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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2021 1:00am-1:31am +03

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over our fears or all with the are all with the. mr president it's been a long day and we thank you and we thank all the senators for their careful attention to the legal arguments and your courtesy to the managers and to the lawyers here this is been the most bipartisan impeachment in american history and
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we hope it will continue to be so in the days ahead and nothing could be more bipartisan than the desire to recess so the only issue before the senate today of course is whether donald trump is subject to the court of impeachment that the senate has can convene we see no need to make any further argument that this body has the power to convict and to disqualify president trump for his breathtaking constitutional crime of inciting a violent insurrection against our government tomorrow we will address the amazing array of issues suggested by the thoughtful presentations by our colleagues including the 1st amendment due process partisanship under our constitution the bill of attainder clause and many many more but in the meantime. we waive all further arguments we waive our 33 minutes of rebuttal and we give
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those 33 minutes gratefully back to the senate so they don't. all time you are back all the time has been your good back then the question is whether dog john trump is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of a peach but for acts committed a president of the united states thought was staying the expiration of his term in that office. vision check could do as a sufficient 2nd in the kirk so called the rule is baldwin. is baldwin i mr brough so to brasso now mr bennett mr bennett are mrs blackburn mr blumenthal mr blumenthal are mr blunt mr blunt no mr booker you're
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watching the 2nd impeachment trial of former president donald trump who faces charges of inciting in a rep insurrection on john reid the senate for his supporters marched on the capitol building we've had almost 4 hours of arguments from both sides the base on the constitutionality and we're going to go now to our correspondent alan fischer who is live for us on capitol hill and then just bring us up to speed on what we've heard so far. apologizing can't hair and fish at the moment we're just dealing with those technical issues and if you can hear us turn your mike on and then you can bring us up to speed on what we've been listening to at the moment the senators are voting on the issue of whether or not the trial can actually proceed when you get back to allen now he's going to bring us more on that. so ever that it slipped off as we
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were sitting here listening to the arguments put forward by the trump team clearly the democrats believe they have the votes to give up 33 minutes of their rebuttal time is pretty significant but they clearly believe that the senate is going to vote that this hearing is constitutional and it will move forward so therefore the impeachment trial will start in earnest on wednesday interesting approaches from the trump team essentially a very contradictory arguments 1st of all that they need to gather more evidence into what happened on capitol hill on january the 6th but it's too late to impeach donald trump because he has left office also we we got the argument that you can't impeach donald trump because he is a private citizen he complained that the articles of impeachment were sent over to the senate and said that was just a bit of partisan politics from the democrats at a meeting of course that mitch mcconnell who's the leader of the republicans in the
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senate said that even if the articles where is it sent over to the senate there would be no hearing before donald trump left office so it was a bit of a confused message from the from donald trump's team you could see that david shawn was angry at times he was loaded at times he certainly glared at a number of lawmakers on both sides of the house interesting that bruce castor who's the the 1st attorney to speak for donald trump mentioned several senators by name particularly republicans and perhaps was pointing to them to say look that this vote is in. your hands at the argument that the trump team put forward is that this is unconstitutional you're sensually can't impeach a private citizen because to impeach someone means to remove them from office and you can't remove him from office because he's already gone and claiming as well that this was all a partisan move by democrats and you have to remember that 10 republicans also
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voted for the impeachment is done from a point made by jimmy raskin right at the end that the man who's leading the impeachment drive for the democrats that by saying that this was the most partisan impeachment in american history earlier he had really put forward an emotional case . for those who are hearing this. should have video of what actually happened on capitol hill on january the 6th intercut that with a number of tweets from donald trump some of them decrying the role of his vice president mike pence and pointed to the fact that this was happening as there was a crowed a gang inside the halls of the senate looking for mike pence someone claimed that they were going to hang him for treason and intercutting as well parts of donald trump's speech where he talked about how they had to fight to save their country and he also made the point that the whole argument that this happened in the last few days of the trumpet ministration therefore he's gone no good you shouldn't
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pursue this is a look that there is no january exception to the constitution if you do wrong you can face impeachment whether it's on day one or the last day or even the last couple of weeks so no it goes to the vote we're expecting it to go very much along party lines there will be a few republicans who will vote to make sure that the trial does go ahead this question has already been considered by the senate was considered last week at that point 45 republicans voted to see that the whole process was unconstitutional which tells us that 5 republicans were quite. happy to go along with the trial we expect numbers roughly in that direction this time around i'm just going to look to see what the country voting situation is it's 44 years and 35 notes are going very much along the lines that we thought but at least 44 hours essentially laying the case that the democrats will put forward to the senate over the next few days
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both sides of 16 hours to make their case what will be interesting is to see if the republicans have another argument because at the moment they have argued that the impeachment of donald trump is unconstitutional therefore this hearing is unconstitutional will the then address the arguments that are being put forward by the democrats to say he incited this he put the onus on the crowd to go and take action on capitol hill by his speech on march the genuine the 6 by his tweets he put pressure on the crowd he essentially incited that crowd we've already heard the republicans going to say look. he may have said a few things but you can't put a limit on political speech of others go and break the law that's not on donald trump that will be one of the key issues of this impeachment hearing as we go forward over the next couple of days. alan so assuming
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the vote does go 3 talk us through what will follow how will this impeachment trial death from the 1st impeachment trial adult child. well 1st of all it would be years long and you've seen from the opening speeches they are just on the constitutionality is going to be a lot more focus from the democrats there was criticism of the impeachment trial a year ago that it went on too long they lost the attention of some of the senators in the room they certainly lost the attention of the american public who were tuned in this is going to be much more focused 16 hours rather than 24 hours to put forward their cases. it seems that the democrats are going to use all 16 hours maybe fall just short of that there will be a separate vote on whether or not to unload witnesses at this stage it seems unlikely what i've been told is that the democrats are going to want donald trump what's convict him himself so there will be a lot of use of video we were ready so who are going to use that they are going to
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bring speeches up and play them to the senators they're going to show don't trust tweets as for the republicans as one of the guests said earlier the question is whether or not they have a case to put forward so that me limit the amount of time they take up i see that patrick leahy is back in the seat he is of course the senate the head of the senate and head of the overseeing these proceedings i was just got to see at this point to see if it gives us an idea of how congress has to know them is consent that the trial adjourned until 12 noon tomorrow wednesday february 10th and that this order also constitute the adjournment of the senate where there are objection. germany. to more. so than was the majority of the u.s. senate voting the 2nd impeachment trial of donald trump to proceed and you can see
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them leaving the senate for now but that will proceed tomorrow would just go back to alan fischer his following these proceedings for us on capitol hill allan just just. talk us through the main arguments made today and who do you think the of the most of america will be watching proceedings how will how will those 2 different sides been received by the people watching them. i mean it's always hard to say because america's become such a partisan country do is that think that donald trump did nothing wrong will be swayed by the argument and i've spoken to tom suppose. in places like illinois and they say look how can you possibly begin to impeach a private citizen this is just nonsense this is political retribution that was the case made by donald trump's lawyers that look if the democrats have been talking about impeaching donald trump since 2017 have been trying to overturn the result of the 26000 election for 4 years what is interesting is that during his speech chris
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castor said donald trump essentially lost the election he used a phrase that. the donald trump himself hasn't used he called joe biden president biden that did the people of the united states decided they weren't happy with who was in the white house so they decided to change it not an argument that the donald trump has ever acknowledged since the election result was announced and we were told that it was unlikely that that donald trump's legal team would actually refer to joe biden is anything other than former vice president joe biden and certainly wouldn't acknowledge that donald trump lost the election that guidance was obviously clearly blown out of the water in and those 1st few statements from donald trump's legal team. that the democrats built up their case very strategically the they played the video of what happened appealing viscerally to to what happened to the senators because they were here when it happened they had to be a score to out of the chamber there were people who broke into the chamber senators
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had to go and hide their lives were at risk there were people talking about what they were going to do to various senators if they managed to get ahold of them thankfully they never did then we had the case of this is why this is constitutional this is why there is nothing wrong with doing this you've got to look at this and then there was almost a pre bottle it came from the 3rd member of the senate. from the democrat team saying look this is what the republicans going to tell you about the constitutionality this is why this is constitutional and then we had the 2 lawyers from donald. side make their case arguing that this was indeed unconstitutional something that the senate as we see in the vote has clearly no rejected and the trial will go ahead it will start again on wednesday at that point we will hear from the democrats and they will say why they believe donald trump was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors why he 4 mentored an insurrection to try and
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overturn the election result you may have forgotten why this all happened remember let's go back to january the 6th that is when both houses of congress met to certify the electoral college results normally these go through on the nord but if you get an objection from someone in the house and that is backed up by someone in the senate there has to be a debate and that's exactly what happened we got members of the republican party saying they objected 1st of all to the result and arizona and then they raised others donald trump don't and the more had a rally on the 6th of january saying they want to he wanted to stop the code to stop this deal that he was going to walk with the crowd to capitol hill to give courage to republicans who weren't going to do the right thing as far as he was concerned but many of those came up here and started breaking their way through the barriers injuring people hurting people and in some instances actually killing a police officer and stormed into the halls of congress that is why just
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a couple of days after that incident the of the articles of impeachment were written no trump's team see that how can you possibly do that when the hasn't been a full investigation and as we've pointed oh not only are they saying there hasn't been a full investigation you're rushing into this but also saying well you're too late because the president has left office the democrats will say why donald trump must be held accountable because if he is not then this sort of thing can happen again in the future it's going to be a much shorter hearing we're not going to see as. much as we did a year ago when it lasted 22 days before there was a vote there is the possibility that we could get a vote as early as sunday or monday next week that is because the time given to both sides to make their case is much shorter not 24 hours each is going to be 16 hours or so is more it might not even use all of that it's unlikely we will call witnesses they didn't call witnesses last time around as well this the summing up
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of the evidence is going to be much much shorter we believe and we're also told that the trauma team won't spend that much time on their defense a couple of reasons for that one they haven't had a lot of time to prepare to be don't have a great argument against what actually happened according to some observers and the 3rd reason why they're not going to spend a great deal of time on it as well is the know what the result is going to be anough. republicans have voiced their concern about the hall way that this is being conducted that they don't think even when the evidence is recited in the we've seen in some of the moving and emotional and visceral they don't think enough republicans will vote to convict donald trump so therefore he will not be convicted it would be wrong to say he would be cleared but he will not be convicted and i think his legal team i don't we have that. feeling of the twists and turns for us on capitol hill thank you. well michael isikoff is the chief investigative
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correspondent at yahoo news and he joins me now by skype from washington d.c. and mr isikoff we saw 6 republican senators join the democrats to vote that the trial is constitutional how significant is that. well it's one then had voted previously that the trial could proceed so you could say that the the the house managers picked up one vote but it's a far cry from the from what they need they need 17 republicans to vote to convict they had 5 last week who agreed the trial was constitutional now they're up to 6 but that's still far short of 17 so i don't know that were any that the outcome is any more in doubt now than it was before the trial began what did you make of the 2 cases presented by both sides. i thought the house managers put on
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an extremely powerful emotional case just watching the video of the events of january 6th juxtaposed with trump's public comments at the at the rally his tweets that day was going on and including after the riot in which he seemed to be celebrating what the rioters had done and told them he loved them and what a great job they had done was was i think a really really strong opening for the house managers and they did a very good job putting addressing the constitutional issues at stake then when it came time for trump's lawyers bruce castor who let off was a complete flop it was a man during pointless discursive. presentation that didn't
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address any of the issues it didn't address the constitutional issues which were supposed to be the subject of today's arguments now that said he was followed by david schoen who was angry much more in keeping with what you would expect from a trump lawyer but he did make a number of substantive points about due process the lack of due process that was took place in the house there were no hearings there was no witnesses there was no opportunity for cross-examination all the things you associate with a quasi judicial process like this were not. was not done in the house and i think he scored a lot of points especially with the republican senators on that one i think he also scored. points by showing the video of all the parade of democrats starting with
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jamie raskin the lead house manager who had called from the earliest days of donald trump's presidency for his impeachment so that's going to be a central theme of the defense this is just an extension of what the democrats have been trying to do all along from the get go and so i thought that was a fact for this body for the senate which is even we divided 5050 republicans and democrats so i think he did score points and brought the trump side to back up after the you know really floundering presentation by the by mr castor who went off who let it off but look at the end of the day we saw the vote. 5644 to allow the trial to go forward that's far short of the 67 that the house managers are going are going to need to secure
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a conviction and throughout all of this has been uncharacteristically quiet we know he's not able to tweet to leave. tweet which was his favorite form of expression right but he may as you know has a couple of other avenues but we've had that his advisors are advising him to. reason for the 1st time he is listening to them why do you think that is. well because maybe it's they've been pressed upon that anything he says at this point would be counterproductive he tried to clean things up at the with that video the end at the end of. the evening on january 6th but it's clear he didn't do a very good job of that then he was still wedded to the idea that there was a lection for a massive scale and that the election was stolen from him something that no serious
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person accepts at this point so it'll be interesting i think what we're going to be looking for in the days ahead are mean the house managers made their strongest strongest points with that video of the events of january 6th but i think we can expect them to spend a lot more time on the run up to january 6th how trump pushed what is now widely considered the big lie of election fraud for weeks and weeks his phone call to the georgia secretary of state. pleading with them to find him 11000 votes surely you can find 11000 votes come on that's trump's words that's basically an invitation to the secretary of state of georgia to commit fraud on the president's behalf. and i think you're going to see the house managers will focus more on that to try to put the events of january 6th into this broader
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context of trump refusing to accept the results of a democratic election. so we did hear drums lawyer david schoen saying if the trial is to go ahead it could incite move on it it could divide america even further do you have any sense of how americans are feeling about impeachment in a moment. well look i think ambivalence is probably the best word to describe how i think most americans are approaching this they wanted to be does look down from last the election and a majority of americans who wanted a different president than donald trump and i think a hefty subset a hefty portion of those americans that voted for joe biden just want to be through it donald trump and probably are not excited about the idea of spending more time
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talking about him debating of him. getting into the endless arguments we've had about donald trump's presidency but that said there is real anger about what happened on january saxe 6 real fury. in on the part of many people and i think that that's what sustaining this and i think there's a belief there has to be accountability in some form i think there are other ways to achieve accountability and we may hear more if this impeachment trial in fact does result in an acquittal or as we expect i think you'll see a move perhaps for a censure it doesn't have any it doesn't have any practical effect on trump but it it would be a statement that what you did donald trump is wrong and we the congress of the united states condemn it that's one possibility there's also the possibility of
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a $911.00 style commission that would do a can with a subpoena power that would do a full investigation of the events of january 6th one of the striking things in the house managers filings is while they clearly showed the mob and the disruption and the and the fear that that they that it caused in the nation's capital as far as trump's own. actions they relied entirely on press reports from a strong doing that afternoon who was he talking to what was he saying and telling people while the riot was going on there's been reporting on that it's conflicting reporting we don't know was was trump involved in holding back deployment of the national guard these are serious questions that if the congress through a 911 style commission can get to the bottom of bottom up would make terms conduct that day even more damning than it already is and i think that i think there will
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be a push to have a fuller investigation the kind of investigation that was not done in the very quick impeachment process in the house michael isikoff investigative correspondent for yahoo nice thank you feel inside. thank you. in other news police in lyon cracking down on people protesting against the generals who have seized power democratically elected leaders thousands have been rallying nationwide in defiance of new rules by the military to cover a growing civil disobedience movement and 2 members of a national league for democracy say police have raided their headquarters in yangon from bangkok. facing live ammunition fire rubber bullets tear gas and more water cannon the antic who protesters defied a van and headed out to the streets in their thousands for a 4th straight day. the military junta has barred any gathering of more than 5
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people and imposed a curfew in many areas from 8 pm to 4 am. undeterred and determined from many walks of life the protesters still came out i was here and if the civil disobedience movement accelerates in the country as a whole the government machinery will start not only the use i hope all the people will join the movement we must not lose a new is a joy except we must win such as why we are on the street now. in yangon police prepared for the protesters in the early hours there were 2 main areas in myanmar's largest city where they gathered by city hall and a large intersection near the university of yangon. in the country's 2nd largest city mandalay thousands of protesters face water cannon and at least 27 people were arrested international condemnation of the coup has grown over the last few days new zealand the 1st country to go a step further new zealand is suspending all high level political and military
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contacts with main man. midsomer who is also directed that new zealand's i'd program to mean my should not include projects that are delivered with or been a fit the military government we've also agreed to implement a travel ban to be formalized in the coming week on me i'm as military leaders. further international action is expected after a request by britain and the e.u. the united nations human rights council will hold a special session on the february 1st coup and all that's been happening in myanmar since it's got hardly al-jazeera. nearly 60 hours after the flooding of a tunnel in the indian state of atomic and rescue teams have managed to clear enough there to enter the structure $35.00 workmen are believed to be trapped around 180 meters inside the tunnel connected to the temple one vision of god hydroelectric project the flooding was triggered by
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a glass in the broke and fell into a river washing away dams power plugs and roads 30 people are known to have died more than 170 missing around 2000 members of the military police and specialists are involved in the search and rescue operation. the world health organization team that's been in the chinese city of will hand investigating the origins of the corona virus says it's unlikely the disease was leaked from a lab the team says it's probable covert $900.00 jumped to humans from an alamo but they can't yet certify the exact source it also found no indication that the virus was present in hand before december 21000 a diplomatic rift between the e.u. and russia is widening as the block's foreign affairs chief warns of possible sanctions against moscow as it barrels late his comments follow tit for tat expulsions after an adversarial meeting with the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov russia has been trying to devise a. day to divide. they have issued sheet
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a new green and human rights issues they haven't should see today if i did not. this seemed to be a tree objective you may visit we should not change into destruction it is no intention on the russian site to engage in a constructive discussion if we address human rights and political freedom. the top stories are now does there are a majority in the u.s. senate has voted to move ahead with a full impeachment trial of former president donald trump the vote followed a lengthy debate on the trials legality because trump has already left office 6 republican senators voted by democrats to proceed trump faces the charge of inciting insurrection is accused of urging his supporters to mow down the capsule
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building last month the house managers and trump's defense team will start delivering their cases from wednesday each side has a lot of up to 16 hours spread over 2.


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