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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2021 7:00am-7:30am +03

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trial testing the nose of a new from the nation. highway an ounce easier. i know the past few years of strain and tested our trans-atlantic relationship with the united states is determined to determined to reengage with europe u.s. president joe biden says america is back and ready to tackle global issues with its european allies. in jordan this is out as iran life and also coming up al-jazeera has seen parts of the confidential u.n. report which accuses trump prince of violating the.
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somali security forces firing hundreds of people who had been protesting against delays in holding elections. and the last male member of anonymous an indigenous community from corona. i'm all will leave you on foreign affairs has been declared by the new u.s. president joe biden's family changing the focus from donald trump's america 1st policy is he was speaking at the munich security conference his 1st big international speech since taking office a month ago biden valve his country is back to the help of reports now from washington d.c. it's not about pushing the reset on the past 4 years u.s. president joe biden addressed to global conferences with world leaders on friday but delivered one clear message forget the america 1st. policies of his predecessor
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america is back the transatlantic alliance is back i know i know the past years of strain and tested our transatlantic relationship but the united states is determined determined to reengage with europe biden made clear he believes solutions to global threats must be collaborative during the virtual gathering of the g. 7 and later the munich security conference leaders conferred about share threats posed by china iran and russia was. a victim of eat on the beach it is very important that we develop a common transatlantic russia agenda which on the one hand makes cooperative offers but on the other hand clearly identifies differences and i can only agree with the american president on the question of what makes a strong strong european union unfortunately russia is not working on this at the
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moment on the issue of climate change biden underscored he believes the planet faces existential threat even as the united states has officially rejoined the paris climate accord envoy john kerry apologized for his precious time last pledge the united states will do all it can to meet a mission reduction targets he urged others to do the same what we do or don't do in the coming months and years will make all the difference as biden repudiated the nationalist approach of his predecessor donald trump he acknowledged challenges to preserve democracy remain both inside and outside the united states democracy doesn't happen by accident we have to defend it fight for it strengthen renew it we have to prove that our model isn't a relic of history. it's the single best way to revitalize the promise of our
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future the global conferences were an opportunity for president biden to lay out his foreign policy agenda and chart a new course with european leaders while reassuring them that the era of trump style diplomacy has ended can really help at al-jazeera washington al-jazeera has seen parts of a confidential report by the u.n. which finds the former head of a u.s. security contracting firm violated an arms embargo in libya it centers around the dealings of erik prince the former head of blackwater and prominent ally of donald trump the report explains how he allegedly sent weapons to a militia commander was trying to overthrow the internationally recognized government in tripoli breaching the arms embargo exposes prints to possible un sanctions prince is the brother of trump's former education secretary betsy divorce but jason packer's the founder of libya analysis he says the findings of the un report though did much deeper than just erik prince. i would look at eric prince's
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policy as the shadow foreign policy of not trump but particularly jarryd questioner because it's the nexus between jared questionnaire the emma roddy's particularly m.b. said and erik prince who made policy outside of the formal channels of the state department of defense department and that characterized trump policy towards many different conflicts biden is going to be keen just to revert to consensus policy done within our formal institutions the defense department in the state department and he's not going to want to prosecute all of the illegal actions that happened under his predecessor because there are many both in foreign and domestic policy what's fascinating is that the reporter that i just era has private access to as well as the new york times doesn't mention jarrett questioner and this is really a policy where prince was not acting on his own he was acting at the behest of kerik caution or who wanted to see an ember roddy ally emerge victorious and the
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muslim brotherhood suffered defeat this entire mercenary operation was a failure it may have conned huffed our into paying $80000000.00 but he never got the helicopters and the mercenaries left benghazi within 2 weeks of having arrived and it tipped the scales of the fighting so what's relevant is that this points out how incompetent people like erik prince are and they're not able to project power into even 3rd world backwaters to tip the scale of fighting that's done by drone powers like turkey who have competent general staps and are able to actually teach only wealthy nations a pledge to poor more money into the un's coronavirus vaccination program kovacs which aims to inoculate people in poor countries the e.u. promises $1200000000.00 the us says it will put in $4000000000.00 on the health report. under pressure from the united nations and the world health organization g 7 leaders promise to step up their efforts to make vaccines available worldwide
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make sure everybody gets the vaccines that they need. you can through this together and already announced that i'd be. a strong strongly supported ahead of the virtual meeting chaired by britain's prime minister the un said just 10 countries accounted for 3 quarters of the entire global vaccine rollout while 130 countries have not received a single dose the w.h.o. has warned of a catastrophic moral failure that will be paid for with lives and livelihoods among the world's poorest bucks iniquities not just the right thing to do it's also this morning thing to do. 37 pledges of funding in future vaccine donations have been welcomed but countries like india and south africa want to share their access to vaccine patents what we're calling for reforms in the how patents are
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in this case we because this should be in people's votes is in many countries as possible we have the capacity to be able to produce. for themselves this week carry it starting with africa has to wait for lift overs from the rich countries is not going to end the epidemic only france and germany have considered making some of their own vaccine stocks available to developing countries now the french president has suggested donating up to 5 percent of existing supply he has support from the german chancellor. is a man with ever come from japan the middle of august i stressed in my intervention that the pandemic is not beaten and to all people in the world have been vaccinated i'll mention after a bit infant the g 7 pledges of progress so campaigners but not enough job to hold al-jazeera. dutch politicians have successfully rushed through
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a nighttime coronavirus curfew new laws were quickly drawn up after a court last week sided with the anti curfew campaigners ruling the restrictions had no legal basis and must be scrapped the government was seeking to overturn the decision but a senate vote on friday means they appeal court case is now redundant there are large protests against the curfew across the netherlands. protests against military rulers in myanmar have entered a 3rd week around a 1000 people have gathered in the largest city young gone to demand the release of deposed leader uncensored chain and a return to civilian rule some holding photos of a 20 year old woman who died on friday after being injured in a protest she was shot in the head last week and police tried to disperse demonstrators in the capital naypyidaw. security forces are fired and hundreds of protesters in somalia's capital a presidential candidate have been leading a march through mog addition to denounce a delay to elections reports was. barely heard
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a protest march started near the airports when this happened. an intense firefight between government forces and proposition fighters the demonstration had been called by opposition presidential candidates and was being led by some of them they included somalia's former prime minister hiding and opposition leader of the last mine. delays in holding a presidential election and the continued. in the top post after his stomach speired 2 weeks ago the opposition blames government forces for provoking the fight . today security forces opened fire against peace rally in mogadishu this happened as the event was being widely watched in the media and the world as a result of this some have died and others were wounded but prime minister mohammed says opposition fighters fired the 1st shots every citizen has the right to
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demonstrate peacefully and for the security services to be the ones to guard the demonstrators and ensure their safety but we will not accept demonstrations guarded by forces outside the state apparatus this is unacceptable the constitution does not accept and we won't accept any shape or form. several people were injured in buildings around the airport destroyed by a rocket propelled grenade launched by an identified man. 3 other presidential candidates were also caught up in an exchange of gunfire between security forces and unknown gunmen at a hotel in the city on friday the president of ordering the attack saying it was an attempt to assassinate them mogadishu is now calm but tense many people say they want an end to the insecurity and uncertainty but they also know the longer the political leaders feel to agree on how an election will be run and who will be in charge of the country in the meantime there was the situation can get catherine soy
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al-jazeera. time for a short break here not just iraq when we come back a u.k. court ruling on a case involving driver's office hope for people in a so-called big economy. and after a picture perfect landing nasa is perseverance rather start sending back color photos from mars one stay with us. for the perfect jenny. sponsored point qatar airways we've got to another taste of winter across northern parts of the middle east at the moment in fact across much of the middle east it's a little on the cool side big band of cloud across the central areas of saudi arabia pushing up towards the caspian sea more snow that snows making its way across eastern parts of turkey northern areas of iraq into the north of iran a little dry behind after
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a very wintry week not just this little band of cloud and cheri rain making its way his fast south as cutter temperatures say in doha higher than around 21 or 22 over the next couple of days but the possibility of a few spots of rain nothing too much to speak of but it's there nevertheless further south of this generate dry you might catch a shower to around the southern end of the red sea a little bit of cloud there to see one or 2 showers just creeping their way into ethiopia and that line of showers runs down towards the rift valley through like victoria at least the side of southern africa seeing war weather then as we go through the next few days you can see this long line of cloud here and that disturbance a tropical storm outside clay making its way across the mozambique channel maze very very close to the southeast of mozambique as we go through sas day and on into sunday before drifting out into the open waters and gradually fading away. qatar airways. has their own. tell us a really
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a case where. what someone compensated sort of is what we listen to the only music you hear is your own the most beautiful music in the world the silence we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that although just 0 we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so much of what you see when the news and kind of fast that matter to you. welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here at this hour u.s. president joe biden has declared his country is back sweeping away his predecessor's america 1st policies biden addressed the munich security conference
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seeking to reassure allies who were sidelines during the trumpets al-jazeera has seen parts of the un report which accuses erik prince an ally of donald trump of violating a libya arms embargo the confidential report alleges that weapons to a militia commander was trying to overthrow the internationally recognized government. and security forces have opened fire on the hundreds of protesters on the streets of the somali capital mogadishu the violence broke out as a presidential candidate met a march to denounce a delay to elections. severe flooding is forcing people from their homes in the majors capital after 180 centimeters of rain has been recorded in parts of jakarta the number of people affected is still unclear major flooding has become increasingly common in indonesia. the u.s. special envoy for climate has urged governments to do more than the bare minimum on global warming speaking at the munich security conference john kerry warned that
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the world is now in the decisive decade to limit the effects of climate change the former secretary of state added that we have a chance to raise our ambitions during un climate talks in the vendor. what we do or don't do in the coming months and years will make all the difference it's a threat multiplier when tensions are already high somewhere and resources are increasingly scarce the embers of conflict just burn brighter and when farmers can no longer make a living because the weather is so extreme and unpredictable they become increasingly desperate many according to some studies hundreds of millions of people will be forced from their homes forced from their habitat from the place they've lived a life died millions of people in the u.s. state of texas still don't have clean drinking water after a rare winter storm power lines were cut in the cold is not affecting water treatment plants john hendren the ports for chicago. frigid texas is trading power
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problems for water woes this past week has been an enormous challenge maybe unlike any challenge that you've ever dealt with before has been far too burdensome for the lives of all those affected. we're working around the clock and we will continue to work around the clock to address to meet your needs and challenges after days of rare freezing temperatures blanketed the 2nd largest state in the u.s. power stations are all back on line that after unusually high demand led to rolling blackouts transmission lines taken down by ice still have left nearly 200000 without power but now texans face a new crisis 7000000 people a quarter of the state or being asked to boil their water if they have it at all because the cold weather has left broken pipes and taken water treatment plants
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offline san antonio faces fire and ice as frozen fire hydrants forced firefighters to truckee and water flowing crews battling flames at an apartment complex haven't been able to get a workout we call out. now everything that we have in there it's got grocery store shelves are largely bare leaving residents lined up in their cars for food and water president joe biden says he's declaring the entire state the disaster zone i talked with the federal emergency management agency fema the administrator of the saff community going to ask him to accelerate our response and request for quote it's a different declaration a major disaster declaration the president says he hopes to visit the lone star state next week here in chicago where the northern end of the weather system that struck texas about 1500 kilometers north of dallas but your god knows used to weather like this it's water and power transmission systems are hardened for the
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routine cold weather that strikes every winter texas hasn't seen a storm system like this in 35 years and it's clear its system simply weren't up to the task there is hope sustained temperatures above freezing beginning saturday john hendren al-jazeera chicago. nigerian officials say they're negotiating with an armed gang that kidnapped a group of students the exact number of those taken on a wednesday is unknown but hundreds of still missing reports now from a. caleb knows he's fortunate to be back home he injured his leg escaping from a group of kidnappers who attacked his boarding school in nigeria's got a district his brother didn't survive he was shot dead by the gunman i see it on the way. but i was sleeping when i heard the kidnappers come into our dormitories they started shooting guns when i saw them i jumped over the fence other students also started running everywhere. nearby yet another family is devastated they're
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waiting for updates hoping to kidnap son or be found alive. the government should help us find our families our only hope lies but the government. hundreds of students who are sleeping when they are sailing stormed in now empty beds and deserted classrooms are reminded of growing attacks on boarding schools kidnapping so run some by armed groups that come on across many northern nigeria states. in december more than 350 students were abducted and eventually rescued by nigeria security force some parents education is under attack yeah. i haven't been able to sleep since this happened i'm asking the government to please risky my son he will continue with the patient despite these types of threats once he's risk youth. he will get back to school. the pressure is mounting on the government to end these types of attacks and parents across nigeria are left
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wondering if students will ever b.c. officials say contact was made with the group holding the students and that they would be released soon although officiousness says that money was not part of the negotiation there were reports that ransom was paid for hundreds of students taken from a boarding school in iraq in december 2020 the world also reports that money and prisoners were exchanged for some students taken from a girl's secular school in chibok in 2014. many years the paying ransom to criminal groups is in bolding them given the resources to buy arms and the confidence to strike again amid the trees al-jazeera democratic republic of congo has confirmed another 2 cases of ebola one of which is far from the center of the outbreak 6 infections have been confirmed overall and 2 deaths the world health organization says the sea has more than 8000 banks nations available on the w.h.o.
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and us are sending almost 20000 doses to guinea the west african country has declared a new epidemic well dr moore cater is from the world health organization he says there's a high risk of a regional outbreak. we are going to fax you need to contact and contact off contact who will be identified by your images so we're not going to action it all to people he must question if. we are confident that we feel it is strong investigation we would be able to identify i want to contact them to vaccinate them well respected receive $11000.00 this sunday and it will be stopped no money vaccinating them on monday we have a better jewelry conducted it up to this assessment for this event so. the overall risk being no normal. us. very high to come to live in
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and regional event and that no. because you much no one confirmed case in going to. and from more or directly to to correct you know or was it a crew is a. 1000 kilometer from what. we consider the risk is very hard to come to. now the last male member of a once thriving and community in brazil's amazon has died from covert 19 it spells the end of the german people as a distinct ethnic group than a shot of her for. the last shelter the last few the warriors. 86 year old are more him out has died from the carpet 19 virus at a hospital in northwestern brazil his passing marks the end of
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a people the humor indigenous community which once numbered around 15000. is survived by his 3 daughters but they've had to marry into another community because there were no male partners left in their own what are or. why are there for all of us for the indigenous people for those who fought to defend the rights of indigenous communities the loss of a whole people cannot be measured it's a huge loss for all the indigenous people of brazil. several 1000000 indigenous inhabitants of what is now the brazilian amazon when the 1st european settlers arrived here more than 500 years ago the disappearance of the uma is just the latest tragedy in a catalogue of disease deforestation land theft the massacres the law for that no more here many indigenous people are dying in brazil many many because we have what we call a government genocide of ethno side and we hold them responsible for these deaths.
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a report out this week says the covert $1000.00 pandemic has only made the situation worse that many governments including brazil's a using the crisis is not too nitty to disregard social environmental safeguards to further erode the rights of indigenous people the extent of laminate has increased rapidly is rid of the sort of urgency to enter into these are. very. very very large are going to turn each productive agricultural around. the report says many governments have criminalized indigenous human rights defenders and facilitated the threatened use of violence against them i'm now on the program one team even more so up to the point where did you through your urging if this is a case of crimes against humanity. or not. some of the
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regional authorities in brazil have made efforts to reach an vaccinate people in remote difficult to access communities but critics say they've been hampered by a government that has never taken the pandemic seriously and the society that shows little regard for its original inhabitants. the less action is taken as you will not be the last indigenous community to disappear or. to 01 osiris. the u.k. supreme court has ruled that goober drivers and britain are entitled to benefits like paid holidays and minimum wage judges said drivers should be classed as workers rather than self-employed it's a decision that threatens his business model and could have implications for other workers in the gig economy. this is not just an issue with one company this is a business model that has been infiltrated into so many of our core services as i said so you know the platform economy the gig economy the digital good economy in
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most specific is has transformed you know the care sector the domestic sector the korea sector and they all use them in effect any one of which is dismissed pacification of work as an algorithmic management so essentially this is going to do 2 things it sets a legal precedent that can then be used by workers in other sectors to contest that the status but i think it's also done is. essentially has been able to get away for this the so long because it has thought of its workforce as an easy target it's a largely migrant black and ethnic minority workforce. you know people who aren't seen to have have seen to have the social and political power to to take on such a massive company like. what this is british owned if that was a severe underestimation at work for now it's only been on the red planet for a day but nothing has perseverance rover is already sending back detailed color
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photos it's on a mission to collect samples on the surface which nasa hopes will one day be analyzed here on earth this robonaut. this is the 1st ever color picture from a world more than 54000000 kilometers beyond ours it's one of several sent from perseverance is a ray of cameras this one shows the rover being lowered down by cables to its martian landing spot from the delivery space vehicle. nasa scientists say the rover came through its action packed landing thursday in fine form and happy to say that the river is doing great and healthy on the surface of mars and continues to be highly highly functional and then just an exhilarating this shot shows one of the rovers heavy duty wheels that it will use to explore the red dust of just 0 crater for signs of extinct ancient life but perseverance won't be making tracks
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right away 1st engineers will perform system checks update its software and test some of its instruments like a robotic arm and a microphone in a month or so ingenuity the drone attached to the rover will take its 1st flight this rover is epic for it it represents. 8 years of hundreds of engineers at the laboratory thousands around the world a total of over 4 founders and human years of investment. and already a detail in this picture has caught scientists attention that rock on the left the one that looks like a hunk of swiss cheese and there are a number of different geological processes that can make holes in iraq like that and to the science team is now thinking about what this might mean and one of the questions we'll ask 1st is whether these rocks represent a volcanic or sedimentary origin and both of those would be equally exciting to the
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team ultimately perseverance may dig up evidence that life existed on mars at some point in the ancient past that could be a sign that life is widespread in our solar system our galaxy and the far flung reaches of the universe and that we are not alone robert oulds al-jazeera los angeles. time for a quick check of the top stories here on al-jazeera u.s. president joe biden has declared his country is back sweeping away donald trump's america fast on a sense biden addressed the munich security conference seeking to reassure allies with sideline during the trial yes i know the past few years of strain and tested are transatlantic relationship.


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