tv The Stream Al Jazeera January 28, 2021 11:30am-12:01pm +03
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would be your responsible and if we were sitting there going to games could not be saved we would not go over it. brings the. same organization. the city in southern finland says it's launched the world's 1st urban ski sharing system residents of lottie a used just being to get around during the winter now they can borrow a pair from one of 3 stations around the city officials say they want to encourage people to reduce transport related carbon emissions lottie's also this is the european green talk. this is al-jazeera these are the top stories the team from the world health organization of ended their 2 week hotel quarantine in china they will now begin investigating the origins of the corona virus pandemic after months of delay
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katrina you has moved from will hand there be a tro said their plan for the next few weeks is yet to be finalized but since they arrived in china 2 weeks ago they've already been in gauged in frank discussions with their chinese counterparts and others involved in the management of the outbreak here in broome hon they've got a mammoth task ahead of them they're investigating a lot of theories and among them is one that covers 19 1st originated in a wild animal potentially a bat secondly they're also going to go into the $100.00 black market where the 1st cluster of the corinna virus was 1st identified and see how the virus might have spread from there pakistan's supreme court has ordered the release of a man convicted in the murder of wall street journal journalist daniel pearl judges dismissed the appeals against the british born omar saeed shaikh you have received the death penalty for the 2002 murder is coming from saddam about.
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omar shaykh who was found to be complicit in the conspiracy and you're ordering down year old boy. dead in karachi died of god's word as a huge disappointment that brought august on and obviously also in the united states but the family was hoping that they would get justice from bloggers gone epix court where did the supreme court i thought of this particular trial what's going on and of god there will be a huge disappointment. the new u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken says the u.s. will rejoin the nuclear deal with iran wants to her on his return to compliance with its commitments a new court ruling has come into force imposed in that makes abortion almost totally eco despite women holding the biggest protest in recent history to oppose the verdict more demonstrations are planned. ok those are the headlines nice continues here on out is there off to the stream stay with us we know what's happening in our region we know how to get the playfield and others and all i was
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just throwing beer guy by to put the only purpose the fire system going i mean if you. like. the way that you tell the story is what and make a difference. in the welcome to the streets this is how it's. american aspiration is what drove the women of this nation throughout history to demand equal rights and the authors of the bill of rights to claim freedoms that had rarely been written down before. us vice president come in the house on inauguration day so that was where it started and this is how it's going
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the biden agenda for women what could the next 4 years be like for women and girls not just in america but around the well that is the focus of that conversation really interested in your comments your ideas you don't have to be optimistic you can be skeptical i expect you to be so put your comments are right here into college section in d.c. could be caught of today's conversation what i'd like to see in terms of some were for martin. is moving our american. system where as in the front you and that means that where i live when it is the murder of. senseless reasons that we you know humble and come from war or nation that our officers in the case won't we. are not we can have. to address are who we are you know who is. the not for of us. are.
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for this misfortune not who are of. high expectations for the biden harris of ministration through the lens of women and girls i have an extra line up and i see. helen to millie seem festival introduce yourself to a global audience nice. pleased to be here my name is image on i'm the executive director of the universal access project at the united nations foundation and independent organization based in new york in washington d.c. and we focus on u.s. foreign policy and sexual and reproductive health rights and justice. so nice to have you my team well welcome to the stream e.g. show self to our international audience so glad to be here i am fit team across graves i am president and c.e.o. of the national women's law center here in washington d.c.
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and we fight for gender justice in the courts and in public policy and in our culture we also housed and ran the time's up legal defense fund. and sent it to see delta militants who really is joining us from uganda this is a miracle worker but nice to see you because that connectivity is always a challenge in particularly right now don't you really introduce yourself to international audience what are you doing why you porton to this conversation very excited to be here and my name is dr i mean because in iraq has been seen. since i was international. but in kampala uganda been working in the reproductive health space for a while working with an end to a grand interest in secure productive health and i'm glad to be here to represent the woman who is in africa who is in uganda who is in the communities that are
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affected by many of these places. nice to have a few ladies 1st reaction to an even a week yet of the biden house of ministration women appointments flurry of activity when the p. 1st one every instant reaction the how is it going to use and what are you seeing that you want to speak out message 5 miles radius perhaps well as a south asian american woman i mean i couldn't be more excited to finally see representation in our highest offices and you know i someone who has worked on u.s. foreign policy and gender equality for you know for 2 decades it's the most excited i've been it's the most excited i've seen our advocacy community because the right people are in the right places to make the right decisions on our issues and that's where all of our policy starts as the people i'm you know we're past the day of
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trying to convince our leaders why general quality gender justice matters and now we can actually get to the how to. as you speaking seen a team was smiling so broadly what is behind that small 1st impressions 1st couple of days behind in paris administration through the lens of that morales what do you pick out what do you what are you seeing. listen there is still a lot of energy and excitement from last wednesday where we broke one of the highest barriers and having now madam v.p. come along harris in this role and it will say something about leadership of women and women of color in particular a very long time and at the same time part of what all of us do is the work to make sure the agenda comes to life and i've been excited to see the biden
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here i sit in a stray ssion get to work that range of. today was a day where they outlined a number of really important race equity initiatives and said that race will be at the center of all of their policy making we are waiting vote to see the more details about what it is they will do on gender equity what their theory of the case will be all of those things will be important going forward. to me 1st impressions. very exciting to see the changes that were unbelievable a couple of years ago seeing women already the biden administration clearly shows that they value women and they value their input and they have put in in the center of their. ration so it's quite exciting for me we sit in africa has decided in uganda to see this happening because that means i get excited thinking women and 1000 uganda have a chance to have their voices heard old who have the issues if you have women at
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the center you have to place is where they can actually be had then we have hope and we have. excited to see what happens next. i'm trying to look at the talent. and see where and and delta many i knew you were confused it's not just ahead tonight so we have to join the bind to going to be gentle with me but to deal tell what can you tease out all righty in fact he may you start because so far i'm seeing good headlines now that that's so and. i'm just wondering who wears the policy well i have to tell you even before they stepped in on last wednesday they announced their plan for covert relief and the covert relief plan. is critical right now for women in girls in this
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country it's critical around the ability to work with safety it's critical around having unemployment insurance and it's critical for solving the giant care crisis in this country that has women leaving the workforce in droves and so that was one thing they did even before even before they were there they got that all rolling. i'm just thinking see me see you what's the hard core policy that you're seeing already emerging. yeah well i think it's still to come you know. the 1st step is making it clear that this is a priority and we saw that this administration you know before even taking office announcing the white house gender policy council and what's significant about that other administrations have had a council like that before what's significant about this one is that it's intersectional and it actually addresses all of these intersecting issues like
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racial injustice like economic insecurity gender based violence and the piece that really caught my eye is that it connects us domestic policy with us foreign policy right so it's a whole of government approach it doesn't put women's issues in a bucket in the corner which is how we've seen things in the past and so that's a preview but you know in terms of how it's actually going to roll out are they going to for example be unequivocal about their support about sexual and reproductive health and rights in particular which has been particularly impacted in terms of women and girls and people of all marginalized and dead indy's seeing their health care ripped away in the context of the pandemic or seeing ripped away in the context of the actions of the trump administration what they what we're hoping to see and where the work will really be is to not just critically repair and reverse the harm of the trump administration but to take proactive steps to
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really build a foreign policy that is centered in the needs and priorities of girls and women as dr milley artists and. we have a live audience on you tube and they have simpson comments since and questions i want to share with you guess i'm going to get to swinton's very quickly all right so a lot of people i knew chief was saying if i do you i'm going to give this one to you i feel you can handle this we mean should be grateful. to be grateful what all of this their gender business. for a while that's growing you know i have a friend who always reminds me that accountability is a love and so maybe i show gratitude through accountability i actually think the path to having the biden harrison and being successful is to understand that they should actually gender just as priorities at the center of a post things are not separate questions. i see i'm going to put this one to you
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this one is fouquet you see how do you feel about the trans military executive order allowing trans people to serve in the military that is reversing it seconds of order the president from prison champ. put into place 4 years ago so trans people can openly serve again it's just it's just another example of honoring the human rights that we all have and so suring that each person who wants to serve in the military and can do so in a way that they can fully be themselves is part of each of our human rights so it's another step in the right direction with more work to do. to me i'm going to give this one to you this is one of these from tandem makoto it is hard to move tools equality because many many still hold on to nationalism and sexists coaches and d.s.
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that isn't giant giant question what will be your response talk to me. i think that that's the reality on most cases in the ground we still need to have. information out there it's true we men still don't have a voice and some cases and not productive rights and even just their rights in general are not respected so they still work and i think that's one of the reasons why we're sitting on this table to see how do we get to a level where we can actually address the iniquities that exists how do we get to a point where we have. a deliberate understanding that women should not and should not be writing as a 2nd you know as a 2nd. eventually you think let's bring the women on to the table but shooting the male at the center helping them to understand that they should look at this and that they should also be mansion for that and then lish should also be part of the solution finding solutions finding. finding answers to the issues that actually.
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if you work in the field of sexual reproductive health rights will be very familiar internationally with the phenomenon that happens between a republican u.s. administration and a democratic us administration the policy regarding. abortion is very different the amount of money that is allowed to go internationally to fund organizations that do do fund abortion changes from one administration to another it mistress and it's known as the global gag is a little explainer in there were asked about this let's have a look. imagine you need care if you go to a health center and it's closed down or you're denied the service you need it for millions of people seeking health services across the globe that is the reality.
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this is largely because of the global gag of a politically motivated policy that cuts organizations out of the u.s. global health assistance and if they provide abortion or so much as advocate for and educate people about abortion even if organizations use their own funding. just looking at my lap top here new white house press secretary jen psaki confirms that president joe biden's future actions include reversing the global gag rule milly what does that mean for women in a new gander when east africa what difference will that make. this is one which is very very interesting for me is amazing how. she is at the white house you do actually impact women. only in africa in uganda and she actually affect the community there i mean in terms of what communication she's going to see. any time
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the west allis a 2nd access. to any ship comes and what products what financing is available and one of the things that is exciting for me is that the u.s. has will be joining the world health organization and as one of the biggest funders for many of the health interventions health implementing partners in in uganda having finding available that recession but f. you helpful we lens is very key in helping women to be able to eat and lead not only insulation needs but also helps our recent sunny shining even those of us who care and where it is in environments where it is legally acceptable even if abortion you might understand that in most of our governments some of the laws will not necessarily be accepted into for women to actually have access for instance if abortions satisfy what you have information doctors have
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a question of their tips and they can stop women from using from them going ahead and doing dangerous. procedures to themselves they can't give them access to family planning which will help she hears that that that by the end of of disease at least the women women don't have access to. health services so it's interesting that whatever happens lower house will in fact what sunny's available and what i was is that a liberal even to men whose income. shannon cool well ski is donate to the advocacy and post at the international women's health coalition i would love you to listen to what she say semen and mediately come off the back of the treat by your response he's shunning the biden administration has an opportunity to advance gender justice globally 1st he needs to undo some of the damage of the trump era like welcome back the couple gag rule and reengaging with the united nations in what health organization to advance women's rights globally.
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these steps are in progress but it's not enough to simply return to the policies of the about my administration we expect that biden will do more like pushing for an end serious directions on federal funding for abortion in the u.s. and abroad and working to decriminalize self managed a passion section interactive health and not fringe issues that are critical for the ability of women and girls to be able to control their bodies their lives and their futures we expect that biden in ministration will treat them as such. i couldn't agree more with shannon's perspective here you know the thing about the global gag rule and dr really mentioned this as well is that it's it was a decision made by a few ideologues in washington d.c. over several different administrations and most recently by the trump administration and it impacts untold number of people around the world i mean in addition to abortion what it actually does is disqualify the most trusted health
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care providers from receiving u.s. taxpayer support u.s. taxpayer dollars foreign assistance to provide a whole range of critical health care that includes reproductive health maternal how it includes hiv aids testing counseling and treatment immunizations a whole range and so what we saw is that is there in places potentially the only area where there might be health care offering that that clinic may shut down because it was disqualified from funding because of the trump administration and the global gag rule and in that context you're losing all of your access to health care so i couldn't agree more that it's a critical and urgent 1st step that this new administration revoke the global gag rule and work with congress to make sure that there's a permanent end so that no future administration can put such
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a regressive policy back in place and i will say that again this is the moment of learning and it's a moment of partnership you know i think that difference that and i expect he should have this administration is that we will go to these tables whether it's at the united nations global convening in our direct conversations with other governments and go with shoulders down to really learn from each other learn what priorities are how the u.s. can unequivocally support. these issues feminist ideas in the country and make sure that that is where we're investing foreign assistance dollars so that there's long standing and enduring change that can't be easily washed away by another regressive administration. instant question instant reaction effect do you have is prison blind and is he a feminist is he just surrounded by feminists. well i think i'm pretty sure i've
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heard him call himself a feminist and someone who stands for the full equality political and economic of women it is how i define feminists i am i if i do go back to the question before the one sexual reproductive health i will just say that and we we actually are in a situation where and this is the one where the space brain might slightly disagree with me with my panelists that i don't think that on many different issues including on sexual reproductive health that the biden ministration has a luxury of sort of thinking of well 1st and then down the line i'll get to something else over the last 4 years the trumpet ministration accelerated attacks on access to abortion care at the same time states were accelerating attacks in this country and what it means is already poor access has gotten worse and so we need. more. just one or 2 things we actually need to make it
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a meaningful priority to be unequivocal in support and not only on the range of things the trumpet ministration did but launch forward to improve access to care no matter where you live and no matter what you mate. what i am wondering guess since we talking about and it's so early days it's maybe a little bit too early to to even think about this but are we talking about more symbolism than substance but its symbolism having its own power i'm just going to go around you very quickly because i wanted one more place to visit and one more piece to bring in before we wrap up the sima symbolism substance where are we right now. we the symbolism matters it matters because the u.s. has an outsized impact around the world to what it says and does on the global stage and is heard by millions of people around the world other governments we saw
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that when we had a destructive government led by the trump administration that it provided more attention to other countries government leaders who are against essential human rights and so we need to abide and ministration all of its persons at the state department and elsewhere to be unequivocal and clear that we are country and a government that supports issues full range of human rights sexual rebirth to health and rights and gender equality however symbolism is clearly not enough and i couldn't agree with. more that you can walk and chew gum at the same time we need to just immediately walk away from the top administration policies but the thing is the trump initiation policies will take years to reverse and we can't lose an arm i am going to share the last 2 minutes new york opana said you do excuse me from her jumping off you and jumping on to try to match that symbolism of substance. i'll
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just say both we need the bully pulpit now more than ever to go against the attacks that have been part and cultural but the policies that are right now undermining access to abortion care access to contraception making religious employers. allowing religious employers to deny access to abortion care those who need action to. do it to merely. a nice example identity change in 6 days. that really not possible i think it's all and away differently at different times you know the symbolism right now is really good getting up there and and setting just. one point this action has to be taken and that actually is what really does impact you many of the people. in africa the the substance the symbolism needs to get the extra mile so that we have
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it with to see that they meant business they were just creating a visual but they actually meant business. this show has been about the mind in how is it ministry. they now will be having on women and girls which is in america but around the well it's i am going to leave the last word of this conversation to the little girls because they haven't had much of an. input so far but they are the future and look at this this. in fairness your column here on the hearing here. is it hard doing all that work i have been waiting for a get this i had been waiting for a girl replace president. around marriage but i am so glad you
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are the 1st time you now. to marry your parents and she is a pretty girl scout and of course she is because it is an incredible young leader thank you. and thank you eugene coming to you since coming to haiti is and thank you guess would you push it until you see. i really did bad things would i be able to forgive somebody like me a convicted war criminal seeks out the survivors of a prison camp to apologize for the crimes of his past i just can't even. be unforgiven a witness documentary on al-jazeera my own to ask. to know but.
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when all that seems to matter is the headline there is always 2 sides to a story when narratives and counter narratives obscure reality the leader on the one hand the enemy is all believe there on the other hand the listening post strips away the spin what kind of reporting if you can see on the ground misinformation is right lays bare the body is a lot of people believe things because they want to believe that a done covers the uncomfortable truths do you think they did enough to scrutinize the case for war listening post on a 0. the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering lifesaving to loose supplies and training to help the world's most vulnerable people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and
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a vaccine keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the wounded and in the lab now more than ever the world needs w.h.o. making a healthier world for you. to everyone. pakistan's top court upholds the acquittal of a man convicted of killing wall st journal reporter daniel. snyder this is out of their life and also coming up. a team of scientists from the world health organization were padds up again as long awaited investigation into how covert 19 began in china.
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