tv News Al Jazeera February 1, 2021 6:00am-6:31am +03
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because part one on a just 0. i care about how the u.s. engages with the rest of the world we're willing to see it in taking you into a place you might not visit otherwise it feels that you were there. a military coup in myanmar its democratically elected leader is detained and the army has declared a state of emergency phone and internet services are destructed state television says it's unable to broadcast q 2 technical issues. i am fully back to boyer watching al-jazeera live from doha we'll have extensive coverage of the situation in myanmar and also ahead donald trump's office names
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a new legal team for his impeachment trial in the u.s. senate's. bail hearing in hong kong for jimmy lie the billionaire media tycoon charged with violating the national security law. the end so we begin with breaking news out of myanmar where a military coup is underway the army has declared a state of emergency after detaining leader on santucci and other senior politicians from the ruling an l d party the military says it's in response to allege fraud in november's election which returned the national league for democracy to power a tory gate and b. has more on the event so far. the military made its move in the early hours of the morning detaining mammals democratically elected leader and son suchi and all the sea figures from the ruling party su cheese and l
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d government one november's election by a landslide but accusations of electoral fooled led to tension between the civilian government and the military. what my stance is is that one has had the upper hand in the internal network tree struggles but also they have gone back to a chinese arms and say look this is where we think you are going is not chinese government which is not inclined to support him ocracy has said you have that in the political crisis began last tuesday when a military spokesman refused to rule out the possibility of a coup the following day mammals military chief state fairs when he said the constitution should be repealed if it was not abided by as tensions reached their peak on saturday the military issued a new statement saying the commander in chief's comments had been misinterpreted and pledged to protect the constitution. but just hours later emboldened
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by remus hundreds of protesters gathered in yangon at a pro-military rally where speech is welcome to kill with the support of the people there is no our legal basis for the military true takeover of our while the military may claim there are certain house in the constitution that allows it to do this that is very much open to interpretation and it's fairly clear that in terms of a constitutional american see that that how large in lies with the president and not with the commander in chief more than a dozen countries including the u.s. and the u.k. have urged me to adhere to democratic norms this military coup will likely lead to more sanctions. the n.l. de has called on the military to accept the will of the people and has asked to supporters to stay calm on the same day a new condiment was due to open in myanmar the fate of the country's democracy is uncertain victoria gates and the al-jazeera. all right we want to show you the
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latest pictures coming to us from young gone myanmar largest city where the army on the streets they have also been reports of the army on the streets of the capital naypyidaw soldiers on the streets there as you can see young on the latest pictures . internet services. and state television. broadcasting earlier we spoke to our reporter in young going on the file who sent us this just before the phone lines went down. i'm hearing that about actually a and they started rounding people in the capital several people being detained not just on time peachey but also all the ministers mrs legion. langley. regional ministers those in the chain of command saying to the hearing and gone and also the cabinet ministers some present and also some political activists and local
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media has attorney been taken under military control does feel like this is the beginning of a coup the fear has always been very real people here and a the military. the military so i don't think anyone has a rule that there was a lot of skepticism about whether this was you know the classic military ploy that they don't normally and then what they're going to be normally give warning so a lot of people did feel that this might be rectal posturing from them in order to . leo people could be incredibly worried. you know there's a lot of tension on the street. they need to protest closer military people and. the majority of the. most of the population things have been quiet but. d popping up around the city and the flags and banners you don't touch that you. can
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pick up in the streets people are really showing that the pool and i think there will be a very negative reaction from the public. on that was our correspondent in young go on talking to us earlier before the phone lines were cut off saying there that it felt like this was the beginning of a cool but we now have confirmation that that is indeed what's taking place in myanmar this monday the military announcing a state of emergency after detaining several members of the national league democracy party the ruling party including its leader. let's now bring in foreign story our correspondent who's reported extensively from myanmar she joins us live from kuala lumpur so far is only last week the military was promising that he would abide by the constitution which is drafted more than a decade ago what is it that drove this action today from the military how are they justifying this cool. well this is probably something
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that the military has been planning known and the statement backtracking on carrying out a military coup was possibly to allay fears so it could carry out the coup swiftly and in secret and now it appears that those fears have now come true. son suchi and several officials and also activists that. have been detained we don't yet know what's happened to them we haven't yet heard from them now and the military chief has now taken over the vice president is now in the acting president the vice president himself is a former general and he has said that he will be handing over power to the military chief the commander in chief been all hearing so the military is going to be fully in charge of the country and he has already said that there is a state of emergency has been declared and it's going to be in place for a year so the military now in charge what do we know i know there's been very
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difficult to get in touch with people in myanmar right now because of the phone lines being done down what do we know about the whereabouts of on science and are these figures party members who have been arrested. well they were in naypyidaw because 1st of february on monday was would have been the 1st parliamentary sitting since the elections in 2000 since the election last year which and the n l d the national league for democracy party won by a landslide and they've been detained so they may still be in a pit or they may be they may be transferred on the way to another another place we don't know where they are being held then the military has said on a military t.v. that they had carried out this coup in response to electoral fraud and this really is what the military has been saying for days that they think that there has been electoral fraud that is in essence it is it could really just be the military just not being happy that it has to share power with
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a civilian government and seeing its power diminishing from term to term with every election to be fair to be clear though there has been no evidence of electoral fraud we've not heard of we've not had an observer say there has been any issue of ballot stuffing or any international or any electoral fraud but this is consistent with what the military has been saying right the national league for democracy the n.m.d. as you say 180 percent of the seats in november elections i wonder how will this coup now and the detention of she and the figures go down with the people in myanmar it's an extremely popular audience and sochi is popular is there likely to be public dissent. there will very likely be public dissent but i think the military is also very aware of this and that's why you've got the report saying that the military has taken over yangon city hall we hear that there are soldiers and military trucks on the streets in
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yangon so the military is preparing for this and as a country that is no stranger to uprisings against military rule we've seen one that by students we've seen one by monks that suffer a revolution it was called so the military really wouldn't be surprised if there was another one you know in the last 10 years the govern the the people have grown really. happy with civilian rule. and that's why we've seen the l.d. win election in 2015 and then again in 2020 by such a huge margin people want some form of democratic rule and it wouldn't be surprising if they were to come on the streets to protest again but i also think the military is aware of that and they are putting measures in place to prevent that the military is also very much feared in myanmar of course but overall florence's is not going to project very well on the military and it's not going to
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project myanmar at all in a good light to the rest of the world we've already had heard condemnation from washington the white house does the military at all care about what the international community says about this. well judging from past experience the short answer would be no and for the decades when myanmar was a military dictatorship it had it was criticised there was sanctions against the the country but myanmar military leaders did not care as long as they could still conduct business and it was conducting business with countries that did not care that it was a military dictatorship such as china thing report then the man on the tree was quite happy to keep being a military dictatorship but the one of the reasons why it opened up to democracy was because it was tired of being a sort of vassal state if you will to china so it flirted with democracy but then it found that its influence its power was waning because democracy was proving
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really popular with people and because it had underestimated the power off. so the military now finding that 10 years of democracy evan experiment in democracy is really not working for them and it is now coming back to tech to take back power right thank you for that florence 3 thank you very much for the moment foreign story live there from kuala lumpur and as of been saying this been a reaction already to the situation in myanmar to the school in myanmar this monday the white house issuing a statement that says the united states opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede manned mars democratic transition and will take action against those responsible if these steps are not reverse they say we are monitoring the situation closely and stand with the people of burma who have already enjoyed so much in their quest for democracy and east peace rather let's bring in win now
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who is the executive director of burma human rights network is via skype joining us thank you very much as we continue to of course follow these events unfolding today in myanmar and a coup now in 4 days there have been speculation speculation about the military and what it was going to do it seems that this has now happened this coup that many people had thought would happen well what is your reaction 1st to the military statement about why they're doing this now. i mean. what we clearly see is this is. somebody dancing and destroying the democratic process which has been so far little progress we have me so this is very unfortunate event. the military general which actually you know the fruit of diminishing power in burma and intolerance with you know of with the civilian government. civilian government has been getting the support
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and involved in during the election so they have create a false accusation. the fraud there is a big problem election actually it is not the main reason is you see according to the military rule me all and gentlemen all i have to retire very soon because he's now aged 65 of no interior to retire soon so he if he does without any power and he he need to protect himself because he has committed genocide against or injure people so he need to protect really need to hold a higher position in the government so he want to become a president of the my position what he's not getting from any only without any kind of situation so what is the move yeah what do you think is going to happen now to answer answer to of course she was under house arrest for some 13 years before becoming leader of myanmar the de facto leader of myanmar what's the military
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likely to do with her now. military seems to be very stubborn and they're not abide by the law they don't care about any system any promise you know yesterday this is something to model the do something else so it is very unlikely to predict them but the one of the key important point here i would like to raise is is very important how what is international community going to do now because international community has been playing very weak. diplomatic you know but if there isn't any any reaction. reaction from the national community to encourage them to undermine any international law or any any new news so we are freezing to day to day we have this situation unfortunate situation because 'd they never face any consequence because what they have done so and everything that we urge the international community ok must be immediately targeted sanctions on this general
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and their businesses immediately of course a missile interesting to see what internationally she does there has already been condemnation from the u.s. whether they'll be sanctions remains to be seen thank you very much for speaking to us chua when who is the executive director of burma human rights network we've managed to join ali fowler correspondent in young gone she's live with us now of course ali the phone lines and the internet was down about an hour or so ago tell us about the situation right now it seems that connections are back up and what's happening. yes connections do seem to be coming back out the people i'm with are just managed to get back on a mine on their phones and the internet was cut off in my home but it didn't it was still working in a few places so we've been more right time looking for some way to connect my mom in a hotel is one of the few places where wife i was still working and so i'm yet it does seem like we're coming back online so information is trickling back on i'm from the
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streets of us have just been walking around time trying to find out what's going on and while i was looking for somewhere where i could connect and act on the streets things feel relatively normal apart from obviously a lot of people looking at their phones talking about why they com connect and so on but most people are going to work as they normally would on a monday and there is some tension but we're not seeing a presence of military vehicles or i haven't seen a presence of mit military vehicles around significant places that young gone or any people coming to the streets to object so far so that's young gone a larger city in myanmar that's where you are of course what about me and. the a big military base there a huge military presence in naypyidaw that's the capital of course what are you hearing about what's happening there. absolutely and we there is always a strong military presence in nato it's it is. dominated by security forces
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and i have been hearing we have we are hearing that you can see and there's a very visible military presence. on the streets there today and that is of course where almost all of the high profile people. because the parliament was due to open today so all the ministers all the newly elected m.p.'s are all out there anyway so of course it's been relatively easy for them to run people off because they're all in one place and it's a place that's heavily fortified that has a huge huge security presence so i think that's where the focus is at the moment in young gone we're not feeling the numbers or the presence the military quite yet right we've heard heard from the military a statement basically trying to justify this this action they've taken you know announcing a state of emergency as well how are people reacting on time tucci and the national league for democracy of course extremely popular in myanmar how are people reacting
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to these events today. absolutely i mean so so far what i've heard from people online and visits huge amount of i rage you not saying that on the streets as i mentioned but the reason this is of course going to be a very unpopular coup over the last few days they've obviously been rumors that this may happen and the response has been pretty negative from most of the population you've seen flags and the flags and banners supporting on such a big hung around the streets it's been quiet support but supports all the same and then online obviously a lot of rage and fear and the other thing that we've seen today as well as arrests of high profile politicians they've also been arresting activists high profile activists people who were leaders of protest movements in the past. who are part of this 88 generation and so that's possibly a preemptive move to stop. the movement of
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a popular uprising right to get rid of people that were seen as leadership figures to so who is the key player in the military right now who's in charge of the country so minute online who's the commander in chief he really seems to be the driving force behind a lot of this and he was due to retire in july early july when he turned 65 and it's been pretty widely known all talked about that he that he doesn't want to he's done a few interviews in the past when he's talked about how he will continue to work for the country there had been speculation that he would try and become president but of course the military and their allies the military backed conti's haven't gained nearly enough seats over to the election for that to be a possibility so i think he's had to move. and this is obviously not the option for him another way of keeping power as you say that this coup today coming as
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a newly elected nor house of parliament was due to convene for the 1st time on monday today in naypyidaw the army saying it took this action because of fraud in november's election an election which the. national need for democracy won. are they any is there any proof that the election was indeed mobbed by fraud i mean what how why are they saying this. well i think i'm happy they're saying it because they they're looking for for a reason or for an excuse and it's difficult to tell that hasn't been that much transparency coming from the union election commission be the military actually had a press conference on tuesday where they presented choose numbers of documents that was supposed to be backing up their claims of fraud but i think that you know it's it's 'd like i mean seen by most people as a as a baseless accusation that the west some and they were international election monitors here over the election sent to the election results and not as many as as
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they normally would have been because of an obviously coded travel restrictions and so on but the web monitors the was media following and generally and it was seen to have been a legitimate all relatively free and fair election obviously there were some problems with it but i think even if the witness like some problems the accusations that coming from the military have a greater role they're making much more of it than perhaps. you know is the reality but i think they haven't really they haven't fully rejected the election results and they had just just accused of fraud but now obviously this is a quite a major step and they're obviously pretty upset that they went big listen to it and i wonder are you hearing anything about the whereabouts of. the de facto leader of myanmar she was of course under house arrest for some 15 years until 2010 when she became the leader of myanmar is that the case right now that she is under house
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arrest do we know what fates. what i mean i don't i i haven't heard any news about that so far exhibit offline for the last hour and a half or so so it's possible there is some news but certainly i have heard of the fact that she does have a house in naypyidaw now which is where she will be at the moment and where she spends most of her time the house that she was on the house arrest. in before in which is her lakeside in young gone she's not there very often at the moment so she won't be back in that iconic of form of prison and she's likely to still be in nato and either in her own house on the house arrest or taken elsewhere which is what happens when she when the initial detainments will the initial arrest happens even if she's late allowed to go back to her residence but i am afraid i can't tell you at the moment right where she should say let's talk a bit more about the relationship between on sons hoochie and the military she of course created a role for herself a new position and became the de facto leader of myanmar but it's always been an
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uneasy relationship hasn't it absolutely and recent reports that the relationship has been at rock bottom i mean. it's said that she although she does have a reasonably good relationship with some people within the military her relationship with the leadership her relationship with men on line is supposed to be. pretty pretty terrible and they they very rarely meet they they they don't seem to get on the actual they've both been reportedly you know pretty critical of each other a bad relationship and yet and santucci has defended the military and her country against you know charges of genocide at the hague the charges you know that the military was conducting genocide in rakhine state against the running of people she defended the military so you know you wonder what was the breaking point.
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absolutely i mean the military as an institution and sense that she is not actually gets i think a lot of people don't don't realize that she she has a reasonable amount of sympathy or affection for the military because it was started by her father her father is the finder of the military and she has a huge amount of respect for her father she dedicated a lot of her life to studying his words and his words and she's written about him. to a great extent and so she has some at least respectful parts of the military but it's individuals within the military that she has issues with and especially have certain individuals who were her former captors and those i say the current leadership so she doesn't seem to have an issue with the military itself and you also find a lot of people who will argue that she wasn't standing up to the military she was standing up for the country when she was defending myanmar against genocide charges
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that actually angered some military leaders because they didn't feel it was her place to be talking about these things you know she's not she's not the the person to be saying that she saw it as her role as the leader of the country to stand up and defend people so so people within the country will argue that that wasn't actually a show of support for the military it was just. for filling her but of course people outside of myanmar would argue otherwise i mean she was seen as a beacon for human rights a principled octavius who gave up her freedom to challenge the army in myanmar but everything then changed when she herself became leader you know people will criticize their way even calls for her nobel peace prize to be taken back so i wonder what the reaction will slowly regionally and internationally to all this. yeah absolutely and this is a huge there was a huge amount of outrage about her actions and a lot of incredulity as to how she could have done that how she could have
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presented herself as this sort of. beacon of human rights for so long and then and sort of dismissed these really very serious charges and and seemed almost indifferent to the ones who did cut callous about it's about how serious they were and so i think that will you know there is she has lost a lot of popularity in the west but i can't see them you know there's only. i can't see them not defending her or so of me being concerned about well being during this time because it does seem like there's no real reason no lawful reason for this arrest at this time and so she has become a political prisoner once again and not something that western countries stand against and so i should imagine chil still have the support at this time all right if you're just joining us on al-jazeera we're covering breaking news out of myanmar where the military has taken over it seems in what is
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a coup nods confirm that. a state of emergency is in place in myanmar always been seeking to correspondent in young going on the 5 phone lines now a backup the internet is back up just to remind us of what's been happening this morning this monday in myanmar and also what the game plan is now what is the end game for the military. well so at around 3330 this morning we saw the get into full it's the people being detained on some suchi the fact the leader of the country was reportedly detained as were a lot of other senior ministers cabinet ministers and also states and the ministers of states and regions we've also heard that a lot of activists certain high profile activists have been detained and the state media and on t.v. has been taken over by the military the airport was also reports to be closed so
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there's a lot of movement a lot of action in the in the wee hours this morning. and young gone where i am there was also reports of military around the city hold around 5 30 in the morning since i've been up since i've been walking around since around 6 am this morning i haven't seen any military presence but it was me that the internet was cut off as you mentioned and phone signal so a lot of anxiety today a lot of. fear and insecurity about what's happened and now it's confirmed that it will be a coup you know the end game not entirely clear but i suppose it's being to extend men on the lines power which he has essentially done men on line as the commander in chief and he's essentially done not by not declaring himself in charge of the country ali thank you very much for the update of course we'll be checking in regularly with you for the latest say on the situation in myanmar is our
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correspondents live there from young gone while there's been a reaction international reaction is coming in slowly we've heard from the u.s. there's been a statement from the white house that's bringing katrina correspondent jane beijing katrina until the end of military rule in myanmar in $27.00 the military of course had support from china china keep an ear a big player and myanmar how will they be viewing these events unfolding today. well the certainly going to be watching very very closely we haven't had any official response from the june yet but we're expecting that at least over the next few hours and as you mentioned mayan mars is a key i live for china is a very important player in the way chinese china sees it in terms of its influence in the asia region and china is mine was large is trading partner it's the 2nd largest source of foreign direct investment china also shares a 2100 kilometer border with my ammo so mylar is crucial for beijing's geo politike
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