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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2021 2:00am-2:30am +03

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al-jazeera. and. to arrest capital rioters using social media democrats raise the pitch to impeach president trump. hello i'm adrian for the again this is out as era live from doha also coming up. corona virus infections cross $3000000.00 in the u.k. putting the health service under severe strain with calls for strict a lockdown measures. such ng for wreckage 62 people on board are feared dead after
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a passenger plane disappears shortly after takeoff from the indonesian capital. and concern among muslims in india's east an asylum states as a bill is passed on the dresses into secular schools. course we impeach u.s. president donald trump a growing offer wednesday's siege of the capitol house speaker nancy pelosi has been leading the charge to impeach trump for inciting the bob attack unless he resigns immediately. sadly the person is running negative branch it is a direct unhinged dangerous president of the united states and only a number of days until we can be protected from him but he has done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him well i gather that the
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25th amendment is off the table that isn't nothing is off the table but a modest reverberating among democrats and some republicans articles of impeachment have been drafted at are expected to be brought to the house of representatives on monday this as the nation's lord force wanted teligent creators he's worked to identify and detain the perpetrators more than 50 people have so far been arrested let's go live to washington officers gabler's on the is there for escape what's the latest on the plans to impeach the president. well looks like it's going to move forward in skin to move forward in the house of representatives because democrats particularly nancy pelosi and a wider group of lawmakers in washington definitely feel there needs to be some sort of answer to donald trump and some sort of punishment to donald trump directly for the rhetoric that he was talking about that led to those riots so many believe lead that he started essentially and fueled so the impeachment articles impeachment
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likely are going to go to the house on monday nancy pelosi is working over the weekend to kind of finalize the wording on it and then there could be a vote on impeachment in the house as early as the middle of next week probably all they need is a simple majority in the house it seems like they will have that easily so the chance that donald trump is impeach next week is very high quite frankly it would then go to the senate and the senate would essentially have to then vote to remove donald trump from office and that's where it gets a little bit more complicated because you're only talking about 11 more days of trump in office they simply don't have a lot of time plus in the senate they would need 2 thirds of the senators to vote for that for him to be removed so the actual impeachment likely next week that's the path that they're on in terms of congress removing him from office that's going to probably
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a little bit more difficult and might not happen before january 20th after having his twitter account permanently suspended the president is trying to circumvent that. he has he's tried to post elsewhere for example he tried to post on the potest twitter account that's p o t u s president of the united states account and twitter immediately deleted messages that donald trump posted there but did not close down the account completely why because that post account is actually a u.s. government to count and that account to be handed over to president elect joe biden on january 20th trump is also tried to tweet on one of his campaign twitter accounts team trumpets called and that as soon as he posted their twitter brought that entire account down completely removed it so he's basically lost his main
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means of being able to communicate at least to via twitter and it seems that anywhere that he tries to post on twitter. the company is going to try to block that or or remove that so he's really in a tough spot there but twitter believes firmly that they need to do this because in their words his language that he uses in his tweets in the view of twitter could potentially incite more violence i was there as gabriel arizona reported live from washington gave many thanks indeed as we heard earlier there's been much discussion about invoking the 25th amendment to the constitution to remove president trump that amendment was added to the constitution in 1975 is the presidential line of succession and sense of a process fulfilling the vice presidency if the office becomes vacant but it also created a way to remove a sitting president if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet believe quote that the president is unable to discharge
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the policy and duties of his office the vice president shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as acting president and the president can get his authority back by objecting in writing if the vice president and cabinet disagree then congress has 3 weeks to decide the issue the president gets his powers back unless 2 thirds of both the house and the senate agree to his removal. and speak to what christine policy is an attorney and democratic strategist she joins us now live via skype from a sensor is christine good to have you with us again what do you think should happen next trump isn't going to go cold the 25th amendment is unlikely to work an impeachment as we were hearing takes time why is it so important to democrats to pursue this impeachment avenue these important to the american people to pursue justice in this case the president incited violence in the middle of the peaceful
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transfer of power the certification of the electoral college votes which had already been done state by state including in what we call swing states very close states by either republican secretaries of state or republican legislatures or republican governors so this was to be a more ceremonial experience on wednesday i've been there 3 different times because my mother's nancy pelosi speaker of the house i was there actually is a member of the clinton administration when gore had to hand it over to to bush i was there's a capitol hill staffer when bush bush's presidency was affirmed and i was there in 2009 when dick cheney had to read the results which transferred power to the democratic party to grok obama and joe biden so this is largely ceremonial there are times when people will object in order to preserve a quite and then introduce legislation about it as happened in the previous years
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but this was something different this was a rally where people were told to go to the capitol to show strength. that they they were instructed by the president to not show weakness and as they were marching there and as they said they were going to storm the capitol for a revolution he and his attorneys were on the phone with senators trying to to delay so while we have our 5 people dead including the police officer we have staff that are traumatized property that's been damaged and the an insurrection an outward attempt to change that moment of the transfer of power and that is what needs to be pursued criminal charges are going to be pursued against. the mob a felony murder investigation is underway with respect to the death police officer capitol police officer killed in the line of duty hit by a fire extinguisher and as for the president and his conduct the president the congress has 3 choices they have impeachment which says this is
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a high crime insurrection of the 25th amendment which as you describe was in car saying he's not able to carry out his duties they also have the 14th amendment which if you look at section 3 of the 14th amendment says that the congress can if somebody has participated in or abetted an insurrection they can be certain of their title and not allowed to run for office again what about the the the president would trump face any sort of legal action over this once he's left office can he be held accountable after january 21st even if he issues that of a self pop not if and if so by whom. well there's 2 things one if you step down and pens pardons him that's one thing he still has state charges but that would be one presumes a global federal party 2nd of all he would still be if he is if he is continuing to and cite lyall and then not only is he liable but so are people who produce his
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platform that's why twitter felt they had to ban him and let me just say yes someone who's been an attorney for a long time dealt with a lot of restraining orders if you're not allowed to talk to me that also means you're not allowed to have your friends talk to me your spouse talk to me your business partner talk to me or anything else that's why he can't tweet from his account he also can't have other people tweeting for him that that violates the purpose the part of my twitter did that was because they don't want to be liable if they are allowing the publication of tweets that allow people to organize and then go out and kill people again so they're worried about themselves and him and his liability and it would still be out there also don't forget he has state charges to be concerned about in the state of new york and that attorney general has expressed an interest in prosecuting him pretty much the minute he leaves office interesting we were last words out of time here but i just want to ask you for your your thoughts very briefly if you can and it's this is such
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a difficult question to be briefed on but how does the u.s. now deal radicalize its far right extremists. and will rights under the constitution can any attempts to do that. i think there are 3 things that we need to do 1st of all democrats actually after the tasso massacre where there's a person with a manifesto who said he was driving several states to go kill people in el paso because he wanted to go kill mexicans his words. because of what he heard from donald trump there were hearings that were done as it turns out there is work that you can do to diffuse white nationalism and and extremism those programs were defunded by donald trump i think they need to be revamped and. initiated i don't think that the answer to this is simply more surveillance because it's not that we don't know who these people are it's that white people don't see your other white people and saying this is a white person we should so i think what we have to do is to make sure and we are
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clear that as far as employment and engagement people have to be committed to nonviolence and that's where you really have to draw the line peaceful protest is what america is all about violence is not and i think that we need much more education much more civics because you see part of why these people were so angry when they were banging on the doors for 2 hours and 45 minutes and my mother had staff people on a floor under a table for 2 and a half 2 hours and 45 minutes while people were screaming and banging on the door saying we know where you're in there we're going to come after you they honestly believe that if they were there and they did this disruption that they could change the outcome of the election that is a failure of civics but it's also a failure of people who told them that so we need to the answer is an education the answer isn't nonviolence the answer i think is not in more surveillance and it also
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quite frankly isn't treating all crimes equally because we're all very clear that that was a group of black or brown people who were storming the capitol they would have been met with force immediately. christine many thanks indeed christie implicit in los angeles. thank. you to search for remains of an indonesian passenger plane which is believed to have crashed into the sea minutes after takeoff from the capital jakarta 62 people off it dead 12 ships a been dispatched to the 1000 islands chain which is just north of jakarta from where jessica washington reports indonesia's west kalimantan in the city of pontianak these people were waiting to welcome their family and friends. but anticipation turned to devastation as they heard flight s.j. wanted to have gone missing. this man was waiting for his daughter.
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i was supposed to pick them up this is my 1st daughter i won't ever see them again more than 60 people were on board the sri would jaya flight from jakarta to pontianak infants and children were among the passengers the plane lost contact just 4 minutes after takeoff now the. controllers of the jakarta approach saw that the plane was not flying at 75 degrees but was headed northwest the air traffic control asked the pilots to confirm where they were headed not logged off within seconds the plane went missing from the right. the boeing 737500 was at least 25 years old the flight had been delayed by 30 minutes due to heavy rain in the installation capital a search team says they believe they have found debris from the plane in the sea close to the 1000 islands north of jakarta the national search and rescue agency and navy have dispatched teams to the area fishermen say they heard
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a loud crash parties have established a crisis center here it's a car hot at the airport in asia's busiest airport for relatives of those onboard to speak with authorities find out what happened to their loved ones they've also established a crisis center in front they are not in west palm on top of the relatives were waiting at the airport for their loved ones to disinvite in jakarta area found out his family had been on board. for the around 530 i had the news i asked my friends to make sure that it was right and it was full of my family members were among the victims. tree would join air has never had a major safety incident authorities say they are working swiftly to find out what went wrong just in washington al-jazeera jakarta. we're going to weather update facts turn our saravanan fact beaches lots of americans to file locked out of all this is corona virus cases that continue to search. and spain's government urges
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people to stay at home during the worst snowstorm to hit the country in 50 years. at the moment things are quite quiet across the u.s. big area of high pressure and cold not excessively cold you'll notice a storm system going off into the atlantic is just a brief cold winter followed and in the pacific that warm during class trying to make its way in with a bit of snow falling throughout the rockies all time but surprisingly another developments taking place just across mexico and into texas you've got rayden southern flank and snow in the older flank a circulation here fed from the warm gulf waters which means it'll probably snow in dallas on sunday that it's 5 on monday temperatures come up by tuesday it is cold
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along the gulf coast new orleans is round about 9 degrees or so and should be 17 night time temperatures and neera what we're going to get by day you'll rain gets to you on monday with quite a strong wind at the same time and the whole lot barrels along the southern states there isn't much snow to come further north rather to differentiate it from the last know that went through just a couple of days ago at the same time that rain that you thought might come down to the california coast is just heading into washington over across the border into british columbia south of all this and the concentration of rain which you may not want is on the surest deros nicaragua and costa rica. the. american people have finally folk in america is i split when america is off balance or will become more dangerous the world is looking at us a little mixture of sadness and. with the election behind us will the republican
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party dump truck with the fuel we keep take on us politics and that's the bottom line. be the hero the world needs. washing. the. color get this is out 0 the main news this hour calls to impeach us president donald trump continued to grow after wednesday's siege of the capitol house speaker nancy pelosi is leading the charge and says that nothing is off the table articles of impeachment could reach the house of representatives as early as monday. all in 50 people are now facing charges for taking part in what the state storming of
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capitol hill the u.s. intelligence community and police are appealing for help to identify those responsible. officials in indonesia say that a passenger plane a suspected have crashed after it went missing shortly after takeoff from the capital jakarta rescuers have recovered what they suspect may be daybreak from the boeing 737500 which had 62 people. in. the u.k. is now recorded more than 3000000 covert 1000 cases since the beginning of the. and then make the health department says the deaths of supposed 80000 almost 60000 infections were reported on saturday while the 1000 deaths london's mayor has declared a major incident saying the spread of the virus is out of control al-jazeera need barker and london says the severity of the situation still isn't sinking in for
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everyone. the streets of the capital are quiet but the fear is there not quite enough nowhere near as empty as they were 10 months ago during the 1st and last despite growing concerns about the speed in which the new strain of the virus is multiplying here in the capital in certain london boroughs one in 16 people are believed to now have coronavirus and all of that has a knock on effect on how well equipped the country's national health service is to deal with the crisis the fear also is that perhaps complacency has set in as well people know that they have to wear a mask they know that they have to wash their hands or remain socially distance but in order to bring the numbers down the scientists say the people really need to start seeing this like a pandemic within the pandemic which is why the british government has launched a new campaign to try to encourage people to act as if they already have coronavirus we wait now to see whether or not the vaccine wins the race against the
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virus some good news in that the british government has approved the use of the maternal vaccine the rollout of that will begin fairly soon and the hope is that by the middle of february 15 1000000 people some of the most vulnerable people to getting the coronavirus of being hospitalized potentially dying will receive the vaccine but in the meantime the message is very much to stay at home. it's been an unrelenting fight for health care workers in the u.k. for almost a year now they've faced unprecedented demands pressure and stress on the whole looks at the cost of the pandemic has had on the mental health. behind the masks and visors in hospitals struggling to cope there are the hidden mental health costs of the pandemic one from flying dr who preferred not to be identified described feelings of helplessness and despair in the kind of things that we find tough or like the things that make us kind of stressed and sad. feeling of being helpless
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particularly on call shifts and night shifts and i personally like the way that i get through it and by. telling myself that i know it's going to be kind of like the worship of my life or a new it's going to be hell and. you just have to go in expecting the worst they can stand there it's fine it's met your expectations or is good because it's not as bad as the worst day of your life health workers aren't used to talking about themselves it's not what they do they exist to help others using precise science based knowledge in highly controlled environments best to heal and cure at a minimum though to provide adequate care the pandemic has challenged all that stop shortages after a decade of funding cuts depleted resources relentless wave upon wave of illness and death and n.h.s. psychometrist describe symptoms among her own colleagues we will see people with
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anxiety and with you know any number one side to disorders and many bones and depression and. and people who have as i mentioned post traumatic stress and burnout is not a kind of diagnosis and it south we were extremely high numbers of what what you would recognize as psychological burnout and the resources of the national health service or perhaps most thinly stretched when it comes to caring for its own comments that we might say that we're in. this and i don't air a couple of weeks from now. and perhaps things will start to get back south but in terms of the work for the n.h.s. it certainly won't stop there and we have long backlogs of planned care that has
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been cancelled that we need to catch up on. and then obviously we will need to come to terms with what has happened but we won't be able to just stop there we rightly had to give everybody a break they were going to continue on and that's when i think that we will really see that we are also in programs and to how the rollout of vaccines may restore a sense of relative calm and order but the toll on the health service itself has barely begun to be counted jonelle al-jazeera london. the discovery of a more infectious variant of the coronavirus and latin america is rising along tougher restrictions are in place but large numbers of people are defying orders by traveling or attending passing a study. reports from one of solace. this is not what medical experts had in mind when urging people to take measures to restrict the spread that the 2nd wave recorded 19 pandemic beaches in rio de janeiro and elsewhere in brazil
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were infections top 8000000 now. because there hasn't been any minimum planning and logistical organization for the establishment which feasible boxen nation plan brazil is at the end of the line and last for the start of a mass immunization program against covert nineteen's and there are similar tales of crowding on beaches in argentina and this video taken at the seaside party in chile. thousands more people are preparing to escape hot in cramped cities to join the city might give even. during the 1st weekend of january at least made it about 55000 people we travel from the santiago metropolitan region which is the equivalent of about 2000 buses leaving our capital. however the number of deaths and infections continue to rise brazil still without a national vaccine program is one of the world's worst affected with 200000 dead.
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buried you are more educated just mildly gay she has a sister daughter niece is to put the names of my family forward so people can understand the risk from this disease and that no one is immune no matter your social class race or religion you know all the tricycles losing our lives from the disease. searches in brazil have meanwhile confirmed that the woman who contract the virus last may was really to reinfected with the soup of their island south african strain. and in peru a massive national testing program is underway focused on the most vulnerable to scientists discovered the highly infectious strain of the virus 1st found in the u.k. type trouble with strictness have been imposed across latin america this is the scene in the colombian capital bogota were 85 percent of hospital beds are occupied with cobbett 19 patients who are portly scope or 8 for the sake of life and health for
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all the people for the world for the country and for everything else. next a nation programs are underway across latin america but while many respect the restrictions to control the pandemic thousands more don't while the numbers of dead and dying continue to rise. one of cyrus. storm filomena has been wreaking havoc across spain with 4 people dead after unusually heavy snow fall the military has been mobilized to help to clear roads and rescue some of the one with a half 1000 motorists trapped in cars but road was blanketed in snow with but our ports shot for most of friday and saturday but some residents made the most of the unusual weather skiing in and around the city's ground via and having snowball fights in the city center. be honest i'm a bit excited about it it is unusual it's wonderful we're going to stay high i'm
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sorry among the bad news we've had this is good. in india's northeastern state of a new bill has been passed to convert government funded islamic schools into regular schools the governing b.-j. pete says that it's a way to make education secular or critics say that it's targeting muslims harding reports. publicly funded islamic schools offering classes in arabic and teaching the course on but here in the eastern state of the governing body the agenda to party or be j.p. has decided to make $614.00 of them secular science majors are scum are all very important modern subjects all the subjects being brought into other institutions those will be taught that is what gets this that this moral issue with politics or election etc it is related to the proper education in a spectacle of any gas company to create proper education to their students. the
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state government says the schools will not close and teachers will not lose their jobs being neutral if you say that if we give. all of the koran as the subject to some institution why we should sort of like that why not of. courses in bible are being taught in other institutions that is why to make it equal but critics disagree with the decision a senior congress leader from says the b j p is implementing policies that discriminate against muslims and are against the constitution of india and he says it's being done to win political support ahead of state elections in april an accusation the b.g.p. denies so they're trying to beat each other they are trying to create the head create so did the non blogged imaginative blog would view this blog as an enemy enemy of the common people you know that is the main. building in
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a very simple language. the principal at one madrassa anisim is concerned students will be disadvantaged by the new curriculum and. we stand to lose a lot the children who study at the madrassas tend to lose a lot they could lose their livelihoods and employment opportunities the future seems to be dark. muslims have been the target of increased discrimination across india in recent years in 2019 nearly 2000000 people were excluded from the state census many of them muslims later that year a law was passed granting citizenship to religious minorities from neighboring countries except muslims. for those who practice islam in assam the closure of madrassas feels like another.


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