tv The Stream Al Jazeera January 20, 2021 7:30am-8:00am +03
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asked the nation an american nurse who was rendition of amazing grace was widely shared online last year sung to him for the country in honor of the lives lost on the front line workers are fighting to save them. this. it's. tough a quick check of the headlines here this hour the number of people who have died from coburg 19 in the united states has now surpassed 400000 memorials have been held across the country deaths and cases have been accelerating the staggering toll
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was confirmed on the eve of president elect joe biden's inauguration he's promised to speed up vaccine rollout and bring in stronger measures to get the outbreak under control to heal we must remember it's hard sometimes to remember but that's how we hear it's important to do that as a nation that's why we're here today between sundown and dusk. a shot in the lights the dark duce along the sacred pull of the reflection remember all we lost. going u.s. president donald trump has delivered his farewell speech he took credit for vaccine development and once again blamed china unleashing the coronavirus on the world and he told supporters that the movement we started is only just beginning. security has been heightened to unprecedented levels in the u.s.
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capital ahead of the no aeration and after this month's attack 12 national guard members have been relieved of duty for the ceremony after an intensified vetting process your sect of state might pompei i was accusing china of committing genocide and crimes against humanity against wigan muslims it's believed around a 1000000 have been imprisoned in camps in recent years mostly in the region china denies all such accusations. its prime minister just said the county has survived a confidence vote in the senate allowing him to hold on to power was triggered after former prime minister matteo renzi pulled his party from context coalition last week over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic so those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after the stream station thanks for watching saturday. frank assessments you've got colleagues on the ground in the canaries what is the situation there's only one doctor and one nurse or $1.00 to $200.00 people informed opinion as to how big this foreign policy
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figure in the early stages of a buy ministration becomes it office for the huge amount of foreign policy experience in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines how will a place like good little get the vaccine when there's no money at all the rest of rich countries are fighting for it inside story on al jazeera. after me ok welcome to the strange how many times of peace senor african friends and family are roll their eyes when they talk about some leaders on the african continent and up here on my laptop this is the regime index of african governance it takes those iraq's and applies data to them asking africans every year what do you think about your leaders what do you think about the country's mood bring it will bring us to take away from the 2020 index he is the chairman and founder of
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most people him foundation and this is what he told us a little bit. and. somewhere in. that is the current governance. i must say here rewarding about it generally are africa very different. resort run that's really worrying and now we have that when i'm going to hand out exactly this image i had for africa not only. as a result but. we are really a warrior. through here. so when you we go through a what do we do about pap's a trend in african governments is going in the wrong direction i know you have ideas you can jump into the you to comment section and be part of today's show you
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are going to be in for a treat i will be 68 consider this as a massacre a new leadership across the african continent madam president it is good to have you on the screen peace time international audience maybe there might be one or 2 people who do not know your reputation in south. ellen johnson sirleaf trauma president of public a flake bierria they're proud to have served 26 year term successfully and have turned it over. to the success of 3 elections and of course the hall jerry very proud to be the 1st democratically elected woman president in africa is very good to have you on our panel today man avon welcome to the string do everybody who you were. and if
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anyone is yvonne eki sawyer i'm the man of freetown the capital of sarah aon and i came into office in may 20000 from a private sector background with a commitment to transform a city and we've been working on a development plan which is called just that a stag and town. nice to have you minister booker though tell everybody here you are welcome to the city. thank you very much money mess for all are going around and i am. in harlem este and. i'm in awe of the investments trade and industry in. i'm greedy curious about this idea that maybe africa was a continent missing tens of governance the citizens are not very happy because multiple different countries madam president when you came into power you are committed to power after
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a civil war one of your your prime objectives was just to keep people in a peaceful situation i can see a lot of similar situations across the african continent now what would be your guidance you advice to those different countries in those different citizens having experienced it myself leaders must continue to engage. to have been back to see them pay to make them feel themselves as older us. t.q. only young population as you know a young population in the world today are going to be the most dynamic in countries and. you know saw we need to listen. to the people in communities. in cities. respect their priorities recognized a capacity. and still i believe that. being
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the index moyer him he makes i chiefly 2019 it has introduced citizens perception young people a session. with television tory to our leaders about what you need to do to show that you respond to the niece of the people and you keep them feeling that they are a part of what the country wants to succeed at a benefit and they contribute with all the lead us toward a common goal of development. and prosperity assess. there's one there's a there's a lot of pressure on leaders across the african continent they need to do this for the citizens and why isn't that better governance but the reason you came into politics was because you one happy with what was happening in syria and you wrote up your sleeves and you got to work so it's almost like civil society has
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a rope to play. new dissatisfies and any digital action tell us about. it's interesting you call it civil society. i came from the private sector a voluntary basis people often think about it but what is clear is that we all have a role it's i think the engagement of communities and that's precisely across that i've taken in office which is to bring to bear an approach which has community ownership it has technology and it has performance management at its heart. so the dissatisfaction really i think is a message about governance that you know the people we the people who want the services who need the services who need to see development should and can step
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forward to be a part of that but those who are now in government have a role to ensure that space is there and it's not always there and i think it's really important that you know madame president talks about participation and there are practical ways in which this can be done 2 examples or 3 examples of that when i came into office we engage 15000 of our residents in focus groups beyond out in the treaty which is a climate change climate mitigation strategy we've engaged communities as tree stewards and very recently just in the last week we've got our digital town halls giving communities giving residents the opportunity to engage vote on priorities using a whatsapp platform for how money raised in their wards and property rates how it
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should be used so bringing us all into the space but also the residents the citizens recognising that we have a role to play. i wrote to put this point to you in yet you are not surprised it's come up super early this is boo not thanks who are watching boo now yes we are in crisis because most of african leaders are acting like they're going to rule for centuries allowing none of their competitors any space in political participation all right no filter take the filter off respond to that you to come into. i would have to. agree with that we have had a bit of a challenge in inclusion of young people inclusion of women inclusion of people with disabilities. in governance only that in itself it is a challenge to our nose in a consonant and you know during my term as minister during that period i was in to
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be to assess that i was the youngest minister cabinet minister in the car and there were a mirror challenges that came with the on the one or the ones but what i took that as a challenge to ask other presidents to outline to young people and i can safely say when you look at various countries across africa. since then you have seen in the media. who's 23 years old you had such a few of those in east africa well in that there. was a we have seen a little bit of a change but what we need to do is to ensure that we are seeing for acts the 2 politics to be cheaper midges the cost as the cost continues to rise it is on an
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i mean eating some people to participate in politics and needs to start working on that but we also need to use what we know best which just social media which is going gates meant an audit to really try for. our force and ensure that we are active participants in it and usually to say being an active participant in governance doesn't are being in a politics it means a lot of being in civil society being active. decision will be done in the country generally. at the center i notice guest said and that was just over a week ago as we were leading up to the election compelling for uganda and it was an animation of president was 70 dart saying what occurred to me was that there was an awareness on the african continent that there are young people who are the
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voters that there are all citizens and you have to find some way to appeal to them here is an animation of preston 70 doing the jerusalem i dance have a look. you . know i. really should be. not. so madam president i'm not going to see commenting on the dancing skills of an animated president with 70 but this is the african union summit from february of last year and i'm looking at fees leaders and else i know some of them are going to be.
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amazing leaders and some of them are going to be average and some of them will be mediocre some will be terrible but this idea about the quality of leadership and leadership being ready to lead a young continent how do you address them. let me 1st say when i look at the photo of the last african union summit i feel ashamed because what it means is that we've gone back to the status quo when i see african people who i'd like people even be every leaders accepted me and they became colleagues and we work together and i really enjoy hearing and i think the media a woman says it's disappointing that we haven't yet prepare. a woman to to us to replace you know to be the next one that becomes
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a woman president in africa now we have training all of our young people to prepare them for the. there to be a piano and they're taken. professionals and they're ready it's just unfair for anyone to stay in office a 20 year 37 years of more than that. because you don't want to give up power and i believe that the changes coming i think our young people i demand mean that they have to change let us not say that when transition takes place one will get to be young leader who will be able to perform the satisfaction of the people or the satisfaction of the international community but we have enough of them ready for leadership in my administration i made sure
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i say to. young people and women because those other 2 to have been marginalized in society and this time for a change to address those iniquity. moves on i would need to react to eke out a cow is from garner and he makes this point even listening come right of the back of his feet he would. be the future. leadership of the future can best be done by. this kind of mission of young leaders and aspirants digitalisation and dismissed as bit our quest to shield issues oh yes powerful let's look around as efficient voters as they can when most of it is we do various aspects of it was always it is going digital on our business that preaches for the future begins to be and that is where now more than ever it's important to come with you in strategic leadership positions to transform our will.
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i contribute in more. technology is definitely going to it's already a leader in the way and we need our young people to have the opportunity to bring that technology to bear in the way governance is done in the way services are delivered but we also have an obligation at the same time which is to make sure that those young people at the pad it's all well and good to talk about having the use in leadership but when you have situations where you still have high school dropout rates you still have poor access to education poor access to help i'm still there it's a combined approach i would agree with the speaker just now that you know digits l. the digital world is a world in with the youth lead but i would also say we have a responsibility towards those new it's not good in the arctic at the there is
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still for pressure work which needs to be done alongside. unusual business a vibrant conversation gone this is quote i'm going to put this to you bobo africa is young it needs young leadership young great minds the elderly arts are scared of making mistakes but the young know they make a mistake it will stick with them for a long time to a curry with that. yes yes and you know. i believe that when you're young and. you think about it a lot. i remember. people who were main. proposals that i did those countries that would remind them that i am a young person and i will still be held accountable for the coming 16 because i was appointed extreme to 9 there. are long way to go well someone might.
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have 5 years and accountability may not reach them in that time so you think long and hard speeches. instead of being big. is there ever been be creased an economy or a decision. and you're giving it to yourselves and you're. in the generator center and you us wait to need their church to see the kind of inheritance you leave into the next generations over again and you know it's just makes things that a lot more different your decision making process is a lot different 'd but i'm deuced you know i think is great and here in having a. blend of leadership the elderly and the young because you learn from the wisdom that comes with having been in an office for 10 years from being in office
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for 15 years always generally in the mix and you think some of those nuggets and you look when opportunity to why deny the nugget that come with some of that wisdom and i read that it will give an example when i was a minister. who was minister ends up in africa and he had been a minister of trade for like 20 years we argued a lot about our differences but when we chained together with the new age thinking as i made that i brought and he grasps that experience we ended up finding some sort of a compromise that made things work and missed. out that we had so much we need. and. that our voices at the team or. i want to show you something right here this is ellen johnson sirleaf presidential
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center for women and development unleashing africa's greatest results that greatest resource is women. dess a whole program of networking so women leaders this is the 2020 intake there's a 2021 intake knew was a do and i guess here that you will recognize remarkable african see liza's that our difficulties does not just being a good leader on the african continent but being a female lead on the african continent madam president i would love to hear can niece who points out that it is not easy has a comment i think it's very important to keep in mind that women have always assumed leadership positions whether it is in their homes in neighborhoods in the local governments to national governments women have always been i myself have
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recently undertaken the role for a minister at the age of $35.00 in mali what i have noticed and as a question of perception is that what is expected of women leaders is of a match higher standard of what is expected from women from men leaders and that is probably because we always have to prove we women that there is a genuine logical reason that explains our presence and that probably needs to change. but in president is it changing are you helping to change a perception of when it is on the african continent is changing not fast enough. not enough really in terms of being the quantities of people that are going to. ask women. but right now women have cleaning that leadership at all levels and just as was correctly said it's not
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just leaders at the pinnacle not just presidents of prime ministers or minister us their leaders or community levels their leaders and traditions aside to their remaining is their business leaders you know all over africa that are excelling in what we do what we need to do is to ensure that we have many many more than we have streams of women leaders who are preparing themselves for leadership who are all earning into leadership and what ever level they are in but i am moving on to higher levels and we must get them into the ugliness we must get them as presidents when the end of the power and the influence to be changed we must get them as minister who must get them into parliament
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to read that he can help them make the laws they were to remain now they were promoted children. women bring a certain sensitivity to leadership that makes them to believe that you need a strong integrity more commitment more empathy more humanity and at the same time women can also be tough women can be hard decisions here and don't care if they're not popular when those decisions that to him is that good but i'm going to get to them both you can be balanced oh. i feel the toughness the palace of evan a sing off the screen as all 3 of us being on the string today together revel when are you going to be president. i'm focusing right now on running a city which is
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a huge child represents 30 percent of our economy 15 percent of our population so i think we've got let's fix the city that was the one place the madame said if missed out we need a women in local government leadership it's a critical gap on the african continent. does that was a typical politician is obscene or she didn't say i wasn't running for president you shouldn't say that but i know you i know you're not net one piece of advice for another young politician or young leader you know they would find even valuable in a sentence what with that feisty. youth leadership is an african we have made to believe me just as an african and i have chatterer no road again you look at the president's founding fathers mothers are africa who indeed who are revenues in areas they were in their twenty's or their teens and
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some of them as though they're as presidents at least started when they're young you know if you know have any doubt that you belong it is your time you can contribute take away that doubt has used leadership is african and we can challenge it we tend to dissipate you look for in mentor like my done precedent here that can be how cute in money getting to the streets of politics because the truth and you need to be tactful and audit to become successful and just be a little get out and learn the ropes and watch out for the landmines i know is that in my line but i gather her bike it is nothing to her when it's around air quality teachers and leaders madam president thank you very much madam thank you vogel
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though thank you so much on looking forward to when you will be president as well have a look here on my laptop everyway a couple conceive need to visit i know you've been inspired by this conversation ellen johnson sirleaf presidential center for women and development look it up but do you think you might make the cut that 2022 and then of course this is where we started with the if we're hit index of african governance you can check out your country your country that you are interested in even if you're not on the african continent that wraps up the back of the station for today thanks for watching. anti fascist anti establishment and pro violence. despite the recent official disbanding of its militarized wing a basque separatist movement is found alive and well on the terraces of a build palace stadia. a place where political revolutionaries share
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last. i. want to shine a light switch. the darkness along the sacred pull of reflection remember all we lost words of comfort for a grieving nation joe biden almost more than 400000 americans have died in the coronavirus pandemic as he prepares to take the oath as the 46 president of the united states. now as i prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on wednesday.
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