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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2021 10:30am-11:01am +03

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russian settlers were the 1st to mix curtis with european breeds when they came to this region in the mid 19th century there is now increasing interest among stop far momos like bechtel shut the cove to breed pure european horses specifically for racing he breeds imported inclusion animals which cost more around $50000.00 to transport from the u.k. the ring to them the more we feed the difficulties of raising pure foreign breeds as you need better quality pasture and vitamins they're not used to harsh winters it's much more challenging and expensive. horses are a way of life in this mountainous region of central asia. about creator and his fellow herders they mean more than the money and prestigious chance struck for the whole just era northern killing to stop. this is out as are these are your top stories israel's most senior military
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commander lieutenant general a key of coffee says he's ordered his forces to step up preparations for possible military action against iran. u.s. president joe biden against re joining the iran nuclear deal. in people just 48 hours to contain a new code in 1000 cluster and beijing people into downtown districts have been lining up for testing 90 new cases happened reported within the past 7 days. the indian government has tightened security in new delhi often unprecedented day a process by tens of thousands of farm as 2000 paramilitary soldiers have been deployed on tuesday farmers breached one of the capital's most prominent landmarks the red fort farmers have been demonstrating for months against need doors they say will ruin their livelihoods.
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in lebanon people a continuing protest against lockdown measures on the dire state of the economy that calls for more protests in the northern city of tripoli security forces have been deployed to protect government buildings. hundreds marched on to his years heavily barricaded parliament on tuesday it was the biggest rally since demonstrations against inequality and police abuses began this month the protests escalated off to the death of a young demonstrator who was struck by a tear gas canister. on ugandan opposition leader bobby wine says the police siege on his home was a form of torture. those are your headlines inside story coming up next in.
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what does and we've been doing with the money is that it's boring we bring you the stories and developments the rapidly changing the world we live in argentina's congress is debating a bill seeking to raise billions of dollars from the super rich poor families hit by the pandemic counting on al-jazeera. a strong man weakened by a virus protesters call for the impeachment of brazil's president over the covert 19 crisis will he survive and what does it mean for populism in the region this is inside story. hello and welcome to the show i'm sam he's a than he's been a staunch coronavirus skeptic but now brazil's president is in the hot seat for his
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handling of the pandemic thousands of people have taken to the streets demanding he be impeached over the nation's health crisis or recent polls show his approval ratings have declined many people are calling on him to leave office also naro has been blamed for a lack of government planning and the delay in rolling out vaccines brazil is among the worst hit countries with the 2nd largest number of cope with 19 deaths they stand at more than 215000 infections are surging hospitals are overstretched and oxygen supplies are running low relative to build up build them up i feel as if brazil doesn't have a government brazil has been left to fend for itself we have psychopaths in power and the time has come no one can take it anymore we're not going to wait for a 1000000 of our people to die for people to rise up nobody. take it anymore.
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because there's all this horrible fake news that is deceiving people and the president's disapproval rating is greater than his approval gather strength we have to get rid of that guy ross brazil will go and he will prevent the economy to impeachment now out with possible. but popular stand conservative president took office in 2019 after defeating leftists who'd ruled for decades his victory was seen as part of growing support for far right movements in many countries he's been criticized for favoring torture and praising the nation's former dictatorship his comments on race gender and sexual orientation of also provoked controversy the president has labeled coronavirus a little flu pushed for quarantine measures to be lifted and sent contradictory messages about mosques and social distancing and he's been sued by indigenous leaders at the international criminal court over damage caused by his environmental policies.
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let's bring our guest into the show now we have joining us from london carlos say though is a senior principle analyst focusing on brazil at i.h.s. market in sao paolo we have gabrielle alotta she's a professor of public administration at the go to you about a gas foundation and in london we have francisco domingo's he's the head of a research group on latin america at middlesex university welcome to you all if i could start with gabriela in south paolo gabriele how much of a threat are the current protests in the street. hi everybody it's an honor to be here with you so we started having a product that china lee after a long period of. the priest up there approve of the president but now we don't really know what's going on because of the situation in brazil
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with. of course now we are discussing impeachment we have this but that but b. don't have any kind of agreement about the next in order to have an impeachment we have to have an agreement so to give you an example we had to cut one on saturday and one and. the saturday one was about the people on the left and the founding one was a problem that people are there right so this society is very divided but everybody is somehow blaming the president now about this crisis the economy and that it's interesting francisco how significant is it though although it's not very clear if there's a consensus how significant is it that parts of the right wing have joined the protests even if it's on a different day or so of course. i think is very significant name but also now as
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being we can. remember he is the who 50 percent now says he's much lower. and on top of that she have the majority so it was the middle of the party in terms of seats in the congress 56 he's got is greater now is in the regional 22 who is really. has he's facing 400 requests for quality 7 requests of investment from both organizations both political parties and the accusations range from me the meaning of to grow notional here on rising proving you know criminal. activity so and this is all the while $400.00 social organizations plus more or less asians the crucial question for me seems is is this will the elite in the congress and the senate be brave enough to actually
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you know vote well it seems to me that that will probably because if you were to compare the anti say sions against dilma rousseff utensil crimes humans who person committed with 1000 and then with there is a real evidence then you know the general says pales into insignificance so therefore is a political question when he changed. the majority of the congress voted to impeach or when he comes to him he's different i think the reason is a lot of this will disqualify. the reason either they're very worried about what comes out if he goes and does a thing where a resignation lies within the political people in the political class in the congress and so all that takes us nicely to the next point then which i want to put the car was when you evaluate the risk facing presume right now what is it i mean what would happened but in the question of if he is impinged where does that leave
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the country well let me say 1st that in our. case base case scenario we don't think. there is right now a significant likelihood of president bush out of bidding peach actually i agree totally that. he's supporter in the video of course he is at the top for your what gift 3031 percent approval rating a 40 percent rejection rate is the west's he was elected that's quite clear. the media and their position is asking for his impeachment does it actually in. now and now is history merely bad for him but we need to look closely at the way politics operate in brazil. was mentioned here i think one of the one of the political process heart she was buried at huntley
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political alliances finding the raw equalisation i think she was very flexible and that's why in the end she was impeached on his children more dexterity to bring people together in fart i think for us the critical the critical indicate that will be the election or the head of the lower house speaker the white house and the president the senate on the face of february are the latest information we heard is they can do this report or not a patch of green in the senate a nod to leader in the lower house are the favorite 2 to win the election so in. the upcoming elections rather than being a risk to him will strengthen will most likely strengthen his position in the congress well i'm talking about election day lead a cheaper congress which takes place on the face of february the current speaker of the house. they'll point one is
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a declare any me or bush on araa. maja has a candidate he's supporting the valet are rossi. behind and through the leader which is the country. and the latest tally suggests the leader is going to win the race the leader wins then there is a been here impeach would diminish significantly and they say in the senate and the critical guy is going to be the speaker of the whole because he's there is the person who has to a set or reject the request for an impeachment as. as was mentioned before 57 requests for his impeachment has been made but reagan mayor the outgoing never. table any of those request it leader wind the lower house with a supportable show not of friends and parties i see less possibility of this happening nonetheless nonetheless. the declining popularity will actually
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undermine bush or not 0 chances or be elected to 202022 he's losing superpower on the former core to base the world behind him in 2018 ok let me take that scenario to gabrielle and say that seems to be the sort of analysis that you hear right now but when you take into account the the drop in popularity i think the last poll on friday talked about an 8 percent also or 7 percent decrease in popularity in a relatively short period of time can one count on the senate the house of deputies the chamber of deputies being you know indifferent to the rising public distrust of the president as time goes on if those
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numbers continue to for. yeah to think about impeachment interesting i think we have to think about for different reasons so there is the legal one and it's obvious that we have all the legal. situation in order to have an impeachment we have to think about the support from both the tense and these one is the crazy in this is very important is the creasing that that's why we have all of the protests we have to think about the support from the elite and even the crazing but not in the so is to have a lot of businessman supporting both formats and they fund the guy to so it's important to think about and and then the for a reason that can make i and impeachment move on is about the political support as francis was explaining but actually the president of the congress that the leader of the congress he has a very important role because he's the one who are rules are not. so of course he
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will listen to all of these other reasons he will listen to the society you listen to the elite but he is the one who makes that decision and of course those are a lot of the question behind the scenes here governor how hard it go in ignoring polls if there are some scenarios talking about that his popularity could reach into the twenty's or which point it would be very hard for the congress to ignore that and to ignore the impeachment course it depends who are the twenty's and it depends how the 80 percent of the others are stronger not to make any treatment happen so what as i was just saying is that if inside of 20 we have financial power then we will not go on with a ph so the congress are not only listening to the society they are also listening to the society but there are a lot of other things going on here in this kind of are. interesting
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francisco thought extent was the outbreak in my mouse in particular a political turning point. i think. the alliance that is causing the these you're concentrating exclusively you're going to mention maneuvers. which is important in terms of understanding well might happen ignores completely the rest of the company's business is being in charge brazil is quite a market you know every single scorer in this is not respected international though brazil was a very strong words in the world the economy was growing well growing quite dramatically income distribution was getting better all the time and so on and so forth now is exactly the opposite but with a vengeance this very very very bad and he's at it you regarding the car with
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19 pandemic has been absolutely and corny i mean even worse than donald trump by you know a month ago by then. and as a result of that he's very bad and as a consequence you know people are dying easily because of sheen's lack of competence and complete disregard for the world you know presumptive land that's why man house became session in all the focal political quine my issue is how can we you know she sections of the economy ignore the when the hat has been as well to send in oxygen and venezuela sentiment literally encreasing every 7 days she's already sent 136. 1000 liters of horses just to sort it out was the word temporary problem and he continues to actually have exactly so if as a result of parliamentary maneuvers ignoring him situations land man hours and you
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know the rest of the society continues then there are 2 options which i think because of the and read of these laws to provoke and the level of these terms as in every possible sense including big stock exchange and the economy as a whole then the government goes another is very heavily militarized he's brought him. in some cases some unsavory characters who haven't caught my views and in consequence the military might be tempted to go for something more dramatic not exactly a cool percent or you know to actually gain even more prominence which is not good for brazil it's not good for anybody now all rares then he is on one hand on what kind of measures are you hinting at francisco that you could see well if easterling to acquire more prominence there prove this to be the case already which is very nice progression and regression doesn't have any but it doesn't help the people in
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the people or industries and this is going to continue and if i'm a growth in these lonely for the time being because of the recession if you know there was going on in the rest of the continent you know repression doesn't worry produces the opposite result this is the will eventually and so on rival and finally intense sort of trance being defeated how can anybody you know legitimately continue with such and grow the crowd as i get you to part of the sense for a while it's a good thing you mentioned that point that segues nice thing to my next question i want to bring it to gabrielle how much of this protest and impeachment move in brazil has been actually inspired by what's happened to donald trump in the u.s. do you think. at what clear now i think that that's one of the reasons of the drought that is that old during the actual vote and i was having a strategy of being supported by by tramp and think that he was
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a part i try so i packed up he is core said he said to 2 or base it on the idea that trent was doing this and now that trying to our election and most of all the way he did it after delayed action i made it clear to brazilians also that tramp was not a good solution and most of all that brazil has not the support of usa anymore and this will be a big problem for us in the future and actually i do think if we see the impeachment process pick up in the us that that might rub off on to brazil as well yes yes of course of course because it's clear now for president that we're supporting trunk and we're supporting both and i don't that there are a lot of mistakes in this in all of this process i think that things and i've been clear an hour and business hour why also the impeachment and can i i guess i don't think that we have here situation are richmond right now right i think there's
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a lot of things to a lot of are like it's a huge lie of course i think each one after arms increases the chances are out of there i.v.e. are willing to let me go back gary francisco before i go to carlos and say can we can we make this assumption or analysis here that the tide when you look at what's happened to donald trump and you know what's happening to ball scenario with his popularity at least is the tide turning against populism in the americas. you know that kind of populism i mean became extremely popular wiki's was some of the shoes you the low you know some of the political grope no the completely critical because people are losing the united states and i'm sure as well can see where they lead to they lead to a very intimate grantley gratus including a practical bias imagine rohini regime change being brought to the united states by the us president himself this is unbelievable so anybody who resembles trump now
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that for trying to be facing impeachment and it was a brilliant show and conviction you know what is going to actually have anything it was somebody labels a narrow who has money for one idea that he's views which are too new to be crass how can he when he faces these crisis what he's trying to concentrate upon in germany which is not going to support him or is not going to strengthen him is going to weaken the altie all right let me out here for impeachment all right i think better we've been talking about obviously the health risk the political risk is there an economic risk here that's building as well it might not be the most prominent thing in the headlines which is kind of dominated by street protests but when you look at some of the dry numbers government spending is shot up by 40 percent between january and november of last year debt is that 91 percent of g.d.p. are harder times right around the corner. yeah i think i said at the beginning
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that and i had leaders cry now there is no condition for impeachment for the reason i explained before. now only to add that because of the color we look down the possibility of having millions of people on the streets are was the case with dilma is not yet but i think bill schneider is facing 2 major trees one he get out of. there is a 2nd wave been 18 claymore a moralizer and he is totally out of his depth term he can handle back. the 2nd thing is these income transfer that may he temporary popular in 2020 came to an end on the safe side effects are december and there is no money brazil is a broken treaty fiscal deficit brazil right now 50 percent of g.d.p. they don't hardly care and the matters arising entrusts right. well.
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thus does the danger fall for bush or not he could actually go into populist measure and trying to implement. and bring back these cliff package but there is no money he does corona. there is so-called around about as he does. there is no money to do it but he does that he will lose the confidence of the financial markets straight away brazil we downgraded. the axes of brazil to capital market will be more complicated so it economy tanks and they cannot get out of control and he continued blocking there the approval of the backs him for the by the chinese or the rational etc then i seeing the possibility an impeachment would increase but you need to take into consideration these 3 factors are there is there is also the question of time and i think a lot of people were to start now opposition improve the election in 2022 and many
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of the people don't want him in in the political party we say ok yeah he has committed a lot of crimes here but actually the best option for us is start building a coalition to defeat he in 2022 so that possibility is also there. i think we've got a couple minutes left let me try and give it to gabrielle and ask this question if the situation is deteriorating economically politically becoming more unstable and healthwise we know the challenge there is this translating into more of an opportunity for the left what it why isn't there the sort of consensus among the non balls on our own forces or anti balls on our forces. we are facing now i've been through ups between 2 ideas that support the government and we don't know how to modify or deal with it so also a model is governing both populists. populi actually politics so the
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idea of cap transfer 5 percent of that brought him many support from the poor people and at the same time you had a lot of force by bit a liberal agenda but right now with the possible to conciliate our cheap conciliating all the popular and the liberal agenda and both exercise trying to in 14 to make a decision will you make the kind of reforms that the liberal agenda wants you to do are we to keep doing cash transfer program even these we don't have enough money so this kind of the season for not a we'll have to do right now and these 2 make you lose support from one of the 5 of the story at the same time as connell just that the help i mentioned is getting worse and worse and we have no perspectives are getting better because we don't have the vaccine both on the government with china and with india and with that her
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body will retire this week so we don't have any perspective of getting in those vaccines and of course this makes people die more and at the same time it makes the economy don't increase because we don't have to go back to egypt so we have like how can i say i'm mom and a lot of surprises and expands on how the government will deal with all of them and which decisions he will make in order to know the right kind of support to be able to head up on the particularly is more about the liberal agenda so it's really up a bad mom and purple from out let's hope they make the right decisions for the sake of presidents thanks so much to our guests thomas case either. gov riyad a lot and francis were good domingue guests and thank you too for watching you can see the show again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com for further discussion head over to our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash
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a.j. inside story can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a.j. inside story from the sam is a than and the whole team here found its provide. another and. another naina to look at a lot. more and has a look a little. bit of the shot and. which alone knows and really how little and the mayor was missing. in all the. the world. the 1st hand glimpse of the challenges faced by journalists in the age of donald trump we are fighting the fake tears fake phony the enemy of the people through the
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eyes of a veteran white house correspondent what do you base your legs on the scissor down the press is not after trump is after the fact we're not the enemy of the people we are the people us a current battleground whose truth is it anyway on. the american people have finally for poking america as i see it when america is off balance or become more dangerous the world is looking at us live mixture of sadness and beauty. with the election behind us will the republican party dump truck to the fuel weekly take on us politics and society that's the bottom line. joy bringing my neighbors my neighbors children so they can see and get more comfortable fire children are at the heart of america's love affair with weapons back that the verizon mom makes to report on the stand there for a new machine and it's fun but
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a new generation is fighting fire with a recently are fighting for voices to be heard because you don't want to see it and you do speak it. never again part of the radicalized youth series on al-jazeera. tough talk from israel's military chief as he warns the white house against rejoining the 2015 ironically a deal and threatens to use force if needed. money inside this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up we expect these additional 200000000 doses to be delivered this summer. the u.s. orders more than.


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