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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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gamming designed to inform why is child the only solution for a child as young as 10 months of age and inspire you to see the world from a different perspective on al-jazeera there's. al-jazeera. hello there i am however here deal with the al-jazeera these are we're coming to you live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes sits diana so the boyer last minute negotiations continue as british and e.u. leaders are said to be preparing to announce a fight you know bracks a deal more violence in ethiopia government troops killed dozens of people responsible for a bloody dawn attack this time in the west of the country. another new mutations of
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the coronavirus south african scientists work to understand the new strain plus. i'm scott hatteberg in bangkok thailand often described as the venice of the east many of the 10000000 people here use the waterways to get around but the boats are big polluters so the city is putting greener version of water. hi i'm sorry all the sports coronavirus rocks the new n.b.a. season of the league calling off again on just the 2nd day of the campaign. well we begin with break since and there are signs that a trade agreements between the e.u. and the u.k. is imminent u.k. prime minister forrest johnson is expected to speak shortly from dying streets he's reportedly finalizing details on the phone. with leader ursula vonda lion britain's
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chief negotiator david frost was in talks with his the e.u. counterparts in brussels late in c. the night well any deal will need to be ratified by both parliaments the u.k. parliament will have to do this before britain leaves the transition period on december 31st so we have got reporters covering the story from both sides of the channel very smith brings us all the reaction the e.u. reaction from paris but let's start with assad baker he joins us now from london our side your side danang street where we are waiting to hear from the british prime minister all the signs are there a deal has been done do we know anything else at this stage. not really you've been expecting to hear from him for the last couple of hours but nothing as of yet we are told to deal is imminent but they've been caught down in some of those details and some of those details that you understand is discussions
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over the fisheries but the particular discussions of this fisheries now e.u. member states have access to partition waters and each state gets a quota but what we understand is after pressing the discussions been about how much access they get and what quotas they get but not only just about the quotas a fish that they're like to catch about the quotas of particular fish that there are that to catch now the disputes been about what percentage that would be decreased by how much access they will have and the transition period in terms of when those changes come in but the u.k. was also concerned about retaliatory action so if the u.k. changed those percentages in the future they didn't want to be retaliatory action terms of tariffs from the e.u. but right now we're still waiting for an announcement this deal is the view this transition spirit is set to end at the end of the year the united kingdom left the e.u. clock earlier this year on the 31st of january they've been abiding by e.u. . but at the end of this year it would be the single market the customs union and
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the internal e.u. market. and a sense i would been hearing a lot about the details of the rest of it this is a very very complex deal that has been work is happening just days before the u.k. leaves this famous transition period was just days left on the cork what happens next and will legislators in the u.k. where you are have time to scrutinise all with this. well that's a good question the the discussions been going on for 10 months now since the since the not to condemn left the e.u. block now we were told that we had the country should prepare for no deal bricks at that would have meant to go into world trade organization rules that could be in tariffs and border checks and goods between the e.u. and the u.k. affecting the price of goods and also a considerable amount of destruction if this deal is put forward today it would
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have to go to parliament here would have to ratify it but we understand that in principle it would be agreed by the e.u. and then it would go to door makers early in the new year but yes they do have time in principle to agree this deal but iran borrows johnson this all is a sense of drama and theatrical and considering what's been going on in the u.k. in terms of covert and the restrictions taking place he would like possibly to get this deal actually the u.k. public on christmas eve a day before christmas as many people not tonight you mix because of those restrictions and this would be a sense of good news to use for for britain good because 17000000 people in that referendum voted to give the e.u. ok i said big there life is outside downing street we'll leave it there for now but thank you as i said let's get reaction there from france for bernard smith joins us live from paris bernard said the u.k. obviously negotiating the hearts of the e.u.
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have been there goes easing a hard as well what have you been hearing from that side of the negotiation. well as i said it's all down to fish and fishing quotas and fisheries are as important on this side of the continent symbolically as they are important in the u.k. in france fisheries along with agriculture and forestry makes up just want one percent or point 6 percent of french g.d.p. but it is symbolically very important as it symbolically important in the u.k. the fishing and farming lobby is very powerful in france and also it's important in denmark and the netherlands we know that they're down to particularly what how much saw some deals and herrings that e.u. boats will be able to catch in british waters after the 1st of january that's how much detail they're haggling on and we do know that the british had wanted
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a reduction of a 3rd of the amount of fish that a u. boat could catch it could catch any in british waters phased in over 3 years the e.u. wanted 25 percent reduction phased in over 6 years of that got to they've clearly come to some sort of compromise on the quantities that are allowed it is much more important for the u.k. than the e.u. that there is a deal 47 percent of british exports come to continental europe 8 percent of e.u. exports go back to the u.k. so a no deal would hurt the british much more but be no doubt everybody in the european union wants a deal because everybody will pick feel some pain from the fallout of the no deal ok baronets smith bring is the latest live from paris bernard thanks. so what happens once negotiations reach that final agreement both sides will need to
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get any need to find by their respective parliaments and before the december 31st deadline when the u.k. leaves. that transition period now if that deal is finalized for supply both sides trade will continue much as before with the u.k. getting tariff free access to the european single market but it's a customs border will be erected between the mainland great britain and northern ireland as part of a previous agreements avoid a hard border on the islands of arlen's and that is set to last for 6 years freedom of movement will also ends with the u.k. implementing a new points based immigration system employers will be required to check that e.u.
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citizens are eligible to work or face penalties. well let's get more on this we can bring on bring in e.u. policy analysts who joins us from brussels is going to have you wear this here on the news hour. i've just outlined a few top lines of what this this this deal will will mean for the u.k. but it's bigger than just that it's bigger than your little bit fish it's bigger than the these other intricacies they're in the detail of it what exactly do you think this this deal with the e.u. and the u.k. is going to look like going forward because things will be very different will they not. and there will now a u.k. government documents was just leaked and this reveals sort of the percentage of the wins obtained by the u.k.
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versus the percentage of the wins obtained by by the e.u. site at least from the point of view of the u.k. governments and and this paints a picture of what you are what you're asking me about now in a nutshell it looks like a good straight will be quite protected so then we're talking about major manufacturing air bus b.m.w. in the u.k. we'll be able to continue it's just in time supply chains with mainland europe however in the document interesting me the u.k. government conceits that it has not been able to update a decent amount of access for financial services or rather that it has not been able to get its way when it comes to financial services which is not unexpected that was always quite ambitious given that even as an e.u. member states the united kingdom has not been booking great success in trying to
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convince the other european countries to open up their markets for british financial services which is an enormous parts of the u.k. economy is should be underlines. i mean we still haven't seen the straits and yes we're still waiting for its all to come through but this would be as has been pointed out by common ses is the only trade deal in history that raises barriers rather than takes them given that i mean how do you define what success is for either sites because whichever way you cut it at trades movements all of the things which people are taken for granted up till now i can be much much harder. well absolutely and indeed this is an arrangement which restricts traits so the success will be in limiting the number of restrictions on the existing rate and and it's sometimes a bit wrong i guess to to to frame it as
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a win for one side or the other because if you restrict traits of both sites loose . i think we'll have to wait for the fine print the actual legal detail but indeed i think they're to say it's not looking too bats. especially because there were serious fears about for example the chemical sector of car manufacturing that would be sort of severely restricted as a result of a deal and in the document that was just discussed from the u.k. government it's mentioned that some some special kora faults are for c. or for chemicals for car manufacturing so i would say that's quite hopeful but we have to wait the actual legal detail of the. there will be lots of poor over when that deal finally does get released and i get a clip agates get your insights thank you so much for joining us on the. there is
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so offensive more still to come on the show including with about a month laughs in his presidency donald trump has made more controversial pardons including for his former campaign manager and his 1st son and was fun of the. chinese regulator is and i was a nancy rockwell investigation of the e-commerce giants alibaba. and might not even be a halfway through the season but italian so it's a race already heating up the options for you thanks to initial my. the at. the end. p.s. prime minister has deployed military forces to an area where gunmen killed 100 people local media is reporting that the army has killed 42 armed men in the western region of benny shango ghoul's prime minister via mates had visited the area the
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day before the attacks where he called for peace and unity 4 and several deadly attacks between ethnic groups in recent months well those attacks are separates from the conflicts in ethiopia's northern t. growing region the un says it remains concerned about its the ongoing fighting and a lack of humanitarian access the conflict has raised fears over a security vacuum in other parts of the country let's look a little deeper at the conflicts in this area. which borders sudan and cites it down as one of ethiopia's 9 regional states ice in there has been ongoing in one way or another since 28 seen various ethnic groups in the region have been clashing with supporters of the oranmore liberation front the violence there has displaced tens of thousands of people in the past 2 years. let's get more now
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from malcolm where he's been monitoring this story for us and joins us live from nairobi and malcolm do we have any more details about what's happened in this specific region. more than $100.00 people were killed in an attack that happened dawn on wednesday and survivors of said the attackers set people's homes on fire and then shot men women and children dead many of them as they were running away some of the survivors told rights group amnesty international that the attackers were members of the good news community now the good news is the largest ethnic group in that area and they said that the victims belong to the. ethnic groups who are minorities in that area is the latest in a succession of waves of ethnically targeted violence that happened in that region since september prime minister he said earlier today said he'd sent troops to try
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and quell the violence and state affiliated t.v. had reported that federal troops were killed 42 of the men who were involved in the massacre we haven't been able to verify that local officials also said that those government troops had recovered weapons including pows and arrows from the armed men who were allegedly responsible for this attack. and malcolm but as we said this is easy it was a very ethnically diverse country so there are clearly tensions there but the government is already facing. in the gray is there a concern the government is overstretched itself fighting on 2 separate fronts a more kind of impacts is all this happening on the on the ethnic tensions within ethiopia as a whole. the prime minister came to power just over 2. and a half years ago and was credited with bringing in some democratic reforms with
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this followed decades of hardcore thora tarion rule which were widely seen to have frozen many generations old conflicts in ethiopia many of them along ethnic lines when i became in the scene to lift the lid on many of these conflicts but some of his critics say that his actions of actually inflamed some of these conflicts more particularly the one you mentioned in the to great region where federal troops have been fighting to green people's liberation front for the last 6 weeks the government said that that was a law enforcement operation but certainly there are concerns with a significant part of the military and its resources being used up into gray that that doesn't allow resources to be able to quell simmering ethnic conflicts in other parts of the country. bring is all the very latest from nairobi malcolm thank you. now women in central african republic have staged a demonstration in the capital head of sunday's presidential and legislative
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elections they marched through calling for peaceful and secure thought tensions have flares in the past week rebels capturing a large town on tuesday somebody is no in the hands of un peacekeepers and national security forces. cutter has informed the un security council that bahraini fighter jets violated its airspace this relates to see an incidence on december 9th reign as one of 4 nations along with saudi arabia egypt and the u.a.e. that have imposed a blockade on carter since 2017 well talks to resolve the crisis are reports it's have made some progress in recent weeks let's get more now from mushrooms wavey he's director of gulf studies the study sense or rather a cause for university and joins us by skype from doha great to have you with us
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just explain to as cats are as i take us to the u.n. security council what exactly does this this mean what what can we expect to result from this well miss going to actual the governments. normally governments are doing trustable to decrement incidents and secondly to make to deserve its own right actually. response on things that repeated so basically it's the normal action done by any government for the sake of the common position of. the security council so this is doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to get is going to escalate ins anything else does it what are the cuts are hoping will come out of this essentially. you know if you look at the incident as you said it was the 9th of december so today is the 24th of december and. between 91024 there was
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a little incident and then statements actually appear in the media which basically indicate that there are some obstacles there are some 41 but interested to see because of the asian knowable there is sort of the termination may be better than any time before to push this opportunity and to move on to sort of very cool solution and in the look at them quite well and we saw in the last few days that some positive. just shooting from manama which will host the prime minister meetings preparation for the g.c.c. summit well that's interesting he say that you mentioned that the reconciliation because there have been signs that qatar and saudi arabia are moving courser and hoping since it's ease this this blockades you mentioned there have been steps taken tense of steps from parts about here and desist indicate some kind of tension
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within behind itself or do you think this could have wider implications on. the easing of the g.c.c. blockades and steps towards represent movements in countries in the region. you know their own sort was percolation their thought that you know what i mean it is it's not basically in favor of. you know these kind of terms. and there was sort of the reports also say that you know this kind of impact of the monarchy is on but not much. evidence on that hello good of the actions and the statements we heard in the last few days indicate that there's a lot from behind to be more towards riyadh and it seems also to yard was sending a message to doha that will be our talks the uk talks on behalf of other 3 countries including egypt so it seems there is sort of communication at least it's very clear
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to doha that you know if so your. embassy and so on those will join or at least there will have this impact on a consultation having said that we have to maintain your view to keep it to keep our eye on developments including going to statements and. and messages coming from time to time from different capitals of those look at countries ok mushrooms wait a great to get your thoughts and your analysis thank you so much for joining us. here as president donald trump has issued another series of pardons he's granted clemency to 26 people including his 2016 campaign manager paul man of forts and largest stone his longtime adviser and friends is also pardon charles cushion or the father of his son in law janet commissioner she had written c. reports from washington d.c. . do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth this set of pardons includes more figures swept up in the investigation into russian meddling
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in the 2016 election robert miller and his own words quote did not find that the trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with the russian government and quote but several in the trump campaigns all but were convicted as a result of their conduct during the investigation all $400.00 crimes that were dug up as part of the increased scrutiny of both the trooper former trunk campaign chairman paul man afore he was convicted of obstructing the russian investigation but also several counts of bank tax fraud related to his political consulting work for the ukrainian government before he joined the trump campaign. for some other force pardon confirms a suspicion they had during the russian meddling investigation democratic congressman adam schiff tweeting during the investigation trump's lawyer floated a patent amount of what amount of fault with drew his cooperation with prosecutors lied was convicted and then trump praised him for not ratting trump's pub not completes the corrupt scheme nola's until the bitter end it was
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a witch hunt there's no question about that longtime political operative and friend of donald trump roger stone who was also convicted of lying to congress and to my ledger in the russian investigation his 40 month sentence had already been commuted by donald trump in july the father of don't trump son in law jarrett is also on the list charles kushner was given a 2 year sentence for tax evasion witness tampering and illegal campaign contributions you notoriously filmed his brother in law with a prostitute and then sent the tape to his sister in an attempt to prevent her from cooperating with prosecutors had long been an expectation but in the last days of his presidency told trump would pardon those he felt it showed him loyalty during the rush or investigation it has nothing to do with the merits of the individuals who are being pardoned and everything to do with whether or not donald trump wants to show the. special favor based on whether or not they have been loyal to him or whether or not they have a special connection to him as in the case of jared kush nurse father it is being
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used as a political tool in this case which was precisely what it was never meant to be also as expected trump vetoed the national defense authorization act the 740000000000 dollar legislation passed by congress the funds defense spending. president crumpet objected to provisions designed to slow down the withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan and the renaming of u.s. military bases currently named off the confederate generals the president also called for the insertion of a provision removing legal protections for into that companies into the in the area however both the house and senate are expected to meet next week to override the presidential veto. washington. pakistan courts has ordered the release of the man convicted in connection to the killing of u.s. journalist daniel pearl thousands into $100.00 omar saeed chef will be freed for an
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appeal is on the way earlier this year the high court overturns his murder charge but that was held up by an appeal from pearl's family we had in early january problems a reporter for the wall street journal. one of the world's largest the congress companies is under investigation by china beijing is accusing out of mana pool istic behavior is yes another blue for the company's founder jack ma is government regulators attempt to rein in his expanding business empire sarah clarke ports from hong kong. he has a net worth of around $50000000000.00 and is china's 2nd richest man jack meyer is also the founder of the e-commerce giant alibaba which regulators have accused of using monopolistic tactics they have been signaling for quite some charm changes are what they do not walk edge of an essence control of market share is filled by 8
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percent when stock markets opened the investigation as part of a wider government crackdown on china's booming internet space it's also yet another setback for the alibaba group which planned a jewel listing of its ad company last month regulators said it didn't meet disclosure requirements and the i.p.o. was shelved 2 days before its market debut. as we all know it's already the largest online payment service provider in 1000000 china and still have a lot room to grow most of the mainland part and they don't use cash anymore they simply use a cell phone to pay everything not only apparel not only that you know the $0.05 but even they buy a car they don't use a mobile phone and group is the crown jewel in the early barber empire the listing was expected to raise as much as $37000000000.00 that would have made it the world's largest i.p.o.
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since all giant saudi aramco listed last december the largest i.p.o. today is ability of the saudi arabia oil company which is just a couple of years ago at 28000000000. and sister company alibaba went public in 2014 listing on the new york stock exchange in a $25000000000.00 flight this time the company chose the domestic market in china for its debut but the mega float is on hold for now this latest investigation is part of the government's escalating scrutiny of jack expanding empire and represents heightened tensions between chinese president xi jinping and the billionaire in a state but the company says it will comply with the regulators requests its executives are expected to be summoned in coming days sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong. check the weather here. hello a wintry scene is unfolding slowly across the european plane to give a traditional christmas day look this is what it will look like temperatures are
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dropping that low single figures will be plenty of snow particularly on the alps and then it squashes down against what is still going to be rain in the balkans so that is take a case in point vienna that a 5 degrees in the cold wind on friday but it will change to a sunny sky thing but look at the temperatures minus 5 minus 2 overnight lows it'll be frosty on the ground the reason snow to look at in the mountains snow proper will start to fall i think on saturday throughout the balkans as a slowing leading bottom end of this frontal been pushing dance through europe and of course being fed by moisture from below so that's a potential lot of snow however meta likely in sarajevo still snowing on sunday until the afternoon and then a southerly wind to start to rise so sudden europe won't necessarily join in however the course changing further north there is huge circulation for sunday centered just east of scotland of this stormy weather that comes in initially on
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saturday spread down to knowlton's by western france was rain on incident like and snow. so it's ago on the news that our size korea implements is toughest ever measures to contain that covert 19 a very somber christmas this year in the usually very busy bethlehem all going on the pandemic. and in sports a look at qatar's generation amazing project as the country prepares to host the football world cup. the silence has been this. belief this. is one of scandinavia some largest or deposits. and it's driving a wedge between those seeking wealth. and those defending their way of life.
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a witness documentary on. every year 50000000 tons of electronic waste is thrown away the majority is illegally dumped in developing countries right now electronic waste is the most traded out of this with retracing the tech through the criminal organizations making big profits and asking why the west is turning a blind eye. to man made on the waste trail on al-jazeera. or old. wall or.
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this is al jazeera a quick reminder of the top stories this hour there are signs of trade agreements between the e.u. and the u.k. as immanence u.k. prime minister boris johnson is reported to be finalizing details on the phone with the e.u. leaders of on the ryan johnson is expected to hold a news conference in the next hour or so. if he'll be as proud as the r.b.i. modes has deployed military forces to a western region gunmen killed a 100 people a business in the area a day before the attacks to urge peace and unity it's to get us and us president old trumpets granted clemency to war with his allies list of 26 pardons and commutations includes his former campaign chairman for man a forward jarrad kirshner's father and a friend and adviser but just still. well
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new strains of the corona virus are emerging in africa with separate strains recorded in nigeria and south africa with a new variance in south africa's believed to be more infectious contributions what experts of cold an alarming rate of spreads the country's case numbers rapidly approaching 1000000 a number of countries have restricted travel from south africa as a precaution let's get more now from harlem a tassel joins us live from johannesburg and haro was saw the chaos unleashed when a new strain was an assist in the u.k. are we seeing a similar situation unfold in south africa. well this new variant was identified inquisition etal province eastern cape in the garden and as we get the cape town area the health minister saying that the numbers are alarming more than 14000 in new infections in the last 24 hours he's
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recommended more restrictive measures be put in place now there is measures in place already these include a nighttime curfew the sale of alcohol is only done in certain days and at certain times and certain beaches are closed but the government is saying south africans some of them are not listening they are busy posting on social media videos and photos of the big parties they're having super spreader events they're being called where many people are gathered in a particular place and they're not wearing masks for the governor's doing now is to try and prepare in case there's going to be this huge surge in infections for example they're trying to make sure hospitals in private and government facilities have enough beds so in some places some provinces for example you seeing doctors saying that they're trying to discharge patients there that they think are stable there will be allowed to go home this to make space for call of a 1000 patients additional hospital stars and put on standby there's even talk in
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some provinces of bringing the army if it does get to that scenario the health officials are warning that there could be more increase in infections in the coming weeks they're saying if they could reach its peak within the next 2 weeks and her or their fears that this news stream could spread across the consonants. we appear to have lost unfortunately we will try and get her back in the ira's succumbed for no there have been confrontations machine police and for streets a truck drivers use transit the english ports all told her will several thousands of spent the night waiting for corona virus testing to begin again that would enable them to move on and many of those stranded truckers though have no access to
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food water or sanitation let's get more now from marie challenge he joins us from dover in the southeast of the u.k. as rory just how bad is the situation there are other hopes as truckers are soon going to be able to move. there i think if you're a trucker who has been stuck in dover or. roundabout or a blade somewhere in kent for the last 3 or 4 days with no real access to decent food or loo or until then it's pretty bad indeed this is the situation on a street a residential street someone here in the outskirts of dover at the moment record trucks backed up all the way along this road it is gridlock moving very very slowly indeed as they try to find any way they can of getting down into the ports 'd and
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on su a ferry and across to the constant now the situation is that the border is now open again so if you have a negative covert test then you can theoretically get onto a ferry and across to france but that's very difficult moment because there is a huge backlog of trucks all the way up the motorways manston. airfield is being turned into a huge lorry park with 4000 trucks as we understand still there the french just sent over 10000 p.c.r. tests to help out with getting this moving again but it's still going to take some time to clear all this backlog it's going to be a while yet ok murray chalons that lives. rory thank you. one year the covert restrictions have come into force across south korea as the country tries to control control the pandemic jewing the holaday periods the
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nation's been recording round one size and new cases a day write reports from seoul. having won international recognition for its handling of the pandemic and setting standards for testing and tracing south korea now struggles to contain this 3rd wave it seems earlier successes may have bred complacency compounded by pandemic fatigue on windy days and an overconfidence had growing on many people's minds and you lowered their guard when you were relatively successful in dealing with the 1st and 2nd operates and one international praise for each in south korea's 3rd biggest city in chan jang hana ram is one of a team of traces who are working around the clock what makes this surge so hard to control is how widespread it is often to go out of control even of what i saw all the new confirmed cases and daily b.g. a magickal survey i thought wow this is really getting out of control ski resorts
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are now being closed and private gathering severely restricted in size the ice skating rink that would normally occupy the space in front of seoul city hall nonexistent this year so has its christmas tree as usual but not the normal ceremony for switching on its lights that was held online just one of the many seasonal traditions south korea is having to forgo this year families would normally visit beaches or national parks to see the 1st sunrise of the new year many of those have been closed by a government increasingly concerned by what that new year will bring from a pandemic it thought it had under control robin pride al-jazeera sold. palestinian christians are preparing to go ahead with christmas celebrations in bethlehem despite a surge in covert cases in the occupied west bank the festivities and midnight nasa
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centers on the church of the nativity where christians say jesus was born that will take place with no congregation has been no 2 risen in israel and the occupied west bank since israel and pulls a ban on foreign travel in march to the pandemic well joining us now from bethlehem is new to it re him and needed bethlehem gearing up for a very different christmas this year. indeed and as you can see behind me the major square is almost empty this is the place where pilgrims from all over the world come to celebrate christmas eve in the place where it all started now bethlehem was the place where the 1st case of the of the coronavirus would report that in palestine and that was huge really the end of 2 or them specially in this place that depends a lot on it and joining me here now to talk more about this is mr jordan satish
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he's the had of the palestine heritage trail can you give us an idea how the stop of tourism affected the community here thank you good morning america's most this fund done because affected your daughter 35000 jobs in palestine those people in march through lost all of them jobs lost all of their income. specially the people who are 2. 100 graph search terms is a call. to draft on a graph search that has been much better much of money 100 or 4 shops have been closed and so. this has affected 9 different sort of this drop problemi and has a lot of those markers people will go. this is this is this is a huge tragedy that you are going through are devastated the economy controlled by
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the israeli occupation it's a big time. for freedom of movement also stalled the look on can assume from development and as far as that the stick from the palestine tourism ministry says 2019 was a great year for tourism and palestine how do you expect this in the face of pickup after the that coronavirus the. simplest in control why is ryan. assume tour guides are not allowed 2 only 4 to 6 good guy talk about me to go on digital. as you know tourism is being forced i'm told by those worried is going to question him coaching her the sights on the west bank and jerusalem most 10. days late on probation we are hoping this will change today we're going to show a want to join one of his new identity we are hoping for. one t 21 to bring us more of a gun jordan community based on islam to palestine as much as possible like up on
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a senior head of the state thank you so much and 8th expected that the latin patriarca he's expected to arrive to the manger square in the next few hours but still going to be looking a very different christmas this year need a break him embezzling hand thank you. iraq's government recently devalued the local currency the iraqi dinar by more than 20 percent is the biggest currency devaluation against the dollar since the 2003 fall of saddam hussein prices of everyday goods and services have suddenly sky rockets is fueling fear and anger among many iraqis who spent decades struggling to survive financially charles stratford says this report from baghdad. for more than a year a theory abraham has been coming to protest in central baghdad to demand better services political reform and an end to what he says has been decades of government
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corruption and mismanagement but he's here today because like many iraqis he is shocked and angry about the government's recent devaluation of the iraqi deano against the dollar by more than 20 percent. stand by the government's action i will at the activity lose almost quarter of my salary because i'm paid in vienna us the finest minister says it won't affect us how we'll it's not. the government said it had to devalue iraq's current c. because of a collapse in the oil prices brought on by a slump in global energy demands due to the coronavirus pandemic this devaluation is the biggest since the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and experts are saying it means the already a reasonable economic situation for millions of iraqis could get even worse. this is back dance usually bustling wholesale market but it's been very quiet since the
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devaluation of the dino. the collapse in iraq's industrial and food producing sectors in recent decades means most food and domestic products are imported from neighboring countries especially turkey and iran. a boat goods the old dollar price knowing have to sell the devalued price so i have to put my prices on for a lose a lot of money it hits every day people the hardest and there are no jobs because we don't have a comma so think is in charge this means shopkeepers have had no choice but to suddenly put their prices up too i'm going to go out and i still haven't received my give a month pension and even when i do it it will be much less all the prices have suddenly increased of course it is affecting all stood up. even before the current see devaluation the world bank predicted and shop rising poverty in iraq almost 90 percent of iraqi government revenue comes from oil but plummeting prices have
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caused a cash crisis. iraq's public sector has tripled in size to mold and 4000000 employees since 2003. delays in payment of government salaries and the lack of private sector jobs have fueled the protests. hundreds of people have been killed in the crackdown no one has been called to account for the deaths it is that the 3rd is that the vast are for the middle class the lower class but not the top class obviously but the main reason is corruption corruption is the one because there are other oil producing countries that are not affected as iraq is of course iraq self loyal and dollars so they don't get affected but the people are getting their salaries in there and so instead of ripping off the budget they're ripping off the lawyers themself and that means financial hardship for iraqis and potentially full civil and political rest. baghdad that's how those capitals
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notorious for traffic pollution including on its walls away now the government is looking to make one popular method of transport greener and much quieter it's going to hide the reports from bangkok. fishing out his front door like he has for the last 40 years amarin it needs your own lives in a community of houses built on stilts lining the edge of bangkok's busiest can now while the fishing might be convenient the steady increase of commuter boats rushing by has become unbearable he says but there's some relief on the way a switch to electric boats. electric plants will generate less noise i won't bother people so much but. bangkok was once described as the venice of the east and many of the 10000000 people here still use its waterways to get around. and the boats used to carry them are noisy big polluters putting toxins in the
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water and into the air. so the city government has launched a quieter and greener alternative a 3 month electric boat pilot program right in the center of the capital 8 boats to start and so far they're carrying a 1000 passengers a day so while it takes 4 hours at the pier to fully charge the batteries to run the twin engines for the boat these solar panels provide the power for the instruments and the lights on the vessel of course the biggest challenge is changing people's minds we have to encourage them to switch from private to public transportation boats are a good option because of the hoose through traffic so the introduction of electric boats can help both congestion and reduce pollution the boats and most of the components are manufactured here in thailand only the motors in the batteries are imported there is hope that the indigenous industry will expand so one day the vessels will be 100 percent thai as it even is a kind of. in the. the next step to encourage people.
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even the government itself to the most seriously think about how the even electric vehicles because it's been the next generation full full environmental friendly public times but asian so while the government hopes that the program is successful and that the fossil fuel powered boats are on the way out could be getting some good news his canal is set to be the next phase for the electric boats and that will allow him to fish in peace and relative quiet it's got harder al-jazeera bangkok. and i'll just say we'll have the sports i'm one of basketball's biggest stars finds himself in trouble just days since in the n.b.a. season stay with us.
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in a. type
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of a sport here sarah thanks a lot for that what we saw with the n.b.a. the world's most famous basketball league has been brought spike rotavirus concerns on just the 2nd day of its new season wednesday's game between the houston rockets and the oklahoma city thunder had to be postponed it follows 3 rockets players returning kovac 19 tests that were either positive or inconclusive the league revealed that houston star james harden in particular was of unavailable and slapped him with a $50000.00 fine for violating coronavirus rules by attending an indoor party on monday well more on this we have live from new york city n.b.a. n.b.a. insider brandon scruby robinson skip thanks for joining us can you explain to us what happened exactly. good morning sara but essentially james hearted
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was at a gathering supporting a friend and some have called it a club where it's believed james harden often visits but essentially he was not wearing a mask and not following the n.b.a.'s protocol for call that 19 and the n.b.a. issued 158 page memo to all 30 teams indicating that players are not allowed to participate at large gatherings large they have 2 meals when they're out and about a century james harden of the houston rockets was caught on video. that was released from black sports online so that he was out in public and not do it was posed to the n.b.a. slapped with a $50000.00 fine and i want to be careful when i say this just because players are
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public or at clubs or should not mean that they're going to contract the coronavirus but the n.b.a. is definitely making sure that players are being safe and you know call them video and here we are today the rockets not at players that they would need active players to participate again because the oklahoma city thunder and they'll have to postpone that. james harden not only him but the markets because this is almost all of the houston rockets had some sort of. issue with the coronavirus test and they don't get to play their home opener is on saturday so i know you're saying that all the see it doesn't mean that if you if the pay is going out all that kind of it but rockets on a day are all investigating the video that pisses say same problem he said not wearing a mosque at the pontiff have we had any reaction from the south. james harden actually took his instagram story yesterday and shared that he was supporting
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a friend who opened the business and that that was not the way things were. being told not the way it went but one thing i want to point out in this situation that i think a lot more attention would say party right now because he is the subject of multiple n.b.a. teams who have interests in his services he wants out of the houston rockets and the brooklyn nets the boston celtics the denver nuggets that surround a raptors the philadelphia $76.00 which is about 70 who have inquired about james harden self a lot of snowballing of that nature thanks a lot scaife inside information on leslie always like to have you on the price on something yes ma'am. well the start of the next football world cup in qatar is now less than 2 years away tournament itself will last less than a month balkanized this hope its benefits will be felt and the ritchson reports.
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the head of the 2022 world cup the ongoing transformation of cattles landscape is hard to miss but organizers will be impacts of this event to be felt far beyond the country's borders. the generation amazing project is helping to build football facilities and train coaches in deprived communities all over the world and it already has a decade of work to its name. went to a new generation amazing started in 2010 almost 10 years ago now. the 1st thing that we did was we built a football pitch in a refugee camp in the region so we looked at jordan and lebanon obviously those are the areas that were being affected with 3rd of the refugee populations coming in and then based on that kind of wanted to expand or sort of impact. from some of football's biggest names have got involved to spread the message and share their expertise including australia's all time leading scorer tim cahill who played at 4
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world cups so really generation amazing is the legacy i really want to target education and grassroots this is how i started at 16 you know it's very difficult for me to get my opportunity from and to even play in a world cup to be honest with you so i feel privileged to be in this position so far the generation amazing project has reach more than half a 1000000 people in 5 different continents didn't hate rwanda or back here in cats all the central things of inclusive it see and gender equality remain the same as a kid sorry girl i love playing football but i don't feel like i am given the opportunity to play it here without being judged by my community or people in general so i really wanted to like find a solution for that and through. situation and allow their girls like me to play football here and qatar i think will be a great sort of change because for those who do not necessarily. are aware of what
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qatar stands for what the world cup is yet to bring or like programs like generation amazing i think it allows them to see different sides and understand football is something that is for everyone. game changing individuals making sure the middle east 1st world cup is about far more than just 4 weeks. on the richardson. ac milan retain top spots in stereo wednesday but i need just they needed an injury time when the to be got 00 hernandez getting the crucial goal to seal a 32 win that result means they lead the standings by a single point. ac milan have to win to stay top because their arch rivals 2nd place into 53 points and 10 year contest 5 has their own up to one away. all of this and that key summed up well to stay with us here on this new
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service some may say to and do with you next. held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell denied the right to a fair trial no charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent mr saying this crime journalism. to demand my true links and voice solidarity with all detained journalists sign the petition. 3 percent. to scarcity has become
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a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential natural resource into a commodity traded to the profit just because. goods cannot be broached what about the guy that can afford it tele's water. al-jazeera examines the social financial and environmental impact of water privatized nation loads of water on al-jazeera a new perspective can change your world. for one chin is ian what began as a hobby has grown into a passion own way of life. teaching the next generation to strive for a higher level. and in so installing in his country a sense of freedom and strength. new heights my chin is here on al-jazeera. if you want to help save the world.
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sneeze and hero. down to the wild last minute negotiations continue as british and e.u. leaders are said to be preparing to announce a final brags that they will. the be. right sam is a band this is al jazeera live from the hall so coming up all violence in ethiopia government troops killed dozens responsible for a bloody dawn attack this time in the west of the country. another new mutation of coronavirus south african scientists work to.


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