tv News Al Jazeera February 5, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm +03
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in the most human weight loss. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. the eco friendly solutions to combat dress to our planet on al-jazeera. president joe biden is set to unveil his plan to revive the u.s. economy battered by the coronavirus as new job figures are released. hello again i'm peter w watching al jazeera live from also coming up. a historic vote libyan delegates handpicked by the u.n. choose an interim government that will govern until
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a general election in december. a widening divide russia expels 3 european diplomats for supporting the opposition leader alexei navalny. and protests carry on in me in mara's the military arrests one of the leading voices against the coup. the u.s. president joe biden is turning his attention to an economy hit by coronavirus he's urging congress to approve a $1.00 trillion dollar relief plan the senate has moved forwards with the plan of the house of representatives will vote later new jobs figures show unemployment has fallen but only fallen slightly. so the job we're only $6000.00 private sector jobs being created and at that rate is going to take.
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10 years before we get to full employment. that's not hyperbole that's in fact we're going to be in a situation where take a long time and. appreciate your coming over because an urgency with which you're moving this is about people's lives this is not just about numbers about people's lives people who are here i tell any of you who are really hurting. is following that story for us as we wait for mr biden to appear to tell us how he's going to do it so was there a miscalculation on the part of the last administration here kimberly the calculation being if we give people money they'll spend money but people actually bank the money because they're running out of money because they've lost their jobs . yeah that was a bit of disappointment for the trump administration a reality many did not expect the cash that was given directly to americans did not
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go back into the economy because people were worried how long this pandemic shutdown would continue and as a result there wasn't the big cash injection there wasn't the spending that people had hoped for add to that the rising infection rates that continue in the united states with the new strain now making its way here in the united states it's really been a bit of a disappointment reflected in those jobs numbers the number of jobs added by this recommendations or rather the report of the labor department just plus 49000 and to put that into context 22000000 lost last march only half of those roughly brought back so you know millions more than 10000000 americans were made unemployed so adding 49000 jobs is just a drop in the bucket so the point is that the biden administration believes it has a different approach they think will work but it's in some ways not that much different than what the trouble administration did and that is give money directly
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to americans again the fear being they might not spend it because the economic outlook according to joe biden himself as he said just a moment ago is that this recovery is going to take a long time maybe even a decade and those jobs that have gone there the kind of jobs it's increasingly looking as if they simply will not come back again. absolutely one of the hardest hit areas is the hospitality sector that is hotels that is restaurants and a lot of americans have changed patterns and it may be years before they decide they feel safe enough to take a trip again that they feel comfortable being in large groups particularly given the fact that there are concerns of new strains of coca 19 sort of emerging so this has really got the economists worried the other big worry in all of this is that the buying administration is taking a really big risk with this enormous $1.00 trillion dollars package or about to
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hear from the president he's going to say we can't afford to do something small gotta go big but the fear is with going big and some democratic leading economists fear this could cause inflation that we've not seen in a generation since i was in grade school so there's a fear of that there's also a fear of a weakening economic dollar on the global stage so it comes with risks still joe biden his administration are defending this approach saying is the only way to go in fact when they got pushback from republicans they did through some legislative maneuvers in the senate early this morning kind of cut them out of the process so they can go it alone can believe will come back in the coming home federal so i'm sure in the meantime thank you very much ok setting attention to switzerland where libya's warring science a vote to choose a new interim government they've elected for leaders on the final day of the u.n. led libyan political dialogue form close to geneva means debate has been chosen as interim prime minister until the elections in december the decision was announced
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by the u.n. envoy stephanie williams. i am pleased to witness this historic moment. the into. the importance of the decision that you have taken here today will grow with the passage of time. in the collective memory of the libyan people. this process your process has come a long way from when we 1st convened you virtually in october of last year. diplomatic editor james bays is at the u.n. headquarters building in new york he says the new interim government can only succeed if all libyans accept its authority. there have been so many obstacles in the way and so many fall storms for libya it's worth remembering that they tried
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something like this 5 years ago the skier at agreement named after a town where it was signed in morocco was supposed to create an interior government and then elections in 2 years that never happened the thing never never never never really worked no one took the new government seriously and the existing divided governments kept fighting with each other and the violence and the conflict in in libya rumbled on it's taken a long time this time because they they a year ago had the international support for a process they thought but they didn't really in the sense that there was still people on both sides international players that were involving themselves in the conflicts setting things back the u.n. believes this is a very important moment but it knows the problems that it's faced in the past there is now a new government and a very ambitious timeline the plan this new 4 person presidency council chosen by
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delegates that were handpicked by the u.n. to have proper elections in december this year with all the libyan people deciding one person one vote it's an ambitious plan and it's a plan the u.n. believes will work if people in libya and all the various factions armed and unarmed in libya accept the authority of this new governing council let's get more on the ground in libya trainer reports from tripoli. there's a lot of questions that are still remain although this government is supposed to take power soon the next step is for the parliament to certify this government of course the parliament has been divided for years they haven't actually had an official session a few months ago they were meant to unite and come together in the city of the
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damages but that actually didn't come through in the end they postponed the meeting to a further date the head the speaker of the tripoli base parliament has said that he is going to call for a session where m.p.'s can meet and certify this government if that doesn't happen then the job will go back to the libyan political dialogue form the participants who voted on this government today and they will certify so there's a lot of questions to be asked whether or not the various armed groups in libya both in western and eastern libya will actually respective years old remains to be seen ok let's stay with us to really get more detail on where we are with libya's political transition in effect that's what we're talking about once the caretaker administration is in place the eastern government based into broke and the un recognized government in the capital tripoli will dissolve ending nearly a decade of national division the new 3 member presidential council will be
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responsible for preparing the nations for general elections this december but the issue of foreign fighters does remain the u.n. special representative to libya is estimating that up to $20000.00 turks russians syrians sudanese and chaldeans are still inside libya claudia's ini is a senior libya analyst at the international crisis group she says the path ahead for libya's peace process will not be smooth. this list was chosen more not so much as an endorsement for the less but i think they won more as a reaction to the other list meaning they won because the vote was for no for the other list but let me be clear the path towards election is not going to be smooth in fact for this government this lineup these 4 men to to take seat and take power they still need to overcome other hurdles remember the process and the u.n. acting representative underscored this in today's remarks the process in the region
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is that these 4 men still have to get parliamentary approval so they have 20 with the prime minister has 21 days to form a cabinet and present it to this show are and remember the h.-o. are is a divided institution since 2015 so the challenges for the next 20 minute next 21 days to get actually the house of representatives to meet as a whole to have them endorse that cabinet that is proposed and then the question is what happens if they don't in theory the matter goes back to this group of 75 delegates handpicked by the un to decide on what steps to be taken next so it's not going to be a smooth transition necessarily and i think we also have to wait and see how hot are the eastern based military commander reacts to this list because the eastern representative in this list as far as we know is not 5 huffed are supporters and
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later here on this hour of news we'll go live to geneva for a news conference from the u.n. special envoy to libya stephanie williams stay with us for that if you can. e.u. leaders are condemning the russian decision to expel diplomats from sweden poland and germany for taking part in unlawful opposition rallies quotes moscow's actions coincide with the visit by the e.u.'s top diplomat joseph burrell who met with his russian counterpart sergey lavrov it was aimed at repairing relations after the e.u. condemned the recent jailing of opposition leader alexey. we have 2 correspondents covering the story alexandra gold is in moscow 1st to dominic kane in berlin so dominic mr burrell hadn't been there in any form since 2017 and in effect he set off we don't trust you so relations not going in a particularly good direction. the view in
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berlin the view in paris as has been made very clear by angela merkel and emmanuel mccaw on friday afternoon is will they have reacted if not angrily but strongly to the expulsion of 3 diplomats e.u. diplomats one of them german from moscow on the basis of what the russian government has said was inappropriate behavior for diplomats of the german government angela merkel saying that she believed it was totally unjustified for the russian government to take the action it did and emmanuel mcconnell speaking in a digital conference with angle americal the 2 had been meeting in a digital format as part of a franco german security council well mr merkel made very clear in his opinion he had condemned firmly everything that happened in the process that mr novelli found himself in from the moment he was poisoned back in august to now where he finds himself in a prison serving a freshly imposed prison sentence and so you have to view what's the use reaction
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to what has happened on friday through that prism remember that the 2 leaders merkel and mccann have been perhaps the most strongly spoken in condemning what has happened to mr never knew and the way that the situation has evolved over the course of the past few months and so on that basis the explains the sort of language we're hearing now coming both from paris and from berlin dominic thank you very much dominic came there live for us in berlin let's go to moscow correspondent there alexandra gold for so alexandra or what's the signaling here from the kremlin . well it is interesting the timing of the expulsion of the 3 diplomats and what they are accused of doing being participating in authorize the rallies in support of the about me and i guess to put it. and that is the day when foreign policy chief arrived to moscow to talk
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about mending the deteriorating relations between the e.u. and russia and this timing is interesting because it shows that the russia is striking back after being accused of not investigating the case after being accused of arresting the reilly and demands to release him of using excessive force during the arrests of the participants of the rallies it is striking back to say that it is not going to listen to what is being told from e.u. and from united states that it is what they think meddling into their domestic affairs and that's the message they want to send and they want to be seen as a tough player in a foreign policy now ever since a. nerve agent novacek was identified as a poisoning agent in violet it almost cost him his life in berlin russia is saying that this whole case of not buying me is about to be being used and abused in order
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to buy some countries destroy the e.u. relations and they are pointing the finger to e.u. they're saying there this was completely uncalled for and now they're responding to this in such men there by basically accusing a certain diplomats of participating in an authorized release alexander thank you very much alexandra good for their reporting from moscow. there have been protests across me in ma and neighboring countries to demonstrations continue to push back against the military coup that's after one of deposed leader and sons to cheese close aides was arrested when tim is a senior at n.l. the party figure for many a political prisoner who spent decades campaigning against military rule the n.l. sees as it supports the disobedience campaign teachers and university students are among the latest groups to express their opposition to military rule al-jazeera sculped has more. more and more people across myanmar coming out and speaking out
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against monday's military coup civil disobedience movements have grown in size and numbers more emerging every day since health care workers were the 1st to come out earlier in the week a going on strike. there waving the red flag of unsung suchi is party and they have adopted the 3 finger salute made popular by the thai anti-government protesters. the movement has now spread to the major cities across myanmar including a gathering of teachers on the yangon university of education campus it is getting out there for a lot of money out we don't want this military coup we unlawfully seize power from our elected government we don't want anyone who steals power and then forms that own government we're no longer going to work with them we want the military coup to fail and that from about. 80 a generation is a pro-democracy group born out of a violent army crackdown on protests in 1988 it issued a statement encouraging and congratulating the civil action this week but also said
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that it's time to organize chipman lay is a former 88 generation member and political prisoner he now lives in thailand. everyone has a photo and everyone have a call many call we can call net and content easily also we can't easily share their. thinking and information so the state betty. different with a lot of pretty obvious the most reaching a point not lost on me and mars military which has blocked facebook and some messaging applications at least until sunday. more than coming out in numbers to be seen and heard organizers are calling for boycotts and business is tied to me and mars military japanese beverage maker kiran has already scrapped a 1700000000 dollar joint venture with an army own brewery 6 6 scott hodler al-jazeera. hong kong has issued sweeping new rules for school children as young as 6 will be taught about the controversial national security law imposed by mainland
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china and books that a claim to endanger national security will also be removed from libraries to be gopalan reports from hong kong next what is national security it's one of hong kong's biggest moves to overhaul its education system with teaching material that includes animation to help younger children the new national security education curriculum brings hong kong classrooms in line with the communist controlled schools of mainland china teachers will be forced to teach students as young as 6 about secession subversion and foreign interference we are talking about helping students to develop a sense of national identity being. a national citizen and. they have to develop our standards of taking up give us a possibility to protect our country. authorities here have come under pressure to make changes to education after probating politicians in china state media playing
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teachers and the curriculum for the month long antigovernment protests of 2019 the majority of the frontline protesters were university and high school students the prolonged demonstrations were also the basis for the wide ranging national security law imposed by beijing in july until recently the targets of the law had been opposition leaders protesters and activists but now it's set to influence academics . teachers of subjects such as biology geography general studies and even music will need to incorporate national security and topics taught in plus in the past the people can express themselves for freely. the money just straight of any consequence but now the situation change i think it really affects the quality and also. the nature of education critics say the move all impact any kind of open
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discourse in educational institutions from primary to universities it is not just what is being taught in the classrooms that will be monitored teachers and students are encouraged to report material deemed dangerous to national security and even posters on notice boards and library books will come under scrutiny hong kong's education system already places enormous pressure on students whose future is dictated by a number of milestone exams many fear the added constraints could take a toll but the government has warn teachers there's no room for debate or compromise when it comes to national security there we go palin hong kong. from february 15th people traveling to the u.k. from so-called red list countries will have to quarantine a hotel for 10 days the government is asking hotels near c. and airports to join the scheme but there are concerns about capacity that has more
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now from london's heathrow airport. we know precious little about the details of this current team hotel scheme apart from the obvious fact that it's going to be a big challenge to get it in place by the deadline of february the 15th so 10 days for the government to convince hotel groups to get on board and to make rooms available the government's trying to block books thousands of rooms across the country at airports like here at heathrow and around the u.k. as well as sea ports on friday the head of one london hotel group said that it wouldn't be enough time to implement the covered 19 safety procedures necessary on thursday just hours before the announcement the head of the u.k.'s biggest airport hotel group said that they had been left in the dark about how the scheme would operate that was a week after prime minister boris johnson said that the scheme would be coming in and many people are asking why the delay the opposition labor party have accused
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the government of risking lives with its failure to act more quickly pointing out that the announcement came 50 days after the south african variant of the virus was 1st known about the government of course saying that these measures are necessary because of new variants many of the countries on the list of 33 the so-called red list are in south america and southern africa. and we're taking you live to washington there you can see the man we've been waiting for now running slightly behind shuttle the incoming u.s. president joe biden of course is inauguration a little earlier this year end of january specifically we're hearing we're waiting to hear about his $1.00 trillion us dollars stimulus package for the u.s. economy let's listen we had it on just $6000.00 private sector jobs in the country last month overall we added 49000 jobs. and this
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at a time when we have more than 10000000 people out of work 4000000 people have been out of work for 6 months or longer and 2500000 women have been driven from the workforce 15000000 americans are behind in the rental payments 24000000 adults and 12000000 children literally don't have enough food to eat these aren't democrats or republicans they're americans and they're suffering they're suffering not because of anything they did through no fault of their own they're suffering once in a century viruses decimated our economy and it's still wrecking havoc on our economy today and so much of it is still about the virus we're still the teeth of this pandemic in fact january was the single deadliest month of the whole pandemic we lost nearly 100000 lives i know some in congress think we've
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already done enough to deal with the crisis in the country others think that things are getting better we can't afford to sit back neither do little or do nothing at all that's not what i see i see enormous pain in this country a lot of folks out of work a lot of folks going on re staring at the ceiling tonight wonder what am i going to do tomorrow lot of folks trying to figure out how to keep their jobs and take care of their children a lot of folks reaching the breaking point suicides are all mental health needs are increasing violence against women and children is increasing a lot of folks are losing hope and i believe the american people are looking right now to their government for help to do our job to not let them down so i'm going to act i'm going to act fast. i'd like to be i'd like to be doing it with the support
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of republicans i've met with republicans are some really fine people want to get something done but they're just not willing to go as far as i think we have to go i've told both republicans and democrats that's my preference to work together but if i have to choose between getting help right now to americans who are hurting so badly in getting drivers bogged down in a lengthy negotiation or compromising on a bill that's that's up to the crisis as an easy choice i'm going to help the american people are hurting not that's why i'm so grateful to the house and the senate for moving so fast on the american rescue plan here's what's in that plan 1st it puts $160000000000.00 in our national kovan $1000.00 strategy which includes more money for manufacturing distribution and setting up
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a vaccine sites everything is needed to get the vaccines in the people's arms there's simply nothing more important than i was getting the resources we need to vaccinate the people in this country as soon as quickly as possible so job number one of the american rescue plan is vaccines vaccines the 2nd the american rescue plan is going to keep the commitment of $2000.60 already gone out $1400.00 checks to people who needed this is money directly in people's pockets they needed we need to target that money so folks making $300000.00 don't get any windfall but if you had to if you had to if your family has a 2 or wage earner each of the parents when making 30 grandma making 40 or 50 maybe that's a little more than and well yeah they need the money. and they're going to get it
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and here's what i won't do i'm not cutting the size of the checks they're going to be $1400.00 period that's what the american people were promised very quickly here's the rest of my plan as money for food and nutrition so that folks don't go hungry hungry i think our republican friends are going to support that and extends unemployment insurance which is going to run out on march 13th of this year to the end of september of this year because there's still going to be have had we're still going to have high unemployment it helps small businesses thousands of who have had to go out of business as money to help folks pay their health insurance it has rental assistance to keep people in their homes rather than be thrown out in the street it's got money to help us open our schools safely there's money for child care for paid leave it gets needed resources the state and local governments
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to prevent layoffs of essential personnel firefighters nurses folks or school teachers sanitation workers and raising the minimum wage is big it is bowl and it's a real answer to the crisis written as one more thing and i want to say very clearly on this speech very clear in this point is better economics and not only addresses the immediate crisis room it's better for the long term economic health of our nation and our competitiveness my plan creates more jobs creates more economic growth and does more to make us competitive with the rest of the world than any other plan don't take my word for just look at the leading economists across the nation have said and in the world and across the across the ocean of said. wall street investment firm moody says if we pass the american rescue plan it
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will lead to $4000000.00 more jobs and otherwise would be created the nonpartizan book is the 2 shoes looked at the rescue american rescue plan and said the g.d.p. there of wit will reach prepared demick projections by 2021 meaning will have recovered by on my end in 2021 much sooner by the way than if we do nothing look just this week the congressional budget office projected that if we don't take action it would take them to the year 2025 to return to full employment there's also a growing chorus of top economists right center left that say we should be less focused on the deficit and more focused on the investments we make and can make now in jobs keeping families out of poverty prevent a long term economic damage to our nation through the simple truth is if we make these investments now with interest.
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