tv News Al Jazeera February 1, 2021 7:00am-7:31am +03
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the military made its move in the early hours of the morning detaining a democratically elected leader and son c h e and figures from the ruling party cheese n l d government won november's election by a landslide but accusations of electoral fraud led to tension between the civilian government and the military. what my stance is is that heavy handed in the internal military struggles but also have gone back to a chinese arms and said look this is where we think you're going it's not chinese government which is not inclined to support him ocracy has said you have that back in the political crisis began last tuesday when a military spokesman refused to rule out the possibility of a coup the following day mammals military chief state fears when he said the constitution should be repealed if it was not abided by as tensions reached their peak on saturday the military issued
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a new statement saying the commander in chief's comments had been misinterpreted and pledged to protect the constitution. but just hours later emboldened by remus hundreds of protesters gathered in young gone at a pro-military rally where speeches welcome to kill with the support of the people there is no our legal basis for the military true takeover of our while the military may claim there are certain housing the constitution that allows it to do this that is very much open to interpretation and it's fairly clear that in terms of a constitutional american see that that has largely lies with the president and not with the commander in chief more than a dozen countries including the u.s. and the u.k. have urged me to adhere to democratic norms this military coup will likely lead to more sanctions. the n l d has called on the military to accept the will of the people and has asked its
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supporters to stay calm on the same day a new parliament was due to open in myanmar the fate of the country's democracy is uncertain victoria gates and the al-jazeera. let's get the very very latest now from correspondent in yangon so the phone lines and internet is back up early tell us about the situation for us in yangon myanmar. well actually 1st of all i just want to say that the phone lines i'm completely back on my my phone certainly isn't working and neither are some friends i'm with still colleagues who are i mean that there are some services still working some wife i sort of says never seem to go down and i'm in a hotel at the moment which is any place i find had work in my flight but i've got a few friends that i've been communicating with they still seem to have connections with a few of the smaller internet companies and i've just received a message saying that my tell which is one of the service providers it's actually the military's fact service provider of the military associates of the military
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company my trial is still working so some people do have connection but i'm with the norwegian the norwegian telecoms community communication company telling all and that's certainly not working neither the phone line all the internet and my internet also doesn't seem to know a thing. who do you know what the situation is in naypyidaw the capital that's where the largest military base is of course and where the parliament was supposed to be convening today the new parliament is there is a big military presence on the streets there. yeah absolutely the capital is always pretty high and security there's a there's a large number of military bases around there is a large military presence that anyway since being very easy for them to mobilize and set me what we heard in the early hours of the morning was that there was a large large number of military out to the streets people being rounded up we've
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always had lots of high profile people being detained so we have been getting reports that were a huge amount there was a huge military presence there will recently information is a little bit less a little bit less information coming out because obviously things have been blocked there a lot of journalists that were there in quarantine hotels ready for the column and so they're all in one area quite easy to round up same with m.p.'s you know it's not it's it's probably been a reasonably easy task for the military to to to detain and run people up and keep control of this thing because everyone's in the one place well rounded by security forces and ali just quickly how are people reacting to this of course. in the national league for democracy party are extremely popular they won i think 80 percent of the votes of the seats in the last election are people very upset and are they any indications that they might you know that they might be some protests
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of some sort. i mean i think this is one thing that is very clear even at this early stage is that this is not going to be popular i mean the public has been very supportive very very have rallied behind on sunset she at every step even while she faced criticism from international community and from other people the public has been absolutely behind she just won again in a landslide victory in the november elections they are extremely popular in the last week when rima started to come out about the crew we did see. the flags which is a party and the flags being hung windows around the streets of downtown young gun banners with her face on it saying we support the results of the election and also calls from the international community as well for that to be
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a peaceful transition and for everything to go smoothly and for the rights of democracy to be respected so i think that will be a backlash from people and from the international community people will not be happy with this move the fear is so great at the moment that whether we'll see that translate into a puppy or movement on the streets is yet to be seen aren't ali thank you very much for the moment. there from young gone thank you very much for the moment where they has been some international reaction already in the u.s. the state department issuing a statement that says the united states opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede nan last democratic transition and will take action against those responsible if the steps are not reverse we are monitoring the situation closely and stand with the people of myanmar who have already enjoyed so much in their quest for democracy and peace as bringing our correspondent jane in
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maryland and washington for a sole party it seems a big for us foreign policy test for the biden administration how might they react i mean we've heard the condemnation what else can we expect. well i think we're seeing a clear signal that the by the ministration intend to act 1st we heard from the state department and it didn't necessarily talk about. directly but it said that everyone should be released in the white house came out they named her they released her and they threatened that there would be economic sanctions if this wasn't reversed immediately now we're seeing an even stronger statement from the head of the senate foreign relations committee now run by a democrat saying that these people who have carried out this coup directly saying that they are also guilty of genocide when it comes to the regime and going on to say that they must immediately free all of the government leaders and civil and civil society leaders and then it said there will be x. economic sanctions as well as other measures so we were under the impression that
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perhaps by demonstrations would not respond very late on a sunday evening no is sunday evening here in washington but they came out with the statement one right after the other basically saying release them now or you will face consequences so we expect then some some type of sanctions you imagine. well we expect that there will be and you can imagine the speechwriters are busy behind the scenes at the white house right now because as it happens we believe that president joe biden is going to give a foreign policy speech monday now of course this will take on a renewed focus this is the 1st test of the by the ministration as you know during the trumpet this ration human rights. fair free and fair elections that wasn't a priority joe biden saying the through the campaign that that would be a priority for him and his administration now that said she has had a lot of criticism here in the united states because because of the massacre of the
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ruhi what the senate foreign relations statement called a genocide because of their handling of the refugee crisis that came from that so there was a bit of a question of how strongly they would come out in her defense but what we're seeing tonight from the state department from the white house from sort of foreign relations relations committee a united front warning those who have conducted this coup that there will be repercussions before we saw the peaceful transfer of power there were very strong sanctions from the u.s. on the m.r. and they know what that could look like for their how to me so the biden ministrations sending a very clear signal that they can expect that to continue if they do not reverse these actions ok patty thank you very much formal and particle hang with reaction there from the u.s. to the events unfolding this monday in myanmar get more reaction and speak to katrina you our correspondent and beijing that train at myanmar's military has always been able to count on the support of china any reaction so far from beijing
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. no not yet but worse sure that beijing of watching this very very closely monitor is a very key player for china china counts on my on mars a supporter when it comes to cold cultivating time his influence in the asia region and myin ma definitely relies on china china is the biggest trading partner of burma for man march china is the 2nd largest source of foreign direct investment based share quite an extensive order 2100 kilometers and since she had been in power she had recognized this and she had been cultivating this economic relationship with china she was quite a enthusiastic participant in china's the road initiative and also there was of course the china economic corridor or china has been investing billions of dollars into infrastructure projects. that a much needed in that country and in return. says china of much needed natural
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resources timber oil hydro powered jade so for china it's been a very important relationship and it's not just the economics not just trade it's also very much political china is one of the rare supporters of my imo when it comes to its approach with the really hinges china has always had this noninterference approach and said that it doesn't meddle in internal affairs and therefore doesn't support sanctions or any punitive measures by the international community and in turn my on mars also as a boarder china's approach to the jiang and its approach in taiwan to hong kong for example that all being said since aung sun chichi has come to power it's fair to say that china's influence in my and my has been slowly waning and that's because among the people that there has been a growing anti china sentiment people are creasing ling suspicious of chinese influence and and on things that she has been listening to that she has been trying
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to really pull maslow be away from this over alliance on trial. in a trade it between the 2 countries was not what it was when the military was in power for example and there was a lot of key projects infrastructure projects in china that have been stalled for various reasons such as the environment for example in china has not been very happy with that now what's key to know is that china's foreign minister actually visited my only 3 weeks ago he's down with aung sang suu to signed a number of memorandums yes i was going to ask you about that would china would just just let me interrupt you for a 2nd katrina and ask you whether china would have been aware of this move today this action that the military took would they have told china about this. well it's difficult to say that they wouldn't have at least communicated their retain intention to do this if not consulted china because it because of the
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economic reliance of landmark on china and the risk of economic collapse or economic damage in light of this crew the military would have at least had to have some sort of guarantee or some sort of lifeline and because china has had this history of noninterference not criticizing the internal affairs they were very much china as long as china can guarantee you a wants to know that its own interests in my own are protected it's unlikely that china will criticize or do anything to affect the political workings of what's currently happening so in a way it's quite possible that the military in miami is depending on this continued economic support from beijing as they continue this coup as a sort of lifeline and in return beijing is hoping that this if this economic growth this economic contribution is continuing if this they continue to prop up the mine maracana me as this coup continues then china will be
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a short hoping to be assured that its own interests will be protected that moammar will continue to support china politically and in the wider international community as well going forward and as he was saying earlier we were likely to to see some sanctions some sort of sanctions from from the united states this will be another point of tension of course between washington and b. g. if this is the case and they are sanctions as we expect what sort of support then might be gene provide to myanmar's military. if there are sanctions it's likely china will voice its opposition to those sanctions and not try to actively block any sanctions and china doesn't actually need to do much because all it needs to do is really just continue its current trade its current economic relationship with my ma like i said it's the largest trading partner my amherst's are reliant on chinese direct investment in chinese funding of infrastructure projects that i think that china will continue to do that and in
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a way it will inadvertently or you know maybe intentionally unintentionally who knows what beijing will say in the international community but it will essentially allow the military to continue whatever it wants to do and whatever it it's going forward will however it's continuing this in miami ok katrina you in beijing thank you very much for the moment cheney is our correspondent in china let's discuss events unfolding in myanmar for the now with matthew smith who is the chief executive officer of 45 rides he's vice kuyt from the u.s. we somewhat knew that this was going to come they've been rumors of a cool matthew for some time now 1st of all what is your reaction and what do you think the military in taking this action is trying to achieve ultimately. well this is a it's a profoundly dark day for the people of myanmar. the coup in many ways doesn't make
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sense the military already had political power it already had significant economic power so. to a certain extent were some threats of a coup over there over recent days as you noted but this is still a shark and you know we are thinking about people being more right now we're worried about further arrests we're trying to make sense of just how far the military has cast its neck in terms of arresting. people in this situation the. a military and of course the government even nonsense which he had been criticizing a great deal for the treatment of the routing of people in rakhine state and the mass exodus that led to the crime down in rakhine in 2017 what you know what is the current situation as far as white south and send in myanmar how are people there coping on a daily basis. well you know there are layers upon layers of human rights crises
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taking place and me in my right now of course the situation that the real anger facing amounts to genocide crimes against humanity ethnic nationalities in various parts of the country have been under attack for years weeks months and it's a little stylish to be continuing but also widespread restriction pins on freedom of expression peaceful assembly we've been seeing an increase in crackdowns on people expressing their views publicly whether it's about the war and folding in western media more or about more broadly about democracy we haven't seen these crackdowns taking place recently so suffice to say there are a number of human rights crises right now and this. unfolding situation now oh only complicates those yeah there's a fear of the military no downs in myanmar by then but at the same time people very much support the ruling party and on sun sochi do you expect that they will perhaps
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protests take to the streets or is this fear of the military too deep for people to risk it. we would not be surprised if people took to the streets are you know that there are a number of. people all throughout the country who support the government but even those who don't have explicit or express explicit support for say the national league for democracy democracy or even state councilor on sense who they will still be appalled at this situation i think that the military is actions are going to transcend political lines throughout the country i can't imagine people b.m.r. standing for this and of course the military has a history of brutal crackdowns against protesters we saw it in 2007 with the saffron revolution and before that as well so this certainly does not bode well.
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doesn't bode well what do you make of the international community's reaction or perhaps lack of reaction as some have described it when it comes to the issue of the running out foreign sense. did you expect that they could be perhaps a. more important reaction a stronger action and reaction from the international and. we are encouraging governments to condemn this situation to call for the release of all those who've been detained and to pressure the me and my military to. let go of its grip that it is attempting to hold over over the political situation right now we're very pleased to see the vita administration speaking very openly about its concerns at this situation we do hope other governments follow suit right. but beyond beyond you know condemnation is that going to be enough condemnation what else needs to be happening here. well this was certainly an by community.
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actions by various governments and the miramar military would have known that and that's also what makes this also you know a bit more concerning you know the military can expect sanctions the military can expect widespread condemnation for this this will not do so much just be business as usual this is going to fundamentally change the way that governments interact with. with the government of myanmar with me and our military more specifically thank you very much matthew smith for speaking to us about this matthew smith is a chief executive officer of fortify rights he was speaking to us there from the u.s. . international reaction to this koan folding in myanmar this monday australia has said it's deeply concerned about the situation and has called on the military to respect the rule of law. rather disturbing.
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developments on aware of those troubling reports in the foreign minister has been following the very cause you know if you receive already she to start in on these matters on the standard the details of going to have a very limited because of communications reportedly cut. and it's still relatively early in may and we've been a longstanding supporter of me in my eyes democratic transition including the election in november and i spoke to mr crouch is a professor at the university of new south wales and the author of a book on the cost of myanmar and she says the military's claim that this call sits within the constitution doesn't stack up. some of the statements that have come out from media in the last hour or so is that they are using section 417 of the constitution which is basically an emergency powers provision however there are a few catches here so 1st of all that provision is a pal is supposed to be used by the president no it appears that the president
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himself would have been very unlikely to have initiated a constitutional motion see in this way it appears what might have happened is that the military is claiming the vice president is no longer sorry the president is no longer in office the vice president that means can step up and one of the vice presidents is a military officer that vice president then potentially exercise these constitutional emergency powers in he is in his role as acting president and that is the basis on which the military is claiming that this is actually constitutional now there's a lot of questions there about that as to whether that account is is right but it does appear at this stage to be the case still. promoting the line of voter fraud but what they have said is that sway has one of the vice presidents is acting president they have said that the commander in chief is now in control according to
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the constitutional images you post and that means that he is now in control for one year and that's according to the constitution this means that the commander in chief in many ways can do what he likes he can play certain restrictions we might see a curfew in place at some point in the next little while or restrictions on freedom of movement of freedom expression and so on but we're waiting to hear more on that account i think a lot of people had faith in the electoral process last year and that was demonstrated by the way in which people voted and so i think for the military to now go and do the. without providing any evidence whatsoever our all through it really undermines the credibility of the entire system that they have built and it undermines even just the credit credibility of the very idea of a constitutional militancy i mean this is not
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a legitimate constitutional emergency let's bring back florence who is our correspondent in kuala lumpur and she's 60 sensibly reported on myanmar so florence we have the situation now where the military seems to be in control in myanmar after having arrested on sense which she and other leaders of the national league for democracy this is a big risk that they've taken in you know taking power and conducting this coup what next what happens now while having taken this huge step it is very unlikely that the military is going to backtrack and say that in fact we are going to have bipartisan 1000000000 government the military has already said and this was announced on military t.v. that that's going to be a state of emergency in the country for a year now we're not sure the parliament is going to be suspended but under an emergency whoever's in charge will have very very wide powers and the military
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chief the commander in chief been on playing is in charge we've heard on military t.v. that the vice president who himself is a former general is now the acting president and he has transferred power to the military chief so i think we can do away with the pretense that myanmar is still undergoing a democratic transition it is there is there is now whitman on certain that there has been a military coup and that the military is firmly back in charge remind our viewers florence what is it that drove this action from the military today and how they're justifying this school. well the military said on military t.v. that it is taking this action because of electoral fraud now there has been no evidence that there was electro fraud in the last elections held in november last year also a party the national league for democracy had won by a landslide there was also a big turnout unexpected the big turnout at voting booths and.
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it was testament to the fact that people were very happy with the democratic transition they wanted also in cities party to continue ruling the country now the military has said in the last few days that they believe that there was electoral fraud and there were rumors that they would say that the rumors that they were thinking of. of conducting a military coup there were comments hinting that they would do everything that's necessary job hold the constitution and now they've said they are doing this because of electoral fort despite there being no evidence that the military was in charge of men for many many decades until in 2010 when they handed over power to a new stance of the civilian government but even then the military made sure they were still in charge because what happened was former military generals and high ranking officials they resigned and they formed a political party but they stood in the elections and they had rewritten the
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constitution in a way that guaranteed them 25 percent of seats in parliament as well as control of 3 very important ministries in cabinet and the 25 percent of seats guaranteed in parliament means they also have an effective constitutional veto so they had written these in place to ensure that they would still be a very powerful force in politics in myanmar but they are seeing their influence and their power wane because of how popular is becoming and also and that the national league for democracy in that one term that's been in power trying to effect a constitutional constitutional change and the military was very unhappy about that right now what about the reactions. and the people as you've said. in the ruling party extremely popular they won some 80 percent of the seats in november election as we've heard from previous guests they have been revolts and protests in the past in myanmar do you expect any this time around or is the fear of the military too
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deep today. it's very difficult to predict what will happen i think it's all just speculation at this point but i wouldn't be surprised and we shouldn't be surprised if there's some form of protests were and whether or not it's going to take the form of coming out in huge demonstrations on the streets that is a little bit more difficult to predict but in the past we have certainly seen that happening in the young man who was led by students in 1908 and then it was led by monks a few decades a few years later a few years later so that has happened in the past it certainly can happen again but we're also seeing the military take precautions in making sure and trying to ensure that this doesn't happen or if it does happen then at least they are in a position to control it what we're seeing the military do is they've put their make sure that there was military presence on the ground in yangon in the early hours of the morning just when the leaders were being detained were also seen how the military has disrupted the communication lines in slowing down or cutting
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internet and phone lines in several big cities in myanmar so there's certainly i think a recognition by the military that this can happen and they're putting in place measures to ensure it doesn't happen or if it does happen it's not to such a huge extent or that it will be more difficult for activists or for protest leaders to rally people we've also heard from our correspondent in yangon that activists have been rounded up as well and florence for the moment thank you very much foreign story live there in kuala lumpur and we'll have plenty more on the events in myanmar the coup in myanmar this monday after this very short break on al-jazeera do stay with us. for the perfect gentleman. qatar airways. the
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atmosphere is getting a little bit restless having had quiet weather for a week or 2 over the middle east beirut shows a slight warming trend with little breeze and sunshine in the sky so what's different you might think well the breeze is coming out of the interiors cold meat causing that warming and that so joining up with active weather in western turkey nothing are showing in the sky over arabia or iran there is a blood has been a dusty wanted to keep going through monday and then we can some more on tuesday and then something else happens reason isn't particularly usual this breeze picks up quite a strong one coming through northern saudi the cloud starts to form which even suggests a few showers just dotted around asked optically unusual look at this pattern the time we get to thursday you know used to seeing this rain over the desert middle of a significant arc of rain this is by says they're running out through saturday just catching jordan and probably the west of iraq it's interesting to follow it when he gets in south of the.
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