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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2021 3:00am-3:31am +03

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the vice president said he reviewed the constitution and he could not block certification as president trump wanted him and was pressuring him to do he told the president in a letter that morning a few hours before president trump's tweet quo i will approach this moment with a sense of duty and an open mind setting politics and personal interests aside and do my part to faithfully discharge my duties our duties under the constitution i also pray that we will do so with humility and faith and the president's response to that statement was to attack my pants while he was with his family under the threat of a violent mop the vice president was following his faith his duty and his oath to our nation and the vice president i
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don't agree on too much in politics but he's a man who upholds his oath his faith his duty and most of all uphold the constitution and mike pence is not a traitor to this country he's a patriot and he and his family who was with him that day didn't deserve this didn't deserve a president unleashing a mob on them especially because he was just doing his job as this was unfolding and the crowd grew more violent the president of course was not alone at the white house and the people closest to him his family and advisers who saw this unfolding in real time begged him implored him
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to stop the attack an aide to mark meadows the president's chief of staff urged his boss to go see the president saying quote they are going to kill people. they're going to kill people that's what those around president trump feared and still nothing it wasn't until 2 38 pm nearly 2 hours after the start of the seach that donald trump even acknowledged the attack and when he finally did acknowledge the attack here's what he said on the right you'll see what had been happening prior to that tweet and as he sent the tweet and on the left you'll see exactly what he tweeted
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but i stop you there for just one moment because we do have some breaking news we want to bring in congressional correspondent chad program as this is this all developing right now chad i understand the capitol is now on lockdown. the ego was was definitely fired up the chant by the way i heard the most today was fight for trump and that's clearly what many of them feel they're doing was. was. the were the were. the ok that's what our president saw unfolding in real time broadcast all over television
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and this is what he tweeted at 2 38 pm quote please support our capitol police and law enforcement they are truly on the side of our country stay peaceful and much has been made of the fact that in this tweet he says stay peaceful senators stay peaceful think about that for a 2nd these folks were not peaceful. they were breaking windows pushing through law enforcement officers waving the flag as they invaded this capitol building this was a violent armed attack stay peaceful how about stop the attack stop the violence stay peaceful how about you say immediately leave stop and he said please support our law enforcement how about he actually support our
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law enforcement by enforcement by telling these insurgents to leave the capital immediately which he never did he didn't because the truth is he didn't want to stop he wanted them to stay and to stop the certification and his failure had grave and deadly consequences by 2 45 pm the warnings were tragically proven correct actually babbitt was shot by an officer as she tried to break through a glass door to reach the speaker's lobby at this point the police to donald trump publicly and privately grew even more desperate at 2 54 pm alyssa farah a former strategic communications director begged the president quote condemn this
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now you're the only one they will listen to for our country mick mulvaney the president's former chief of staff his right hand man at one point tweeted at 301 the president's tweet is not enough he can stop this now and needs to do exactly that tell these folks to go home he can stop this now tell these folks to go home at 3 o 6 pm right mccarthy appeared on fox news here's what he said i could not be better. anyone involved in that if you're any good thing very loud and clear this is not the american way he's saying on fox news which the president watches
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this is not the american way stop the attack representative gallagher eval levon 3 11 pm well secured in his own office posted a video to twitter mr president you have got to stop this you are the only person who can call this off call it off and then when the president didn't answer his pleas on twitter representative gallagher went on live television. but it didn't have and i don't know how i know not of the man in line to. deploy to iraq. you know i mean did america and it good having right now we need the president need to call it off like oh you know our role in our. representative gallagher you see there said he not seen anything like this since he was deployed
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in iraq the message around the president was clear from everyone you need to call this off stop it but does he know his next tweet was not until about 3 13 pm once again it's important to consider what was happening between donald trump's 2 38 pm tweet and his next tweet at 3 13 pm you'll see footage from the attack during that time on the right and donald trump's tweet on the left. and performed at bad protesters that penetrated the capital of american freedom and it was the ability to. carry on sentiment in the streets is
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really getting to a different level this is spinning out of control this is turning violent this is getting dangerous and you're not going on here. was the. the the. the the the the 2. this isn't 10 minutes into the insurrection this isn't just after his speech earlier that day that's what our commander in chief saw happening and that was his response you'll notice one of the things he
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says to his mom to these insurrectionists rather than to stop or to leave was to say thank you thank you thank you for what thank you for shattering the windows and destroying property thank you for injuring more than 140 police officers. thank you for putting in danger all of our lives in the lives of our families how about instead of thank you donald trump on that day acted like our commander in chief and stop this as only he could and told those people to leave. now here's what former governor chris christie is a very good friend said after that tweet pretty simple that the president
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caused protests to occur keep the only one who can make it stop. what the president could not the president has to come out and tell his supporters to leave the capitol grounds to allow the congress to do their business peacefully and anything short of that is an abrogation of his responsibility. or he's right chris christie is right we know how donald trump acts on twitter and otherwise when he has a message to convey in fact i asked you to remember those tweets earlier this morning when he yelled on twitter stop the cow when he wanted to incite his supporters to show up on january 6th president trump tweeted 16 times between midnight on
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january 5th and his noon rally speech the next day 16 times to get them to do something he wanted and his message in those 16 times was clear fight to stay strong be strong but when the violence started he never once said the one thing everyone around him was begging him to say stop the attack he refused to stop and as governor christie and representative kinzinger and others made clear only donald trump could have stopped that attack you know a guy that knows how to how to tweet very aggressively on twitter you know puts out one of the weakest statement he one of the saddest days in american history because
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of ego won't work and you know it may be. he was not just our commander in chief he had incited the attack. the insurgents were following his commands and we saw when they read aloud this tweet as we saw when they read aloud this tweet attacking the vice president and they confirmed this during the attack 2. 000-0000. senators ask yourself this how easy would it have been for the president to give a simple command a simple instruction just telling them stop we've this was a dereliction of duty plain and simple and it would have been for any president who
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had done that and that brings me to my next point you heard from my colleagues that when planning this attack the insurgents predicted that donald trump would command the national guard to help them and there's a lot that we don't know yet about what happened that day but here's what we do know donald trump did not send help to these officers who were badly outnumbered overwhelmed and being beaten down 2 hours into the insurrection by 3 pm president trump had not deployed the national guard or any other law enforcement to help despite multiple police to do so president donald trump was at the time our commander in chief of the united states
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of america he took a solemn oath to preserve protect and defend this country and he failed to uphold that oath in fact there's no indication that president trump ever made a call to have the guard deployed. or had anything to do with the guard being deployed when it ultimately was and shortly after 3 o 4 pm the acting defense secretary announced that the guard had been activated and listed the people he spoke with prior to this activation including vice president mike pence speaker pelosi leader mcconnell senator schumer and representative hoyer but that list did not include the president this omission of his name was reportedly not accidental according to reports quote trump initially rebuffed
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requests to mobilize the national guard and required interference by other officials including his own white house counsel and later quote as a mob of trump supporters breach police barricades and seize the capital trump reportedly was quote disengaged in discussions with pentagon leaders about deploying but national guard to aid the overwhelmed u.s. capitol police president trump was reportedly and i quote completely totally out of it he made no attempt to reach the national guard and it was vice president pants still under the threat for his life who reportedly spoke to the guard president trump's conduct confirms this too and at no point on january 6th did donald trump even reference the national guard
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the only thing that we heard connecting the president to the guard was from his press secretary who tweeted about the guard being deployed at the president's direction over half an hour later at 3 36 pm and we have seen what donald trump does when he tries to take credit for something and yet even when the national guard was finally deployed he didn't even acknowledge it. in fact he didn't say a word about the national guard the entire day think about that the bloodiest attack we've seen on our capital since 812 and our president couldn't be bothered to even mention that help was on its way these insurgents had been attacking our government for over 4 hours by that point
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and we may have been the target but it was the brave men and women who protect our capital who are out there combating thousands of armed insurgents in a fight for their lives and that's who donald trump left entirely unprotected. the. the was grabbed the was. the owner of the. and this is hard to watch but i think it's important to understand what the capitol police were facing how severely they were outnumbered. while our commander in chief whose job it was to protect and defend them was just watching doing nothing for
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hours refusing to send help if he wanted to protect these officers if he cared about their safety as he tweeted about he would have told his supporters to leave he would have set help right away and one brave officer was killed others took their lives after the attack and more than 140 police officers were injured including cracked ribs smash spinal disks one officer will lose an eye another was stabbed with a metal fence stake. they were completely and violently overwhelmed by a mob and needed help and our commander in chief president trump refused to send it senators you've seen all the evidence so far and this is clear on january 6th president traum left
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everyone in this capitol for dead for the next hour after president trump's 3 pm tweet he still did nothing not until 4 17 pm over 3 and a half hours after the violence started that our president sent a message finally asking the insurgents to go home on the right you'll see what happened that day in the hours leading up to his pretty recorded video video on the left you'll see his message let's watch i know your pain i know you're hurt we had an election that was stolen from us it was a landslide election and everyone knows it especially the other side but you have to go home now we have to have peace we have to have law and order we have to respect our great people and law and order we don't want anybody hurt it's
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a very tough period of time there's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us from me from you from our country this was a fraudulent election but we can't play into the hands of these people we have to have peace so go home we love you you're very special you've seen what happens you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil i know how you feel but go home and go home and peace. this is the 1st time our commander in chief spoke publicly at all since the attack began over the 3 and a half hours after it started and these are the entirety of the words the president spoke out loud to the american people or to the attackers that entire day
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no where in that video not once did he say i condemn this insurrection i condemn what you did today no where did he say i'm sending help immediately stop this here's what he said instead i know your pain i know you're hurt we had an election that was stolen even after all the things we witnessed even after all of that carnage he goes out and tells the same big lie the same big lie that enraged and incited the attack he repeated this while the attack was ongoing and while we were still under threat and here's what else he said go home in peace
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we love you you're very special senators you were here you saw this with your own eyes you face that danger and when president trump had an opportunity to confront them as the leader of us all as our commander in chief why did he tell them we love you you're very special this was not a condemnation this was a message of consolation of support of praise and if there is any doubt that his supporters these insurgents took this is a message of support and praise watch for yourselves. don't surprise everybody go home but you just said you just put out a tweet it's a minute long yes you're going to go home and you think so because do we want my fucking day i don't fucking watch how do you know when we're not by saying a message to senators and congressmen that you want by sending
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a message to parents ok that if they don't do as they are as there it is then their oath to do if they don't know of all the constitution then we will remove them from office one way or another as i suspect you recognize them then you'll hear him say that we won the day who won the day we know that at least 5 people lost their lives that day the house and the senate were in a life threatening danger and so was the vice president and think of everyone else here as well who won on january 6th that's not a win for america but it is a win for donald trump unless we hold him accountable
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now a little over an hour after that video the brave members of law enforcement secured the capitol and we as a congress got ready to continue certifying the results of our free and fair election a half hour after that president trump issued another tweet in case there was any doubt as to whether he was happy with the people who did this as to whether he had incited this he commemorated what happened on january 6th at 6 o 1 pm on january 6th he tweeted quote these are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away from great patriots who've been badly and unfairly treated for so long ending with remember this day for ever my colleague manager cicely me started with this tweet. because this tweet shows exactly how donald trump felt
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about what happened on january 6 these are the things that happen he's saying this was for b. c. you this was forseeable he's saying i told you this was going to happen if you certified the election for anyone else and you got what you deserved for trying to take my power away great patriots go home with love and in peace remember this day forever he's saying to them you did good he's not regretful he's not grieving he's not sad he's not angry about the attack he celebrating it he's commemorating it this is the entirety of what president trump said to the public once the attack began 5 tweets and a prerecorded video on the day of the most bloody insurrection we faced in generations our commander in chief who's known for sending 108 tweets in
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a normal day sent 5 tweets in a prerecorded video that is the entirety of president trump's public statements from when the attack began until he went to bed on january 6th that's all he did despite all the people we know who begged him to preserve protect and defend that was our commander in chief's response he began the day with quote our country has had enough we will not take it anymore and that's what this is all about and he ended the attack letting us know that we got what he forewarned that morning we will of course each of us remember that day forever but not in the way that president trump intended not because of the
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actions of these violent unpatriotic insurrectionists i'll remember this day for that day forever. because despite president trump's vicious attempts throughout the day to encourage the sea and block the certification he failed at 8 o 6 pm the senate gaveled into session and the counting of the electoral votes continued about an hour later the house followed suit and close to 4 am after spending a significant part of the day vacuum weighted or on the floor or hiding this great body fulfill the will of the people and certified the electoral college vote and i'm proud to be part of congress i'm proud that we ensured that the will of the american people finally prevailed on that day and i'm proud that i and everyone in this room abided by our oath of office even if the
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president didn't abide by his president trump to took an oath as president he swore on a bible to preserve protect and defend and who among us could honestly say they believe that he upheld that oh. and who among us will let his utter dereliction of duty stand. ok if you're joining us we've been watching donald trump's impeachment trial in the u.s. senate the house impeachment managers have been presenting their case against the former president. we've seen some dramatic footage unseen footage of the attack on the capitol in the last few hours with. the impeachment managers walking us through
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the attack on the capitol pretty much minute by minute using previously unreleased would hear from police radios as well as video from capitol security cameras recounting the violence that unfolded and also showing how close the writers actually came to reaching members of the congress in the last hour or so we heard from castro and david cicilline both impeachment managers focusing more on what trump was doing in the hours after. the riots had got on the way and. and basically. making the point that trump did nothing to stop the protesters despite seeing what was happening on t.v. despite pleas for him within the senate from senators asking him to do something to stop what was happening let's turn to our
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correspondent alan fischer. actually let's return back to the senate.


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