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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 20, 2020 3:00am-3:31am +03

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price what about the guy that can afford it tele's water. al-jazeera examines the social financial and environmental impact of to privatizing loads of water on al-jazeera we understand the differences. of cultures across the world so no matter what. the news and calendar for that matter. a new strain of coronavirus in the u.k. forces millions of people to be placed under a strict lockdown just before christmas. hello i'm adrian for the game this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up election on rest in the central african republic a former president is accused of attempting a coup the u.n. peacekeepers are put on high alert. going up to my mother's house bade me fears
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but like there's not anything i struggle with homeless emotional comments from what will soon be the 1st native american to serve as a u.s. presidential cabinet secretary. and an ancient city under threat archaeologists in peru issue a plea for protection for one of latin america's oldest civilisations. we begin in the u.k. where emergency talks about a new strain of corona virus have led to a further typing of restrictions a higher tier of lockdown is now in effect across london and the south east of england where my road viral mutation is responsible for a surge in cases that's filling up hospital wards the government is also backtracking on easing restrictions for the christmas holidays the world health organization says the mutated strain is 70 percent or transmissible than the
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original so it's not thought to be more deadly and vaccine should still be effective on a serious worry chalons starts us off with this report. for days scientists and opposition politicians have been saying it's the government shouldn't be letting so many english households mick's over christmas on saturday boris johnson relented it is with a very heavy heart i must tell you we cannot continue with christmas those plans. a new coronavirus variance with spreading alarmingly in london and the southeast he said adding that the world health organization had been alerted to the mutant strain it's 70 percent more transmissible and a new 4th tier of restrictions is needed residents in those areas miss stay at home apart from limited exemptions set out in law non-essential retail indoor gyms and leisure facilities and personal care services was close individuals can only meet
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one person from another household in an outdoor public space ishtar must just days ago boris johnson mocked his opposition rival kier starmer for questioning why restrictions were being eased for christmas and if he really is going to press ahead with this tell us what's the assessment and has it been done of the impact that it will have on infection rates and increased pressure on the n.h.s. what's the impact well it's because we should have the guts just to say what he really wants to do which is to cancel the plans people have made and cancel cancel christmas that's really that's what i think that's what he's driving at this is because london has gone from tear to tear 4 and no family christmas in just 4 days in parts of england in lower it is allowing 3 households to mix for 5 days is being reduced to just christmas day itself scotland's 1st minister says her country is allowing only one day of mixing 2 and is essentially pulling up the drawbridge if
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you had people travelling to join you for christmas from. that will no longer be permitted. it will no longer be permitted at for any advise to travel to anywhere in the rest of the u.k. for christmas and we simply cannot take the risk of this stream traveling from different parts of the u.k. . bot it's not just the united kingdom other european countries are tightening restrictions too among them it's really has announced a new national lockdown over most of the holidays it's a lead germany france and 5 other states are coordinating the start of their vaccinations it's this it's that he's prime minister says that signals the nightmare is about to end rory chalons al-jazeera london joining us now is that us nash a distinguished professor of epidemiology at the city university of new york school of public health he joins us live via skype from brooklyn and new york professor
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good to have you with us how worried should we be about this new strain of a coronavirus. well i think that there's still more to be learned about the biological even logic and and clinical significance of this there are are routinely happening during endemic spread you teach ins to ryerson such as sars coby to it's happened a fair bit in the past and it hasn't really altered the trajectory of the endemic and so remains to be seen what will happen with this one of course there is some concern and signs early on. but it's too soon to say whether this mutation will change the trajectory of the pandemic in the u.k. or other places where it's circulating. at this time will vaccines work against this new strain. i think there's no reason as yet to think they won't so i don't think it changes the changes the role of the vaccine by any beings the new vaccines are protective against all of the sars. 2 strains that are in circulation now some
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of which have also mutated from the original strain and so we don't have any reason to think that this mutation will allow the virus to invade the new vaccine zone i want to be really waiting my opportunity be vaccinated one day soon from what you know of this this new strain is it any more dangerous than the original. i think we don't know yet we it's not as i said it's not uncommon for viruses to you take during pandemic spread sometimes these mutations change the virus its behavior they can become more or less transmissible more or less virulent or you know or you know causes more or less likely to cause severe symptoms usually not both of these things at once and a new advantage and one of these attributes usually comes at the expense of the other but i don't think we know the details yet and there's a lot more to learn and it's great that the u.k. is looking so closely and monitoring these aspects of the virus it's really important to make these segments really quickly. and so hopefully we'll be knowing
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more in the next few days if the virus continues to mutate to what extent are we a we going to be looking at getting annual vaccinations against the corona virus in the way that we do against the flu. well i think we've heard from many experts that it's possible that this is a virus that those behave like if you like the flu and the vaccination that is working against this your strain might not be the vaccination that works against next year's strain but i don't think that's what. where we are right now what we're hearing about this new this new strain we have yet to to hear anything about the extent to which the vaccine is less or more it is less effective at preventing that spread and preventing its traction so i think it's i think this development doesn't change our thinking about what that the nations for corona virus might look like in the years to come professor etiquettes talked here that i spend a thanks indeed for being with us thank you in the u.s.
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the 1st batch of madonna's faxing is being prepared for distribution trucks carrying millions of doses will roll out on sunday it's the 2nd vaccine or the rawest for emergency use bringing a ray of hope for the world's hottest hit country al-jazeera as heidi jocasta reports. lifesaving vials of a 2nd f.d.a. authorized covert 19 that scene are going in boxes destined for hospitals and clinics across the country government officials say americans will begin receiving the mcgurn a vaccine monday unlike the pfizer bechstein that began rolling out a week ago these don't require ultra cool storage making them easier to handle between the 2 vaccines nearly 8000000 doses will have been released although the distribution effort has already had hiccups governors from several states have complained of receiving tens of thousands fewer vaccine doses than had been promised the army general overseeing the federal government's distribution effort
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offered an apology saturday saying he'd fail to understand there's a delay between when a vaccine is available and when it's released there is no problem with the pfizer vaccine there is no problem with the madonna vaccine right it was a planning error and i am responsible for both axes are close to 95 percent effective in clinical trials vice president mike pence got his 1st dose on live television and health care workers across the country have done the same people in nursing homes are also part of phase one i feel 5 years feel good to shop with no problem the u.s. government's goal removes 20000000 vaccinations by year's end but that will not nearly cover the amount of people the c.d.c. recommends as part of distribution phase 2 so it is up to the states to prioritize
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who gets those vaccines older people over the age of 65 those with preexisting medical risk factors or essential workers always jostling for those limited doses these vials of hope have arrived meanwhile congress continues to work on legislation to help shuttered businesses and families facing eviction every day that we delay may very well cost more small businesses there's about will cost more american workers their jobs and yes cost more americans their very lives. a deal is close both parties say but the economic help can't come soon enough nor the back scenes as the latest weekly average shows more than 2600 people dying from coded each day in the united states. castro al-jazeera washington israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu received his covert 19 vaccine live on television to kick off israel's vaccination program is right expects 4000000 pfizer
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vaccines this month with health care workers 1st in line and occupations start on sunday they include jewish settlers living inside the illegally occupied west bank but it excludes the territories 2 and a half 1000000 palestinians they'll have to wait for the palestinian authority to obtain doses through the world health organization. gaza is tightening a weekend lockdown as infections and deaths continues to continue to rise there shops and restaurants are shut the doors since thursday evening in an effort to curb infections the health ministry says that over 33000 people at that infected. a number of armed groups occupying large areas of central african republic of announced a coalition ahead of next week's elections the move comes as un peacekeepers the poit in response to a series of attacks. reports. rebel leaders and president for start
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where they are in a room together last november signing a pact of peace and reconciliation but that's been broken at least 11 rebel armed groups are moving towards the capital bangui to put pressure on the government days before a presidential election $21.00 who is running for a 2nd mandate is favorite but the rebels the coalition for patriotic change said in a statement the president failed to deliver on an agreement to offer its leaders position in government and funds to disarm their troops a government spokesman describes this as an attempted coup on the. central african republic is facing an attempt to destabilize a democratically elected government we believe former president busies a and foreign mercenaries are organizing attacks. attempt to run for reelection has been invalidated by the constitutional court in 2013 he was accused of amending religious divisions calling on christian militia groups known as the anti blocker to attack pro-government fighters known as the anti selecta the un
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intervene then sending in french troops to protect civilians while the government puts the blame on. the former president there is no mention of him in this statement signed by rebel leader is. showing again. in the central african republic just one week before the presidential election. russian train troops have now launched operations to regain control of the country the un's 12000 strong peacekeeping force is on high alert deployed on major roads around the capital. in the 2 rounds of elections but the problem present in the 1st runoff election. and i don't see up anemia next week because the 27. but given the security situation right now it isn't of course impossible to organize election caught in this latest spiral of
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violence or the people of central african republic more than half a 1000000 have left their homes with nowhere to go their norwegian refugee council describes it as the world's most neglected conflict in a country unable to find peace nicholas hark al-jazeera. a weather update next i was 0 then it's been 2 years since an uprising in sudan led to the removal of president omar al bashir but on the anniversary of his dismissal the streets are filled with protesters. but a harsh winter adds to the misery of tens of thousands of syrians displaced by war . hello we've got more snow in the forecast for japan over the next couple of days
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the winds continuing to drift across the sea of japan coming in from a northwest direction picking up that moisture that sea effect snow something more outbreaks of the white stuff then across the good parts of the honshu and also into hokkaido i showed above the mountains not too bad in tokyo should be largely dry here temperatures around 10 celsius spotting sunshine across the korean peninsula into a good part of china china just a lousy drive and notice some wetter weather just around taiwan and that wet weather continues to push down across the philippines where we have the potential for a developing tropical storm coming through here it is locally known as a vacate here we go that spinning away now pushing across into the south china sea and the legacy of this is the problem that's coming in across luzon more heavy rain here as we go on through tuesday on into wednesday as well and by that stage we'll see some wetter weather also affecting the far south of vietnam west of where that will eventually this system will eventually push its way down towards the southern
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parts of thailand now to southern india you could see some showers longer spells of rain coming through here and a city looking wet over the next couple of days with the possibility of flooding this frank. the most poignant part of prio weaponized throughout history alhaji war for the 1st word its head with me and started fighting with me and developed by nation states there could be enough to affect every child. now within reach of those seeking caleb's compounding the most toxic substance in the world would have to land me invisible friends on al jazeera were. you.
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but again this is al jazeera let's remind you of the main news this hour britain's prime minister boris johnson has announced new restrictions in london and southeast england non-essential shops silenced and indoor venues are closing the government's also backtracked on easing some restrictions for the christmas holiday the tougher rules are in response to the discovery of a new strain of corona virus it's 70 percent more infectious fuelling the spike in england's hospitalization rates however it's not thought to be deadlier than the original strain. and un peacekeepers are being deployed in the central african republic as some of the armed groups form an alliance ahead of elections later this month president feinstein to adela has been accused of planning electoral fraud in order to secure a 2nd term. president elect joe biden has rolled out his environment and energy
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team ushering in some governmental firsts they include the 1st black male to head the environmental protection agency a renewable power advocate to lead the department of energy and the u.s. is 1st to have a native american cabinet secretary that hollande has been nominated to be the interior secretary the 1st indigenous person to serve in that role but looks off to tribal lands and vast parts of masses of native wilderness growing up in my mother's love household made me fears my life is not been easy i struggle with homelessness i relied on food stamps and raise my child as a single mom these struggles give me perspective so that i can help people to succeed my grandparents who were taken away from their families as children and sent to boarding school in an effort to destroy their traditions and identities
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maintained our culture. this moment is profound when we consider the fact that a former secretary of the interior once proclaimed his go to quote civilized or exterminate us i'm a living testament to the failure of that horrific idiology let's go live now to the president elect's hometown of wilmington delaware. pretends he is the shahab we've heard a lot about inclusiveness he from the transition team joe biden schooled this team brilliant qualified tested and barea busting. and with this team he really he really can say this is historic moment particularly with harlem's nomination for interior we should not understate the interior department i think we were suggesting that it was mainly to do with tribal land this is a federal all federal grant all u.s. federal you know 100100000 millions of acres of land in the natural resources the
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mineral rights the the fossil fuel rights the wildlife the water i mean this is such an important such an important nomination especially given the department of interior role in the destruction of native america within the interior department is the bureau of indian affairs which is in service sponsible adds that khalid was suggesting that in the destruction of native american. invests case when biden talks about identity and talks about how diverse his cabinet is it's really relevant when we decide when we think about the portfolio that he's handing out because the interior department and the identity it's just such an amazing combination of a native american woman in charge of a large swathe of the north american continent finally however. we have will have to see whether this is more than just a symbolic a symbolic move because other parts of the government joe biden has nominated the
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usual bunch of people from wall street and people with close connections to oil and gas what's fascinating about the steam that he has nobody did here was it's clear that as far as that concerns that mission is to make sure that the environment and climate change is taken seriously by all sections of joe biden's incoming administration we have a national climate czar for the 1st time that but bush has never existed before so what's going to be interesting over the next 4 years is seeing how this group of people whose credentials are unimpeachable now how they now face up with the rest of the government which is actually rather mainstream center right center you know and with close connections to industry and business and we'll see whether joe biden really means it when he says he feels climate change should be at the center of policy making or whether he will just go back to usual form and stick with austerity on corporate interests. out 0. reporting live from wilmington delaware she have been a tax us president donald trump has downplayed the damage done by
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a suspected russian hack despite security experts say that it could take months to unravel more than 40 organizations were targeted including several government agencies experts say that many more systems may be compromised without anyone knowing demonstrations are still taking place in sudan's capital 2 years since the uprising that led to the removal of president omar al bashir since his removal little has really changed with millions of sudanese having to endure direct economy of limited government services al-jazeera morgan reports on the 2nd anniversary of sudan's revolution which led to the overthrow of longtime president already. 1000 support to the streets of the capital and others the some came out to voice support for the 15 month old transitional government others to voice anger at the economic and political developments. i'm proud of the revolution i
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think our revolution has come a long way and that the sudanese have learnt a lot politically and have learned to be the decision makers have assumed things that haven't been achieved but the revolution is far from over. your way here to demand the end of the transitional partnership and to demand justice this government has killed the revolution and not improve the economy we don't want the partnership and we don't want the economic plans for the country. the revolution was sparked by a rise in bread prices fuel shortages as well as rising inflation hundreds of protesters were killed before the military overthrew president bashir in april trying to 19 a power sharing agreement between the military and the forces of freedom and change coalition which represents the protest movement was signed months later that brought the current transitional government to power many had hoped that demonstration would bring the change demanded but inflation is now 5 times higher
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than it was when the revolution started politically a legislative council is yet to be formed and justice and accountability for those killed in the revolution are yet to be achieved but that ministration was able to achieve some demands. the former ruling party has been dismantled and lost have been passed giving more rights to the sudanese people and after 27 years or so that is now off the u.s. list of state sponsored terrorism some years after the revolution they say there are yet to have a deep impact on the lives of many people in the country. the new ruling coalition says the challenges they face now are not of their making calling them the legacy of the former government how much nude i know of on the shoes of justice in the comic improvement has been slow but all the economic woes are because of the economic policies of the past 30 years of the former ruling party you're only now living an ideal in with the consequences so there are challenges that the government faces but it's also making achievements and it's starting to gradually show osmond makes de took part in the protests in time to 18 and 2019 he lost his
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hand when a stun grenade exploded telling you that. i wanted better living conditions access to better education health care all that didn't happen this government failed i blame the military component in the government over one they don't want the revolution to succeed and that's what's happened and there's no change no improvement such as protest puts more pressure on the government to meet the demands made during the revolution protesters say they won't give up on their aims until they're fulfilled people morgan al-jazeera khartoum. heavy rain and strong winds are making an already desperate situation worse for syrian refugees living in overcrowded camps the u.n. says that base $21.00 camps in the last rebel stronghold of been wiped out by severe weather regular mohamad reports. to run children in floods into this refugee camp in northwest syria families are doing whatever they can to stay warm in
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makeshift tents covered in mud. the of our condition is very bad we have no proper tents nor a proper living i have 10 children and we do not get any and we collect firewood to run the heater. aid agencies estimates nearly one and a half 1000000 people are huddled in camps like this in the last rebel held area in syria rain is affecting this area particularly bad the drainage system is poor and flood water seeping into overcrowded shelters basic supplies are running out our situation is dire we do not get aid and we don't have heaters or fuel roads that lead to the camp a cut off because it's based on an agricultural land it's been described as the largest mass displacement in almost 10 years of conflict in syria millions are now homeless after a russian backed syrian government offensive this year and now the u.n. warns the harsh winter could become a breeding ground for the coronavirus and other deadly diseases overcrowding in the
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camps is making it difficult to keep a social distance. we were displaced during the regime's last campaign we are suffering a lot and are going to be tense would fall in us and we'd have to keep on resetting them applaud the night look it's like upon and it's as though in venice would need to go from one tent to the next where of the humanitarian organizations. many of the people here have nowhere else to go and they're desperate for help from the international community they've lived through harsh winters like this before now they cling to whatever hope they can find in this camp facing another battle in a long war they're hoping to survive. mohammed al jazeera. all this week al-jazeera has been bringing you reports about unesco heritage sites that could lose their status next we head to peru where an ancient city is under threat from squatters marianna sanchez reports from. the sacred city of
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the remains of the oldest civilization in the americas have been standing here for 5000 years almost unscathed until now. farmers in the super valley sowing crops on the doorsteps of these ancient ruins and squatters have moved in. archeologists who work here say they flee sieved death threats. to live in uncertainty this is far away if we called the police they take long to get here we don't know if the squatters will harm us. in illegal land seizures are common and look pretty and squatters are often in conflict with police are killers just route shot he was shot in the chest in 2002 she says she received more death threats and when she tried to evict squatters from at least 9 sites she got little help. we went to the police but they told us it
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wasn't their priority that we could not count on them we asked again and they sent one officer with one is impossible to victim. land disputes have been going on for decades since being named a unesco heritage site in 2009 land prices around got rocketed from 6 to nearly $50000.00 protector since the pandemic the archaeologists left the site and more squatters have moved in this is how close farms and urban areas are to ruins not only in cattle about throughout the coast of peru filled with vestiges of pre-columbian cultures the area is so vast it's nearly impossible to protect it all this archaeological sown is dispersed across hundreds of square kilometers families living close to it say they built homes here before it was discovered and they defend newcomers there my we need a place to live if they pay us what we invested in our homes we can leave but they
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just come to victor us. police seldom supervise the 11 sites now occupied by squatters to a victim now they will have to go to court and that can take years some say those delays risk the future of this engine site survived earthquakes climate change and generations of peruvians who revered it and yet a scientist i'll just see that i'll be too. the world's 1st underwater tunnel and roundabout in the atlantic ocean as opened in denmark's ferro island it's the largest infrastructure project to date in the northern island the north atlantic territory and will cut travel times between the capital toll shaaban and other areas it took 3 years to build and is around 11 kilometers long.
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it is good to have you with a slow adrian finnegan here in doha the headlines on al-jazeera britain's prime minister boris johnson has announced new restrictions in london in the southeast of england not.


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