tv Inside Story Al Jazeera January 28, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm +03
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an organization that delivers food to senior citizens who live alone toby king was inspired to make a doll of the senator it fetched $40000.00 on e bay it's very inspiring like how it no matter your political views one of the main goals is to help people how can you not like somebody who wants to go meet you . you know. so he inspired me to do the same thing 50000000 americans including one in 4 children are food insecure demand on food pantries has spiked during the pandemic so any efforts to feed the hungry certainly welcome at a time where help is needed more than ever and al jazeera. it's good to have you with us however a dream to get here in doha the headlines now to syria security forces in lebanon are firing tear gas and water cannon the protesters in tripoli who are angry at lockdown measures government corruption at
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a failing economy the previous night one person was killed 200 people were injured al-jazeera sent a honda is that people here say this is not just about the coronavirus lockdown and the economic support that the government should give us this is about the need for a new leadership a leadership that will take into account our lives to make make our lives better we've been at this city has been neglected is the 2nd largest city in this country to get 60 to 70 percent of its population and there they are a half a 1000000 people unemployed no jobs and many would to work work in the informal sector which means they have no social security no social protection a russian court has denied opposition leader alexina found his appeal to be released from jail he appeared by video link asking to be freed before his next hearing over and alleged probation violation the valley was arrested last week when he returned from germany where he was being treated for poisoning. the highly
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infectious south african variant of the corona virus has reached the united states 2 infections were confirmed in the state of south carolina neither of the cases at any travel history or contact with each other officials say it suggests that it's already spreading in the community germany's vaccine panel looks likely to recommend astra zeneca as jab only for people under the age of $65.00 in a draft recommendation the committee says there isn't enough data on how effective it is on those who older european regulators are set to issue that a signal the vaccine on friday a team from the world health organization has ended its 2 week hotel quarantine it will hand china it's there to investigate the origins of the corona virus pandemic the u.s. deputy ambassador to the united nations is calling for an immediate withdrawal of foreign forces in libya it signals a more assertive approach to the country by president biden's new administration there's the headlines more news fear of his era after today's inside story next.
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welcome to the program. israel has warned its revising its plans for a possible military attack against iran but the horizon has dismissed it they run the unpresidential chief of staff says comments by israel's top general a psychological war with his nation is ready to defend itself israel has long accuse the iranians of wanting to develop a nuclear bomb israel's security at risk to iran denies the allegations and venting and as your program is for peaceful purposes. the new u.s. administration to rejoin the 2015 year clear deal that limits iran's uranium enrichment in exchange for sanctions relief president joe biden has shown bradin is to rejoin the accord but with a cab yet we'll get to that shortly 1st let's listen to what the israeli and
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iranian officials say. i have instructed the i.d.f. to prepare several operational plans in addition to existing ones which we will develop throughout the coming year the power to initiate lies with the political echelon however they are friends of options need to be prepared ready and on the able. to get out on you has they just talk they are leading a psychological warfare and have practically no plan no capacity and are not able to start a war our armed forces are trying to defend iran the different maneuvers that we have done are signs that we do not intend to attack nor go to war but that we are serious and defending our country israel's military chief has warned us return to the iran nuclear deal would be a mistake because there are less chemical in even if there's a similar agreement with a few improvements it is operationally and strategically wrong because
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operationally wrong because we will again allow added in or even before in iran to enrich uranium to develop centrifuges to develop even the capabilities of the weapons until developing the bomb iran's scale its commitments to 1015 deal for president donald trump abandoning nearly 3 years ago tensions have since grown between washington and tehran especially since trumpery imposed sanctions of the new u.s. secretary of state says one of the top priorities for president joe biden is the relationship with iran and to the bank and says washington will return to the accord if iran does its spots if. iran comes back into full compliance with its obligations under the j c v.o.a. the united states would do the same thing and then we would use that as a platform to build with our allies and partners what we problem longer and
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stronger agreement and to deal with a number of other issues that are deeply problematic in the relationship with iran but we are a long ways from that point around it is out of compliance on a number of fronts and it would take some time should it make the decision to do so for it to come back into compliance in time for us then to assess whether it was meeting its obligations so we're not we're not there yet to say the least iran's foreign minister javad zarif has responded to lincoln's remarks his that the u.s. violative iran deal and caused harm to its population through reimposed sanctions zuhdi if that iran has been abiding by the deal and had sought remedial measures and finalists west the country will never forget what he called trump's macsyma failure towards iran.
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let's bring in our panel in west jerusalem we have mitchell barak he is a pollster at van global research and form a spokesman for israeli president shimon peres into had an early a cabal there any areas searcher at the center for strategic studies a government affiliate a think tank washington d.c. hillary mann leverett she's the c.e.o. of the consulting firms try to go and the former director for afghanistan iran and persian gulf affairs the u.s. national security council welcome to your mitchell when a top israeli military commander criticizes u.s. foreign policy particular this aspect about iran is this an individual stance or here reflecting the horse sentiment across the political spectrum in israel. well i would say that the you know political spectrum in israel is concerned with it we've done some polling actually across the region including in saudi arabia qatar and
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bahrain united arab emirates iran is not a really big threat for people there even in israel it's a concern for the leadership in israel i don't know why the military had would come out now with this especially with the new administration where we don't know how they stand on some of these issues but i have a feeling it was coordinated obviously with the prime minister's office to kind and now there's a put pressure on the new biden and ministration to make sure if there is going to be a new agreement with the iranians are they going to open up the old agreement that israel takes it very seriously israel is very concerned with both the rhetoric and the capability of this iranian regime which seems to be still supporting terror and threatening with israel's destruction ali what is interesting about the statement by the israel's. army chief of staff is basically the only critical of the to 1015 nuclear deal has also 'd expressing
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a sentiment to issues opposed to any possible improved version of the tickler deal in the near future how is that seen in iran. israel is a fierce opponent of the j c p a way iran considers israel as a spoiler the not on yahoo government has worked hard in the past years under the trumpet ministration to destroy the j.c. way and now with biden taking office israel's policy is to pressure the biden of ministration to include israel's concerns and israel's attitude. while it is going to discuss the nuclear issue with iran so. whether this is. to measure the biden administration's efforts to save the nuclear deal will entirely depend on. his
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efforts to to distance from the trumpet ministration so the trump is ation of america will be a key element to measure the biden administration success or failure the more it distances from coercive measures and returns to dialogue the more likely it is to save the nuclear deal all right are the americans now that the americans now admit that the. trump administration's maximum pressure campaign failed so now there is a golden opportunity for the biden alliance ration to save this nuclear deal now hillary of justice and to what i like about that it has been saying and basically this is exactly what the iranian president has been saying what his. inner circle has been saying and what the iranian foreign minister has been saying of the
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expecting joe biden to distance himself from trump's legacy and move forward but do you think that it was going to be an easy task for joe biden to say you know what let's just reactivate the 2015 year clear deal. well i actually think it could be incredibly easy you know as as iran's foreign minister has said it would take maybe 3 executive orders offer orders it could take president biden 5 minutes to go back to the place the united states was when trump cut off the united states from a nuclear deal and when the positioning i'd say it was in at that point was essentially just issuing waivers to existing sanctions we weren't lifting sanctions sanctions were lifted we were just issuing waivers and those waivers had to renew every 4 to 6 months so that's something that biden could easily do literally within 5 to 10 minutes but the question is whether he wants to and whether his staff wants him to there's real division within the biden administration already and between
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the biden ministration and the senate the u.s. senate is a body that president biden spent nearly 30 years of his life in and he valued it as a real partner in terms of u.s. policy in the senate the 2 most powerful people who would have influence over the iran issue or the new senate majority leader chuck schumer and then you head of the senate foreign relations committee committee chairman melendez those 2 both voted against the iran nuclear deal back in 2015 they have never been supporters of the iran nuclear deal so bided knows that he does not have the senate behind him if he were to quickly go back into the nuclear deal and then within the by an administration itself there are some real divisions we saw the new secretary of state tony blinken yesterday really poor poor water and the iranians attempts to to say that there's a there's a limited window of opportunity to rejoin the j.c. and the united states needs to act fast lincoln said no we're not going to act fast
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the united states is basically happy with the situation containment of iran has been a longtime u.s. policy goal and essentially if you will in the body ministration is that iran is contained however there are also key members of the biden administration who are. extremely hard on the iran nuclear deal this is the crowning achievement of their entire career similarly deputy secretary of state when wendy sherman the new head of the cia bill burns and perhaps the new iranian boy if you so chose and rob malley those 3 figures believe very strongly in the iran nuclear jia engaging in you iran and but they would see broadly as a bitin really attachment of importance to a multiracial multi-polar international order but they're not the entire biden administration their key figures but lincoln jake solid then others within the senate as i said are against joining the nikkei right now as a valid political reality of a very complex political reality of the hillary has been portrayed about the u.s.
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. different domestic agendas now does that explain the reason why we've seen many israeli officials stepping in to try to play into that particular divide in the u.s. and say you know what you have to be very careful when you are moving forward. well i think the hillary had a very good point in that there are people in the senate that voted against this but it's not only a domestic issue anymore you know israel was against this arraigning in deal because they felt that there was no oversight that the iranians you know continue to enrich uranium and certainly rhetoric i mean we found recently that words can lead to violence you know and we there are people that think that president trump encouraged people to go into the capital to you know so have a kind of revolution attack the capital people were killed he was close out of twitter and facebook because words are very powerful and we see the same rhetoric of genocide and israel has no right to exist coming from the iranian leaders for
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a long time so this from the israeli perspective also has to stop and i think a lot of people will agree words have a possibility to cause violence and when you back that up with the iranian terror policy that can be very fatal but what has changed now which is amazing is before was israel coming to the table on their own opposing it with a little bit of whispering and help from maybe some other gulf arab states now when israel comes and opposes this they're sitting next to a grain united arab emirates morocco saudi arabia is right there maybe saudi arabia is going to be on the side of israel but you have a you know a real coalition here between israel and these gulf state countries that are going to go to the biden administration and that are going to oppose this and be on israeli side so besides of all of israel's friends in washington of which you know biden has been a friend of israel for his 40 years in government this is not like he just came
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into it yes he was vice president during the obama administration but certainly it's 36 years in senate a staunch supporter of israel we'll have to see where this plays out all right israelis can rely on joe biden that's for sure ali why would iranians brush aside all those statements from israeli officials as a psychological war when the is riley chief of the on the chief of staff is basically ordering fresh. military plans to be taken into consideration you know of ami's him in the possibility of for him it's a strike against iran. israel has been planning to carry out a strike against iran for many as on the day of beggin doctoring that iran is is a big country and israel is not in a position to carry out such such an attack. that's exactly why they have failed so far to carry out dave threats because. iran's nuclear
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facilities are scattered all around the country they are buried on the mountains and iran has taken every measure necessary to protect its nuclear facilities at the same time it has increased its air defense power and iran is a power to be reckoned with so above a certain time israel is threats by the same people who read this thread before i go before i go to you ms your computer system and shuts down your country so you know it's nice to talk very big but you know do you think that israel has a right to exist only you think that israel has a right to exist or are you going to keep going with that genocide policy where do you stand on israel i know israel is not a threat you where do you stand on israel in the middle east does israel have a place in the middle east. israel is considered an illegitimate entity based on occupation but let me finish my answer for it if israel was in
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a position to attack iran it would have carried out such an attack years ago israel calculated that it cannot destroy iran's nuclear facilities in a single successful military operation and iran will be in a position to respond decisively that's exactly why israel has the true frame from carrying out such attacks but iran does know that israel's strategy and and 3rd circle direct threat within its military and intelligence apparatus. under the moment and some plan has been trying to plan a war against iran and iran knows well how to respond iran's has sufficient to terrence power to respond decisively alright to any to any israeli military aggression hellery one of the biggest concerns voiced by the israeli government and
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israeli officials over the last 2 years about the 2015 year clear deal. is basically the sunsets clauses concern that this is something that could be conducive once the deal is finalized to provide iran with a pathway to resume its nuclear capabilities and and one day with the bomb. well you know i've served i served in the united states government for a very long time i was in the 1st bush administration back in 1991 when israeli government officials including secretary at the time 1st started to raise what they call the threat of iran acquiring nuclear weapons and israelis have been raising it ever since before i 991 they didn't raise it because their concern was iraq and iraq's. path to a nuclear weapon but one where iraq was so soundly defeated in the after its
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invasion of kuwait that wasn't so much of a threat for the israelis and when you rock was contained by the oil for food sanctions that killed nearly 50000 iraqi children the israelis were so worried about iraq i think what the israelis are really worried about is iran's military might and its power whether it's nuclear weapons or or anything else there are just some facts of geography and facts population iran is a huge country with a large educated sophisticated population that's always going to be a problem for a small country like israel for some of the small gulf states like rain in the united arab emirates buying understands that biden does have a long history in dealing with the region and he has a long and somewhat somewhat mixed relationship with the israeli prime minister and some of the other leaders in the gulf. so it's a complicated issue for biden but he does not take just at face value that from
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1009 he want to watch today that the iranians have been trying to make nuclear weapons for 30 years and they've been unable to do so that all of a sudden today they're the big threat i don't think that biden or anyone in the administration agrees with that but there are people in the biden ministration who share israel's concern that under really any constellation iran because of its geography population resources that that is always going to be a challenge to us hegemony and u.s. power in the region and of course u.s. allies are going to be concerned about that but it doesn't mean that there is a good pathway to break iranian power in the same way we did with iraq mitchell to what extent is death and you know using iran for his own political survival. i mean always to a certain extent about political survival i mean it came up yesterday i think you know we kind of missed it because it is international holocaust remembrance day yesterday january 27th and for israelis you know the holocaust was
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a past present and future event i mean just on this program the gentleman from tehran said israel is an illegitimate country i mean you know where the united nations were the u.s. close ally but to him it's an illegitimate country that means in his mind in the mind of his leadership that it's ok to do anything that we don't have the right to exist and it comes with some false pretense about occupation the occupation if you want to use that is from 1987 so if israel you know withdrew from the 67 boundaries or from 10482967 was is religion a myth in the eyes of the iranians no i mean the question isn't the answer is no because we have a very violent and belligerent group of people in terror on who say that israel has no right to exist now it's a very nice that they say israel doesn't have the capability we don't know what capabilities israel has and we don't know what capabilities the iranians have what we do know is that in order to make the world a safer place iran has to stop supporting terrorism in the region meaning paying
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for it providing cover they have to stop the rhetoric against the state of israel that israel is legitimate we have no right to exist all of these things and they have to make sure with the world has to make sure that they don't get the weapons to carry out on their crazy plans of saying this country is legitimate this country is not legitimate or i can do it we can change the world you know it's kind of it's unfortunate that in that in this day and age we still have these kinds of attitudes for the sake of moving forward. but it's out in the now you've been saying that these writers have been trying to put more pressure on the u.s. administration says not to go forward with the 2015 agreement but the same time you have iran saying that it's enriching uranium to something like $0.20 which is below the 3 percent that was stipulated under the d c p a agreement and that they are also beginning with us into the metal. the a metal which is a key component for the many facts in the the bomb isn't iran undermine in that
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sense of moving forward towards a peaceful settlement to this whole problem. no article trying to sex on the jay secure way says if sanctions are really introduce or reimposed against iran iran will consider it as its right to cease performing its commitments to the j.c. if you weigh in whole or in part so iran is implementing that same jase if you are a sign with the powers so but at the same time iran is reducing its commitments to the j.c. if you weigh in order to be in a better negotiating position when you know in the coming weeks but i see that there is a political camp comprising marius a lobbyist groups in the us congress and end the biden administration including the israeli lobby groups that argue that seem you know you simple us return to
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d.j. sapir way is not enough it's not and it's not a good idea all right and i have argued that it is i have just one last question if you don't mind i'm going to hillary hillary the israelis and those who were supporting the maximum pressure. or on iran think it is efficient is been biting into the iranian economy and ultimately it will yield results other saying no on the contrary this is just going to drag the region into further instability and an arche you look at the map clear vision of players vying for the biggest say the is looking cautiously are what is going to happen in the near future how do you see the future of the 2015 your deity is going to be triggered reactive a to him under the same shape and 4 or are we going to see something different this
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time. i am concerned that there are nuclear geo the j c p a way from 2015 i'm not optimistic that it can be resuscitated i do not think there is enough support within the biden administration and within the u.s. congress for various reasons they include the interests of lobbying groups they include the interests of other countries like israel on the and the gulf states but i think even more so for president biden and for others they are happy with the containment of iran even though they criticize harshly trumps policies the white color is the area that they came together basically to agree on was how he dealt with the middle east so there's a lot of support for that and i think if they actually if the biden ministration rejoined the j.c. p.o. a that would mean president biden would have to go back to the senate during this his 1st term in office and get the u.s. senate to lift all sanctions on iran that's not going to happen that would set
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biden up for failure and i don't think he's going to go down that path it will be extremely interesting to see what happens next who is going to take the 1st step and what will the region look like in the near future mitchell baracoa really hillary mann leverett thank you very much indeed for your insights and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our web site. for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot call forward slash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter handle is a j inside story from the house and the entire team here in doha by phone or.
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