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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2021 3:00am-3:31am +03

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privilege of being in this body for many years and i have never seen what we see in this section 2 and 3 of this rule and the suspension of appropriate language and i understand the difficulties of dealing with this issue. and respect that however in a time when the rhetoric has been over the top i think we should set a high sample we've never done this before in my time here i didn't do it in previous impeachment the need to do it now is lost on me mr speaker so i would hope and again i have great confidence in my friend i have great conflict my friends on the rules committee and so you know the rules the rule this will almost certainly pass i would just hope that everybody acts as a as good as they can i mean i'd hate to put it that simply but this is an important issue i respect all the members of this body i know there are have very
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different points of view on this that's to be expected generally our debates professional generally that standard is something we're proud of and something that we aspired to and i hate to see it ever lowered or any exception provided i also have great confidence in the speaker's chair and i know that they will enforce the appropriate level of civility and decency on the floor but i just ask my fellow members to please please think about this because we've taken a very important safeguard off the rails of debate so to speak mr speaker with that i would like to yield 2 minutes to my very good friend distinguished republican ranking member of the judiciary committee mr jordan of ohio jemma from ohio is recognized for 2 minutes i think the gentleman for yielding mr speaker this is scary this is frightening what's happening. with less than one hour of debate the democrats bring a rule to the floor that says this you can say anything you want about the
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president of the united states of america no rules of decorum about what you say about the leader of our country in that rule they say if you don't wear a mask you can get fined no regard to whether you've already had coded whether you've had the vaccination your mask flips down a little bit you get fined in a room with no debate in this rule they say you have to walk on the house floor have to go through a metal detector number of united states congress walking on the floor to represents 3 quarters of a 1000000 people in our district and 4th the rule is for the bill that says we should tell the vice president ited states to work to remove the president of the united states i've been here 14 years i've never seen anything like this and i do not know where this ends i do not know where it ends but it is dangerous where they're taking us you couple this with what we're seeing with the cancer culture mob out there i do not know where this takes us. i
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fear for the 1st amendment i fear for the 2nd image i fear for the bill of rights i fear for the constitution i do not know where this takes us but it is scary what they are throwing in a bill that we're going to debate for less than an hour making these kind of changes i hope they reconsider a year to your back to the fine gentleman from the great state of oklahoma german yield german of home. reserves john woman from pennsylvania is recognize it. we're prepared to close to 15 and have any more prepared to close whenever she would like and i would retire gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized which out of the president thank you very much for speaker i yield myself so the balance of my time as speaker in closing i want to urge all my colleagues to vote no on this resolution resolution ask this house to substitute its judgment for the vice president's in making the grave decision to initiate procedures under section 4 of
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the 25th amendment under the constitution this is a role that belongs exclusively to the vice president the cabinet not to the house of representatives attempting to usurp this responsibility is not supported by the constitution and would be a historic overreach members should also take a sure it's from the vice president strong record of sound judgment rather than pressuring him into acting we should be reassured by the knowledge that he would act on this topic as he does on all others in performing his duty in a manner befitting his constitutional role as vice president of the united states mr speaker i urge my colleagues to vote no on the previous question no on the rule and i yield back the balance of my time general men from oklahoma back down to time gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized i am myself the balance of my time gentlemen is recognized. after the chaos and potentially could well
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definitely criminal behavior that we saw in here last week there's no trust left between this administration and the majority of the american people the stability of our executive branch is the foundation of peace of our democracy this administration has failed or refused to up hold the most basic duties of protecting our constitution our national security or of respecting the co-equal branches of our government wednesday's bloody attack proved that this administration is an imminent and continuing danger to our country even in the waning days of his presidency i'm heartbroken for our country but more determined than ever to fight to preserve our democracy a call on vice president pence and the cabinet to do the right thing and i call upon our colleagues to do the right thing to put our country before the interests of any one man and to join us in ending this failed presidency thank you mr
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speaker i urge all of my colleagues to support the rule and the underlying legislation i yield back the balance of my time and i move the previous question on the resolution the question is an order in the previous question the resolution those in favor say aye those of those opposed no in the opinion of the chair that is bigger and that i would request the days and days pursued to section 3 of house resolution 8 the yeas and nays are ordered pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 further proceedings on this question are postponed . of a rule one the chair declares the house in recess shub for the call of the chair. well that was. a debate on the rules of the debate on whether to invoke the 25th
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amendment let's get some analysis from our listeners mike hanna who's been listening in along with us he's in washington d.c. mike what do you make of what we've heard. well it is expected then their positions are generally expected you've had a number of republicans who are objecting to the rule that says the measures by which the vote will take place in the coming hour or coming hours. generally there has been massive support in the house for this whole process to go forward the democrats remembering control the house what is needed both in the vote on the rule which you heard there got an easy majority simply by a voice vote when the vote is taken on the actual motion that the house will pass that is likely to be seeing votes counted but very clearly the house majority is in
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favor of passing this motion of calling on the vice president mike pence to invoke the 25th amendment to call together his cabinet get 2 thirds of them to vote to reject or egypt a president trump from his position as president so what do you arguments that we were hearing there from various individuals in the house are likely to be repeated when the actual vote takes place on the motion but once again we are seeing already a very clear majority in the house for this motion to be passed in the next hour or so earlier in the day president trump so that the 0 risk vice president mike pence would invoke the 25th amendment what are we to make of the president's confidence like. well all indications are that vice president pence is not taken a position on this he certainly said and made no public statement that he is even considering invoking the 25th amendment remembering to in the past 24 hours mike pence had a visit with president trump at the white house sources said that the conversation
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was cordial to review the successes as they put it of the 4 years of the ministration and also reviewed what will be happening in the days ahead leading to the inauguration now other sources say that mike pence went to see the president to integrate to the outside world that government in the united states is alive and functioning despite the events of the past week and that there will be an orderly transition of power this is what mike pence apparently want to indicate by that meeting you had with president trump but that meeting also did indicate the unlikelihood of mike pence invoking the 25th amendment now is a constitutional provision for the house to do so however that is unlikely given that the house has made very clear that it's preferred avenue should mike pence not invoke the 21st is to go ahead with an impeachment something that they are going to be doing very soon indeed it would appear and several senior republicans might have
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indicated that the vote in favor of impeachment what are we to make of that. well this is a very important point because one must remember that the 1st time that president trump was impeached there was a standard republican line that in the senate at least only one republican senator actually crossed to joining his democratic competitor it's to actually cast a vote in favor of pietschmann daughter find him guilty in the trial in the senate however on this occasion the ranks are not as clearly defined in the last few hours we've heard for example that the 3rd most senior republican in the senate to liz cheney will vote for impeachment is supports impeachment obviously she would be prepared to entertain a trial in the senate there are a number of house republicans who have also indicated their willingness to go ahead with impeachment so certainly there is not that clear divide that we had in the
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past now significantly as well there are several reports that the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell favors impeachment as a way of getting donald trump out of the republican party now he has not said so publicly but equally what we do know is that he has not spoken to president trump since mid december following that mitch mcconnell's decision to recognize the results of the election which by all accounts absolutely infuriated president trump now last time in the whole process was under way mitch mcconnell was foremost in ensuring that the debate or the trial in the senate would go president trumps way you refuse to allow any witnesses ensure that it went forward as speedily as possible the republicans had the majority in the senate it was very easy for them to basically end any form of trial of president trump not so when the house said is why president trump was impeached but this time it's very very different there is
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no clarity about what mitch mcconnell's position will be and also significantly we understand. that the minority leader in the house has indicated to fellow republicans that they should vote with their conscience in other words and what we saw in the last time is a strong directive from the house minority leader that all republicans should impose the appealing pietschmann process on this occasion that is not the case now kevin mccarthy has put his finger lightly on the scale by saying that he personally would not support impeachment but he has not gone so far as to call on all republicans to impose that these are very significant and very important signs of the strength of opinion within the house and indeed within the senate and the possibility that this process of impeachment should it happen may well be a bipartisan one and this is something that did not happen on the last occasion out
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0 as mike hanna reporting live from washington like for the moment many thanks finkelstein is faculty director of the sense of ethics and rule of law at the university of pennsylvania she's with us once again live via skype from philadelphia good to have you with us again claire this is all very interesting but the the chances of this this actually working even if the resolution is passed to invoke the 25th amendment a virtually 0 day. they are unfortunately because vice president pence is necessary for this process no matter how you slice it he's got to be on board and he has already indicated that he's unlikely to do that. mitch mcconnell has in the past few hours said made positive noises about a peach meant one of the things we don't know is whether or not he's doing that in order to scuttle the 25th amendment push indicating that there's another route open
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to democrats who want to see the president called out in some way even though the impeachment push would not result in his being removed from office but as far as the 25th amendment goes no matter how unfit he is for office either morally or mentally it does appear that this vice president is not prepared to go along with the effort to use it in this case a right to 0 chance of the 25th amendment being used what are the chances for impeachment being successful. it's very likely that donald trump will be impeached in the house they have the votes to do it they've done it before and now if anything the fervor and the upset with donald trump is much higher than it was over the ukraine matter the real question is what will happen after the house impeaches him and what strategy the house should use with regard to impeachment it will of course go over to the senate for
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a trial but mitch mcconnell has already indicated that he will not invoke a provision that would allow the senate to be convened earlier than it would normally convene that means that the senate would only convene after the inauguration and so donald trump would be the 1st president to be tried on impeachment charges after he has left office it is not an irrelevant thing to do by any means because number one it would prevent donald trump from ever running for office again but number 2 it would help give us more information about exactly what the president knew how the events of last wednesday the assault on the capitol building took place how they were organized and who was involved in organizing those events we can gain very valuable information from having an impeachment trial but it's critical that the process not be rushed so that we can hear witnesses who
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can come to the floor of the senate and testify about this matter something that we were deprived of the last time around. perhaps you can explain a little more about what it is we've been watching a debate about the rules of the debate which is yet to get under way what's due to happen next and this is largely symbolic isn't it. that's right so we've been hearing a devote a about the invocation of the 25th amendment we are in uncharted territory here we have never seen this before and we and nobody knows exactly how it's supposed to take place there are 2 ways to invoke the 25th amendment one is for the vice president along with a majority of the members of the cabinet to invoke the 25th in writing and say that donald trump is unfit to serve as president the other way that it can happen is
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that congress can pass a law designating an alternative group of individuals to vote on the 25th amendment and that is unlikely to happen or impossible at the moment to happen because there is no time so what we would need is the vice president along with a majority of the cabinet members and we're not anywhere near that what's happening now is that there is a debate about a resolution to call on vice president hence it is largely symbolic but some of the language that's being used in this debate is very important for us to hear such as the designation of this event as a don't mess tick terror of bent we haven't heard that language used much before and that could have consequences if it's a way of framing what happened last wednesday that catches on because there could be a designation of different groups here as domestic terror groups much as we saw with
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president trump and bill barres effort to designate left wing groups as domestic terror groups groups to many thanks for being with us. thanks for from it all for you. u.s. federal prosecutors say that criminal charges have been placed on 70 people who were involved in last week's capitol attack and that it expects that number to grow into the hundreds the f.b.i. says that it's already received more than 100000 videos and pictures to help identify the perpetrators and the justice department says that it's considering sedition charges on some of the russes that's punishable in the u.s. up to 20 years in prison. the f.b.i. receives enormous amounts of information intelligence in our job is to determine the credibility of viability of it under the laws and policies that govern f.b.i. investigations we have to separate the aspirational from the intentional and
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determine which of the individuals saying despicable things on the internet or just practicing keyboard bravado where they actually have the intent to do harm in the latter we work diligently to identify them and prevent them from doing so the u.s. secretary of state says that al qaeda has established a new home base in iran although he hasn't presented any hard evidence in a speech 8 days before he leaves office might pompei or said the group was operating under the protection of the iranian government to iran has dismissed the claims as warmongering lies alan fischer reports from the white house. might bumpy or has spent the dying days of the trumpet ministration trying to burnish his foreign policy credentials in a speech at washington's national press club he claimed an old enemy had phone support from another longtime u.s. adversary al-qaeda has a new home base it is the islamic republic of iran
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as a result little odds wicked creation is poised to gain strength and capabilities we ignore this iran a kind of nexus at our own peril. we need to acknowledge it we must confront it indeed we must defeat it president donald trump pulled out of the iran nuclear deal in $20000.00 finally fulfilling an election promise his administration then pursued a campaign it described as maximum pressure indeed forcing to iran back to the negotiating table imposing tough sanctions but others who negotiated the deal refused to leave with the americans insists other countries must wake up to the danger the iranians though have dismissed american claims the foreign minister tweeting that pompey or was pathetically ending his disastrous career with more war mongering lies relations between washington and tehran have deteriorated even farther in the last 12 months. in january last year the u.s.
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carried out the targeted killing of kassam cilla money the head of iran's revolutionary guard could force in baghdad and the u.s. aircraft carrier his company in the region responding to what the americans call threats from people has claimed links between iran and al qaeda in the past without providing any firm evidence one expert says this is more of the same if there were any areas whatsoever they were all that out very quickly and very early in order to further justify the maximum pressure campaign against you are they might pump has been cranking up the pressure on iran in recent weeks and is even fresh sanctions those close to joe biden believe that this is calculated the intention to make it more difficult for him to reengage with iran when he takes over on january the 20th alan fischer al-jazeera at the white house. from al-jazeera store such a bari with more on the iranian reaction from tehran. the position here is that
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these are seen as and that really desperate attempts in the final days of the trump administration to try and really further destabilize this region and that's something that they have not been successful in doing the spike the numerous efforts that they've undertaken over the past 4 years but what was significant about the specifics beach by the secretary of state was that he drew the links between these 2 between these 2 groups iran and al qaeda when the very very different ideologies they have very different goals and iran has said in the past that these claims are simply false when it came to the assassination of the so-called al-qaeda leader on the streets of tehran in august the foreign minister zarif said in the past recently that you know those president like joe biden from his years of being
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a diplomat the reigning. representative to the united nations. had met joe biden on a number of occasions welder of both working at the united nations so they do have some kind of a history and he said that he believes joe biden to be much more well versed in foreign policy and understands foreign politics much better than donald trump so there is a sense of optimism that the 6 months that this ronnie administration has left there could be some kind of. easing of tensions at least before iran has its next presidential elections so we're just hoping for the best at this stage but this latest claims are going to be completely dismissed by iran and seen as very ridiculous at this stage. well president trump has been in texas today touring the border war with mexico he's insisting that he's to live it on one of his key campaign promises but he promised to make mexico pay for the fence and that hasn't
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happened and only a small part of it has been actually been constructed john holeman reports from mexico city. this was the promise we will build a great wallow in the southern border he has got anywhere near finishing. with those what she migration to mexico so the president trumps done something else instead turned the country itself into his will. 2019 he threatened terrorists didn't tighten its southern border so the country put its newly formed national guard on the banks of the river with what tamala and toughened up its checkpoints so that those from neighboring countries couldn't get through the research a dramatic decrease arrivals at the border as a result. crackdown increased enforcement in mexico it was so hard to travel through mexico 'd at certain point but you also saw a lot more people requesting asylum in mexico mexico also agreed that migrants all
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scheme for asylum in the u.s. could be dropped across the border to wait here while the request was processed some was stuck in places like this camp for months others went home perhaps all of this wasn't as appealing as the big beautiful will but it did have an impact after the number of migrants u.s. border been soaring they were right back down and interestingly it wasn't the 1st time that u.s. detroit this in 2014 president obama's administration had urged mets going to get tougher on migration to after an uptick in children showing up at the border both clampdowns have had side effects that i think those mean that there isn't any it means that migration ballots will become even more challenging which means more terror. kidnapping and rape is more expensive to get through with a smuggling industry and violence towards migrants has worsened both from authorities and organized crime. from its coast securing its southern border also
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meant siphoning off thousands of the national guard which just being created especially to stop the country's record boylan's. and now after a lot helped along by the pandemic migrant numbers are rising again that's an issue for incoming president joe biden now he's already said he wrote back some of trump's toughest migration policies but he won't want to russia look good either john home and out is it a city. israel's top human rights organization has started using the term apartheid to describe how the israeli government controls occupied palestinian territories while other groups have used the term for decades spezza land as only done so in very specific contexts the group says that whatever paris palestinians live in the occupied west bank east jerusalem gaza or israel itself they have fewer rights than jewish israelis british companies will face fines if they import goods links to
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suspected forced labor in china's shin jang region foreign secretary donald dominic rob says that there's growing evidence that we goes in the province of being enslaved and tortured human rights groups say that members of the most a minority have been imprisoned and forced to work in areas such as cotton picking china tonight as the accusations worry chalons reports. well essentially what dominic robb is saying is that he wants to toughen up the u.k.'s modern slavery act and make it centrally it impossible for companies in the u.k. to profit from supply chains where parts etc are being sourced from. the region of china where these human rights abuses are taking place recordings what the u.k. is saying. and what that is going to look like is a is a review of export policy which means that somewhere down the line there are likely
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to be fines for companies that are doing their due diligence on looking at transparency of supply chains etc and are sourcing parts or exporting parts to shanghai they there is also a push to get a ban on companies from securing government contracts if again they can't do the same due diligence or transparency for a great many years the u.k.'s foreign policy is essentially being snagged on snarled up in the brics a process now that it's pretty much free of that it has the opportunity to. flex its muscles again on the international stage and to put some distance between its foreign policy and he use foreign policy and dominic rob was quite clear in his statements earlier today that he didn't like the way that the e.u. is doing things that moment particularly with regard to. an investment deal that the e.u. is in the process of sorting out with china india supreme court has ordered the
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poles in the implementation of controversial new agricultural laws farmers have been protesting since november angry that the changes could undercut prices for their goods the government says the reform of the agriculture sector is long overdue in this but the problem reports. farmers continue their protest on a major highway connecting india's most populous state to the capital region of delhi. have stopped all traffic on this and 2 other key roads for nearly 7 weeks and said they won't stop despite the supreme court suspending the implementation of 3 for the been protesting against. their also not hopeful about the committee of the top court has formed to look into the laws. the members of the committee are pro-government people who have supported the laws and other government
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recommendations. and they are in favor. of the fall it's. the protests began after the government passed 3 agriculture in september which encouraged and dia's farmers to sell directly to large corporations. they intensified in the. states of punjab and. marched hundreds of kilometers to delhi and occupied highways. has been at the. 6 weeks. our demands have to be fulfilled by the government and then if all the. other. family members back home. says no one knows. we left our family behind for this. say they were afraid that once the was implemented they lose a minimum prices for their projects which have been guaranteed by the government for decades dozens of farmers have died camping out in the cold of the past 6 weeks
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including want here. today the supreme court took note of the deaths the now.


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