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tv   Al Jazeera World  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2021 11:00pm-12:01am +03

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radicalization in fact pushing youngsters to the fringes of society the impact is you don't belong here and there is so much we can try before you say ok that's me rethinking radicalization part of the radicalized youth series on al-jazeera understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world is another matter where you will be the news and current affairs that matter to you. how owner and trainer in london the top stories are now jazeera the russian opposition leader accent of irony has been sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison a vocal critic of president putin was jailed for breaching his parole terms are travelling to germany for treatment after he was poisoned by a nerve agent the russian government is suspected of orchestrating the attack his term will be shortened due to time served under house arrest his lawyer says he
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will appeal the court's decision or supporters have vowed to protest in moscow xandra got fires outside the court in the russian capital. basically what he said in court is that is this is a political showcase meant to scare 1000000 people millions of people who are against putin and against the presence of. the present where the russia is run and he also said that this was a fabricated thing in order to remove him from political political life your sexual state and 3 blinken called for the immediate release of novell me and his supporters while britain's foreign secretary said today is perverse ruling targeting the victim of a poisoning rather than those responsible shows russia is failing to meet the most basic commitments expected of any responsible member of the international community . they've been public displays of protest against the military coup in ne m
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r. people in the largest city yangon blue car horns and banged pots in anger against the overthrow of elected leader and same suchi she has now been moved into house arrest after the military detained her early on monday morning a coup follows her party's landslide win in november election which the military refused to accept the russian made sputnik the vaccine has been found to be nearly 92 percent effective in protecting against covert 19 it's already been approved by 15 countries including argentina hungary and the usa at the same time a new study shows the shot developed by the drug for astra zeneca and oxford university remains highly effective for 3 months after a single dose the u.k. government says it's working with drug firms to see if axioms need to be modified
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to tackle new variants very huge amount of work with the scientists and the pharmaceutical industry to to develop a modern modified vaccine should they be necessary and we're also monitoring the results of work to understand the intricacies of the existing vaccines against the variants of concern. israel has supplied the palestinians with their 1st shipment of covert shots but the vaccination drive in israel appears to be slowing as harry force that explains. there are. communities within israeli society particularly palestinian israeli and ultra-orthodox communities where there is less trust in this vaccine where it's been harder to get people to come in to the vaccination centers and indeed there are many people under 35 are complaining that while the vaccination centers aren't nearly as busy and we can't yet get our vaccine and so it's been reported at least that in one clinic over the last few days some 1000
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doses have had to be thrown out and at a time when there's been a big fuss about israel finally handing over some 2000 doses to the palestinian authority that seems like a lot and when you also consider the fact that these 2 populations are very well interconnected with both populations mixing in occupied east jerusalem and day workers coming in from the west bank still into israel itself there are concerns or a practical point of view as well as from an international law point of view and captain said tom moore the 100 year old veteran who raised millions of pounds for british health workers during lockdown has died the chief aim after setting himself a target to walk laps of his garden ended up with a total of $43000000.00 tom was taken to hospital with pneumonia and had tested positive for corona virus britain's prime minister has described him as a hero in the sense of the world where there's the top stories do stay with us out
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in the world is next. ready. the state of rum and sits at the mouth of the arabian gulf at the eastern end of the arab peninsula. it is sometimes known as the switzerland of the gulf because of the important regional role it plays in the gulf cooperation council the g.c.c.
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. at the same time it has a good relationship with iran and played a vital role in the international nuclear deal in 2015. some time been sided saeed's ruled the country for 50 years and is widely considered to have been a visionary statesman. when he died in 2020 he was succeeded by his cousin silt on hay from been taught a. dynasty has ruled on manson 749 and in january 2021 sultan haitham nominated his eldest son as crown prince a strong sign of continuity. but a man's long history is not well known outside the gulf region before oil was discovered in 1962 fishing on pro diving words main sources of income it was a trading nation and was colonized by the portuguese in the 16th century it once
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had a vast empire stretching down to east africa but also enjoyed a strong british presence for over 150 years. in this film we go back over the last 500 years of our money history of tribes wars rebellion and colonization and explore how and why our man still plays an important regional role today. under one of the had the fan and none of them did that but i have 30 here at the head that and among the 30 here. well journalist the only. one there out of humor so one more heard in there were. those at the monitor out of your. wobbly offered either i didn't mean more and fear. a lot of really far as i don't hear examiner on my beloved either your daughter holly few bucks to . shame me let her heal him but after all the gaffe.
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free of here remember last car for shyamalan rossendale judge to general brown and a dude more zombie of. her father and a cleaver because only a word he let a comma be her daddy he in the clinical we're not in league to my ear yes metal what is that an aha theatre and what have i to get and well hidden. hurt though in what i do often and. into some of the get. a c.s.e. . adeptly i would only let you get so out of well with no food only a serving can like in cigar to walk on and one had not that i shall forget that what i knew i had that.
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people have lived in what's now a month since prehistoric times going back over 100000 years. tribes began migrating here from neighboring yemen around the 1st century of the common era. these tribes were there as the case and benny osama and they came to this area known at the time as my gun the land of frankincense. in a separate migration tribes also came here from the north of the arab peninsula like the nursery or add the knights known as the arabs of the north. they all came here because of the long coastline and varied climates there were deserts mountains rivers and in the south lush greenery. in ancient history. was the only country in that part of what the world if you look at
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the arabian peninsula as a whole there are essential the only 2 ancient countries to the east. and to the west yemen and the mountain states that now exist all apart from oman and yemen they are all modern inventions. oh man. yes see a lot of because the c.s.e. in the public 30. in a word will for 30 will for 33 couple miller we did not come and help them see are there any and there are no men care no c.s.e. out of who. well then it will get in and to be sort of the where they were salem and the more heart of them looking out of that city. in the heart of
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what is good for someone who got a room with one or komisar heart of america or a man abdul gave me a good and then when i knew a mama karen in c.s.e. would have to call the home olim know who the lola who are similar will shop for now from venice here then the fear that it can last night can the 2 had only gotten are obviously they are on the craze a lot of kind of a sickly year and the owner up or immoderate one can hear a branch of the look. no doubt in the leckie and out of the adelaide and that can a ts look at their own land and not the attempt the new madrid idea she had at the end on what has he. gone off. the overcome to some hay and yet knowing that about. well enough. oh no you bet.
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i think than him part of understanding all money history has made all my own important thread its history we can go back to the herd millennium b.c. when oman was trading throughout the western india indian ocean and it's always been a matter of location it's it's there in the indian ocean it benefits from the monsoon weather system and so that really is kind of the important. factors that you have to keep in mind for i don't want to history now when we get to the and that of course is what brought them. moscow was at that time the kind of entree posed the center for that western and you know shin region.
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study him who model behind the look of life and how he thought and namesake be a king got an. insect beam an ethical behavior in mind he then a cannibal but i mean how did. the portuguese arrived in 1507 and were led by the general and admiral alfonzo to albuquerque in 2 years they occupy ports and cities all along the coast of present day on monday and the u.a.e. . they built fortifications to consolidate their colonization from and how to learn yachts islands in the south to dawson had and muskets and northwards to hold for khan and hormuz islands. from which a lot of your most i mean. not in shahi ditto and in the sharia he would have no logic there and the whole system not on yeah and wished on the dead and for 2nd
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in korea and that how they were that he bad you know any that would be made to be aught but demented and mr get. a slap i didn't win a felony let me stop there i don't get it you know for my son then. albuquerque had a reputation for brutality attacking towns and cities that resisted the portuguese colonizers. there are many resistance was led by the mom who was elected by the tribal leaders this system of government in oman dated back to the 8th century. the heart of a woman you want to be i did it shall see the emir this from sheer amazement. or stuck the how the regular who will lead the nation
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a father to be it and even i'm not sort of an abortion. either or let me be and how there are good who will live the. theory on welfare then the order that would need or moms who are not a car guy i level they are human not sort of no where should i be out of the senate or out of i was last seen in your ear and it was to me or were treating me like the 1st. method that i. had to feign. to heed a man who thought of the stem a lot harder months here do the months i know what or how come satori salinas and bad manners are not alan adat. so all man's different tribal factions came together in $1624.00 under nasir been more should be 1st of all money him out of the yard to be dynasty unified the
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tribes against their common enemy the portuguese. their omanis gradually force the portuguese out of the ports leaving only must cut in the hands of the colonizers. when eman nasr died in 1649 his cousin and army commander sultan been safe succeeded him. had. a macand i mean but didn't want to lie to him we can not done a lot of he had the effect. some abilify that. i did could be in a manner already in. the mechanism and how to soften it what the law. may have some there. you have the support american women have they have also learned. what the law if you know a man with a heavy in a must. to me
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a home seen me daddy. been safe had ambitions far beyond the liberation of. he built up a formidable navy and pursued the board to gaze into their own colonies in india and east africa. a man transformed itself from victim of colonisation to an imperial power in its own right and its influence extended right down the east african coast. for the yes you know money for the appear at the bill to begin to list our modern board and so i had my bus. was in the 100. the sure had the. one of the cardinal a leader or one marketer that eclectic all is shout out to her that the us will be in our home and worship the if we are here and i get to have a kernel of what he. like and can hold on for coffee in the ne and
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to gary in one of your control or n.c.i.c. a whole lot of c.r.c. that got us in while the who regularly. list i'm out of work too early and so i. get about arsenal in a massive assault on a well and the terrified must either be some quite ill out of the last of the deputy doherty had it in for the c.s. you know money there was time to sort of keep it or was not enough for the home in maine i thought when one acolyte i had heard was a little for them a little lady had the money. far in. she. had to be then. been involved with the band in a while but it is more than a sahadi and i live out of it and hand believe off and. have shipped them to flee at their methods and your. boss how about that who have the one article had i would then kind of walk i thought the whole thing remind to have the dim view i had him and see if. you know them but if i hadn't of them and know you had the luck of look
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i bet he you consider that this al gore than one american that they work on that they're. under you have to be rule on money territory continue to expand as did its navy and merchant fleet. many years later the british diplomat samuel barrett miles wrote the ya doobies became the de facto sovereigns over the indian ocean and their ships spread fear into the hearts of europeans for over a century and a half. but it would not lasts. only out to be. a one woman hump and a minute away and not have been motionless and i'm a safe bet out a bunch of less a 100 sabers of the most innocent obviously if any. would decide to ashes back up
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and headed for it could have had to sort of had me for 31 b. day in indiana. in 1718 the death of the yacht o.b.e. ma'am been safe the 2nd triggered an armani leadership crisis. his son was only 12 years old and so a power struggle between different tribal leaders ensued the situation was complicated by religious scholars also arguing about the rules of succession. the old jacobi order descended into chaos and civil war looming. thank you and when alley cat sarah bane or whatever i do you know of in as i. had with a tad of one and the they now have their own mind but as an affair that he has a very young amid not so lawfully been in vatican tonight.
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in new york for a year and the benny of arthur when how that going to work to bed how the other inputs are. in the 720 s. and thirty's under the young safe pencil time the 2nd tribal alliances shifted and the stability of the out of the state we can see. this map produced much later shows the geographical distribution of the mean on money trying. but in the 730 s. the 2 it war now we and i and the coffee. was behind that one had did all mine we had. then has been then now out of high that has been for mccann and for lanny then that are not all mine. will anyone at
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all none of them to have a mortal i will get hot and i can you will get. they look at alec. over sad or mad enough that they could be that day in the. day and. the colors of the caribbean it's been yes that was a lot of cousin lot. and now we're many and many of awful and so the shake about with abi comes from a southern arab tribal yemeni tribe and so he sides with the heh heh now we. does he play an active role in that civil war not so much but again it's kind of it almost an ethnic kind of identity about where your particular family originated. if he had the commissary present on a soviet be headed. up the a good one who would stand to be. stuck on
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a year because i had died i had no 100 here and fantasy. now an adult safe consult on the 2nd resorted to outside help to try and defeat his rivals he sent a message across the gulf to the persian ruler in addition. in 737 shah sent to rescue force but it soon turned into an army of occupation. the persians took hold for can and rawson followed by the city of muskets. but as they had against the portuguese the monies resisted and the new dynastic leader emerged been saeed al buso id fear. but as a. medicine a divorcee d a lady can now while he and i are so hard to many and even unsafe to survive. well
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so hard it can a tier 3 or why you hear that as i walk out of the hobby for not a care but as a medicine a new idea so hard to acquire more definite indeed or good and pharisee. somber father see was the florida it's the last minimum share those will hodgman men. and. women must dealt. well is that it you mad i did it or money on and then i leave that come center last minute i had odama into . a kind of any. lotto will stop a bio and say that. you know man there katha sinnott out of 7 i'm here to say i want to be west but when i call you mama and miss a day my man you know i. don't mind.
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my been sidel blue side his election in 749 was aimed at unifying the country. he ruled for 34 years and was the 1st to be and who sided dynasty that still rules on mine today. but he did not have things all his own way and met serious opposition from the colossal tribe in the north the omani coast that region also occurs up into what's today the united arab emirates which before it was the united arab emirates was known as the true szell states or the truth will coast but before that was known as the sa among the omani coast because that's part geographically of oman throughout its history the ruler of. the country the major the sultan it may have had exercised some influence there especially in places like with abi dubai there were there are
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closer relationships there you get to the north where the cost some tribe dominates there's always been a fair amount of tension and it's been difficult for the omanis to control that particular territory at a cost. of either the old man yet and the sheriff here on hand and then there are some fame or a sore thumb and that you don't know if you're only. i laugh enough and listen a while the could feel fifi they were clear out of the had a shot of coffee the. thought of the birth of ali in malam i'm not a motion to learn and now will any month or a minnow man here the month of a month or rustle him. these tensions continued and boiled over at the end of the 18th century the qassam tribe in the north rebelled against rule by the alba id dynasty. well when
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i was in i learned how poor they are on us i don't what i have one for say look what we tell you damon it is and a measure of will or at that he has a lot of that and now we have a new ship in vienna and we stop to land in a city and how they can foresee as your model for lanyon. only a little car wasn't letting it in how the necessity into your life in armenia now for thought of for the uncanny him a lister for that and a dollar and oh money or madam said heart of a home felony and so i thought i let you cannot ask mother samantha why you don't feel the same. so my bad. but as it would look awesome if you had been in cecil been made in serried or learn how to say that zaid what they don't know but would tell a lot. of media i mean at the local us and. say it's
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a double salon. but as all of the. well a lot but it's not a country and so i thought i didn't want to come and look at the. the hindi. the british french and trade just like you know money and they weren't but you interesting trolling territory but the problem that existed in the gulf was piracy kind of this is the 1900 century idea of terrorism one of the kind of main practitioners of piracy was the with the quasi from from. coastal oman saw oman and so this this became very disruptive and occasionally the cost of one attack a british ship. the british wanted to control this region to counter the influence of other european countries and to our money sea power there treaties with our man and other emerging gulf states would dominate the region for the next century and
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a half. it's 10 years since revolutions across the arab world challenge the power. but how did these leaders rise to their positions the principle of the before his dictation was to be patient they played the game very carefully and how did they stay in control of the common feeling amongst the arabic states is is incredible will to survive the arab awakening absolute power on a jersey. when the going gets tough many bangkok slum dwellers are forced to borrow. and she may be kinder than your average money lender. as she may have more patience. but make no mistake.
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she means business. granny loan shop cause of the viewfinder asia series on al-jazeera. a lot of the friends of mine always on world love god we are the while traveling the extra mile they are the media don't go we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. hello you are in tater not in the top stories on our syria the russian opposition leader aleksei irani has been sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison a vocal critic of president putin was jailed for breaching his parole terms by traveling to germany for treatment after he was poisoned by nerve agent the russian government is suspected of orchestrating the attack his term will be shortened due
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to time served under house arrest his lawyer says he will appeal the court's decision while supporters have vowed to protest in moscow xandra god why is outside the court in the russian capital. basically what he said in court is that is this is a political showcase meant to scare 1000000 people millions of people who are against putin and against the presence of. the present way that russia is run and he also said that this was a fabricated thing in order to remove him from political political life have been public displays of protest against the military coup in me and maher. people in the largest city young gone blue car horns and banged pots in anger against the overthrow of elected leader and son suchi she's now been moved into house arrest after the military detained her early on monday morning the coup
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follows her party's landslide win in november election which the military refused to accept. the russian made sputnik reveal vaccine has been found to be nearly 92 percent effective in protecting against covert 19 it's already been approved by 15 countries including argentina hungary and the u.s. at the same time a new study shows the shot developed by the drug from astra zeneca and oxford university remains highly effective for 3 months after a single dose. i'm captain so tell me more the 100 year old veteran who raised millions of pounds for british health workers during knock down has died your chief aim of to setting himself a target to walk laps of his garden ended up with a total of $43000000.00 so tom was taken to hospital with pneumonia and had tested positive for corona virus britain's prime minister has described him as a hero in the truest sense of the word. there's
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a top stories do stay with us out as their world continues next idea. for. the sultanate of our mind has a rich history and was once the dominant power in the whole gulf region it had a powerful navy and colonized large areas of east africa in the 17th and 18th centuries. the alba sided dynasty came to power in 749 and the same family still rules online today in 1806 sorry had been sold on a booze idea took power. but by the early 18 hundreds other tribes like the on the northern coast had their own separatist ambitions they also often threatened british shipping which used the gulf waterway as a key trading route to india and beyond. side been sold on id saw that he
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and britain had a common interest to combat the influence of the co-ops and tribe on the northern coast and the british considered pirates so the british got together with cybill sort of 1st of all and if you know 9 and then again in 1819 to try and destroy the ships that the. were using and the purpose was to destroy the cost him ships it was not to destroy the colossal muscle tribe the british were quite content that the cost him should live there in peace provided they did not attack shipping i think it is a way of the why they don't hire us in a way that the my for him double elim a little. better for us and. jonathan hey i am a servant of britain here. i mean how can the should work for whom an assessment of written here that can any. under it under it and
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do it was idea and out of their money or had. is and the had our say it's aid i will help move and them him you really do and you dear old father are. bad and father either. i'm a slow or who are the hagar. riedel father arsenal for the have a home begin. to last and the last of him or her of whom blush a lot would you merit alone home. home black in baghdad that nic say it's a bad day on the it is yesterday in kabul in our. the mallet either side of us a line look well that's a little like a big. this was
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a defining moment in the history of the gulf region and it still resonates today in 820 the british with their overwhelming naval power negotiated a treaty with the tribal chiefs on the northern coast so. this alliance ended the threat to british shipping and from this point on the area they'd always refer to informally as the pirate coast became known as the truce will coast what it did essentially was what the shakes were able to do is is basically claim we've been recognized by the british government as an independent state and so russell. and human charge on a key away from jay are dubai abu dhabi all then. are recognized by the british through these truces as an independent country if you like. so this treaty was signed and it was in the sense the precursor of the subsequent
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truces that was signed between britain and the to the shakes of this region and that's why it became known and it was the pit this was for a truce if you like and that was why it was known as the true szell states after that time. between 183-5853 britain and into a number of agreements with the truce will states. in 1902 the link between the british and the sheriffs became closer still they signed an exclusive agreement so in return for british naval protection the truthful states agreed not to enter into relationships with any other foreign government without britain's consent. when i. get near a match i sat on my way home all. the way or much of it. that there may only. be a funny. home while the year y n
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n one. gift giver of all you to my for that well a. while a cat will hide what i. am i hide it will be if the new middle might damage the breath landing on a britannia working out a great plan if shattered. in that he should carry being. in a. mood to be in the way you. shall been and who gave us a half hour because you will come by and had a can a bit finer to come be taught it how then work it is to have been in the south and then on yourself there you have idea and little can with the heart of how to heal your early tonight.
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maddon kind of hello man is she mad he thought so how mad there is and there's a more modern in holland had until after the 820 agreement side been so finally to side the realized his influence on the gulf coast was decreasing so he set about restoring all manly power over its many colonies on the east coast of africa i saw your sorry been sold on mr home and her family live in a suburb or. though we didn't have food or omani fim on top of each other for free of bia i brought this year old cathedral and at home i locked alaska the year behead if they're about like welfare i'm all for ther my name yo for money or a shilling card or see its aid be enough see humble a lush of behead if dorothy don't afford the cost and few members of woman from our karma busy odds in the bar one might get the feel her feel good with a laugh at the shot leer oda ilar oman with your arm and forth and mining your
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communal fella thena. your allin i knew i had them in ottawa i get out of. the home on and m.r. arlen i'm single barbie my thought but there are some i found him but after a year or marnia war makata on your to mormon clearly he. or omani officials for your physio ministry it's able soul done but i'd like to do a lot of money and bought out or yellow money owes and did. so on the amount of oh here 03 above and mcpartlin heart. the other among other shelter if i see. well they did early come in and no one. i mean i'm in and. they're out of here my bad. to moderate out of you have been with the hater been disputed.
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with as well does a really have that you haven't had when i took. 30 that again i. miss not. free we're here at a little more seriously what i know for a soul vessel. what to do a little or omani your fear i had to say you. believe off. before what can but how do you walk a delicate ask. them again after oman when clearly have. well more half of. the. side been soltani died in 856 and this triggered
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a power struggle between his 2 son. the british intervened and the governor general of india brokered a compromising $861.00 known as the canning award. this separated musket under my rule by through a knee been signed on the one hand from the lands ruled by his brother measured from the island of zanzibar on the other. the canning awards obliged measure to make an annual payment to his brother in arms which continued for several years . when measured eventually stop making these payments it caused a financial hardship it must start and all mine. anya bought her urine and they cannot howdy for. a limb but after all the yellow money our last dollar a little money a lack in an x. the dead to feel or seem hard the limbaugh polio hard hit doda how often $1.00
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can dish or autumn internet me for what to her fee in my journal but how to learn of spoiler omani feel more helpful hint you are a little out of the hole and must a woman a garden at the sash out of canada i'll martyr but the 3rd any man hater was how jim by the story bonnie but it turned the whole list here my lawyer. the heat here lemme young body that takes 0 to take their car that i live. well they were and then i'm a sad. habe. by the late 19th century mainland oman had become weaker in 3 ways. it had less influence over the northern states. serious internal tensions had grown
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between the sultan in the more secular muscat region and the leaders of the more religious interior. and the ongoing british presence continued to undermine the power of the soft on in moscow. in 888 face alban salt on became ruler and in 891 he signed another agreement with britain which virtually made ramadan a british protectorate. so the country that once ruled an empire from the arabian gulf to east africa saw its stock fall even further. in 1913 face alban turkey was succeeded by to move been face on but the young new sultan inherited a debt ridden country with longstanding internal tensions and heavily dependent on the british. man the whole oh man fema him is difficult yet and more common and he's. really good hun. mina said it was that aid
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and used to help us yes if it. can hemistich at him minimalist of your own and will last me for a link it is and not so subtle missy as yet estimate illust amount of the the whole minus a lot seem was to matter and you can see my helmet hanging in a monitor to study when you have a to for clear to mr mirror and at your car perhaps a latino brother said a month later i mean that it means to him or perfect society lisa laugh yet he let mr tanner hannon if he had a fit or terry here my bad attacking can end in a laugh fisher. said it was saturday we're in nema and with s.u.s.e. a lady with a roofie all my arkham really will cause a lot of the let me get the most part with the war but she did. it in the middle english the warpath over thought was
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a lost cause but the more i want the war. bilbo to luck. in going to shit in the center of the heart of the land we have all the gear yet an 80 year old male in the. open face and became sultan in muskrat's in 1913 but the split between him and the him i made in the interior continued until the british brokered a deal in 1920 and he recognized the autonomy of the not the sovereignty of the armani interior. he abdicated in 1932 in favor of his eldest son said i had been tame mood who became the 13th sultan of muskets and on. an exchange of letters from the time provides an insight into the level of influence and control by british
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administrators in the gulf region. on the surface they seem to be a simple exchange of news and a routine visa request but they actually highlight the complex diplomatic protocols involved in dealing with chef dumbs who have longstanding differences. the 1st letter is from britain's political agent in the truthful state of sharjah to his opposite number in bahrain he tells him about the death of chef safe but how madam sharpie ruler officiate on the 24th of december 1938 and that his brother mohamed bin hammam had had succeeded him. the 2nd letter follows on from that when on the 2nd of march 1939 the british political agent in muscat writes to his counterparts in kuwait seeking advice on a diplomatic problem. the sultan has sent me a muskets passport given by his government to mohammed bin hamad shaikh of for jira
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for granting of a visa to bahrain. the sultan claims the shaikh to be his subject and granting a visa by me would amounts to. ignition of his claim to for gerry which place from our records appears clearly not to be in the sultan's territories please telegraph your instructions as the shake wants to leave by the next steamer. the british political agent in kuwait replied with a compromise. you should give muhammad to some of how much shaker fujairah some sort of unofficial paper to enable him to learn to bahrain and thus avoid raising the question of sovereignty of iraq. in the emirates so there would call the emirates that the course is not the emirates the hut were all told it was an independent and at this stage were not very wealthy and not so powerful some
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loyalty to the sort of their mascot. and some say were operating independently. and i will tell you that had by the novel son a year about a thought us to a young boy who had enough to date as yet or to have been led a heck yes yes he was the timing that is fair and to have him c.s.e. tell the it had he had not a bit a heavy one. other than a slug and so a lot of dough to go sight better than it. ever had to mcgee so stock up with some of the time you're 70 in l.a. the data about us will be added to a good deed to c.s.e. then i wasn't saying. that. or shouted at our lunch i lied to get ourselves i would have been alone many and had neither. one he can he met in the shadow nanny. had the feeling i had that one good then who are milf was amused
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at the sittin in a as a hilarious. she has a what when will that be the will leave their will let me. in a moment of. home alone. to work and be of the game are. there any other but the hurt them but that that's a lonely lee is a mammal whom movie i will be. in 1908 the british under prime minister harold wilson announced their plan to withdraw from the gulf region entirely for financial reasons they needed to save money. at the same time she has. forged closer relationships with the other trishul states leading to the formation of the united arab emirates in 1971 but this was also a crucial time for
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a modern oman oil production began in 1967 giving the country resources to develop its own infrastructure. in 1970 armand's new leader saddam has been sidelined saeed's began using that revenue to finance a huge liberalization and modernization program and. i think the background to the establishment of the u.a.e. is absolutely the decision by the british to leave the gulf which i recall correctly is a decision they took in 1967 as a result of cuts in the british defense budget or time but they didn't actually implement fully until i think it was 970 was. i think the all money government recognized that the shake them were more or less independent of a month where there were issues with almost every $1.00 of those shake them as was
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was territories so you have you know you have a dispute with i would be robber a me you have a dispute with dubai around a place called when he had to you have a dispute with fujairah about libya. so when the u.a.e. was founded rasul did not join the new federation immediately there was a short period of short delay and i think that to lay itself explains the ambivalence about identity that existed on the ground so the were those in russell karima that wish to be part of oman there were those in russell climate that wish to be part of the new federation. so this was a very delicate situation and actually you can see this if you look at the map of the northern emirates not. the most on the peninsula for example this was an area
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where the shake would have had loyalty towards the rim osgar but the other shows that they came in they went sometimes they would be with the rue muscat and sometimes they would be acting independently another. fact that's possibly a good example of this ambivalence is. it was for many years oman had a representative in the emirates not an ambassador now again this reflected ambivalence about identity if you have an ambassador you are acknowledging that your interlocutor the place where the ambassador goes to represent you is a foreign place and i i i don't think omanis fought of the emirates as a foreign place and vice versa because there they are.
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almost so close to each other the reste this into main thing they don't see themselves as fully separates and. in a formal sense to put an ambassador in place is to acknowledge that other place as fully separate. britain's formal relationship with all mine lasted from 820 to 971. while opinions on the british presence vary widely a comparison between its withdrawal from the gulf and its departure from palestine egypt and aden highlight the difference between britain's involvement here and elsewhere in the middle east. but that. the whole.
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lisbon that illegal. had the. out of your law their army now you can and. they are now ladies and your. team have not seen how similar they. at best to tell the whole lot. the dates and what the exact images it had. been at the center of a house. and i like how they know they were odd and never take on a what an asher. suit on caboose overthrew his father in a bloodless coup in 1970 but his 50 year rule completely transformed on mon.
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he had no children when he died in january 2020 but nominated his cousin haitham as his preferred successor in a sealed envelope opened only after his death. in january 2021 soltani made his eldest son crown prince. the challenge for them both is that amani oil will not last forever and so how they manage to sustain the country's historic influence across the gulf will define all man's future. for the tories terraces of the football ultras what club loyalty come in violent confrontations when i was young when there was a football match we were crying because the fans would go crazy but in indonesia
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one group of revolutionary supporters has taken a stand against male aggression with a carnival lescott display of peace and unity the fans who make football ultras in angels on al-jazeera. welcome to down from every one of us. even those working quietly behind the scenes. so you can relax and enjoy the perfect break in your journey. when you leave with a smile we know our days work is done. welcome to our. we're
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down to 2 or 3 soccer moment and we can always forget lucas we cannot forget and the one that's off the west coast of australia which isn't really defined it is a cycle is yet to be named but it's certainly going to react to the bringing rain to western australia welcome rain for some than the south maybe not for the west you see there are tropical shows up in tropical queensland otherwise it's summery weather for the time being that of a brazen east in victoria in the bass strait it's quite windy at the moment most of wednesday and thursday for the storm will be for lucas will be spent going through new caledonia winds about $75.00 and you see waves of 5 meters is in particular destructive but it's the 1st one of the season so it will certainly be felt as that
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one is around here you'll see the weather's warmed up in melbourne ahead of rain is coming into adelaide and then trucking east was through victoria later on thursday and friday and still that circulation happens in western australia probably in name cycling by then winters in at the moment but the variation in temptress and enough to stop it being mostly snow in japan particular in al-qaeda with warm sunshine behind rep to 6 in beijing and 12 temporarily in shia. for. what is the price of luxury. an undercover team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast simple solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child labor for the chocolates hearts of darkness and counters unpatrolled labor is working in a 100000000000 dollar industry where overhaul of the country's cocoa produces live
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below the poverty line on al-jazeera. as the global pandemic continues to spread will african nations manage to secure covert 19 vaccines african union leaders will also try to find peaceful resolutions to heighten regional tensions in ethiopia goes on and so manja the annual african union summit on al jazeera. this is al-jazeera. and who often are intended this is the under their news hour live from london coming up. heavy security on the streets of moscow as kremlin critic and explain about me is sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison for violating his parole. protests
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ring out in yang gong against me.


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