tv The Stream Al Jazeera January 6, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm +03
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that and to address those crowds the crowds that of course were called by him to protest the certification of joe biden's election and that is exactly what he specifically asked them to do i mean how responsible do you think the president himself is for the scenes that we're watching it is downright dangerous and we're seeing it play out right now on our television screens in here on the streets of washington d.c. i mean it is a a mob mentality that the president do cloyd and he called it it is or is to washington. much of this information. was responsible for huge loss in our lives. and it is to stand and united states congress and the. members of congress and president to be evacuated i mean this is for several ridge lines in trip wires are going on right
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now across washington and let me just stop you there a 2nd and show our viewers these live pictures now that those are pictures of a group of trunks supporters marching through the capital's statuary hall so obviously inside the building right now that we saw the crowds outside gathering now we can see those pictures of trance supporters inside the hole again just to remind viewers joining us now that police ordered the evacuation of several office buildings and that also the debate that was taking the joint session that was taking place in congress to certify the presidential election results has been suspended those are pictures that we're showing you from inside capitol hill after the pretty shocking ones outside of crowds gathering and trying to breach into the building let's go back to our guests the break to brew when.
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they're pretty obviously shocking pictures that we've seen outside and inside interestingly that just before we heard from senior republicans for example mitch mcconnell who actually said that it was wrong to question the election results after the unfortunate we seem to have lost our guest a bread to brew and i don't we lost the shot we've got the guest a breakthrough and what do you make of the fact that senior republicans like mitch mcconnell were actually speaking in support of certifying the election and then this happens literally what 20 minutes later. i have to say i fear it was too little too late to prevent this kind of very dangerous event from unfolding and for too long mitch mcconnell other republican leaders here in washington entertain the follies in the fancies and the fear mongering and of president truman and now those chickens have come home to roost and it is
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threatening the very legislators here in washington who abided many of trump's excesses and his exaggerations interest downright lies this is a very sent day for my country i have to say i know there's who was around the world and i represented my country for every dozen years as a diplomat promoting democracy around the world what we are seeing on screens right now is is going to be in the memories of americans for a very long period of time and it is also going to resoundingly through the halls of power around the world and that is a very dangerous precedent especially for less than democratic leaders who are looking for ways to hold on to power absolutely have to say these are the images that one would expect to report on coming out of the united states for the moment brought to brew and former director of global engagement in the white house under president obama sir for the moment thank you. and let's take you back to outside
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the capitol hill of course we have in the past few minutes seen pictures of trump supporters inside the building and there we can see previous presidents and also. from supporters trying to get into the building patrick o'brian has been following developments for us at passy what's it like now . we've lost a lot here with the show what's happening the u.s. army has the story the national guard has arrived on the scene. it is absolutely astounding astounding view here at the united states capitol the heavily armed national guardsmen coming in to secure the united states capitol. it is so far. i'm sorry quicker action air force. with armored vehicles.
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to mean that i'm on the air right now but. just to have a look at the scene the united states capitol how they got in the building is beyond me so far from this side it looks like the doors are holding but we've seen police in riot gear pull up and now we're seeing the united states national guard coming into the capitol to try and secure. the united states capitol again this is a remarkable unprecedented scene it's tense but there's also a feeling of solidarity among these protesters that i haven't seen any confrontations as yet but again take a look at what you're seeing here this is people penetrating the united states capitol thousands of people descended here the u.s. national guard quick reaction force at. i think patty can you hear me. i think we've lost the audio to apache call
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hinges there outside the capitol hill. and just coming in the capitol police say that individuals have breached the capitol building and are in the rotunda area so there's thousands outside the building but some have penetrated the building and are now inside and just to remind you that the session that was taking place there the certification of the electoral college votes that would certify joe biden as president of course that is why thousands of people are gathered there today that has actually been suspended so there's nothing going on inside anymore but we are seeing thousands of people who gathered outside capitol hill they've been there for hours they came also to hear president trump who addressed them a little earlier we're showing you some earlier pictures now of inside the building
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so we can see some trim supporters going in what is very much the heart of capitol hill you can see that several of them obviously dozens and dozens so far. we'll take you back to live pictures of those 1st sightly prerecorded pictures live now you can see thousands of people gathered outside the capitol hill they have well let's go to the white house where she oppressed can see can join us and also comment to all on these live pictures as she had been you know those buildings i mean how difficult is it to get to the areas where we can see protesters have got to. you can get all the stops right i mean there's always a as it were police capitol police presence that you're not supposed to be on the steps of the capitol i'm just just to bring you up to date so we do now coming from
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donald trump the president from here in the white house he tweeted about 12 minutes ago as as these barriers were being breached around capitol hill but not about the demonstrations this is what he tweeted mike pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our constitution giving states a chance to certify a corrected set of facts not the full judgment or accurate ones which they are us to previously satisfy us a demands the truth so that's the only comment from dollar drug since the protesters breached the grounds of the capitol and breached the barrier is still still still exulting on. will it still will still be we're criticizing vice president pence as we predicted this that they would end up because throughout the last few days it is a little bit about trying to convince parents to do something that he constitutionally can not do a very late on just before the congressional sessions actually began that at 1 pm
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local 18 g. g.m.t. mike pence released a statement that he had sent to other members of congress which is what he finally said i am not constitutionally allowed to do what the president is asking me to do but to like perhaps for some of those protesting right now to see is interesting during donald trump's speed. here at the ellipse of the white house to his supporters he kept saying i will be very disappointed in my plans if he doesn't do what i say which is such a fascinating moment. has not shakespearean in some ways of mike pence who has who hitched his wagon to the gold trump didn't didn't dissent from gold trump and for years and finally has had to do his constitutional duty and now is the enemy of donald trump and his supporters another fascinating moment in the trump presidency shevardnadze with the latest from the white house she had thank you let me just bring you some more developments the d.c.
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mayor has ordered city wide curfew from 6 pm local time which is 23 g.m.t. on wednesday on to service day so that's just been announced by the mayor other news coming in capitol police has told house members in the chamber to take gas masks from beneath their seats and be prepared to put them on again that coming in from capitol police. outside capitol hill for us patty what do you make of these pretty shocking developments really. it's absolutely remarkable it's unprecedented it's unheard of in the united states capitol being breached by protesters this is an incredibly tight scene right now and i want to get out of the way in just paint a picture for you earlier as well that was the d.c. national guard that is the f.b.i. is quick reaction force we are seeing police in riot gear pull up there thank you
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for a little cure if i could the police are starting to gather here and they occur over here you see this is i was inside that building that's the cannon office building that was evacuated because of a bomb threat look at all the police vehicles all the fire trucks that are here it is it in plain seen in the united states capitol hill how they breached is beyond me and. sure they'll be investigation after investigation about that because what we saw is there was over on the other side of the capitol they started to try to get through the fence they were tear gassed 'd and they did and then you saw people come around this side it was really remarkable we saw them take the steps and there was a line of police that basically held them at bay with the natives pushed their way through we're not sure which direction or how they got into the capital but just take a moment to think about what we are seeing here in the history of the united states we have never seen protesters come and stormed the capital to try and
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prevent the person who want to free and fair election from becoming president this is a historical scene is iraq will see eventual the police are going to try and have to try to move in to try and clear the scene we have seen gas tear gas used on these protesters but again as they're walking past us there have been mostly peaceful it is again a slow and now we can start to smell the tear gas and we see the police there sort of organizing the form these convoys and this capital is now surrounded by merchants these vehicles. they are going to eventually try to get control of the 3 but to think about that if you see israel tear gas to think about the fact that the members of the house of representatives have been told to get their gas masks something that they've put in place since 911 is absolutely unheard of these are people who will leave because the president told them that the election was stolen
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it was not stolen lawsuit after lawsuit has proven that it was not stone joe biden is going to be the next president of united states this is their last gasp to try and make sure that doesn't happen and in a remarkable show of force and intimidation these people have reached the united states capitol in order to try and get their way. and patty i think the pictures that we've been watching of baby surprise the potentially shocked the president himself because in the past 3 minutes we've had a tweet from president trump let me pull it up the train trip tweet says please support our capitol police and law enforcement they are truly on the side of our country stay peaceful so we can see that tweet from a few minutes ago. patty i don't know if you can still hear me but many could say that that is perhaps too little too late considering the thousands of people that
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you see gathered outside. capitol hill gathered there because the president affectively told them to protest the election result patty let's go back to practical hands outside capitol hill patty over to you. i've lost any connection. so we're having problems with the audio with apache call hain obviously it's a very confusing situation there as you can see let me just remind you of a few of the latest lines that have come out of washington d.c. of capitol hill 1st of all the mayor of d.c. has ordered a citywide curfew starting from 6 pm on wednesday and that is about $23.00 g.m.t. so in a couple of hours president trump himself in
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a tweet has called on protesters to stay peaceful. we can hear some of the sounds are coming there from outside capitol hill the crowds chanting usa usa a. common chant of course from the many many trump rallies over the past 4 years. thousands of these protesters had come earlier in the day to hear president trump speak to them. and say that the election had been stolen and they were there to protest against what he says is the theft of the election donald trump speaking to the crowds maybe 2 hours ago. and in the past half hour or so we have
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seen these dramatic pictures of thousands of people gathering trying to get into capitol hill we've also seen pictures from inside the building we're trying supporters have managed to get in. we're also hearing that u.s. capitol police officer corps had members of house representatives from the chamber that's coming in from from inside and that the u.s. vice president hence has been moved to a secure location where let's go to brett grew in a former u.s. diplomat who was also very rector of global engagement in the white house under president obama. brewing since we last spoke we did actually have a tweet from president trump presumably trying to calm the tensions outside capitol hill what do you make of that. well there was in obvious and piece that was missing
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from that we which was to ask you is supporters who are now swarming around the capital lose some cases inside the capitol building to respect the rules and we do not have a system in this country that allows mobs to take over our holes of government and unfortunately what we have at the moment is a very combustible dangerous situation aid on by and phrasing and who is using them to address his grievances and he's quite frankly he has damaged ego but this is a situation that i never thought i would see in my country i mean i served in the white house i served to reseize as a diplomat i served in that building as a congressional page when i was 16 years old i have always believed in in the system of government whether it was run by republicans or democrats in one of them
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witnessing right now is just so old and to medical to use the term of vice president pence to our constitution to our system of government and president trump has an interest any of those rule of law on issues. was interesting wasn't it how we heard though from people like president a vice president mike pence mitch mcconnell that the leader of the majority leader in the house well for the moment at saying that effectively the election was valid that it wasn't being stolen but it just wasn't enough for the thousands of people gathered there i mean you really get the sense that the people there truly believe that the result of the u.s. election was just wrong. well because they listened to the president from just a couple hours ago or a lot of accusations that have no founding in truth and right and i was listening as he spoke at and t.
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here's on the back of my neck stood out as you say and i'm going to go out and i will follow you up to the capitol and those are the words of someone who is leading a model whose intention is not to follow through on the rules of our country on the constitution but is trying to be intimidated is trying to threaten and ultimately is trying to end our democracy and that is what is so remarkably reckless and risky about this moment. february thank you for joining us and sharing your views and thoughts with us. but those are pictures that you can see live pictures outside the capitol hill thousands of people gathered outside and in the past 45 minutes or so people tried to storm through the doors and many have managed to get inside the building let's go to shepherdstown see who's live 'd
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for us at the white house have any more reaction to this from either republicans or democrats. it was interesting because i was reading out the truck tweeting on the scene as we stopped so he did tweet rather rather subdued message about respecting the capitol police in the meantime but i'm just following twitter as i'm sure everyone else is there in some ways as the national political writer for the philadelphia inquirer it's interesting what we've seen we've been watching all the sort of viral video what protesters are doing once they get inside the capitol complex and generally it seemed that they were just sort of wondering around in some ways it looked like a you know. but now we're getting reports of some much more tense situations from reporters who are credible in capitol hill. those being broken potentially and police now having their guns drawn at the how in the house chamber so that's getting a bit more more serious but you know i guess the point is that there will sort of
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people inside there right now we're not quite sure yet what what the actual goal is what's happening other than the rage and the the wish to demonstrate that they feel that the election has been stolen again i just have to go back to that to just the contrast in the whole approach to these protests compared to all the protests we've been covering for the rest of what 2020 here in washington d.c. when indeed the white house would talk about how it was a huge threat to democracy outside the white house because of protesters calling for an end to police the police killing of of black people and the national guard was taken out on the streets of a huge presence we knew this was going to happen this is the question that i suppose i have is that we do we didn't know this is going to happen it was pretty clear from donald trump was the president united states you go get more official in federal law not as a federal authority told the protesters to go to capitol hill and yet the authorities didn't seem to be prepared for that demonstration not very likely
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policed police presence in capitol hill even though it was clear. and we were told for days that they were monitoring the tweets. and social media communications of the organizers who were saying that they were they had intended to make a wild show the use doldrums own previous question of what's happening right now and it is a wild demonstration in quids and yet i guess the question will be will it happen now we do have curfew at 6 o'clock so that's in 3 hours time but we do also the national guard is here somewhere but again i go back to the summer because it didn't take very much to get the national guard and the police to stop messing everyone and pepper spraying everyone and charging at demonstrators doesn't seem to be the case this time it's rather interesting. chilling actually advocating for police to his actual 1st amendment rights but i mean just the contrast i'm drawing attention to. see have thank you for that time let's just remind the viewers of
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course seeing thousands of crime supporters outside capitol hill trying to get in that many have managed to get in and we are getting advice points that there is a standoff at the door of the u.s. house chamber people banging on the door of the u.s. house chamber so some of the protesters clearly have got inside and are close to the chamber itself asacol hayne is live for us outside outside the capitol hill patty your thoughts. on president what we're seeing now is the f.b.i. quick reaction force starting to be been gathered by their armored truck. transporter here keeping pictures. of the riot police. there banging on the house. i think you should make it. think about.
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it me uniting. people. to intimidate. the lawmakers are doing this. just in the votes because nobody won the election share matter the fact they were able to police the capitol and the people will be of course studying i did but for quite a while because they knew that these protestors were violent messages. taking cue from the president. and have a huge police presence. to try and keep it under control it seems. for those police that are in front of me that we see a lot of police activity there. this is eventually the united states capitol reached by supporters of moving president who is the 1st time in the history of the
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country if. you can feed calling me and when. we hear people say they believe the president so they are on this side of the capitol they have reached through the steps that we don't know how they got into the capitol. and they are cheering and i'm not sure what they're cherry about. and patty let me just bring you some news that's coming into us 5 from the reuters news agency from inside the most news agency saying the pool report cites an armed standoff at the door of the u.s. house chamber and that guns are drawn. now we are not inside but these are some of the reports. coming out. of the chamber itself also another report that people are banging on the door of the u.s. house chamber in an attempt to get inside and then one that says a pool report cites an armed standoff at the door of the u.s.
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house chamber you know that building very well past you've reported from there for years what's your reaction to that news those reports coming out from inside the building. it's it's unbelievable i think we can say that this is not anything anyone ever expected to see happen in the united states of america obviously. the. people. who carry. law in d.c. you just walk around and. the fact. is. it is unbelievable. armed standoff house of representatives of the they're still in there in their chamber they're supposed to be debating whether or not this will. air now they're facing the intimidation of thousands of people. around the
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capitol demanding that democracy be thrown out never did i think anything that gets really. this year in the united states of america we have seen a policeman who they shouldn't be in the quick reaction force. dozens and dozens of police officers. i don't i don't know how this. it's worth bearing in mind that this should actually have been or in the past have been a pretty mundane session just to certify the presidential election results so in itself that. this is happening today shows just how divided the country has become and just how prong the support for donald trump still remains among some americans . would be like this is like politician. in america this is.
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described as. if you think what this president here stop feels. this is. they are trying to stop the transfer of power. this is not something that happened in the united states. i'm going to prison to any of the. little jails of. the lucky ones for the only people that they had become too washington to try to pretend. they still johanna. is protesters stormy and d.d.x. the united states capitol and if you're if the court your words relief have an arms and. are presented ask for a house is going to be a good moment to do it public and party this is not just the more big talk can do
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so this is supposed to be 20 minutes to an hour procedure where they say yes the election was free and fair. biden has won the fact now that it has come to this is absolutely remarkable thousands of people out surf around in the united states capitol trying to intimidate lawmakers it would have been after she died. epic does it surprise you that police haven't been more effective in trying to stop these protesters from actually entering capitol hill. i'm not absolutely shocked i've never seen in all the visitors i've covered in d.c. i can't say that i've ever seen a police presence quite like this they knew that these people were talking online about bringing guns to the capitol and being violent they knew that thousands were coming here because the president told them to how they got into the capitol
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obviously is going to be a subject for many people to investigate but here in this moment right now in this very moment we're seeing people get him to the capitol to try and intimidate and scare the legislators who are simply trying to uphold the constitution is a remarkable moment one that i don't think anyone thought we'd see in our lifetime . and as he let me bring you some more reaction coming in from inside the chamber can see a tweet there for me go vote bitch the tweet reads there in virtue one is up on the dice yelling trump one the election in the comment this is insane certainly pretty much unprecedented and we are getting more reports of similar scenes going on in the side of the chamber. and then on the standoff.
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