tv The Stream Al Jazeera January 13, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm +03
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nothing that will cause further division more than the path the majority is now taking rather than looking ahead to a new administration the majority is again seeking to settle scores against the old one rather than seeking to heal america they are seeking to divide us more deeply and rather than following the appropriate process as the house is used in every modern impeachment majority is rushing to the floor tripping all over themselves and their rush to impeach the president a 2nd time what's worse though the majority seems to believe that this course of action is so i haven't and that's simply not the case i have to tell them it's not members that have reviewed the same conduct and have come to dramatically different conclusions legal scholars like professor turley and professor alan dershowitz both of whom condemned the president's statements believe that his statements are not impeachable i know other scholars have different points of view given this
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difference of opinion should we have a better process than this should we have a chance to examine witnesses discuss the matter with legal scholars and consider this in committee on a matter as grave and consequentialism pietschmann shouldn't we follow the same process we have used in every modern impeachment rather than rushing to the floor on behalf of generations of americans to come we need to think more clearly about the consequences of our actions today the fact of the matter is mr speaker there is no reason to rush forward like this other than the very obvious fact that there are only 7 days left until a new president takes office but what's worse as professor dershowitz has pointed out because of the senate rules the case cannot come to trial in the senate until 1 pm on january the 20th one hour after president trump leaves office this is an ill advised course in my opinion mr speaker even senator joe manchin a democrat agrees. senator manchin is quoted this week as having said quote i think
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this is so ill advised for joe biden to be coming in trying to heal the country trying to be the president of all the people when we're going to be so divided and fighting again let the judicial system do its job unquote. so what then is the point of the rush to impeach we are coming off a horrific event that resulted in 6 deaths we have an opportunity to move forward but we cannot if the majority insist on bringing the country through the trauma of another impeachment it will carry forward into the next president's term ensuring that he will struggle to organize his administration what's worse it will continue to generate the bitterness so many of us have a posts why put us through that when we can actually resolve this before the end of the president's term mr speaker i think my colleagues in the majority need to think about this more soberly we need to recognize we are following
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a flawed process we need to recognize that people of good will can differ we need to recognize that while the house may be done with this matter after today's vote it will not be done for the country it will not be done for the senate and it will not be done for the incoming and biden administration the house's action today will only extend the division longer than necessary finally mr speaker i would note that there are other remedies that can be pursued the president is expected to face litigation over his role in last wednesday's events there will be criminal proceedings against the perpetrators and i hope all of those who stormed the capitol will be brought to justice and some members have proposed an alternative procedure censoring the president which could garner significant bipartisan support in the house i do not think impeach it is a wise course mr speaker i would urge my friends in the majority to reconsider there's still time to choose a different path one that leads to reconciliation and hope for
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a better and brighter days with that job position to the rule and i reserve the balance of my time gentleman from up on the reserve gentleman from massachusetts is recognized the speaker i actually have a unanimous consent to insert in the record a the powerful statement. by congresswoman liz cheney who is the chair of the house republican caucus entitled i will vote to impeach the president the president that objection and i just want to be clear about one thing. if we vote to impeach the president today and we said over the senate there is there is nothing to prevent the senate from taking it up immediately if senate majority leader mitch mcconnell decides that he wants to proceed number one number 2 we want to talk about unity i can't think of anything that would unify this country more if there was a big bipartisan vote in favor of impeachment. every 2nd that this president remains in office is a danger to this country into the world we have no idea what he is capable of doing
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whether he'll pardon these terrorists whether he will go to war so to all my colleagues on both sides to support this in this rule and peaceful resolution i have one minute to the gentlewoman from california miss chile. we recognize for one minute. last week i had an office for hours terrified to open the door because i did not know if a rioter was on the other side ready to attack kidnap or murder me but my experiences were just the tip of the iceberg the u.s. capitol was targeted a seizure ransacked on january 6th by a murderous mob holding a news for vice president pence and targeting speaker pelosi there rampage resulted in just struction and 5 people dead we were attacked by terrorists but this time the terrorists were radicalized right here in the united states worse they were radicalized by the president who intentionally lied to his supporters that the
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election was stolen and then tell them when to come to d.c. where to protest and who to direct their anger at. the need to remove this president could not be more urgent he is too dangerous to remain in office donald trump must be held accountable he must be impeached gentleman yields gentleman from massachusetts reserves gentlemen from oklahoma's recognize thank you mr speaker mr speaker i yield myself such time as i may consume them and recognize thank you mr speaker if we defeat the previous question i offer an amendment to the rule to mediately bring up a resolution establishing a bipartisan national commission on the domestic terrorist attack on the united states capitol. this proposed bipartisan commission will be tasked with examining and reporting upon the terror attack on our capital that occurred last wednesday the commission will be bipartisan in nature modeled after the $911.00 commission and will fully empower be empowered to undertake a full investigation and to and make recommendations to the president and to
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congress i can think of no more appropriate caffe for congress to follow him by ensuring a bipartisan commission reviews all the evidence and report back to us on this horrific event this is bigger i ask unanimous consent to insert the text of mind them in the record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question with that action thank you mr speaker with that i urge a no vote on the previous question i yield 4 minutes that to my good friend mr davis of eleanor the ranking republican member on house in the street for a further explanation of this amendment the gentleman from illinois recognized for 4 minutes thank you mr speaker i 1st want to thank the u.s. capitol police and sergeant at arms employees who were here on the front lines protecting this capitol last week during the unprecedented attack it is imperative that we focus on ensuring a safe inauguration day protecting members and staff during this time of increased
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threats and making sure that our capitol police officers have the support that they need we need to ensure that what we saw happen a week ago today never happens again yesterday i introduced along with representatives cat cohen comber a bill that would create a national commission on the domestic terrorist attack upon the united states capitol a bipartisan commission would consist of 10 members 5 republicans 5 democrats appointed by the next president. and by house and senate leadership this commission would be tasked with investigating the domestic terrorist attack that occurred in this building just a week ago and it will provide us recommendations to prevent similar attacks from happening in the future what we saw last week scared all of
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us who were here and also showed adversaries what it takes to take out a branch of government when this commission is done with this investigation it will submit a report to the president and to congress detail in its findings and recommendations to ensure that no foreign or domestic adversary could accomplish what was done on january 6th we need to ensure that we fully understand what took place last week and any and all issues that occurred during our response republicans and democrats need to work together we must unite to prevent any attacks like this from happening in the future and we must protect this institution not just for us for the american people that's why we should defeat the previous question so that we can establish this bipartisan commission to equip us with the information that we need to support
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our capitol police and the men and women who work in these buildings and with that you know buck gentleman yields gemma from oklahoma reserves gentleman from massachusetts is recognized this is speaker i'm proud to yield one minute to the distinguished show from the gentleman from maryland the majority leader of the still here jennifer marilyn is recognized for one minute and thank the chairman of the rules committee for yielding i congratulate him for his efforts. and then of the rules committee and acting and acting swiftly and i appreciate the remarks of mr cole for whom i have great respect. but i disagree with his. sense of the lack of urgency and action i do agree with him of the consequences of our action. there are consequences to actions and the actions of the president of the united
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states demand urgent clear. action by the congress of the united states the chairman of the committee introduced. the remarks and put them in the record but i want to reference the remarks of the chair of the republican conference which is the analog to the democratic caucus it is all the republicans elected to the congress the united states in the house of representatives and they elected liz cheney the daughter of the vice president of the united states the former whip of this house dick cheney with whom i served in the eighty's represented cheney from wyoming a conservative republican said this the president of the united states
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summoned the mob assembled the mob and let the flame of this attack that is not some irresponsible new member of the congress the united states this is the daughter of the former republican whip and former vice president of the united states of america she knows what she speaks and she said this as well there has never been a greater but trailed by a president of the united states of his office and his oath of constitution to the constitution this is not as liz cheney says just some action. she characterize it as the biggest but trail
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of any president of the united states in our history mr john caco not a backbench republican who just got here and doesn't know what's going on mr john caco who is the ranking republican on the homeland security committee says this to allow the president of the united states to incite this attack with out consequences is a direct threat to the future of democracy this is not some back bencher on your side of the aisle on their side of the aisle mr speaker it reflects the sense of outrage the sense of historic
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dissimilarity from the actions of any previous president and then mr adam kinzinger members of the energy commerce committee a senior member from illinois so i have a member from wyoming a member from illinois and a member from new york there will be others on this boat who will join them and mr kynges who said this if these actions he hasn't any hearings he had any he doesn't need any long drawn out consideration if these actions are not worthy of an pietschmann then what is an impeachable offense there is no doubt in my mind that the president of the united states broke his oath and incited this insurrection i tell my friend mr
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speaker a gentleman for whom i have great respect he is my friend and i say that honestly not just as rhetoric that we say on this floor because there are some that i don't consider friends whose values i do not share that is not mystical we have a difference. liz cheney john can't go adam kinzinger and other republicans whom i've talked to within the last 24 hours believe this action is required now let me say i see the big gentleman from ohio was on the floor he likes to say that we democrats were elected and the 1st thing we wanted to do was impeach this president and he's shaking his head in agreement because like to present the united states he denies the facts like fake.
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december 6th 2017 mr green and i'm going to refer to offered a motion because he saw the danger that confronted our country and he filed a resolution have been pietschmann and on december 6th 2017 we had a vote on that and the majority of democrats voted no actually they voted yes to table so that we did not proceed and 2017 the gentleman from texas mr green thought however the next year that there were still a danger to our country some of us shared that view
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but we were not assured confident that the case could be made or that the transactions that had proceeded would lead to conviction so on january 19th of 2018 we had a motion to table mr green's resolution and the majority of democrats voted to table that resolution what a rush to judgment and then on july 17th 20199 days before the call to your crane to get the ukrainian leader to act on the political behalf of the prize of the united states and withheld money to defend the ukrainian people from russian involvement and offer that as a bribe. and until i 78 the majority of democrats voted to table that resolution so mr speaker there was no rush
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to judgment and then that call to which i just referred was on july 26th 9 days later i call that the aha moment yes i knew what i thought but that was proof and the gentleman some gentleman have been well managed that we didn't know the whistleblower because after all if we knew the whistleblower we can intimidate everybody else from coming forward and this president has done everything he can to intimidate whistleblowers people came forward and told the truth and we had witness after witness after witness who confirmed what the whistleblower brought to our attention so the raise the rise today and i'm going to speak on the resolution it's up at some later time to recognize the contributions that al green of texas has made to
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getting us to this place and i just want to i'm not going to read all the resolution but i want to read some experts excerpts from the resolution he has introduced we won't be considering his resolution will be considered mr cicely and over 200 others who have signed on to the resolutions mr green had a resolution and introduce result that donald trump present the united states is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and the following articles of impeachment the civet it in the senate article one says in his conduct with the president of the what excuse me in his conduct while president states and mindful of the high duties of his high office and dignity improprieties they are and of the harmony and courtesies necessary for stability to which my friend spoke
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the gentleman from oklahoma donald trump in violation of his constitutional and faith oath faithfully to execute the office of president. has harmed the society of the united states brought shame and dishonor to the office of the president of the united states sowing discord among the people of the united states by weaponize ing hate for political gain he went on to say on january 6th 2021 in a speech at the national mall president donald trump weaponized the hate and result that resulted in biology the deaths of multiple people an assault on democracy and an insurrection against the capital of the united states of america by inciting a mob who said that but it's cheney said it and al green's it
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infected with white supremacy carrying a rebel flag erecting a gallows structure with a noose wearing shirts and hateful messages such as camp out for its work brings freedom and magda civil war january 6 2021 mag. civil war they had the hats on of the army of baguio which i refer to as make america grieve again we grieved at fort sumpter we grieve we agreed on december 7th $941.00 and we grieve done $911.00 and yes we grieve done december she is we january 6th of this year he goes on to say what the president told this mob that
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liz cheney said was recruited by the president of the united states and i quote this is the president stalking to this mom all of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by a bold and radical left democrats like the secretary of state in georgia and a governor of georgia. which is what they are doing and stolen by the fake news media inciting riling up creating anger. with the fake news and lies that the president the united states said to these folks that is what they have done and what they're doing the president continued we will never give up
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we will never concede it doesn't happen you know concede when there's theft involved and so what did they do incited by this president as liz cheney said as john kerry. as adam kinzinger said and frankly what sect a channel acted upon and what the secretary of homeland security acted upon and what so many others in the administration have acted upon discussed it dismayed and disheartened by what their president had done they got out they quit the president further embolden them saying this is
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the green resolution we're not considering but is the green resolution the president further and bold than them saying you will never take back our country with. we had a display of non weakness criminal insurrection like conduct recruited by and deployed by the president the united states to come to this capital and stop the steel the steel of course was we assembled accepting what all the courts that considered it said was a fair and accurate election of joe biden and common errors as president and vice pres the united states. after his national mall speech a mob of his supporters proceeded to the capitol complex we know that and so mr
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green's resolution ends with where for the prevent to prevent national harm to our society donald john trumped by such conduct warrants immediate peach but trial and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor trust or profit under the united states constitution and the 14th amendment so i could close in. mr green is going to speak after me but in conclusion mr speaker i may tell my friend mr cole i've been here some time he has as well i've served with ronald reagan when george h.w. bush and george bush i had respect for all of those
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presidents that cared about our country they honored our constitution and they executed the duties of their office consistent with the constitution and laws of our country that is not true of this president and therefore he ought to be removed and we have that opportunity to do so is there a little time left yes but it is never too late to do the right thing i yield back the balance of my time gentleman from maryland yale gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. at this point i'd like to get one minute to the gentleman from texas my good friend mr green gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. thank you thank you mr speaker i said i had tears to well in my eyes as i heard the story you
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and i know that hearts are hurting is a very sad time in the history of our country no one is celebrating. no one wants to see this occur i was at the rules committee by way of zoom i was there for the entire hearing those members on the other side this is something that they understand and they take seriously regardless of what's said i could sense that they're hurting too so i just want to thank everyone for all that has happened and appreciation has been shown
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and i want to say that the healing that we talk about that has to began. but i have just 30 seconds a year the german 32nd gentleman has additional 30 seconds to healing and also it has a start with some of these people who were there initially who helped to lay this foundation 110 people i want to recognize maxine waters congresswoman a lot of them with threatens their lives were disrupted and if i may with unanimous consent i'd just like to insert their names in the record that jackson i thank you . and may god bless our country as we go forward gemma from texas we'll gentleman from massachusetts reserve jennifer mccollum is recognizing you know if you're big or rich speaker i yield 2 minutes to my good friend distinguished
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a republican member of our leader of the budget committee mr smith of missouri gentleman from missouri is recognized for 2 minutes thank you mr speaker if we defeat the previous question we will amend the rule to immediately bring up the bill establishing a bipartisan national commission on the domestic terror attack of the united states capitol this is been a devastating week for our nation just last week we stood right here in this very chamber while a violent mob laid siege to the seat of american democracy it is vital we get the facts on what went wrong last week why the security apparatus felled and how we can ensure it never it never happens again less than 50 feet from where we stand in this room a young lady lost her life through those doors through those doors i was
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in this chamber when those gunshots rang that is real stuff that should never happen in the people's house for the 1st time can that house democrats and the speaker of the house put the people before politics please put the people before politics at a time when our nation is more divided than ever before let's put people before politics. president trump will be leaving and 7 days let's try to hill this nation let's listen to the american people this is the people's house let's operate for the people this country is hurting the people are hurting our cause.
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