tv News Al Jazeera January 14, 2021 1:00am-1:31am +03
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al-jazeera where. the eyes are $232.00 the nays are $197.00 there is that resolution is adopted without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. donald trump becomes the 1st u.s. president to be impeached twice following a vote in the house of representatives. on our take on this is live from london also coming up. 10 republicans vote for trump's impeachment and now senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says there's no
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chance of a fair trial until trump has left office. and that's all amidst high security ahead of joe biden's inauguration members of the national guard to flood the corridors of the capitol building. $122.00 g.m.t. and just a few moments ago the u.s. president donald trump became the 1st president to be impeached twice if follows a vote in the house of representatives where politicians debated for hours whether the president should face charges incited insurrection by encouraging his supporters to attack the capitol building a week ago all this happening in the final moments of trump's presidency just 7 days from the inauguration of joe biden as the 46th president of the united states house speaker nancy pelosi read out the results moments ago. the i there to 32
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there nature 197. there is a resolution is adopted without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. mike hanna joins us live from washington d.c. so mike and historic moment very much so and nancy pelosi the speaker of the house will be holding what is called an in grossman ceremony in a barn 45 minutes time at which we may get further indication as to what she is going to do with this article of impeachment that the house is just voted on immediately the figure that leaps out from the result of that vote 10 republicans voted with their democratic colleagues across the aisle now we did know that a number of republicans were going to support the motion to impeach however it was nowhere near that figure so a number of republicans changed their minds during that debate and registered vote so this is a very significant matter indeed because now this is essentially
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a bipartisan vote and that is something that democrats in the chamber really want to to happen to remove the specter of a impeachment being regarded as a political act or to support what donald trump claims is a political witch and now they have got a form of bipartisan vote certainly that is something that has democrats in the house breathing a huge sigh of relief and it appears from what we hear from senate leader mitch mcconnell that the next part of this process any kind of trial won't go ahead in the next 7 days while president trump is still in office talk us through the mechanics of that. well the senate is in recess at the moment and it's only due to resume on the 19th in order for that to happen for them to come back early or there would have to be an emergency session of the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has sent this will not happen but there's another comment that has been reported from mcconnell in the course of the afternoon in
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a letter to fellow republicans which is very interesting saying he hasn't yet taken a position on what he's going to vote when the impeachment goes to the senate for trial now this is very significant because he says that he is going to listen to what is presented before the senate during that trial now why this is significant the last time that donald trump was impeached from the very 1st moment mitch mcconnell insisted that everything was going to happen as quickly as possible he had the majority in the senate he knew that there would not be a 2 thirds majority as long as the republicans toed the line and therefore he rushed it through the senate he would not allow any witnesses he would not allow any further discussion to take place now what mitch mcconnell is now saying is raising the possibility that he may treated very differently this time he may allow witnesses for example so this is a very different scenario from what we saw at the time before and raises questions for the 1st time about whether there might be
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a 2 thirds vote available in the senate when the article of impeachment and when donald trump goes on trial and in the meantime before we get to that point i understand that washington d.c. where you are has been quite transformed in terms of security. well i've never seen anything like the security that has been mounted over the past 24 hours the actual security that had been prepared for the inauguration around the 2 days of the inauguration has been stepped forward in an emergency authorization order signed by president trump and that means that the secret service is now taken the point in terms of controlling all the security in the capital now the secret service is at the apex off a large number of federal organizations a number of national guard up to 20000 being deployed in the coming few days so there has never been a security operation quite like this within a washington d.c.
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and very importantly as well is that the capitol itself has been intensely secured following what happened there just a week ago so some might argue it's a little bit of a stable door being closed after the horse is gone but very clearly there is a serious security threat the chatter that the f.b.i. has reported on in terms of potential violence over the coming days leading to the inauguration being at this time last time it may not have been act on when that kind of information was being received by the f.b.i. and transmitted to the joint terrorism task force here in washington d.c. but security has been stepped up immensely just little things as well the bag number to being put in the senate entrance so members of congress have to go through a magnetometer so they can't take weapons in many republicans have objected very very sharply to that particular fact but throughout the district intense security
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has been put in place leading into the you know gratian in exactly a week's time mike hanna thank you very much indeed. well trump has been impeached so what happens next or as was the procedure with the 1st impeachment 12 months ago that matter now goes to the senate for a trial after that trial the senate votes whether to convict the president and remove him from office that conviction requires a 2 thirds majority majority as we've heard the trial is unlikely to begin before trump actually leaves office even if that's the case the senate can vote to ban trump from ever running for an elected position again if removed from office trump a stands to lose his annual pension of about $200000.00 in annual $1000000.00 travel stipend and money for staff. it's going to capitol hill where hunters are castro is watching developments there and heidi tell us so what we expect and then suppose you to do and how that will work. sure i was actually just checking
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a statement from her office about her next move which isn't in grossman ceremony that's to be held outside of the chamber where this vote just happened to occur within the hour this is really a photo opportunities similar to what we saw about a year ago when trump was impeached the 1st time as we were hearing from mike there are some stark differences though force between this impeachment the way it's unfolded its significance and what we did see with that 1st impeachment 1st of the speed the fact that the violence at the capital here was just a week ago and now in that very chamber that it is said to be a crime scene where rioters had occupied leading to the deaths of 5 people during that riot well that is the very chamber in which this vote happened just moments ago with the final tally being 232 to 197 in favor of impeachment the other remarkable difference from the 1st impeachment is the
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number of republicans in the house who defected from the president in voting for this impeachment there were 10 which is even more than we had expected and they were told by the number 3 republican in the chamber liz cheney from a storied republican conservative family the daughter of a former vice president she said she was going to vote for this impeachment and that gave cover to many of her republican colleagues to do the same reasoning she said in a strongly worded statement was that she saw trump as responsible for inciting that violence she said that he lit the flame of that attack and the. other republicans who also voted for impeachment quoted some republican freshman who have just been on the job for a mere 10 days since being elected to office so this certainly means the republican
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party is no longer standing solidly behind president trump a very sharp departure from where we were a year ago and how this color is into his upcoming senate trial is significant because mitch mcconnell the republican majority leader there he has said that he is open minded about whether or not he would vote to convict trump that is very different from his steadfast defense of the president during the last time around and the fact that he is coming out with this statement and a message to fellow republicans again gives cover to other members of the party to vote to convict as well it's still a tall order of course it's needs a 2 thirds majority to convict. the president or perhaps the former president. at that point and so some are wondering what would be the point if trump is already impeached he can't be removed from office of his already left office and with the
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timing the way it is the likelihood of him being convicted within 7 days before his term ends is nearly impossible at this point not out of the realm of possibility but nearly so so more likely he will be tried as a former president he would be removed from office but if convicted it would only take a simple majority vote to then bar him from holding future office which certainly may be consequential on your question thank you very much indeed. and of course this vote came off to a debate and emotions run high as members from both parties student argued for and against the move to impeach donald trump as have a listen back to some of those memes. we must cause a dude to do it once again well the president failed in his attempt to in the mocker stabilize was to its events make clear that if we did not hold him accountable and remove him from power if you to
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a tip to very we'll be successful the survival of our democracy depends on defeated candidates except in the seats as has been the case in every presence of election since 864 the speaker said to us just moments ago words matter but apparently those words don't matter when they're uttered by democrats when the gentle lady from massachusetts calls for unrest in the streets when the gentle lady from california brazenly brags that she called for people to get in the faces of those who serve and support the president i denounce political violence from all ends of the spectrum but make no mistake the left in america has incited far more political violence than the right for months our cities burned police stations burned our businesses were shattered and they said nothing or their cheer lead for it and they fundraise for it and they allowed it to happen in the greatest country
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in the world while the debate was underway donald trump released a statement urging people not to repeat the violent scenes of last wednesday it reads in light of reports of more demonstrations i urge that there must be no violent no no breaking and no vandalism of any kind that is not what i stand for and it is not what america stands for i call on all americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers thank you. we're joined now by steve clemons he's the host of al-jazeera is the bottom line and is editor at large of the hill he joins us via skype from washington d.c. thanks so much for being with us and in the last few minutes your torent been on air we've heard from mitch mcconnell saying that to has no chance of a fair serious impeachment trial of concluding before president that oddness sworn in on january 20th and the it's best if congress spends the next 7 days on facilitating safe a safe no gration an orderly transition of power and within the last couple of
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minutes we've heard from his opposite number saying that absent an agreement with mcconnell an emergency session of the tip of the senate an impeachment trial will begin after jamming the 19th so it does look as though that next stage of going to the senate won't happen until off to the inauguration. well that's right and you know one of the interesting consequences of this is that it gives donald trump and his team you know it time to pause and to plan what they're going to do next if this had gone immediately to the senate they had convened in washington to consider these articles of impeachment and to try the president you know the case against him. that would have occupied president trump's time so now he does not have to worry about that and spending his time doing that i was thinking lauren when you were reading the statement from president trump what really struck me listening to it and also reading it myself from the president it's so rare to to get a presidential statement from the white house like that usually we receive it by
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tweet with lots of large capital letters in it and it just says the 1st word is that it is that struck me was it was that the bit that struck me as the thank you at the end. yeah the thank you and the politeness of it and no you know it just it just was you know genteel in a way and we're not used to that but the president has lost his megaphone right now and over the next few days we will see if you find a different way to reach gather his megaphone and his way of communicating with many americans out there you know 74000000 people voted for him and he is connected to them and many are animated by this not all of them are protesters not all of them want to violently overthrow the congress and to stop joe biden from coming in for president but it'll be interesting because this this now this decision by mitch mcconnell by his donald trump some time to do other things. tell me about some of the remarks on the floor what to do with you know this is a kind of saying this is a slippery slope you know you can still president trump and then it's
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a kind of you cancel freedom of speech and so on how much is that you know obviously was a part of the debate and they're trying not to try to be on top side and how much of it is there why did point whether some of those fundamental principles are at risk in the current climate in the states. well look at think we need to have a larger discussion in our country about what the social contract is what the governance rules are regarding speech and animating something like this this is an extraordinary moment this is an anomalous moment even though people felt many people felt this was big building this frustration and potential for violence but you know i think that question is we're going to have to debate how this election was handled how the aftermath of the election was handled and to what degree this does affect speech but i'll tell you one thing lauren listening to the floor debate that the one thing that was not discussed at least not in the parts that i heard which is very blaring only part of the different worldviews around this impeachment
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and around that cause of it which was apparently the president's inciting people to engage in insurrection is the republican opponents to impeachment we're talking about the black ice matter movement protests right those are largely protests by the black community and other members of the american you know community across the ethnic spectrum frustrated with police brutality in a time after a series of murders by police of unarmed black men in the country and black women and i think that is one element of this but one of the things that happened and you know i was close to the capitol when these protests breached the capitol and went in was that had those people been black or been people of color or hispanic the view is that many many more would have been arrested on the spot some might have been killed others more many more than that were killed would have been killed we would have seen people in. race was not discussed today but race is the issue
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race is one of the big dividing lines between the parties and between people's worldview and how you treat one group versus treating the other and so that was the most interesting thing to me about the impeachment debate it may have come up in some of the discussion that i hadn't heard but it wasn't the dominant themes that came out today. very much a little bit of those. thank you still to come on al-jazeera more reaction and analysis of the u.s. house of representatives in history making 2nd impeachment of president donald trump. another record dating death toll in the u.k. but the prime minister says they're not down is starting to work.
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how the weather slushy settled and dry across much of australia at the moment we have got some there was a cloud of the right little break in the monsoon rains but some wet weather still in place just around the top and up towards the cape york peninsula and some rather wet weather to into new caledonia pushing over twats fiji there you go dry plenty of warmth around 30 celsius in sydney some pasta new south wales have been getting up around the 40 degree mark in the race or plenty of walks into central parts alice at around 40 celsius over the next couple of days emma still getting into the low thirty's there for perth by the time we do come to friday because the shabby right is that eastern side of victoria still a few showers just on the other side of the blame ounces there pushing up towards moving parts of sydney well so weather will push towards these in a bit for the time being it's $95.00 and dry and dry at the moment across a good part of japan but we have got a little bit of a wintry mix still in place across the north of honshu more so into hokkaido that will ease as we go on into friday as he settles tempers getting up to around 9
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celsius in tokyo so the thaw set to continue but notice more snow coming into the northeast of china pushing into that eastern side of russia behind that across much of china has settled and fine. they come in hold on to the search of work to provide a better life for the families they've left behind. but though their labor is vital to italy's food industry they risk exploitation by corporations and organized crime . trapped in a system with little hope of escape people in power investigates its release 6 links on al-jazeera.
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are going around the top stories here now to syria the u.s. congress has impeached president donald trump in the past hour the house of representatives voted in favor of impeachment including 10 republicans it's the 1st time a president has impeach impeach twice. with reports of further demonstrations expectant urged against violence and vandalism and called on all americans to help ease tensions. to make democratic congresswoman in her no ma says that the vote was held with a heavy heart but that it was important to hold accountable and i know that.
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history will for kylie's. on those of us who have decided to fulfill our oath of office in defending our nation. against not only form but the less the rights and will not look so plainly on those who have decided to cower in this moment who have the say that to choose party and their political viability and success over their country and over there off of office was those proceedings got under way there were signs of a noticeable security build up on capitol hill national guard troops are now stationed inside the building and new fencing and other security measures have also been erected around the area for the inauguration of joe biden on wednesday next wednesday washington d.c.'s acting police chief says that more than $20000.00
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national guard members will be deployed by then air b.n. b. has announced it will cancel all bookings in washington d.c. during inauguration week the company says it's in response to local and federal officials asking people not to travel to washington it also says it's upholding their policy to bar any guests associated with hate groups or violent activity ahead of joe biden's inauguration on january 20th. google will pause political ads on all of its platforms starting on thursday in an e-mail to advertisers so the company says it's a result of the violence at the u.s. capitol last week the policy will be in place until at least jan near the 21st the day after biden's inauguration the band so applies to any ads referencing impeachment the inauguration or protests at the capitol facebook has had a similar policy in place since november's election. the mayor of new york says the
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city will sever all business with the trump organization the announcement follows torture bank which announced it was cutting ties with the u.s. president on tuesday the bank has been trump's most important lender with his company owing the bank about $340000000.00 contracts between new york city and the trump organization include the operation of a carousel in manhattan central park skating rinks and a golf course in the bronx all worth about $17000000.00 a year here to announce that the city of new york is all contracts with the trump organization our legal team has done assessment the contracts made very clear if a company in the leadership of that company is engaged in criminal activity we have the right to sever the contract. inciting an insurrection let's be clear on a city these words again inciting an insurrection against the united states government clearly causes criminal activity sure as i know as the editor of
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congressional quarterly magazine he believes trump's republican party is now split and many don't want trump to run again. a lot of republicans are concerned about that about seeing him dominate the oxygen for the next 4 years and win their nomination for the presidency in 2024. he just lost and i think as a result a lot of republicans fear that he won't be able to win in 2024 and as the georgia senate elections and the stated that he may bring down their congressional party the party in congress as well in the republican party is facing a fissure there potentially facing a civil war over how they go forward whether they go forward as a trumpet party or whether they use this moment to break with donald trump and go back to the more traditional conservative values that marked him before his rise in 20152016 so that's what i'm interested in and as this plays out i think
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that will become a lot clearer to in today's other news and uganda has shut down its internet as some 24 hours before the presidential election is a day earlier the government banned all social media and messaging apps violence his mom the run up to the boat where she's long time president you have a 70 facing a serious challenge from pop star turned politician bobby wine 2 thirds of registered voters are on the 30 and katherine so i reports from the capital kampala many feel disenfranchised and disconnected from the country's politics. who is going to vote on thursday. and move is voting for the 1st time there's no one here who's aged $35.00 or older and this popular food on the outskirts of kampala holly takes dominates the conversation however some including reach at chick annie don't have
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a voter's codd. i want to vote but i could literally just i lost my id card and the process of getting another. james bond on the other hand says nothing will stop him from casting his ballot in the past as part of our upbringing we thought it was up to the elders to decide on the country's affairs but looking at the social and economic challenges we're facing i think it's time to stand up and claim a right for position in politics 2 thirds of registered voters are below the age of 30 which means they have only ever since 76 year old president yoweri with 70 in power. who say that he started a social media compared recently to try and gain young people support exercises to . take spot in party. among out of. uganda the 2nd. young population on the continent often most here
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they are marginalized they say they have no job and feel disconnected from the country's leadership but in previous elections many have been reluctant to engage in politics or even vote. 38 year old. pop star todd politician and the president's strongest challenger. is banking on the voters of he's generation to back him there has been in the past. in very big divide a very big gap between young people and they way they are governed however for their loss. 3 as we have been since the days being people connecting them to the politics of their country president instead of the supporters saying he still has a huge support base especially in the areas where them somebody has a vision is a vision has served with ugandans it is about a transformation for this country and for as long as ugandans believe is the right
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person to steer this country i'm sure they're going to be very broad minded back at the food kiosk they say they want change one jobs taxes and money in their pockets catherine soy oil to 0 kampala. the u.k. is recorded its highest daily coronavirus death toll since the pandemic began 1564 people died from covert 19 over the past 24 hours and another 47000 new cases were confirmed infections have been accelerating despite a strict national lockdown being in place from mr johnson told parliament the current restrictions are beginning to slow the spread of the disease but he says he is concerned about a new variant discovered in brazil and is looking at ways to stop it from entering the u.k. . what we're now seeing and it's very very important. to stress that these are early days we're now seeing the beginnings of some signs that that is going to have an effect in many parts of the country but by no means everyone and it is early
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days mr speaker and people must keep that discipline keeping forcing the rules and i worked together as i said to roll out that vaccine program. or mine and other top stories on how to 0 donald trump has become the 1st us president to be impeached twice it follows a vote in the house of representatives and several hours of debate on whether the president should face a charge that he incited insurrection by encouraging his supporters to attack the capitol building a week ago 10 republicans backed the resolution all this happening in the final moments of chance presidency just 7 days from the inauguration of joe biden as the 46th president of the united states.
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