation of climate change i think will be a fantastic way to rebuild the economy in the post code that era the world's already way behind me saying it's 2030. development goals. are we going to mr target i was there no way we can catch up again so 2nd general good test did articulate the clear call to action for the decade of action you know solid action to dry for the s d g's for the next 10 years and i agree code has created some setbacks but on the other hand it's also created a few opportunities for us to refocus on the sustainable development goals as the way forward i think will take concerted action 1st of all you know from governments to it he commits to driving the s. t. g.'s forward and providing an enabling environment. and so both civil society as
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well as business to really operate in a way that maximizes the potential and opportunities of the s.d. cheese businesses also need to relook at how incorporating the s.t. g.'s into their business strategies and not their philanthropic strategies but into their core business strategies provides opportunities and then of course in the small and medium sector this lots of opportunist ts to innovate and drive products and services and you know this is really what is at the heart of the work of the un global compact we work with companies around the world to help them integrate the sustainable development goals into that business strategies and drive business benefit as well as societal and development outcomes sun it's been really good to talk to your account of the cost many thanks indeed for being with us thank you thank you very much. china has agreed to defer debt repayments from cash strapped african nations like senegal that have struggled during the pandemic a senegal is more than
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a $1000000000.00 in debt to beijing and has awarded deep sea fishing licenses to the chinese government that's strong criticism from local fisherman and environmentalist's who say that the waters are already overfished out a serious nicholas hawke reports from dhaka. they're back tired and hungry after weeks at sea high loading their meager catch in west africa's biggest artists and all fishing port deep in the ocean they say are unmarked vessels carrying tons of fish describes it as a stolen treasure a catch she can only dream of. i think. they will but if you don't like the ocean isn't like it used to be but i mean there aren't as many fish and there are too many boats and synagogues waters depleting fish stocks doing. this in a fishing union accuses the government of favoring chinese vessels instead of protecting local fishermen with the help of senegalese authorities chinese vessels
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have been allowed to change their flag to the senate in order to fish the country's territorial waters sooner mars' a vessel that sailed all the way from china to the western coast of africa. for the export to china and to the. setting of his company but chinese run so we can ship in senegal has no problem. china relies on senegalese fish to feed its population of 1400000000 people indebted in kastrup senegal need chinese money the most who are you have no agreement with the chinese government there are some chinese fishing vessels but why aren't you asking me questions about the european vessels why stigmatise the chinese they have their interest and we have ours and they are an important partner to senegal. billions of dollars to china with the economy stalling because of the current virus outbreak people are going hungry president has been calling for african debt to be canceled in order to deal with what the
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u.n. describes as a looming food crisis china agreed to delay debt repayments most of the vision vessels in the port of the car are chinese in this crew is getting ready to sail out at sea out of sight in senegalese territorial waters are deep sea trawlers fishing illegally and destroying the environment. greenpeace describes these chinese fishing vessels as floating factories they are no match to face boat scientists predict that within a decade ocean ecosystems will collapse because of rising temperatures and overfishing despite this threat it seems for now the chinese are here to stay nicholas hawk al-jazeera the car. more than 29000 american meat workers support infected with covert 19 and 238 have died according to the unions the united food
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and commercial workers international union has called on the president to do more to protect workers cold damp and overcrowded slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants are the perfect breeding grounds for the virus this isn't just a problem for the united states meat processing plants in europe have been forced to close prompting localized lockdown. ns and china has banned the import of pork from the netherlands now a 20 trillion dollar network of investment funds is warning that the meat industry is at serious risk of creating and spreading a future pandemic fare is also challenging the meat industry to reduce the use of antibiotics to prevent antibiotic resistant superbugs causing the next pandemic last month i caught up with the director of fair maria latini i began by asking as someone who's been fighting and challenging meat producers to change their working practices for some time is the message finally getting through well and i'd actually like to say that the code is knowing the person died of disease that is
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that is that upon its right i mean several years ago maybe you or your family had signed flu or bird flu here and i didn't know my kids and so i mean we've been talking to the meat companies now for years right so bird flu survived the number of virus ebola and i now with nick what happened in the coded virus has really created a perfect storm so there's no way these companies that are missing now so want to meet processes need to do in order to avoid the spread of disease what i think need processes know what they need to frankly and you know now that they've had over 20000 illnesses invest i think they need to start putting that into practice right and best years have been engaged in a. very much on this issue over the past 3 months and so protocols need to be that right we need good p.-p. of work and we need to try and institute some social distancing i mean if you think
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about a slaughter a slaughter line right now you know you have worked side by side elbow to elbow working alliance lottery the animals right so those who are mentally they the proper people eat cats and so it's the only plastic separations and frankly they get their needs. daily testing assessment in surveillance and the opportunity to to visit medical staff and the opportunity to also stay at home and think yes if they feel ill or sick or unsure about coming to work all of that is going to cost money of course which is going to impact the the end price of the product who's going to pay for that us the consumer i suppose i mean i think what i've been saying for a while and l. is it you know if something seems too good to be true maybe it is too good to be true and you know when you think about a big mat cost $0.99 i think we need to start reflecting on if that should be the
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fair price so i think the entire industry is going to have to absorb some of this cost and you know consumers should be ready to absorb it you know i don't think any consumer now piccoli after their understanding of these essential workers on the front line will be willing to pay a few extra cents for their big mat in order to not have the lives of workers workers families in communities being at risk just to have their big mac or their chicken and how then to investors and groups like yours challenge the giants of the food industry like buy tyson foods in the u.s. where the family owns all the class b. shares meaning that even if all the other shareholders voted against the family they'd still with yeah i think you know. this time for these companies to stand up and be leaders to be leaders and you know setting out what change and resilience looks like so you know of john tyson the chairman of tyson foods etc a full page ad in the washington post in the new york times saying the food system
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is breaking that's a pretty big statement and i think we'd all want to say ok john your company has ben in your family has been in a city street for 70 or 80 years how do you suggest that we change protocols and that we look at this industry and set out a path to resilience for food safety and to carry so investors have been given a number of issues that we've been speaking about and i mean report whether it be good for station food safety working conditions over use of antibiotics bio security issues in general and i don't think any of those come to surprise to the companies that we're talking to so now i think it's just time for industry companies and investors to work together to set out a path for how we want to see this industry changed or it's been really great to talk to you know counting the cost many thanks indeed for being with us thanks for having. found what you do if inflation source more than 700 percent well some
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people would obviously want to protect their money by investing in the stock market that's what happened in zimbabwe but the government has halted trading here is one of the tarsa reports. zimbabwe stock exchange is close to business until further notice staff are on the premises but no trading is allowed the sudden move has less doc brokers and economists juggling to explain to investors what exactly is going on before. triple a brokerage return true good faith and i was told of a trend that if i wanted to. protect the money out of the country all rouges being corrupt and the issue nothing but i'm sure. government officials say the suspect more money was being used to buy shares and then that money was moved out of the country sabotaging the economy they say they want to stabilize the local currency
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which is just to be devalued since it's reintroduction last year after a decade of dollar a zation so what you saw was a. stand. on firm and suddenly. there are some you know suspicion of. financial movements. president who succeeded long term ruler robert mugabe in 2017 after a military coup is blaming the private sector opposition groups and some western countries as an economic crisis zimbabwe has struggled to stabilize its global currency since reintroducing it. there's a barbie doll a keef's devalued when inflation is nearly 800 percent the highest rate in a decade that's why investors with cash preferred to avoid their money losing value . economists say suspending most money transactions in a country with
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a serious shortage of bank notes is problematic people can still pay utility bills and goods but the number of transactions per day are limited. as shortages of food fuel and cash persist government workers are threatening to strike if they're not paid in american dollars they say there's a barbie doll is devaluing too fast and more and more people and businesses don't want to use it. and that's our show for this week if you'd like to comment on anything that you've seen you can tweet me i'm at a finnigan on twitter please use the hash tag a.j.c. to see what you can do or you could drop us a line counting the cost of al-jazeera don't that is our e-mail address as always this plenty more few online at al-jazeera dot com slash c.t.c. that takes you straight to our page and there you'll find individual sports leagues even entire episode for you to catch up. but that's it for this edition of counting
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awaiting another vaccine approval but the corona virus pandemic continues to rip through the united states putting even more pressure on a struggling health care system. and i'm adrian for the given this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up as we reach this extraordinary an historic moment in the life our nation libya urge every american to continue to do your part u.s. vice president mike pence becomes the highest profile member of the u.s. government to get the coronas vaccine in order to demonstrate its.
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