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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2021 10:30am-11:01am +03

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19 cases it is just as hard to get into japan at the moment as it is ever been with no sign of an actual vaccination campaign starting before next week at the earliest despite all this the japanese government is still insisting these games will go ahead but this latest controversy just adds to their unpopularity in japan with opinion polls showing that if they do not go ahead that if they are actually scrapped many people in japan would not be that ball that tool. take you through the headlines at half past the hour and never before seen c.c.t.v. footage has been shown on the 2nd day of former president trump's impeachment trial it shows how close the ride has got to senior politicians like mike pence and chuck schumer as they stormed the capitol building on january 6th in the headlines people
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in myanmar been protesting for a 6th consecutive day as the army detained another key aide to disposed deposed civilian leader unsung suchi demanding the release of their elected leader and earlier the united states announced it was imposing sanctions on those responsible for the military takeover a military must relinquish power it seized and demonstrate respect for the world the people of burma as expressed in the november 8th election so the day i'm announcing a series of a series of actions there are taking to begin imposing consequences on the leaders of the coup the us government is taking steps to prevent the generals from improperly having access to the $1000000000.00 from burma's government funds held in none of the states. and u.s. president joe biden's had his 1st conversation with the chinese leader xi jinping zits he took office biden raised concerns about what the white house called china's unfair economic practices and he was president of course also spoke to she about
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the pandemic the situation in hong kong and allegations of human rights abuses in china's province she has part stressed the need for the 2 nations to avoid any confrontation research rescuers continue to search for 35 workmen thought to be trapped in a tunnel in the united states of america and efforts continued overnight but there's been no sign of survivors families of the missing men say they are losing hope in the united nations nuclear watchdog says iran started producing your rainy and metal in another violation of the 2050 nuclear deal international atomic energy agency says says it's identified the material at a facility in the city of. iran it previously said it needs the material for research but critics say it can also be used in a nuclear bomb up to date with the headlines on al-jazeera the latest inside story is next. we understand the difference is similarities have
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cultures across the center matter how you take. out you see. them and current affairs that matter to you. the senate decides to try former president donald trump for a 2nd time with a partisan vote where will the division leave the u.s. and how will it affect washington's in gauge went with the world this is inside story. hello and welcome to the show i am sam is a than well it's taken almost 4 hours of debate in a divided u.s. senate donald trump seconded pietschmann is now going ahead though after senators
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found it constitutional trump's lawyers argued he could not be tried after leaving the white house while he's now the 1st former president to face such proceedings 856244 majority voted in favor of continuing the process including 6 republicans impeachment managers and defense lawyers will present their cases over the next 2 days a 2 thirds majority of the evenly split senate is needed to convict trump of inciting in surat should democrats accuse him of provoking the january 6th assault on the u.s. capitol if convicted he could be barred from holding office again his legal team says the charges are politically motivated and would further split a divided nation. our case is based on called hard facts people died that day officers ended up we
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had damage and brain damage people's eyes were going out. after a heart attack last 3 fingers that. 2 officers have taken their own lives. senators this cannot be our future this cannot be the future of america we cannot have presidents inciting and mobilizing mob violence against our government and our institutions because they refused to accept the will of the people under the constitution of the united states but why are the house managers afraid and why is the majority of the house of representatives of fraid of the american people i mean let's let's
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understand why we're really here we are really here because the majority in the house of representatives does not want to face donald trump as a political rival in the future that's the real reason we're here and that's why they have to get over the jurisdictional hurdle which they can't get over but that's why they have to get over that in order to get to the part of the constitution that allows removal well let's have a look at how we got here on january the 6th trump addressed supporters in washington d.c. saying the election was stolen and urge them to march on congress then trump supporters stormed the capitol building as politicians were confirming joe biden's election when proceedings were suspended some politicians evacuated while others hid that violence left 5 people dead democrats opened impeachment proceedings in the house of representatives 10 republicans broke ranks to vote with them to impeach donald trump senators then agreed to delay the trial until biden was sworn
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in as president on january the 25th the impeachment article was delivered to the senate. let's bring our guests into the show of joining us from washington d.c. jack kingston he's a former u.s. republican congressman in burlington ram. state senator and in milford connecticut chris haynes an associate professor of political science in the eagle studies at the university of new haven welcome to you all good to have you on the show let's start if we could with chris has anything that has happened in the senate so far change at all the prospects of impeachment where we are ultimately heading with this process what do you think chris. i mean you've
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got to you've got to think by the fact that only one republican senator senator grassley changed his vote. nothing seismically has changed with respect to the group of republicans that could vote to convict president trump salter metally at the end of the day it doesn't look like anything has changed that said. the way the the precision the emotion the impact of the democratic managers of presentation their video and that contrast with the case put forth by the trial lawyers was so stark that you know it could have changed them public opinion which could pressure some of those republicans at some point into maybe reconsidering their vote at the end of the day i don't think jack how much of a real possibility is that the strength of the argument of the impeachment managers the alleged weakness in the presentation of the president's defense narrative that
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might offer some pressure on sentences to change their stance. you know i don't know if it will really make any difference or not most people know this is political theater it's a kangaroo court there's no court in the land for example where a member of the jury who would vote patrick leahy would also serve as the judge of the court right after their show she will share that is the video that chris mentioned was spliced it will not be made it as evidence in a traffic court in the united states of america. so i'm actually hoping some of the democrats will come to their senses and show you know we don't have the votes to convey it takes $67.00. it's going to happen maybe the republicans should go bare in and president obama when we regain the majority back at the lower paying and true but this is political theater most people know it really is such
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a sad moment through joe biden who 3 weeks ago sworn in as president talked about unifying the country is he sitting silently because he dare not speak out in violation of the lease of the radical extremes of the democrat party these days that he doesn't show any leadership i mean it's not way in it all and saying here's a president this out of office are sort of basically just a. paraphrase what you're saying correctly is no this is not going to put pressure on republicans to switch sides if anything it might do the opposite make democrats as you said come to their senses ok should you agree with that analysis of where the what we've seen in the senate where that's leading public opinion or public pressure. well absolutely not i mean 1st of all i don't want to unify with people who brought molotov cocktails to the capitol or planted bombs under some of
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our revered buildings and institutions you know we're we're looking at a situation where we need justice we need to be able to reckon with what happened on january 6th as a country and sometimes i will go back and watch congresswoman barbara jordan speech during the impeachment trials richard nixon and you know at that time president nixon was was good enough and had enough remorse to resign and we did not see any remorse from donald trump for what he incited and the violence he cost for a police officer dying and as we heard you know other other injuries and people taking their own lives this was a dark day in american history and this debate is for 50 years from now 100 years from now from now for all of us to make sure that future generations know we stood up on the right side of justice that's what this is about we are very proud paid
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attention or do you think that that's who's narrative is going to win over either side of the political aisle do you really see that this is going to end in an impeachment. you know we i think i want to focus on the republicans who have been brave enough to put their country before their party and that may not be enough republicans to impeach this former president but that is enough for us to know that there is guilt there and senator patrick leahy is is unimpeachable in his character many folks know he served with distinction for decades he has respect on all sides of the aisle he has worked tirelessly to uphold the constitution and i believe he will lead a process that goes down in the history books as one to reconcile what happened and make sure we still have a democracy at the end of this process chris what does it say about the state of
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division not only around political issues but the state of division on what should be really consensus issues like constitutional principles of whether all the senate has been looking at so far was the question of whether it has the constitutional right to try a former president right and that even that constitutional question went down on party lines is that warren cross i mean what it says is that will ultimately i want to address the thing that jack said which is this is ultimately a political process the fact that it's political it's not surprising and it's not necessarily bad the difference is you know how many back during the nixon pietschmann. there were actually congressman that you think that actually were much more fair and and saw facts is facts it's very different much more polarized that's it also speaks to the polarized nature between the 2 different parties in america
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and it also specifically means that you know one of those parties still has not moved on from its last president and president donald trump is still in control of that party and so if anything those are the pigs that it says. i'm going to go on the leg here and say that might be the one thing everyone on the show might agree with and let me test my hypothesis now let me i'll come to jack in a minute but keisha just very briefly is the result so far of the senate process a more polarized america which is what chris is saying do agree with that the democrats have these limits to majority in the senate but they represent millions and millions more americans in their in their population so you know what we've seen is a real imbalance between who's representing us in washington and what the american people feel is right and so is your answer no because i've got some poll careful what you answer because here we've got some poll numbers to bring up so you saying
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no you don't think that this is that the american public is very is getting more polarized as as a result of this impeachment process. oh we want paul arrived you know perhaps but but then when i do believe the majority of americans want to see justice in this situation i want to see a reckoning if i am wrong you know i am starting to not recognize the entire country it could be because i'm in vermont where we have a republican governor who also believes that you know donald trump is on the right side of history and we wanted to see him got a long time ago ok all right let me give jack a chance in there so let me ask you this to bring it back to the same question are we seeing a more polarized america as a result of well how it's going so far in the senate. of course we are only say this about my my good colleague here there's no court in vermont that would have a member of the jury be the judge or this is
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a kangaroo court everybody knows that there's no court in vermont that would allow a slice of video to be made it as evidence as chris said this is a political proceeding john i'm sorry let me let me interrupt you now and say but when you say things like that are you not in fact feeding if not creating the division because your base know none of them only in the process of the senate. there is absolute division unless somebody let me paraphrase while saying it don't spit on my leg right if you're serious you were due process you would have witnessed you have a supreme court jerks sitting in you would have democrats who would actually break from party rights quite unheard of in the democrat party these days and say wait a minute are we really going to unify the country by each about the who's out of office of. each minister route remove somebody from office so why are we doing this
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the truth of the matter is the democrats are just fear. armless as much as they hate him and they hate him. lurcher and they want to make sure that he is not a threat to them by running against 2024 that's what this is all about and everybody in the senate loves their 100 members of the spirit will tell you there if they would speak truth like this is this is no one but it can't rule political core on purpose and then it's the. in to give transfer to the democrats remus to get over there or out we're going to come back to the some of the terms of use there kangaroo court but let's i did mention that we've got some polls so let's take a look at what americans how they view this trial a gallup poll found 52 percent would like to see senators voting to convict donald trump 45 percent prefer sentences to find him not guilty in 3 percent are unsure well this suggests the public is slightly more supportive of convicting trump compared to last year's trial the poll does suggest americans are almost evenly
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split on the issue of impeachment now i mean let me take this point perhaps to chris i mean this when you look at this poll it's almost 5050 split right and this with this kind of trend how does this end with the sort of agenda that joe biden spoke about of a more unified country doesn't seem to be going that way right. the reality is i'm not sure if god and yet i have both parties being willing to play ball here and and and and and they're not you know we need civil politics again i think joe biden is trying to bring that back but there are people in his party and on the opposition that. are too vested in the current system which is really built on you know media appearances and jenning a boat and polarizing america you know that whole it is a reflection of the polarization of
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a look at the presidential vote where you 1020 i think it was 42 percent. that is opposed way way basically does the coalition of can we call them i don't know nationalist different types of nationalists and nationalist groups that rallied around trump where did they go from here if they think this is as jack was saying this is a kangaroo colt that there is a lack of legitimacy in the process do they stay some of them within the republican policy will do they break away. i think a lot of this depends on what donald trump does and says right that's the create his own party because he create his own media network does he not do anything donald trump is no longer really active in the party i don't think they vote anymore most but if he is and all indications are that dollar trump wants to play a role in the next for hope the continue republican party then i'm sure they're going to be there are going to be the base of that party. and we're going to see
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this kind of division and fear in the eyes of many elected republican officeholders moving forward jack let me come back to you when you use the language like this is a kangaroo court aren't you one of the effects of that is to deal with some of the institutions of democracy can you blame people then who might not only go out of the republican party but out of the whole democratic system i mean one of the tweets i think was the proud boys was calling on their photos to now go dark you know maps and gauge in more violence rather than trying to resolve differences democratically. well i think in terms of you know where we go from here i think that if this process was a fair and open process again with a real judge again with real witnesses again with real evidence and again with due process process which is a fundamental right of americans and i'll be an impeachment can be exempt from all
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their american still it's there that's what richard nixon here for example and i think part of this is if you're going to say the rhetoric used by trump is somehow different from that that was used by nancy pelosi where she called the sender's of the federal courthouse in portland stormtroopers different from met seen waters who sits on the members of trump can and disrupt them get in their face are different from the language from chuck schumer who under steps of the supreme court said you hear me cavanagh you hear me yourself the we're all within this coming for you i'm an absolute threat to the extent that the supreme justice roberts had to say comment on it publicly i think if americans see that does that make it better though janet does that make it ok i mean if the accusation is really other side is using inflammatory rhetoric that the legitimize is the institutions of democracy is
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it a good recipe for both sides to do that. yes absolutely both sides have to do that and that is where i was going with this whole thing if you can see the democrats discipline in their own you would see republicans probably discipline in their own as well it would make a big dip but you're not seeing that are you see and it is. our read your blue jersey where on different sides we have to always be against each other or eliminate i mean i swear let me take that point to cashier then catch up would you agree then that the inflammatory rhetoric is something that the democrats maybe now that they have the white house and both houses of congress need to take the initiative to combat and as jack said if the dems do it we do it. well i will just say i was the youngest woman in history to serve in the vermont state senate young people are incredibly tired of not having any adults in the room
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in washington and having people on both sides lowering the level of debate i do not see that from president joe biden and vice president connelly harris and we should be holding our president and those in the white house to a higher standard than we hold other office holders we have not been able to do that with donald trump he is we know he's perfectly comfortable in court so he's there all the time but he is not comfortable hearing his words repeated back to him he constantly denies what he has said he constantly tried to evade responsibility he did it after inciting that riot after saying he would be there to march with his followers and then absolutely denying his role in that attack that is cowardly and we don't suffer cowards in this country we need to be able to hold him accountable to what he has said or we don't have a functioning democracy and
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a functioning society where we hold people accountable ok i want to maybe shift the discussion a little bit now chris the issue of a distraction will this turn into really over though both sides seem that they want the impeachment at least to be a quick process are we really going to see the machinery of government destructive if not with impeach him but with the divisiveness of it for the rest of this term. well what you see it right now is joe biden doing everything in his power to try to get a lot of it so that that possibly doesn't happen. whether that happens or not you know i'm not sure and to be to be frank here the polarization was already there i'm not sure the polarization is going to get that much worse but it could definitely deal where a lot of the efforts that joe biden wants to do legislatively require republicans
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unless they're wanting to do away with the filibuster which 2 democratic senators have said they're not so it's going to be difficult for him kind of move forward but indications so far you know are that there are some republicans that are willing to at least sit down and talk with biden that's the part that's much better what obama had to deal with and so you know that's i guess that's the measure jack we have a an international audience for this show just in i'm wondering what you would say to address the question of whether we are now looking at the u.s. which is increasingly on a trajectory of being mall in the woods looking. well the u.s. is going to remain involved in global sedaris it's in our economic interests it's in our national security interests people might not like the cell of one of ministration over the other but we've always been there and we're going to continue to i hope for example that joe biden builds on the peace accords that donald trump
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had signed with jordan israel the other countries i think it would be a great place to start i think we should cooperate and on energy not necessarily in power in iran on the nuclear pathway the way many of us fear that there are lots of room for compromise on there i think in terms of china. to. adventurism that china has around the globe some of it in terms of steel and business copyrights and so for that there could be a lot of international cooperation on the currently terrorism is something that we should all be on so ok lemme list let me jump in here i think we've got about 60 seconds left i want to give it to keisha on that same thought with the u.s. caught between impeachment cove in 1000 the economy does it have do politicians have the mental space and energy to cooperate across the aisle and look at things from china to russia to iran and other issues well i just want to say that having
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this trial is important to the world what we're seeing in e.m.r. what we're seeing in countries that are starting to think that they can ignore elections too and they can let their budding democracies die on the line it matters what we do in this case it matters that we honor the result of a free and fair election in this country and it matters to the world. all right thank you all i think you've all made ready good points and passionate cases there for your perspectives thank you all for coming on the show thanks to jack kingston question rand and chris heinz and thank you to fortune the show you can see it again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com for further discussion head over to our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is that a.j. inside story from a sam is a that and the whole theme here for now is go buy. as
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information on governments responses to covert 19 across the world emerges so to as a deeply disturbing question. people in power investigates allegations of systemic discrimination against the pandemics disable victims and asks has there been a shameful failure to protect some of the world's most vulnerable citizens. coverts disabled victims part 2 on a jersey or. a son. a father. a mutual love of the arts.
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the stage is set to immortalize feeding memories. in a magical race against time. witness our time machine. on a jersey. in colombia in the mid ninety's coca fields covered homes stretches of land far from the cities which were now on the high surveillance the end of the ninety's people were talking about the potential from it becoming an august with the guerrillas to help drug traffickers sought refuge in the jungles of mountains well out of the state's reach. a far right militia of 20000 men the united self defenders of colombia to fight the guerrillas. meanwhile colombia's legitimate military suffered ambushes by the fall soldiers were abducted in the hundreds the systematic killing led to the displacement of millions of people the paramilitaries
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dictated their lives in the zones they took over the areas the state could never reach under pressure from the d.n.a. the criminals who came off the top of the escobar hunted down their shell companies were dismantled under arresting increase. democrats on bail never before seen video from the capitol hill riot during opening arguments of don't want trump's impeachment trial. there are. 7 3. you're there and police radio dispatches are used as evidence showing just how overwhelms they were .


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