tv News Al Jazeera February 19, 2021 6:00am-6:30am +03
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i'll just. another ebola outbreak in guinea put several countries further on the edge of the coronavirus. hello i'm daryn jordan this is out as iraq live from go also coming up. before too long we have been waging this senseless and suicidal war on age sounding the alarm again the u.n. says countries must tackle climate change to prevent food insecurity and the death of biodiversity. the world gets a glimpse at new pictures of mars sent back from nasa's perseverance rose
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a. storm continues to brew in the u.s. state of texas with families are still out of power following the unusually freezing weather. we begin with the reemergence of ebola on the african continent $11000.00 vaccinations are now heading to guinea with the aim of stopping an uncontrolled spread of the disease on top of the corona virus pandemic the world health organization has called for 6 african countries to go on high alert well this is where the cases are emerging in the south of the country as nicholas hytner reports 1st. in guinea's for east region the epicenter of the new bull outbreak at the regional health center un health workers dispatch from clinic to treat the patients in isolation among them is nurse lucy how about husband it is in this home
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. where nurse lucy suffered from a fever vomiting and diarrhea a week later she died in hospital health workers were unaware that she had constructed a bulla during her funeral relatives and friends hugged her body contracting the virus but not her uncle dr luau who kept his distance he says he alerted authorities because he sensed her death was more than simply a personal tragedy. to see who was treating her grandmother who had a fever and was reading from a nose and everywhere tried to get blood clotting medicine from the main town eventually the grandmother died and nurse. security forces stop and search vehicles in an attempt to trace close contacts and check for temperatures isolating those that appear ill guinea is on high alert people are scared haunted by the previous epidemic in 2015 over 11000 people died in
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22000 were infected across guinea sirrah leone in liberia a bull that was contained thanks to the development of a new vaccine. but the 350000 doses distributed then expired last december the un says new vaccines are on their way we are shipped into the $11000.00 this. vaccine and this is the achievement at least for 1st time in guinea we are having a vaccine not the beginning of outbreak to control this our break within the population vaccine alone will not stop a virus harbored in nature by bats and primates the resurgence of a bull and brings more questions than answers with scientists still trying to understand why a forest region is again the center of the outbreak nicholas hawk al-jazeera
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well let's bring in dr martin slots why are davis she's an infectious disease physician at washington university school of medicine and joins us via skype from st louis missouri dr davis great to have you with us here on al-jazeera not many people thought it had been contained because of the development of this new vaccine so how significant do you think this latest outbreak is given that guinea again is the epicenter. it's very significant i mean we know where we are right now there and we're in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and this is hitting countries that are most vulnerable these are countries where infrastructure is challenging where resources are way more difficult than we are privileged to have here and who quite frankly can not afford to be impact of something as devastating as a bowler has been so i absolutely agree with the level of attention this is getting and absolutely supports the fact that we should be doing everything we can to
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contain this and to support the countries affected yeah and the u.n. says something like 35000 new vaccines are on the way but there is there a worry dr davis now that the new vaccine may be fighting a mutated strain of a boner and as you say all this on top of the covert 19 pandemic. you know there is a worry because all of our resources have been shifted to dealing with cove it and so do we have we had enough time to look into the efficacy of these vaccines i'm sure that's a concern to many people but what we need to understand is vaccines even in the absence of knowing exactly how they work with mutations which is what we're dealing with right now right we have some strains in development that are worrisome but for the most part we know that if we can get a good uptake of vaccine that we can have a positive impact on what's happening in that isn't also true of ebola there's other things that we need to focus on though you know contact tracing because data drives policy data drives action and the ability to have effective people i don't
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think i forgot man sure you haven't either did devastating pictures when we were here a couple years ago of people washing gloves in u.e. using them this cannot happen we have the lessons from before we have the time to implement them let's do that now in countries that are already have scarce resources because of the impact of cove it and that's an important point to make because is there a sense then that the bone of vaccine alone will not stop the virus in africa because it's found naturally in bats and primates like monkeys anyway you're asking all the right questions a vaccine along will not do it this has to be completely comprehensive public health response with preventative measures and containment strategies and the vaccine this has to be thought of as a tool box you don't just deal with one to all those tools have to be used together for this to be contained this has to happen now and i'm so glad to see the w.h.o. pay attention let me get a final thought from you dr davis i mean covered 19 and
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a boner are of course 2 very different viruses but other lessons to be learned from how quickly the world reacted to contain coronavirus that could be applied to the fight against a resurgent a boner. absolutely i mean i think we can even add to that how we responded to me below when it initially was there i don't think there was as swift ever response in some cases because of undermining and not really respected right how destructive it was i believe with colvin we've learned better in most places at least and this has to be applied here because you're dealing with 2 viruses at the same time very very dangerous viruses time is of the essence and time could literally be the difference between life and death dr martin starts where davis great to get your thoughts are not as they were thank you very much indeed thanks
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for having me down now the u.n. secretary general says nations of the world are failing to meet their own climate change targets and putting humanity's future at risk and has appealed to world leaders to make a renewed commitment to fight climate change and call for urgent global action. really to make these correlation truly global and turns formative for the opted by every country seat the financial institution and company on the world's global coalition for governor of the idea by 25 you can still prevent the words the impacts of climate change but we cannot delay we are running out of time to leave the temperature rise to $1.00 these cells use and build resilience to the impacts to come. and they also need equal urgency and ambition to address all we produce all foods and manage our water land and the oceans. well the terror spoke after the release of a un and vironment report outlining a triple threat 1st the world is set to warm by at least 3 degrees celsius by the
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end of the century shooting past the 2 degrees target for the paris accords secondly biodiversity targets are not being met leaving more than a 1000000 of the world's plant and animal species at a high risk of extinction and 9000000 people die prematurely every year from diseases caused by pollution affecting developing nations the most but bernard smith has more on what's at stake. for a decade the lakes of kenya's rift valley have been rising swallowing up land and villages destroying communities deforestation is to blame soil once held in place by trees is washed down from the mountains by the rain silting up the lakes below stopping them from draining. in a report called making peace with nature the u.n. environment program says we need on bishop's global coordination to make the use of land and oceans sustainable there are vested interests a stop in action we have subsidies for agriculture and for energy for fossil
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fuels a perverse way it carries the use of fossil fuels that encourage the use of bad of agricultural practices so there were many people around the world trying to repeat governments thought it said civil actions to get into the report says that none of the global goals for the protection of life on earth have been met deforestation and overfishing continues a 1000000 species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction and there is much to be done to reduce and water pollution if we can get the business community so what with governments around the world i'm not so basic we can start to move in the right direction and i think most governments do realize that climate shades it is actually i firstly if it's a through security or sister curacy schuman health poverty alleviation without action the world is on track to warm 3 degrees above pre-industrial levels by the
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year 2100 so missing the paris agreement target of well below 2 degrees and like the people of the rift valley the un says it's the world's poorest in developing countries but suffer the worst consequences of climate change bernard smith. now says later as miles around that has touched down successfully cold perseverance since traveled 417000000 kilometers from space to help us find out if life ever existed on the red planet runnels reports by space scientists erupted in cheers when perseverance landed safely on mars it was the culmination of an action packed nail biting 7 minute landing sequence. first the spacecraft entered mars orbit then its entry capsule raced into the martian atmosphere at 19000 kilometers per hour. the craft then deployed a large parachute to slow its approach to the target zone. slowing down the
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craft fired thrusters to hover just above the surface then deployed a crane to lower the rover gently downwards i can confirm jack. began picking up the end of. the complex and delicate operation went off without a hitch moments later perseverance beamed back images a barren landscape studded with boulders congratulations our savior pain and our own name that's not years well excellent it's the most ambitious and far reaching mission to the red planet the rover is primary goal to search for signs that microbial life may have existed on mars billions of years ago we can go somewhere in our solar system you know in our backyard and see signs of life in the and away
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on another planet that could tell us that life is incredibly common and gives us a great shot of central you know finding more complex or even intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. perseverance is landing spot is just 0 crater which was once likely a large water filled lake a prime spot for traces of long ago life imagine you know an ancient microbial net microbial that was growing along the shoreline of a lake and cement it in a rock and leave behind those kind of biological exteriors if we see things like that associated with organics that would be an absolutely fantastic ride that would be probably the best they were look for on mars perseveres will also take samples of martian soil and rock. those samples will be stored securely inside the rover and we're going to add a sleek like it for a future mission to grab it back to earth. finally perseverance brought along a helicopter drone called ingenuity which scientists hope will be able to fly
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a short distances proving that flight is possible in the extremely thin martian atmosphere with its dramatic landing done perseverance is mission will last one martian year or $687.00 earth days the knowledge it acquires for humanity will last forever rob reynolds al-jazeera los angeles lots more to come here now to say we're including we look at how we're to shortages are causing problems for farmers on the natural habitat going. on the u.s. government unveils a new immigration policy for them to citizenship for undocumented migrants more in that state's. it is not unusual to find small boats found boats in louisiana it is unusual to see
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them doing this being used almost no and yes that is one of the sudden stays but you know how cold it's been in the us texas being really badly hit these are night time temperatures from last night so they have come up to some degree but they are still mostly subzero now by friday morning this rain will be just edging offshore but it's still got a potential for want to tornadoes in the sunda storms the weather behind it will be sunny and slightly less code in fact if you look at the temperatures by day they're still subzero in the plain states in the midwest but we're above freezing in most of texas it'll take a while for that to feel anything other than cold obviously but that is the case houston's forecast into the weekend back into the teens and overnight down to 8 degrees the saw will be taking place in fact the cold profit is going to be felt i think where the breeze is finding it some trees as the northeastern corner eastern canada new york for example one degree or thereabouts with probably
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a bit of snow returning by monday otherwise you're in the sunshine south of all this if you chosen to get out of the caribbean to enjoy the warmth what is still with you just want to light showers for the ons. romania's ancient forests some of europe's most pristine they are crucial for our society and crucial for our battle against the climate crisis but illegal logging by a ruthless timber mafia is destroying both the landscape and people's lives logging in romania is our drug gangs violence killing with the world's amidst planes of corruption and the role of powerful multinationals people in power investigates rumania wake up the far east on al-jazeera.
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welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here this hour the world health organization has called on 6 african countries to go on high alert for a bona 11000 vaccines are now heading to guinea to try to stop an uncontrolled spread of the disease. past as late as mars rover has touched down successfully perseverance spacecraft ascent that the 1st images of the red planet the missions constantly $3000000000.00. on the un sector general has appealed to world leaders to end what he calls a suicidal war in nature and don't have a 10 year spoke after the release of the un and vironment report with a blueprint to deal with environmental threats. droughts water shortages and disappearing wildlife habitats all affecting south asian countries like pakistan experts say time is running short to meaningfully turn things around come out as
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more. south asia is already feeling the effects of climate change that are glacial outburst and a mountainous dreaded disease because of rising temperatures and as you can see most of bogard stuns water reservoirs are running dry because of an exceptionally dry winter at this time of the year most of the rather wise hair would be full to the brim and the effects are now being felt on the flora and fauna as well pakistan is an ecologically rich country and as it falls among the top 10 by little countries due to changing weapon patterns and also because of depleting natural habitat many of the animals and by life is losing their habitat and right now pakistan is facing a lot of challenges such as sudden onset disasters like drought these all are impacting our crop production weather patterns are changing so it is leading to
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food insecurity because we have a huge population august on and also in the grip of water shortages and a country called run out of water by granted $25.00 ever does not take remedial efforts to contain the situation cash crops are going to be threatened because by august on billions of dollars from cotton sugar cane and wheat this was a self-sufficient country when it came to food production but now climate change may have an impact on the country's food security farmers who depend on rainwater for agriculture i wanted about their future. now the moderate your barnea we are facing acute shortages of water this year and we are worried about the production of our wheat which is the only means of livelihood of our family through overcome acute water shortages the government had now embarked on a plan to bring more down to go water. the country had embarked on an ambitious
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plan to plant up to $10000000000.00 tree by dad did indeed $8.00 claimed by the government given the fact that the country is in the grip of a wardak right pakistan is one of the most vulnerable countries because of climate change and global warming. 80 percent of all the water in the rivers comes from a glaciers which are in the years and in the darkroom in the hindu kush range and we found that. melting. much faster pace so we decided to launch a 1000000000 trees by get down really have good thing out of the box illusion and in order to cultivate problem by the environment and climate change really play its own road and to protest as in myanmar refusing to back down despite fears of
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a violent crackdown by the military thousands of people have joined demonstrations for a 14th straight day calling for the release of deposed leader and cinching canada and the united kingdom have now announced sanctions against me in my ruling generals as international pressure against them is building and the united nations estimates 3 quarters of myanmar civil servants are on strike. qatar says it will lift quarantine restrictions for citizens and residents who've been vaccinated against code 19 the gulf states ministry of public health says exemptions will apply when vaccinated people return from abroad they'll still be subjected to testing on arrival though the exemption won't apply to those who've been vaccinated in other countries where governments worldwide are exploring how they're used and for so-called vaccine passports and hungry people who have been inoculated or recovered from covert 19 may soon be given exemptions from nighttime curfew and
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other restrictions bahrain is building a vaccination certificate into its existing coronavirus phone app if you display information including which job a person has received denmark is planning to put out an early version of vaccination passports by the end of next month while sweden wants to launch one by the middle of this year. well dr jonathan gruber is a professor of economics at the massachusetts institute of technology he says having an international vaccination passport system is unlikely. i think the important thing to realize is that vaccination is part of a suite of tools we have to fight corona virus and what i would hate to see happen would be places saying ok now we have vaccination now we're not going to let you say for example be in a classroom until you're vaccinated we shouldn't do that testing remains a critical part of how we should fight coronavirus and we should make vaccination part of the solution you know individuals should not have to be forced to show that same passport on the other hand there should be condition that there are certain
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say sam so you are in the workplace and individuals don't want to show that team or passport that should be fine but then they should have to pay to be tested we're in this situation certainly where i think countries really have national priorities that putting above international priorities are so and i'm not sure we'll get a truly global system i'm hopeful that within a year or 2 that's initially come widespread enough that we'll have run the virus to ground and that we will be will be able to control in a much in a much stronger way but i guess i'm optimistic we'll have a truly international system in place tourists even if they vaccinated i think will feel more comfortable going to countries where vaccination rates are high and that's a problem because that's a big source of income for many countries in terms of internal growth i think we've learnt that you can do quite well with masking social distancing so i think we've learned that really about good government. a rescue operation is underway in
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central nigeria where gunmen kidnapped a group of students on wednesday the exact number of those taken is unknown but hundreds are still missing one student was shot and killed in the attack on the state run school in ca daraa. reports. khaliq knows he's fortunate to be back home he injured his leg escaping from a group of kidnappers who was hacked his boarding school in nigeria's kogarah district his brother didn't survive he was shot dead by the gunmen as he ran away. but i i was sleeping when i heard the kidnappers come into our dormitories they started shooting guns when i saw them i jumped over the fence other students also started running everywhere. nearby yet another family is devastated they're waiting for updates hoping their kidnapped son will be found alive. i would take the government should help us find our families our only hope lies but the government.
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hundreds of students were sleeping when the assailants stormed in and now empty beds and deserted classrooms are a reminder of the growing attacks on boarding schools kidnappings for ransom by armed groups are common across many northern nigerian states. in december more than 350 students were abducted and eventually rescued by nigeria's security forces some parents fear education is under attack yeah well you know i haven't been able to sleep since this happened i'm asking the government to please risk my son he will continue with cation despite these types of threats once he's risky i assure you he will get back to school pressure is mounting on the government to end these type of attacks and parents across nigeria are left wondering if students will ever be safe . al-jazeera. the u.s. government doesn't veil sweeping new measures to overhaul the nation's immigration
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system wants to offer permanent protected status to undocumented immigrants brought to the u.s. as children and to millions more who worked in front line roles during the pandemic legislation would also provide an 8 year path to citizenship for 11000000 people already in the u.s. the white house has already overturned the trumpet ministrations remain in mexico policy it required asylum seekers to stay in mexico while their applications were processed the department of homeland security is now admitting $25000.00 applicants were waiting at the border when leon frescoes an immigration attorney he says the proposal will most likely face resistance from republican politicians. what it is is it's an ambitious proposal that lays out what in a perfect or old the biden ministration and many democratic progressive advocates would like to see in the immigration system the problem that you have is the bill in that current form can't pass because it will get any republican votes and will
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even be tough to get some said wrist democratic votes and so this begins a much larger process of trying to then decide which of these provisions can remain in a final bill that would get republican support but also what provisions that republicans care about of should be added to this bill in order to get their support and we've never gotten to a place of 20 years where we can find the right balance to get enough republicans to support the bill but people will drive because the cause is significant and it's a word that he and there's millions of people's lives depend upon getting this issue result. the biden administration says a severe winter storm engulfing texas and nearby states was likely caused by climate change hundreds of thousands of people are still without power and now texas senator ted cruz is under fire for taking a holiday to mexico was the crisis unfolded caban is on the reports from new york. so this is.
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day 4 of the u.s. winter weather crisis and things only seem to be getting worse especially in texas where as of thursday afternoon a half 1000000 people are still without power and heat as electricity companies fail to deal with a rare subzero temperatures. and may get mobile so that they have. a quarter of the residents in the state have been told to boil their own drinking water as supply systems are hit adding insult to injury a state famous for its oil industry is also suffering from a shortage of petrol the kind of stuck here i have 9 miles left to go with my car so you have to find something that's within 9 miles from your texas is america's 2nd most populous state with 29000000 residents living in an area larger than the
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whole of france it's the only u.s. state that has its own electricity grid and is not part of the national system by its own choice which is allowed it to bypass federal regulations designed to protect against exactly these kinds of conditions under fire for being seemingly woefully unprepared for the state's energy bosses were forced to defend themselves it was a problem went back and happen to be knocked out by an extraordinary and bad and also the impact of that they may be for an area that had him down. and and obviously on what. i'm sure people may argue about about what ones were done also facing scrutiny texas republican senator ted cruz who won wednesday left his embattled state for an unannounced family vacation in the mexican. the trees sort of can coon when outrage ensued he promptly cut his trip short and flew home the
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storm is now here over the north east of the u.s. and its forecast to linger until the end of friday but it is not expected to cause nearly as much disruption as what it has in texas a state that remains in a deep freeze crisis gabriels andro. new york. time for a quick check of the headlines here on al-jazeera the world health organization has called on 6 african countries to go on the high alert for a bona 11000 vaccines are heading to guinea and.
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