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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2021 7:00am-7:31am +03

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is incredible will to survive the arab awakening absolute power. under stand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world somehow matter when. using current affairs that matter to you. this government was not elected by us so we don't accept them or work under their command or anger across the military coup stripping to pose leader aung sun suu cheney of her power. l.a. why money inside this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. a pledge to not leave poor countries behind the kovacs alliance unveils plans to just over
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300000000 covert 19 vaccines in the coming months. the u.s. house prepares to decide the future of a new elected members she's under fire for backing wild racist conspiracy theories . plans hammering home the point to the israelis palestinians start rebuilding their houses on the occupied west bank just hours after israel demolished them. the leaders of the military coup in myanmar have ordered popular social media apps offline facebook says access to its services have been disrupted the police filed criminal charges against the pows later on. the u.s. is among a number of countries condemn monday's military coup washington has yet to say if it will impose sanctions meanwhile displays of anger continue across. reports.
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medical workers walked off the job at yangon general hospital in the middle of a pandemic believing that this moment is too important to stay silent they wore red ribbons the color of banks national league for democracy which have quickly become a symbol of resistance i meant no this government was not elected by us so we don't accept them or work under their command we stopped providing service at governmental hospitals instead will provide free medical services by outside doctors and other alternative services so that there are no problems for the public in this way we're conducting civil disobedience. medical staff in mandalay did the same responding to calls from a group calling itself the civil disobedience movement staff at 70 hospitals participated according to the group's facebook page. where we're just pretty. misting peacefully by wearing this red ribbon you don't need to speak up to the only know that braying the ribbon is
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a sign of protest against the military government and the only want our elected government this is a message. facebook services were then cut off across mia mars telecom networks but that's not stopped people from being heard on wednesday prosecutors filed obscure criminal charges against state councilor unsung suchi and her ally president lenient the presidents accused of breaching coronavirus measures on the campaign trail last year so you cheese charges stem from the possession of walkie talkies. she has not been seen in public since her civilian led government was toppled international condemnation of her detention has been swift i think the charges filed against her just compound the undermining of. the rule of law in myanmar and the democratic the democratic process we are disturbed of course by these reports we call on the military to immediately release them all
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and all detained civilian and political leaders journalists and detained human rights activists and to restore the democratically elected government of power as president biden has said the military seizure is a direct assault on the country's transition to democracy and the rule of law so the calls have yet to make headway with the generals in charge but it's clear that many members of the public are very angry and willing to tolerate a slide back into dictatorship and schapelle al-jazeera. is going to scott high there's been following developments from china my neighboring thailand what is the reaction been to these criminal charges that have been filed against on sensi. well it's interesting you know even what like we've seen the last several evenings the last 2 evenings there's a kind of the civil disobedience gathering at night time where they bang on pots and pans to make noise to show their dissatisfaction with this military coup that took place on monday we know also that health care workers about
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a 1000 of them of them in 70 different hospitals across myanmar have gone on strike they say yes because of the military coup but also because the army in essence they say is putting itself above the citizens of myanmar because they're staging this coup they have staged this coup and this disruption during a pandemic so that's why the health care workers have joined in this civil disobedience and also we're getting reports within the last hour you know we've talked about how facebook has been cut and social media is being curbed and restricted within myanmar but we're seeing on social media there have been some reports that possibly the 1st small gathering protest gathering in mandalay this isn't me in march 2nd largest city it looked to be about 20 plus people 'd we didn't in the video clips that have been posted online on social media you can't see the police coming and breaking it up but there are reports also that it was broken up pretty quickly they helped signs and who signs saying that their leaders
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the democratic leaders should be release about just coming in the last hour or so this very well could be the beginning of what we could possibly be seeing when it comes to people coming out in the streets but so far it's been civil disobedience and so far it has been peaceful many thanks for that skull hyde giving us the latest on the ground from china my let's bring in they let me use he's director of the power and diplomacy program at the lowry institute joining us from sydney many thanks for speaking to us now does there i believe in my own mouth so this is personal to what's your reaction to this case did it take you by surprise. it's certainly a bit of a deja vu moments for those of us who were in myanmar in the ninety's and to thousands of you see we were hoping not to see this sort of military intervention into public life again. but i suppose a disappointed but not altogether surprising it was always
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a distinct possibility in fact the 2008 constitution allows for. the military to declare emergency rule and gives the military huge broker tips to do what they've just done so in a way it was always a distinct possibility but i think much of the country had hoped never to be seen this sort of these sorts of scenes again we're hearing in the last few hours that a number of social media platforms have been shut down like facebook are you still able to get in touch with family and friends there and how much of a blow is it to news these these means of communication. yet it has been intermittent access there are people on the ground with a v.p.n. . access to the internet so they've managed to find bypasses around those restrictions and in previous days we've already see seeing fluctuating
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access to a mobile phone networks but now it seems as if the military is really going after the primary social media platforms including facebook which really is the internet in myanmar met most people the internet only became. only really became available to most of the population following 2011 and most people including people within government agencies use facebook almost as if it was an e-mail system so it will be . terrible in terms of its consequences not only in terms of organizing a response to this coup but also in terms of conducting day to day business and economic activity the social media platforms are absolutely critical and have become so in the last 1010 years how much is that do you think. in people about news ing the fragile democracy evan i mean we've seen people coming out hitting pots and pans we've had from doctors striking is it going to get it's going to
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escalate beyond that. it may well. have to see i mean this is a population that is used to military rule again and they would have hoped never to have experienced it again but they are adept to handling this sort of situation we've seen huge protests movements in previous years it was the suffer from revolution led by monks in 2008 prior to that by students in 1906 and again a huge student movements in 1908 which was really suppressed violently by the by the military so this is a country that has sporadically come up in massive protests organize protests but it's also a country that's that's sadly quite jaded and and and used to having to live on the
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military rule so i think people or assessing the situation is sort of waiting to hear from the military to see what the next steps are and whether the military really is committed to ensuring a very limited one year military rule period followed by a resumption of civilian rule and elections but the big question on everyone's minds is will unsung suchi and her national league for democracy ever be allowed to contest elections again and based on developments in the last 24 hours the charges leveled at her which really are just a legal pretext to keep her incarcerated but they would have a knock on implication if she is convicted and if present when mintz is convicted then no party is allowed to have convicted members they're not allowed to register with the election commission not allowed to contest elections so that would probably be an attempt to try to dismantle as it were the national league for democracy from ever running in future elections again and that may well have very
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severe repercussions what do you make of the international response because it's been 4 days since the coup took place we haven't seen action at toul. a you surprised by that. yeah i think to an extent on the other hand this who comes in the middle of what is a very politically tense and divided a global order and one that is also confronting the pandemic so many politicians have been rather focused on domestic issues above issues of global politics however i think for for both the makers in washington d.c. or in brussels or even perhaps in tokyo there is a conundrum here because they could decide to reenact sanctions then the question becomes what sorts of sanctions targeted sanctions. on particular individuals within the military including the commander in chief minimum lying would be
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symbolically important but it would be unlikely to have much material consequences on the decision making or the calculus of those individuals simply because a they already sanction because of their role in the human rights atrocities in rakhine state that have taken place over the last decade and b. and they're wise enough not to travel to or conduct any business and united states to begin with so there is not much leverage there then there is that possibility of generalized sanctions or un targeted sanctions against the entire economy or particular sectors of the economy obviously those sorts of sanctions would hit the poorest in myanmar 1st and foremost and and again may not have that much leverage on the calculus of the military so the international community in the west in particular is faced with a real conundrum here in terms of how to react i would also add that the countries that really have economic leverage on the ground tend not to be the u.s.
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or europe they tend to be neighbors of myanmar like thailand like singapore as well as japan and south korea and of course china which is the primary trade partner and these countries historically have been very reluctant to him. no sanctions in previous eras of military rule so we wait and see but if i were in washington i'll be trying to coordinate as much as i could with partners and allies including japan and south korea. very interesting to hear thoughts have a lot more you for the director of power and diplomacy program of the law institute speaking to us there from sydney many thanks thank you. the kovacs schemes set up to ensure poor countries get equal access to corona virus vaccines has unveiled this distribution plans for the coming months the scheme backed by the global vaccine alliance the world health organization and the u.n.
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children's fund is aiming to purchase $2000000000.00 doses by the end of 2021 as of now they have secured $330000000.00 doses to be distributed in the 1st half of this year those will mostly consist of the oxford astra zeneca vaccine that would cover around 3.3 percent of the total populations of $145.00 participating countries kovacs wants to ensure countries are able to vaccinate at least 20 percent of their populations well pfizer biotech has pledged up to 40000000 doses in the next few months china has announced a plan to provide 10000000 vaccine doses what india's serum institute has agreed to supply 1100000000 doses of the astra zeneca and nova vax vaccines which will be delivered over a number of years. today we are pleased to announce the conclusion of a long term supply agreement with the serum institute of india for the coke 19
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vaccines to access to vaccine products through technology transfer from astra zeneca and nova facts unicef along with our procurement partners including power hope will have access to up to $1100000000.00 doses of vaccines for around $100.00 countries for approximately $3.00 a dose for the low end lower middle income countries portugal is appealing for international assistance as it struggles to contain a 3rd wave of the coronavirus pandemic a team of german medics have arrived in lisbon where they'll help ease the burden on hospitals and factions a surging as many as 300 people have been dying every day. still ahead on out is there students in turkey take a stand against the government in what they say is a battle over academic freedom. it's
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time for the perfect gentlemen. sponsored point qatar airways how is that we've got some rather unsettled weather in the forecast for northern parts of the middle east over the next couple of days we have seen some flooding recently into western parts of turkey winds picking up some lively showers brewing just around the levant as we go through the next hour so something of a northerly feed coming in here meeting up with a southerly wind where the 2 come together the air is forced to rise it cools condenses we get that line of cloud and heavy rain there will be some localized flooding as a result of this that we continue to make its way further east with syria lebanon jordan israel palestinian territories all seeing some heavy rain all the parts of saudi arabia to into iraq into western parts of iraq but to the south of that it stays fine and dry some very pleasant weather here in doha just getting up to
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around 22 celsius over the next couple of days that fine weather that stretches across the whole of africa few showers just around lake victoria into the rift valley so i was out where they should be at this time of the year sink further south but it's a must see plenty of showers there into zambia as well eastern parts of angola seeing some rather wet weather in that wet weather pushing down across a good part of botswana northern and eastern parts of south africa seeing some very heavy rain over the next couple of days pushing into a zombie. qatar airways oman has a rich history but also plays an important diplomatic role in the gulf region today al-jazeera well discovers its empire stretched from the arabian peninsula to east africa built on great sea power. the problem existing office piracy. tribes wars of rebellion empire and colonize ation.
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oman history power and influence on al-jazeera. you're watching al-jazeera mind if our top stories this hour the atmel has blocked access to facebook following the military coup 4 days ago spybot symbolic acts of protest against agenda are being seen and heard across the country. the police have followed criminal charges against a post civilian leader aung san suu kyi clearly has accused her of owning handheld radios that were illegally imported the u.n. is calling for her release saying the arrest is undermining democracy on the rule of law. the global alliance to distribute vaccines or poor nations known as kovacs
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says it's on track to supply $2300000000.00 dices by the end of the year based vaccines for the 1st phase will come from the british swedish drug maker astra zeneca and its indian partner. house republicans have overwhelmingly voted in favor of allowing their 3rd most senior member of the chamber to continue in her role miss cheney had been accused of being disloyal for voting to impeach former president donald trump she's the daughter of former vice president dick cheney cheney joined 9 other republicans who were in favor of impeaching trump last month also on thursday the house will vote on whether to remove republican congresswoman marjorie taylor green from various committees she's been criticized for promoting right wing conspiracy theories including suggesting school shootings were fate and advocating violence against democrats she had put on
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see reports. those that attacked congress in early january laid bare don't want trumps unshakable bates willing to contest the presidential election to the end christian fundamentalists white supremacists and d.c. mates gun rights militias and followers of conspiracy theories like q. and on who believe that trump is a warrior against satanist paedophile accountable zx running a global child sex trafficking ring at one point or another marjorie taylor green the newly sworn in republican representative for georgia's 14th district has expressed support for all these groups there is no point in a lifetime opportunity to take this global cable of satan worshipping pedophiles out and i think we have the president today what was striking was how easily greene defeated a mainstream republican for her party's nomination last year i was with donald trump many republicans saw her as an agent of change who could shake things up in
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washington after the failure of the republican establishment to improve their loads . and as with donald trump's ascent in the republican party the republican establishment was eager to embrace grassroots enthusiasm and their grassroots campaign contributions plus reliable support for the long held corporate agenda of small government and low taxes but then january the 6th happens it's critical for everyone to show up and south the nation who we are we are a people that's good that are going to go quietly into the night in the aftermath of the rods greene says she retains the support of the old trump who remains the party's most influential leader republican leaders know if they cross the trump ace they may face powerful forces but my attempt to unseat them but i also know that if they allow figures like marjorie taylor green to define the republican party they may lose
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a white suburban and that troops already an easy. after the storming of the capitol on january the 6th senate republican leader mitch mcconnell is concerned as the waters party membership decline and corporate donations dry up as he attempts to regain control of the senate in 2022 and he's warning of loony loans and conspiracy theories as a cancer for the republican party but house republican leader kevin mccarthy has taken a different approach this is the minority leader who recognizes now the corporate dollars have dried up so i have to make sure i at least hold on to donald trump and we're talking about a man who has raised more than a quarter $1000000000.00 and post election night shift even further to the right is complicating the career path of figures like congresswoman liz cheney she sided with president trump around 97 percent of the time but is now seeing her leadership ambitions in peril following her vote to impeach him she already faces a primary challenge the republican party's embrace of the extreme right has long
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with accepted in mainstream us politics since richard nixon southern strategy that courted segregationist voters who once voted democrat but now there is power who fear in the republican party that a strategy that has served it so well for decades may lead to the party's downfall she every time see al-jazeera washington. can't as designated the far right great the proud bowie's as terrorists some of the members have been challenged in the u.s. for their role in last month's attack on congress 5 people including a police officer died in the riots a capitol building that day some proud boy members had attended a rally by then president donald trump. a new york times article has revealed that a top u.s. consulting firm reached a $573000000.00 settlement over its role in the country's opioid crisis they can see and company was involved in a series of investigations over the advice it gave to drug drug maker produced
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pharma as the group behind the addictive prescription painkiller oxycontin more than 450000 people have died in the u.s. over the past 2 decades because of the opioid epidemic. israel has begun demolishing a better when village in the occupied west bank for a 2nd time in just 3 months wise groups say they're trying to displace an entire palestinian community from the area to make way for illegal israeli settlements israel says the village was built on military land needed abraham reports from the west bank. only a few hours after israeli forces demolished their homes these palestinians are rebuilding their homes sold for coverage in the northern jordan valley in new york your part west bank has been home to dozens of palestinians who have lived here for decades israel declared the area as a military training zone in the 1980 s. and has been demolishing structures here ever since it was going to cost to rebuild
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to come back take pictures on the mall is the village again we are tired i haven't slept. 3 months ago israeli forces raised the whole village on once they came back and demolished what has been rebuilt. to them the children are already scared we hear what are we going to keep demolishing our village this is the 3rd demolition in 3 months. this is what's left of our wet family home the 6 year old and his family had to sleep in the open last night it reports by the charity save the children says the number of displaced palestinian children is at the 4 year high more than 500 children in the west bank have lost their homes in the last year what i have seen is israel bringing 1000 of jews building them beautiful houses and swimming pools and giving them all the water of the durham valley and i
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see these people here and they're not the only ones that. are not allowed to live their life you wonder boards show israel destroyed more than 800 palestinian structures last year most were here in the jordan valley and in occupied east jerusalem according to human rights organizations this is a part of a policy to forcibly evict palestinians and people here say they have nowhere else to go and that bring in. the occupied west bank. as a standoff between students and the government in turkey over the appointment of a new university president right up to the position by presidential decree last month protests have led to the detention of many students seen him cause you know reports from istanbul. dispersed by police who these people protested in istanbul despite a ban on demonstrations undercover just friction is they wanted to show solidarity with students from bars achieve university they have been protesting nearly
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a month against their government appointment of a university president they say that the surgeon is political and they want to cut that freedom and chair lect thing on hundreds of students were detained after their release some remain in custody turkey's president questioned the reactions. are you students or terrorists who attempted to blockade your chances really. this students want a new president also known as a rector to resign he say's he wants. his nuclear engineer missing boy joe lieberman sent our students professors have rights for freedom of expression which i haven't stood against so far and i won't if there's no pretty or there's no improvement but democracy also requires a culture of reconciliation he said in an almost the gives him almost. the protests began in january but tensions escalated after students displayed art showing the
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holy cow that that sacred to missteps draped in flags with colors used by the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender movement or eligibility that offended many muslims and the government provoking counter protests officials accuse members of the l.g. beauty community at the university of inflaming the protests. no security measures have been tightened and the campus has been sealed as you can see right behind me and on my left side you will see the right police on board those police actions along thoughts on campus seeing the police with a uniform and without uniform is for all around outside the university in the neighborhood inside the university. is really annoying and is threatening the academy. call it tea and you know our basic. daily movements as well opposition figures and labor organizations have taken part
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in the protest outside the campus but the government says the students may be man a plea to buy what it calls terrorist groups but something the students deny. park their younger ticket were annoyed that our will to choose a director is a verdict to something else we don't have any links to terror groups i'm not involved in politics this is just a student movement or do many of my friends are getting arrested just because they demand justice and they demand they are entitled to right to vote and choose their own rector. the government seems determined not to change its decision but the students at the university say they want to be free to prepare for final exams and to have their voices heard so you know al-jazeera stumble but ok 2020 lympics already faces the rising costs and issues brought on by the pandemic and now it's late organizers facing allegations of sexism. japanese media reporting
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committee president more mori suggested during an online discussion with olympic executives that women talk too much in meetings the former prime minister was asked to comment on the committee's plan to increase the number of women on its board you're sure morey is reported as saying that if women aren't restricted they talk for too long something he described as annoying his comments have drawn criticism online. this is al-jazeera these are your top stories myanmar has blocked access to facebook following the military coup 4 days ago despite that symbolic acts of protest against the janitor being seen and heard across the country scott hyde has been following developments the ministry of communication information said that they are shutting down through.


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