tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 25, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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and his country a sense of freedom and strength. heights my chin is here on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. hello and welcome i'm peter w. watching the news line from my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the holiday travel frenzy over a 1000000 americans take flights despite warnings of a christmas link surge in coronavirus case. a short lived ceasefire violence flares again in central african republic those rebels attacked a gold mine in the north. east. of great joy
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because this is a deal. prime minister boris johnson shows off what he calls his present to the people of brics it's agreement on trade with the european union. also ahead subdued christmas celebrations across the world as nations battle the biggest health crisis of recent toy. all the sports we hear from the bron james of the l.a. lakers that for christmas they shut down the. break. let's get going let's begin with the coronavirus pandemic where despite widespread vaccine rollouts the world continues to see a dangerous rise in infections more than half a 1000000 cases of being recorded every day u.s. health experts have issued several warnings to americans to. stay home for the
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holidays but they appear to have been ignored all in a 1000000 people boarding flights on christmas eve the country's busiest travel day since march but access to the united states will soon be more difficult with travelers from the u.k. required to show a negative test result that's in response to the new more infectious strain which has been discovered there parts of the u.k. are re entering the highest level of restrictions in response to the rapid rise in cases which is largely blamed on this new strain and across the rest of europe things are looking similarly grim 25000000 cases of the virus have now been recorded throughout the continent we have correspondents in the united states and in europe monitoring the situation dominate kane's in berlin 1st we go to see how tansey in washington so as far as the travel situation is concerned she help i guess it's understandable people want to get home it's christmas it's the holidays and yet it must be
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a stressful experience getting on to those aircraft. right i mean we saw this earlier in the year end of ember late november with the thanksgiving holiday instead of giving people one to celebrate the holidays 'd but we saw millions travel around the thanksgiving holidays and then we saw a spike which doctors have connected directly to all of that travel once again we're seeing a similar situation now we should be very clear that that travel is down 60 percent on the numbers that we saw last year so a big chunk of people in this country are heeding the warnings nonetheless we are seeing an average of about a 1000000 passengers a day passing through the nation's ports we had a record on wednesday for the number of passengers moving through airports we haven't seen such travel since march 84 and a half 1000000 people are expected to travel for the holidays the majority though by car which at least limits the possibility of contracting the virus transmitting
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the virus in airports but as always the question is where are all these people going i mean the point is the suspicion is they will be going to celebrate christmas in the new year with with families with extended families from different households indoors not related or not normally ventilated indoor areas and we know that these this is the major vector for transmission so as we keep hearing from various american leaders even as vaccines are rolling out even as some relief is in sight i think joe biden said this the other day the darkest days may yet be ahead but it comes to hospitalisation on transmission. many thanks reporting live the news from washington live now to berlin and my colleague dominic kane so dumb unpack the numbers for us across europe. 25000000 cases reported now since the beginning of the pandemic but perhaps some of the most pertinent numbers that are being reported today and have been in the
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course of the past few days a quarter of a 1000000 people on average are being reported in the past few days per day as being diagnosed with the corona virus which suggests that it's getting worse which suggests these are days perhaps worse days and there have been at any other time during the pandemic and more than 5000 people being announced as having died in the course of each day over the course of the past few days when you look then into the numbers in germany it's a similar sort of picture that is rising numbers of deaths rising numbers of infections and cumulatively suggesting that tens of thousands of people are likely to die in this country alone in the course of this calendar month going into the new year what that does is it demonstrates quite how seriously the government here is taking the need to get on with the vaccination we know that other countries in europe perhaps not in the european union as the united kingdom is concerned which
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have begun the vaccination process but here in germany that process will only begin on the 27th of this month and even then it will only begin in care homes in homes where elderly people who are clearly at the most risk of this virus in society will they will get the vaccinations 1st but as i say it's not going to happen until the 27th of the month that has caused some concern here in germany people wondering why it is that some countries are able to prioritize exactly the vaccine which will go on to be put into people's arms here in germany the bio on tech pfizer vaccination people wondering why it is that vaccination hasn't been prioritized more or soon so as to be able to inoculate people but the government here is determined that that is the way to go they've always insisted the pan-european approach was the best approach but clear. people here ministerial and in wider society very much hopeful that the vaccination program will be the thing the silver lining the bit of hope at
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christmas in an otherwise very very dangerous time one other thought to bear in mind that in amongst the numbers reported about the infections and about the deaths that are caused by this virus the people who deal with the dead bodies the people in the funeral industry the kremlin torreon systems they report to they are having trouble keeping up with the demand such as the large number of bodies building up and of course remember that these bodies contain patronage of pathogens the coronavirus they must be dealt with very carefully we know in one state in germany and saxony there is a backlog building up people don't know how they're going to deal with the growing number of deaths and that follows therefore logically the growing number of bodies that need to be dealt with so it's a very negative picture certainly here in germany so far which explains why this vaccine can't come soon enough for mary very many people here in germany don thanks
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very much don again in berlin let's bring in dr annie sparrow professor population health science and policy at mount sinai hospital she joins us from geneva on skype dr sparrow welcome back to the news i'm great to have you back 1st things 1st why is it the numbers especially across europe are getting bigger and higher and bigger and higher we've had now what the best part of 6 or 8 weeks of tighter restrictions people are being told stay at home do not socialize christmas in the u.k. is one day and yet the numbers are still going across those grim tally figures. well basically we're everything we began it up down here in europe at the end of october and we're not so good in a matter of days when november as about as numbers that have to say again and we entrain christmas so you need to save christmas there was a knock down and. be more willing to let it through but you have that in order to
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get together at christmas however and you know what we've seen the if these new guys new bearings which is highly contained is much more contagious so it doesn't it doesn't really balance that but it put it back more people so it is. more people to receive this dramatic spike in racing and so we only way to deal with that is the shutdowns once people that get out of bed to hide their exhausted search for animals and we are longing to be to get that christmas when he not living in north korea or china there's no way to enforce those type of travel restrictions so ari so it's our lives where we're seeing this combination of peace. or it's a big barrier that is so i mean most of this baby it's only within a couple of days of illness when you have behind closed doors and in he knew were not kept in advance not quickly using your own case when he's in a case which takes days maybe to come back and doesn't can't keep doing time in
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order to them to go parts like multi-factorial does that mean that as we're seeing record numbers of people traveling in the context of coronavirus say going back to last january or february not not to last christmas time but record numbers of people in the states traveling you seem to be saying the figures we're seeing in europe are down to the new strain does that mean that come february or march 2021 year i'll be having a conversation about 2 and when we talk about covert we're going to be talking about the new strain and the footprint all that strain on the planet. well it's not just out of the rain of course it's that you know even countries you know the u.s. has been officially out of control for months it was about under control and there's no way to achieve population immunity when it. had immunity output
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at 70 percent that so even to countries which try to keep windows open like sweden of the employees these are. the coronal and so we're seeing this. which had largely control you know growing and so even countries which did well as a place to bad. the u.s. would stay loose even desirable much upwards but that's what we've been exacerbated by this new strain which is so contagious now and which you know we were so excited to pick up and we have the implication there's no point in putting in travel bans because it's already out there so the only way for imports you know and right now to pick it up it's by actually just you know that's where they can import using repetitious which i think britain is now beginning to implement. so that at least big travel incompetent and in safety as you point out where you know people are going to go to family break or even go is that we know that the. areas are sort of
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living and mixing so we have to rethink our approach that we're not going to be having this conversation because by then we were starting to adopt a policy where we are using a method to sic lauren so people can actually test every day and take these tools not just i'm not just him but in the community. point to cuba and so if we can get us out of the horn and you can test of the airports and restaurants state you know what places so we can actually building something that helps us control this because even when the vaccine is rolled out. it's not necessarily going to prevent spread. so you get where you very upon a mental fight right in being in saying let's have a pan-european approach because you still can't get on a plane if you but even if you had a bet because of it me don't know that it would actually stop spread or not because that's not what your back to you designed to do it's designed directly stop the
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beam which is bent can stick only elderly who are at greatest risk can expend testicle to help it while it's also at risk and that will be some way towards killing the terrible death toll that weighs mean and the fact you know it can only go so far and by the way you're growing out you know it's break bones but if you mean right so damn bodies do not part of the race so at least you don't always make terrible it's all who have to deal with so many good bodies and i really feel all of the people who work in molds and have to vote people into body bags it's really really devastating but they are not at risk of the package only stop spinning bases but he's not preventing them all so it's not like a ball or a hole horribly under the inspectors ok we must leave it there dr spero always good to get your thoughts here on the news hour. south korea has recorded its biggest daily increase in virus infections since the start of the pandemic
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a reported 1241 new cases including a large outbreak at a prison in seoul the country rolled out its toughest ever restrictions this week with popular tourist venues closed until early next month testing and contact tracing are also being ramped up. well small ground still to cover for you here on the news hour including. i'm doing such a pari in a village in south carolina with these women who didn't have any income before the pandemic and they are supporting their entire families by making nasty. steering into the future we'll tell you how chinese manufacturers a dominating the market for affordable electric cars. and pressure is mounting on india's cricket team details coming up in sport in about 30. this heavy fighting in central african republic following the collapse of
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a cease fire between a coalition of rebels and government forces the fighting is happening in the town of book kima northeast of the capital fighters from the coalition of patriots for change or exchanging fire with the army as well as the united nations peacekeeping mission well the fighting broke out as before presidential candidates will shuttle to hold their final election rather use the vote is due to be held on sunday 6 opposition candidates are demanding that it be pursued and the u.n. says it is gravely concerned and has approved the deployment of more peacekeepers. catherine sawyer joins us live now from the capital of central african republic catherine if they managed to have it delayed oprah spode and how would that go down on the streets. well a lot of people we're talking to here are saying that they do not have an appetite
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for any kind of conflict they think that they want to. vote for the student particularly here in boise where i am my mark because i've been talking to saying that they want to vote they want to exercise their rights to choose a leader of their choice but when you go outside to the countryside people are quite afraid to get out of their homes we're hearing the fighting in various places people are being displaced with folks who are not they so either you when you say that about $50000.00 people in in one of the areas are hiding because of fighting that was going on there we're also being told there's an area called. about 500 kilometers it's in that if by thing they've been told is going on there i'm with the fire i was broke and was hauled off this morning by the patriots for change they say that the president and the prime minister have handled
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their careers and you file a very casually but you have to leave that they say that the government should have been attacking the opposition and that's why they have called off this fire the situation people here in bondi and across the country very camp indeed ahead of the election on sunday of these calls catherine to perspire the 1st round of the election is that actually political maneuvering because some of the analysts we've been talking to here on the news just over the past couple of days they've been saying the same thing and it's this if the 2nd round of voting is delayed that implicitly favors certain candidates because if you factor in the complex mosaic of the electorate they will be perceived as going a particular direction if it goes to only a 2nd round. well we've been speaking to political analysts here as well peter we've also been speaking to the presidential candidate including. a
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good dialogue a low one of the main kind it actually is being touted as the president's biggest challenge and he has told us that the president will not be able to win this election in the last round he says that if president of course. we need. them i mean that lesson in the fact john that that means that it is not credit called people they will not accept that they are all pushing towards going to a 2nd round because as you mentioned they believe that they have a bigger chance of winning the opposition on the opposition kind of dollars that they had been bigger chunks of winning in a 2nd round we have been talking to people here even. if i say that they are they don't have the archetypical i'm not. that conflict they want to vote and they want to be able. to meet that candidate in
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a fan and transparent. the mood in this market in bondi is just right for christmas kristi's central african stake their celebrations seriously and traders are making a killing it's also an election season they go to the polls on sunday and their main mori is security on sunday vote on a safety of course but it's christmas and who doesn't want a good cheer. but everyone is in a festive mood though many residents want to get their voices hard some through religious processions praying for peace. others like this women condemn the newly formed peaches for change a coalition of several armed groups that has threatened to march to the city and is already causing havoc in the countryside and in 1006 to 6 our country has gone through coups rebellions mutineers and each time it sets us back the 2013th
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protests a lot of sorrow women have been raped many people have died and others displaced. down hoping that the 12000 u.n. peacekeepers in the country alongside government troops and other international forces will keep the pages for change. that's saying they just want a peaceful election this is a country that had been in conflict for so long and the humanitarian needs are huge the population needs some form of aid and hundreds of thousands of central african the refugees in neighboring county. ca are has survived 5 years of need constant to stability since gaining independence from france in 1960. the latest conflict started about 70 as ago when the then president francois was overthrown by a mostly muslim group called reprisals by the mainly christian i. only made
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things was a peace deal signed between 14 rebel group. and the government in 2019 brought about some calm but now violence is again on the rise. we also. we have the poorest people now hiding in rural areas who they ask good anguish as a father a man of the church ask those who have picked up weapons to have p 2 on us. all the presidential candidates are promising peace many central african say that tired of broken promises but here are the markets they tell us they want to take the weight of their country's politics off this shoulders for just a little while to have a merry christmas catherine so al-jazeera bunky. ok let's take a look at the fragile political landscape in the president. came to power in 2016 and to pursue peace and unity but he has struggled to contain unrest his rival
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france what was easy was forced from power more than 6 years ago by mostly muslim rebels known as the celica prompting reprisals from christian groups u.n. investigators say large scale killings were carried out by both sides against civilians the subsequent violence worsened the country's ongoing civil war prompting thousands of un peacekeepers to be deployed in 2014 a peace accord signed in february 29th seen between the government and 14 armed groups as lead to a lower level of violence but with armed factions forming a coalition against the government history of the country could see a return to wider conflict that's forced 4 and a half 1000000 people to flee their homes paul mellie is a consulting fellow in the africa program at chatham house he joins us on skype from london paul morley welcome back to the news the opposition is calling for a fresh start to the whole process how viable is the. well it's going to be very difficult because the united nations peacekeeping force minister
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and the government have put a huge effort to organizing the electoral process they've got everybody registered they've been distributing or starting to distribute voters' cards and as your correspondent pointed out a lot of people in the city in particular want to go ahead and exercise their rights of vote but there is also a practical split you have conventional civilian politicians who are campaigning and have been campaigning over recent weeks for the election and then you have these all groups which is not all of the armed groups in the c.a.r. it's just some of them and particularly in the west and in the center that have suddenly decided to revive the armed struggle if you like. one of the one of the armed groups has carried on fighting over recent months but most of those that have
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been active in the last week or so had in fact being questioned for quite a long time so this looks like a very opportunist move by some of the armed groups who feel that if the election goes ahead and if as seems likely president why there is reelected they they will feel that there are sort of chances of influence there or a role for a voice is reduced but one doesn't have much evidence that they reflect a large swathe of public opinion in this seems to be really pushed by the leaders of the armed groups the warlords if you want behind behind them ok and that connection civilian politicians isn't clear either just to structure the poll which i apologize if you've got that right you're the 1st person i've spoken to on this channel that says the president will be reelected assuming for a 2nd he is reelected does that mean the. those armed groups who had cold for that
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cease fire because they listened to the cia are external neighbors because the signaling from the neighboring countries was basically cool it take the temperature out of this because they're not serving the electorate very well coming from wrong here does that mean that they don't walk away from that cease fire if he is re-elected in the 1st round. it's not completely clear i think. the strength of the message that came from what's called the g 5 plus which is the cia our international partners so that's the neighboring countries but it's also the u.s. russia france the european union united nations the african union was a very powerful statement issued several days ago and warning that the leaders of the armed groups would be held responsible for what happened and they also specifically named. who as you mentioned is a former president who was overthrown some years ago and who had hoped to run in
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the elections but was then disqualified by the electoral thora he's on that basically by the supreme court on the grounds that he because he faces international charges allegations over human rights crimes and so there are some suspicion that he may be linked to this armed uprising and he was named specifically by those international partners so that's a very very strong message how far will deter this whole to say and. i wouldn't say it's guaranteed that the president will win the election if you will he's strongest placed on the 1st ballot but on the whole elections in central african republic have gone to a 2nd round and it's certainly true as mr going to get the opposition candidate was mentioning that it goes to a 2nd ballot. then the president will be under threat because there's
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a tradition that opposition parties then unite together behind the best place challenger in a runoff so the election is absolutely guaranteed ok we have to leave it there paul malley in london thank you very much. well elections can be about in the central african republic while candidates wrap up campaigning and others demand a spode and ordinary people are crossing their fingers for peace al-jazeera has met a man whose life has been marked by election violence. my name is my nickname is homeric preval. i am a trader and every year we sell christmas decorations don't move. here we want a peaceful christmas among other things. going to todays in 2013 the situation here was really bad and i was a victim had to run to congo as
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a refugee went where i was elected and there was peace then i came back home. but i didn't want to do we'll be we don't want conflict to happen again because we've lost everything and we don't want to risk any more again we want a lasting peace in central african republic. in the beginning we central african citizens want to believe in peace we hope that this brings lasting happiness we want the conflict to end we've had enough of this war it disturbs us and stops our children from going to school a little to be of a good if we want unconditional peace that we can finally develop ourselves we see everyone here buying gifts for christmas and that's good for all of us and we just need peace but it was a good reason buffy got the message i have for central african says that we just need peace peace is very important in life. if you have peace you can do all in
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life you can go anywhere in the world but if there is no peace you can move or develop. we just need. conflict and troubles do not interest us anymore we've seen what can happen we are tired. i intend to do my civic duty if there is very thing then i will vote but if there is trouble i will stay home and protect my family but if the situation is calm here then i'll go vote and that's the latest from central african republic time whether here's what. hello there and season's greetings has officially been a white christmas for parts of england with a little dusting of snow into the east riding if yorkshire in the northern england just about here winds coming in from one or the direction so we have seen one or 2 wintry florist nothing much to speak of the heavy snow has been further south down around the alps and further east it was that western side of russia let's look back
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up towards the northwest where we have these tightly packed i suppose we have storm balla gathering and that's going to bring some very wet sand windy weather much milder weather in across the u.k. as we go on 3 sas day break blustery conditions winds in excess of 150 kilometers per hour on the gusts so some nasty conditions the possibility of flooding here as well the wintry mix that we have around the outs with slightest way down towards the divine or it helps joining up that wetter weather over towards the black sea and snow there into that western side of russia more blustery conditions wet weather into the southeast of europe as you go on through sunday we'll look up towards the northwest all for weather very heavy rain with the possibility of some flooding coming down across central parts of france at that stage snow on the leading edge of that to the south of that it is dry for much a spy but pretty cold him a treat. everson thank you very much still to come here on the news out christmas far from loved ones pandemic restrictions make life even harder for foreign
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domestic workers in hong kong. bron james is in for a battles to steal the show on christmas details coming up in the sports news in about 15 minutes. if you look at the history of morphine if you look at the history oh and if you look at the. these things do not enter the world as evil underworld drugs they enter the world as battleship. new 3 part documentary series looks at the history and geopolitics of drug trafficking and its impact on the world today drug trafficking politics and power coming soon on al-jazeera. frank assessments you've got colleagues on the ground in the canaries what is the situation there's only one doctor and one nurse or 2200 people informed opinion as to how big this foreign policy figure in the early stages of
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a bomb in the situation he comes into office with a huge amount of foreign policy experience in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines how will a place like it live get a back seat when there's no money at all the rest of rich countries are fighting for an inside story on al-jazeera. welcome back you're watching the al-jazeera news our i'm peter dhabi you're headlining stories nations around the world are marking christmas on the coronavirus lockdown u.s. health experts are warning people to stay at home as infections continue to surge parts of the u.k. are we entering the highest level of restrictions in response to the rapid rise in
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the number of cases. south korea has recorded his biggest daily increase in corona virus infection since the start of the pandemic you reported more than 1200 new cases as it rolled out its toughest ever restrictions. there's heavy fighting in the central african republic following the collapse of a cease fire between a coalition of rebels and government forces violence broke out as before presidential candidates were shed tool to hold their final election rallies ahead of the vote on sunday. ambassadors from me used 27 member states a meeting in brussels to discuss the new u.k. trade agreement the chief negotiator michele bonnie and the blocks leaders are asking member states to abide by the deals terms provisionally as britain leaves the european trading rules on december 31st the temporary measures aimed to avoid border disruption until the e.u.
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parliament can formally ratify the deal the british parliament will vote on the agreement one day before the deadline well announcing the deal in a christmas address the nation the prime minister in london boris johnson described it as a quote tiding of great joy i think this deal means a new stability and a new and a certainty in what has sometimes been a fractious and difficult relationship we will be your friend your ally your supporter. and indeed never let it be forgotten your number one market because although we've left the e.u. this country will remain culturally emotionally historically strategically geologically attached to europe at the end of a successful negotiations journey i normally feel joy but
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today i only feel quite satisfaction and frankly speaking relief. i know this is a difficult day for sam and to our friends in the united kingdom i want to say her team is such sweet sorrow. the barkers our correspondent in london in the house breaks that expert i mean boris johnson neve won an election on this he won an election on let's get breakfast done by i guess the devil's in the detail now this is not one sheet of a 4 that's come off a laser printer that this is a multi chapter agreement that people are looking at now and examining. yeah it's 2 and a half hours and. we believe pages long including of course the 'd appendices footnotes boris johnson had suggested in his address to the nation that perhaps
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instead of having this news in front of the television and possibly watching back to the future or home alone that we should instead after our christmas lunches reads this trade deal in detail i don't know about you whatever how many people are going to actually be wanting to to follow through with that but you're right there is a tremendous a lawful lot of detail to wade through and the more we look at it we the more we realize i got a bit the u.k. may have conceded a significant amount here particularly on one of its key issues fish if you paid an awful lot of attention to boris johnson on thursday when he announced that a trade deal had been made what was he wearing on his tie little fish patterns that's how symbolic fish are and that's how important it was that the british government walks away with a decent deal but when we bury into the detail we see the what the british government wanted was the e.u. to cut its fish stocks by 60 percent in the course of 3 years instead the the e.u.
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is only cutting its fish quotas by 25 percent over the course of 5 years that's exactly what the e.u. wanted not the e.u. case of what we're probably going to see and that's just one little example we're probably going to see in the x. few days and few weeks is a bit of finessing a bit of positive spin on behalf of the british government as to what exactly they've achieved and when it comes to what's been achieved we've got some pictures going to play those in from the needs of the e.u. ministers kind of getting together in real time today in brussels because that's what they're doing they're examining this as well i'm interested and intrigued me what you're talking about you know this idea that compromises were made and this is being spun by everyone as this is. yes even right down to the point where the main opposition labor party they've said in london they've said this is a deal but we're going to go for it we will very probably vote for it in the house
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of commons because the alternative was crashing out with no deal. yeah you're absolutely right i think the over all sides everybody is very weary what you're looking at those pictures in belgium is a you ambassador has been briefed by michel barnier say about the deal they of course have to go back to their respective countries but the e.u. have largely been kept abreast of negotiations throughout meaning that they the parliament at least will get to ratify the deal in january because they're already pretty satisfied about it here in the u.k. it's a slightly different cell it has to go through parliament the opposition labor party though have said that they will back it largely because it's the lesser of 2 evils the other prospect would be crashing out with a no deal at all and that would have been hugely disastrous for businesses so in any respect because there is a trade deal regardless of what concessions to be made that has to be seen across
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the board as a success let's not forget that 48 percent of people voted against the deal and 2016 as opposed to $52.00 have voted for it the nation is still quietly divided down the middle but particularly here in the capital london where pretty much most people in most areas voted to remain in the e.u. there is a sense of quiet reluctance quiet acceptance that look we've had enough let's just get it over and done with and it's christmas time off are also done as well made good to talk shows over thanks very much me parker in london. multiple studies around the world have revealed the 19 pandemic has increased depression and anxiety in children the social isolation and disruption of daily life is also true of children suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder o.c.d. a social good number of ports now from miami beach i want to find a way to make your nighttime routine calmer the call from the mental health hospital halfway across the country was greatly anticipated but now the anguish is
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long distance less than a week before this florida family admitted their 12 year old son we'll call jackson to inpatient treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder or o.c.d. and an eating disorder he is the most amazing so we outgoing athletic smart friendly kind through the course of this quarantine he became on edge anxious i'm anxious and today i would describe him as a rat in an electrified cage studies have shown that the fear and stressors of the covert 1000 pandemic have been triggering for children with o.c.d. and anxiety jackson tortured himself by spending his waking hours only standing or exercising insisting that he needed to lose weight that you just hear your ration happened in a matter of months honestly i would rather die of corona by now because to go through this to watch your kid suffer like this is worse i would rather take the
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pain from him and not have to see him suffering like this the international o.c.d. foundation says 2 to 4 percent of all children will develop. an estimated 3000000 children in the united states alone there is a genetic component to o.c.d. and anxiety jackson's father also has o.c.d. his struggle to find affordable treatment has been replicated with his son due to a lack of. specialized pediatric facilities and the fact that many won't accept health insurance the family waited 6 weeks to find an empty bed states away it breaks my heart to see that you know that my son is struggling with this and that you know we just you know we're smart people educated resourceful and we just haven't up until this point been able to find him the right care that he needs today i'm going to talk to you about anxious there tashi daniels is a child there
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a post she says there has been an influx of desperate families across the globe seeking assistance through her online workshops and community forums although many countries don't have adequately trained clinicians who can treat o.c.d. she says there is a type of therapy parents can teach children that helps rewire their brains and stop the compulsive behavior it's never too late to give your child those skills to have it and approach your child's behavior in it and it can make a huge difference long term there's always hope jackson's family is clinging to that hope the family's life has been turned upside down pretty much nothing has been the same the family doesn't know when they'll see jackson again cope with 1000 restrictions prevent visits they can only have faith that the treatment he's undergoing revives the son and brother they know that asha going to a. miami beach. foreign workers in hong kong are spending their christmas away
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from their families because of tough restrictions sure a clock picks up the story. christmas decorations may be up but large celebrations in hong kong our whole public gatherings of more than 2 people have been banned and borders remain closed. people like nathan cowen will spend the festive season on his or in his family in australia unable to fly in to join him because of strict travel restrictions were very top family and spend a lot of time together it's been really hard on myself on the family and on the boys as well foreign domestic workers in hong kong have been hit hard by the pen demick there almost 400000 here most are from the philippines and indonesia these women of the breadwinners for their families but they're unable to return home for a holiday this christmas very hard for a mother wanting to see your family your your child and. sorry.
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you know you want to you want to give her the best christmas but you know you can't really push her to understand everything this is all i think here is all. this domestic worker who doesn't want to be identified gave birth last month she didn't plan her pregnancy and has struggled to pay the high living and medical costs she's been forced to rely on charities for help and their money and where it's been very sad and financially difficult for me and it's hard being alone without any support our shelter has been full tilt to bethink pretty much the whole year as has been the other shelters that we refer our mothers to in the community so health has been a big the government has given a number of cash handouts to residents here in hong kong to help out during this pandemic and the foreign domestic workers have missed out that's a spot i think
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a minimum wage of around so. $100.00 a month for a covert 19 tests are available for market workers who've lost their jobs but the government rejected a plea for pyros this year the freedom south class among the dumbest it was about as saw a problem in that and many of the trying to stop them south that i had to squish that a small money so that conscious that all this got off sort of in the employer as well as helping the family the pandemic has exposed the harsh realities of being a migrant worker in asia to travel restrictions it could be months before they can go home and be reunited with their families sarah clock out a 0 hong kong. pope francis has delivered his annual christmas mass at the vatican the head of the roman catholic church as governments to work together to ensure the corona virus vaccine is available to all countries makea if i think he questioned it with a child of before him help us to be generous supportive and helpful especially to those who are vulnerable sick or facing hardship due to the effects of the pandemic
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and women facing domestic violence during the months of lockdown in the face of a challenge that knows no borders if we cannot erect walls all of us are in the same boat every other person is my brother or sister and everyone i see reflected the face of god. in france they not read on cathedral has christmas eve by hosting its 1st choral concert since it was nearly destroyed by fire a year ago. a paris land is gradually being rebuilt as france battles coronavirus those involved in the service said it was an important moment full of emotions. still to come on the news hour for you the sports news with sorrow we look ahead to a boxing day cricketing feast sours here to explain everything when we come back in
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a couple of minutes. a secret mass grave in ireland discovered at an institution run by catholic nuns. and mission shock to its core. people in power investigates a scandal that destroyed families cost thousands of lives and still raises profound questions about the ties between the catholic church and the irish state. arlin's mother and baby scandal. on a. when the news breaks the impact of the storms in honduras has been particularly devastating when people need to be hurt no group has claimed responsibility for the shooting on the outskirts of srinagar in indian administered kashmir people here say they're living in fear al-jazeera has teams on the ground they never ate this type of food that we simply don't know if we can think to bring you more award
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winning documentaries and life needs on air and online. china's fast growing electric vehicle market is the biggest in the world after a slump earlier this year the sale of evey's electric vehicles nationwide is gaining speed again but while foreign brands dominates the luxury market chinese carmakers are outselling them with more affordable models katrina new reports now from use you in china. for one shuttling owning a car one seemed impossible she couldn't afford one but the release of this mini
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electric model changed that it cost around $5000.01 5th the price of the average car here the 25 year old graduate says she didn't hesitate to buy one. the cost is really low and the whole country is being encouraged to protect the environment by going electric so i decided to buy it unlike most electric vehicles this car can be plugged into a normal 220 volt outlet. it's made by local car make a ruling that has overtaken tesla at the top selling electric vehicle in china. the brand is a joint venture with general motors to target younger consumers and less affluent drivers or woman to woman e.u. it is a huge untapped market in china we are redefining the concept of new energy cars they're no longer just expensive and. in the southern city of your joe electric vehicles are common sight china's leaders say cities like this are leading the way
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beijing wants electric vehicles to make up 20 percent of all casals in china 520-2550. 520-353-0000 of these many electric cars are produced every month now the manufacturer is focusing on chinese consumers but. the markets of other developing countries in southeast asia. most of the world's electric vehicles are made in china preferential government policies have helped to stoke demand here but the overseas market holds huge potential for chinese carmakers. it's very possible that chinese electric cars will become mainstream in the global market we have a very strong supply chain and the cost is very low chinese electric cars. for consumers as we entered electric era the high end luxury market however remains dominated by western brands audi and b.m.w.
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have expanded their new energy efficient offerings while tesla is ramping up production capacity it aims to produce more than half a 1000000 cars in shanghai next year thousands of which will be exported to europe for now cheaper electric vehicles a leading the way in china. mini electric car isn't for everyone but the daily commute she says it's more than enough. al-jazeera china time for sport. always thought we were born it's all eyes on the n.b.a. on christmas day there are 5 pictures on friday or was the 73rd games on december 25th rainy and champions the l.a. lakers will take on the dallas mavericks a match up that will see the sport's biggest name the bron james face off against one of the league's fastest rising stars 20 year old luca this will be just the 2nd game of the season for the lakers with a campaign having a delayed start because the pandemic. so we have a game playing on it's
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a mall and you know things are going to change on the fly there are very good saying that in luke is an exceptional tonally a great talent league obviously. so it will afford to challenge and just get out there and get a play on christmas is always a treat the head of world atlantic sebastian coe has told al jazeera that he's confident take care will face the olympics next year in some form he also says he'll support any athlete who protests against racism as they have a state reports. at 2020 was supposed to see the world's best athletes perform on the biggest stage but as with so many things the coronavirus pandemic forced a change of plan and the tokyo olympics were delayed by a year. there's still no guarantee the games will go ahead with spiraling costs and growing opposition in japan to holding the games amid a global health crisis but the president of world athletics about visited tokyo back in october and told out his era he was encouraged by what he saw i came away
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very very confident that they really have a cost on to their determination to deliver a great games and yes they may be slightly altered there may be in a different format. and who knows i mean we're still you know we're still dealing with the pandemic even with a vaccine on the horizon but i am pretty sure we will have a game. this year is seen sport become a platform for the fight against racial injustice on a scale never seen before athlete activists following the footsteps of tommie smith and john carlos whose black power salute scap should the world's attention 52 years ago at the 968 games in mexico city although olympic rules ban political demonstrations coach says he'll support any athlete who protest racism in tokyo i don't see taking many are or anti racism as being
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a political statement i think it should be the default position of of any sport and it's certainly the default position in athletics. athletics inevitably struggle to fill the gap left by you same bolt when he retired back in 2017 but they may just have found another superstar in pole vaulter mando duplantis the 21 year old from sweden broke the world record 2 times this year and also a cheap the highest outdoor vault of all time as well of the. we certainly do have a superstar. in in montana planters but what i'm really pleased about is i genuinely think alongside mondo we do have one of the most talented young generations of athletes coming through in all our disciplines and i think that's healthier for us or frankly than relying on just one athlete we're in much better shape being many many more athletes at that level was just. the current generation of athletes have the potential to become
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a limp dick champions they just need a lympics to perform at hopefully 2021 will be there time with the organizers in tokyo determined to get them started in july david stokes al-jazeera well moving on a feast of cricket is awaiting fans on boxing day 3 test matches get underway the pick them arguably the 2nd test between australia and india and the iconic melbourne cricket ground the indians go into the match training the theories one nothing after being crushed in the 1st test to make matters worse the be without the injured mohammed shami and captain for out to cali he's on paternity leave nonetheless feel these are not taking them lightly in the year is it is a proud pretty country they're extremely talented test match so we've got a dangerous pyro so the moment we take our foot off of the pedal and think we're going or what we saw in england that i mean that if we can come unstuck pretty quickly so it's huge focus there since that few tasting ashes he has been on
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winning after winning also on boxing day pakistan's test series begins against hosts new zealand the tourists go into it in pretty bad shape with caps involved as a batsman in mom a hug and all rounder should can all out injured now south africa hosts rank in the other game and we've been speaking to andrew meant sort of the cricket unfiltered part because he says it's a huge achievement for cricket that 3 boxing day test are happening despite the pandemic. what have faced of cricket for cricket fans that have been starved of action or ye 3 pretty exciting match ups south africa hosting sri lanka new zealand hosting pakistan but the big one is destroyed the hosting india india coming off a huge defeat in the 1st game and i'm sure there came to turn it around you can never write india off the chalk full of stars they have a terrific line up but in the lats match they were bowled out for 36 which is their
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record lowest score so they will be hurting and sometimes tames when they've put up such a bad performance can bounce back quite strongly but the strain in tame must go it is every 5 minutes and and it's a really exciting match for the people of melbourne who suffered a very long lockdown over the winter have not had any sport to go to at all so this is the 1st event at the m.c.g. since march really significant moment for the city in the spectators the world will be watching the game with great interest and you know just a great occasion to have 3 test matches going on and you have to sort of take into account the sec or fights bank being made by the administrators in the plays to get it under way so a significant achievement for cricket around the world. well that soyuz for for now but i'll be more from malaysia sarah thank you very much we will doubtless see you on the other side of this short break i'll have 30 minutes of al-jazeera world news
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i will see you very soon for the moment. ok calm and may show you're not hyping the situation be part of the debate my main characters are women when no topic is off the table there was in the last allow child marriage to happen legally easer basically archaic walls dads often legitimize them greta why is pedophile on air or online jumping to the toilet section and meeting to be part of the discussion the stream on out is there. the b.b.c.'s journalism is revered around the world but its close relationship with the british state has always placed limits on its independence before the existence of a small things it draws flow phillips explores the little known sentry long tussle between the b.b.c. in the u.k. government and considers the current threats to its future if the government has it
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in for the b.b.c. it is see the enemies on the movers battle for the b.b.c. a listening post special on al-jazeera. the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering lifesaving to school supplies and training to help the world's most found people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatment and of that. working with scientists and health workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the ward and in the land. advocating for everyone to have access to a central health services now more than the world needs w.h.o. making a healthier world. for everyone. and
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a holiday travel frenzy over 1000000 americans take flights despite warnings of a christmas link surge in coronavirus cases. hello again pete over here in doha you are watching al-jazeera also coming up. a short lived ceasefire violence flares again in central african republic as rebels attack a gold mine in the north. glad tidings of great joy because this is a deal.
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