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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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if you have to endure it as sort of this is a high temperature houston of minus 5 clearly snow is going eastwards for the cold remains behind and that's true even on tuesday houston's just above freezing. sponsored qatar airways. this is al jazeera. i live there on the blog this is a new life and go home coming up in the next 60 minutes. shots fired him in ma where the military has extended detention despite growing demands from protesters to set a free. i'm paul brennan at london's heathrow airport has a policy of hotel quarantine comes into force. in south africa's former president
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jacob zuma faces possible jail time for skipping a hearing into charges of corruption will be live in johannesburg and he descendant of all the day's news 20 time grand slam tennis champion rafael nadal as well one is way into the australian open quarter finals in melbourne that and more coming up later in the program. so that military has opened fire as protesters gathered in the city of mandalay that's according to local media earlier in the day deposed leader and sent to chief detention was extended she was arrested 2 weeks ago when the army seized power in a coup scott heidi reports now on the demonstrations which are in the 2nd week. there were soldiers and armored vehicles on the streets another tense night in
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myanmar but despite the security patrols and an internet blackout protesters gathered for a 10th straight day one group of the civil disobedience movement c.d.n. for short stood in front of the central bank in yangon and continued with their calls for the military government to step down and the country's democratically elected leaders to be released we are protesting peacefully without weapons with no intention of violence to call for see. fight for the 3 dimmest government stuff this is the military judge to issued a statement on its facebook page outlining the possible punishments for protesters saying any act spoken or written that expresses or incite hatred of the government could lead to 20 years in prison people gathered outside a court in the capital named for door hoping that deposed civilian leader on song suchi would be released on monday those hopes soon dashed. according to the remand which was set today's the last day of the remand period but
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from the discussions with the district justice to remand period is now until the 17th not today. suchi was one of the 1st to be detained in the early hours of the coup 2 weeks ago she's been charged with illegally importing 6 walkie talkie radios . according to a monitoring group more than 400 people have now been detained since the february 1st 2. there's a vast range of people within that group and that's of real concern for 23 year old a fortune teller charlotte a fellow young gun fortune teller was arrested a few days ago after a video of him praying for the military to fail went viral i'm not sure that it was since the dictators they can make up whatever laws they like to oppress us we astrologers are like bullets in their hands if you squeeze me a dead if they let us fly be a free this is the nature of dictatorship and it's not just happening to us it's everyone. and that's probably why protesters are coming out in strength the ruling national league for democracy n l d party won by
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a landslide in last november's election and was extremely popular most see this move by the military as a notification of their vote and their voice scott heiler al jazeera so let's go live to david pollan who's following developments from hong kong and give is that we've heard about soldiers shooting at the protests what more do we know. that's right in the city of mandalay which is the 2nd largest city of the enemy and maher we've heard that security forces and police were shooting to disperse protesters there now it's unclear whether they were using rubber bullets or live fire now in that city the protest movement has been quite strong as it has been in the largest city young gone which is also the commercial hub and for the 1st time there there have been tanks and armored vehicles on the streets and as scott said in his report people still remain defiant video of people shouting at the military
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to leave and cars honking that disappear disapproval have been circulating now despite their that their defiance there is still a lot of concern though that the situation could escalate given that those soldiers in those tanks and the those that have been seen on the streets are combat soldiers with a reputation for brutality so there is worry that there still could be bloodshed and the situation could deteriorate but so far the protesters are holding strong and coming out in their numbers. as all that is going to choose here has been pushed forward to wednesday do we know what might happen. very hard to tell the goalposts have been moving consistently. lawyers say the judge says it's on wednesday but whether she will actually appear in court or whether the court proceedings will be further delay this unclear now presumably
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the military is very concerned about having on santucci appear in any kind of public forum if she's seen as the symbol of this democratic movement and having her out in public could just galvanize the protest movement now given that the military government has changed the laws over the weekend and these laws once again will affect both on sun city's trial and also the way things operate on the ground in one of those laws is of particular concern to the protesters especially as we're coming up to a curfew now where many of the protesters will be heading home in about half an hour but also along with the cover of darkness comes the arrests and one of those laws basically gives the security forces the ability to arrest people without any court orders and that's what's been happening these security forces and police have been going into people's homes searching them making random arrests without any
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charges and so far $400.00 people have been arrested they include allies of on some suchi politicians human rights activists protesters student leaders journalists and the list goes on so as darkness falls now what many of these protesters will be worrying about is their personal safety and whether they will be next or did you think so that's a difficult problem for events from hong kong let's hear now from mickey diamond who's a human rights specialist at 45. and he says there's no end in sight for the protests move. today we call the nationwide c.d.m.a. civil disobedience movement. a lot of were passed in front of the central bank so that's the duration last night a very intense we have internet but blackout 1 am to 9 am and also during that time military start arresting people are all around the country we don't know how many people are arrested but the situation is very intense during the election we
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have a different kind of the group but because of this military crew all people in the countries are united against the military even who dislike the annulled iraq now and they are massing on the street who who are not vul and also they are mostly on the street again this military military coup so that happen and also that also we are now united again the military. putting more head on news that a clue to. the vaccination campaign against coronavirus in lebanon has begun but experts warn a patchwork response will keep the country stuck in tragedy i'm santa for the reporting from beirut. as regional leaders arrive in chad for the g. 5 percent health summit as we take a look at why security is at the top of the agenda. because ball coming up to india's cricket is building hugely against england in the 2nd.
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lebanon is a nationwide code 1000 vaccination program is underway for shots of the pfizer vaccine were given to health workers on sunday the world bank has helped the crisis hit country to fund the purchases said huldah has this report. and. it's a start to end the coronavirus pandemic but the battle is far from over the elderly and health care workers have been on the front lines of this fight i the 1st in line to get the vaccine lebanon has seen some of the region's highest cases and deaths and now in january almost everybody every person has a family member or relative what a friend that has acquired of it my photos of a quote covered both of them. no i'm secure but we feel it now in our homes but not
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everyone is convinced about the vaccines the public is showing hesitancy so far $500000.00 lebanese have signed up that's less than 10 percent of the population. i won't take now because there are still a lot of question marks i will wait and see the lack of trust is also because of what many regard a corrupt system. of course i won't take it the fact the government is giving it to us for free means there will be a price to pay later. it seems the international community has little faith as well the world bank which is financing lebanon's purchase of vaccines will be monitoring the program to ensure a fair and transparent distribution the world bank didn't mince its words saying there will be no that's arabic meaning you won't be able to use your connections to skip the line it's a common practice in lebanon where politicians have long been accused of favoritism . they're also blamed for failing to secure enough doses to inoculate 80 percent of
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the population by here and the state is nearly bankrupt you probably inviting the public or the philanthropic sectors of the public to but it's to be to ensure the 40 of the 40 percent more needed but that presumes the private sector secures vaccines in a competitive market the government is also trying to get funds to vaccinate the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers lebanon is home to more than a 1000000 and a half syrian and palestinian refugees. on an off lock downs have led to economic devastation and deaths experts warn a patchwork response in the vaccination campaign as well would keep lebanon stuck
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in tragedy. because they live now to vaccinations and in beirut there is a more than 300000 cases the country desperately needs these vaccines rolled out. well yes it's really a sense of relief that's the feeling you get when you speak to especially the health care workers the doctors and nurses who have been at the front lines of this battle it's been a very difficult day here an unprecedented number of cases in january because the authorities opened the country open the country up and over the holiday season 80000 people arrived in the country and in december alone and there's no regulations to enforce mandatory quarantine when you arrive in the in this country so hospitals were struggling there's a deep economic crisis and levanon there's a lack of hard currency which means that importing medical supplies is quite difficult and then you have an understaffed and overworked healthcare sector and
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underpaid as well so there were really a lot of challenges so there's this sense of euphoria relief that this is a new beginning but as you heard lebanon really faces a lot of challenges in order to reach herd immunity and ultimately defeat this pandemic there's more than 1700000 refugees in lebanon what's the situation with refugees getting equitable access to the vaccine or they just way down the list. well they are part of the government's national plan they're included they're not going to be on the bottom of the list as a so to speak they will be given equal opportunity as any other resident in this country according to the health minister everyone residing here regardless of nationality regardless of residency status they will be vaccinated because the only
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way you can reach herd immunity is that no one is safe until everyone is safe but the biggest question is putting this plan translating it into into action because these refugees like lebanese have to register on an online platform and many of them live in live in camps who is to help them do this we've spoken to the u.n. h.c.r. they say that they're going to start raising awareness and and helping these refugees apply apply online so they will not be at the bottom of the list there are 6 categories of course the elderly the above 75 years of age but the bottom line is this there isn't enough supplies there isn't enough doses the government did not reserve enough doses to vaccinate all of these people and many will tell you for the 1st time the refugees are not being discriminated against they're going to be given equal opportunity but the bottom line is the lebanese don't have that opportunity because only half the amount of doses you need to be able to achieve
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herd immunity have so far been been reserved and if the private sector is going to be able to procure these vaccines because the united nations is not going to do that the u.n. h.c.r. making it clear to us that they're not going to do this then who is these refugees don't have money to buy the vaccines if the private sector is going to start importing them so a lot of challenges ahead but the definitely this is this is a new beginning. there is a very real problem appreciate that is in a lot of the very roots let's take this issue of the refugees the coronavirus pandemic is disproportionately. the world's most front of all and this place refugees around the world in a more desperate situation and the united nations refugee agency says there are approximately 26000000 refugees in the world and within the last 6 years turkey has hosted the largest number 3600000 people there mostly from syria colombia comes 2nd with close to 2000000 many from neighboring venezuela and lebanon as we've been
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hearing her hosts 1400000 refugees and that's equal with uganda and pakistan germany hosts more than 1100000 that's the most in europe and most they're from syria afghanistan and iraq they speak now to share meant to who's a spokeswoman for the united nations refugee agency u.n.h.c.r. joins us from geneva. to the refugee collective is the size of a country in its own right is now how can we ensure that they're included in nations vaccination strategies. well that's that's really the key element is actually ensuring that when national vaccination plans are happening that refugees are not being excluded from those plans but they're included so that's been a very strong advocacy call that we've been making our national governments to really say look we understand that this is still a work in progress but as the plans are being rolled out we need to make sure that refugees are not excluded from those plans it's a lifesaving intervention so it's about ensuring that refugees also have you know
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their access to their fundamental health rights and are protected on par with citizens and at the same time it's in the interest of the countries themselves to make sure that there is no one on their territory that is on it unprotected and exposed to the virus think it's all very well making the advocacy call is no birds as we've just been hearing in lebanon there's just not enough supplies there's not enough vaccine. indeed i mean this is actually a critical issue for us because where as we see the vaccination plans they are being implemented and designed by governments but at the same time we're also very aware that the majority of the world's refugee population 85 percent of the world's refugees are hosted in low to middle income countries so they're facing huge barriers huge challenges and being able to also look after the health needs of their citizens and that's why we're also advocating for global an equitable access to vaccines and that has to happen i mean these countries these refugee host countries have been so generously supporting refugees despite the challenges they
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face and now we're dealing at the this critical juncture with this unprecedented health emergency they need support so we need to ensure that they can also have an equitable access to vaccines and that's where the international community has to step up so we're working with kovacs which is the solidity that aims to ensure that governments and manufacturers can can work together to ensure that those vaccines reach people ungracious need but there definitely needs to be more support and solidarity to ensure that access rights yes as you say. limited public health system so how do you make sure that everybody does get equitable access. well that's what we're doing we're advocating with the international community working with kovacs. and gauging national authorities the private sector but this really has to happen and countries just cannot be unsupported so while countries are working on their national and it's crucial and it's imperative that they
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include refugees in those plans but at the same time there needs to be more effort on part of the international community that these countries themselves it's refugee host countries that supply. is part of the international community isn't it. it is but when we were talking about that the national response was to curb it when it comes to the prevention response and vaccination plans this is the prerogative of the responsibility of host countries so they have to work on the plans and ensure that inclusion is happening and so far we have seen some very positive indications of about $99.00 countries at least that have explicitly committed to include refugees in their national banks and action plans so that's one thing but it's really the pipeline and the supply of vaccines which is another and that's where we're also advocating for that for that equitable access to happen or it should be most appreciated thanks very much and. the robbery says it will begin its covert 90 inoculation drive next week after receiving its 1st shipment of vaccines 200000 doses of china's side of farm bison by beijing have arrived in
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harare infections more than doubled in the last 2 months another batch of 600000 doses that's expected this week frontline health workers will get 1st priority for the shots. new quarantine rules of come into effect for incoming travelers riving in the u.k. for monday people arriving from 33 high risk nations have to isolate the airport for 10 days. cost. well let's cross live now to pull brennan who's at london's heathrow airport so bold new rules in force spirits presenting no end of challenges . indeed the 1st group of passengers came out of terminal 5 here at heathrow just before 8 am this morning and security escort some were taken away into this enforced isolation but the debate is raging as to why lots of aspects of this heathrow airport has been concerned about the
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resourcing of this policy feeling that initially there were not enough border force officers who had been allocated to make sure that the people coming through from the 33 red list countries were being sides were put into a separate queue to ordinary passengers the other thing is that the that the way that it's been actually put it put together is also being questioned for example some experts believe that the red list itself is kind of redundant bearing in mind that the passengers can mix before they arrive here in the u.k. there are no direct flights or many of those 33 countries on serious story much dependent on the passengers declaring on these past 2 locates a forms exactly where they've been so there is criticism and concern about a couple of things well 1st of all about the detail and whether the procedures are tight enough but actually about the length of time it's taken to actually bring this policy to fruition in the 1st place. in aviation terms the u.k.
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hotel koren team plan has been on final approach finale 3 weeks now and it was 1st announced back in mid january 10 days and 11 nights of enforced hotel quarantine now wait anyone who has passed through one of the 33 countries on the government's red list but london's heathrow airport said it's had yet to receive what it called necessary reassurances an airport spokesman warned of significant gap. in the implementation of the plan and the union representing some of the security staff is equally concerned about the transfer process from airport to hotel what is not quite well p.p. going to be a banker for very well. what are. they going on why don't they yeah how now you have to bear in mind the problem and then not incur. the u.k. government says it's hotel quarantine plan amounts to decisive action against curve
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of 19 but even as the 1st arriving passengers go into enforced confinement there is strong criticism of the way the policy is being operated under enforced. inbound passengers need to show a negative test just to board an aircraft and pre-book to further tests for the days after arrival lying on a passenger locator for now carries a 10 year prison sentence minister spent the past week talking up the plan we have amongst the toughest border regimes anywhere in the world but doubts persist australian states introduced hotel quarantine in march 2020 and have learnt tough lessons since then procedures on meal delivery times ventilation staff testing and protective masks of all evolved significantly yet the state of victoria is now back on the lockdown after an outbreak of the virus spread within this quarantine hotel australian infection experts say the u.k. needs to be ultra cautious i'm nervous about what i know about the cases it's good
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to know that smokers will not be allowed to leave their rooms but there's still about to leave the room we learnt very much the hard way that that just doesn't work. the government says its policies are based on best practice that may not be good enough. i only example of that dispute about what exactly entails best practice can be seen in the fact that the scottish devolved government has made it a policy that everybody arriving at the airports in scotland will have to undergo hotel currency not just people who say that they've been in these 33 red list countries that's just the london government specifying that so there are differences between just even the regions that the countries of the u.k. but nevertheless the london government is sticking by its guns saying this is as much as is necessary it remains to be seen whether it will be enough. paul thanks
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very much indeed up in london heathrow airport things are. now turkey's president has accused the united states of supporting kurdish fighters who he says a behind the execution of 13 turkish hostages including soldiers and policemen their bodies were found in a cave in northern iraq during a turkish operation against fighters belonging to the kurdish workers party or p.k. k. which is banned in turkey reza type bedouin describe the u.s. statement condemning the killing as a joke he called on the u.s. to either stand with turkey or against it so let's go live to see of course the only who's in simple center is interesting this isn't it because turkish government officials himself in fact have been delivering fairly constructive and soft messaging if you like towards the new u.s. administration but today i too am not holding back in his criticism of the u.s. position. well yes they can actually this is why the pilot through the lay sions have been strained in the last couple of years beginning with turkey's
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detention arrest of bronson things in a way kind of normalized basically what harmed the turkish u.s. relations the 2 nato allies relations was. the u.s. support to the kurdish fighters group why prejean syria and turkey says the i.p.g. is direct the link with the p k k the out both kurdistan workers' party which is also listed as a terrorist group by the e.u. and the united states so apparently today president don try to highlight this again and because in the statement delivered by washington it says if the reports that the 13 civilian turkish citizens killed by the p.k. k. is true so apparent that the us administration is seem not convinced with the turkish defense ministry and other official statements that those turkish
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citizens were killed by the p.k. k. bullets that this is why turkey is president actually lashed out today and turkey has been criticizing the us for. providing the weapons and arms for the white p.g. and at the same time which is for turkey because turkey believes that those weapons provided by the international coalition in the fight against iceland syria too. will one day be diverted to cherokee and that's what the officials have been claiming for the last 2 days that the p.k. k. actually received a mass weapons when saddam hussein fell down in iraq in after 2003 and through the west and international coalition in terms of fight against arsenal but the p.k. he is using those weapons to turkish citizens that's why tookie is calling out for the west to pick a side either with turkey or the p.k. k. which is listed as
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a terrorist organization for $43.00 of them rosen thanks very much for that soon consume them. at least 4 people have been killed when a landslide caused by heavy rain hit their community in indonesia rescue workers are searching for 14 others buried in the mud in eastern java rain overnight also cause more rivers to burst their banks in other districts in the province. well as move on to the weather his role. this is a really harsh winter haven't most of the united states west texas again got snow and this is just an example of any count any state really in the usa with the exception of florida that's the winter front so it's always down south in the gulf everything beyond or in the need to raise pretty cold in fact can show you that daytime temperatures where they are reasonable are in this yellow strip and that's true up through parts but not all of california as well so everywhere in land is cold but i'm cold by not houston about plus one degree that the sun does compensate
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i suppose and it's not windy in various places it's not too much wind chill will be a bit there's more snow developing in the rockies breaks there over and that's on its way size not could be quite dangerous because once more you get freezing rain out of it with this junction of warm pushing in relatively speaking in the cold there was yes a line of pretty dangerous thunderstorms to texas into louisiana which yes might produce tornadoes during wednesday so a pretty nasty weather in the u.s. every now and again it breaks out across across the gulf and that picks up from produces some pretty big thunderstorms for the yucatan and cuba in the bahamas during tuesday but they disappear by wednesday. still ahead here on al-jazeera from russia with love why protest his use of valentine's day to bring attention to the plight of a let's you know belly. at a sport front go top of rugby 6 nations with victory over island that's the action coming up with peter.
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told to own their own we know this tell us all in a case where us from the top you compensated civilians while we listen to the only music you hear is your own the most beautiful music in the world the silence we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories the old just 0 on counting the cost where has iraq's oil wealth gone from fan from civil servants to corrupt politicians take a closer look at the m.r.i. make technology behind covert 19 vaccines how long before it's used to find the cure for cancer counting the cost for that just.
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now and using. every. hour you're watching out through one of our top stories and mere miles military has open fires protesters gathered in the city of mandalay according to local media. earlier on monday deposed leader and sense of cheese detention was extended she was arrested she weeks of symmetry seize power in a coup. lebanon's vaccination program is underway the world bank helped fund the purchase of fact since struggling with the recent surge in cases tens of k. units are full and there is
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a shortage of extension to its. simple way says it will begin its cave in 1000 inoculation drive next week after receiving its trash into vaccines 200000 doses of china's sign of farm vaccine and it's by beijing have now arrived in iraq. former south african president jacob zuma could face prison sentence after he failed to appear before an inquiry investigating corruption during his time in office a commission has been hearing allegations that the wealthy gupta family used its friendship with zuma to win government contracts and influence policy that speak to me to measure our correspondent who's live for us following developments in johannesburg and for me to zoom in and said he wouldn't attend so we knew that he wouldn't but it's well there not be repercussions. well from the commission itself not immediate repercussions or because it's had to now as per that ruling by the commissioner that it's going to approach the
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constitutional court put forward an application for contempt after former president jacob zuma didn't appear at the commission earlier today now once the commission decides if that is indeed the case it's up to the constitutional court to decide what sanction to put against zuma whether it's jail time with a it's a fine we do understand that obviously the commission would want this matter to be before the constitutional court as soon as possible to get an outcome but i think it really does. play into the critics play into the hands of critics of the commission in that it's doesn't have that much power in that it has to resort to the courts to find a ruling of any consequence nevertheless the commissioner was very upset about the former president not appearing earlier today and says that the rule of law is important it should be observed and this is what he had to say around the absence of jacob zuma the issue. because systems.
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this issue. or so and. so. we should all. of this. i am the chief. or i'm a chief justice and. former president of. the sleeve. and then the greatest significance of what's happened today is just how it reflects on the african national congress the governing party in south africa and how it views what the former president has done we do know that the top 6 leadership of the a.n.c. had planned to see the former president to compel him to appear at the commission
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but this really is symbolic of the divisions within that party and its fight against corruption if the former president says their t.'s rights are being impeded on their t.v.'s being vilified that this is propaganda and there's a political agenda they also many people who sympathize with him and say that he does want to hear the commission with swelling with his rights at the same time he's not here to a summons which was issued by the commission and also previously the constitutional court had said he should appear at the commission and not doing that was undermining the law so we would have to wait to see what the constitutional court says next to to see whether or not does it continues to defy the commission as the commissioners and i had said he is doing or if he maintains it is right not to appear to me to think through those for me to be reporting from your home as burg. now the red cross is appealing for more funding to help deal with
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a humanitarian crisis in northern mozambique where there is a growing security threat the government says groups affiliated with eisel operates in parts of cuba delgado province security forces fighting those groups have been accused of human rights violations that includes up a tree arrests abductions torturing detainees excessive force and extra judicial killings well the un refugee agency says that more than $500000.00 people have been displaced by the violence and more than 2500 have been killed this speak to peter maer who's the president of the international committee of the red cross and joins us on skype from up to 2 in mozambique mr martin you've been traveling in the country to assess what the situation is that tell us what you've seen and how serious it is. well i see is indeed a testimony of large swaths of the population being displaced by violence also harsh climate events and you have mentioned the number of 500000 doesn't speak
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to a 3rd of those beneficiaries of i.c.r.c. as programs you understand some of the dynamics in place at the present moment i think there is huge pressure on how the cities which have either been destroyed by violence destroyed by cyclons or under pressure by internally displaced populations we see water and sanitation issues. host community have to cope with tens of thousands of refugees internally displaced coming to their respective religious and cities and this is indeed a humanitarian crisis the humanitarian challenge with which the country is dealing and on which the red cross and red crescent movements wants to respond more meaningful really to stop the lies and help study lies rife and by fluids so
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what do you actually calling for what do you mean. well what we certainly need is support for our programs which are designed really to respond to your agency needs of those displaced what we are calling for is also support for our engagement with the armed forces for the respect of international humanitarian law for all weapons barriers in the region to respect the principles of international humanitarian law we need to definitely also to look into how to prevent a further degradation of the city situation by supporting health facilities and health. yeah i give you. money is sort of jumping they just cut out for a 2nd giving aid to people in urban areas is one thing but what about getting to the more remote areas with the more dangerous and well the indeed cover the
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guard who is a province in which we don't have yet access to all places while some of the southern places are accessible to i.c.r.c. and mozambique red cross others in particular who are places are still a challenge to access we do hope that we can negotiate and find our way through very difficult terrain to very difficult political situation a very fragmented landscape of armed groups in order to assess populations we don't even know exactly in some of these who replaces how many people r.t. or what a neat and they are for access is of critical importance from what you've seen how did communities cope with this without any help or do they pulled together how does it what have you witnessed well what i have seen.
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be surprised when you compare with many other places of the world how insulted that 80 host communities were offering their services to those who came there is a lot of family help and larger from a help but of course these communities after a couple of weeks come to the edge of what we can really expect from them and therefore supporting host community as well as internally displaced on your knees unfastened reunifying families establishing contacts between those who are still in very dangerous places and go those who have managed to go to safer places is our presence and all these are services which needs to be scaled up and where that's the reason why i'm here also to see how we can carry forward and how we can increase this response great well thank you so much for taking time out of your trip to speak to us here at al-jazeera piece from the president of the
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international committee the red cross thank you very much. the leaders of 5 countries in west africa meeting in chide the g 5 summit comes as attacks by armed groups of increase in the region 1st president to mineral micron's inspector to join the conference by vittia. these are live pictures of the summit in geneva with g 5 nations the key to fasten mali mauritania and chad as security in the south holland been worsening despite french military support. but france intervened in northern mali in january 2013 that was off to twerk fighters return from libya hoping to make an independent state they were soon joined by al-qaeda affiliated groups that took cities in the north of the country $5100.00 french soldiers are now deployed across the hall with another $14000.00 u.n. peacekeeping troops in mali the fighting a variety of armed groups linked to al qaeda and i still the violence has been
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costly the un's mali mission is its most expensive and risky with 150 peacekeepers killed 6000 people died last year in the fighting 2000000 in the region were displaced. i would address is following developments from lagos joins us now to tell us the possible impact of the french withdrawal a drawdown of french soldiers. and nick the french door the proposed with door by french forces from the help is causing a lot of concern in the region this is a region most of the countries in the region mali book enough. these are countries with less than 20000 military personnel and with the withdrawal of 5000 each i mean each has less than 20000 military personnel and if the french forces help left leaving that would leave a huge gap that will not be easily filled by armed forces of the region although
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child which is hard to i mean which is so used to fight in bottles from its own civil war to fighting in neighboring countries has a military that is well established in the region it's it depends on how much they can afford to send remember chuck bass also facing a new surrogacy on its border with nigeria and the. region i swap i still very active in that region so this countries. the departure of the french forces will amount to exposing sutton of villages and towns to a touch by these armed groups and they fear that be armed groups will be willing to explode what port and apart from the presence of military personnel were also talking about intelligence military hardware which these region and the region entire cell region likes to confront these armed groups which are well and of course course in devastation in the region. in lagos.
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where it's going to paris not to touch it but it's also following the summit to use more from. well earlier this year the french president emmanuel mack ross said that france was considering reducing its military commitment in this i held effectively reducing the number of troops it has in the region but what we understand from the least say is that the french president is unlikely to announce a reduction of troops during the upcoming summit but what france might do is consider a reduction in the coming weeks or months and perhaps announce something down the line it is clear though that emanuel macro will be discussing france reducing its troops with his g 5 partners the leaders from the g. 5 nations when he speaks to them by video conference a bit later there are over 5000 french troops currently in the region we're told though by the least say that what the french president really wants to use this meeting for is to exert more pressure on those g.
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5 leaders both militarily to take more control of the region but also politically a feeling in france that a week of governance is certainly fueling instability in the region michael also very keen to try and european partners to do more in the region on the ground but there is some good news says the least and it seems they say that at least we are seeing the reengagement of the u.s. in the region under donald trump interest in the sile a crisis certainly waned but it seems to have taken a turn with the biden administration and we understand that anthony blinken the new u.s. secretary of state will send a video message to the summit for tuesday. police in haiti have fought with protesters demanding the resignation of president giovanna lawyers in the capital port au prince officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets at demonstrators who threw rocks and set cars on fire why is it has been in a power struggle with his opponents who say his term ended a week ago the president says he still has
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a year left in office. supporters of jailed a russian opposition leader let's you know valley ignored police warnings and held vigils across the country they used valentine's day to bring attention to his imprisonment but after thousands of arrests in the past few weeks they've suspended their major street protests. as more. just. as night fell on valentine's day they gathered in small groups in various parts of russia to show solidarity with opposition leader alexei navalny who's currently in jail in playgrounds and courtyards the place candles in the shape of a hot and sean lights from mobile phones the coordinated action came in response to a call from a man called lee only to volkoff now based in lithuania he's a close ally of alexei navalny he wants russians to copy tactics used by pro-democracy activists in neighboring better risks our force of the are more. sophisticated than them that the more creative and we have to think about other
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forms of protest and the over the environment something vocal verge people to post pictures of sunday's gatherings all social media using the slogan love is stronger than fear the aim was to avoid large demonstrations of the type that seen thousands of people arrested across russia in recent weeks among them alexei navalny his wife who's now reportedly in germany and his spokes person kira yarm ish they were among the women activists being honored in the 2nd city sent petersburg around 100 women formed a human chain near a monument to victims of political repression in the west i think it will have an impact at least we'll show the world that we're here that those people are not alone that we stand in solidarity with them in the valley was arrested in january immediately after flying back to moscow he spent many months in germany recovering after he was poisoned with a nerve agent an attack that nearly killed him on friday he was in court facing
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slander charges which he's dismissed as politically motivated has already been sentenced to nearly 3 years in jail for parole violations while he was convalescing abroad after the recent crackdown his team perspired mass rallies until at least the spring and just a few days ago president putin suggested the street protests were not really about novell me it was let each of you you know what this person under investigation is being used precisely at the moment you went in countries all over the world including with our own people are tired irritated and discontented about the conditions in which they live and their income. but if your thoughts is continue to go after political activists this type of event could well gain momentum the day barber al jazeera. it demonstrators in india are calling for the release of a young activist who's been detained accused of helping to write a protest died authorities say that ravi helped to to develop
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a tool kit used to spread awareness of widespread following the process the guide was shed online by environmental activists gretta from work whose voice support for the farmers they've been protesting for months against government reforms of a cultural sector palestinian poets mordred buckaroo g. who's known for his revolutionary verses against the israeli occupation has died at the age of 77 barghouti was born near the palestinian city of ramallah before israel was created he was displaced from his homeland for 3 decades of the 1967 arab israeli war the experience shaped much of his work and was depicted in his memoir i saw ramallah. still ahead here on out a huge crush on the final 500 miles of racing action from the daytona 500 coming up. just. awesome.
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or. talk sport out his paper thank you so much 20 time grand slam champion rafa one is wayne's of the australian open go to finals of the straight sets win have a fabulous when you mean the world cup to seeking a 2nd thought when melbourne off the winning there back in 2009. this win over italy's forney was relatively straightforward the 34 year old madell winning 636462 it sets up a quarter final meeting with stephanos city boss. was not able to practice their proper way for the last 19 days but yesterday i started again to increase the
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amount of work on the practice and today have been opposed to victoria with. some long points so that helps 4 for the next match also there is russia's 4th seed daniel medvedev he eased past 192nd ranked american mckenzie mcdonald in straight sets 646263 the score medvedev will take on his countryman andre rieu play of mix there it also means they will be 3 russians in the last 8 this year. women's number one top seed ashley barty is on the way to the quarter finals 40 to care of american shelby rogers waiting for her in the next round his 25th seed catalina of the czech republic this 24 year old is aiming to become the 1st australian woman to win this grand slam since 1978. foot sea the interceptor leader has crashed out though the ukrainian had not
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dropped a set in melbourne this year before meeting would of the $61.00 jessica. the 26 year old american reaching her 1st grand slam quarter final with 864-3663 wind before the sea vent had never even been begun before ground at a slam. and always there for the 5 but yes sometimes it's just. not happening and it's very disappointing because i think feeling very good on the court before and to have the day like that is. yeah it's extremely. disappointing. so we know william's place amount to halep in the quarter finals on tuesday chasing that he loose of 24th grand slam which would equal the record held by margaret court so we know it's not one of celebs 2017 but our coaches relaxed about it does she need a validation i don't think she needs that edition. i think she but i mean clearly
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she came back to tennis to win some of the grand slams that's for sure the goal. no she's not. obsessed with the 24 than most people who are in the tennis world but definitely she wants to win ransom's that's the only reason why she came back to tennis cricket now in india's batsmen have built a huge lead against england in the 2nd test of the bowling the visitors are cheaply on day 2 there are racked up the runs to put themselves 481 a head have to vent out kohli hit a 50 and ravichandran ashwin made a century betting on a very tough pitch england have already lost 3 wickets by stumps on day 2 there's still 429 behind with 2 days left in the match so it's looking like an indian victory which would square the series at one each one of motorsports most famous races the daytona $500.00 and some very late drama mcdowell and told dylan on the part of the right john time i team mate all round my god awful hard crash kyle
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busch. marched off to 500 miles of racing there was a massive accident on the final lap of the race with several cars going up in flames thankfully there were serious injuries and this group of mechanics were cheering because they driver michael mcdowell in the yellow car managed to avoid the chaos and went on to cross the finish line 1st it's his 1st nascar cup series victory. the l.a. lakers had a night to forget in the n.b.a. despite some great moments like a verse from their star le bron james the defending champions well beaten by the denver nuggets 122 points to 105. scoring he 6 triple double of the season and to make things worse for the lakers and tony davis limped off after re aggravating his achilles injury he's said to have a scan on monday and the l.a. clippers were without 2 of their big names in paul george against cleveland
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cavaliers but lou williams stepped up on his 1st start of the season with 30 points and provided 10 assists as the clippers won by 17 it's now 7 straight defeats for the cavs and an ice hockey n.h.l. the biggest goal the knights of won the 1st of 4 straight meetings with the colorado avalanche just one goal in this game courtesy of max patch a rarity for vegas it was the 1st game in 2 weeks for the avalanche shoes shared you all has been disrupted by covert 19 protocols the 2 teams meet again on tuesday . to the gulf in california and jordan speed's long wait for p.g.a. tour victory goes on in about 2 shots heading into the final round of the pebble beach programs chasing his 1st win since 2017 but he could only manage a round of 70 but had to settle for a tie for 3rd place the victory instead went to fellow american daniel burger and some style holding a 30 foot eagle perch at the last hope to win the tournament by 2 strokes. i do
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feel like i'm under rated but that's ok with me i just think it puts a little chip on my shoulder which is totally fine i think. you know a lot of the guys that they give credit to deserve credit but i you know i've been pretty consistent and accomplished a lot you know for the short amount of time that i've played out here on tour and you look at some of the other guys and what they've accomplished i'm kind of right in line with that so i just want to continue to get better i feel like my goal is always been to be to be the number one player in the world and you know some people laugh at that and that's fine but that's something that every day i wake up and i strive for. france have gone top of rugby 6 nations with another victory over ireland the match was in dublin but the french aged 15 points to 13 withdrawals from. no that's 2 wins out of 2 for the men in blue only they and wales the other unbeaten team on are capable of winning the grand slam as for ireland they remain without a win so far in this year's championship. that's all the sports news nick pays
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accent thanks for that that's it for this news hour but i will be back in 2 minutes with more the day and we'll see you then. frank assessments you've got colleagues on the ground in the canaries what is the situation there is only one doctor and one nurse or $2200.00 people informed opinions how big does foreign policy in the early stages of a bi ministration he comes into office with a huge about foreign policy experience in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines how will a place like it live get the vaccine when there's no money and all the rest of rich countries are fighting for an inside story on al jazeera. the. cause of all. the corruption is. now in syria the way to.
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a crossover minister a key. a european judge tasked with imposing nor a new order and a trial testing the nose of a newly formed nation. highway on al-jazeera israel's vaccination drive or speed the one unqualified success in its often criticized response to code 19 the aim is to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 by the end of march prime minister benjamin netanyahu is promising israelis that this will be the 1st country in the world to emerge from the panda. he's persuaded to commit to a supply. in return for israel being used as a data rich testbed for its efficacy palestinians living in the eastern half of jerusalem the only known israeli citizens israeli vaccines the palestinian foreign ministry says israel is neglecting its obligations as an occupying power providing vaccines to the 4500000 palestinians in the west bank and gaza. between rich
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nations and poor ones when it comes to vaccinating populations israel. has outpaced even the richest countries. just how much the palestinians have been left out of the process and how far they've been left behind. where the military has extended detention. testers to set her free. this is. also coming up the u.k. brings in new quarantine rules for incoming travelers as the health secretary warns of a high death rate turkey summit.


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