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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2021 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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judge tasked with imposing nor a new order and a trial testing the nose of a newly formed nation. witnesses. highway on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. you're watching the news hour live from headquarters in doha i'm dead in obligato coming up in the next 60 minutes the u.n. calls on me and mars military to end its violent crackdown and release political prisoners as tens of thousands protest against the coup. hope of. has been to be able to use each iteration. and state
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a lifeline for the iran nuclear deal to drawn on the global watchdog reach an agreement to allow inspections to continue. tanzania's president admits his country has a coronavirus problem after saying the virus had been defeated by prayer it's. growing calls for the grounding of some of its planes after an engine caught fire in midair over colorado. and i'm sorry for your latest sports is the joke which turns on its critics often it's useful when the toughest grand slam tournament wins of his career. hello welcome to the news hour we started me in mar where pressure is building against its military leaders with movements growing both in and out of the country a national strike is now underway as protest as ramp up their demonstrations against the. 2 crowds have gathered in several cities despite warnings from the
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military would seize power 3 weeks ago the army has issued threats saying lives will be lost in confrontations that's as the international condemnation builds as well both the e.u. and the u.s. say they're preparing possible sanctions against me in mars' military leaders for speaking in the last hour the head of the un has condemned the military's actions and urged them to respect the will of the people today i call on me in no military to stop the repression immediately release the prisoners and the violence respect human rights and the will of the people expressed in recent elections. no place in or more than worlds i welcome the resolution of human rights council blanch to implement your requests and express my full support to the people of myanmar in their pursuit of the blockade to see peace human rights and the rule of law let's get an update from tony chain he is joining us from bangkok to 1st talk about
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what's happening on the ground tony how how is the nationwide general strike going . it seems to be being followed widely throughout the country we've seen huge numbers of people turning out on the streets in the south and way in the north in kitchen state in the large urban areas even in smaller towns the streets have been packed with protesters i think the general strike is the thing that they're really hoping is going to put pressure on the military and it has been very effective everything from food delivery services supermarkets shops businesses banks transport systems have shut down today and we've seen this increasing in the last couple of weeks as calls for the civil disobedience movement have been followed even in the. civil servants have been joining the protests shutting down much of the government. while that is going to bring an awful lot of inconvenience discomfort to people i think their hope is that
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it will pressure the military into understanding just how widely opposed the coup is the military in their statement since the coup tried to sell it as a brief research i think they were hoping that people would accept. things getting back to normal within 12 months some facade of elections happen but the statements that we're hearing coming from across the country is that people understand this is they don't want to go back to a period 10 years ago they don't want to go back to the dark days of the eighty's and ninety's when myanmar was a pariah state and they feel that if they allow this coup to go through what will happen and tony will look at the international sort of response in the international condemnation coming in against the military both now the e.u. and the u.s. saying that they're preparing possible sanctions against the military any sign that that's having an effect on them. who got
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targeted exemptions in place i think more will follow i mean the means just that generals are used to this kind of thing they lived through for decades until. 2015 so to a certain extent i think we can expect too much to come from that although we've seen protesters holding up signs calling for more international pressure. but i think the the real problem were coming when countries like china the military rely on very much for support if they see the country becoming unstable the. burma once again becomes isolated there will be a problem china i think wants. as part of its build tomorrow project it's seen the economic growth that's come in the last 5 years even they would be reluctant to see a card crackdown as many people expect if these protests continue there said
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this is the burmese military we've seen again and again in the last couple of decades. facing protesters with violent repression we saw it on saturday when soldiers came firing live rounds they did to the death of 2 protesters this stage it's very hard to know how they're going to react ok tony thank you so much for that update from bangkok let's take this on with toes our lots who is the operations director at the independent media outlet democratic voice of burma he's joining us from yangon itself thanks so much for your time we'll get to what's happening on the streets in just a moment but to pick up on what tony was saying about the international community and now there is a threat of possible sanctions by the e.u. and the u.s. on the mean maher military is this going to make a difference to them at all because as tony was saying they're used to this sir are you with us as our lots here i am. what do you think they were.
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ok also start again there is international condemnation on the mean more military and there's a threat of sanctions by the e.u. in the u.s. is this going to make a difference to the military as our reporter was saying this is something that they are used to. surely of course you know that is ongoing debate was tense tension. but i'm sure that you know the target is especially good in the . military. and military business it's really what. also. most important in this china japan and korea yeah i'm getting member of china given the backing of china is there anything the international community can do about that. of course is also a phase in their lives and that called kids about their role in the issues so that
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is i mean it is. they can't you know we don't care about it enough pressure but we are talking about c.d.'s hey you're next crimes and now and now they are cracking down so if i did a fall guy and also are on fire in a big. state so i think you know they cannot simply said that you know we don't care if there's an app for it does not well i mean this is not the time i mean i mean you know no one's going to really stay isolated at the moment and as i am sure that it was a very foreign life they don't know what to do and you're a mom and she didn't visit me. so chinese has to make make twice where that they want to do business which i was as where that they want to do business with military which one is better at what they are. they are that have been a very diverse deficit and i also want to see in the end young though every day. something on the streets 3 weeks of demonstrations 3 weeks after the military coup
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and what impact do you think this massive civil disobedience campaign is actually having on the military if at all. actually of course you know already 22 days of military coupes and army just not in control yet i mean internally i mean it is called 5 to 6 which is car bomb aspirin you know more than 1000000 people organize need to learn the came out and say no to military and there are more and then it's enough pressure going on and also there is ongoing civil disobedience i thought a lot of rain we walked out came out today and there is no no no no rain no trains going in and out of around the bottom of the autopsy and then most of the back especially you know that bing bang not stop that kind of withdraw money and they worry that there are huge i mean prison in front of central bank they make sure you
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know it is so that they have to pay pensions and they will be paid days and so it seems like they are losing as well so i think there is i mean not only young go there every every major city i mean they are saying that if you if you are pressed we where we will resist you not that kind of response that i mean it says in of course there is a short of force. for those coming in the younger one right now but i don't see protests that are not easy to go into get but those can you dance to them call them said generation is that all right we thank you so much for joining us from yang on thank you for your time thanks. now the un has called for the immediate rescue of dozens of refugees stranded at sea they reportedly set sail from cox's bazar refugee camp in bangladesh around 11 days ago the rohingya human rights
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initiative says at least 90 people are on the boats and have now run out of supplies several have died as well their last known location was just northeast of the andaman islands that's a few 100 kilometers off the median marcos for more on this let's bring in tanveer choudhry he's joining us from the bangladeshi capital dhaka. what more are you hearing about this incidence. well let me give you some update i called the coast guard headquarters and this told me that they haven't not received any kind of a pill from the u.n. or anybody for any rescue operation now i also called the coastal coast guard in pashtun charge if then you have bought any sighting or anything came in that rather they said no as of now but we'll keep an eye on that but as of now we don't have any news also just a little while ago the home minister in a statement saying they have not got any formal appeal from anyone for rescue of rowing us and they said they won't take any more rowing us coming through boat or
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any other ways although these were some of their own that actually gives who left talks as bizarre can turn to 11 days ago as your report says and i spoke to 2 of the relatives who is one of the relative of his brother is on the board his name is sholom he told me there's at least $81.00 men there's 20 men at find children in the boat according to his brother he said there might be more dead than what the u.n. at sait but obviously we can't independently confirm that another person mom adrift big his brother's name is assault he's in the boat they had some me on my telephone i tried to call but i couldn't get a hold up through the line he also confirmed that between 15 to 11 days ago that his brother left from cox's by and not stand out somewhere in the ocean he couldn't give me father details as of till now now this is not the 1st time this boat people have been stranded in the middle of the ocean bangladesh cause god have no navy
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repeatedly rescued hundreds of running out refugees stuck in the middle of the ocean or pushed back by the malaysian authorities some of them were rescued and kept in. a remote island where many of their wingers are now staying dozens of running as died over the years trying to escape the camp many of them are actually woman who who actually got engaged to a man in malaysia. because of economic reason they want to migrate to and to take that risk with the topic i was going to. improvise boat into malaysia or even meet in a shop trying for a better life ok time vera will cross box you a little later on thank you so much for that update from dhaka iran has called an agreement with the un's nuclear watchdog a significant achievement the deal allows inspectors to continue monitoring to her arms nuclear facilities for up to 3 months but there will be less access and no more snap inspections the i.a.e.a. chief travel to iran this weekend where he met the foreign minister divides
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a re for talks iran has been gradually breaching the terms of the 2050 nuclear deal since the us withdrew and reimposed sanctions in 2018. will exceed. the slow he's going to be applied which means that the addition of probably. much to my regret is going to be suspended. nevertheless we decided to go there and i agreed on a specific bite not to run a rate understanding as we call. it was to reach these. the best possible way we don't. want to joining and if you. let's get set up that term as a baker is joining us from tehran to tell us more as a set about why iran reached this temporary deal now with the nuclear watchdog.
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well the deadline was approaching the legislation was passed by parliament by around 220 lawmakers calling for tougher action against the united states but also using the i.a.e.a.'s s a means for that so that deadline is approaching on the 23rd of february now they ring in government was keen to sit down and work something out but as a response some of the lawmakers this morning have reacted angrily they've said that the government here the iranian government has gone against the spirit of the legislation others have accused the government of violating the rights of iranians also some saying that the number of inspections haven't been reduced and the number of inspectors have not reduced and we believe that there is an attempt now to get the signatures and support by parliamentarians to take this matter to the judiciary because they believe that the iranian government led by president hassan rouhani has acted illegally and that this is the conflict internal conflict that's taking place between the different political factions last year there were parliamentary
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elections and the majority of parliament terance here conservative many of them didn't support the j.c. that's what you. and many of them want to tough a stance against the united states now the iranian government has agreed to this by the actual agreement with the i.a.e.a. which gives a 3 month grace period but essentially the i.a.e.a. has given the opportunity for the iranian government the united states and the european 3 france germany and the united kingdom to try to work something out within that period yes which is what i wanted to ask you this now sounds like it will allow greater amounts of time for a diplomatic process to get under way with the u.s. when it comes to that nuclear deal. yes it does but the same issues still remain those sanctions imposed by the donald trump administration are still in place in the sense that what many lawmakers here are saying is that joe biden president joe biden is still using the policies of maximum pressure as long as sanctions are
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still in place now iran has been very clear saying that they are willing to go back to their part of the agreement to reverse those steps that they have taken in terms of increased stockpile enriching uranium then it's agree more than it's agreed in the 2015 nuclear let even the actions that they've taken in terms of the i.a.e.a. if the united states rejoins the deal and lifts those sanctions but the united states wants iran to act 1st now iran did suggest that the european union. you know play like a broker in this situation and synchronize steps so both come back to the agreements at the same time but that seems to have been rejected by the united states but the pressure inside iran in terms of the iranian government is growing because those will make us a very unhappy about this by the actual agreement with the i.a.e.a. ok well we'll find out what the u.s.
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position is in a moment thanks thanks for that update from to her on so the iran nuclear talks are on the agenda as a new foreign ministers are meeting in brussels i thought bring in dominic came here to us an update dominic is joining us from berlin so what is the u.s. position on the new deal rates between the u.n. nuclear watchdog and to iran. one of the interesting things is that immediately before the meeting began the e.u.'s high representative for foreign affairs yourself bottle told the media the waiting media outside the venue that important diplomatic talks are taking place between all parties including the united states he said to reporters which he said was important because. it was hoping that everyone hoped that it would bring iran back into the fulfillment of its obligations that's what it's the barrell is saying remember also that 2 key ministers of 2 key european countries signatories to the original deal
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france and germany their foreign ministers are taking part in this they can take part in this this meeting and they have expressed opinions over the course of the last few days about how they believe that the situation can unfold in a positive way we know that the german foreign minister heikal must speaking before the revelation of the agreement between the i.a.e.a. and iran and said that he believed that the government in tehran was playing with fire now is not repeated those comments today we've heard only from mr bottle and he says that important diplomatic talks are taking place involving all parties including the united states dominic besides iran what else is on the agenda of the e.u. foreign ministers meeting. lots of flashpoints around the world are being talked about by the bits you discussed by the foreign ministers and your
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support of russia specifically russia we've heard from mr bell about the situation in russia regarding the novel only case but also from mr mass the german pharmaceutical mast saying that the e.u. in his opinion in the opinion of his government the german government the e.u. should be prepared to consider instituting more sanctions but against unspecified individuals within russia remember that the germans the french and the e.u. writ large have criticized waters happened regarding that of any case of cold on the russian government russian authorities to investigate prosecute and then punish whoever was responsible for what happens to mr novelli and clearly mr masse referring to the situation of mr not only now is confronted with this idea of going for several years into into a labor camp punishment camp he referred to that was not the only issue that the e.u. foreign minister the foreign ministers will be discussing they're also going to be talking about the situation in myanmar and again there is the mass saying that the
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e.u. needs to be prepared to consider sanctions being imposed on individuals within me and not one final thought we know that the foreign ministers meeting in brussels plus mr barak they're going to have a digital conference with the new secretary of state in the biden administration tony blinken they're going to have a discussion with him and it's something that mr burrell has referred to the hope that this new administration will bring a new approach and that is clearly something that they're all very much considering may well be relevant in so far as developments that regard iran a concern but also across the wider perspective regarding the use position with the united states with nato in the safeguarding of europe ok dominic casey thank you for that update from berlin. more ahead on the al-jazeera news hour including south africa becomes the 1st country to use the johnson and johnson vaccine as it rolls
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out its inoculation campaign. and the families if i sold fighters are allowed to leave a camp in northern syria but many have nowhere to go. for sterling efforts for manchester city as they make it a team wins in the world and the english premier league not stories coming up a little later with sarah fire. but 1st 10 zinnias president has now admitted that code 19 is a problem in his country john magaw for leads a clear attends any coronavirus free last may and said the virus could be defeated by prayer officials have been blaming no money off for a recent rise in deaths but a number of tanzania's travelling overseas have tested positive for covert 19 let's bring in malcolm webb he's joining us from nairobi in neighboring kenya so malcolm what is the status of the pandemic in tanzania.
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we don't really know in terms of numbers because the government hasn't published any data since april last year in terms of cases but there has been a report reports from residents of increase in hospitalizations and deaths from what is described as you know president john mcafee last year said the pandemic had been defeated using the power of prayer so there weren't any official government measures to try and prevent the spread of disease this came in the much criticism from the world health organization from tanzania as catholic church as well as political opposition and now it looks like president john has finally he did these calls he's announced on sunday that tons indians should take precautions that they should even wear mosques although he said that they should only wear tanzanian made mosques as he said foreign mosques may not be safe and also follows skepticism coming from president mega fairly about vaccines tanzania hasn't ordered any
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vaccines which would be available to the government and to the country on the international health care schemes yeah so for from saying that this is a virus can be that can be defeated by prayer to now saying there is a problem in the country why is the president changing course now. there's been a few high profile hospitalizations and deaths just in the last few days the vice president of the. the semi autonomous. region of zanzibar died last week that was after his political party announced that he was tested positive with 19. chief secretary died in recent days although the reason the cause of death wasn't published at all said the finance minister has been hospitalized but again it hasn't been published widely to be in some cases turning out in other countries today health minister said it was considering suspending flights from tanzania
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after nearly one in 5 travelers from tanzania tested positive for covert 19 also in thailand health authorities there just announced their 1st case of the new highly contagious south african a variant they said that case was found in a thai man who had traveled from tanzania as well so it seems that the times in outbreak of the pandemic is being picked up in other countries even if it's not being acknowledged fully acknowledged and picked up. ok malcolm thank you for that update from nairobi while speaking of south africa the country has now vaccinate is more than 15300 health care workers in less than a week since rolling out its vaccination campaign it's the 1st country in the world to administer doses from johnson and johnson which has not yet been approved for emergency use data shows it's nearly 60 percent effective against the more contagious strain of the virus that was 1st identified in south africa let's talk
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about the vaccine rollout with. who is an epidemiologist is also the cochairman of south africa's ministerial advisory committee on for over 1000 he's joining us from durban thanks for your time with us on al-jazeera south africa had been criticized as being too slow when it came to the vaccine rollout and of course you had to scrap your astra zeneca plans now that johnson and johnson is being administered just 1st tell us how that rollout has been going. so that they could to be with you and to all of your viewers so south africa as part of its overall vaccine strategy has chosen to go with a diverse set of candidates and right now because the johnson and johnson vaccine was actually the at the clinical trials were undertaken in south africa this is now a continuation of those trials into what is called a phase 3 b. which is a rollout implementation study of around half
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a 1000000 doses that are being made available from johnson and johnson it's being rolled out through the government drollery program the vaccinators or government facilities as you know he got us initially the 'd software in which you have to then just ignore the 2 very fi that you qualify in that you get a little voucher and the consent process took a little bit of time to get running smoothly but on day one it was functioning and we had vaccinated in the 1st 2 days about $10000.00 people but of course you do have that variant in south africa that is known to be more contagious how much of a concern is that still for you. so it's very important that we have to select vaccines on the basis that we have some evidence that they would be or likely to be effective against the 5 all one wifey to bury and have
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a fire on y.b. to ready and has changes certain mutations that enable it to escape normal immunity so for example individuals who previously infected by it in the 1st 'd wave by variants that were present at the time may no longer be protected against the 5 or one y. the 2 because of its ability to escape immune responses so it is quite important in this particular instance that the johnson and johnson vaccine had actually been tested in south african conditions and so we know that it is effective against the $51.00 why the 2 bedrooms and that it's if you can see for more than diseases that are 57 percent and for severe disease and hospitalization is around 85 percent so based on that deserves a good choice also it's a it's a it's a single shot classes which makes it look just more simpler strategy to implement
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and let me ask you this because i know that you helped south africa steer through its h.i.v. crisis of course and you have said that we need to learn the lessons from then and apply them to this pandemic where do you see the similarities and differences and what lessons are you referring to here. why then when we look back at the hiv crisis when hiv was 1st described and we started seeing cases. you know we we in the throes of dealing with hiv he had a political. denialism much like what you just heard about in tanzania but in the case of the corona virus we had the exact opposite we had a political capability that was keen to get on with it it took early action and
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was very much driven by the scientific approach and so there was quite a big difference but a lot of what we do in the way in which we've responded to the coronavirus has blood on our ha ve capabilities with aids and research our diagnostic tests that we do for each a b. use exactly the same platform as the corona virus and so there are many aspects of what do we have been able to do it responding to convert 19 or has been told on the foundations that were laid in our spines to each i.v. all right so we were living there thank you so much dr sami on tap in for speaking to us from durban south africa pleasure still had on the i desire it is our using the thread in libya we need one of the last weavers in tripoli is also trying to preserve a dying tradition. in new orleans cough the biggest comeback in italy's history and
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the ongoing story is coming up. how that will what a difference a week makes we've got lots of warm weather mall there into central parts of europe and over towards the west and in central belgium temperatures on sunday afternoon touched 18 degrees celsius just across the border we've seen some very warm weather pushing up into the netherlands as well cladogram pushing in from the west but this was last week in the netherlands you can see a good old covering of snow here and then on sunday is about we have a temperatures touching 17 celsius and that mild air that's in across the good parts of western and central europe some pleasant sunshine into germany but the light winds that really will fill proper spring like should we say loss of wet and windy weather pushing in across all into wells into where northern england across
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a good parts of scotland still some snow in the forecast there we got some snow there pushing into that western side of russia and still pretty cold in moscow it just minus 16 celsius is a tad warm of the moscow as we go throughout wednesday but a whole lot still some blustery showers pushing into western parts of it loss of lovely sunshine into central and southern parts of here at the sunshine stretches down across a good part of north africa a few showers there for all the possible geria northern areas of tunisia but elsewhere it's dry. mount vesuvius is one of the most dangerous active volcanoes in the world. but not everyone feels living in its shadow. with good food so perhaps there is something like magic about this so if you see the people who don't live in the. world goes to the red zone near naples. to understand this unusual lot of. living with
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the volcano on al-jazeera. from such as the rose here it's a report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt how many other channels can you say will take their time and put extensive thought into reporting from under reported areas of course we cover major global of trends but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like palestine the young and the sahara legion and so many others we go to them to make the effort we care to stay.
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hello again the top stories on the al-jazeera news hour a national strike is underway i mean tomorrow despite a thinly veiled threat from the military that it could use lethal force crowds have gathered in several cities demanding military rulers step down after seizing power 3 weeks ago. iran has called an agreement with the un's nuclear watchdog a significant achievement it will give its inspectors further access to nuclear facilities for the next 3 months but the checks will be limits. tanzania's president has admitted that is a problem in his country john mica fu declared towns in new york are in a virus free but a number of tens of millions traveling overseas have now tested positive for covert . u.s. aviation regulators have ordered extra inspections for a boeing triple 7 aircraft fitted with the same type of engine that exploded during a flight on saturday the engine suffered a catastrophic failure soon after takeoff from denver littering suburbs with
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falling debris christens salumi. this frightening scene on board a united airlines passenger flight has led to the grounding of some boeing 777 aircraft around the globe large pieces of the plane's pratt and whitney p w 4010 fell over the suburbs of denver colorado shortly after take off the plane landed safely and no one was hurt but u.s. regulators quickly stepped in to investigate and on sunday the federal aviation administration issued an emergency directive calling for. stepped up inspections focusing on the engines fan blades united announced it would voluntarily and temporarily remove $24.00 of its 777 from use saying safety was their highest priority has another $28.00 of the planes in storage it's yet another setback
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for boeing the u.s. aerospace manufacturers $737.00 max only recently returned to light after being grounded for 20 months due to 2 pedo crashes in less than a year and more trouble for united which like other airlines has seen a drastic reduction in travelers due to the coronavirus pandemic. other than united airlines in the united states the f.a.a. says the pratt and whitney engines are only used in south korea and japan the investigation is continuing kristen salumi al-jazeera let's now speak to david letterman is an aviation analyst and consulting editor for flight global he's joining us from london hi there thanks for your time with us on the news hour so the investigation is still ongoing but what we know is that 2 of the engines fan blades were fractured and the rest of them were damaged what does that exactly mean
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to you and as a tour lead to draw conclusions as to why and how this would happen. a little bit too early to draw conclusions precisely but but i think that the the federal aviation administration working together with boeing and the engine manufacturer pratt and whitney i think they'll very very quickly determine what the problem is with these founders they have to do that and that's why either compulsory or or a voluntary groundings of these aircraft with that engine type on them and is a relatively small number compared with all the boeing 770 seven's in the world only some of them are powered they have to find out whether these found blades failed because they received undetected damage damage that went undetected by inspection or whether there is a manufacturing floor involved in them and i think we'll find this out very soon
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and we were just a moment ago selling the video of the actual engine that was damaged in the fire for a passenger as a looking at this video this presumably causes a lot of anxiety what does this actually do to a passenger confidence in flying well i can tell you this i'm a former royal air force pilot of transport airplanes and if i had been sitting next to that window and watching that. i would have been pretty scared but then what showing what the true actually did it was absolute textbook stuff and as you reported earlier in the bulletin the crew took the aircraft back on the flying with the one remaining good engine and landed perfectly safety not a hair on anybody's head was hurt so really the system as
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a whole the pilot training the capability of the airplane when something catastrophic happens to it we have we can have faith in that total capability even when something very frightening like this happens but for a boeing specifically it's had a bad couple of months or even one with say 2 years with the grounding off that 737 max as well as of course the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic how does it begin to rebuild its image. well i'm with we're looking at 2 and only is perfectly valid to do this looking at the history of the problem with the 737 max series now that really was a deep sea worrying problem because it involved a careless by boeing standards and boeing of course as we all know is a world class company that's been in existence for more than 100 years and produced
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super products but it was a careless piece of design. which was entirely boeing's fault and you know as a result of that more than 350 people died in 2 crashes so that really was serious and boeing has suffered badly and will do figures because of that now this problem with this particular engine type not only does it not affect all boeing's or even all boeing triple sevens but this is the kind of thing which happens from time to time with highly stressed modern machinery a fault which hadn't been detected before suddenly makes itself known and everything is frozen for a while while an inspection takes place to try and correct it this is not a total systemic fault like the max problem was ok thank you so much i will leave it there david lerman for speaking to us from london.
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53 kidnapping victims in nigeria have been released after the group was abducted from a bus last week people including 20 women and 9 children were taken by an armed group in the states that's as the government nears a deal for the release of dozens of school children who were abducted last week in a separate incidents let's bring in madrid to reseal give us an update from abuse on both incidents ahmed's end and what you're hearing. well the the victims were released in late yesterday and they were taken to the governor's office in minot where the governor told a gathering of reporters and families that these were relieved by their kidnappers and he didn't say whether ransom was paid initially he said russian was not paid a ransom was not part of going to go stations to secure the release of these
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victims as well as students taken from a boarding school in uganda however what didn't either for most nigerians is the number initially we were told that 18 passengers on that bus were kidnapped by the bandits and that 8 of them were released now we are having a figure of 53 people wondering where did we get the extra 33 remember initially when the students were taken from their quote from the hospitals about a week ago. we were talking about hundreds of students taken and then the government came up with i was to take a figure that only 52 people or 42 people have been taken 27 students and 15. people. taken together with the students now what is not clear is why are we getting the extra 35 so this is a major concern another concern for many nigerians have been following developments up north why this kidnapping is becoming more like big business is the process of
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securing the release of victims it's either the government is paying ransom or has negotiated safe passage for victims of the perpetrators of the crime whichever way nigerians are concerned that granting access or freedom of posse to criminals who kidnapped you know some nigerians or innocent people will encourage others to come into the trade again probably thinking that they could be good they could they could be lucky ones secondly being run some could also encourage more people into the crime and embolden them to attack or even we are to carry out more dangerous missions in the future so lose this out some of the concerns and ideas out of it having with the current situation in the country why kidnapping is on the rice ok 103 stank you for that update from the boucher. the united states is on the brink of recording 500000 deaths and to cover 1000 that's according to the johns hopkins
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resource center the virus has killed more americans than both world wars on the war in vietnam combined in the years since the pandemic was declared back scenes are being rolled out but some states are in short supply more than 28000000 people have now tested positive for the virus dr eric figure is an epidemiologist and a senior fellow at the federation of american scientists he believes the u.s. could have avoided such big numbers. there was a lot of political fighting over critical critical resources last year when we clearly knew that if it was not politically conflated we could have saved more lives ventilators with premium mass we shouldn't boat defense production act and had more premium assets last year we could've enabled the rapid testing improve rapid testing and maybe cheaply available less than a dollar or free across us like unlike many other countries actually offers it for
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free we could have done all that but we did not and we're now we're paying a hefty a price and after this is over we're going to need a reckoning and $911.00 commission type reckoning of what went wrong who really hampered pendergrass sponson who is responsible for a lot of these lives were lost more than 100 families a feistel fighters have been allowed to leave an overcrowded camp kurd controlled by kurdish forces in northeastern syria it's become increasingly unsafe there but many of those released have few places to turn anderson reports. nearly 2 years after its territorial defeat in syria the remnants of eisold are ever present and the family members of i saw fighters remain in el whole camp in northeastern syria by the 10s of thousands. all in this departure hall are eager to head back to memphis though they have little to return to normal folk and i put on we have
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a very happy we've been waiting for this moment for about 2 and a half years and now we are returning to our home praise be to god curtis led syrian democratic forces are releasing families in batches most of the names crossed off the list belong to women and children whose fathers won't be joining them with my sons or in a heavily secured area for i saw fighters elsewhere in the camp. they are imprisoned i'm happy to go back to mom beats but my songs are imprisoned so who should i go to my joy is not complete. 105 families are part of this group allowed to pack up their things and go the camp is home to 60000 people and their children everywhere. we are happy because we are going back to our families and daughters i have daughters outside and i can go to them i have no one else except my daughters all the men are gone none of them are alive all killed they all die for them. while these families are returning to manage others have no country to return to and the
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camp has become increasingly unsafe at least 20 residents have been killed in the last month i still sleep or cells use murder as a weapon of intimidation punishment for those who reject its views hardly the environment for children to be brought up. a 1000 children of foreign nationals are still here despite calls by the u.n. and u.s. to send them home only 200 were repatriated last year according to save the children while some countries russia was a pakistani kazakhstan have removed hundreds of children from the camp most nations don't want them thinking much rather keep the problem out over there in the region in syria in iraq rather than and pulled it back to their own home countries but this is a completely flawed analysis of course because what you are seeing is the training with assume the indoctrination of a new generation of extremists un counterterrorism and child welfare officials say
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the children are victims not security threats and the 57 nations with children here must act quickly. and al-jazeera. still ahead on the. usa women's football team make their latest when we look like child's play stories coming up in sports.
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well weaving has been celebrated for generations in libya but there are fears the traditional crafts is dying. as one of the last wavers and tripoli's old city and
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says he wants to pass on the tradition. i work as a wee. for making traditional products with cotton on the saloon. i have the shop in the old city in an area called the 4 columns and i work alone this loom is one of the older ones in the late 1940 s. and fifty's newer models came on the market using silk and other materials but this one uses cotton now continuing this craft my grandfather taught my father and he taught me but as for the new generation if you have learnt uncle abdullah was a weaver but after he passed away his shop closed and it's still empty because he didn't teach anyone we should teach this craft so it's passed on from generation to generation and won't die out but it's a dying tradition it's been neglected i tried to open a school for decades under gadhafi is government but nothing happened this government has promised me it will help me open
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a school for traditional crafts like weaving it's allocated a space for us we can move into it in march as for me i hope our country becomes a better and this craft doesn't die i welcome anyone who wants to learn and i hope to teach at the school so the generations to come can enjoy making traditional crafts through weaving. let's get an update on the sports news with sara thanks very much to me while we start with news that's just come in from the french rugby team camp where another 5 plays have tested positive corner bar is taking the total number in the squad to 10 among new cases french captain charles on evolve the coach 2 assistants and 2 other squad members are also recovering and the latest post of cases leave the team massively depleted ahead of depleted rather have been 6 nations match in scott scotland next sunday france leave the 6 nations standings and 2 wins from 2. lead actor chris says is knowing frustrating when was one of the most challenging of his career the serve video of in the final on sunday was
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criticised for the 20 minutes his list of quarantine demands of plays in hard lock down he was also accused of exaggerating the injury in his 3rd round match world number one and missed the criticism hurts and says the whole experience has been a roller coaster ride and. i learned a lot of lessons learned a lot of things you know. about myself and about. everything that was going on in the last 56 weeks. but i think that everything that was happening on and off the court 'd makes makes this victory even even better and even sweeter well to another major champion tiger woods he says he doesn't know when he'll return to golf which has had his 5th back operation the last few weeks and when asked if he'll be back in a time when moss is in april well he couldn't quite give a straight answer. to get there 1st you know like you a lot of a lot of space on you know many of our surgeons and my doctors my therapist and but
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ensure that i do i do it correctly and this is only back i got. one for wiggle room laughter. now on to the n.b.a. where the celtics suffered a huge collapse against the new orleans pelicans on sunday they rocked by as many as 24 points in the 2nd half when they blew that beat brandon ingram drew the pelicans level with 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter as the home team went on to win 12215 in overtime making it the biggest comeback win in franchise history for new orleans. and speaking of comebacks japanese swimmer a car will compete in the olympic qualifiers in april after recovering from leukemia it was diagnosed 2 years ago one bronze in a 1st 100 metres butterfly event since her illness the 22 year old will complete the country's only qualifying race before the rescheduled games in july but at the
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moment she just over 2 seconds outside of the time to make the team and on to football and into man of gone 4 points clear at the top in its city they are up against local rivals ac milan on sunday leicester are marketed as the scored twice but it was ramon who kaku the pick of the goals of brilliant solo run to seal their 3 nil when you can also became the 1st into play in 71 years to school in 4 successive milan dobby's. a manchester city have made it 18 wins in a row in all competitions with a one no win over arsenal in the premier league for him sterling got the only goal of the game off to 2 minutes city remain 10 points clear at the top after winning their 1st 11 games of the year a premier league record. manchester united to doing their best to try and keep the pressure on city they were 31 winners against struggling newcastle fernandes called united's ferdie he's 22nd goal of the season. and west ham are up to 4 thought to
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beating tottenham by the same school line spurs have now lost 5 of their last 60 games. also in a 7 match winning run came to an end all today drew with relegation threats the song his club's freckled 506 the good parents and boss are now messy scored a penalty to give his side believes bots with just a minute left for days alex for nando's also scored from the spot to snatch a point 5 points behind 2nd place real madrid rolled komen says this result is result rather felt worse than their midweek defeat to surprise sentiment in the champions league. description i'm very very disappointed much even more than last tuesday because we were doing well in the league and we had a game at home where we could cut the gap to the teams above us we didn't encounter many problems and this was a game that the team had to win because of our quality and we couldn't over in
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germany are bale if they remain hottest the heels of leaders by munich they kept in marcel's for beats or scored a stunner against her lynn in their 3 no victory gives all the let's take their 4th win in a row putting them just 2 points off the need. and the usa is women's team is looking on beatable especially after their latest win at the she believes cup on home soil they were up against the mind to brazilian team featuring mater but we're no match for the world cup champions kristen press and megan rapinoe scored in the 2 know when hearsay is now unbeaten in 36 straight games overall and their top of the standings with 2 when. canada needed extra time to be argentina one nil in florida sarastro it's a carcass with good sized to go the whole tournament is being played in one venue in orlando so the 4 teams don't have to travel during the pandemic.
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now football referees often take abuse from fans bonds an official in mexico a really left one team fuming this referee got in the way of the goal balanced shot from crews as well and then league game with toluca on sunday stopping them from scoring despite taking plenty of heat from the plays he awarded a goal kick likely for crews as well despite the mistake they still managed to go on to win the game 32. in the n.h.l. has gone outdoors this weekend for 2 games on the shores of lake tahoe saturday's game was badly delayed because the sun melting the ice but no major problems with sunday's match up between the boston bruins and the philadelphia flyers the flies were missing 6 plays this is a craven 19 and it definitely showed as well says david pasternack schooled 3 goals in the 73 win. sport for now i'll be back later ok we'll see you later thank you so much for that update and thanks for
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watching the news hour on algis 0 fully back to those with you just a moment to have much more news and all the day's headlines coming your way thanks for watching. acid attacks in india. leave many scars most of which cannot be seen. they also create a bond. borne of a sarod ordeal and stronger than the many obstacles their survivors will now face 'd. black roses and red dresses parts of the viewfinder asia series
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on al-jazeera. examining the impact of today's headlines it didn't matter you're rich or poor what your religion is you are battling this and amec you're staring at it in the face and you're dealing with it setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions that are unfolding on capitol hill international filmmakers are world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire you each and in one of us in the responsibility to change our 1st place for the get out on al-jazeera. the politics of division pushed india into the grip of a historical reckoning i am afraid because i know on the ninety's a pretty good where do these ideas come from the tragedy of more lives how much we've tried to send the kids getting to school happy families or the reports of joining me on to see you on the final part of my journey when i to become
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a target of the hindu 1st policy in search of india's sole knowledge is 0. if you want to help save the world. sneeze and euro. the un calls on myanmar's military to end its violent crackdown and release political prisoners as tens of thousands continue to protest against. the big. but i'm fully back to boyer watching algis the air live from doha also coming out the hope of the i.a.e.a. has been to be able to take the light is a situation which was very.


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