tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 28, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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words from let's say berlin or paris for london man in cairo a on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. columcille rahman you're watching the al-jazeera news our lines my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the number of infections in south africa passes 1000000 as a fast spreading variant of the corona virus piles the pressure on hospitals. india prepares to roll out one of the world's largest inoculation programs carrying out a 2 day dry run. also iran is to begin human trials of a locally produced coronavirus vaccine as u.s.
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sanctions in peter fitz to buy doses from the west. and the tally of this year's worst weather disaster shows more evidence of a dangerously changing climate. and i'm here to stay out of all the sports news 20 time grand slam tennis champion roger federer has not recovered in time for me surgery and will now miss out on the upcoming australian open. welcome to the new governments around the world are scrambling to roll out vaccination programs as rising coronavirus cases more pressure on hospitals scientists in the u.k. say stricter lockdowns may be needed next month and pushing for secondary schools to stay closed but the government minister says the expected approval of another vaccine could see restrictions lifted more quickly india has started to started a dry run in fact of its vaccination program to test its transport and coal storage
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facilities that since the country recorded its lowest number of daily infections in nearly 6 months meanwhile iran is beginning human trials of a locally produced vaccine after successful tests on animals to iran has had trouble securing other vaccines because of sanctions on its banking sector south africa's become the 1st country on the continent to surpass 1000000 cases but a fast spreading variant of the virus is expected to force the government to unveil even tougher covert 19 destructions well the barber is standing by for us in london on the latest credit virus restrictions from the u.k. and across europe but 1st let's speak to how to be tough joins us now from port elizabeth in south africa and her you know we've spoken through the day that. passing 1000000 infections is really worrying and really concerning for the authorities in south africa what are they saying about this.
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well south africans in general are worried but then again this was expected it is a fair. of season one people have been traveling up and down the country visiting family and friends and for days government officials have been telling to the citizens that when they do travel they should try and weigh in mosques and they should not attend public gatherings where some of them were not listening so throughout the days in the weeks you saw people posting on social media parties they were attending court superspy the events where many weren't wearing masks and many one practicing social distancing we are in eastern cape province this is one of the provinces where this new variant has been identified imported elizabeth is a hot spot in the area and speak to many people here you get people will tell you i've had at least 7 people in my family who died from a close at 19 is a village not to far away from here where a pub when a person got sick many people in that area went to the funeral and those people ended up getting sick so it is getting very very real for people particularly in hotspots such as port elizabeth and we think
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a problem because we're talking about hospital facilities globally having a lot of pressure put on them because of the virus it's more or less the case in south africa be the sign behind you sums it all up doesn't it hospital heroes work i mean obviously health workers want the forefront of this crisis that south africa is facing. is doctors and nurses are raising the alarm that they are saying that some of the hospitals especially the government hospitals and hospitals in the rural areas they worry that they could run out of oxygen they aren't enough ventilators there aren't enough i.c.u. beds they aren't even enough stuff to attend to patients who come in sick from call of the 19 especially those in the i.c.u. was asking the government to put in place more restrictive measures the measures currently in place include a nighttime curfew all called going to be sold at certain times and on certain days now we know that on sunday president will run for something more photo agency
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meeting of the cobra toss force this taking place and some of them also push for tied to the stiction. he's expected to address the nation if he doesn't do it on monday it may be in the coming days and people are speculating that he could impose more strict restrictions in the country which could include border closures and a total ban on the sale of alcohol for the update thank you very much faster or correspondent in port elizabeth in south africa let's go to europe now we can join the team barber in our london news center and the dream real debate in the united kingdom if we focus on the u.k. for the moment about restrictions and also about whether schools will open after the new year. absolutely so it's possible later on monday there will be a decision by the government a cabinet cabinet minister michael gove has said that the situation is under review the government has all along insisted that one of its priorities was keeping schools open during term time so people the g back in early january but it's now
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come out that last week in a meeting with ministers the advisory group of scientists known as sage told them that even with a national lockdown on the same model as we saw here in november which shore schools stay open the our number the reproduction rate of covered 19 would go above one sometime in january that's an extremely worrying prospect for not just the public here but for people who work in the health care system over the weekend saturday was said by n.h.s. officials to be one of the busiest days ever and many hospitals in different regions reporting that their intensive care units a virtually full they really don't want to see that our number starts a rai's so possible action on schools because the the advisors said that
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specifically secondary schools should be closed to try to drive down transmissions it's thought that that's a bigger driver than in primary schools but they're blaming it on that mutated variant of coded 19 but also they pointed out a new a different variant of the virus which was said to have come from south africa and they say that raises concerns about immunity among the population will invite the vaccinations of course here in the u.k. of started there restarting on monday after a break over the weekend and also the government is hoping that in the next few days there might be approval of the. other alternative vaccine developed by oxford university and astra zeneca so of course restrictions mutant strains the possibility of the on the brink creasing in the new year all being washed by mainland europe and the e.u. who are rolling out their pfizer biotech vaccine it's been going on now for just
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over 24 hours how do you assess the situation across the water. well that's right it was supposed to be a coordinated effort there have been hiccups and even. beyond that there are all of the eyebrows being raised by reports of over $200.00 british holidaymakers who've left the ski resort a vell be in switzerland to escape a 10 day quarantine which was imposed back dated to the 14th of december. and so of course there are a lot of worries about where they may have gone right now in the last 24 hours but on the vaccine itself spain has pushed back a day the rollout of the pfizer biotech vaccine because of what they're calling a logistics delays they say that it will be actually administered from cheesed a morning germany as well has had problems in many cities in germany they've had to delay the start of their vaccinations because it was reported that around
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a 1000 doses of that vaccine had not been transported of the cold enough temperature the rules say that it needs to be kept in a freezer at minus 70 celsius but while it's in transit it needs to be in these special cold boxes with dry ice in their affairs the the rules weren't respected but across the continent in italy and in spain some of the hardest hit countries people are now receiving the vaccines there are hopes for example in spain the governments are saying that by this summer they hope 70 percent of the population will have been vaccinated meaning that the pandemic can really be brought under control we've heard similar things from the german government so they're really insisting to trying to tell people that. the the herd immunity that so talked about is not that far off but still worried about transmission still worried about the effect on the health care system so it's really urging people as they are here in
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the u.k. to follow the guidelines the debugger in our london news center thanks so much. well japan's prime minister says a temporary ban on arrivals of all nonresident foreigners is necessary to save lives is reporters more cases of the contagious variant of corona virus which was 1st detected in the united kingdom while the entry ban will last until the end of january japan is struggling to contain a recent surge of infections with more than 221000 cases confirmed so far now south korea has also recorded 3 cases of the new highly contagious corona virus variant the infected people traveling home from the u.k. last week before the government announcement announced a temporary ban on all their traffic to and from britain well south korea is in the middle of a 3rd wave of infections and around a 1000 new cases are being reported every day. over in india the government is carrying out an early test of its krone virus vaccination program it's doing it to
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draw a run of the vaccine campaign across 4 states now india hopes to provide $300000000.00 vaccine doses in the 1st phase of its immunization campaign elizabeth cohen has more from the capital new delhi. precisely because of the scale involved in vaccinating india's population and that is why the states. for the punjab have begun this 2 day trial run of the 19 vaccine to a number of hospitals community and primary health care centers private facilities rural outreach centers testing everything from the transport arrangements for the vaccine to the cold storage to the deployment of workers the app that's used to register and monitor people who are receiving the vaccine and crowd control centers to ensure that there's social distancing and what they're doing is around 25 people are coming to each vaccination session they've already been identified they mostly
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helped with health care workers who will be the 1st beneficiaries of the vaccine and tens of thousands of workers have been trained in administering the vaccine now india already has the world's biggest vaccination program it's called the universal immunization program where more than $50000000.00 infants and pregnant mothers are vaccinated every year but health experts say that the cold storage is already in a sorry state that vaccines aren't always stored a monitored properly that fridge temperature gauges don't work often rendering vaccines unfit for use and so it is going to be a huge challenge for the government to vaccinate it says it wants to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people. as you heard here on this set to begin human trials of a locally produced crane a virus vaccine a pharmaceutical company has been registering volunteers following subtle tests on
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animals so iran a struggle to get its hands on other banks is because of sun rules on its banned banking sector also jabari has the latest from tehran it is a race against time for the scientists at a lab near the capital tehran they're working on developing a covert 1000 vaccine a job made more important because of u.s. let sanctions against iran pharmaceutical company chef a farm it started registering volunteers for human trials after tests were successfully carried out on animals. in the 1st stage we have candidates who get 2 doses of the vaccine and we have 56 people to test on and we'll do it in small groups once we're successful with the 1st dose then we'll carry out the 2nd phase since the beginning with observed all world health organization and us f.d.a. protocols as we deliver our results to the health ministry while the work continues here the head of iran's medical council is urging the world health organization to take measures against u.s.
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sanctions that have prevented iran from purchasing covert 1000 vaccines. doctors after andy says millions of iranians need the vaccine soon. the pandemic is a global issue no country should be isolated when it comes to a pandemic if there isn't a fair distribution of the vaccine that the chain of infection does not break no country will be safe. president hassan rouhani is blaming one man for iran's shortcomings in fighting this pandemic us president donald trump. our people should know that for any action we plan to carry out for importing medicine vaccines and equipment we should coast drug 100 times. iran is the worst affected country in the middle east with more than a 1000000 covered $1000.00 cases and nearly $55000.00 people killed severe restrictions on its banking sector has made it difficult for iran to pay for the vaccine this isn't the 1st time that iran has faced such restrictions in buying
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medicine from the crowd over the years it's become increasingly difficult to find foreign medicine in the country so in local pharmacies you can usually find the reigning version of the medicine you're looking for and officials hope that will soon be the case for the covert $900.00 backs enos wall. but there is this issue of public trust and health officials we randomly asked 10 people in the city if they would trust an iranian covert 1000 vaccine have said yes while the other half have their doubts that i want to get the iranian made vaccine because i don't believe in a rainy and made products but. yes sure i'll use it because it's made domestically and manufactured based on w h o standards i don't think there's a problem while the politicians look to buy foreign coverage 1000 vaccines by circumventing sanctions back in this scientists continue to work on producing their own version officials hope by spring they will be able to roll out the rainy
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uncovered 1000 vaccine to millions of people door such a pari al-jazeera tara. taurus appearing far is an iranian researcher at human rights watch and joins me now from washington d.c. good to have you on the program mr perry far i mean you're one of many human rights organizations that will appeal to the u.s. and other governments and institutions to lift financial sanctions so that iran can buy the vaccines that it needs how successful do you really think that appeal will be. as you mentioned despite the existence of humanitarian aid exemption in sanction regime against iran banks and financial institution institutions over the years have been very reluctant to process and transactions that are for humanitarian purposes such as. purchasing medicine or in this case agreeing to a transfer of iran's funds and stored in foreign banks for the purpose of
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purchasing back scene we think it's extremely important for the u.s. treasury and all stakeholders to work together to make sure a dead iran can access the funds are required for purchasing back scene after the announcements of the central bank last week and the head of the central bank said that they were able to secure a secure transfer of funds from one bank in korea to a swiss bank but the amount of backs in that have been a precursor so far are not nearly enough but what is needed to control the pandemic so if we put the united states to one side we know they're not part of the nuclear deal that they pulled out of a couple of years ago there are still the europeans that want to deal a work with iran on several levels why can't to europe itself help iran out in your opinion right now. and the reality is that because of the power of dollar
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financial institutions and banks even though they're not under u.s. jurisdiction and are not located in the u.s. follow u.s. law when it comes to sanctions so what europe could do is to actively advocate with the united states to make sure these transactions can take place and also secure their own part for example in ensuring access to vaccines or using putting using their their own financial humanitarian financial mechanism in stakes that was not a humanitarian mechanism but has been reduced to want to make sure these fines can be processed it in terms of amnesty international believes do you think human rights laws are being violated. and so are under human rights human rights principles and. all states have an obligation to ensure and prioritize right to health particularly under a pandemic. any country that imposes sanctions economic sanctions on another
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country are obligated to monitor its impact and takes there to make sure it doesn't contribute to violations of rights particularly the most long are able group in the case of a pandemic and there have been numerous calls from different u.n. agencies the high commissioner for human rights and human rights groups to pay special attention to the impact that they cannot make sanctions can cause in a can it can cause an access in countries under sanction to sell it safe and effective vaccine and i want to emphasize it should be as soon as possible because the longer the longer we wait the more people are going to suffer and potentially die as a result of this pandemic indeed for the moment to thank so much for your insight tolerance of how the far from human rights watch in washington d.c. thank you thank you for having me. still ahead here on the al-jazeera news out u.s. president donald trump signs the cave in 1000 relief and spending bill but does
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this mean for trump's push to give americans more money. so the bullets voters in central african republic turn up for sunday's elections despite threats of violence by home groups and find out how this plan celebrated his 1st n.b.a. star since signing a big money contract extension that's coming up with pizza in school. trump has finally signed a crime virus bill after refusing to do so for weeks now the delay meant some money employment benefits lapse piling the pressure on millions of americans struggling because of the pandemic muslim jordan has more from washington d.c. it really is a disgrace on tuesday u.s. president donald trump released a video calling the 900000000000 dollar covert relief bill insufficient suggesting
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who wouldn't sign it on sunday with no reporters or cameras covering the event trawled signed the bill for an estimated $14000000.00 people who lost their jobs during the pandemic timing was off their unemployment benefits ran out just before christmas and they'll have to wait until after january 1st before the government can help that. the bill will pay for other things keeping the federal government open through september 30th the just abusing of culbut $19.00 vaccine housing assistance and the fiction moratorium financial aid for small businesses and a one time check of 6 $100.00 to most americans. you mean $600.00 which is not a lot of money most of them say it's far from adequate to meet their needs but it's something if we had not signed the bill there would have been no money trump had said he wanted the checks boost it to $2000.00 for american adult something
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opposition democrats welcomed and something his fellow republicans rejected you don't get everything you want even if you're the president of the united states we have a 2 legislative bodies and democrats control one republican see other look if they were just the freestanding government funding bill i would almost certainly be voting against that but i think that covert relief measures are really really important without hearing from from himself it's not clear why he acted now well he didn't sign the bill that's the most important thing and he was under enormous pressure from republicans who now want him that it would be very destructive of his legacy and also of the republican majority in the senate if he did not sign the bill donald trump released a statement saying that not only did he want congress to cut some of the spending from the relief bill but he also wants them to pass a separate piece of legislation this week that would give every american adult
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$2000.00 to help deal with pandemic related expenses now the big question is whether or not the president's fellow republicans say they're going to go along with this extra spending otherwise it's hard to see how the president will get what he says he wants rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington let's get more on their small official who's at the white house for us i mean allan the president wants to give the american people more money but will it happen and will it happen in time. highly unlikely to happen though it's going to go in front of the house of representatives in the next few hours the leader of the house democrat nancy pelosi wants to put it on the record that she is asking for $2000.00 just like the president wants and she's going to get the republicans in the house to go on the record of that either voting for the $2000.00 or voting against it's almost
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certainly going to get through the house because of course the democrats have got a majority there and then moves to the senate where they're likely to discuss it on tuesday will it get through the senate highly unlikely mitch mcconnell isn't a fine of the idea there are a number of senators have already expressed their ideas that this is not to be followed up as far as they are concerned and so the president may well ask for 2000 dollars a time but it looks as if that is going to fall in the senate and it becomes a political game because nancy pelosi know is that by putting it in the house she can get it through there but she knows that the senate won't vote for it and therefore all these republican senators will be on record as voting for truth against $2000.00 for the american people and voting against donald trump so even though she doesn't get it when for the people she does get a when politically talking of wins it does seem that congress is about to paps override a veto trust made on the defense authorization bill i mean what does that sort of
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tell us about the president's influence while he's still in all serious. well this authorization bill has been passed 59 years in a row and this congress didn't want to be the one that failed donald trump vetoed the bill used in one of his 9th vetoes that he's used to these 4 years in office 1st of all he was saying that you vetoed the bill because there was a provision there to rename bases that were named after confederate generals and then he invented this idea that he wanted a provision included in the defense bill that removed liability protection for tech giants it annoyed fit but they've done that in washington before a lot of people just didn't see the connection know the n.d.s. it's no one went through the house with more than a 2 thirds majority went through the senate with more than a 2 thirds majority that is essentially veto proof so what happens now well it goes to the house nancy pelosi is going to have a vote there it's almost certainly going to go through there are
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a few republicans who voted for the defense bill to go through but they are saying that they don't want to go up against the president because that a bit can sound but they might not be the house that is just 2 thirds of those who actually fought rather than 2 thirds of people who have been elected or are in the chamber and a number of republicans on but from the christmas break it then goes to the senate what happens there what one senator can hold it up and they can hold up for quite some time and ron paul 'd the republican senator from kentucky says that he might well do that but mitch mcconnell is convinced he can get this through here's the catch it might take till january the 3rd so why is that important you're saying well the new congress starts at midday on january the 3rd mitch mcconnell is hoping that he can push this bill through before the new congress is sworn in so you're looking at in the end of january the 3rd but both houses believe that they have anough for it's for the over right that would be the 1st time that donald trump has
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had a veto over written by the house and the senate is an intriguing game of political pingpong we'll be back for more i'm sure alan thanks very much. chinese citizen journalist has been jailed for 4 years for her live stream reporting of the early days of the coronavirus our break sharon jones videos from han were widely shared on social media platforms in february she's among at least 8 whistleblowers who are facing punishment for their coverage of the our break the chinese government has promoted its success in halting the spread of the virus while suppressing any mention of its early failings in containing the pandemic the government and when the official unveiled the evidence we as lawyers had no chance of producing evidence to the contrary so this was one likely reason behind why it was a speedy rushed hearing you know. what i'm most worried about is that she's such a determined person she still thinks she's innocent and we both pleaded her innocence in court and the court gave such
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a harsh sentence she's probably more determined to continue her hunger strike until the very end so i'm very worried about her health and her life. the trial of turn hong kong pro-democracy protesters who were caught trying to flee to taiwan has ended but no verdict has yet been announced diplomats from western countries were barred from the session which was held in a court in mainland chinese city of shenzhen some of the accused were dual citizens who hold british portuguese and vietnamese passports part of a group of 12 who are caught at sea in august they face charges of crossing the border illegally families of the 12 hong kong protesters say they've not been allowed to communicate with them and they accuse chinese authorities of delaying their case on purpose and more and thought well you know i got the news on december 25th it was a bittersweet christmas present i thought my son could come back in time to spend chinese new year with us they already pled guilty i don't understand why it has to drag on if you want to target someone go for the adults leave the kids out of it
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they've already been detained for 4 months if you don't announce the verdict we can't visit them we just want to see our kids once again. azadi quarter sentenced a prominent women's rights activist to more than 5 and a half years in prison luzhin out of her fluid has been held since 2018 after being arrested along with at least a dozen other women's rights activists relatives say she's been sexually assaulted and tortured while in prison the court has suspended 2 years and 10 months of her sentence which means she could be released as early as february when it's time for the other night his evidence hello there the weather slightly fired and dry across much of the middle east as it should be no sign of the snow that we saw through the weekend last clear out of the way brighter skies coming back in behind lots of hazy sunshine you might just catch your chair up towards the northwestern corner of saudi arabia but that aside is on the way of sunshine 22 celsius here in doha the
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winds easing off a touch quite a fresh breeze nevertheless one or 2 showers on the other side of the gulf of aden though heading towards somalia you could see a little bit of wet weather just coming in here as we go on through the next day or so there you go some showers just easing towards the northern parts of somalia eventually we'll see some sherry rain gradually pushing across into the eastern side of ethiopia further south we have this circulation this is tropical cyclone charlayne that's going to continue making its way through the warm waters of the mozambique channel strengthening further as we go on through the next couple of days it had brought flooding rains into madagascar is going to be central mozambique the see some very heavy rainfall as it makes landfall late tuesday going on into wednesday the list still have enough punch in it to make its way across him bob way as we go on into thursday and eventually it will spread some heavy rain into northern parts of botswana by thursday. well still ahead here on al-jazeera counting begins in the west african country just closer to what could be its 1st
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ever democratic transition of power. also using its low for the baker in so we're who created an opportunity for dozens during this year's coronavirus crisis. and in sport christiane a rinaldo adds another trophy to his vast collection peter about story in sports so do stay with us here on the al-jazeera news hour. if you look at the history of morphine if you look at the history of our own if you look at the history of cocaine these things do not enter the world as evil underworld drugs they enter the world as that which. a new 3 part documentary series looks at the history and geopolitics of drug trafficking and its impact on the world today drug trafficking politics and power coming soon on al-jazeera
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and 3 jobs and now i only have one but i'm still providing for my family. the 1st time i was admitted to hospital i didn't show any signs of m.s. . and all that but my opinion and i have become very past and stop thinking about the negative sides of. it on al-jazeera while. living with them and us in egypt. welcome back welcome to the al-jazeera news a reminder of our top news stories south africa has become the 1st country on the
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continent to surpass 1000000 cases but a fast spreading variant of the virus is expected to force the government to unveil even tougher cope with 19 restrictions iran is to begin human rights trials of a locally produced corona virus vaccine from a struggle to get its hands on other vaccines because of sanctions on its banking sector. and democrats are going to try to push through higher relief checks for americans later on monday after u.s. president donald trump approves a coronavirus aid in spending bill he did initially refused to sign it meaning millions of people temporarily lost unemployment benefits. central african republic government has praised voters for braving the ballot box despite threats by a coalition of rebel groups to disrupt the election now the election. was a good turnout despite what it called minor security concerns in some areas president. bush today is seeking a 2nd term here cuse former president francois busy of plotting with rebels to
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overthrow the government catherine soy is live for us from the central african republic and its capital catherine it does seem the u.n. and government officials have made their 1st comments about the election process what have they said. yes they have so haleh and they go hold a press conference the deputy head of the u.n. mission and the defense minister interior minister the electoral commission and they all say that the election by and large was successful they say that in much of the country voting went on smoothly but then they did the knowledge that there was problems in some provinces in some provinces they say people who could not come out to vote because of. their. men. and i round of voting stations shooting in the air causing must make people had to run away in areas where voting. polling stations were not opened at all i mean
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other places there was severe delays of voting materials getting to some of the polling stations in the. late and you know going forward to the counting there are some areas where. elements. into polling stations where counting was going on and stole or to ballot boxes the ballot papers and burned to the now the u.n. says that in some of these areas they managed to save some of the electoral materials but those are problems that they faced in those areas but overall u.n. officials told us. well we see. what. they want to protect their resolve and that is the big issue the votes are being brought to both. from the provinces. not just because of the security situation but also because of the very poor road network and for the update that
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story for us in the central african republic or counting has begun after an election that could lead to new jersey 1st peaceful transition of power about 7 and a half 1000000 people cast their ballots to choose a successor to president mohamed do is to food and would address reports from the capital niamey news year president mohammad yousuf who vote not to stay in power but to elect a successor. he chose to step aside at the end of his 2nd term and a time some west african leaders tweak their country's constitution to remain in office the significance of this day is not lost on the 69 the or president that this is today is a special day for us it is also and most of all a special day phoenicia which will experience for the 1st time in its history a democratic change over and i hope that this change will be the 1st step towards other changes in order to solidify our democratic process i hope this 1st change
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over will enable him to solidify its reputation as a democratic country in africa and in the world and this is the man he designated as successor former minister of interior and 40 affairs it was a momentous challenge by 29 other candidates among them 2 former heads of state and a former prime minister. who senior says he has voted in every election since independence and easy again to choose a leader for. wind every time i do this is a duty to my country but also expecting our leaders will fix our problems by force immutable because it's the thrill of voting for the 1st time oh my god i'm what i can i can tell you it's exciting it's like no other i lack casting their ballot the elections were held and safety concerns after an uptick in violence killed more than 50 people this month among them members of new forces many voters list
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security and poverty as their main concerns now attacks by armed groups near the border with niger mali and riki in a fossil have killed hundreds of soldiers and civilians in recent years the local economies also been beat on by covered 94 in the prices of its main export your reign as well as a long term closure of the nigerian border that many essential goods are imported of course. sale the elections as a success for the most. spot. there are few places where the elections cannot be held by many others we were able to organize voting despite security threats of result of the elections as predicted to be announced within 5 days and ratified by the constitutional court in 2 weeks i win i will need 50 percent of the vote plus one to avoid a runoff otherwise the top 2 candidates will head to a 2nd round in february next year i am with you al jazeera the army.
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number of african countries held presidential elections this year with some by violence voter intimidation and electoral malpractise political risk consultant into alice explains what to look out for on next year's electoral timetable the ones that we look at most keenly are you got her january so that's the kind of next election that will be taking us well to the general and that is where the president was then he will leave kind of secure his presidency for life and we've already seen obviously today it will be winds bodyguard has been murdered by police. the kind of level of political and civil rights repression that is happening in uganda makes it a very important one for us to be looking at as a kind of hallmarks of elections investment and then again we need to look at all going to be an election president and the longer who is running for we assume is running for a 3rd. markets watches in particular will be looking for
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a keenly we think about a couple belts and security of supply of cockroaches of fundamental with. carbon kind of a carbon neutral future and electric vehicles in particular. the reuters news agency has condemned the arrest of one of its cameramen in ethiopia commander going to chew was detained in a desert of on thursday night he's not been charged and no reason was given for his arrest but a judge ordered him to be held for 14 days while police investigate camero covered the 2 great conflict but reuters have been unable to determine whether his arrest was connected to his work. the months of lock down regulations of slum south africa's economy one prolonged recession the government was struggling to reverse before the pandemic hit boutique hotels and high end restaurants of folded and thousands of people are out of work but small township businesses seem to be thriving as people take advantage of lockdown measures including door to door through delivery operators we hear from one bakery owner in sweater. my name is
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refill in the last 21 years old running a company called the enterprise located way to teach about was always who. has affected most of the business in the township bike has also helped out of business is like us the production has doubled i would say because of the manner of the cylinder bridge is a little bit innovative and then we go as far as going through with each and every idea and we know it depends how we prefer to celebrate people of different into now we have 27 people full time employees we have before and structures into the business we have the people who are driving this great from the big hurry to the customers we have their shopping carts people who who are in the township in say their bread and then we have been a shift people who come every 6 pm to 7 am in the morning to produce. and then we have day shift people who produce bread as well and scorns and rose things like
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that we know what we need to do starting from now moving forward looking at when we when we started baking to 60 reproducibly 20 loaves now we are producing things like 1500 loaves a day so now what we doing here we can do. the proposal which we have 2000000 people around here so we are in this space whereby we need a fig tree that's going to stay here within the township so we can call here today today today and still preach what people. brazil's vice president has become the latest senior official to test positive for corona virus how mental model has gone into isolation after being diagnosed with hiv 19 on sunday now the infection comes around 5 months after present diable sonora tested positive and then recovered brazil is the world's 3rd worst affected country with 7400000 infections. the scenes are being distributed in lombardy the italian region that was ground 0 for the pandemic in europe now the 1st cases of the coronaviruses the southern
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european nation were detected there last february since then over 70000 italians and many more people across the continent have died from covert 19 a nurse who treated italy's 1st patients that she hopes were finally turning the page. i really hope that this will be the end of a cycle and that from today we can start thinking that life could get back to normal and happy but also excited and i hope this will serve as an example for all those who still have doubts about the vaccine i hope for this poland has begun a 3 week partial lockdown in an effort to avoid a 3rd wave of infections only shops selling essential items that open any one of arriving into the country must quarantine for 10 days and people have been asked to limit gatherings on new year's eve the travel ban will be in place from the 7th from 7 pm local time on december 31st until 6 o'clock the next morning. new year of listen sydney who won't be allowed to watch the city celebrated fireworks in person
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this year up to one and a half 1000000 people normally gather to enjoy the display but all thought he's an extended stay at home orders over concerns about a cluster of new coronavirus cases people who live in the city center will be allowed to invite up to 10 others into their homes for the celebrations but i guess must apply for permits. the charity christian aid says the 10 worst climate disasters this year have cost $140000000000.00 in insurance claims bushfires in australia cause $5000000000.00 in losses and killed more than a 1000000000 wild animals while on the u.s. west coast wildfires cause $20000000000.00 worth of damage over in china flooding in the n.c. river basin led to $32000000000.00 in losses but extreme weather events linked to climate change had a disproportionate effect in poorer countries 6 of the 10 costliest disasters were
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in asia which was hit by some of the strongest storms on record and they caused huge human and financial losses in countries that bear little responsibility for global warming including bangladesh sri lanka and bhutan and in east africa a massive locust infection invasion in fact damaged $8500000000.00 worth of crops another swarm was linked to a new surely wet conditions fueled by climate change. catherine kramer is the climate policy leader at the charity christian aid she joins me now from london good to have you with us on the program we just begin with the fact that we tend to look at climate change in terms of cost because developed countries seem to see the costs of rebuild and repair escalate but the cost to poorer nations is us acute their infrastructure is cheaper to deal with. yes that's right i mean this report did look at the 10 most financially devastating climate related impacts of 2020 and as you say each of them cost more than
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a $1000000000.00 of edge of losses but i think it's really important to note that these but the insured losses and so the figures we have for developing countries where the insurance market is less developed would obviously be significantly higher and of course what we list the tax but that each of these storms and floods and fires of course. it's the air that impacts the developing countries a loss of life in terms of loss of life herd and even loss of possessions a significant me higher in the sense that if you don't have much and you lose it then you've lost a lot more than if you have a lot of new some indeed climate change that sort of effects have to be dealt with and we're seeing that the new u.s. president elect wants to lead once again by reaffirming his commitment to climate change protocols that must be quite a relief. it is very much a relief i mean the u.s. is that the biggest the circle of matter and that the u.s. you know it's very difficult politically to get other countries motivated because
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we're in a situation of the tragedy of the commons where climate change is a global problem and we've got those that cause the most damage on board and those that continue to plague most being on board significant amounts vampish in an effort to put forward earlier this month by developing by last developing countries we'll just be overwhelmed by the carbon emissions if we carry on the fossil economy in terms of you might say the us admission on the public stage as last 4 years what has been lost by their lack of leadership that could be regained once president elect biden takes office in mid january. well i think it's important to note that the us didn't stall action there was a huge amount of effort done by states and cities and a lot worked on the set nationally but without that high level political leadership it has been a lot harder to to get that motivation internationally without senior leadership from the front by one of the world's biggest polluters and you talk about climate
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change we're seeing france and other european countries talk about electric cars societies by 2040 in germany by 2030 it's easy isn't it for developed countries to say this but where does that leave the underdeveloped 3rd world nations mail for example south asia where they use rickshaws for example and petrol and gasoline in their lighting and heating. well i think this is where we need global solidarity and for all that. has been a global tragedy there is the opportunity if we do the work economic recovery recovery package is to do it right but this needs to be in global solidarity so that we actually have just countries going trying to stimulate their own economies but trying to actually start sustainable development across the globe and that doesn't involve enabling developing countries to late products from a fossil economy we do need to get our fuels straight into renewables are gonna make to transform the transfer factor and some of that will be done by buying down the costs by actually. buying the technologies and as the factories are
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developed. enabling them to be created more in bulk in fact electric vehicles but that transition doesn't need to be supported in all said about big countries need a lot of support for their adaptation to build their resilience against the kind of climb 10 packs that we talked about in report a real political face to face hard talk has been difficult during the covert and make i mean there's much to discussing glance go in 2021 at the next sort of cop $26.00 gathering what would you like to see top of the agenda what youth what do you think is achievable in terms of some of the top subjects that could be discussed at that meeting. but you also have the achievable of course is down to political well and that's what happens for political masters but also in the hands of all of us to try and political masters to act at the level of beneath them to act i think some of the big ticket things that need to be brought forward are great to emissions reductions pictures we had to the summit about 2 weeks ago that was
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online where different countries but they were brutal words but how many of the larger countries that were noticeable absence of peacefully the u.s. hasn't had its change of government yet japan has come it's due to come forward fairly soon. but we haven't heard anything from other g 20 countries like russia saudi arabia and some of the other really big economies that really do need to be putting action on the table but it's not just pledges we actually need the policies in place to implement to really start getting emissions reductions at the speed. that they need to be done if we're trying to make global warming with 5 degree it's really good to get your insight catherine crime of from christian out thanks for joining us from london thank you very much. well still ahead here on al-jazeera in sports the charlotte hornets pull off a big surprise in the n.b.a. pizza but how about story and don't go away.
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all. of about time for sport on his peter so they very much 20 time tennis major champion roger federer will miss the upcoming australian open because he has failed to recover from knee surgery the 2021 of the open has been delayed by 3 weeks to allow players enough time to quarantine in australia however there is still not going to be enough time for the swiss to be ready to take part of the 39 year old who has won the australian open 6 times previously says he has no plans to retire though le bron james helped the los angeles lakers to their 2nd win of the new season on sunday with 812791 victory over the minnesota timberwolves it was all
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about james though oni's 1st start since agreeing a new 3 year contract extension with $40000000.00 kyle kuzma school 20 points in the 1st half alone including 3 consecutive 3 pointers james himself contributed 18 points on the night for the defending n.b.a. champions. the dallas mavericks set an n.b.a. record for the largest halftime lead in the shot clock era they took a 50 point advantage into the break over the l.a. clippers they went on to win 12473 with lucas don't change school in 24 points and 9 rebounds and 8 assists meanwhile worry is the older boy kevin durant's suffered a narrow defeat at the hands of the charlotte hornets gordon hayward led the way with $28.00 assists and 6 rebounds as charlotte 11061044 brooklyn's 1st defeat of the new season christiane or an elder may have missed out on the fee for best player award but he's been named player of the century at the globe soccer
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awards in dubai although their definition of century only covers the period from 2001 until this year the portuguese star perfectly m.l.s.e. and another barcelona legend ronald denio in the poll. you know that when you look because it's and they. they want to be like you they cut their hair like me don't want to skills with skills like me everything i see my son is 10 years old and i want to look like me and i say you have a long way to to do it the real like your father but you know it's a pleasure you know the future is the kids i have for and i want i wish him all the best and when i see the kids around for example now the. big comes around with me and they turn and say. it's make me feel happy because you know they they require is my ear for my did occasionally my art of war. and i'm proud you know when you see some some stuff like that you make you proud and this is give me
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motivation to carry on and to continue to do it my job and play football enjoy the people and the fans and everyone liverpool manager you're going club says these players are angry after surrendering a one goal lead to draw one all with west brom in the premier league sodium on a scored early for liverpool who looked to be heading for victory until samia jive equalized for west brom in the 82nd minute of the poor 3 points ahead of 2nd placed everton. we lost a game and it's war in the game the boys are more angry than anything else so that because they know that it was not. caused by. we are not in we don't live in dreamland i'm just going to book it's because we want to win them we have to work for it and have to play for it and we have to finish situations of and we have to possible moment these kind of things what the boys are able to do so that in the end if you just do it probably a game that can happen. on monday 3rd place leicester visit crystal palace the city
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could break into the top 4 with a win at everton and chelsea will be looking to rest their recent slump in form when they host aston villa. former south african cricket captain 52 placea scored his 10th test century as his country steadily builds a lead against sri lanka to proceed kept in the team from 2016 until relinquishing the duties earlier this year the south africans are 595 for 6 india have the advantage as they head into the 4th day of their 2nd test against australia in melbourne the tourists resumed on 277 for 5 at last they stand in captain early on for 112 ravindra jadeja hit 57 but india were all out for 326 for a 1st innings lead of 131 the indian bowlers then shared the wickets to pile on the pressure a straight a stumble their way to $133.00 for 6 at the close of play that's a lead of only to. be accountable pretty well british right. or so.
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you go and score runs obviously as a batting rebounding beach away but yet they might not hands elsewhere pakistan are fighting hard to stay in the 1st test against new zealand resuming on 341 the visitors will really kinds of trouble as they sit 80 for 6 the home of the ritz one hit 71 and for him ashraf scored 91 to lead the resistance at the close of play pakistan with 239 all out new zealand leading by 192. baseball hall of fame pitcher phil niekro has died at the age of $81.00 after a long battle with cancer niekro is one of only $24.00 pitches to have won more than $300.00 games in his career he was known for his expert use of the knuckleball that's what the sport is i'll see you again in a couple of hours so. thanks very much peter of course a lot more news on the other side of the break and to learn from pisa me and the news until thanks very much for your time and your company using.
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teaching you can watch al-jazeera english streaming live on not easy channels. plus thousands of our programs award winning documentary and dead loser folds. subscribe to a few cheap forward slash al-jazeera english. a unique perspective on nigeria we have so much more we just don't know how to money this more. through the eyes of a celebrated african photographer. to simply join us live in still being us what it is to. get 3 years on how has life changed. rewind ga sodhi on al-jazeera. in the far reaches of the new
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siberian islands gold rush fever is in the air. hunters searching for priceless woolly mammoth tusks of on earth the holy grail. an incredible journey into the realms of science fiction cloning and synthetic biology have scientists playing god. witness genesis 2.0 the hunt for the woolly mammoth on al-jazeera. on the deserted streets of they've become familiar figures couriers on bicycles delivering food or medicine to lock down colombians most of them here are venezuelan migrants. a mother of 4 says contagion is always on her mind none of them receive health insurance for their work and exposing themselves and very few seem to have it yet there may be a bright side people who look down on them as a skilled migrants now say they're essential to control the virus i receive
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messages on the out saying that we are heroes i was a nurse back who what i am doing is not all that different from my passion helping others. a warning to people in the united kingdom vaccines are on the way but another lockdown may be coming soon as well. i. can't say how romany watching al-jazeera life my headquarters here in doha also coming up a grim milestone in south africa as the number of crude a virus infections passes 1000000. also after holding out for a week u.s. president donald trump signs into law a $2.00 trillion dollar coronavirus aid and spending package. but iran is to begin human trials of a locally produced.
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