tv News Al Jazeera January 4, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm +03
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people everywhere will be get be given body money to agree to serve as a ship or body to get other people to be the services al-jazeera examines the politics of population control. the way. the way. iran says it has started enriching uranium up to 20 percent breach of the 2050 nuclear deal. and keep it al this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. a u.k. court rules wiki leaks founder julian assange should not be extradited to the u.s. where he's wanted for breaking secret government documents. with global coronavirus cases exceeding 85000000 the u.k. rolls out a 2nd vaccine in beijing races to inoculate millions before the chinese new year.
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by use one of the i. love it. world. recordings of a phone call revealed donald trump pressured officials in georgia to find enough votes to overturn his election defeat there. iran says it's beginning the process to enrich uranium at 20 percent and a move lucky to escalate tensions with the u.s. as a breach of the 2050 nuclear deal but it's under the 90 percent required to build a nuclear weapon the european union is describing it as a considerable departure from the agreement. we have 3 correspondents on the story out of her castro is a washington d.c. for the u.s. perspective hard force that is in israel where prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been speaking but 1st in tehran has got a daughter jabari daughter how major
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a development is this. well that's certainly significant and i think the timing is very very important because this is based on a decision the president has taken based on the law that was passed in parliament earlier in december under that law it would require the countries atomic energy organization to actually take certain steps and going back up to 20 percent in which a level was one of them because they wanted sanctions relief since the u.s. left nuclear deal in 2018 and imposed a new series of sanctions on iran they were indians have said that they're reducing their commitment to the nuclear deal because the remaining signatories the europeans haven't been able to uphold their and the deal so this decision we knew it could have come but there was a 2 month grace period under that bill that parliament passed the president had until mid february to decide what the next step would be and we all believe that
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this was an opportunity for the incoming u.s. administration to see what they would do if they would make good on any of their promises president elect joe biden has said he was willing to go back to that nuclear deal so now this decision by the president to actually go back to 20 percent levels of richmond is very significant and it's a message certainly to the international community that iran is no longer standing by and waiting to see what will happen they are taking the steps that they feel they need to in order to advance their nuclear program it's important to note that under the nuclear deal of 2 any 15 iran was allowed enrichment levels of 3.67 percent this 20 percent capabilities they've had for quite a few years they announced this in 2010 under then president mahmoud ahmadinejad he said that the 4 don't you clear facility will be enriching 20 percent and it was in 2012 that that 20 percent enrichment fuel was taken to the tehran research reactor to be used as fuel to keep that research facility going under that and that during
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that period iran. a lot of united nations security council sanctions so now this is very very interesting and it is significant development for iran to decide to go back to that thank you for that dosage of already there in tehran. let's go to air force that who is live for us the western area as i was saying earlier with heard from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu vaults even saying. that's right yes very shortly after this announcement came from iran came the response from israel's prime minister he said that iran's actions cannot be explained in any other way than the further realisation of its plans to develop a military nuclear program now this is something that he has of course been warning about throughout much of his political career certainly since he took office in 2009 about the potential of an iranian nuclear program he lobbied very hard
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the trauma administration to pull out of the the 2015 iran nuclear deal it did so in 2018 and just last year we saw a series of blasts inside iran that was certainly attributed by some to israel not actually actually admitted by israel but there was one blast in particular at the natanz centrifuge production facility which did a lot of damage and about which senior israeli ministers hinted at least that there was some involvement by saying that iran could not carry on its program with impunity and then of course there was the assassination of most in fact his either the head of the iranian nuclear program in late november again something that iran blames on israel and said that there would be retaliation for so if these actions were indeed as many analysts see attempts to try to derail the iranian nuclear
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program to send messages of the terence then in the short term at least they may not have done that if the given that iran is now going back to 20 percent enrichment in the dying days of the trumpet ministration just before joe biden takes office it presents both president elect biden and indeed prime minister benjamin netanyahu with a pretty major problem herefore said there for us and western receive them. give us perspective and go 200 your caster who is in washington d.c. heidi have we had a response yet from the u.s. president donald trump. kim were waiting for response from the white house and from the u.s. state department but harry is exactly right this presents a big challenge for the incoming biden administration joe biden expected to be sworn into office in just over 2 weeks' time we know that he had previously pledged to revive the nuclear deal this certainly complicates making that happen and it
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comes as no surprise that this escalation in tension between iran and the u.s. is coming just about a year after the killing of general because some silly money by a u.s. drone strike yesterday we saw the u.s. reverse a military order to have the. warship return home from the middle east now the nimitz warship is maining there the acting u.s. defense secretary issuing a statement saying this was a response to iran's threats against president trump and other u.s. officials without giving specifics on what that threat is now we know that president trump in recent weeks has been issuing his own threats against iran on twitter and in november he was talked out of issuing a preemptive military strike against iranian nuclear deal talked out of that by his aides what we know that since then he has fired his defense secretary and now the
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person act in the acting defense secretary chris miller is a person who does not have the same clout or experience as mark aspart who has departed and so the concern is that trump especially now dealing with his own political crisis domestically in the u.s. may be searching for a distraction. how does your castro there for us in washington d.c. . well amazon e is a senior research recent trying to have her at the center for middle eastern teaching studies and says iran is using uranium enrichment to bring all sides of nuclear deal back to the negotiating table this is happening in the framework of a low recently passed by iran in parliament i think iran is somehow using this as for a negotiating purpose and they are using that as it leveraging case that if upcoming president in the united states takes office they want to signal him that any
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pressure against iran will have its own costs so they want to somehow pressure the other science in order to return into full compliance this can be somehow apparently this might seem constructive but i think the purpose of this is to push the other sides to return to the plumber c. and i think this is somehow our would say they go shading leverage iran is using for against other sides but there are parties in the region like israel or saudi arabia are they might not like this they might like even this because they think that any tension or escalation in the region specifically between iran and the united states and it in addition to that a tension between iran and europe might complicate the process of engagement between iran and the upcoming administration in the united states and as a result to access their bait the situation of the deal so they are hoping that
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these tensions that escalation can somehow block their way for reviving diplomacy but i think there is a chance because iran has clearly said that if the other parties to the nuclear deal including the europeans and in case if the united states returns to the if the written into full compliance iran will do the same in a very short time. of course in the u.k. says wiki leaks founder julian assange will not be extradited to the u.s. he is wanted on espionage charges for the publication of thousands of secret american military documents and 20102011 u.s. authorities are expected to appeal against the decision judge denied the request of the concerns about a soldier's mental health risk of suicide the prosecution's case for extradition. she refused extradition at the last moment in the last words of her judgment because she accepted julian assange was a suicide risk i would if he was part of the special or british measures in the
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united states prison system that would be an oppressive act. to take you live and now to scotland where the 1st minister is addressing the scottish parliament and has announced that there will be a national lockdown coming into effect at midnight tonight let's listen in harming us to a position similar to the lockdown of last march will be in place for the whole of january we will keep them closely under review however i can't at this stage having to keep them in place longer nor making further changes nothing about the current situation is easy the 1st measure is that our fundamental advice for everyone is to who that is the single best we all of see if we consider that this message and advice is no so important that from to morrow it will become law
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just as it was in the lock down last year this means it will only be permissible to leave home for an essential part of the. this will include for example kidding responsibilities essential shopping exercise i'm being part of an extended household in addition anyone who is able to work from home must do still it will only be a reasonable excuse to leave your home to go to work if that work cannot be done from whom we are asking people and businesses to take this really see the asli just a seriously as we all did in march during the 1st lockdown because the situation is at least a cd is as it was then. the law already requires many businesses in certain sectors to cause in level 4 we know need every business to look again at their operations and to make sure that every single function that can be done by people working who is being done in that we businesses have already shown a tremendous capacity to adapt during this pandemic and i'm very grateful to them for that but we need them to consider that operations again as we all work together
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to reduce transmissions the economy security will be speaking to business organizations about this including to this afternoon and we will engage with 2 geniuses on these issues too and we will continue to consider it more regulatory action is required we're also providing new guidance to people who are in the shielding category if you wear shielding and you cannot work from home or clean advice is that you should not go into work at all if you medical office that is writing to everyone who falls into this category and his letter will count as a fit ok that is the 1st minister of scotland nicholas sturgeon speaking in edinburgh or she has announced that there will be and new tougher lockdown in place for scotland coming into effect at midnight up will last until the end of january people are only allowed to make fun of essential shopping and exercise as they can only go into a workplace and office if those people cannot work from home it's all about combat
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ing that new faster faster spreading strain of covert 19 which is currently spreading throughout the u.k. it has hit scotland let's listen back and under will not be counted in that limit and they will also be able to play outdoors in larger groups including in organized gatherings however for everyone else including 12 to 17 year olds do it exercise should only take place in a way that is consistent with the 2 people from 2 homes who do in addition strict travel restrictions remain in place across scotland from to morrow if you live in a level 4 area as the majority of us do you cannot leave home. except for an essential part when you do quote stay as close to home as possible and stay away from traded places and it remains the case and let me stress this point that no one is allowed to travel into or out of scotland unless it is for an essential part us setting officer a number of other measures will come into effect on friday of this week it is with
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the older great that we considered it necessary for places of worship to close during this period for all purposes except broadcasting a service or conducting a funeral at waiting or civil partnership i'm well aware of how important communal worship is to people but we believe this restriction is necessary to reduce the risk of transmission well up to 20 people will still be able to attend funeral services weeks will not be possible during january and a maximum of 5 people will be able to attain waiting until civil partnership services taking office i know how devastating restrictions like these ones are and i give anna shouldn't that we will not keep them in place for any longer than is absolutely necessary they will also be additional measures in relation to businesses in addition to the tightening of the essentially 2 definition that took effect from boxing to the current one metre exemption for workplace canteens will end 2 canteens will have to ensure that employees sit 2 metres or more apart rather than one metre the number of nonessential services which remain open will be
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further restricted premises which. again that is the 1st minister of scotland nicholas sturgeon speaking in edinburgh announcing the start of a new tougher knockdown for scotland met spring and andrew symonds who is live for us in london andrew given the numbers that we're seeing in the u.k. and in scotland of course was this expected. yes perhaps not quite so soon boris johnson the u.k. prime minister is saying that he will be announcing stricter tougher measures in england soon then we've heard this from nicholas sturgeon it isn't surprising there is a really huge search going on right the way across the country it isn't limited to london and the southeast it is as as she's pointed out it is not slowing down it's going way up and she's learned that in scotland the new variant accounts for almost
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half of all new cases so that there definitely it has spread well beyond what some people thought it had she says that it's it's going to be a similar lockdown to the one in march so that will be right across the board completely national in terms of scotland there's no grading as such it would seem people have to stay at home unless for 4 special reasons this will come into effect from midnight on monday and she's also saying that the new variant is is the is the cause for this and she's saying that it's a worse situation than march and she is concerned about the situation at that it's most most certainly since march is reasserted that several times so therefore we have here now that the the the whole process in the united kingdom
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goes like this all the time you have scotland you have wales you have northern ireland and you have england england at the moment is in a 4 tear system with millions in the highest including the capital but that could be toughened up much more in terms of the of how you keep people at home one of the observations right across the country. has been that christmas with the relaxations of the restrictions toned down somewhat by by all parts of the year it you can say but nevertheless a lot of people really were more together than than they were originally the bubbles were extended and there is a pattern to the statistics now that there were more infections the infection rate went up the overall statistics show in the past 6 days that the the the level of the rate of infection has jumped very very very fast to
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a rate now that's the highest since the the pandemic actually broke out furthermore the number of deaths now beyond $75000.00 so we have a critical situation the u.k. seems to be in a process that's worse than elsewhere in europe we're very close to the that the that the highest level are in europe italy is at the moment at the top but it's very very close furthermore this all coincides with what should have been a day of fanfare over the launch of the oxford astra zeneca vaccine quarter 1000000 half a 1000000 doses of that now available and of the 1st the 1st actual vaccination took place early on monday and we're seeing now the rollout of that vaccine which is the 2nd now this is a a u.k. 1st this vaccine pfizer was the 1st 1st one rolled out just under
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a month ago this latest one is a cheaper and more efficient vaccine because it doesn't need storage in such a low temperature as the pfizer one there are tens of millions of doses promised by the u.k. prime minister within 3 months but that isn't going to be in time to deal with this surge and there is no doubt that we're in a position now that's very critical. thank you for that update there andrew symonds in london. now in a recording that's been leaks to the public u.s. president donald trump told the top election official and election official rather in the state of georgia to find enough votes in order to overturn his election defeat there to which it was one of the battleground states that flipped in favor of president elect joe biden it's an unprecedented move by a sitting president and with just
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a few weeks to go before biden takes office trump is still refusing to concede that he has lost repeating baseless claims of fraud alan fischer reports from atlanta georgia. from a president who insists evidence the election was stolen from him pressure on a tough election official to find votes to help form overturn a result the audio of the hour long call from the oval office to georgia's secretary of state was 1st obtained by the washington post and captures donald trump even warning of big legal consequences if you didn't do something i here's one of. 11780. which is one more that we have because we want to say it's a move that may create legal problems for the president he's pressuring an elected official to change the result of an election already certified by the state president trump claimed again without evidence he'd won georgia by hundreds of
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thousands of votes he didn't the state went for biden and he released other conspiracy theories all dismissed by broad raffensperger where mr president determines that you have is the data you have is wrong donald trump refused to accept the 2020 presidential election congress meets on wednesday to confirm the result although a number of republican senators plan to object he summoned election officials from various states to the white house and failed in almost every legal effort to contest results one longtime washington observer says even for donald trump this call is remarkable it's an outrage. is the person in the united states putting pressure on a public official to lie to cheat possibly to steal votes so that he can win the state of georgia vice president elect has been in georgia for an election rally ahead of tuesday's senate runoff what the president's call hanging over her comments was yes certainly the boys in desperation. most certainly then.
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and it was. all the abuse of power by the president of the united states even if donald trump did manage to flip georgia it doesn't matter joe biden won more than enough electoral college votes to secure the presidential election. will actually be in georgia on monday he's here supporting 2 republican senators whose fate in a runoff election will decide the balance of power in washington a race which is no been overshadowed by the most controversial oval office tapes since nixon in the 1970 s. . here atlanta georgia the 117th u.s. congress is beginning its work democrats kept control of the house of representatives said november's election and the balance of power in the senate will be decided by 2 runoff elections in torture on tuesday. let's take
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a look at the numbers. at the moment republicans have 50 of the 100 senate seats and democrats have 48 so this is what makes these 2 undecided seats in georgia so important republicans david to do and. running against democratic candidates john are soft and want to if the democrats take both seats the senate will be split $5050.00 vice president carla harris would be the deciding vote giving democrats control republicans only need to win one of the seats to hold on to their majority let's go live now to the task a name who isn't atlanta georgia natasha let's talk 1st about leaks to all of donald trump has what's the fallout been so far. president trump said during that call i don't want to shake up the whole world but he has certainly injected drama into this high stakes senate race the trump camp is
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moving forward to file state and federal lawsuits against the georgia secretary of state the argument being that the secretary of state secretly recorded a quote confidential settlement discussion about pending litigation there's been no formal acknowledgment regarding who leaked this phone call but media outlets are reporting that the secretary of state did in fact record that call value to only release it if he were attacked by the president now the president has previously and repeatedly attacked the secretary of state verbal on twitter and called for his resignation and during that call he did make a kind of veiled threat to the secretary of state he said that the secretary of state was not reporting on election fraud he said quote that's a criminal offense you can't let that happen that's a big risk for you democratic condemnation has been swift the senate one of the
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senate democrats running here in georgia john also said this is a direct attack on our democracy trying to intimidate elected officials to disenfranchise black voters his opponent republican senator david perdue said that he was shocked that a fellow republican would record this call he said it's disgusting what the president said is exactly what the president has been saying for the last few months president trump will get the opportunity to address that call during a campaign event later on today here in georgia ok speaking of a campaign event how has the campaigning been going as of been saying there is a lot at stake in this runoff. yes this senate runoff has the nation's eyes on it is has been cast as quote the field determining the future of the united states more than $800000000.00 has poured into the state. analysts saying that never before can they recall this much money being
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funded in a senate race and john aasif that democratic senate candidate is now the best funded senate candidate in history more than 76000 new voters have been registered since the presidential election a very targeted effort by nonpartisan civic groups to mobilize voters it's believe though that the type of voters they're targeting largely minority and young voters will tend to help the democrats but look the democrats are trying to flip these 2 republican senate seats many people say although the race might be close they do believe that it will be an uphill battle for the democrats because georgians have not elected a democratic senator for 20 years that's an atlanta georgia thank you. revels in central african republic are advancing on multiple fronts ahead of the announcement of provisional election results groups threatening to enter the
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capital bangui and now just 20 kilometers away separately russian finances and support of the government have failed to push back rebels have taken control of the town of assume it was because following developments from senegal the capital dhaka . we've really seen an uptick of violence just hours before the official or the provisional official results of these election and these attacks that happened in benghazi was a real blow to president. who went ahead with this election despite calls from the opposition and some international actors to postpone this election saying that this situation isn't stable enough to hold these elections now in benghazi which is one of the major towns in central african republic we've seen sporadic attacks until now the rebel forces are calling themselves the coalition for patriotic change have taken over the town itself despite the central african forces the u.n. forces and their support of russian fighters on the ground despite all this well
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they've lost that town and we now know that these rebel groups which is made up of a coalition forces that were once fighting each other each other that are now united against president. well they're just 20 kilometers away from the capital president ouattara is announced to be the favorite in this race and if he does win then he'll be in charge of a country that has very happy that he has very little control over most of the country right now is in the hands of these armed rebel groups so a tense situation just hours before the presidential election results are announced so every day that a dog makes the news 2 brothers in bangladesh are doing all they can to bring attention to a rare breed and on the brink of extinction the so rare hound has been treasured for centuries but only a few dozen remain in the region but the repeat us brothers are using social media to set up mating dates with purebred own is believed to descend from english
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greyhounds owned by mogul. their puppies can reach a price of up to $500.00 government efforts to breed and save the hound collapsed in the seventy's. if i much more on our website the address for that is just there dot com. result is there and these are the top stories iran says it has begun 20 percent uranium enrichment and a move likely to escalate tensions with the u.s. a significant breach of the 2050 nuclear deal but it's under the 90 percent required to build a new korea weapon. they were in use have said that they're reducing their commitment to the nuclear deal because the remaining signatories the europeans haven't been able to uphold their and the deal so this decision we knew it could have come but there was a tumor.
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