tv News Al Jazeera February 1, 2021 10:00am-10:31am +03
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forecast jo'burg and the suit to sudden moves are particularly wet with more flash floods. part of the plan from my colleagues on the love we are the one grappling the extra mile where all the media don't go we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. to. the military says it's taking control for a year claiming last november's election was fraudulent. rather than more of al jazeera live from doha minerals de facto need to unc song suchi and other political leaders are detained a party is calling for protests the burmese military says the power has been
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transferred to the commander in chief general men. and in other news a bail hearing in hong kong for jimmy lie the billionaire media tycoon charged with violating the national security you know. it's just past 7 g.m.t. that one 1st see in the afternoon in may in ma where the military has seized power and installed a former general as president has declared a state of emergency after detaining civilian unsung suchi and other senior officials as a heavy military presence seen in major cities communication lines have been disrupted and banks closed the coup comes on the very day new parliament was to be inaugurated has been public tension ever since november's election when suchi is policy won in a landslide but the military discredited the results making on. allegations of
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widespread voter fraud were general men on hiring who previously suggested abolishing the constitution is now the man in charge so your cheese national league for democracy party is urged the people to reject the coup and wholeheartedly protest well despite international condemnation the military maintains its actions are legally justified it's a big reversal of what many saw as years of progress towards democracy in miles long hailed as a rare case where the military willingly handed power to civilian rule we have a whole team of reporters covering this story in just a moment we'll be getting more from there for us in yangon we've got florence luis standing by in kuala lumpur katrina you in beijing with all the reaction from china and a little tour and i'm in new delhi 1st of all back to you ali in the young gone that is of course the biggest city in minot the commercial capital what's the scene there. well there's increasing tension on the street here in yangon this
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morning when news 1st came out there wasn't much happening people were sort of going to work as normal and the only obvious destruction was the fact that internet and phones had been jammed and so people weren't able to get online they were able to make phone calls but then since then we've started to see a little bit more of a military presence or security forces anyway. some police riot police who have been moving around the city gathering in certain areas downtown we've also seen roads blocked and as you mentioned that the banks have also been closed i think the snow warning i did see some queues outside a.t.m. machines the a.t.m. machines here rely on an internet connection to work so people about basically realized that they weren't able to access money because the the quite a lot of the wife i connection was down and then as things continued the banks and night school closures and so all the banks in that close i don't know if it's to try and prevent some sort of run on the banks or or what the reason is that there
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was definitely some nervousness about access to cash the small in any way the national league for democracy a. policy of course they are urging for people to protest the will they. i think it's. slightly difficult to judge at the moment i mean i'd certainly what what is definitely is that this is going to be a hugely unpopular to the people. there's a huge amount of support for their no d. and for i'm sad to cheat and we saw that in the results of the most recent election in november and she still maintains that support and over the last week or so we've heard we've heard rumors of a coup and there's been a lot of speculation and the response from people in yangon and around the country it has definitely been one of disappointment and fear and grief seen people flying and l.d. flags and banners with uncensored you spaces face on on the end of streets and so
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on so showing their support but in a quiet and cautious way this coal. to the people to protest is set me i mean it's very likely to have an impact especially it's been attributed to aung san suu kyi even though she's been dipping detained you know they are saying they prepared it in advance you know i suppose in anticipation of this potential possibility the possibility of a coup so i'm sure that will have an impact because she has a lot of influence but whether they can actually will that have the organizers to bring enough people together to make an impact will have not of a popular movement for people to feel safe enough together that's yet to be seen a lot of activists have already been arrested the kind of people that were student leaders or leaders of protest in the past they've already been detained so it will be about finding someone who can organize and getting the numbers for people to feel safe enough to go out without without risk to the rest or worse.
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i was saying military presence there and young going what about the situation in naples all that man was new capital relatively new capital of a military built to be reclusive away in the jungle and that was where pollens was about to sit and take over a new term when the coup happened what's the situation there. absolutely well the most of the detainment seemed to happen early this morning and there were reports 1st thing in the morning there was a very strong security presence military presence in place in in the capital and then information sort of starts trickling out of there because there was a block on internet block on phones so we haven't been getting as much information out of nato as as we'd like but a lot of people have not been able to contact their loved ones or m.p.'s and there
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has been some silence but just in the last couple of hours we have seen internet connections and phone connections improved or at least phone connections back online in the door so there's a bit more information coming out now and it's always got a huge military presence in nato it was built by the former military as a sort of capital away from the matches away from the people in an area that's seen as very strategic military area and to prevent popular uprisings affecting many of the leaders so it's already set up with a sort of thing and so it doesn't it's not difficult for them to mobilize in that area. keeping us across all the very latest developments in side a man off for the moment. the border now to india we can join elizabeth pran i'm from new delhi and it just got quite a complicated relationship with man miles military hasn't it what's been the reaction. it does laura we've had
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a brief statement from the external affairs ministry they have said that they have noted the developments in myanmar with deep concern that india has always supported the process of democratic transition in the country that the rule of law and the democratic process must be upheld and that they're watching the situation very closely now myanmar is important to india for a number of reasons it shares a more than 1600 kilometer land border along 4 of india's northeastern states and in a more than 700 kilometer maritime border along the bay of bengal all. india sees me on my as its gateway to southeast asia it's invested in many large infrastructure projects that boost its presence to also boost trade it has close ties but as you say it has a complicated relationship and that's because while india has supported the democratic transition of power and myanmar it has maintained close ties with
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myanmar's military leadership and that's because of security concerns in the east india a number of groups have had bases in myanmar of the past few decades and india's been the tree has worked closely with the with its myanmar counterpart to put pressure on those groups to conduct joint operations at the same time india c having these close ties with me on must powerful military as an important way to balance china's influence in myanmar and that's one of the reasons why india has never publicly criticized or criticized in fact to be on must hand leg of the running the crisis the violence against the rohingya which sort tens of thousands fleeing to india as refugees and so on my a very important partner for india which is why many analysts here have said that the last thing that india would will want is a failed state on its border with the we could fall into the. because of china
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perhaps being pressured to do china's bidding in regional affairs without a democratically elected government power and the military in control of it and there's a problem bringing us the reaction from india thanks very much to go to a you she is live for us in beijing in katrina china as a huge presence in the forum is so was just a few weeks ago what's been the response of beijing that's right. so far we're waiting on an official response to this crew are expecting that very shortly but china's certainly watching this very very closely as you mention my on is a very significant partner for china and they doing season land most friendship and its support as crucial for shoring up its influence in the asia region and myin mar also has needed beijing beijing is the largest trading partner the 2nd largest source of foreign direct investment it shares a 2100 kilometer border with my an ma so it's economically
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a crucial partner for man market it's a mutual been beneficial thing as well china has invested billions into infrastructure projects and china also receives a lot of much needed natural resources such as or gas drilling timber and it's not just a relationship that's doing well economically china has also supported man over the various political issues for example its handling of the ranger issue and in turn my own mom has been supportive of beijing's approach to the weavers its approach to hong kong and taiwan so there's been. quite a closeness there and that's existed not only with the military junta when it was in power but also that's close relationship seems to have continued since aung sun suu kyi had been in power although it had been strained as well it is fair to say that china has not had as much unbridled influence in in my almost since aung sun suu kyi was leading in there was some concern about overreliance economically on
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china the some projects under her watch that had billions of dollars of chinese investment in them had been stalled for various reasons and there was a rising anti china sentiment among the my and more people that aung san suu kyi she was also cognizant too so it is fair to say that they were looking to basically shore up their interests in miami and that's why one ye was in my early years and what it was what i was involved. when you came to me in our commander in chief of the military. all right so he sat down 3 weeks ago with aung san suu kyi signed if you memorandums a decided they were going to go ahead with a few infrastructure projects for example the china man more rail project but also key is that he actually also sat down with the military commander in chief in my at mar now of course we don't know whether there was any discussion there as to
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whether the military consulted with china or communicated their plans but it would be easy to manage imagine that there was some sort of communication as the military would really need china's continued economic support going forward if they were to continue with this crew especially if you say saw any sanctions from the international community going forward china has also always in itself taken a non interference non meddling approach we're not really expecting any strong words of criticism especially compared to what we've heard for example from the west but what would be crucial for china is to see whether how it can continue to have its influence protected in my on the going forward and whether there are any opportunities. to expand that influence given what's happening now on the ground there are a lot of questions still to be our relations to beijing's racism in markets arena
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of the moment thank you very much for his louis has reported extensively from him and she joins us now live from kuala lumpur so far as the regional reaction towards me tends to be somewhat muted what have we been hearing. well you're absolutely right laura and it is quite muted that the strongest condemnation we've heard is possibly coming from from indonesia which has issued a statement saying electoral differences or to be addressed via available legal mechanisms and we've heard from singapore and malaysia expressing grave concern but also expressing a hope that this issue will be resolved peacefully and then we've got the more autocratic states like cambodia and thailand saying that what's happened is an internal affair and that they're not going to comment on it and really this is kind of what we would expect from thailand and from cambodia which is run by autocrats.
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for a state as far as a statement coming from r.t. and we haven't seen one yet but it shouldn't surprise us if they come up with a rather muted statement because arson as it was made it a point that it's not going to comment on what it deems to be internal affairs off a country that's been its principal for many decades since its action and myanmar is a member of the association of southeast asian nations we've also seen how i was very muted in its criticism of myanmar when the crackdown on the rangar happened in 2017 and really i think we can expect more of the same with regards to what happened in myanmar this monday ok florence. from kuala lumpur the regional reaction of the moment thank you florence. the state department has issued a statement saying the united states of poses any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede me in must democratic transition and will take action against those responsible if these steps are not reversed and monitoring the
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situation closely and stand with the people of burma who have already enjoyed so much in their quest for democracy and peace batticaloa hain is the u.s. state of as in the u.s. state of maryland she says the new by demonstration will want to take an assertive stance on the. i think we can expect the by the administration to take quick action on this but remember this was joe biden he campaigned for president saying that america needs to reengage the world america to take up its position as leader of the free world i think you'll see this is an opportunity to send the message that you serious about that if you want to rally international opinion we've already heard from the white house they said the president was briefed by his national security advisor and they are warning that sanctions. that they that these people need to be released immediately and if not. we will take action against those responsible the senate foreign relations committee under senator bob menendez went
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even further saying that they will they will pursue economic sanctions as well as other actions and the senate foreign relations committee draft chairman going on to say these are the same people who committed the genocide in his words of the regime and that they will take necessary actions i think you'll see the biden ministration want to get in front of the run and want to get in front of the cameras they're going to want to put out whatever sanctions they want to see put in place because they see this is a time critical situation and also the 1st test of the biden presidency he said america will retake its leadership role in the world this will be his 1st chance to show how directly do the want to get more and especially with a man also all sort of a kayak a fascism in the politics of fair and she joins us from melbourne via skype good to have you with us why do you think it's a minute change has done this when it already wailed in significant political and
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economic power and minima. i think there are 2 short answers the 1st one is it had to be today because it had an acting president and on to the constitution that itself it can have that president call a national state of emergency and adequate for 17 of the constitution it can declare martial law again so i can retake fully control of the country rather than having 75 percent of the lawmakers democratically elected and secondly it had to be now because. the national league for democracy met with the military regime on thursday and refused the military's request to postpone the venue and they didn't want polman to open because censored she has been under pressure and made it clear that if this thing of the new parliament nationally could democracy was going to chris for changes to the constitution that decreasing the role impel of the
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military do you believe in the military did indeed act within the constitution and within the role. there is no feasible there is no conceivable reason that you could. say that it's trumped up reasons actually constituted a state of emergency even though that's a somewhat subjective idea you can't say that 8600000 names were added to the voter rolls provide no evidence for that and then decide that that is a national state of emergency so this is a trumped up reason to to retake food power of the country to give the national league for democracy has passed statement calling for people to protest what appetite do you think there is we know there's huge support for the n l d but people also know very well what it's like to live under the military and how
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repressive a regime can be so how much appetite is there to actually come out on sort of the streets and protest this move. well there are a couple things to mention here the 1st is that earlier in the week the national a democracy when they had an inkling of what's coming said that if there is a not a full takeover by the military they don't want people to protest violently so that the end of the response will be a nonviolent one secondly even late last week we saw groups of monks already on the streets telling the military route warning the military not to retake entire control again so that i think there's a significant appetite for protests and we've already seen it because the monks are always the latest that once they come out on the streets other people as well and thirdly you could a whole generation of people now who can hardly remember milch here a little there 20 they voted in their 1st election and so that's a whole population who haven't leapt onto fia and who don't really know how
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frightening this regime is once it starts using its very well used tactics of repression and control mind us of those tactics of oppression as you say many people won't remember them but there has already been a huge crackdown on monks decades before the huge crackdown on students they're not scared say remove people from the streets when they do come out. you know we've seen disappearances in the middle of the night we're seeing a tree torture and a wrist prison and we've seen disappearances receive a curfew which is likely to occur again we see the cutting off of as much communication as possible it's much more difficult in the age of the into there for this to be to this occur now but even today we've seen much sections of many people and young go cut off from mobile phone communications telephone. bureau chiefs not able to access their offices even in a paedo banks closed so we're starting to see some of the ways in which the
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military regime can control the economy we'll see a lot of crowd control a very good at creating barricades making sure that the population cannot get to rally in large numbers and especially around the main pagodas in young go the center you will see much more propaganda we've already seen it ramping up in recent days and we'll see the military mouthpiece again starting to put its side to the population and to try to get to some sense of themselves and not come out to the streets some say cheney she lost a lot of the just missing in stash those days while she was in power over her treatment of the reading population do you think this emboldens the millet saying it's a perform this could. i think of the the military are well aware that sense that she does not have the respect of the international community as she did before the roe he. situation occurred when she simply refused to do anything to stop the
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attempted genocide of the range of people so that's certainly a factor that that's different from the last time a long sensitive chief was detained and i'm sure that's part of the strategical decisions that this is the strategic considerations that went into making use decision one to exclude war thanks very much for taking the time to join us from melbourne. that well says an honorary research associate at the asia research institute that's based at the university of not saying i'm malaysia she says the impacts of the military takeover will be far reaching. i think everyone in myanmar understands that they're using the law to their advantage and i think that there is widespread anxiety and concern about what is happening not only in not only internationally but also within myanmar itself because the implications
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of the coup are not just about who's in power but it has very important implications in terms of covert 19 the economy and of course ethnic conflict in myanmar in terms of the issues the richenda i think that this is a tremendous step back and already a very serious situation you know there is no is going to be no return over hinges when the military is and power that the issues of potential exodus are clearly on the cards and of course even more serious is the fact that the sort of stalemate the peace sort of situation will will actually probably erode and you'll have increased fighting in record time especially by the ira kind of army and so i think that this is going to have. serious issues that will emerge as a result of the military coming back into power it's not just in the state you're got you've seen fighting in other parts of the country and i think in the shan state in the south and in the chaotic or in areas and those fighting has been
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escalating and i think that when with the military now in power what happens is that they're the buffer of sort of reaching sort of. some sort of compromise or real are or actually cease fires has been removed and the chances of this escalating in multiple areas of the country are very real. ok let's move on to some other news now former u.s. president donald trump has named a new legal team to head his impeachment defense it comes off the trial that brought the positive ways with his lead impeachment lawyers on saturday is a case of inciting the support us to storm the capitol building on the 6th of january the repeated false claims of election fraud has a. they plan to argue the trial is unconstitutional because he is no longer in office. hong kong media tycoon pro-democracy activist jimmy lie is appearing in the city's top court he's facing the government's appeal against the decision to extend his bail and 73 year old is accused of fraud and conspiring with foreign forces
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under china's sweeping national security law he's a famous critic of china's leadership in the highest profile person to be charged under the controversial legislation to pick a polonaise outside the court in hong kong. it's a highly charged me 15 minor skirmishes between supporters of jimmy law and pro-democracy supporters and the probe aging supporter this case in particular does of great interest to beijing it's a very sensitive case and it's also the 1st national security law case to reach the final 4th of appeal in the proceedings of the day jimmy lies l'oreal's will be arguing for bail to find out whether he will remain in jail or would be able to go home between now and the actual trial and april he was granted bail in december 23rd already but due to noises from beijing mostly in the form of state media commenting on how hong kong's courts were not well versed in the national security
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law and hong kong's national security the department of justice brought that case back to the courts on december 31st and he was returned to jail jimmy lie as a media mogul and one of the most high profile pro-democracy activists it's a very strong international ties this case is set to set is said to set a precedent for national security law cases in hong kong that law was imposed by beijing on july 1st it's very vague and seen as draconian and it seem to have many moving goalposts so lawyers here and prosecutors here are still said to be finding their way and this particular case is set to be able to define certain parameters for hong kong's national security law more and more cases are expected to be brought to prosecution in the future. israel's government says it will transfer
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5000 vaccine doses to palestinian medical work as it had been criticized for excluding palestine's occupied territories from its vaccine rollout has been the fastest in the world's reports. gaza's hospitals are overwhelmed with patients suffering from covert 19. the world health organization has warned that the health care system there may collapse for more than a month israel's national vaccine campaign has excluded 2 and a half 1000000 palestinians living in the occupied west bank and the gaza strip. the israeli government said on sunday it will transfer 5000 vaccine doses to palestinian medical workers this isn't of course the only component of apartheid in israeli treatment of palestinians but it's the latest iteration israel is obligated under international law under the geneva conventions article $56.00 requires it to provide all the materials needed for public health and specifically preventive
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measures to combat the spread of contagious diseases and epidemics exactly what we're facing israel's vaccine rollout has been the fastest in the world more than a quarter of the country's 9000000 people have received at least one day so the pfizer job but the palestinian authority has had to try to source facts in the south as well as you see united nations kovacs came for developing countries human rights watch has called on israel to carry out its responsibilities and obligations under international human rights law israel's vaccination program has received international criticism from the un and world leaders i mean the israelis have had a very successful rollout of the vaccine however that the palestinians have not well if you look at the connectivity of the israeli policy in the people you call vaccine one part of your society and not the other i think that you're going to be
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safe. israel's drain that reflects global inequality in access to vaccines some countries have ordered more than they need others none at all israel has now extended its for. nation program to adults aged 35 and older most palestinians have no way of knowing when they'll feel the same sense of relief. al jazeera. this is al jazeera our top story this hour the military has seized power in man ma off to detaining leader unsung suchi and other senior politicians the army says it's in response to alleged fraud in elections that returns the national lead to democracy for democracy to government and says it will hold new elections and hand over power at the end of a one year state of emergency.
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