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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2021 3:00am-3:31am +03

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play an important role checking in with. the law. give it all you want we are taking you live to capitol hill in washington d.c. what you are seeing is the house of representatives the impeachment manages. starting their per session where they are delivering the article of impeachment against donald trump for incitement of insurrection to the senate as you see them going through the national stature
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a hole through the capitol rotunda is courted by the sergeant of arms. to reach the senate. the article the beach and will be led around allowed by the lead impeachment manager representative jamie raskin let's take a look. at what we're seeing here this is part of the procession may seem like a little bit of deja vu given that this is the 2nd did pietschmann of donald trump the 1st. to face the 1st president or former president now to face a senate trial after leaving office we have joe castro standing by for us. to walk us through what is happening here heidi let's bring you in just tell us what's happening here today. well can you are seeing these impeachment managers and i'm watching out of the corner of my eye to as they are filing past
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some of the very places that were desecrated 19 days ago when that mob breached the capitol and try to overturn the result of the presidential election of course the events of that day on january 6th are at the heart of what we are seeing now leading to this 2nd impeachment of donald trump you're seeing here the 9 impeachment managers the air the democrats who are members of the house appointed by speaker pelosi to. act as the prosecutors in trump's upcoming trial and this is a very solem and ceremonial march that they take and you're right this is deja vu very similar to what we saw signs masks of course about exactly a year ago and they are accompanying this article of impeachment which is held within a folder to enter the senate chambers and there the senators are ready and waiting
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for the arrival of these and peach managers and upon entering that senate chamber is when it marks the pivotal those ceremonial moment when this impeachment trial officially commences its not the beginning of a trial in the terms we may think with our human starting right away you know the ceremonial elements will continue to play out in the following days tomorrow will see the senators sworn in as the jurors and then there will be a 2 week period when behind the scenes the legal teams on both sides will have time to prepare their briefs and informal president trumps. a corner it is his turn to prepare his defense for his upcoming trial this is notable of course kim this is the 1st time that a former u.s. president will be tried in a proceeding and that also means that he does not have access to those white
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house attorneys that represented him during his 1st trial and he is he's starting from scratch in gathering his legal team and so that may be a bigger challenge than the 1st time around and then after 2 weeks in the week of february 8th is when we expect the actual trial that are my apologies and i think he's just going to get us out of there so that we can listen in now to the senate president and members of the senate i announce the presence of the managers on the . of the house of representatives to conduct proceedings on behalf of the house concerning the impeachment of donald john trump former president of the united states. the only part of the house will be received and that's going to the world of the senate
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our good arm will make a proclamation hear ye hear ye hear ye all persons are commanded to keep silent on pain of imprisonment while the house of representatives is exhibiting to the senate of the united states an article of impeachment against donald john trump a former president of the united states. a matter of years when the proud of the house will proceed.
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mr president the managers on the part of the house of representatives are here in present and ready to present article of impeachment which has been preferred by the house of representatives against donald john tromp former president of the united states the house adopted the following resolution which with the permission of the senate i will read house resolution 40 in the house of representatives united states january 13th 2021 resolved mr raskin ms to get mr sicily me mr castro of texas mr swalwell mr lew ms plaskett mr newsome ms deane are appointed managers to conduct the impeachment trial against donald trump the president of united states that a message be sent to the senate teen formed in the senate of the employments and
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that the managers so appointed may in connection with the preparation and the conduct of the trial exhibit the article of impeachment to the senate and take all other actions necessary which may include the following employing legal clerical another necessary assistance and incurring such other expenses as may be necessary to be paid for amounts of vailable to the committee on the judiciary under a political expense resolutions or from the a political accounts of the house of representatives to sending for persons and papers and filing with the secretary of the sun it on the part of the house of representatives any pleadings in conjunction with the war subsequent to the exhibition of the articles of impeachment that the managers consider necessary nancy pelosi speaker of the house of representatives with the permission of the senate i will now read the article of impeachment house resolution 2004 in the house of representatives united states january 13th 2021 resolved that donald john trump the president of the united states is impeached for high crimes and
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misdemeanors and that the following article of impeachment be exhibited to the united states senate articles of impeachment exhibited by the house of representatives of the united states of a. america in the name of itself and of the people of the united states of america against donald john trump president of the united states of america in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors article one incitement of insurrection the constitution provides that the house of representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment and the president should be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors further section 3 of the 14th amendment of the to the constitution prohibits any person who has quote engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the united states from holding any office under the united states unquote in his conduct while president the united states and in violation of his
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constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of the president of the united states and to the best of his ability preserve protect and defend the constitution of the united states and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed donald john trump engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors by inciting violence against the government of the united states in that on january 6th 2021 pursuant to the 12th amendment to the constitution of the united states the vice president the united states the house of representatives and the senate met at the united states capitol for a joint session of congress to count the votes of the electoral college in the months preceding the joint session president trump repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the american people or certified by
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state or federal officials. shortly before the joint session commenced president trump addressed a crowd at the ellipse in washington d.c. there he reiterated false claims that we won this election and we won it by a landslide he also willfully made statements that in context encouraged and for c. ably resulted in lawless action at the capitol such as if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore. dozen cited by president members of the crowd he had addressed in an attempt to among other objectives interfere with the joint session solemn constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election unlawfully breached and vandalized the capitol injured and killed law enforcement personnel menaced members of congress the vice president and congressional personnel and engaged in other violent deadly destructive and seditious acts
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president trump's conduct on january 6th 2021 followed his prior efforts to subvert and obstruct the certification of the results of the 2020 presidential election those prior efforts included a phone call on january 2nd 2021 during which president trump urged the secretary of state of georgia brad raffensperger to quote find enough votes to overturn the georgia presidential election results and threaten secretary raffensperger if he failed to do so in all this president trump gravely endangered the security of the united states and its institutions of government he threaten the integrity of the democratic system interfered with the peaceful transition of power and imperil co-equal branch of government he thereby be trade his trust as president to the manifest injury of the people of the united states wherefore donald john trump by
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such conduct has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security democracy in the constitution if allowed to remain in office and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self governance in the rule of law donald john trump thus warrants impeachment and trial removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor trust or profit under the united states nancy pelosi speaker of the house of representatives mr president that completes the exhibition of the article the impeachment against donald john trump president united states the managers request that the senate take order for the trial the managers now request leave to withdraw. thank you both for screwing who serve or download more of a program house representatives. group to proofread the term thrilling to
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so that was the lead impeachment manager jamie raskin mayor of maryland is the constitutional law professor in the past now obviously representing married and in the house of representatives reading out the article of impeachment. the trial of which will be overseen by the man we saw there senator patrick leahy. we heard from raskin and if the only the senate of the appointment of the impeachment manages the 9 impeach who manages then read out the article the impeachment for incitement of insurrection against former president trump urging that he engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors. the house of representatives impeachment managers will now return to where they came from mr osgood went on to say that
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president former president trump. had it performed if it's to perversion obstruct the democratic system he also brought up the cole with bread raffensperger georgia $63.00 of state. in which their phone call was heard that donald trump said wost reference book to find enough votes so that the results would turn in his favor i also heard mr ruskin there say that former president trump remains a threat to national security. and as you can see there they're returning again in procession having delivered the article of impeachment to the senate let's bring back in hundreds of castro who's standing by for us at the capitol so we heard there heidi or the that article of impeachment being being read out in the charges that are being laid against. the former president. that's right and it's
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interesting because this is making history in 2 ways of course we know that there has been no other president that has been impeached twice now trump has that distinct honor and we know that he is also the 1st former u.s. president now that will be put on trial in an impeachment proceeding and some of the uncertainty surrounding that may be one of the weaknesses that democrats know that they are facing as they proceed with this trial republicans who have shied away from being forcefully denouncing trabant work shied away from conviction already has said that a major weakness of this argument is that the u.s. constitution says you would remove from office the sitting president is convicted and you heard even in the m.p. . manager jamie raskin reading of the article that he was speaking in
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in some sort of strange hands where we know of course that trump is no longer in office but as the article was written prior to his leaving office it still speaks of remove all so where that leads us is sort of unknown territory that certainly many constitutional experts are weighing in on republicans are saying that is the weakness here and that for that reason this trial is unconstitutional which gives them cover to vote to acquit and democrats though are saying that there is precedent for other government officials not presidents but other senators etc secretary of war many years back in u.s. history who were also impeached and tried after having left office but there is there is a great deal of uncertainty there the other argument that republicans are putting forth quibble is they say that this trial will be do this is that this is
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a time when the country needs unity of all else and democrats would agree with that however they they say that the only way to reach unity is to 1st put this ugly chapter of u.s. history behind us by holding. former president trump accountable and that is why they are proceeding with this trial that is at this point scheduled to begin in earnest in the week of february 8th the numbers i believe it's 17 republicans in the senate would need to side with all of the democrats in order to convict donald trump but i guess many of them will be weighing their political few inches thinking about how wise it might be to continue siding with former president trump who knows what he's going to do in the future versus as you say. perhaps siding with the democrats i mean one of the chances that the democrats are
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going to get those 17 republicans that they need. yeah it's really looking on likely to be frank him 17 is still 7 more republicans and then those who have said that they are even open minded to this i think you can can't count on one hand those who have even signaled that they consider a conviction and i if you look at the polling on the the us public i believe it would have to take a vast majority of americans saying they want a conviction that they want to bar trump from ever returning to office in order to get these republican senators cover to make that otherwise politically difficult vote and that's simply not the case the latest poll from out today was that 52 percent of americans still a slim majority think that trump should be convicted and barred from holding office in the future but if you even look more deeply into that number among republicans who were polled it is very clear that the vast majority of republican voters are
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still very much in trump's corner and of course of course those are the voters that republican senators will eventually have to court again in a republican primary so very much political ambitions are at stake here and very much a factor in this trial that on paper says should be impartial but really in reality is very politically motivated. to give that how did you cast you there live from capitol hill the u.s. senate has confirmed janet yellen janet yellen rather as treasury secretary the 1st woman to hold the position senate has voted 84 to 15 to confirm yellen she's also the 1st person to hold the top 3 economic jobs in the u.s. government you know and was chair of the federal reserve in the obama administration white house council of economic advisors on the bill clinton. and the senate foreign relations committee has also confirmed at the blinken as u.s. secretary of state paving the way for
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a full senate vote during his confirmation hearing blinken said he'll order a review of the decision to designate yemen's who the rebels as a terror group said he'll also builds on the u.s. brokered normalization deals between israel and arab countries. u.s. homicide is pharmaceutical company madonna says its cover 19 vaccine appears to work against new coronavirus variance early findings showed success against the variant 1st detected in the u.k. but the vaccine is less effective against a south african what health experts are concerned about mutations of the virus that appear to be spreading faster and may be deadlier and the kalak has more. as the fight to contain a global pandemic continues several new variants of the code 19 virus spreading early research suggests these so-called mutations are more infectious and potentially deadly are one variant 1st discovered in the u.k. and another in south africa and now the focus of madonna's efforts to develop
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a booster injection the company says its original vaccine does fight the u.k. variant of the virus but there are questions about the mutated strain discovered in south africa i'm hearing reports that there may be some concern about the south african variant years reduction in the ability of the vaccine to neutralize the virus so i'm hearing a 6 fold reduction we'll see if that's firm. that is some concern but it still will likely cross protect out of an abundance of caution madonna says it's now working on an alternative version of its vaccine the company says its original vaccine does give antibodies above levels that are expected to be protective against a south african variant it's a sign of the shape shifting nature of the virus dr anthony felt she says the entire medical community needs to adapt so even though right now the vaccines seem to be able to work against them we need to be prepared to upgrade in maybe even as
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a boost lead iran or is a buy you know investment scene that goes against the world and the newtons in a bid to contain the variants the biden administration has reimposed a travel ban on non us citizens the ban will prohibit travelers from the u.k. ireland and 26 nations in europe as well as brazil and south africa with the pandemic worsening and more contagions variant contagious variants spreading this isn't the time to be lifting restrictions on international travel and in light of the contagious variant the 1351 south africa has been added to the restricted lest from tuesday other international travelers to the u.s. must test negative for covert 19 before boarding their flight as the covert 19 virus continues to mutate companies like madonna say it's vital they stay proactive in the fight against the pandemic the company and others say their original
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vaccines do provide protection but they want to make sure people get updated vaccines before things potentially get worse gallacher al-jazeera miami florida earlier u.s. president joe biden said he might be able to improve on his 100 day goal of administering 100000000 vaccination shots the close at 19. i'm quite confident that we will be in a position within the next 3 weeks or showed to be vaccinating people at the range of of a 1000000 a day or in an excess of that is my high promise that we would get a least a. 100000000 vaccinations that's not people because sometimes you need more than one shot the vaccination but 100100 1000000 shots in people's arms of the vaccine i think with the grace of god the good will neighbor and the quick not rising as they're all saying goes i think we may be able to get that
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215-0001 point 5000000 a day rather than 1000000 a day but we have to meet that goal of a 1000000 a day as governments around the world try to secure supplies of covert 19 vaccines the ability to produce them and tell useful they will be is coming into question the e.u. has reacted angrily to the british drug from astra zeneca said it would not be able to meet supply tell gets both astronomy and thailand have also been warned of delays in use the investigation programme has already been criticised as the number of people receiving a job remains low last friday the company astra zeneca surprisingly informed the commission and the european union member states that they did tends to supply considerably fewer doses in the coming weeks than agreed and announced this new schedule is not acceptable to the european union that is why i wrote
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a letter to the company at the weekend in which i asked important and serious questions the european union has preferred timeouts the development of the vaccine and this production and wants to see the return. the british prime minister is considering hotel quarantine for anyone arriving in the country to stop the spread of new strains the u.k. has been under strict measures since last month in a bid to curb the impact of a new variant. we're looking out the data as it comes in we're looking at the rate of infection this is you know. the j.c.b. argue it's wonderful to be vaccinated by the 15th of february before then we'll be looking at the potential of relaxing some measures but don't forget that these countries made huge progress in reducing the picture taking people hold to see another big surge in infection. but there has been more positive news from the drug
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company durga it says its vaccine protects against the british variant and plans a booster shot to help tackle the south african strain you see ellen's 1st community coronavirus case among the spread during quarantine by the south african variant a woman tested positive days after completing 2 weeks of mandatory insulation she arrived in the country on december 30th it's believed she caught the more infectious variant of the virus from another traveler inside the quarantine facility. job losses during the pandemic have been 4 times higher than those from the 2009 global financial crisis that's according to the international labor organization which says more than 8 percent of global working hours equal to $255000000.00 jobs were lost last year women have been more affected than men and younger workers have also been hit hard but it's all bad news the report says that is covered 19 vaccinations take effect most countries will see a recovery in the 2nd half of this year. check here only is the director of the
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employment policy department at the international labor organization he says many industries would see a turnaround until the 2nd half of the year. we actually have a sindhi core range of jobs and we scrambling destroyed the last year of our paid teacher a 'd daughter sectors flank of the accommodation and we had some contractor manufacturing so some service sectors and man factors were hit very hard compared to the other it's we have to try to actually include those workers from the regular sectors and also informal economy as you are there are so heavily affected by the call with name here but in the case rural economy because of the nature of their work they are relatively speaking they are less actually exposed to the calling of 90 related impacts on the labor market compared to the urban sectors but again informal economy is what is really heavily affected by the crisis because of or stricter
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lockdown measures. we actually expect that the 1st half of the a.t.c. here is faster in the what advanced countries in europe and the u.s. continues to be very difficult to so we expect a significant or lever to working our losses pretty sistering the 2nd half of the 1st half a year so we cooperate on the horizon in our view will be the 2nd half of the year . business and political leaders from all of the globe are taking part in this as well the economic forum in davos top of the agenda is of course the pandemic and the economic fallout triggered by the crisis on families to report to khans on with the meeting revealing growing inequality across the world it found billionaires had increased their wealth in the last year by nearly 4 trillion dollars. the new u.s. special climate on voice says his country is back to take a leading role in fighting climate change john kerry was one of the world leaders addressing a virtual summit hosted by the netherlands on how to adapt to
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a warming planet previous summits are focused on the causes of the issue this is the 1st addressing the effects us president joe biden agreed last week to return to the 2015 paris climate accord we have a president now very god who really tells the truth and you see used by this issue president biden knows that we have to mobile as it were to meet a challenge that is fast exhilarating so we're proud to be back we come back i want you to know if you're really the absence of the last 4 years and we'll do everything in our power to make up for. ugandan security forces are still surrounding the home of the country's most powerful opposition leader after a court ordered them to leave the high court directed the police and the military to leave but we winds residence he's been on the house arrest since uganda's presidential election on the 14th of january president you know what he was 70 was declared the winner with 58 percent of the vote but the opposition has accused the
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government of rigging the results a human rights commission launched by ethiopia's government says children as young as 11 being detained in the west in gambell a region along with dozens of ethnic to grains a military crackdown in november is believed to have led to thousands of people being killed and thousands more fleeing to saddam for safety the u.n. is also warning of growing reports of sexual violence and take great. my. this is al jazeera and these the top stories impeachment managers from the u.s. house of representatives have delivered their article of impeachment against former president donald trump to the senate he's been charged with inciting an insurrection at the u.s. capitol on january 6th the former president's 2nd impeachment trial will begin in february the senate has confirmed janet yellen as treasury secretary the 1st woman
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to hold the position senate has voted 8415 to confirm yellen she's also the 1st person.


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