tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 17, 2021 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately help to eradicate poverty. and promote sustainable development. al-jazeera. they're given al this is the news our live from coming up in the next 60 minutes another mass abduction at a school in nigeria dozens are injured unknown number of people the mystic feared kidnapped. if the virus is the log to spread like wildfire in the global south park to be. great again and again the u.n.
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secretary general calls for a global vaccination plan and urges g. 20 nations to lead the efforts. millions in the u.s. state of texas though about power for a 3rd day as its electrical grid crumbles mid freezing weather. the u.s. charges 3 north koreans with orchestrating cyber attacks to steal more than $1000000000.00 from banks and companies and install rafael nadal's bits when a 21st grand slam title is all over was beaten in 5 sets of the australian open by stephane a since a pass of course. a rescue operation is underway in nigeria to find a school boys and stuff it kidnaps those wounded when gunmen attacked the school the garra and knowledge of state would take at the hospital and syria's president has condemned the mass abduction no group has claimed responsibility for the attack
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yet amid injuries is following this from. it's difficult because there are so many numbers going round 1st the government in niger state says 27 people have been kidnapped and that again a few hours later that number went up to 42 now when al jazeera spoke to an official earlier today he said in this school with 1000 student population. a census was conducted this morning and that 280 students who are missing what is not clear was whether these students were taken all of them were taken by the abductors or some of them might have run away from the school and actually sitting at home and not coming back to school so the situation is a bit confusing right now but what people believe is that the number of the state government is giving is far much lower than what actually happened these operations
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the operations conducted by the bandits as the officials here called them happened since last night and it went well into the early hours of today we spoke to an official earlier today who said that yes the location of the abductors have been identified and what is the problem the dilemma now is how to approach this situation because they believe that with the high number of captives in there under their control it's difficult to conduct a successful operation without resulting in casualties on the part of the students so that's what they're waiting now but in fact the nigerian government is saying that they have directed all security chiefs to ensure that the students have been rescued. the incident comes 2 months of the gunman invaded a school in cuts in the state kidnapping more than 300 students 110 girls were kidnapped in your station 201-8270 girls were kidnapped from neighboring borno state and 2014 the kidnappings are part of a wider problem africa's largest economy is in recession but the coronavirus
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pandemic and falling oil prices steep and poverty and the disadvantaged north in the northwest heavily armed men have been kidnapping students and demanding ransoms and in the northeast security forces are struggling to deal with attacks by the armed group boko who roam. is a security analyst and journalist in nigeria he explains why these abductions are becoming more frequent. don't forget that in nigeria there is totally absent absence of look at government administration which has become very difficult for the locals to have anyone to run to another thing here is that there is also porous border surrounding most parts of that area if you look at what is happening internationally like in places like charge in kind everyone especially in southern cameron this countries have not been able to hold the security military onslaught
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for too long to help push back the bandits and that because of the on man border positions we have seen in niger a lot of people have actually come into the country and they guy sort of head and of course that now the new name for that is bandits is that just weeks before that's happened some childless were kidnapped on the roads and the bandits where asking for off 500 media not a ransom what people are saying here is that it's become business for the bandits because governments and individuals have over the time been paying ransom to the bandits when they have been kidnapped it's business making it so difficult for anyone to put a finger on the where this is coming from but the security have moved in which is what people have been saying they should have done before now keep in mind this is
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the style that's been used in to are kidnapped children from schools so one wonders why we haven't actually been proactive instead of reactive every time this happens . the detention of the amal is also the it is said to end on wednesday but there's no sign uncounted she will be freed protesters are increasing pressure on the military to release some gathered in central am gone. because traffic jams to try and get a message across it's called holiday reports. was in a creative move by antic who protesters in young gone many pretend that their cars have broken down in the city center parking in the middle of streets and on bridges an act of civil disobedience to vent their anger at the military for overthrowing the government but also to make it difficult for security forces to move around the city as protesters gather for another day of rallies calls for the broken down car campaign came soon after the internet blackout was lifted at 9 am local time the
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3rd straight nighttime blackout the campaign called off late morning to make way for this thousands of people gathering in the suv late but go to area of yangon right next to city hall. the protest was announced late tuesday after the joint a spokesman said that the military did not stage a coup when it overthrew the civilian government led by on song suchi adding to that news that a 2nd charge has been filed against suchi on the night i'm going to terry told the public that he would appear in court on february 17th but they change it to get media attention we assume that the military has done dishonored purpose so they can fire one more shot against her to sister reason we out on the street again. and those on the streets on tuesday in the southern township of faced rubber bullets and tear gas fired by security forces the protesters gathered to call for the release of a detained school principal who had been taking part in the civil disobedience movement since the coup on february 1st hundreds of people have been arrested. back
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in yangon the punk rock band rebel riot does more than just play music it also fronts the organization food not bombs delivering hundreds of food boxes each week to those in need they've been busy since the coup d'etat. mean more people are in trouble the economy is descending into darkness people cannot sleep at night can't even eat and don't getting threatened but there are people across generations. who have no fear that is why we have to oppose the junk. and more and more people are showing up to show that growing opposition but the judge appears to be ignoring that instead further justifying its takeover and arresting more people who are organizing or even just taking part in the movement to counter its coup. al-jazeera . a rare winter storm across southern u.s. states has left millions of people without power for a day and anger is mounting in the worst affected states texas where the electrical
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grid collapse on the way to freezing temperatures and. reports. blanketed with snow and glazed with ice homes in texas are burning this part of the united states isn't used to freezing the winter storm has created chaos electricity grids have failed leaving millions of people without power in dangerously cold temperatures we've lost power and yesterday morning in the house to start getting real call like around 2 o'clock and then got on the blankets and we try to all sleep together to keep us warm calm to the cars to keep our phones charged and. and then today when we got up there was no water. a family of 4 died in a house fire near houston while using their fireplace to keep warm hospitals have been overwhelmed by hundreds of people suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and hundreds of thousands have been advised to boil water after treatment plants went
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down and it's not just texas that's affected. emergencies have been declared in several states across the central and southern u.s. . the storm brought under snow and tornadoes including one in north carolina that killed several people president joe biden is promising additional emergency resources the extreme weather can be traced to a massive arctic air that's normally near the north pole occasionally the system is disrupted sending freezing temperatures south but it's reported to be happening more often and scientists are looking into whether climate change is to blame events like this highlight the country's vulnerabilities. you're. in the middle east. going to be. investing in resilience measures which you know amazing expensive no. money no longer. the
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governor of texas has called for an investigation into why services failed and for the state's power grid to be improved in the meantime millions will endure another night without power and the cold isn't expected to ease up until the weekend alexandra buyers al-jazeera. let's take a closer look at what caused the power outage in texas plants in texas have been accused of not preparing for extreme low temperatures with operators prioritizing cheap prices of reliable services experts of blame the blackout on frozen instruments of gas coal and nuclear plants decision made in the 1930 s. left most of texas on its own power grid or. the to avoid federal regulation this also means texas can't import electricity from other states during periods of high demand it's not the 1st time the so-called energy capital has suffered from widespread power outage a similar cold snap and 2011 f. 3000000 people without power on a super bowl sunday. is head of oil markets research at
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energy intelligence he joins us live from new york via skype thank you for your time so it seems like there are a number of factors at play in texas that have got the state to this point yeah that's exactly right and your lead up explained it does really well kim you know of course at the heart of this is you know extremely cold weather and simply you know whether that texas was not prepared for man and the system there just couldn't cope and then as you noted the failures kind of came across different power sources rate you had overall you know $45.00 plus gigawatts power capacity that went down well over 30 of them from coal gas nuclear bomb and also wind and other sources were also affected so certainly it was it was kind of a wide spread you know kind of systemic failure that happened you really would sort
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of like conditions but you know it's kind of where we are now we're trying to figure out what to do next and get back to normal over the next couple days what does it take and how much money does it take to prepare the power infrastructure for when to. yeah i mean this is this is a you know this is going to be one of the key questions to be addressed coming out of this because you know i think there are both 'd local questions and no more and national questions to to be answered certainly i think in your lead up you explain that you know the instrumentation the infrastructure in texas was simply just not prepared for this part of this is going to be you know the the amount of money that that's going to be required to do sort of weather eyes you know all of the end to end equipment you know across to provide resources to be ready for you know for this type of weather again i mean and then the 2nd part of this is a more national question which is you know in your intro you also pointed out that
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texas is kind of its own power island right so to have a more interconnected grid to invest in transmission to be able to kind of leaning on all there are regions to to bring in the power if there are shortages or issues that happen you know whether it's in texas or in the east or west kind of power grids across the country i think these are all going to be areas 'd that are going to be need addressed and you know and again we have a new president that just came in and certainly you know one of the key areas of the stimulus the rebuilding that that president biden's focused on is exactly this is a more modern sustainable 'd set of power infrastructure and grid you know to be able to be able to better adjust for these freaky incidents whether it's you know climate or weather related or otherwise you know tied to different energy sources so it's going to take
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a lot of money and it's going to be part of the investment that's going to have to be made you know nationally and locally protections and also it seems to be yet another thing which has exposed racial inequalities the power structure at our local level you see some communities you know black eye. hispanic communities who have been left without power and on the other side white communities who have maintained power and then this you know people saying that you know those black and hispanic guys minority communities are also likely to be the last to have their power restored yeah i mean this is this is the unfortunate reality of this situation and i think it you know in the in sort of the the autopsy report out of this and kind of diagnosing what went wrong and how to fix it going forward part of this is this reinvestment that that's going to have to come to upgrade to modernize you know is also going to you know you need clued you know some of these
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points where you know you need to sort of be able to better in a rational eyes the power to make sure it's going to you know every community not just certain ones and and you know at the expense of others you know being able to you know to do better smart metering in you know if you see something like this potentially coming down the pike in the future to be able to adjust the system you know so that you know power can be shared equitably you know and you know whether it's regional you're across the state or inter-state so these are all going to have to be questions that you know that are answered coming out of this person's thanks so much for a time of a rajendra on their head of oil markets research at energy intelligence thanks for having me. thanks for head on the news all including accused of terrorism a longtime critic of rwanda's president credited for saving hundreds of lives during the genocide goes on trial. and in sports we'll hear from the 2 time and the
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big champion says japan will need luck on that side if the tokyo games are to take place. the u.n. secretary general has called on wealthy nations to lead a global vaccination effort had a swarm to the pandemic will last longer coronavirus is allowed to spread like wildfire in poor countries yet progress on vex you notions has been widely an event and fears just countries ever minister did 75 percent of all covered in $1000.00 vaccines meanwhile more than $130.00 countries have not received a single goal. and those affected by conflict and insecurity are at particular risk of being left behind. the secretary general was speaking at a special meeting of the un security council on diplomatic editor james bass has more. i think there is broad agreement that there is potentially
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a problem going forward that the rich countries are vaccinating people but many other parts of the world are not and you're never going to get rid of code 19 if you have seen it spreading in some parts of the world and potentially mutating and potentially in the future making vaccines not work this meeting was called by the u.k. that's the current president of the security council they are proposing now a resolution to try and call for cease fires in conflict zones around the world to get people in those conflict zones vaccinated the striking statistic came from the secretary general from the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies speaking of the security council meeting less than one percent of covert 1000 banks in so far globally have been administered in the 32 countries currently facing the most severe humanitarian crises the un secretary general is proposing now be an emergency task force set up to come up with a global vaccination plan he's going to give the un's full support to that he
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thinks because finance is needed the best body to do this is the g 20 and he's hoping that the g 7 meeting the 7 most important countries in the g 20 in terms of their economic power can start leading efforts to that end they have a meeting on friday. yet again shop again is the secretary general of the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies he joins us from geneva by skype thank you for your time how concerned are you about the vaccine inequality that we're now seeing around the world. it's very very concerning because it meant some earlier you know $32.00 of the most vulnerable countries have this of less than one percent of the vaccines and it's extremely concerning that you know if we need to get people in one part of the ward but the most political and most marginalized communities in other parts of the wards are not vaccinated it
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would be impossible to stop this bit of the pandemic so we added a very concerted interesting to see that protests is appealing to wealthy nations to protect their own rather than saying hey we need you to help others you know he's kind of saying if we don't get rid of the virus globally it only you take it and you know visit it'll come back perhaps worse than before is that the way to get wealthy nations to come to the table. no i think the wind innocence really have to say they have to be part of the global solidarity this is of course the right thing to do it's morally died but it also makes all the sense to break the chain of transmission. and i think he had we had some global lead mechanic themselves and you know they did that this call back facility which is still is to be funded i think it still needs mon what than 2000000000 dollars and i think once the vaccine is fully funded this is designed to support some of these poor countries in the war
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and i think the that it's a country to stop hoarding the vaccines to fund the callback facilities all of that and provide the funding to arguments unlike ourselves who can actually prepare for this hack since to be delivered what's the what's the call back to start delivering vaccines what is the capital of could be needed to it to the deeds to the arms of the of the population to have to address in many parts of the world is still a mistrust that exists around the vaccine but it's still a lot of cynicism around an axeman so we have to mobilize community. as community workers community level out of an idea sent to prepare the communities to receive the vaccine so passed on the callbacks 2nd stop calling the vaccines then provide the funding to the countries to be led into this if the vaccine we don't have this will not be able to stop this stop the spread of that i mean how full are you that this will actually happen i mean what does history tell us about what happens when poorer nations don't get vaccine look at polio or tuberculosis or malaria. i
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think that history is its big checkered are on this field but the discussion today we had in the un security council was positive i think these are growing the latest on in the in the leadership that we doubted listing this everywhere in the ward it cannot be a blessed one lean that his country is so busy i like this and hopefully we helped push the 7 g. 20 to commit not one to address the spending but also to start investing and preparing for the future pandemic because unfortunately there will be pandemics in the future too. you mentioned earlier but i talk a little bit more about it misinformation distrust of vaccines how much of a problem do you see that globally. i mean this is quite common in many countries we see that in europe we've seen that in the in the u.s. and we also see this in the in many other parts of the ward i mean there is of
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course in some cases that it could be some genuine concerns but in other places it's really been for them it's particularly in the in the source of media all sorts of information being said. not true it's not correct but it you know sometimes when they keep on getting repeated it is task creating the balance in the mind of the people so better organized like mine in what we live millions of volunteers to counter this misinformation and i you know many other americans do the same so why don't we invest in it actually as we invest in quebec city we also have to invest on this ng this vaccine has it in c. and misinformation i have lived there for time thank you so much for your time again there secretary general of the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies. thank you for having me. south africa's president has been vaccinated has the country began its covered 19 inoculation program on wednesday after some delays. also received the johnson and johnson jet which has not been
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approved for a margin so use the single dose vaccine is being given to health care workers as part of a research study earlier this month the government suspended the rollout of astra zeneca but it's going to be. about sedated. growth. what's there to see you with anything that you have that you have. had nothing had happened yet. it's a. straightforward process. you can take this. so that all of these we can all be. gaza has received its 1st 2000 corona virus vaccine doses off to israel approved the shipment delivery of the russian made spot the doses were delayed by israeli authorities on tuesday israel has been heavily criticised for excluding gaza and
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the occupied territories from its rapid vaccine rollout. after a year away children in argentina are back in school classes the very start of the thousands of students and what a sight is and all the provinces strict hygiene rules are in place children must wear masks and get the temperatures checked at the door but it's be to daniel who is in what aside is ok so some schools are reopening how big of a moment is this for the country. well i think it's huge kate i don't think we realized until early this morning when we saw parents walking children to school just how much we've missed in a way i mean it's a very kind of interesting sight the children here at state primary schools where these kind of white coats little bit like doctors coats to school you know holding hands with their parents and seeing that this morning we realize it was a sight we've not seen for over a year the school year starts in march and usually runs through this through to
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december so the school year should have started about the time the pandemic arrived here in south america so a whole school year missed some kids doing classes online but most of them having missed that year especially the smaller children so talking to some of those parents and they were talking about how much how difficult it was in many ways to have missed that year and having to really learn to get back in the habit of coming to school and getting their children ready in the morning of walking them here of picking them up off the woods you can hear the bell probably going in the background now so children about to come out here only here in one of cyrus 10 schools open primary and secondary schools only one 3rd of the pupils coming to school today but as you mention with strict hygiene measures in place temperatures taken at the door everybody wearing masks distance being kept as far as possible so those measured measures in place. a very big moment in the motional moment i think
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for the parents teachers and for many of the children yeah after a year of home schooling i'm sure i'm wondering how difficult has it been for the country to get to the point where it can start to reopen some schools i mean what is the the infection rate like now. well i mean there's been 50000 people who have died from the virus 2000000 people in the country of 45000000 have been infected with the coronavirus vaccination has started here we had a batch of half a 1000000 with astra zeneca doses made in india arriving early this morning but they're still a long way off from backs and eating the whole population so the debate about getting kids back to school is being quite intense things like pupils having to use public transport how safe is that how well ventilated the classrooms similar debates going on around the world but very intense here in one of cyrus some
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parents saying they don't want to send this children back to school or not yet ready yet to discover years starting today or thirty's have deemed it's obligatory for the children to start to come to school so quite how that will play out i mean we're in uncharted territory here in many ways so we'll infections with the children back at school now so lots of questions still to be asked a lot of concerns still but it's still feels as though one hurdle has been overcome and that at least this one 3rd of some classes back in action back at school ok daniel shawn live there and when his side is thank you. the man whose story influence the hollywood film hotel rwanda has gone on trial in the country's capital kigali hauler says a beginner appeared in court all 9 charges including murder armed robbery belong to a terrorist organization he was praised for his role in saving the lives of more than 1000 people during the rwandan genocide but later found out what the government is noirs and family say that he was abducted overseas and brought back
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to rwanda illegally the trial has been adjourned to february 26th catherine's always been monitoring the trial for us from nairobi. the court has just john and the suspect did not take a plea and this is because most of the day the focus was on submissions by the defense and the prosecution about the nationality of our poor says the gonna as well as the company of the high court in rwanda to try he scaife he says that he is not a run the national he says that he belgian and one chief case transpired to belgium caught you also says that he was abducted by government operated in belgium and brought to wonder where he says he is being held hostage and he does not believe that the court is going to give him a fair hearing now the prosecution on that side say that he is a dual both retired are run citizens and that he has never officially revoked he's
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won the nationality through the official legal channels he's have been charged with 9 coul. including model and belonging to a terrorist organization he was in court with 20 others and all these child charges and this trial really centers on the national liberation front which is the armed wing of his opposition party the movement for democratic change the government accuses members of this armed wing of attacking villages and towns in the southwest killing dozens of rundowns and destroying their property still ahead on al jazeera 10 years without gadhafi libyan's marks the anniversary of the revolution that toppled toppled the longtime leader and ended in houston. and for details of a record breaking comeback in the n.b.a. and he's here with that.
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it's all change again in what has been quite well this rather rabia already this stormy weather in the eastern med has produced snow in greece and in turkey this is wednesday's forecast the strong winds rain in northern egypt rain in the levant snow in lebanese manton's jerusalem axis 6 heavy snow in turkey ahead of it is a line east current just see here where you've got suddenly winds coming up to 31 and the northwest is behind which will change the temperature dramatically as that line goes south it's a cold front you get sundays to me you tend to get a bit of sand ahead and possibly a sandstorm behind as wind changes so q.h. 20 might it be accompanied by a bit dust but given the amount of rain probably not then this is nice sunny area
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but still not warm anywhere degrees in jerusalem and then into a for example then a change comes down through bahrain and qatar which turns to the max when change to a northwesterly sunder storms and possibly send with it afterwards more active weather in mozambique not where you want it but they are is quite possibly the receiver of strong winds and rain during wednesday maputo dry air and that of the over mortar circulation starts game which will probably talk back into session sutton mozambique. you shall uncolored all the. ground is so full of dead now this is the only way to do. a course of a minister the king missed. a european judge tasked with imposing nor an order and a trial road testing the nose of
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a newly formed nation. witness. highway on al-jazeera when the news breaks or would be considered the popular support when people need to be heard. and the story told to sort of just this thing with the l.a. riots to start all over with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports we want to give you to be the face that you start not a place for you and al-jazeera has teams on the ground but climate change is changing all about right to bring you more award winning documentaries and life news. the. the you.
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know what you all just there are a reminder of our top stories this hour an unknown number of people are feared kidnapped or missing in nigeria for an armed group attacked a school i just ate several wounded students were taken to hospital. the u.n. secretary general has called on wealthy nations to lead a global vaccination effort and trying to protect us warns the pandemic will last longer of karada virus is allowed to spread like wildfire in poor countries. millions in the u.s. state of texas are without power for a 3rd day as it's electrical grid failed an unusually freezing weather 21 people be killed across the country extreme weather is forecast to continue until the weekend . nato defense ministers are holding their 1st meeting since u.s. president joe biden took office there expected to focus on dangerous missions in iraq and afghanistan says the biden administration reviews the peace deal that donald trump made with the taliban that includes withdrawing troops by may the 1st
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. is in paris for us but 1st let's speak to how did you castro was at the pentagon a high the president biden has always talked about multilateralism so what are we likely to see from the americans at this nato meeting. well ken we know that now there are more than twice as many nato allied troops in afghanistan as there are american troops and certainly those nato allies that are in the virtual leading now with the new u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin are looking to the u.s. to see what the next step may be given trump's sudden move to draw down the number of troops in afghanistan to 2500 now the big question of course from nato and from everyone looking at this is whether or not the u.s. will honor the peace deals commitment to remove all u.s. troops by may 1st we know that the by the ministrations instinct may be to in fact
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honor that commitment that is so far the indication coming from the pentagon after all this is a leader who for decades advocated for a minimal or 0 troop presence of americans in afghanistan and is finally now the president himself with the power to make that happen however of course there is this concern that removing all u.s. troops will only further in bold in the taliban that has acted with more violence too little consequence and not upheld it's part of the peace deal so the options now before the by administration is either comply with the peace deal remove all u.s. troops by may 1st keep them there more likely in a counterterrorism role or have a very slow withdrawal exactly where biden's head is on all of that right now he's keeping that close to his vest but we know that his defense secretary lloyd austin in an article published in the washington post said that today at his 1st virtual
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meeting with the nato foreign ministers defense ministers he said his message to them would be that these allies must decide together and act together drying ally a. different version of how the u.s. has gone about it unilaterally under trump but as far as what time the biden ministre should believes that this troop withdrawal should take place that is still something we are waiting to learn how does your canister at the pentagon thank you that's going to talk about the who is in power. so that was the american afghanistan side of things what else is being said at the nato. was a 2 day video conference and stoltenberg the secretary general of nato said that he wanted to really use the time also to map out if you like the strategy for the alliance over the next 10 years he said that the image of the alliance has been
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some more we can do over the past few years particularly because the u.s. is disengaged in so many ways and he wanted to make sure the nato is once again a reinforced in the eyes of the international community now one of the things that stoltenberg said he would like to try and put in place in the coming years need talks about it he said with nato defense ministers is the idea of sharing the burden the financial burden if you like more equally amongst the nato members so he talks about nato members having to go out there defense budgets and also contributing more to financing things like joint military exercises exercises maritime exercises and that kind of thing saltimbocca said that this seemed to be a more equitable way of moving forward he said that he hoped over the next a day of this virtual conference the defense secretaries would be able to talk about some of the newer challenges facing nato things like climate change which he
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said was key obviously to security and also cyber security he was asked in the briefing after the meeting whether or not defense. ministers have talked about turkey he said that that has not been on the agenda for today turkey of course has had the turkish relationships i should say between turkey and they to certainly been strained over the past few years some saying that turkey's actions in places like the eastern mediterranean haven't been compatible with nato values and you install to both said that although that is the case there was always a very frank and open discussion that was ongoing with turkey a nato member or an attachment of air force in paris thank you. the u.s. develop of justices charged 3 north korean computer programmers for a wide range of global cyber attacks they accuse the hackers of trying to steal more than $1300000000.00 of funds of cryptocurrency from financial institutions and
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companies and a canadian american has pleaded guilty to multiple money laundering schemes links to the north korean hackers from all its calls live to our white house correspondent kimberly who is in washington d.c. kimberly i believe the white house is top security advisor has spoken about all of this what more do we know. well what we know is that the biden administration has built on a series of charges that were put in place in 2018 just to underscore how much of a priority this is to the united states government in fact one of the top officials calling this a criminal syndicate with the flag referring to these state operatives that were working for north korea's military intelligence in addition to the canadian american that assisted in this scheme and as you point out the amount is enormous 1300000000 stolen in cash or cyber cryptocurrency through various means including
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extortion cyber hacking it was a sophisticated scheme and what this tells officials is just how much the same actions that are put in place by the united knighted nations as well as the united states have really had an impact because the amount is certainly significant in terms of the desire by north korea to get its hands on hard currency so these are charges that are again building on what was already in place and do have some connection to that 2014 attack by north korea on sony pictures here in the united states but we know that there have been other attempts as well as not just the extortion methods of the hacking we also know that there have been some spearfishing attempts by these individuals allegedly targeting the state department the pentagon they operated under a number of different names the last a risk group as well as advanced persistent threat so the united states taking this threat very seriously that's why they have handed down and announce these charges.
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in washington d.c. thank you. one of the u.s. conservative media's most influential influential figures has died of cancer rush limbaugh rules a provocative talk show host who used his position to shape republican party politics for more than 3 decades he was known for arguing against liberal ideas and people including calling women famine elsie's and environmentalist whackos after donald trump supported stormed the capitol building on january 6th he compared them to those who fought in america's war of independence trump awarded limbo the presidential medal of freedom last year he was 70 years old. new york state is suing amazon accusing the online sales giant of not doing enough to protect workers during the coronavirus pandemic the case involves 2 warehouses where the state says hamazon failed to provide adequate measures including senate
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sanitization and social distancing the lawsuit also calls for compensation for a worker who was fired after speaking out about the company's safety standards amazon denies any negligence. a former professional baseball player who was once the largest black american mcdonald's franchise operator in the u.s. is suing the company for racial discrimination that washington claims the company is more likely to allow caucasian owners to buy franchises in wealthier communities than african-americans washington says those practices at the world's largest restaurant chain have led to massive sales gaps between black owned franchises and those run by white americans or donald's denies the allegations. libyans are marking the 10th anniversary of the start of the revolution that toppled leader moammar gadhafi crowds are gathering in the country's 2nd largest city benghazi as well as tripoli is martin square the revolution sparked fighting between gadhafi forces and libyan rebels but earlier this month rival factions
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agreed to an interim unity government until elections in december. the united nations says it offensive by yemen's who the rebels to take not the northern city of mahdi threatens to displace hundreds of thousands of people washington is calling on the who are these to return to international negotiations to end the country's 6 year war for me reports. aid workers can't put tents up quickly enough that this newly created camp for internally displaced people on the outskirts of. the is this oil rich area was a refuge for people escaping the fighting in other parts of yemen but the heat these are now trying to seize the city the internationally recognized government's last stronghold in the north there are $125.00 i.d.p. camps around in recent days 4 have come under attack. i was displaced and arrived at camp 5 years ago it was very basic there and
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suddenly there was a hood and we left everything behind and came here. we were displaced from on run we were in hours or come for 4 years but due to the fighting in various attacks we moved to a camp in mara. the u.n. says an assault on the city would force hundreds of thousands of people to leave aid workers who are already struggling to cope say they aren't prepared for a large influx of new arrivals. over the past 2 days we've received many displaced people who were forced to leave camps including els who are hundreds have arrived here some stayed others were moved to different camps they are staying in the open air under the open sea. and as you can see they lack basic essentials. the united states has called on the these to stop their advance. and washington special envoy to yemen says he's using back channels to get the these to return to
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international negotiations. these have accused the yemeni government of being the aggressor is if diplomacy fails the u.n. is warning of unimaginable humanitarian consequences victoria gate to be al jazeera cambodia's government has unveiled plans to set up a fire wall similar to china to control and monitor online traffic officials say they want to maintain social order and protect national security critics are calling the move a violation of democratic freedoms minister hun sen's government has stepped up its crackdown on dissent in recent years banning the main opposition party ad arresting dozens of its members. flooding disaster caused by a gracie a collapse in northern india is raising concerns about the impact of large infrastructure projects in the himalayan mountains at least 58 people were killed elizabeth prada reports from a threatened state. the himalayas is
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the highest mountain range in the world renowned for its majestic cliffs and breathtaking beauty but it's now under threat more than ever before from warming temperatures and development projects scientists say february's flash flood was caused by an ice sheet for an awful place here on india's 2nd highest peak the number they've the mountain. dozens of bodies have been recovered and an estimated 150 people are still missing. environmental activists say they've fought against the building of hydroelectric power plants of the number they've been national park for decades it's not sensitive we're being told that our troops to the area will hurt its flora and fauna but those rules don't apply when they use explosives which shake the entire valley today we're witnessing the results of their projects which have led to hundreds of deaths. and it's not just dabs and power plants which environmentalist say opposing the threat to the region and 2016 promised in the day
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the more he began a road expansion project in the truck and to make it easier for pilgrims to visit some of hindu isms holiest sites a 900 kilometer void through the mountains is being widened without a proper assessment of the environmental impact maybe $700.00 hectares of forest land have been lost to the project more than $47000.00 trees have been felled and the natural drainage of streams and springs blocked by the dumping of muck. scientists ravi chopra's says the breaking up of the mountain is leading to more than slides which is threatening lives and entire villages in many places where the slope was reconned there are. cracks in the sections of villages that. really live in that any time. i was in the village with its like. the government says it
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needs electricity and new roads. the world's hindus want to go to the 4 holy sites is the faith and belief we have to ensure not to harm the environment by carrying on with the development we also share a border with china and some see it all shouldn't be built the more it will happen . but environmentalist say the balance is tipping too heavily in favor of development one 3rd of the himalayas casey is expected to melt by the end of the century because of climate change people here say they are already paying the highest price elizabeth pradhan algis iraq. and. ford is planning a $1000000000.00 upgrade to its german assembly plant as the company moves towards electric only casals in europe the investment will transform the factory in cologne where ford's 1st all electric passenger vehicles will be rolled out in the next few years the call michael wants to make its entire european range electric by 2030.
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i used to be a jewel in donald trump's business empire and though his atlanta city casino is rubble. the atlanta city mayor says the building was blighted and it was that not politics that meant it had to come down in its heyday in the 980 s. movie stars athletes and rock stars used to party at the trump plaza casino the former president lost control of the property of bankruptcy in 2009 by the time it closed in 2014 that was the poorest performing casino in atlantic city. still ahead on al-jazeera and sports a day of upset said he is trying to get open as the hunt favorites well number one because the shock defeat.
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it's time for sports has andy thank you so much came over offended els bits when it's 21st grand slam title is all given a dollar's been knocks out of the australian open by stuff in a sits a pass of greece it wasn't the only upset in melbourne a cellmark reports. it's been a day of shocks at the australian open rafael nadal looked to be on course for the semifinals taking the 1st 2 sets as he faced 5th seed stefana seeded to pass the greek however with stage one of the fight banks of the tournament sits a pass pulled one set back via tie break before winning the 4th 64 to level things
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that 2 sets all. and then after more than 4 hours on court of the 22 year old pulled off the unthinkable winning the decider $75.00 to book a showdown with danny medvedev in the last 4. city i'm speechless have no words to describe we're just happen on board. my tennis because of herself. danielle medvedev booked his spot in the men's semi's with a straight sets victory over russian compadre it on live. medvedev has never won a major before but he's looking an ominous form the 25 year old has only been taken beyond 3 sets once this year's tournament. women's world number one australia's ashley barty is probably asking herself how things went so horribly wrong in melbourne having won the 1st set against 25th seed carolyn over 61 she
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looked on course for the semifinals. but things went steadily downhill she lost the 2nd 63 with her opponent taking a medical timeout to during the sit. party looked a shadow over the player that dominated early on she finished with $37.00 unforced errors losing the decide to $62.00 to crash out of her home grand slam the sun will come up tomorrow where we go about our work again you're either winning or you're learning and i think today is a massive learning curve so may 22nd seed jennifer brady is into the last 4 after beating fellow american jessica in 3 sets. she now goes on to face barty's conquer over with the much set to be played with fans as melbourne's coronavirus lockdown is set to be over by then so will malik al-jazeera. now in the
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caucuses say the roll out of the carpet 19 vaccine in japan is another positive sign the tokyo games will take place this year much of the japanese public remain skeptical about hosting the event 80 percent of those polled in a recent survey were in favor of cancellation or another perspire moments international olympic committee is still hoping many athletes will have been vaccinated by the time the game starts in july we have asked the national limpy committees to look at the situation in their countries to approach there are relevant or 3 season while obviously respecting fully the order of priority that are established by the governments but to ensure that there is an information whether the delegations could be part of vaccination prior to the games or not well to examine the picture on champion out of the brownies hoping to get one last shot at winning a medal at the games the 32 year old briton i sang organizes needs some fortune to
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go their way if these olympics are to go ahead as planned i don't think it be right to call it off now you know i think. we're not adding authorities in tokyo doing absolutely right they now have the well when eyes like it's on and keep going keep going in we're hopefully you know hopefully they've got a they're going to have a bit of a look i guess what i'm saying is unfortunately there is a little bit look at meriton that they need. now the brooklyn nets pulled off a record breaking comeback to be the phoenix suns $128124.00 that sort of couple of key players missing kevin durant's and careering both out with injury instead left james holmes who inspired the biggest halftime comeback in the history of the franchise as they recovered from a 21 point deficit in the game. so now the head coach the england cricket team has apologised to all random aaron ali after his departure from the sort of india marina said to miss the final suits us the series in an interview given on tuesday it was suggested he chosen salif england they were
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giving many of their players spells at home to give them a break from the fire secure bubbles that have been brought in so minimise the risk of coronavirus the series now level at 11 it was a unique situation with more expensive i mean are not into it. and i would just drop back into that see. the questions posed to you know me so we'll try and work as. a measure to get the best look at units as well as looking out. so it was asked but ultimately we felt it was the right incident. and south african batsman 52 pussy has retired from test cricket the 36 year old former camps and says he wants to focus his attention on see twenty's with the world cup coming up later on this year there's another one next year as well he scored 10 so centuries averaging just over 40 ok that is it from a phenomenal lights are on. the attic. and that's it for me came the now of this
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news hour but neve barca in london will be with you in just a few minutes time to do stay with us. jumped into the story there is a lot going on in this and julian global community when i talk about the misinformation i think we don't want to feed than we are aware be part of the debate don't ever take anybody's one word because there's always a difference when no topic is off the table we have been disconnected from our land we have been disconnected from who we are good enough to keep the new and be part
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of today's discussion this streamed on out is there. to say just sit and it's time for a different approach one that is going to challenge the way you think on asking the questions now always a new host on the next season of the show that's got no space for sound bites only top of the list leave simplicity to the headlines join me as i take on the lies dismantle the misconceptions and debate the contradiction. marc lamont hill and it's time to get up front right here on al jazeera. ahmed now moved out of his parents' house after he got to me he says he found more space living in biscayne after a run of eating it last year it's now his home along with his wife to tour and all but the israeli government said that he was to be constructed we've gotten permits and issued as a militia and ordered last month our interview with cut short as he hears that the
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israeli army has arrived in the village with a bulldozer residents say soldiers gave them one minute to go home it took the found me months to build their brick and dust than an hour to see it get demolished . gunman attack another school in northern nigeria abducting students staff and their families or than 200 i'm missing. a me baka this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. protestors in myanmar stage a broken down car protesting their latest act of civil disobedience against the military.
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