tv News Al Jazeera February 11, 2021 1:00am-1:31am +03
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it's related. to the. the way the. those doors to orient you at home are the doors of the president the united states walks through when he or she gives the state of the union address you may have heard one man yelled no violence and another responded it's too late for that they don't listen without that they were there to stop the certification of the election at this point inside the house chamber we could now hear the pounding on the doors at 2 35 pm members on the house floor were told an evacuation route was secured and was time to leave this video shows members of congress exit into the side of the podium where we would go through the house lobby and downstairs.
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because of coronavirus restrictions congressional members have been waiting in the gallery for their time to speak just one level above the house floor representatives staff journalists all took cover under their chairs helped each other put on their gas masks and held hands as writers gathered outside here in the slide you see representative jason crow comforting our colleague representative susan wild the riders continued to surround the house chamber flooding the halls and kicking on the doors as they passed them this security video shows ashley babbitt followed by others in the mob turning the
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the the. the inside the chamber representatives staff and journalist remain trapped in the gallery one floor above the house floor and heard the gunshot my colleague representative dan kildee produced this recording. the thought take you to the. out of fear that they'd be seen or taken by the mob my colleagues were telling each other to take off their congressional pens that buzzing sound that you hear in the background of these videos was
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a sound of the gas masks it was not until approximately 2 50 pm about 6 minutes after the shooting downstairs remaining members staff and journalists in the gallery were finally able to flee and this security footage video. you can see them exit him many members are still wearing their gas masks they walk just feet away from where capitol police are holding an insurrection is a gunpoint just minutes earlier that insurrectionists had tried to open the gallery door and thankfully was stopped by a tactical team although
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members were now being moved to another location the mob continued to fight to stop the count to find the members to engage with the police the building was not yet secure this security video from 2 56 pm shows the mob in the house of representatives wing on the 2nd floor of the capitol instruction is who are still inside the building are fighting with the police who are overwhelmed in trying to get them out throughout this presentation we have been very careful to not share where members
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of congress were taken on the paths they followed to get out and off the floors but that very issue was under discussion by the insurrectionists themselves one example comes from an f.b.i. affidavit which stated that a leader of a militia group known as the oath keepers received messages while he was at the capitol the leader was given directions to where representatives were thought to be sheltering and instructions to quote turn on gas seal them in and as you know the threat to the senate was no less than that of the members of the house the mob approach the senate with the same purpose fulfilling president trump's goal of stopping the count delaying the certification of the electoral college votes of the american people as you heard from manager plaskett fice president pense was moved away from the area near the senate chamber
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around 2 25 pm by that time rioters had breached several areas close to this chamber and they were flooding the hallways just outside in nearby. the senate chamber was not evacuated until 2 30 pm the mob had been in the building for more than 15 minutes this new security footage of the senators and staffers leaving the chamber will be displayed on the screens and is silent
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you cannot see it in this footage but quick thinking senate floor staff grabbed and protected the electoral ballots but the mob was after those of you who were here that day will recall that once you left the senate floor you moved through a hallway to get to safety that hallway was near where officer goodman had encountered a mob and led them upstairs and away from the senate chamber you know how close you came to the mob some of you i understand could hear them but most of the public does not know how close these rioters came to you as you were moving through that hallway i paced it off you were just 58
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additional security footage shows how leader schumer and the members of his protective detail had a near miss with the mom they came within just yards of rioters and had to turn around here in this new video you see lutie leader schumer. walking up a ramp going up the ramp with this detail he'll soon go out of view.
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seconds later they return and run back down the hallway and officers immediately shut the door and use their bodies to keep them safe at 2 45 pm shortly after senators were ushered to safety from the senate floor and suresh miss reach this senate gallery the following video was filmed by a new yorker reporter. was. minutes later the insurrectionists invaded and desecrated the senate floor these vandals shouted and rifled through the desks in this room they took pictures of documents and of themselves celebrating that they had taken over the floor and stop the counting of electoral college votes.
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a helmet tactical gear and carrying flex cuffs. this man. also in the senate gallery is eric munch l. like brock he was dressed in what appears to be tactical gear also holding up flex cuffs if the doors to this chamber had been breached just minutes earlier imagine what they could have done with those cuffs after insurrectionist occupied the capitol and stop the joint session from counting the votes the capitol was in lockdown for 5 hours. as long as it took to get back to the capitol to get back to the certification of
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the election it could have been so much longer or we might not been a bit we might not been able to have resumed at all as horrific as it was 140 officers injured 3 oscar officers who ultimately lost their lives we all know that awful day could have been so much worse the only reason it was not was because of the extraordinary bravery of the men and women of the capitol police and the metropolitan police departments for hours and hours these insurrectionists were on hand to hand combat with these brave men and women like some of you i come from a law enforcement family my dad was a cop my 2 brothers my little brothers are cops who walk the beat today i'm proud of them and like in every law enforcement family when we hang up the
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phone would only say i love you we say be safe so let's focus now on the attack and what it was like for the officers defending the capital that day and again i want to warn you that the following audio and videos are graphic and are unsettling but it's important that we understand the extent of what occurred. here's an audio recording from the radio traffic of the d.c. metropolitan police department describing the violence. of your cowardly group nobody wrote poetry even where you. need a crowd you didn't need to get out they are very bright in the crowd there for her way back.
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there no i need a real id are we over here are. you here the officer described there you see minish ans they the rioters are using missions against us. this video shows how the sprays that were described were used against the officers. was. in a separate metropolitan police department radio traffic recording you can hear an officer when he realizes that the insurrectionists had overtaken the police line. they're going to or we won't oh happy day. oh happy day to be able to come back and. do it again. oh how do you
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do not do. what you would do without knowing. the n.p.t. officer calls out 1033 that's the code for emergency officer in need of assistance his words we've lost the line hours after members of the house and senate had left this area on the west front of the building the mob continued to grow continued to beat the officers as they tried to get in. in this new security video you can see the mob attack you know officers with a crutch a hockey stick a ball horn and a trump flag i
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body camera footage is from 4 27 pm over 2 hours from when the capitol was 1st breached the attack on police that afternoon was constant metropolitan police officer michael for known a 20 year police veteran with 4 daughters was part of a line of officers protecting the capitol he was one of 3 officers that the mob dragged down the stairs when they dragged him they stole his badge his radio his ammunition magazine and they taste him triggering a heart attack here he describes his experience. look like a medieval battle scene as someone posted a brutal combat job ever ever count one point i got 8 people were yelling out your god god or. officer
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christina lowery who regularly serves in n.p.t.'s narcotics and specialized investigation division also protected the front capitol entrance here's her experience. i mean i can't say enough about the officers that were there the officers that were on the frontline and when i say the frontline i mean literally officers that were in a line stopping these people that were beating them with metal poles they were spraying them with bare mains i mean they did everything in their power to not let those people in and this was going on for hours. around 4 30 pm hours into the capital riots officer daniel hodges was protecting a west side capital entrance when rioters who were trying to stop the certification trapped him between 2 doors one officer hodges was interviewed later this is how he described it was happening. they threw down
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a huge metal object that hit me in the head i was also knocked down. but it almost goes right over time. as i was on the ground and winded and they started this attacking me from all sides. rioters crushed officer hodges he was wedged in the doorway blood dripping from his mouth he struggling to breathe . while the insurrectionists hit him officer hodges experience reminds me of what he and many other officers experienced that day what they went through were also reminded of the 3 officers who lost their lives capitol hill police officers sick nick leaving good a metropolitan police officer smith and many law enforcement families we pray for our loved ones and we know the scripture of matthew chapter 5 verse 9
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blessid are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god i'm sorry i have to show you the next video. but in it you will see how blessid we were that on that hellish day we had a peacemaker like officer hodges protecting our lives our staff's lives. this capital and the certification process may we do all we can in this chamber to make sure that never happens again.
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a juror in this highly graphic afternoon as evidence here we do apologize for anything you may have been upset by that so listen in against recess. we are taking a recess now but i was just saying that this is a has been a live feed where the we don't have any control over the pictures so we do apologize if you have been upset a by any of the language or the content of the footage we've been seeing some of the footage that was shown this afternoon had been previously unseen and this was an attempt by the democrats to highlight what they see is the link between president former president trump and that riot that happened on capitol hill on jerry the 6th and this afternoon they highlighted the timeline of events during which the capitol was overrun by the rioters they talked about the footage of windows being what they showed footage of windows being broken as a writer's force their way into the capitol building and the moment when vice president mike pence was being evacuated they also talked about the fact that the
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writers were looking for a vice president might pence and wanted to hang him in some of the footage just bring in alan fischer who is following the proceedings for us on capitol hill not in the masses of information coming in through these various bits of security footage that we saw but interesting that the democrats were very careful to praise present my pence for what they saw as him defending the democratic process or refusing to budge or refusing to give in to president trump's attempts to overturn the election thing that was brought up several times. for many people in and around this building may have just relive the events of the 6 them journey that was incredibly graphic you saw just how close mitt romney came of hadn't been for the bravery of police officer eugene goodman suddenly directing him away from the crowd who knew it would have happened to mitt romney of course has been very vocal critic
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of donald trump we saw chuck schumer the leader of the democrats how close he came how he had to quickly change his route because he came very close to the writers and excel all said they were just 58 steps away from a number of senators who made the chilling remark that there was a man there were flexi cuffs to tie people's wrists together he said if he'd managed to breach the chamber of the senate and he got inside the chamber of the senate if he'd managed to breach it just a couple of minutes before who knows what could have happened one senator's already said they could have killed us all they were talking to about how close they came to the vice president as you said but they were looking for him and saying hang mike pence because he did in the words of the democrats did his constitutional duty he had no power to overturn the electoral college count all he could do was certify the results and that's what he was in the process of doing when the more arrived at the gate it was an incredibly dramatic piece of footage that we saw and also one of
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the things that stands out was when we had the radio messages which we haven't heard before either. allen just shows us a donation in the voice of some of the police officers in fact you mentioning there is let's have a listen to some of that. are very popular. in prague . and they are. charging up there on the web. they're on the wall now. they were doing there. there are. no europe there. and so these tragic moments when the police are being overrun but it's interesting isn't it when you watch some of that footage it in some ways once the people are inside the building there seems to be very little police presence.
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they were simply overwhelmed you had it on the radio messages they were flanked outnumbered and eventually there was nothing much they could do even 2 hours after and that was one of the most graphic parts of the video that we saw 2 hours after the capital was breached as police officers are trying to stop other parts of the crowd from getting into the building they're being beaten and they're being severely beaten with hockey sticks with metal bars with flagpoles you saw how a police officer was dragged down the steps and beaten by people who of course were talking about how they were here to peacefully protest what is interesting is lauren the last time we spoke i was telling you about how some senators were moving around the chamber others were sitting reading no it's the really connected with what was going on with their feet over the cheering front i'm hearing from inside the chamber that every senator was transfixed by what was.
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