tv The Stream Al Jazeera February 18, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm +03
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the most advanced rover nasa ever sent to mars is due to land on the red planet in just over an hour from now perseverance left earth nearly 7 months ago and has traveled 300000000 miles in its bid to search for traces of life the rover is carrying a range of instruments it will use to analyze rocks if successful the mission which cost nearly $3000000000.00 would mark the 9th craft to successfully land on masts. the top stories here on al-jazeera the u.n. is warning that millions of people as well as animals and plants species are a grave risk from climate change report identifies 3 main threats warming climates decreasing biodiversity and diseases caused by pollution the u.n. secretary general used the report to appeal to world leaders to make a commitment to fight climate change we need to make these correlations truly
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global and to as formative if for the opted by every country see the financial institution and company on the world's global coalition for carbon it's only about 20 feet he can still prevent the words the impacts of climate change but we cannot be late we are running out of time to meet temperature rise to $1.00 that he sells use and build resilience to the impacts that come and they also need equal urgency and then be shared with us so we produce all foods and manage our water landing in the oceans. the u.n. special envoy for yemen is calling for a halt to hooty attacks on the city of mara dozens of people have been killed in the intensified efforts to seize the government stronghold threatening to displace hundreds of thousands of people but the un's envoy says peace in yemen is still attainable. mechanisms can be agreed upon what is needed is simply and fundamentally the political world and this conflict we
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need a decision and agreement on these issues would offer you have it is a break from the lives of cycles of violence it would facilitate movements of people and birds more nato troops are said to head to iraq while the alliances defense ministers are yet to decide whether or not to withdraw forces from afghanistan the alliance is waiting on a decision u.s. president joe biden on whether to stick to a trump era deal made with the taliban to withdraw american forces. so bob away has joined just a houseful of african nations and launching a covert 19 vaccination drive as the constant reaches at least 100000 deaths from the disease a wave of infections overwhelming hospitals across africa is believed to be driven by the holly transpersonal south africa variant those are the top stories stay with us the stream is next.
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after me ok today the stream team will be bringing you stories from 3 different countries from lebanon from ethiopia and from the united states it will be a thoughtless moving show if you've got comments or questions for i guess get to it jump into the comments section in iti can be part of this discussion we started in lebanon you may remember 6 months ago a huge blast at the beirut airport 200 people more than 200 people were killed thousands injured it so 6 months on house recovery rebuilding who's responsible
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for this disaster questions that we asked citizens in lebanon and this is not a total. more of them along with that thousands of individual a sense of absence or are all suffering from p.t.s.d. really loved ones crimes somebody who can't even imagine they were going down. not just as. but one thing is for sure. we will never forget. for justice and all of that will forever be alive why was. the survivors of the votes. to do it now reach more than 135000 people affected by the blast as we move relief to recovery thier refurbishing term its primary health care clinics and providing mental health services progress in disorders such as anxiety
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depression and 1st dramatic stress disorder. common is joining us to explain more about what's been going on in beirut in the last 6 knots if anything has been going on in beirut in the last 6 months come good to see you introduce yourself to. tell them who are and what. can we thank you so much for us ing us and for giving me on this base your show this is not only a story this is a global story it is about citizens don't live in the midst of connected corrupt government and dissent and sectarian driven this is a story of survivor this is a story of networks of sort of energy that came together and decided to get better and we know how to get better and we are able to deliver in terms of people's health and well being and vitamin explosion was the epitome of what happens. when you meet people who are going to these are wards don't understand the logic of
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development they don't understand the logic of the quote if you don't see the logic of human rights and then decided to look further at the same time this is a story if i have her story of multiple people coming together to say you know i want to live better and we are ready to the liver are honest so this is what let i mean i'm talking to you now i was young and the midst of the middle of this desk when the explosion happened and here i am in the exam house my. later extraordinary coming out i'm looking here at a headline from human rights watch lebanon floor domestic blast investigation just been screwed up here just to remind people some of the images that became very familiar to us august 2020 this investigation what is happening what if the citizens of lebanon found out so far. the problem is that we have been allies 30 years later it is that the same rulers that need more economic
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. logic and their expectations and their model of governance has nothing to do in the 21st century 21st century that's area and that is. science and math and jobs and women and these things but why our government. then the thought 30 years ago and then to say they're going to govern within the same not to have nothing to offer for our young people for our parents brothers or vibrancy. so how did it i was saying then that your then your politicians that the that the equal judicial system is not capable of pointing out who was responsible for the beirut last. there is an extreme distrust in and delicious a stand that is not descended into the system is not capable but the people have major this trust and terms of all of that unity and and the full civil war period
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in terms of people. explosions that happened that ever indicate that there is a major this trust and there is also a major. divide between what young people desire to see terms of their country in terms of. equal rights investment and terms of what the country has to offer and you know by the end the right mind to graduate the money of. this and manger and the other stuff. and the old century oh forget it all represent then and this also connects with good leases in absenting that gannett's that what what the what was the governance system in the last 100 years also govern a system for the next few fusion of us. are going to destroy the not find themselves able to offer solutions for the next 100 years let's talk practically thank you saying you a city in our office 6 months ago i wondering what the rest of beirut looks like.
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it's a comment that we got from a citizen who explains what the building what looks like what the reconstruction looks like have a listen to this common link come of the back it's. due to there is a construction site and that is the holding the intention to very few options is the very much a hearse in a night especially when there are no words done on large scale structures such as a morgue or high rises and soon there are no more ominous treatment you can feel and see and prove and then be considered residents of these areas are going through their trial on the basis of honest reply her long history of us a long time so a lot of them move a lot of them will never. sun has a rebuilding going. the lebanon is held hostage and the survivors of 8 say the same thing that everybody in beirut says we are living with our
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oppressors we see that pictures on t.v. they get to go on bottles they are exudes their children study abroad begin date for life because you become acquirement down and never know you are like we are they think with all rapists living as a survivor of violence structure violence continue to be the power brokers and don'ts of our system our banking sector our employment our jobs it is garbage on the street we are living with our assassins and we have to accept them because they were able to secure a banjo is he an ornament and that is. told. coming what we ever find out who was responsible for the beirut blast will you ever think i doubt it's not it's not the point that it's not important that's not important what is important is that people and it would like people it every part of the world
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deserve to live better and we know how to live better there was not isn't for expose. the you're not pleased it's near schools and hospitals and universities and mosques and churches there was no reason for that this is a safety issue and this is a human rights issue and not in the service of live news expose this and get for the well being and lives of their children and that is to fight to head this systems that are fair and same for everybody and that may cross a banner for everybody that is not let me say why not just start over night come and. it's obvious from this conversation we had and to be honest every conversation we have about the evidence it's always about the politicians and always about the ticks common thank you for helping us today get up to date with what's been happening for the beirut port investigation appreciate you we move now to ethiopia where some journey south printing is increasingly difficult to report on stories and news inside the country. and europe is in the
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press and engines of journalists there was already hired due to its being the demand for credible information and use unsatisfied and easily exploitable by your responsible unreliable source from your sources of accountability have been given free rein to disseminate baseless allegations rumors only speech and in addition to this a lot of journalists are scrutinizing ice and environment rape for the worldwide war and ask crime where state abuses to thrive unperturbed. and i will get to see thanks for joining us to help us understand unpack some of the experience happening in ethiopia right now will say hi to ellie tell them who you are and what you did. good evening i mean thank you my name is william davis a and i'm a senior analyst for international crisis group for egypt good also have
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a history of working as a foreign correspondent based in. you are so used to following stories that come out of ethiopia reporting on stories from ethiopia how would you characterize the relationship between the current administration and journalists right now. and certainly one that is strained i think. i think you know with this new administration came to power in 2018. after sort of 3 years of protests in ethiopia and that was sort of seen as a spring time in ethiopia lots of promises of democratic reform and one of the things that people were hoping for is that the some previous destructions on the press that we saw would be eased so in the past we've seen so jailing of journalists and all sorts of harassment of the press and there was this hope that
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this would be a new era and the certainly has been some positive achievements as with many parts of this transition some journalists who were previously exiled returned some new media sprung up but really if this is the unit you know troubled transition as you yourself have covered on this program and as the politics as dots are nastier and nastier and these various sort of power struggles have emerged during this sort of this this political opening we've seen unfortunately we've also seen something of a regression to these sort of plant downs on freedom of expression that has resulted in quite a fearful atmosphere for the press and so something to return. to these sort of your to the to what was experienced over the last decade or so so it's good context to understand our conversation right now and understand the difficulty of getting the information and valid information i want to go back to our summer and a to go and around the back to the school crutcher new desk he was
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a roman activists famous aroma musician since his murder there have been tensions present on its government can and its government and its a romance why is that putting a where we are today. the killing of a child. who was primarily a singer but you're a singer who saw that some resistance alliterations songs from for the ormeau at times that was just a huge blow to the horrible people. there's all sorts of murkiness around his death your people are on trial for it it's blamed on or i'm a rebels but that is really accepted by a large proportion of people in our media. immediately arthur her charlie's death we saw mass protests they lead to violence and then there was this big crackdown
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on the r m o opposition so there's a sort of double whammy really for the aura mo or mo nationalist movement or the r m o opposition on the one hand that hero or child who was assassinated and then subsequently their leaders were also jailed as a result of these violent protests so the situation has by no means really significantly improved since then if any think the what was previously a very vigorous protest movement of really was a major factor in bringing political change in ethiopia and bringing prime minister arguments power in 2013 it's been relatively quiet since july but now we are seeing stirrings of the new resistance there is an ongoing hunger strike about to enter its 4th week by some of those most well known r m o political leaders that has catalyze protests in our amir so although we see
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nothing like the disturbances that we saw 5 years ago 4 years ago that again you know catalyzed it's good change in the there was thought to be a great deal of resentment brewing up about the job leaders about the assassination and also about what is seen as the sort of broader betrayal of that or a moment. where they felt like they brought this government and then the government did nothing to really recognize their demands and just one final point femi we have an election coming up in june and today are sort of warnings one of these major arm opposition parties formally said. that it was not going to participate in the elections that could also trigger a renewed tensions protests unrest in the run up to the election. well i don't do this very often during the stream but i want to show you my notifications because my extended ethiopia to it's a family and i say family in the media being an online family have taken over my
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notifications i only had to get notifications from ethiopians lobbying campaigning talking about hunger strikes a few weeks ago it was about the tea guy conflict now it is all about political prisoners how do you put what i'm saying and i know a lot of other journalists who cover it ethiopia are seeing in terms of this campaign this lobby in the context of what is really happening on the ground. but i think is a crisis saying you know that we have this very constrained media environment in ethiopia's i was explaining that something of a lapse into repression and i think that leads to increased intensity in terms of social media activism. as we all know you know twitter is something of an elite game but you know politics is to a large degree about those elites struggles isn't it and i think you know certainly
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with the with it's a great crisis i think online activism is playing a major role in terms of trying to get you know fragments of information out of to gray where there is such restrictions on the flow of information and journalism and then i think as we've seen in the past you know these spaces can also be very useful for a more activist in the past facebook be the place where protests were organized and information was disseminated and now we see more of these sort of twitter based campaigns perhaps trying to raise awareness of what is going on in our america so i think you know that we do have this problem of a light not really being shown on a lot of ethiopia's problems and so these online spaces are places people go to try and do that and obviously that intensifies as political tensions increase and that is very much the case in our bio right now with this ongoing hunger strike. we'll
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decent 20 so much for joining us and really unpacking some of the political sense of the news that's coming out of ethiopia right now we appreciate your time and the fame. thank you very much. we move now to the united states in a very disturbing statistics about health care workers so we all know that coverage 19 has been impacting health care workers because they're leeching they were on the front line but typically nurses but the biggest necessity and in america discovered recently from a study that so t. percent of all covert related deaths relating to nurses happened to filipino nurses why would that previous high statistic is only just about 4 percent of nurses in the american system come from the philippines or half of the peano heritage this is something that we really wanted to find out and we asked alexander idea to help us. these debts are being driven by doctors that 3 years
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prior to the pandemic have consistently failed to be addressed so this includes things like the history of us colonial dynamics stoush in the philippines that led to nurses exports in today's world disproportionate working from my care settings and thus increase exposure cove it but then also deal systems that you know prevent us from actually having insight into many health issues faced by filipinos themselves so the only way to really move forward here is to address these underlying issues including the gaps in data that really bred us from being able to identify when these issues are happening in real time. a little that this is some kind of the some many kumi strain that how it help us unpack it is jennifer jennifer thank you for joining us on the street can you tell our audience here and what you did. i thanks for having me i am an assistant professor in brown university and i'm a co-founder and co-director of
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a filipino health initiative at our school of public health. what did you think when you 1st saw that the number cities statistics of how many for the peano nurses had died coronavirus. i mean it's absolutely devastating and this is both personal and professional for me i'm a daughter of a filipino nurse my relatives are nurses around the country as well as in other parts of the world so it's absolutely devastating i mean we're really underscore is that is that the invisibility of filipino nurses i'm in the u.s. health care industry that we don't hear about the dispersant number of filipino nurses that are part of the labor force they are our research is showing that they're on the front lines who they're in the i.c.u. use they're in the emergency rooms they're working in nursing homes and caring for some our force vulnerable populations but they themselves are gone or of all and we don't hear about them they've been here for it's not just recently filipino nurses
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have been in the united states for decades and some a cabinet is in a choice where she wrote the 1st book on the history of filipino nurses here in the united states we find that nurses filipino nurses who've been here for almost 100 years working in our health care system and so this statistic is to hoping to center the contributions that they have made to the u.s. health care system today to date and end the devastating. death tolls i mean speaks to their vulnerability speaks to them being on the front lines and it's about time we recognize their labor. i'm looking at the report that we've built the statistics about the filipino nurses and its citizens of a mission how common it is to try having 1000 data if you like to listen 700 health care workers desk and jeopardize public health still in that same phone home situation in the united states. yes definitely i mean that as
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a recent report they're still showing how devastating the hospital the devastating the toll is on hospital settings and so we're we're still seeing. the numbers of coded impacting hospital settings nursing homes and then so what i really want to point out particularly is that for proof decades he's been in the on the front lines working in these in these spaces but historically we don't talk about filipino nurses in the sense of when they get a literature of you a lot of the you know phobia that still exists around this population of workers where a lot of the research often in a nursing journals as well as in public health journals and more focused on the pill the question in the quality of care filipino nurses provide questioning whether they're taking the jobs away from other nurses in this country with out and again focusing and big bringing context to the u.s.
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and for being colonial history that actually brought them here to the united states filipino nurses were recruited to work in hospitals and nursing homes that were particularly located in urban and rural settings where they had huge shortages of labor and so filipino nurses were filling in the gaps in caring for some of our most vulnerable and sickest populations yet again and they're doing it now during a time of coded but they've also been on the front lines of the hiv crisis and other crises that we have faced in this country and courageous and is going to bear is the truth around that and the. just the sacrifices they have made them throughout the years. some of our comment is on you she was saying that they haven't heard about this statistic of the nurses and they're really surprised to hear that to hear this story on the stream right now is something that's really
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important that i want to do and not just talk about the problem but also talk about then what did you do about it earlier we spoke to katherine and this was her suggestion as her listen. there are several things we can to help the situation 1st we should bring the filipino nurse leaders in the united states to the policy table 2nd we should disagree data so that researchers can investigate why this is happening in the 21st century and there we should increase of visibility of filipino nurses in american culture so that americans have a better understanding and appreciation for the work of filipino nurses who are risking their lives in order to save us in the final minutes of our conversation jennifer i just want to do this which is really important which is share a tribute gallery to some of the amazing health care workers. he's been lost in the
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past. and as i scroll through these faces the. members what do you want to do with the sense of nation what should we be doing now i mean even seeing these faces here it's really devastating to see these pictures and so we we can own longer be invisible we can no longer you cannot take filipino nurses for granted anymore i do feel that for a hit for new years and decades we've taken for granted the labor that they've provided for this country the sacrifices they made and we you know catherine is exactly right we need to desegregate data so when we think about asian americans and health we often make we have this stereotype that asian americans are have much better health outcomes and white americans and when she desegregate the data it simply isn't true peano's are facing some of the worst health outcomes and so one of the major findings and for our team around as well as i recall you know the
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partnership with out with aspirants into this in a choice over at berkeley is that we're finding that the look you know health paradox right is that those are just proportionately in the front lines of health care providing care to some of our most vulnerable populations and are also are part of the labor unions and our leaders have leverage and it's not just. average yes they're not just advocating for the rights of filipinos but now they're also some of the sickest populations in our country and so that we're going to eventually. thank you for joining us thank you to show an unreported story that we should know more about thank you very much indeed thank you for watching and listening explain this to.
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a place a black hawk to our world social life where intellectuals artists and activists me where i could be a spark and history is made. from america to our viewers to have brought a world tells the story of 4 iconic cafes and their old arab societies as models of creativity debates the 2nd secret soviet era cafe on a. challenge because of all there is. corruption is so good now in syria the world waited for. a course of a minister a keenest. a european judge tasked with imposing nor an order and
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a trial road testing the nose of a newly formed nation. witness. a highway on out 0. if you want to help save the world. sneeze and hero. barca in london the top stories on al-jazeera the un is warning that millions of people as well as animal and plant species are a grave risk risk from climate change report identifies 3 main threats warming climates to creasing biodiversity and diseases caused by pollution the u.n. secretary general use the report to appeal to world leaders to make a commitment to fight climate change we need to make these correlations truly global and to as formative if for the uk to buy everything.
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