tv News Al Jazeera February 1, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm +03
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yes for the crimes of his past i just can't get even with a showing. the unforgiven the witness documentary on al-jazeera my old ask. is not. a military coup in manama the army says it is taking control for a year claiming last november's election was fraudulent. nor a carl this is al jazeera live from doha. mons de facto leader unsung suchi and other political leaders are detained policy is calling for protests. minerals
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military says the power has been transferred to the commander in chief general mina online. and in other news anger grows amongst india's struggling street vendors who are still waiting for coronavirus bailouts from the government. it's just past 9 g.m.t. that's 330 in the afternoon in miramar where the military has seized power its leaders say they will hold elections in a year's time civilian leader unsung suchi and other senior officials have been detained and there's a heavy armed presence in the may just cities communication lines have been disrupted and banks closed the coup was announced on a military owned television channel. but the state of emergency is in effect nationwide and the duration of the. state of emergency is set to one year starting
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from this date the order is announced in line with the 2008 constitution article 417. also cheese policy won in a landslide in november's election but the military recently discredited the results alleging that been widespread voter fraud the commander in chief men online has previously suggested abolishing the constitution and is now in charge and actually for democracy party has people to reject the coup and wholeheartedly protest action has drawn international condemnation and is a reversal of what many saw as years of progress towards democracy man man had long been hailed as a rare case where the military willingly handed power to civilian rule or we have a whole team of reporters covering this story in just a moment we'll be getting more from. there for us in yen gone we've got a little problem in line for us in new delhi in katrina you standing by in beijing
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1st of all see you you were talking over the last few hours about the military about more police being out on the streets but otherwise is it unusually empty there in yangon. when the country feels sort of like business as usual when you go down most of the streets around the police stations in certain areas you can see a large number of police there is a normally are and specially beats riot police battalion 11. lease basically has it come actually in some protests and then they're kind of the the more brutal side of the new syria but other than that like tens of just the streets around down time they look reasonably normal at the moment at people aren't necessarily staying home i'm i'm sure there are some people being cautious but there are certainly a lot of me who still live in about wondering around going about their daily lives . i think people have got to carry on as usual they've got to sell food they've got
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to eat and the banks have obviously been closed so there is a little bit of nervousness around that and that's probably going to have an impact myanmar is largely a cash economy so people really rely on on cash. and so that you know could have some some impact on what we see on the streets but at the moment me around my neighborhood things i have normal apart from the fact that there is this tension in the air there is a lot of anxiety iran has been quite. was just take us back to that moment and tell us how you salted herring isn't one of. absolutely i mean it's a pretty terrifying i all i you know the have been rumors for a while that this might happen but i personally was still skeptical because i felt that this was a scam mongering by the military the military have a clear interest in keeping the l.t. very nervous keeping them toeing the line if you want if they feel that they might
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lose power and they're less likely to cross the military there more likely to do what they say and there's really no logic to this it's going to be incredibly unpopular the n l d and the last 10 years of democracy all or you know moving towards democracy whatever you want to call it a day at you know that's gone dine very well with the public and this will not go down well it's all and so i think yeah i was it was quite a shocking moment and it was very on the think it fails extremely boring to have people really rests that not just the military officials also high profile activists and some writers and a filmmaker so you know really he's bringing a lot of incest in medicine and around generalistic community and activist meeting many of whom i know well so it's not a popular. people to protest it will lay. it's a good question and i suppose we'll have to wait to see and i think one of the reasons
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they have been arresting these high profile activists and stuff is because they see them as the sort of people that might be able to drum up the numbers and motivate people to follow them in some sort of popular movement some of the people have been arrested men on line cocoa g yeah they are high profile activists all over protest leaders from 1908 when there was a huge nationwide protests followed by another military coup and so these are people who they know have that they have very quickly that well known their outspoken that great they spent years in prison then you know they don't they're not afraid to take risks and so they have preemptively detained those sort of people i also know a lot of people standing outside the n l d office at the moment they've gone that to see if anything's happening but so far there hasn't been a lot of movement. around the area and we're not seeing things that. possibly he will wait until they drummed up enough numbers or enough support possibly the fear
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is too high we've seen the military crackdown 20 brutally on protests in the past under the military government so maybe it's that much that he fell off maybe it's just too soon but we'll have to see over the next few days i think and we're just getting reports on that man mom members of parliament saying that they are being kept under guard their residences in the capital. and they patrol what do we know about the situation of. the leaders of the and have been detained. yes a little bit more information is coming out about that now you've been asking me old i've been asked several times that whether they are locked up and i'm a big deal i'm afraid i haven't really been able to answer the cruise it's been difficult to get hold of them but now we are finding out that the m.p. is still in them that he come prime what they all live in a compound they will have little it'll house it will sort of rooms right next to each other and they're still in that surrounded by police many of them still have
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communication so now that the internet and the phone signal is back on in a futile we're hearing a bit more from them and aung san suu kyi is said to be in her own house as well in nato her own company is the house that she is in there and the president will meet it's also supposed to be in the presidential compound in his eye so so i think it's mostly people being detained in their own houses surrounded by the police as opposed to being taken away somewhere else which is reassuring in a way but obviously still a lot of uncertainties and there are extremely worrying that they've been saying to the best mates absolutely as a low flow of information still to come out but for the moment will. they will the very latest developments inside to yangon and naypyidaw and man was a whole thanks very much ali. let's go across now to the across the border now to india and then we can join this postprandial from new delhi what are you hearing
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from the government's only events that are happening in neighboring minimal. hello laura well the ministry of external affairs released a statement saying that they were watching the developments of the deep concern that india has always been sustained in that support of the process of democratic transition in myanmar and the rule of law and the democratic process have to be with them that they are monitoring the situation very closely india has invested a lot in its relationship with myanmar since 2011 is a very important country to india for a number of reasons all of india's northeastern states a 1600 kilometer land border with me on my the 2 countries share a 700 kilometer maritime border in the bay of bengal and india has because it sees myanmar as a sort of gateway to southeast asia it's invested in the need large infrastructure projects it's been trying to. bolster its presence to balls to trade and it has
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close ties but it also has a somewhat complicated relationship because while it supported the democratic process and it has also maintained very close ties with myanmar as military because of security concerns in the east various armed groups in india's northeastern states have had bases in the on my and so india's army has worked very closely with . military to put pressure on those groups and also to conduct many joint operations now india also sees having these close relationships with military as a way to counter china's influence in the country that's for that reason and one of the reasons why india has never criticised for instance the military or me on mars . the crisis with the violence against the 10s of thousands fleeing into india now general men from myanmar has visited india there have been several visits of the
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highest level not just by military commanders but also prominent in that in the more d. and to each other's countries and it's because of me on muslim boards to india that analysts here say that india this is the last thing that india would want we can to myanmar possibly even a failed state on its border. fall into the clutches of china and being possibly more pressure from china to do its bidding in regional issues. that's the view from india let's go over to china and get the view from could train a year in beijing so what reaction are we seeing from the extreme. well we had a brief statement from china's foreign ministry this afternoon and monday it said that china hopes all sides can properly manage their differences and under the legal constitution and legal framework and uphold stability beijing also described
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itself as a friendly neighbor of myanmar and said it was watching and waiting for developments there now notably nor criticism from beijing it's quite a muted response it seems that a new main concern is stability in may on the other watching to see whether things escalate there and how that might affect the overall stability of the asia region and of course myanmar for beijing is a key ally and trading partner china is no mas largest trading partner the 2nd largest source of foreign direct investment in it also shares a long border 2100 kilometers with myanmar. over the past years assigned a few economic agreements with china the belton road initiative china china's china economic chordal agreement which agreed to many infrastructure projects china has invested billions into myanmar and in turn none were also sends much needed natural
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resources to china timber and jayden gas for example so it's mutually beneficial and also it's not just limited to to trade china is one of the few supporters of myanmar when it comes to the treatment of the range of people and myanmar internals of supports china for example when it comes to the ship to shin jiang issues regarding the weakened minority there but it is fair to say that since aung sun suu kyi has come to power china's influence in myanmar has somewhat waned trade is not what it was it's still it's still quite good but it's not what it was and also some infrastructure projects have stalled under her watch much to the chagrin of many chinese chinese businessmen that so one china's foreign minister actually went to myanmar just 3 weeks ago to really try to shore up china's interests there and also try to bolster these economic agreements. ok katrina you joining us live
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from beijing thanks very much for trina now the state department has issued a statement saying the united states opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede minerals democratic transition and will take action against those responsible if these steps are not reversed and wanting the situation closely and stand with the people of burma who have already enjoyed so much in their quest for democracy and peace medical hain is in the u.s. state of maryland she says the new by demonstration will want to take an assertive stance on the coup. i think we can expect the by the administration to take quick action on this remember this was joe biden he campaigned for president say that america needs to reengage the world america take up its position as leader of the free world i think you'll see this is an opportunity to send the message that you serious about that and you want to rally international opinion we've already heard from the white house they said the president was briefed by his national security
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advisor and they are warning that sanctions. that they that these people need to be released immediately and if not. we will take action against those responsible the senate foreign relations committee under senator bob menendez went even further saying that they will they will pursue economic sanctions as well as other actions and the senate foreign relations committee draft chairman going on to say these are the same people who committed the genocide in his words of the regime and that they will take necessary action i think you'll see that by demonstration want to get in front of the run of want to get in front of the cameras they're going to want to put out whatever sanctions they want to see put in place because they see this is a time critical situation and also the 1st test of the biden presidency he said america will retake its leadership role in the world this will be his 1st chance to
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show how do the. west take a closer look at minerals history and gained independence from britain and 194715 years later the minute tracey's pal and a true unsung since she came to prominence in 1988 women to crackdown on pro-democracy protests of killing hundreds of following yes and she was put under house arrest and 2010 man ma said it would be running elections for the 1st time and 20 years is 6 years later the ministry handed i have a pilot of the 1st civilian government and says she became the. leeds m n l d party won november's elections by a landslide the military says the vote was fortunate to harriman as a scene interacts with asia we saw a strategy advisory firm and joins us via skype from bangkok good to have you with us and 1st of all any evidence at all that this vote was fortunate.
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well if you ask the the army chief he thinks that it's quite clear that a lot of the. activities undertaken by the election commission in particular that the voter rolls were. tampered with in a number of places however i it seems that dance probably few and far between it is not something that should generate a military coup or it overturning of the election no previous election was an overwhelming victory for the n.o.p. this one and yet is not surprising so i think that the evidence if there is any it's probably scans in wouldn't be you know submissions or just of by would be disproportionate to what actions were taken this morning why didn't the minute she has taken over control now when it already wielded so much political and economic power within the country. you know there had been quite a bit of tension there was ongoing in the run up to the election between the army
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chief and the end of the you know continue to bubble and simmer. and you know i think the action stake in today probably reflects on the one hand the army chief was due to retire in the middle of this year and had harbored some political ambitions and it wasn't quite clear you know what direction those would say and following the don't sound election to. the u.s. did he you know those prospects started to look pretty slim so there were some of that in addition i think that the military wants to to set a precedent and make it clear that there are certain lines that the civilian government can't cross and it you know it said that if there was not a clear you know investigation conducted into the voter registration rolls you know that the 2000 a concert constitution could be abrogated you know whether that was justified or not was another debate but i think that there was you know it's sufficient paranoia
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amongst the military that its influence and power you know was continuing to wane and that if it didn't do something you know that it would just would all wait nothing so it's probably just you know said enough is enough but we need to we need to make an example out of civilian governments that adult you know necessarily where they consider respects their you know institutional influence in prague priorities and you think its ways out of all the consequences of international sanctions being slapped back on to manama. i think that yet that they've made those assessments and i think that as we saw today most western governments have come down and condemned the coup but if you look regionally here in thailand china cambodia the philippines you know they've they've remained barmen sort of follow their yahtzee own way of you know if not getting into other countries
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internal politics and in kind of remaining silent there certainly will be consequences but i think that they thought that the risks of not acting you know that you know might mean that the military might not have any influence in a few years down the road so they decided to act now rather than you know lose every thing i want to this for 10 of the gentile mean for the people. well that's you know in the calculate what they decide to do this morning you know are the people going to remain silent will they organize their protests against the action of the military you know i spoke to a couple colleagues today in yangon to sort of gauge what their feelings were for a lot of them this was the 1st coup they've experienced they said that they were very fearful you know in part if you look in to look to the past 98 when you know citizens attempted to take to the streets they were brutally gunned down by the
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military so there's a you know there's a real risk of a of increased social unrest if the population decides to protest that i think it will sort of depend on the next moves of the military and whether the people think that there overtures are genuine that the military will only be in power for a short time in that they'll make you know the reforms to the election commission and the other undertakings that they might want to do it and then hold an election state of emergency is for here so we'll see how quickly the new host of plants to you know get back to elections and democracy and if it doesn't look like that that's happening quick quick enough you know we might see you know protests arising and people hitting the streets but at the moment you know i think everyone's just shocked because we thought that it was just posturing by the military and you know
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they wouldn't actually carry this through but they have absolutely to herriman very good to speak to you thanks for joining us there from bangkok thank you. well the general now in charge of mineral was sanctioned by the u.s. 2 years ago over human rights abuses against muslims in 2017 the military launched a crackdown against armed group in the western state of rakhine throwing us say their homes were set on fire by the military and buddhist militias well then 730000 refugees fled violence rape and torture to neighboring bangladesh the un described the operation as textbook ethnic cleansing well today regulators are urging the global community to help restore democracy and at any cost that's called tanveer choudhry he's an bandages capsule dacca this is not good news for the rango was the response we've been saying. spoke to
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some of the rowing a community leader as well as our contact in the refugee camp interesting of the i mean many of them said that we're actually happy that nonsense gucci's detained because she betrayed us she didn't bring justice to us we voted for in 2015 election she literally dropped us not only that it happened. atrocities on the genocide happened during her time she said maybe this will bring attention of the international community on me on my and their plight and the things will be resolved as far as one of the leader who is with a coalition is one of the found out he said that look whatever the situation is the military government is not the best option because they have systematically been. oppressing their own since $1006.00 days so they couldn't be a possibly a good news although there's a difference of opinion in that camp many are happy just for the fact that. she is behind the detention and that the international community will not pay attention on
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their plight now as for bangladesh government the foreign minister said it doesn't matter who is in power right now. and must be followed through this is in context of there's been a trilateral meeting between china bangladesh and me on my own and there was pretty much a progress where me and my greed that by july of this year there would be a process of repatriation of the previously we've seen that process fell back and now the foreign minister made a statement that no matter what the democratic process and the constitutional arrangement must be held there was no official press to lose our statement from the prime minister's office as off yet. time banks and the lines that from bangladesh from dhaka and banks as thanks very much to have an. on here in special rapporteur on man man has condemned the can he says it's illegal and requires a swift answer from wildly to. democracy has been overturned by by the
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generals many people are now in there in detention the constitution that the generals wrote. and that they pledged just 48 hours ago to fully abide by has now been been overturned show it's it's nothing short of a religious deeply disturbing and i think what's important is for the international community 1st and foremost to speak out very clearly very unequivocal this is unacceptable phil robertson is the deputy director at human rights watch he says the coup further disadvantage says rangar refugees hope to one day return to man mama you know our min online of course is someone who has direct responsibility for what happened to the rohingya and also to other ethnic groups across the country who have suffered from the operations of the burmese military the potential return
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of the rohingya has never really been on the cards for either the government or the military but certainly the b.m.r. military is more hardline about this so i think that unfortunately the rohingya people are going to face a tough time going forward i mean the hope that they will be able to finally return to their homes in peace and freedom with with rights and access to services all those things that the international community has been demanding for them i think it's receded further into the into the future. ok let's move on to some other news now and former u.s. president donald trump has named a new legal team to head his impeachment defense and comes after trying the brought the passageways with his lead impeachment lawyers on saturday he's accused of inciting his supporters to storm the capitol building on the 6th of january after he repeated false claims of election fraud. as a former deputy assistant attorney general and his war on how republicans may be
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viewing the impeachment trial. oh impeachment itself is just the levy leveling of charges by the house of representatives it happened here while he was in office and then the senate decided on the republican leadership to take a long break until the 19th and now that they have returned he is out of office for the trial but that's happened before i under the constitution and it is permissible nevertheless i think many most republicans would like to avoid having to pass judgment on his actual conduct and so they are embracing this theory that it's unconstitutional because that permits them to vote for acquittal without having to actually give a thumbs up or thumbs down on the conduct itself. a small loans scheme designed to
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help street vendors in india cope with that 19 is cause huge controversy that the allegations of corruption mismanagement and nepotism and run con has will. it was supposed to be one of the indian government's flagship coded 19 relief packages the plan was simple help the poorest street vendors stay on the feet and offer them small loans to help them get through the pandemic the street vendor in some ways the beating heart of the economy with little or no expenses they sell their wares from the street at a price india's poorest can afford without that many in the country would go hungry on the venice themselves broke the prime minister narendra modi was involved in the creation of the scheme and lent it's his name the micro-loan was $138.00 us dollars to be paid back over a year at a low interest rate however many of the street vendors didn't qualify and i don't know why. i never got the loan and if she doesn't she doesn't eat.
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the local bodies i'm not approving the papers that can get us the. other organizations helping us and fill in forms but most of them all being rejected all forms will known approval and just being for the check to. please are unlikely to change much are saying of the national street vendors association says corruption and nepotism also blame so all the people who are not. new to the street when things they have also been given. over to show that large numbers of people are getting low and the government hailing the scheme as a success with one politician from the governing b j p applauding moody's efforts. this is a very ambitious scheme of prime minister modi and the scheme is basically for the very poorest sections of the society you must have seen during the lockdown all the handcart vendors or those who sell things on the streets were greatly affected to the point that they completely lost their means of livelihood but for street vendors like location here well it's far from
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a success. by legalising i tried many times i even submitted all the papers i always got the same reply from bank officers that it's in process and will be done but i never got the loan i would have gotten the loan then i would not have faced problems i would have done my business in a better way for now in the street vendors get by as best they can and hope that government will make good on its pledge to help 5000000 them get through the pandemic imran khan observed. is there a top story now military has seized power and has detained civilian need to unsung suchi and other officials to hold elections when a state of emergency has expired but take over comes off the widespread voter fraud and november's election. policy is urging people to reject the coup and try.
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