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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 10, 2021 8:00am-8:30am +03

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people who live on this side they can hear gunfire when they're fighting from around the world months after that will cain eruption they say their harvest are now back to normal. one. the u.s. senate votes to proceed with donald trump's impeachment trial rejecting defense arguments that trying to convict a former president is unconstitutional. play watching al-jazeera live from doha with me for the battle also ahead and protesters in riyadh mark take to the streets for a 5th straight day despite a growing police crackdown chile moves to expel undocumented migrants thousands of
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colombian and venezuelan families are being separated before being sent back home and a world health organization team in ruhani china dismisses a theory called the 19 was leagues from the lab but says it still doesn't know which animal it came from. so the u.s. senate has voted to go ahead with a 2nd impeachment trial of former president donald trump rejecting the defense's argument that it's unconstitutional to try a former president al jazeera sound fishes on capitol hill he reports on what to expect from the trial in the coming days. in a place that has seen a lot over this truly was of historic day the 2nd impeachment trial of donald trump before the senate can even begin to question whether or not he was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors whether he sent a crowd towards capitol hill for a violent insurrection aimed at overturning the results of
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a democratic election there's the question of whether or not it was constitutional to put him on trial the democrats said absolutely he had to be held responsible for what he did in those final days in office his defense team argued that he's no longer in office and so it's too late our case is based on coal hard facts. people died that day officers ended up with head damage and brain damage people's eyes were galloped off for a heart attack officer lost 3 fingers that day 2 officers have taken their own lives senators this cannot be our future this cannot be the future of america we cannot have presidents inciting and mobilizing
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mob violence against our government and our institutions because they refused to accept the will of the people under the constitution of the united states was also an unforgivable betrayal of the oath of office of president trump the oath he swore an oath that he sullied and dishonored to advance his own personal interests long terms defense team said that what happened on capitol hill on january the 6th was horrendous but also putting him on trial was unconstitutional this they argued was simply the democrats carrying out a partisan political hit job on a man they didn't want to see run for office again forgetting that 10 republicans had also voted for the impeachment of donald trump you will not hear any member of the team representing former president drum they anything but in the strongest possible way denounce the violence of the
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rioters and those that breach the capitol the very settle of our democracy we can't possibly be suggesting that we punish people for political speech in this country with this trial you will open up new and bigger wounds across the nation for a great many americans see this process for exactly what it is. a chance by a group of partisan politicians seeking to eliminate donald trump from the american political scene the senate has no voted to push ahead with the hearing it will begin on wednesday one republican senator was asked why he voted to make sure that the hearing would go ahead he said that the house team led by jamie raskin was much more focused and answered the questions that were in front of them whereas donald trump's team was much more unfocused almost as if they were trying to avoid the central question of whether or not he was responsible for the violence that was
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seen here on capitol hill what is clear is that donald trump's team will have to be a lot more focused as they move in to the important part of the impeachment proceedings will donald trump be convicted it's still a long short but his legal team will have to perform much better than they did on day one. at the white house says joe biden is focused on the economy and will not be spending much time watching his predecessors impeachment trial biden met with the chief executives of several large firms including wal-mart and j.p. morgan discusses for polls $1.00 trillion dollars released package the president is trying to boost support for the package which faces tough opposition from republicans in other world news protesters have returned to the streets of myanmar a day after rallies were violently broken up by security forces is a 5th straight day of demonstrations against last week's military coup the on mars rulers have imposed a curfew in the 2 biggest cities young gone and mandalay and banned large
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demonstrations water cannon and rubber bullets were used against protesters on tuesday let's speak to hide there who is following this from across the border in thailand is live in bangkok scott so the security forces stepping up their response but the protests are not letting up tell us about what's happening so far today. yeah they are definitely not letting up ali and what we know what has happened over night it's wednesday midday here and what we know this happened overnight since the curfew was put into place and we have a curfew that begins at 8 pm and it stops at 4 am and what happened overnight is that the end of the offices police raided them that's the political party headed by on song suchi we know that those offices were raided by the police after the curfew and we know also that a little bit of the medical updates from this the most violent day tuesday. during these 5 days of protests and that is that one woman young woman who suffered
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a gunshot wound to the head is still in critical condition her doctor says that is a very grave condition so we got an update on that and we also know that 3 protesters sustained wounds that are consistent with rubber bullets other protesters were injured by the water cannon in mandalay the police saying that they also have some injuries on their side so that's kind of what we know overnight and also getting a little bit more of an international reaction the united states has said that they the military government needs to relinquish their power that they grabbed last monday morning and then also the united nations saying the representative in the end maher for the united nations saying that they were reaction from the security forces in myanmar is disproportionate to what's happening on the street so that that's kind of what happened overnight and catching you up right these protests that are ongoing today who's all the guys in them scott and how were they able to organize them given the pressure the military has been applying.
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what's very interesting about the organization there let me go through a couple of events that we know that are going to be happening today on wednesday we know that they will be groups of protesters will be marching on the united nations office again to elevate the international awareness of what's going on in myanmar the japanese embassy same purpose to elevate this situation to the international community and also for that woman young woman i was talking about who had a gunshot wound to the head they're also going to hold a prayer service for her gone today so those are the events we know that are happening and something also that's interesting i was speaking with some people on the ground and gone and one thing because of what happened the most violent day we saw on tuesday the protesters and this is a bit of going into your question about organization they are actually what they're doing now is writing phone numbers and blood types on their arms so if something were to happen to them their family members their friends can be reached and they
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can be treated medically so obviously they are stepping up their organization and but they're not stepping down they're still coming out now as to who's behind this who's organizing it but what's very interesting about it is the it's fairly organic but there are many groups and there are more groups joining all the time trade unions there's one ministry the ministry of power and electricity has joined the movement and the protests but then we've seen you know more labor unions and more student groups joined almost every day so you have these groups that have their own kind of internal organization joining the overall cause and then that's what kind of becomes organic like we know now that they're going to locations that they're going to be going to the u.n. and the japanese embassy and this prayer site so we know that most likely within those groups they've organized a way to disseminate the information so they can head out to that so it's very interesting to see how they're able to really kind of call all these people tens of thousands of these people across the country one map google map of myanmar that located protests over the last several days and it was almost all red with dots
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because there have been so many protests over the last week plus and we'll keep a close eye on the situation in myanmar with the cops don't live there and back up . to northern india now where rescuers are using drones to search inside a tunnel where $35.00 workmen are believed to be chopped after sunday's devastating flash floods it was hit by a torrent triggered by the collapse of a glacier which washed away dams and houses it took rescuers days to remove enough to break from the tunnel to allow teams to enter the structure at least 30 people are known to have died and more than 170 are missing let's get the latest on rescue efforts with random who is outside of nosh tunnel near the power plant where people are trapped and is bringing us up to speed now it's been what 3 days i believe any hope of finding survivors there. high folly will rescue is say that time is the most crucial factor here that
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72 hours are the most important after such a disaster and it has been nearly 72 hours since the flood hit rescuers continue to work throughout the night there are hundreds here they are clearing the sludge from the tunnel what they're trying to do is get to 180 meters inside the tunnel because they say that if the members still alive the best chance of finding them is in pockets of 180 meters from the entrance where they were able to reach 110 meters yesterday but this morning it's only 120 meters the biggest challenge remains the amount of sludge that keeps fooling in from the inside because it has been so long since the flood hurt rescuers say that a really big concern of the men are alive is that they'll be suffering from severe hypothermia with temperatures dropped into below 0 degrees at night and frustration is growing among among the residents here we saw a small protest by
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a group of people many of them say that they worked on this project they don't agree with the rescue efforts that they say that they should be too small to excavate as digging the sludge rather than the one big one that's currently in there we've seen relatives of the people inside the tunnel. making their way as they have all of the last few days to watch the rescue efforts and wait for news of their loved ones meanwhile there's going to be a meeting between all of the agencies involved in the rescue efforts the police the navy does the disaster response the army the india tibet and border police personnel to decide what to do next india tibetan border police personnel have been trekking for very long distances meanwhile the way from here to deliver food rations to villages that have been cut off and you can see to my right here that people are actually building a log and to give some access to villages on the other side of this river that were cut off after bridges were washed away i can actually still see part of the bridge down this river which was destroyed by the flood and that is because the water
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level came up to where we are where i'm standing destroying everything in its path . it's early days of course in this investigation as rescue efforts continue but there are a lot of questions about how this happened and why these dams were built in this area in the 1st place. and and renewed focus on the role of climate change scientists have said that they have done an aerial reconnaissance of the glazier they've also a survey the damage. the flood damage along the flood policy and what they're saying is that that aid and i shoot a hanging and she fell off the non the the mountain and brought a lot of land mass downstream with it now a local politician is asking parliament to set up some kind of a mechanism to better monitor and study glaziers to manage to prevent such
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disasters from happening we know that the himalayan glaciers are melting they predicted a 3rd of the himalayas lacey is a predicted to melt by the end of end of the century and environmentalist say that is just another reason why such projects dams and power plants shouldn't be built in this region which is so ecologically sensitive they have been protests in the past to stop such projects but despite that there are around 50 hydroelectric power plants in this region of with iraq and thank you very much elizabeth brown i'm live there in a top of one. and still ahead on al-jazeera putting the economy 1st mexico's capital coronavirus restrictions despite international stage in infections.
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you may not expect to see snow in yemen and the middle east is a rare event but not on heard of it there's a picture just to prove the point is southwest of the capital there 012 showers still to come probably of rain maybe thunderstorm in the yemeni mountains the south to saudi otherwise it's quiet the shema about how to get to wednesday is still blowing down through the gulf and that doesn't drop temperatures a bit dusty the big cloud he recently but it will slowly weaken is fairly warm in the band until that breeze comes in beirut 20 will probably drop to about 70 near the average it so quite well when most of egypt and the sun is the dominant feature weather wise throughout this part of the world at the moment and the size returning to much of south africa because with the sun overhead moving slowly north daily it's taking the rays the seasonal rains with it now the focus at the moment is madagascar and mozambique and this hint of a circulation is one to be watched it's not
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a proper circulation just yet i don't think it'll turn into one but it does hint at bigger shows going into sudden mozambique it the east and this side of body gasket but the hint of a suggestion is still there circulation is still there seasonal rains are a long way west and maybe again maybe to the skies and coast. even recent history can become ops cute 3 intrepid photojournalists returned to the epicenter of peru civil war and truck down the british characters that they had captured through their lenses 30 years earlier. in a rising challenge to the official history that denies any agency people's contribution to the peace process witness seen again on a just. the
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old. welcome back our top stories on al-jazeera this hour the u.s. senate has voted to go ahead with the 2nd impeachment trial of former president donald trump impeachment managers rejected the defense's argument that it's unconstitutional to try if the president protesters in myanmar have taken to the streets for a 5th straight day fountains are rallying in young gun to voice their opposition to last week's military coup despite an escalating police crackdown. not chile's interior minister has warned that and documented migrants of the entering the country will be deported more than 6000 venezuelans have come in through a remote desert passage in the last 6 weeks a lot america is in to see
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a new man reports from coal chinee. the chile bolivia border in the at the time of desert excruciating the heart by day and freezing by night. than a distant nation for the news whalen's seeking a better life in chile. i have 7 grandchildren here they are they're the reason i come here to help feed them because in venezuela they call it survive here thousands of undocumented venezuelans have barely made it here crossing that night through illegal entry points into the isolated town of gold chani. drives suffering from hypothermia altitude sickness and hunger at least 3 have died including the baby it's becoming more and more windy and pretty soon it's going to be dark but the temperature will drop to below 0 absolutely freezing conditions why these people have already spent one night outdoors trying to build
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a makeshift shelter so that they could have a place to sleep. 17 year old. her toddler and husband were among the lucky few who were allocated a tent by the local police get them lathi coming night them blubber i thought i would freeze to death getting here my little boy's hands and feet turned purple and he screamed with pain i was terrified my husband couldn't breathe it was pitch dark and he couldn't carry up belongings anymore this is all i have. their stomachs ours and as their pockets went through does arrive the children get priority the adults tell us they're willing to bear any hardships not knowing the chinese government has just decided to send them back to venezuela. and if you keep it in a city anyone who enters legally will not be allowed to apply for residency and will be expelled administered to. chile's government has started busing the women and children into the city a gift 1st 240 kilometers away to be quarantined for 2 weeks for covert 19
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separating them from fathers and husbands but no one knows how long. the plan is to fly them back to venezuela once the quarantine period is over. is shocked when you need it do you know what it is that. police don't send us back they'll kill us if we return that's what the government does to people like us and if not will starve to death please chile help us a desperate plea the choice to be repeated by thousands of more venezuelans as this humanitarian crisis worsens you see in human al-jazeera china. the current of fun demick now and mexico's capital has eased the rest rections extending opening hours for restaurants and shops that's despite the country reporting more than $3800.00 new cases and around $530.00 deaths in the past 24 hours. has more from mexico city west struggling restaurant owners are preparing to
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welcome. the streets of the mexican capital are returning to their usual hustle and bustle the easing of coronavirus restrictions is allowing many people to return to work since the start of the health emergency mexico's economy has been battered leaving millions in dire straits. i have to support the children and support the son in laws and most of all the grandchildren it's chaos then there's not even enough to eat i mean it is very difficult for us but if there was economy unemployment because of the state of the economy we can't just stay home we have to keep moving the people who go out and aren't careful they go to parties or gatherings when they know they shouldn't that's unacceptable i do not agree with that. after more than 2 weeks since testing positive for cope with 19 mexico's president and. has resumed his daily press conferences the president has been
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criticized for downplaying the severely and for almost never wearing a mask in public. why did i get infected. because like millions of other mexicans i have to go to work fortunately i got through it and here we are still fighting. mexico's government has struggled to curb coronavirus contagion even under orders to shut down non-essential services coronavirus cases have continued to spike and most came. much of the pressure to lift the most recent lockdown has been led by restaurant owners mexico's food service industry has been among the worst hit by the economic downturn in agreement between business owners and city officials means restaurants have expanded their hours of operations the new sanitation measures only allow for outdoor seating to reduce the risk of contagion for those facing the highest risks however or the country's nearly $30000000.00 informal sector workers caught in
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a country where the coronavirus pandemic has forced people indoors and an economic crisis that's left them no option but to take to the streets in search of work. mexico city and a team of experts investigating the origins of covert 9000 in china has dismissed speculation that it leaks from a lab while health organization researchers have traveled to the city of want to find out how the virus spread to humans a team expand its inquiry to other parts of the country. it's an investigation that's been plagued by delays and concerns over axis but after a month long mission to will have been considered by many to be the place where private 19 originated the world health organization says it is not the only city of interest we can all. agreed that we have. found evidence of why does your pollution of the virus in in december
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it was not just only a cluster outbreak in the one market but the virus was also see it related. outside of the markets the team visited k sites and were hand where the infection was detected in december 29th teen bats and pangolin have long been suspected as the origin of corona virus but other species including cats and minks will now be investigated but since one hand is not a city or in environments close to. these but environments a direct jump from bats to a disease you're with us is not very likely and therefore we have tried to find what modern human species were introduced and moving in and out of the city that could have potentially introduced a contributes to introduce the virus. in in particular in the one market the visit
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by the w.h.o. lead team was subject to intense scrutiny and political pressure both we think china and internationally claims that the state run virus laboratory we're had was the origin of the outbreak formed part of the mission but the team says a leak from this lab is extremely unlikely and that imported frozen animal products and those from within china itself may be a potential host the china representative however says there's no evidence of only a cases of the disease in 2019 women to use there's no indication of the sars kovi 2 in the population before december 29th team so there's not enough evidence to determine whether there was a spread and was gone before december 29th team on the former president of the united states donald trump accused china of failing to reveal the extent of the outbreak and share scientific does. the chinese government has always rejected that prime. china will as always uphold an open transparent and responsible attitude
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continued to cooperate with the w h. one year on china still has in place strict quarantine controls and continues to enforce community lock downs but it could be years more before the source of the pandemic which has now killed more than $2000000.00 people worldwide is identified sir clock out a 0 and china has brought the social media clubhouse after a growing number of residents joined uncensored discussions on political and human rights issues invite only american audio apple ows users to interact in chat rooms has become increasingly popular in china as it provided a platform to discuss sensitive topics rarely debated online including the persecution of wiggles taiwan's independence and the pro-democracy protests in hongkong. turkey has indicated it could be willing to limit its use of the russian
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air defense system box less than 2 years ago turkey's purchase of the russian s $400.00 had strained relations with the u.s. and nato american sanctions against ankara washington has been demanding that the russian missiles be decommissioned in an interview published by the who reacts daily turkish defense minister who see a car said he was open to a compromise on the issue. a major independent radio station in hungary has lost an appeal to keep its broadcasting license raising concerns about press freedom in the european union member state club radio which will go off air on sunday is known for broadcasting interviews critical of the government media regulators have race used to renew the station's license saying the broadcaster broke the rules by submitting documents late prime minister viktor orban has been accused of siphoning press freedom since coming to power in 2010. now many european cities are experiencing heavy snow this week the deep freeze in the netherlands as seen at the return of ice skating on kenaz and with the subzero temperatures
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forecast to continue the craze is creating new challenges for authorities during a pandemic set possibly for some i'm saddam iceskating favor and then that will ins for the diehards at least because the ice is still an unreliable snow and ice are a great relief after months of lockdown and even curfew and these extreme winters have become so rare that this is all the dutch are talking about as you can see my bet is quite with. the 1st trail not the good but afterwards it was the perfect so you went straight through through the ice yes. and this is a unique opportunity for the dutch to turned a few hills in this flat country into a playground in the country has become awfully out of practice this is one of the main public transport hops in amsterdam but trams and trains and metros and buses are barely functioning or not functioning at all over trash locations vaccination
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locations are closed garbage is barely collected so much of public life must come to a standstill and only because of 30 centimeters of snow. and with freezing temperatures to continue for the rest of the week many here are getting their ice skates ready to shop and i have hundreds of ice skates that he to be shopping by the end of the week you mean to go really are getting crazy just know our shirts and are already starting to get nervous but the authorities are trying to be enthusiasts and to go with restrictions by looking at the height of the ice skate fever in the novel and this will be a huge challenge. mary wilson a founding member of the popular 1960 s. girl group the supreme's has died i the age of 76 feet.
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baby luvin you can't carry 2 of the supreme speak is motown hits welse and sang alongside diana ross and forrest valid who were originally known as the climate's she was the longest reigning original supreme singing with a goal for its. own use as always on our website al jazeera dot com the very latest on all of our top stories on their al-jazeera don't call the at the end. of the and again i'm fully back to bill with the headlines on al-jazeera the u.s. senate has voted to go ahead with the 2nd impeachment trial of former president donald trump. manages rejected the defense's argument that it's unconstitutional to try a form of i said it alan fischer has the latest from capitol hill.


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