tv News Al Jazeera January 19, 2021 5:00am-5:31am +03
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my need to explain africa uncensored and publish will see that some people want to believe it doesn't matter what your skin truth is it anyway on al-jazeera. an independent panel appointed by the w.h.o. criticizes china's handling of the pandemic saying its response was not forceful enough. on the images from the china tried to censor an al-jazeera investigation raises questions about beijing's early efforts to control the outbreak. of this is al jazeera life and also coming up donald trump lives coronavirus travel restrictions on brazil in e.u.
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countries from the 26th of january a move rejected by incoming president joe biden. stopped in their tracks thousands of desperate migrants trying to enter the u.s. the pushback by guatemalan security forces. an independent panel set up by the world health organization has criticized china's early response to the pandemic the interim report says officials could have applied measures more forcefully jury in the initial outbreak and would have the panel also criticised the w h o's own response saying the global pandemic alert system is not fit for purpose the full investigation will be released in may the w.h.o. says it's too early to comment on these interim findings. a senior u.s. health official has called on china to provide evidence linked to the outbreak and
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including samples taken from the wet market. but team which finally arrived well last week will be well only be successful. with the following information conway possession of chinese authorities. first all studies produced in china on the presence of sars called the 2 related genetic sequence sequences in animals . and i'm obsessed in results in around a province. also novels on the markets if you live in our sense of genetic data circles al-jazeera has obtained a video recorded in the chinese city of woman in the 1st days of the corona virus outbreak the images have been smuggled out of china to police trying to prevent journalists reporting on a local health crisis which became the global pandemic they were raise questions
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about beijing's early efforts to control the virus so reese has this exclusive report. a year ago journalists from chinese state media are rifling through hand to cover a story about a mysterious new virus it's 3 days before the city goes into lockdown. the few confirmed cases of the disease have to seafood market. and on the net we have concealed the generally psych entities for their own safety they soon realize the outbreak is much more serious than they fought. over a reporter who we've called yang continues to film secretly after being detained by the police. called i want your it's own up was a model called out of the 20200 it was a part of the ultimate up when a volunteer i learned in time to go. yang is forced to show images on his camera to
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public security officers while doing so he continues to film on his phone. so you are never well china's response to the virus was late to praise the lack of openness at the beginning of the outbreak has been blamed for contributing to a failure to contain the disease 10 out of 5 yang is blocked from entering hospitals to see if their names are human being indeed incomplete or even when it really is that it was needed in order to enter yang pretends to have a fever. a heart. he finds packed wards with patients waiting to get tested. this was just one week after the disease had been given a name 19 and on here i knew i would and brought her simply 8 year old grandfather to the gates of the hospital he'd already been turned away from one that had no more beds i think if a family on the guards wouldn't let him in for
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a very good job you got. to go to the government. offices stop yang filming even at the hospital gates anything as he would have been going on the lockdown is announced at 2 am on january 23rd yang is told to return to beijing before it comes into force the next morning the roads to the airport and railway station are packed with taxis young joins 300000 people who left will hand that night the decision to provide an 8 hour window before the city is sealed off allows many infected patients to flee route and for the outside world. still race al-jazeera michael baker is professor of public health at the university of otago and a member of the new zealand government code response advisory board he says that should have come trees to take action sooner. i think this report is very timely
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and very helpful and i think it confirms many of the views of public health workers around the world and the fact that our response globally was not fast enough we do know now almost a year on that actually a vigorous containment approach and aiming for elimination of this virus is by far the most effective response countries like australia new zealand we follow the asian model of elimination and it's proven very effective but i think this report confirms that the world was far too slow in responding to this pandemic at a stage when it could have been contained and eliminated and we can say that the dic ration of a public health emergency international consumed was very delayed i mean only happened on the 30th of january and subsequently it took to match before the world health organization even talked about a pandemic what was clearly a pandemic by late in january i don't think we should be blaming in the country or
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i think this is been a global failure of managing this through it and it still withstanding that in this modern age when we have such fantastic so van it's data and amazing a laboratory scientists working to understand this virus that we did not act on that knowledge very early on because we had clear evidence from early january that this was a transmissible virus that highly transmissible virus that also had a significant mortality associated with it and surely that was a time to act. the trumpet administration is lifting a coronavirus entry ban on travelers from brazil and most of europe from january 26th but joe biden's incoming government doesn't plan to ease those restrictions the bands were imposed in early 2020 most u.s. travelers from entering the country from the e.u. the u.k.
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or brazil the restrictions a-g. to be lifted in the week off to joe biden takes office a new requirement for covert negative test will also come into force let's go to our correspondents you have presidencies live for us in washington d.c. what do you think this is all about. i mean on the face of it you could say oh no look it's the troubled ministration just sort of flexing its muscles and being difficult for the by did ministration but i actually if you look at the presidential proclamation that was it was released it was a rather well argued document it said look on the 26th of january we have these new c.d.c. mandated guidelines which mean that anyone returning or entering the u.s. on an international flight over the age of 3 has to have a test within 3 days and because the level of transparency incorporation between the u.s. and the u.k. and the shame concern in the e.u.
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that's where they have borderless travel and brazil is so good we don't need to just have a vattel on their visitors because now we have these. the requirement for covert tests it wasn't just you know this is what we're going to do but almost immediately we got a tweet from joe biden's press secretary who said with the pandemic worsening and more contagious variants emerging around the world this is not the time to be lifting restrictions on international travel on the advice of our medical team the administration does not intend to lift these restrictions on january 26th in fact we plan to strengthen public health measures around international travel in order to further mitigate the spread of covert 900 strong restrictions on travel potentially being promised by biden's press secretary clearly a. knowledgeable about methodology and about and about strategy towards covert which is very much in keeping with how both biden and the respective teams all discussing things as it goes anywhere in biden says he is going to have
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a completely different approach to cope with a federal approach a joined up approach not just leaving everyone at a bit a little bit here the little bit so this is just the latest manifestation of that that we're going to have a new administration on the 20th with a very different approach to the of the trump of this version leon david many thanks that sampras on see that 1st life in washington. rehearsal for the inauguration of president elect joe biden in the capital was interrupted by a fire today stoffel moved out of the capitol building to smoke was seen close by it was temporarily shut down and stop with vice to shelter while the blaze was investigated the washington fire department dealt with the incident at a nearby camp for the homeless there was no indication of anything suspicious while the u.s. capitol is a secure lockdown ahead presidential inauguration in a few days the secret service is carrying out one of its largest ever operations
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the national mall usually packed with tourists now resembles a heavily militarized zone just 2 weeks ago the steps of the capitol were overrun by rises now it's completely closed to the public biden's inauguration will be held on wednesday right outside the capitol building officials in the public not to go over security concerns as well as covert 19 the capitol building in nearby areas the part of a red zone that would be completely shot to almost all vehicles most of this area has been fenced off. just beyond that is the green zone it's still open to residents and cars used by local businesses close to everyone else this is where vehicle checkpoints have been set up to screen entry into the red so john hendren has the latest from the streets of washington d.c. . this is where washington d.c. is green zone ends and the red zone begins these are some of the 21000 national
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guard troops who've been called in to protect the capitol by wednesday when joe biden is inaugurated there will be 25000 of them and there was a bit of a scare because of the fire near the capitol there was some concern that that was an external threat the capitol was shut down people were asked to stay away from doors and windows and people who were outside rehearsing the inauguration were asked to clear the area to evacuate and now the 25000 national guard troops who are here are being vetted because there was a report that there was possibly someone inside this new curity area that was helping someone outside with a potential threat that's why each of these national guard members are now being vetted to make sure they don't have any ties to these outside groups as you can see there's new razor wire that has been added on top of the heavy fortifications already here so you curity is tight now but only likely to get tighter.
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gottesman security forces have moved against thousands of central american migrants trying to reach the united states they were traveling in a cycle caravan that's a large group for mainly for safety reasons incoming u.s. president joe biden has migrants and refugees not to make the journey home and reports. the moment guatemalan police broke up a caravan of thousands of people from honduras i was they were trying to get to the u.s. but they hadn't made it far just about the town 50 kilometers into guatemala the 1st country on their route she was shot at security forces stopped them on saturday saying they needed covert tests and papers to pass since then they've been camped out on the highway while a huge traffic jam build up behind them. now the lorries are running again but the problems of these people remain a result honduras is one of the poorest most violent countries in latin america 2
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massive november storms make things worse there are many we don't know how they work there is no food there isn't anything we're keeping up the fight the government hasn't save the president one orlando has been criticized for his handling of the economy the rule of law and democracy itself you're not getting around if the president doesn't want us to leave why doesn't he give us work and a good salary his increase in texas actress t. bills the price of gas for the sellers are rubbish. given all the many say they'll go on but they'll find it hard to do so as a group and even if they make it as far as mexico this is waiting for them others are being bussed back to honduras a place they say they left because they have nothing john home an al-jazeera. still ahead on al jazeera poisoned arrested and now in custody russian opposition leader lexing of only calls for protests off the trial he describes as a mockery. uganda allows the postle restoration of the internet which was shut down
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ahead of the now disputed presidential election the social media remains offline. for the perfect gentleman. sponsored point qatar airways however we've got a little bit of snow in the forecast once again for japan but it will improve i promise she was we go on through the remainder of the week there we go with more snow coming into that western side of honshu for choose day they sort of honshu largely funded rochelle to by the mountains take what about 8 degrees celsius brightest guy started to show their hand behind so around minus 2 celsius on shoes day off new warming up to around plus 5 by wednesday notice by where the state should be lousy dry across a good part of japan central and eastern parts of china could still see one or 2
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light showers but nothing too much to speak of the west the weather is further south we got some heavy burst of rain heavy showers making the way back in across central and northern parts of the philippines usual scattering a shallow history malaysia and down across a good part of in the nice main while across india china is generally settled and sunny generally settled soon across much of south asia mist and fog problems remain across northern parts of india we have got warnings in force here a little more cloud down towards the southeast of india and you might just catch a shower or 2 here as we go through the next couple of days but the majority of the showers will continue through sri lanka will be a few showers too for bangladesh and even into new poll by wednesday. qatar airways. once hosni mubarak became president so began a story of conflict and isolation on one side a wife and son their sights set on succession on the other the president
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increasingly distant from the egyptian people when his beloved grandson died mubarak need to step back but then the flames ignited in tunisia exploded in egypt and everything changed episode 2 of the family on a just. we want to get out is there a mind to our top stories this hour an independent panel set up by the world health organization has criticized china's early response to the pandemic interim reports also criticized the w h o's initial actions w.h.o. says it's too early to respond to interim findings. the u.s.
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capitol is on the a security lockdown ahead of the president in the inauguration on wednesday russell was briefly disrupted by a fire nearby the secret service is carrying out one of us largest ever operations . security forces in guatemala have broken up a group of central american migrants who set up camp at a road block the government is refusing to let them continue on their journey towards these u.s. . the constitutional court of central african republic has upheld president where there as reelection the opposition had challenge the results of last month's votes and had asked for a recount but there are a 2nd term is under stress by violence of the coalition of armed groups who are against him to u.n. peacekeepers were killed just hours after the verdict from the capital bangui his malcolm webb. violent man last month's presidential
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election and widespread rigging according to political opposition the central african republic the constitutional court rejected their demand for a rerun president faust into a day where it was announced the winner you can see that was. the candidate 5 student what having reached the absolute majority of the express for what is declared elected in the 1st round of the presidential election. good news for tiger and his allies but the other challenges to the government's fragile grip on power the court building is in the center of the capital borne the which is one of the few parts of the country is under the control of the government and the foreign armed forces this quarter you know everybody agrees with the court's decision just a few kilometers up the road on groups to refute the election dispute is result in
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a threatening to attack the city. they tried last week. forces on the government side for the more. but the rebels have said the government must go. they are a coalition of armed groups backed by former president ford swappers easy to control about 2 thirds of the country's territory and most of it diamond and gold mines. the communication minister told us they have foreign support we have some suspicions but we cannot say for. european countries. and some countries that are coming for. me the passage. for the. president and his government are assisted by russian mercenaries and rwandan troops it's not clear who is
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covering the costs the government says it is not today or is now due to be sworn in for a 2nd term. we have over criminals who want to divide the country. the u.n. into the elections the international community has seemed desperate for a clear outcome to support the election process however through lord some may see it is now over the conflict is not. malcolm webb al-jazeera. central african republic. a nationwide internet blackout ahead of elections in uganda has been partially lifted social media platforms are still blocked and can only be accessed using virtual private networks which bypass the instructions now the president you were in 70 has been declared the winner remains unclear how much longer the ban will continue catherine sort of reports from kampala. put out of our
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home or britons that we work with were put out of our crown on a normal day this office at a motorcycle transport ordination will be very busy robert thomson ricky started the own line company that connects motorcycles taxis called put up or does with passengers and food korea's 2 clients so the 5 day blackout affected the company badly over 20000 border boarders borders income people and between part of 50000 people between around $50000.00 shillings a day and the action for now what for 5 days. government officials say the shutdown was necessary to crush violent demonstrations that were being planned by opposition leaders make body line some political analysts who trustee it was for the best the one who cannot afford now is having another round of is the ability i think shutting down to get it for 3 days or even a week in order to ensure this a bit of discomfort is
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a very small price to pay. when it comes to internet shutdowns african countries are among the world's worst offenders according to transparency international cameroon the democratic republic of congo a born algeria prudy if you have a countries have all shut down or restricted internet during elections or periods of underestimate this uganda election observer says only progressive leaders can revise the trend if you have for instance a parliament. like the parliament but you can. parliament. expect that parliament to be very proactive in terms of championing. a civic culture. that takes us away from the convention the internet in uganda might have been restored by the political dispute
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is far from over the winds home and his national unity platform offices are still deceived by security forces he says he has evidence of widespread irregularities in the just concluded polls and will file a petition with the supreme court some election observers say the internet shut down infringed on the rights of ugandans to get information people we spoke to here in the city told us they were frustrated because they were unable to get election related information as quickly as they would have wanted. many are disappointed that the internet was shut down on important days but they say with election out of the way and internet back up they hope the leaders will settle that dispute peacefully catherine al-jazeera kampala. about 25 people have been arrested in st petersburg after protesters rallied in support of the kremlin critic alexina volley of our members of the family were. protesters were taken one by one
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to nearby police buses have always been jailed for 30 days for breaching parole conditions the russian opposition politician was arrested at a moscow airport on sunday he was returning from germany where he was treated for a nerve agent poisoning tally on to her so they exist. outside of moscow police station protesters demand alexina valley's release inside the kremlin's chief critic found himself in front of a judge in a hastily convened caught and urged his supporters to take to the streets against vladimir putin. by opposition what is this going to pipeline most afraid of what are these thieves from the bunker most afraid of you know the answer people protesting on the street because that is the thing the political factor that cannot be ignored it's the most important thing but essence of politics so don't be afraid
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go out on the streets not for me but for yourselves and your future. novelli was detained on arrival from berlin on sunday arrested for breaking parole on a suspended sentence the reason he missed his parole hearing is because he was in a coma after being poisoned with the nova chalk nerve agent doctors say he should still be resting and recovering from the attack which many countries believe was sanctioned by the kremlin outside the police station his lawyers and journalists were denied entry into the impromptu court city but star's book about those who actually i didn't understand why the hearing is taking place at a police station why was no one informed or notified i have seen a lot of times the mockery of justice but it looks like the old man in his bunker was so scared of everything that the criminal procedures codes have been blatantly torn up and thrown out what's happening here is just impossible this is the highest degree of lawlessness germany the u.k. and the u.s.
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have all demanded his immediate release story. through its own constitution and its international obligations is tied to the principles of rule of law and the protection of civic rights which obviously also got was from mr valma these principles must be applied which means nothing else but to immediately release mr not only the russia's foreign minister has scoffed at the reaction from the west and says a values detention is legal no one on the case of an avanti has gained foreign political resonance artificially and baselessly everything is happening to nirvana in connection with his returning in detention falls within the competence of the law enforcement forces. novelli will now be held for 30 days he says he's not afraid because truth is on his side in this important election year for putin truth might not be enough to set him free charlie on
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al-jazeera. tense sheltering displaced syrians have been submerged during days of heavy rain around 100 towns have been drenched in adelaide province adding to the misery of those who have nowhere else to go often nearly 10. reports. in camps for displaced people this is what happens when it brains more than 100 camps in northwestern syria have been affected over 48 hours mud is everywhere hundreds of tents have been damaged or made unusable. we set up a tent on the group cultural and when it rain everywhere became muddy roads are blocked we cannot meet our warden it's. already overcrowded and with many homes ruined people here keep closer together to stay dry often overnight little forbid the injured the roads are blocked when the rain comes the tents cannot protect us from rain cold and wind children and women of badly affected by tent life. 'd made
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worse by sewage and a lack of water supplies coping 19 is spreading rapidly with more than 2000 cases recorded in the camps according to syria's response coordination group around half of those in camps are children and many lack adequate clothing for winter let alone flooding. volunteers here are trying to make the best of the situation for them soccer tournaments really races and competitions to see who can clear water from tents the fastest way and you know. we came here today to the kaffir darian camps to be with those who are facing critical situations and to share some time with them in the cold weather and dirty mud a few minutes are tough for us can you imagine the feelings of those who live here in tents that don't protect from the heat in summer and cold in winter. 12000000 syrians have been displaced by nearly a decade of civil war a 1000000 children have been born as refugees last year
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a russian backed offensive pushed about a 1000000 people from their homes in aleppo and it lives the last rebel held area in syria 4000000 are living under turkish protection on syria side of the border many living in the mud camps alongside it a ceasefire by turkey and russia is largely holding and amid the rain there's a tense calm in the camps aid agencies are helping thousands of families move to brick homes one turkish agency has handed over 14000 so far providing a degree of respite to some from the challenges outside and al jazeera. this is out is there are these are the top stories an independent panel set up by the world health organization has criticized china's early response to the pandemic interim reports also criticized the w.h.o. as initial actions saying the pandemic alert system is not fit.
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