tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 7, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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but it's also the idea of challenging those in power if a politician comes on this channel they will be challenged and that's what people expect of us they want the questions oncet. that is what we've always done that's what we will continue to do. al jazeera. this is a news hour on al-jazeera i'm fully back t. ball live from our world headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. warning shots fired in myanmar as police attempt to break up some of the biggest protests against the military in almost 15 years.
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up to 150 people feared dead in northern india after a himalayan glaciers break send send some water and debris down. also this hour a new hurdle astra zeneca says its vaccine is showing limited effects against the south african variant of corona virus and polls open in ecuador surprise eventually election in the face of economic and political crisis. i'm going to school with sports on super bowl sunday the kansas city chiefs have touched down in tampa chasing their 2nd straight title but there are concerns that they may cause a spike in kobe 19 cases. thank you for joining as we begin in myanmar where tens of thousands of people have risked violence and arrest to protest in the largest demonstrations yet against the
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military cool the mass protests 4 days of rolling civil disobedience including strikes internet access has been partially restored according to the monitor net blocks as a normal so weeks in see democratically elected government was ousted by the army rights groups say dozens have been arrested since then including leader and son she has bring in florence to is monitoring the situation in myanmar for us from malaysia she is live from kuala lumpur so florins of protests are becoming bigger and it seems they're also spreading tell us about what's been happening this sunday . we're really seeing very remarkable pictures coming out of nan although initially it was quite difficult getting the information out because of the internet ban and disruption on phone lines but that's been partially restored now we're seeing tens of thousands of people out in the streets in yangon and these protests are taking place not just in one part of the city but the spread all across the city people could also be heard chanting
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a protest song that was made popular during the 1988 student led uprising that was brutally put down by the military so clearly protesters aware of what the military are capable of but also true thing not to give into the fear but instead choosing to draw inspiration from actions of past generations now the demonstrations have been spreading across the country and they have so far been peaceful they took place in more let me in and mandalay on on sunday. we're also getting reports that gun shots were fired in the town of me by police to disperse a crowd of protesters now and video also showed people to at least 2 people being taken away forcibly by the police but these demonstrations they they appear to be spreading across the country and they have been growing big that since they started earlier in the week. for a 2nd successive day people in myanmar have taken to the streets to protest against
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the military taking marching through downtown yangon they held up 3 fingers to be a symbol of defiance against authority and rule. even people who weren't part of the demonstrations and support the hong kong protesters are demanding an end to military rule and the release of aung san suu kyi the democratically elected and others still in custody they marched undeterred by the police presence and the threat of arrest. we've decided to be in the room lawyers for a general. we have to work in the next generation to get democracy to them if we want to end this military dictatorship myanmar emerged from the 50 years of military rule in 2011 people here are aware of the military's brutal repression of past uprisings but some say they're not afraid and. i know that our ancestors
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had a ready made revolution against the military we can't just let the military when citizens had already shown their demands by voting we are on the streets for sure that we are against the military dictatorship a near total shutdown of the internet and disruption of phone lines was partially lifted on sunday facebook and other social media platforms had already been blocked the un special rapporteur on myanmar has accused the military of trying to paralyze the movement of resistance and keep the outside world in the dark all week the voice of disquiet has grown louder and bolder from nightly noise protests began gone to a civil disobedience campaign the un secretary general antonio good terrorists has pledged the un will do all it can to unite the international community and create conditions for the coup to be reversed activists say mere words are unlikely to have any impact the military leaders dictatorship is gambling on the fact that
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there will be a lot of statements but no real action it's time to target military companies because the economics of the situation is all economic power is one off the block you dating forces for the military to grab power like this for now there's no sign the generals are ready to give up control even though the calls for them to go are growing. sunday's demonstrations are the largest since the 2007 uprising against the military. and we don't yet know how much longer these protests are going to go on for how much more public defiance the military will tolerate but one common thing we're hearing from protesters is that they're not just doing it for themselves they're not out protests they're not out there protesting for themselves but the doing it for future generations and for nearly 50 years when myanmar was under military rule the economy health care education system were allowed to fall into ruling people here don't people in myanmar don't want to return to the past
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and on top of that there's also a genuine anger that their vote which returned the national league for democracy to power with about 80 percent of elected seats has been stolen from them florence thank you for that florence we live in kuala lumpur. in other world news 250 people are feared dead after part of a himalayan glaciers collapsed in northern india a torrent of water was sent rushing down a river where there is a hydroelectric power station and several villages and brian has the details. a wall of water dust and rock rules down the river in northern india the bridges and dams in its path damaged or destroyed a portion of the name to david iglesias said to have broken off sending the torrent surging down the mountain and through narrow valleys below people living on the river and several year by tributaries were warned to move to safety immediately and
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there was about people being evacuated from the here on monday as a precautionary measure the rocky river has been stopped to prevent the flow of water from a commander dam and rishikesh dam have been emptied. rescue teams in the military quickly arrived at the area where dozens of people were working on major hydro power projects like the top of envision a god plant which was under construction others scramble to reach at least one blocked tunnel where people were trapped inside. in these difficult times the modi government is standing shoulder to shoulder with the people of that account the disaster management teams along with other security forces are already there and the indian air force is also on alert it is our priority to minimize the loss of life and property to the people of new to the current and restore normalcy here. now to come down the himalayas is prone to flash floods and landslides in
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june 23rd tain record rainfall caused devastating floods that claimed close to $6000.00 lives. that disaster was dubbed the himalayan tsunami because of the torrents of water which buried homes and swept away buildings roads and bridges. a former water resources minister who are party and other environmental experts have criticized the construction of power projects in the area pointing to its fragile ecosystem and the damage caused by the 2013 floods more questions will no doubt be raised after this latest disaster for now though the rescue operation continues brian al jazeera. joining us on the news hour is chandra bush on who is a climate change expert and executive director of i 4 is an international forum for the environment is via skype from new delhi thank you mr bush and for being with us 1st of all is it clear to you what could have set off this is aster today in
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northern india was it a glacier breaking apart as we've heard from various media reports and the avalanche floods what do you think happened here. well it looks like a glacial burst it is not a break because glaciers are slow moving ice mars on land so it doesn't break like our suit so it looks like something like a glacier burst in which a large body of water behind or inside a glacier has broken open and and has gushed out suddenly and has taken a large amount of devotees the debris is in the stones along with it and has affected. villages and part plants that are on its way to it's more like a glove outburst of glacial lake something similar to that seems to have happened so this outburst would have been caused by what i understand there's been a lot of rain in the region recently. well this outburst could have happened
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because of multiple factor are one it could have been a landslide that could have blocked the river and then glacier water would have got accumulated it could have been melting of large amount of water within the glacier itself and a portion of the wall off of that. would have both stop and so these are early times you need to wait for details to come into it before we can certainly say what has happened there so tell us more about that the to rain itself where this happened environmentally scientists and i've criticized the fact that dams were being built here because ecosystems were very fragile. obviously this is a this is extremely legal system you're talking about hire him alia's you're talking about he millions itself is a very very young mountain system and therefore prone to landslides and radius kinds of of natural disaster and on top of that you have now climate change which
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is melting the ice of the glaciers as well as you know human interventions in terms of projects and other construction which is making the entire area quite brawn to such disasters so should they be more regulation in these areas to prevent environmental damage is a regulation at this point whether there are regulations but the fact of the matter is that the debate is happening in this country on where that we should be building plants and we're not talking about large part plants here we're talking about small hydro power plant it seems like the park plant which was right in the way of this this disaster today was actually a less than 15 megawatt hydro plant the question is should we be compromising the ecological integrity of the malia's for such a small project i think this is a question that will be discussed in the coming days in the country so what do you expect to happen next is this something that could last for several days weeks what
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always is a one off event you think well so far it seems it is a one off event the river levels have gone down again i have. probably the same source of information that you have but it looks like it was a start to gush of water that game. levels up have come down people have already been evacuated from low lying areas but you have to see you don't you have to wait and watch what actually happened. only in the next few days thank you so much for talking as it is indeed early days and rescue efforts still underway there so the picture is still unclear thank you chunder bush on environmentalist joining us there from new delhi thank you very much for your expertise on this thank you thank you very much. and there's lots more ahead on this news hour including the theme at this year's african union summit might be arts culture and heritage but
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most of the attention is on the coronavirus pandemic and will hear why teachers and students in the philippines say academic freedom is at risk in sports with joe manchester united are denied by late call in the race for the premier league title . record of virus pandemic now and the pharmaceutical company astra zeneca says it's working to adopt it's called a $1000.00 vaccine against a very interesting identified insaaf africa after a trial showed it might be less effective the study shows a vaccine has significantly reduced efficacy against the mutation according to a report in the financial times the trial is small and has not been peer reviewed though the south african variant is among a number of mutations causing concern because of their higher rate of spread and potential to resist vaccines dr sun jaya is an associate professor of infectious
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diseases at the australian national university he says other vaccines have also shown reduce impact on variants. so it is very sparse information at the moment for example they didn't actually give a figure of vaccine africa say we also know that it's very young people so the impacts on severe disease unlikely to be known because that be a disease is very unlikely in young people we know from the other vaccines that are around but durned buys are novak's johnson and johnson that they also have shown refused impact against the south african strain although they are effective against the south african strain so this would be consistent with what we have seen with those other vaccines we always knew that viruses mutate that happens all the time but when we talk about a new strain we're talking about a mutation that affects the way the virus behaves in humans and really we thought
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that a corona virus tends to mutate quite slowly maybe 5 times slower than influenza so in a sense that we were seeing strains at this point of the outbreak was kind of a surprise and i suspect it just reflects the fact that we've seen so many cases worldwide of cove it and it's allowed the virus to replicate it replicate hundreds of millions of times and we've seen the strains of much israel has started lifting it's take to scar on a virus long time restrictions some businesses are able to reopen including take away for say this is an address as a 6 week long around town was a 3rd time the country has shut shops and kept people home for an extended period a ban on air travel though remains in place how fossett has more from charles slip . what we're seeing as of 7 am on sunday is an ability to travel outside of one kilometer radius from one's home go to other people's homes go to bed and
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breakfasts as a nuclear family still no word yet on how they will reopen the education system but some of the most restrictive parts of the lockdown are being eased and as you say a lot of it does depend on whether they can maintain at least the within bounds the effect on the hospital admissions and severe cases stemming from a more relaxed approach because of the vaccines certainly they're going out of this lockdown at a far higher rate of infection far higher positivity rates than the previous 2 in fact the positivity rate according to the wind at new site has risen during this lockdown so there's certainly no real indorsement in terms of the infection rate coming down for relaxing the measures but there is at least the opportunity because of a vaccination program to try to do so and so israel is not just a test bed in terms of the sort of medical efficacy and effect of this is of this vaccine which obviously pfizer is using it for but also it's a bit of
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a test bed to see even at this relatively early stage in israel is far more advanced than other countries in terms of its vaccination program whether there will be enough of an effect to allow the restrictions to be relaxed even at a high rate of infection. the residents of an indigenous town in mexico are refusing to be vaccinated saying the pandemic hasn't reached them mexico has the world's 3rd highest number of calls with 19 deaths but the people of san juan. say no one there has died in a town meeting only 2 of the 24000 residents said they wanted the vaccine meanwhile funeral homes and cemeteries are being overwhelmed in bolivia as cases of covert 1000 surge the global health crisis is pushing its already fragile health care system to the brink of collapse. bodies wrapped in blankets or plastic sheets are left on the floor of cemeteries and funeral homes of the capital and other hard hit cities as bolivia struggles to deal with the 2nd wave of
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infections deadlier than the 1st. government officials feared the backlog could spark another outbreak well accusing some funeral homes of taking in more bodies that they can safely handle. from a regional government should have provided leaning to funeral homes on how to manage. and secondly some funeral home to the increase in deaths and finally the structural problem regarding the capacity of board public and private symmetries to fulfill the high demand for commissions and. in bolivia one of the poorest countries in latin america many cemeteries have stopped accepting the bodies of 1000 victims some funeral home employee took to the streets saying they are left with few options. since the 1st waif we do not have a crime atory often the central cemetery and alto did have one and was receiving
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covert bodies but they're not anymore we simply don't have anywhere to take these bodies. there is a similar story in mexico city with the government trying to treat patients at home to free up space in hospitals overburdened by a surge of infections but finding life saving oxygen is often a struggle and the moment. at this time in the pandemic it is very difficult to get an oxygen tank or concentrator and then there's a cost because of the demand for them. nation rates in mexico have slowed to a trickle pfizer hasn't been able to send in additional doses of its specs seen in 3 weeks leaving mexican sugata for a shot to wonder if they will be able to receive a 2nd one in time. and. well some countries in the region have started to relax restrictions after a reduction in cases others are announcing new ones these are the deserted streets
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of learning cuba where a new night curfew was imposed after surge following the reopening of the airport's it's back and forth battle against the virus that continues to batter despite of the world particularly hard to listen al-jazeera. burundi has become the 2nd african country to rule out ordering covert 1000 vaccines the health minister says it's better to focus on prevention arguing that vaccines aren't essential as 95 percent of patients recover neighboring tanzania has also said it has no brands to order the jobs president john michael fully has called the vaccines dangerous and the pandemic is dominating the agenda on the 2nd and final day of the virtual african union summit in ethiopia while mass vaccinations of begun in other parts of the world the rollout has been slow on the african continent african leaders are also discussing political and humanitarian issues including border disputes and displaced people live to markham webb in nairobi kenya keeping an eye on the summit
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for us from there so a lot of attention on call that 19 at this a you summit malcolm just how bad is the situation across the continent 1st. africa seems to have been not here to as hard as many other continents at least according to the available data but this is in a context where many countries have much less testing than their british counterparts or in some countries no testing at all but southern africa according to the available data seems to be worst hit south africa which has one of the best health care services in some of the most widespread testing in the continent is currently suffering from a 2nd wave it is also the origin of one of those new variants which is proving more deadly than the original coded 19 variant south africa. is. i'm sorry. no we can hear you mark i'm going to go on you were talking
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about. anything no no no. but one thing that has devastated hundreds of millions of people across the continent is the economic impact of the restrictions border closures. restrictions on movement and also the global economic downturn because of the pandemic that's something that there's very little of course the african union leaders at the summit can address themselves so what then is the african union doing to secure enough vaccines for the continent the nation. with this summit comes at a time where the african continent finds itself at the bottom of the ladder grossly on equal distribution of the available vaccines across the world most rich countries are expecting to have most of their populations vaccinated by some point later this year the world's poorest countries health experts estimate that it could
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take up to 3 years or in some cases never at all 2 countries in africa as we just heard a short while ago about burundi aren't even trying to get vaccines south. again with its relatively large health care provision hasn't actually started vaccinating people yet and the african union has set up a task force to try and help african countries too to have a place at the table in bidding for these vaccines and it secured 680000000 doses that's for 1300000000 people which health care activists have described as a drop in the ocean but some 16 of its 55 member states have signed up so far to the vaccine scheme and they estimate about 3 percent of africans will be vaccinated by the middle of this year so that will be front line health care workers in just a few other people beyond that thank you for that malcolm malcolm where in nairobi . al jazeera journalist model sane has been released after more than 4 years in
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prison in egypt he was arrested in 2016 while visiting relatives in cairo but was never formally charged with a crime or put on trial imran khan has more. free at last and a joyful welcome from mahmoud hussein after years in prison. multiple organizations campaigned for his release and say it could open the door for other journalists wrongly in egypt. really can be a step. loosening up the repression in egypt just. in egypt in jail there has been a mass crackdown closing of. i think it really did hell but we hope it will be a stepping stone. mahmoud was detained in december 2016 after traveling home to cairo from his base in doha he was accused of incitement broadcasting false news
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and receiving foreign funds to defame state institutions allegations he and out 0 have repeatedly rejected. how does a media networks acting director general welcomed mahmoud's release after a vigorous campaign for his freedom throughout his detention a statement said while he was incarcerated mahmoud become a symbol of press freedom across the globe and on the day his release al-jazeera calls for the freedom of all journalists who unjustly imprisoned around the world while being held at the tora maximum security jail in current mahmoud was kept in solitary confinement for long periods and didn't receive proper treatment when he broke his arm. was reunited with family and friends are other wounds that won't be that easy to heal. my his father died just over a year ago and never got to embrace his son. the wrong.
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temperature on the wild weather now his rob. another nor'easter is rolling up the east coast the us and into eastern canada nova scotia in particular leaving behind the cold weather and rather more quiet weather to be honest so how to facts nova scotia sees that weather rolls through with a windy day on monday a breezy day on tuesday the sun turning and snow showers are that the temperatures really drop after the very i'm talking about the edge of the atlantic is pretty cold air and cold air is the story in central canada right down to the plain states the orange well the pink really represents really low temperatures well below where they should be and then there's a junction and whether to come together light snow seems likely not a lot of the line that takes you through kansas city more or less more lake effect snow south of that sun's more dominant the tempest really coming up houston's about 21 and the pacific coast is and the like is what is it was a few showers maybe around san francisco but much more than that rain certainly
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down the southern states down towards florida and the bahamas south of all that and the trade winds just blowing steadily so it's still fairly gray around the coast of nicaragua a few showers it's both costa rica and panama a few in the audience otherwise it's very pleasant weather was temperatures in the middle to high twenty's for most. rob thank you very much for that still ahead on this news hour on tigerman protests like this have become a regular occurrence in haiti we'll look at why they could be about to escalate and the u.s. announces a new immigration policy that so dramatic break from the trump administration is and tennis is well number one and her 1st trophy of 2021 on the eve of the australian open that's coming up it's horse race here with joe stay with us. the philippines this botching to restore fight in boxing. i think that the glory
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can we deny any wrongdoing. one o one a student to guides on al-jazeera. com and make sure you're not hyping the situation be part of the debate my main characters are women when no topic is off the table the law is in the last allow child marriage to happen legally these are basically archaic walls they are often legitimize and legalize pedophiles. online jump into the conversation and the team to be part of the discussion this stream on out is the era. where every.
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buck i'm back here watching the news. our knowledge is 0 with me fully but he will remind of our main stories tens of thousands of people have risks of violence and a rest of protests in myanmar in the largest demonstrations yet against a military coup they follow days of growing civil disobedience including strikes rescue efforts are underway in northern india after part of a human collapse official fear up to 150 people are dead including people who were working at 2 power plants when flash floods hit both sites and the pharmaceutical company astra zeneca says it's working to adopt its scolded 1000 vaccine against the very end 1st identified in south africa a new study shows its efficacy could be significantly reduced by the mutation is
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based on a small trial. other news now in the polls opened in ecuador spreads eventually election which are being held under the shadow of a severe economic and political crisis these are live pictures from the capital quito voters will choose between 16 presidential candidates as well as elect $137.00 lawmakers to feel the national assembly the main race is expected to be against former banker more law so any common is under our rules unicef estimates 6 out of every 10 households in ecuador with children live in extreme poverty a latin america at agenda see a new man has more on what is at stake. ecuadorans are struggling with it in president economic crisis the question for many is who to blame their current centrist president and many more don't know for his socialist predecessor rafael
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correa. that may be the key to sunday's presidential elections like the current president taxidriver in the n.o.p. bucket is confined to a wheelchair he backed moreno in the last election hoping the poor would get a better break but things have gone from bad to worse since the government implemented dramatic belt tightening measures imposed by the i.m.f. now be back in plans to vote for the return of left wing populism the zinc because the say that korea stalled and many other things but in fact he did lots of public works projects while the current government hasn't done anything except persecute opponents. there's 16 official presidential candidates but the most significant one isn't even on the ballot at least not in person oh no nothing about that instead 35 year old economist and this and ouse is representing his former boss via gloria who is living in belgium where he moved before in ecuador in court sentenced him to
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8 years in prison on corruption charges at ows is leading in the polls promising to bring back the days of heavy social spending while campaigning with photos of his mentor grant says they would be no question about the election outcome if he had been allowed to run. that if i'd been a comment that there's no dealt with when by a landslide they destroyed the country persecuted me and my allies and slandered us i had to return to politics and defend their legacy our honor and the country. it's that prospect that frightens people like luis and reda his car parts business went from boom to bust under korea. he hopes ecuadorans will vote for a centrist banker and businessman d.m. or last saw of the creating opportunities party. them along at all we made the mistake of giving korea too much power and he did what he pleased as though he owned the country he didn't take advantage of the years of bonanza when oil prices
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were sky high they stole all the money. now trailing the 3rd place in the polls ecologist yeah that is offering a middle ground between populist socialism and a mainstream free market economy but whoever wins will have more than the economy to deal with this one don't know me a bit on according to a recent poll when it could ruin the asked rather toward the country would be in 5 years it deep was and i'm sad to see more worst than now that sure the governability may be the key problem. and unless that perception can be reversed through elections many warned it may be the preamble to social upheaval for the widespread than what it would or has already experienced to see in human 0. the united states has ended a controversial asylum agreement with several latin american countries the deal was made by the trump administration to curb the number of migrants able to apply for
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asylum it meant migrants arriving in the u.s. were often sent to bank to central america to apply for refuge there joe biden's newly appointed secretary of state anthony blinken says we have notified the governments of el salvador guatemala and honduras that the united states is taking this action as ever so establish a cooperative mutually respectful approach to managing migration but blinken goes on to say to be clear these actions do not mean that the u.s. border is open or castro is in washington with the details. this was more of a photo op or a political win that the truck ministration had used to tout its forceful policies against the asylum seekers but really when this was implemented it made not much sense to begin with because in essence it's taking asylum seekers from one of these central american countries and shuffling them back and forth with to the other
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countries involved after they've been rejected after seeking asylum at the u.s. border but what made little sense in that matter was that none of these countries are really safer than the other which is why these policies were criticized by humanitarians as deliberately putting vulnerable people back in danger by then ending these agreements now really changes nothing on the ground because there's still no decision on in his administration is part of what to do with the thousands of asylum seekers who are waiting at the southern border who are in mexico as you'll recall biden has pledged to undo all of trump's conservative border policies but there still has been no decision about how to resolve them and what is the other option but what is assured is that there are thousands of migrants who are now journeying north and are now at the u.s. border and they are growing by the day and this is putting an immense strain on the
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border and pressing for quick solution from the biden ministration as even in the 1st few days of his time in office already a new border crisis as they're confronting him. some breaking news to tell you about out of somalia where a roadside bomb has killed at least 12 agents working for the national intelligence and security agency this happened near do some town on sunday and central somalia it hosted talks on elections that collapsed 2 days ago. claimed it was behind the attack we'll have more information on this breaking news story out of somalia when it becomes available of course. now to chile where the killing of a street performer has triggered more protests against police violence the 27 year old juggler was shot dead in a southern town on friday after officers said he resisted a routine identity check an issue has
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a story. anger in the chilean capital over the police shooting of a young street performer police used water cannon as hundreds took to the streets in santiago to the bank pots and charge that officers the protesters want to show solidarity with 27 year old francisco martinez will marrow who were shot dead by police on friday officers say they opened fire because the juggler refused to cooperate in a routine search the government held an emergency meeting well a judge has ordered an investigation into the shooting with element but we always regret that an operation of these characteristics result in the death of a person as a government we want to guarantee that all measures will be taken to ensure the justice system and the prosecutor's office can investigate exactly what happened the fall for justice came after demonstrators at several public buildings on fire in the normally sleepy town of. residence a police brutality must come to an end you know gregory fell in love with the woman
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i believe that the protocols and the actions of the police must be reviewed yes it's not the 1st time or the 2nd order 3rd time before you are going to be here we must have justice because something like this cannot go unpunished it cannot be always wash their hands saying it was in self-defense no things cannot stay this way it cannot. mask anti-government protests since 29 team have put chile's police force under intense scrutiny with local and international watchdogs alleging excessive use of force and human rights violations. it's always been like this in the last couple of decades because the police institution has never really been reforms there's 'd a lot of human rights violations a lot of. repression by me is going on in the shanty towns near the capital in. the poor neighborhoods which we never hear of well those living and mourn the death of the young street performer but many are hopeful it will bring what they say is
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the much needed police accountability sue al jazeera. haiti's constitution says the new president's term begins on february 7th everyone agrees on that but not on which share present joven on ways has he still has another year in office but as far as far as the opposition is concerned his time is up on sunday there is a more reports on the political crisis. clashes between the opposition and security forces right next to the presidential palace. it's become a regular occurrence on the streets of port au prince. protesters continue to demand presidential in more he steps down. it's a strike against kidnapping against hunger in the country and we are sending a clear message to the president to respect the constitution earlier this week transport unions and other workers went on a 2 day strike denouncing institutional violence and an alarming grice in
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kidnappings human rights groups say at least a 1000 people were kidnapped in 2020 when someone is going up. the person must go to the street and ask for given so you really doesn't reason why we organize 2 days of look up to show. that we accept the situation you know but as soon as the look of finish the kidnapping restored quickly. haiti's opposition says it's time for moyes to go they say he's mandate ends this sunday but moyes does a greece he says his 5 year term began when he was sworn in in 2017 and that he still has one year in power but members of the opposition say maurice term began in 2016 in the wake of chaotic elections. and while the political crisis deepens haiti's economy continues to deteriorate. economies like. says
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urgent action is needed so. the amount of people going hungry in the country has doubled it's gone from $2000000.00 to $4000000.00 people the currency is devalued and there's an inflation rate close to 25 percent. to complicate matters legislative elections were postponed when parliamentary terms expired this past year preston moyes has been ruling haiti by decree the u.s. and the organization of american states have urged new legislative elections to restore the balance of power maurice is proposing a referendum in april to reform the constitution symond. last week we held a major meeting with all interviews including the un the provisional little council the advisory committee the government the police chief the prime minister we had a big talk about security issues elections of the referendum we were clear with all these people it will 25th because it will be
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a victory for us. but the opposition says it's another excuse to hold onto power and that's why they vowed to continue pressuring the government on the streets that he said will. in a major reform of cuba's state dominated economy the government says it will allow private businesses to operate in most industries in the past small businesses who are only participate in 127 sanctioned activities but that's now been expanded to more than 2000 the comus caribbean island is trying to recover from an economic slump brought on by tough u.s. sanctions and the pandemic philip brenner is professor at the american university in washington he says the economic reforms have been years in the making. 10 years ago when they designated a list of private enterprises those who are working with limited to things like being
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a shoemaker will being repairing bicycles and restaurants now this opens it up to a more professional of convergence and the significance is twofold one it expands the possibilities for small businesses private entrepreneurs currently has about 15 percent of the population who work for non state and the prices and this could expand that much for 3040 percent of the nation which changes everything a bit much less reliance on the state the 2nd is that the state needs to reduce its . employment because it's running out of money they've now changed their economic system so that was going to be a single currency and that's going to result in raising the. wages of state employees and the state can't afford that and so this is a way of helping people we have a state local and take private jobs are for
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a much broader range of people especially rationals wires architects people who provides services to business. and 1000 month ban on high speed internet services has been lifted in indian administered kashmir but new delhi has asked police in the region to closely monitor name fact and not get internet ban was imposed in on his $21000.00 when indes have said disputed region and special status activists call the restrictions a digital apartheid. to the philippines now where teachers and students are angry at a decision to allow military forces and the top state university critics call the move an attack on academic freedom jamail and again has this report from manila. if art is a reflection of society then this display of work by filipino artist email can be seen as a portrayal of young people struggle for academic freedom in the philippines time called . our barricade he created it to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the building
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and put you in february 971 activists march to the university joining martial law and declared it liberated from state forces the incident ended in a violent scene which. and now similar battle lines are drawn once again the military has and did a decade's old agreement with the university of the philippines to keep state forces out of its campuses across the coaching the military says the university has been a haven of recruitment for communist rebels the new people's army and the military have been fighting for more than 50 years the conflict is described as the world's oldest existing communist insurgency hope that we will. be militarized not in new york no only. world.
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what. i know. for other universities have also been accused of encouraging dissent in a joint statement to the military their heads say such allegations are irresponsible and without proof critics say the military is the zisha and to cancel its accord with the university of the philippines is deeply disturbing it could soon mean that soldiers in civilian clothes could join students in rallies and that the atmosphere of freedom and campuses would soon be replaced by fear university education which means you need to give a range of ideas the man has thought of his time in a lengthy all heroes was in for free dom is based here. unlimited up. across the country student activists are up in arms to their unfairly targeting but it's
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a large and it's because we are not the best political about the ball it's all and i think it's the duty of the events actually to that much of times work has been focused on the legacy of the martial law era when young people were under siege and turned to art as a means of expression and defense he says recent events are a reminder that those times of trouble and conflict could be returned. dugan manila. are still ahead on the news hour belated birthday present christiana rinaldo scores again for. a day after turning 36. frank assessments colleagues on the ground at the canaries what is the situation there's only one doctor and one nurse or $1.00 to $200.00 people informed opinions how big does foreign policy figure in the early stages of
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a bomb in the situation he comes into office with a huge amount of foreign policy experience in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines how will the place where you live get a back seat when there's no money all the rest of rich countries are fighting for an inside story on al-jazeera and we're going to have this on the other working in asia and africa there few days where i'd be choosing editing my own stories in a refugee camp with no electricity and right now we're confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise because of the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together that's why they're so important we make those connections. you're either the only.
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going to have a source to his show ali thank you very much it is super bowl sunday in the kansas city chiefs are chasing their 2nd straight title against the tampa bay buccaneers to the pandemic the chiefs opted to spend super bowl week at home before flying to tampa and this was the team arriving on saturday only a limited number of fans will be allowed inside the stadium but health experts are worried about another spike in curve age 19 cases. great joins us now live from tampa j. it's fair to say isn't it that this will be a super bowl unlike any other a culmination to a very unusual season. oh absolutely it was tough to get through the season with covered 19 they made it to the championship but it's a different scene as well we are outside of the stadium right now and of course
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where you got game day what you got to do is tailgate so we'll make a little breakfast here as well as some pancakes going on the griddle here and talk a little bit more about what we've seen this week not the packed crowds that you would normally see at a super bowl no instead what we what we've seen is moderate crowds and everybody for the most part making sure that they stay safe we've seen a lot of mask wearing here especially in the in the n.f.l. venues they require a mask indoors outdoors doesn't matter you've got to wear a mask there there are stations all across this city to make sure that people can sanitize their hands and get that done and then we also have seen social distancing at times it's tough obviously when you've got a crowd you've got some excited fans. there are areas where we haven't seen that obviously in and outside of the n.f.l. venues we have seen people without their masks so there's a big concern from local officials that we could see a spike in the virus so once this is all said and done maybe 2 weeks out from the
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super bowl a very big concern in fact you're making a very hungry there burning a pancake let's talk a bit about the bug think his tom brady has history to make tell us a bit about. what he's got on his plate. and you know this is a guy who really is the undisputed greatest quarterback of all time he's in his 10th super bowl looking for his 7th to win and really that's unparalleled in the sport and really in sports 7 championships would just be amazing across the board on the other side you've got patrick mahoney the quarterback for the chiefs who is in his 2nd straight super bowl looking for a 2nd win and many think that he's the heir apparent to tom brady so you've got what could be a passing of the torch here but tom brady says he's not ready to go in fact now saying and he's in his forty's saying he could go to 45 maybe and play football so
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it will be interesting to see how how this plays out tonight either way i think what we're going to have is a very good football game these are pretty evenly matched teams so i think that we're going to to see some some good football when it's all said and done and when you talk to fans struggling with the pancake here when you when you talk to fans what they say is you know we can't be together we can't gather but but it brings a sense of normalcy and i think a lot of people need that the super bowl is a big deal here and i think a lot of people want to feel normal again. all right i just really want to finish up talking about the kansas city chiefs. he didn't make it to tampa that because of the car accident that he's been involved and how will that affect his preparations and the start of the preparations of the team. well it's the 'd sort of head coach andy reid and he's got 2 children that were in
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that vehicle one of them a 5 year old seriously injured life threatening injuries we're told it's something the team obviously has on their hearts and minds as they go into the game they say want to factor in that preparation has been done and that they're ready to go and they hope that by playing well they can honor this coach and his kids who are working through this axe. but yeah puts a damper obviously on what is a very exciting team exciting time not only for the team but for kansas city as well all right jay jay gray there from n.b.c. with us in tampa thank you very much. former heavyweight boxing champion leon spinks has died at the age of 67 he famously shocks muhammad ali to win the title in 1978 and in this 8th fight as a professional spinks also won and then picked gold at the 1906 games in montreal for the last 5 years he's been battling prostate and other kansas about to smashing a double century against india england cricket captain joe root has been impressing
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in the field to you it took this spectacular 100 catch to get rid of edge and have a honey on day 3 of the 1st test in a well on top in this one after the huge 1st innings total of $578.00 india closed in $257.00 for 6 still $321.00 runs behind. west indies have pulled off a remarkable test victory in bangladesh home is made beaten double 100 on his debut as they chased down 395 to win by 3 wickets is the 5th highest successful run chase in test history. to put on their mentions united missed the chance to draw level with manchester city at the top of the premier league they were held to a 33 draw at home by everton dominic calvert luhan scored the equaliser in the 5th minute of stoppage time united are 2 points behind city who have 2 games in hand city playing of a pool later on sunday. over in italy
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a day after his 36th birthday cristiana rinaldo scored for you ventas as they beat roma 2 nil it's his 23rd goal in 24 parents is the defending champions above roma into 3rd place still 5 points behind the leaders into milan. the best of the club world cup semifinals takes place here in council later with south american champions pomade us up against mexico city gray's home areas are the favorites the brazilian side won the couple about dora's just over a week ago in rio to confirm that place at the tournament to grow as he beat south korean team all sun in the opening match and following their rivals closely start. by going to do we know palmeiro some brazilian football i don't think there's anything we don't know about them i was more worried when we faced the south korean team in mexico brazilian football it's easy to watch whenever you want the day
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before the australian open defending champion novak djokovic has reignited his feud with nick carey else the australian player called djokovic a tour over his list of demands to ease corentin roles he has a quality to beat any player really in the world in the past. off the court i you know i don't have much respect for him to be honest and that's that's well i'll close it i really don't have any any further comments for him than he's his own comments for me or for for anything else and adventuring grandfather has completed a record breaking atlantica voyage to a 70 year old briton frank rockwell has become the oldest person to row silo across the ocean it took him $56.00 days to make the nearly 5000 kilometer journey from the canary islands to antigua in a boat obviously named never too old. right that is. why no. they looked amazing thank you
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very much for that joe that's it for the. break stay with us. when all that seems to matter is the headline there's always 2 sides to a story when narratives and counter narratives of curiosity only there on the one hand the enemy is all believe there on the other hand the listening post strips away the spin what kind of reporting if you can see them on the ground misinformation is right the bias people believe things because they want to believe that covers the uncomfortable truths do you think they did enough to scrutinize the case for the listing post. after more than a decade of civil war life remains a challenge in sierra leone. full of the citizens of this war torn nation as they push their limits. for.
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risking years in sierra leone. 0. the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering lifesaving to school supplies and training to help the world's most phone mobile people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that. working with scientists and health workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the ward and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services now more than ever the world needs
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