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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2021 7:30am-8:01am +03

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in the media nancy it's 100 of young girls that are making their way all along especially in marriage on and see and it's also many oil and gas drilling is that they're already existing or that are under development so what we saw here is you know just a kind of through most of what is going to be destroyed ation in the east on midtown and the scene in the u.s. which and our government's gender way to sink and really addiction to this kind of fossil fuels. what you all deserve me so rough a reminder of our top stories new research shows that the johnson and johnson vaccine is highly effective in preventing severe cases of covert 19 the single shot job could get emergency approval for use in the u.s. by the end of the week gardner has become the 1st country to receive vaccines through the international kovacs came 600000 astra zeneca jobs arrived on wednesday
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the u.s. backed program will see more than 2000000000 kovac 90 days is delivered to developing countries chile is making significant strides in its vaccine rollout it was the 1st country in south america to start its campaign about how has the 5th highest vaccination rate in the world latin america to lucy had given her small from santiago. tillie apparently was able to come up with a very almost airtight contract with pharmaceutical companies 3 or 4 of them at least even before the vaccines were approved and they have been arriving by the millions and so far i've had my job most of the people i know have and by the middle of the end of june if things keep going as they are now the whole country should have been inoculated police and i could also riots have broken out again between gangs of inmates in a prison of the city where this week has seen the bloodiest prison violence in the country's history with at least 79 people killed. venezuela is expelling the head
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of the european union delegation in caracas in retaliation for sanctions imposed on some of its top officials. has been given 72 hours to leave on monday the eve said imposed travel bans on venezuelan officials accusing them of either undermining democracy or violating human rights china's president has declared a complete victory in his government's campaign to stamp out poverty she made the announcement at a ceremony marking the country's accomplishments it's a goal that beijing was able to achieve this year and the white house says president joe biden will speak to saudi arabia's king saul bar before a u.s. government reported to the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi is published it's widely believed to implicate the king's son the crown prince mohammed bin sold bard in the killing those were the headlines about half an hour here on al-jazeera but it's the stream to stay with us. the latest news the decision here pins that donald
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trump will not be excluded for running from political office in the future he could run again for the presidency in 2024 with detail coverage this is now the only thing that is functioning and if strictly it will be open to allowing european workers to work in farms hearing about its being from around the world i do tell stars if i saw the city has shown just how much life has been transformed. i am fairly ok welcome to the screen on today's episode we're going to be looking at the u.s. elections back in 2018 of them president don't watch he withdrew from an international nuclear accord with iran now president biden in saying that he's ready to revisit the joint comprehensive plan of action but we conditions iran's
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take well of the says iran's foreign minister mohammed javert sirleaf earlier on this week talking to state t.v. . nothing has changed biden claims that the trump policy of maximum pressure was maximum. rincon also just recently said that that policy failed but for all practical purposes of the pursuing the same policy they haven't changed that policy the problem in the united states and it doesn't matter richard ministration the islamic republic now has dealt with 7 consecutive consecutive us presidents i have dealt with. and the problem is us is addicted to sanctions us is addicted to pressure the us is addicted to bullying. so is president joe biden the match to coup tensions between the u.s.
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and iran and the next one up for you haven't jason hello a salad i said hey i'm going to get and say hello to you and introduce themselves jason tell everybody who you are and what you do and i femi great to be on the program thanks for having me i am jason was a case i am a senior research fellow at the soufan center good to have you here was south introduce yourself to a global audience. for me thank you for having me as well my name is brad and i'm a senior research fellow at the national iranian american council good to have a set on a nice to see tell everybody who you well and. thank you for having me. i'm a researcher graduated from the university of technology and i'm based in iraq. good to have you and of course i need cheap audience you're already there handing out new app pundits do some punditry jump into the comments section and need to be part of the show not just on you cheaper also on twitter guess we've got some
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suggestions for you already if you want to do an accurate analysis says else on twitter keep in mind these 2 points number one the u.s. is not looking for mutual understanding with iran rather it wants a ransom mission either by force or it's carrot and stick diplomacy number 2 iran will never fall for the us is assurances again good luck that good luck is a little ominous where should we start a geo i just suit i want to do not is take you back to march 28th just to revisit what has happened in the last 23 years or so so this is where in a chump administration they left the nuclear deal generally the fall for iran resumes 20 percent of the ringing in a room in richmond and then by for me to 7th that says this year u.s. president joe biden says that he wants to return washington to deal but he hasn't lifted sanctions quite yet when will that happen and february 21st on sunday iran
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agreed that the international atomic energy agency could continue limited checks on its nuclear program since that is where we are right now but they are essential difference in opinion as to who does well 1st and if the sanctions 1st or do you use drop your nuclear enrichment says you are an enrichment 1st who goes 1st how do you know so that so that i think from within iran what's the perspective. well because. we have experience of the us withdrawing from the dio you know lottery and making multiple excuses despite iran's abidance by. a commitment and allowing the international atomic agency to monitor iran's
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nuclear facilities even beyond the protocol the normal person calls and. meets to. president obama called it the most precarious. i mean it's rather tearing the regime. they are entering and nation is expecting the sanctions to be lifted earnest so that there is some sort. goodwill gesture from us and iran can trust us as a good faith for d.r. and decides to take measures to. slow down or stop right there saying it's commitments. as but that's what i did you see. jason i'm just looking at the foreign minister's treat here us unconditionally and effectively have to lift sanctions imposed i'm reimposed to relabel by term we will learn and mediately
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results remedial measures who blinks 1st jason well my hope is that you know if the united states plane system right i and iran blinks it's the left and that we synchronize our behavior in discount text i specifically i'm talking about iran going back to centrifuge levels that they agreed to in the j.c. to a agreement now they have more centrifuges now than they had during this basically 08 remit so they have a lot back from their agreements the 2nd part of this is their low enriched but level has increased from $3.00 percentage to 4.5 percent and they ought to consider walking back down to the j.c. . agreed upon 3.67 percent is very disturbing also to see that not only the. mention that you said it the 20 percent potential increase that the iranians are
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looking forward to but if you look at the social matter twitter feed the supreme leader he just said yesterday the desire to potentially go up to 60 percent and that obviously is very problematic in terms of the chase yukio a deal certainly things happen in the trunk administration related to maximum pressure should be unwound in terms of sanctions that relate to the nuclear issue but these things need to be done jointly at the same time iran and united states need to take these diplomatic steps together at the same time. ass out of course and since will see from you chillin to run them right by you p.j. sense do both parties agree to deescalate the tensions. i think both parties are have shown their desire to return to the agreement and wanting to return the treaty agreement is obviously a deescalation from where we were just a few weeks ago when we had a different administration that continues to raise tensions with iran so certainly there is reason to be hopeful that biden ministration has even before he was
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president when he was a candidate the biden ministration has signaled that they want to return to the deal he's brought back a lot of the architects of the that exact deal so you don't you know you don't bring the people who've negotiated the deal because you're not serious about diplomacy but i do think as both sides are and jason of pointed out i think that there is a question of how we return to the deal and we can explore that further he's yet a have thank you for being part of this program i'm going to put this back to you again as it was the u.s. who have been from the deal not a wrong thing it's the u.s. asking if the sanctions that step. i think it's a valid point you know i mean we can't we can't have an honest conversation about something if we continue to repeat political talking points the reality of it is in any situation where the parties have agreed to a deal when warren party breaks that agreement that in this case it was the united states then it's sort of you know lodged. spec that party
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to fix it but you know we're not necessarily in an ideal situation and we know as i have just tweeted something about you know the u.s. has to lift all sanctions and then iran will return so i've also signaled i think it was just last week that there is the possibility of a synchronized compliance for compliance return ultimately neither side achieves anything with the stalemate and neither side wants to lose the agreement so sort of putting this political posturing on both sides. aside and wanting to return as jason pointed out would make the most sense to do it in a synchronized compliance for compliance fashion that would sort of avoids the stalemate of who goes 1st but and this is why i said at the beginning i do understand that point and it's a valid point the u.s. broke the deal and i think right now the narrative has somehow shifted into talking about the fact that iran is not complying with the deal as if the trumpet ministration didn't happen which of course did it was the trumpet ministration and
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this was by the way president biden in 2018 in may 2018 when trump withdrew from the deal released a statement saying all of this himself saying that this decision is a profound mistake that a unilateral withdrawal of the u.s. . will isolate the united states and not iran and in january of 2020 after the assassination of general soleimani again it was biden who made the statement very clearly that it was trying to quit the deal and not the iranians let me play a little clip of president biden this is from stepney the 19th he talking to the munich security conference he's basically laying out he says he still sees foreign policy towards iran its economy come of the back of this comment we need transparency and communication to minimize the risk of strategic misunderstanding or mistakes. that's why we said we're prepared to reengage in negotiations with the p 5 plus one on our lands nuclear program. we must also address arounds
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destabilizing activities across the middle east and we're going to work in close cooperation with our european and other partners as we proceed what's going through your mind when you hear that that's quite a list of how the u.s. is now going to be interacting with iran and you optimistic about this well i'm not really optimistic because the u.s. record of reaching agreement in. bullying does not signal any hope for me as in the rainy and it is an and also biden's reference to iran's destabilizing as he calls it is in that region is another sign that he's the one misunderstanding. needed less politics and iran's role and the region. i think i would say he talks
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a little bit better and a trial but as for actions at least it's not very clear at this point that he's going to take any serious action that would be described as or against president trump it. applied and also needs to and the markets understand. i mean. they have been trying to change the narrative and saying that iraq has to go back and deal with me but never do you know it was the united states. to deal in to reverse its commitments whatever iran has so far down. including. its starting to be its commitments are
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a part. j c p o a and what it predicted. in case of a breach. of the possible grossman's of a geo by any signal terry and what could happen in reaction to that so. yeah i think that this could be quite frustrating if you should ronnie as you who are on the ground to have had sanctions reimpose for them so we should see this here u.s. sanctions inflicted one trillion dollars of damage on iran's a quantum a that's according to the minister and then he let me she would actually means this is from the international monetary fund and that blue line is the protection of growth slow iran's economy and then 2017 it's on target 2018 this is when trump took the u. s. out of the nuclear codes and you can see here what the economy has done in iraq is
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this a consideration jason d's think from the u.s. side about the harm that's being done not to be a political elite and on but to ordinary people ordinary citizens chasing. so femi i think that graphic is quite stark and soufan said a report that we drafted one of the main points we made was impact maximum pressure campaign of the trumpet measure i should have had was on the iranian people 1st and foremost and at the it stated objectives of the maximum pressure campaign had failed terribly it didn't rain in the iranian nuclear program in fact it's only increased its productivities in terms of the low enrichment uranium and the production of centrifuges we saw an increase an iranian proxies carrying out dangerous activities across the globe in february 2020 we saw a number of hardliners who when the parliament seats and the iranian election and
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i'll just say i more optimistic i'll say from where i sit today united states as relates to the possibility to reaching an accord then i was a few months ago and i'll say yes in terms of the by any measure ation in what they're doing they're not posturing they're not over social media talking about things that they can do to iran and in fact i would just say i think some of the posturing on the iranian side has proven to be a bit problematic when used take it into conjunction with what the united states actually has done these subtle things refuting essentially the trumpet ministration position on security council resolution 2231 somehow that secondary sanctions should be put in place trying to miss ration said that in 2020 and biden has pushed back against that narrative and then they push back against the narrative of restricting for instance iranian diplomat movement in new york city and then finally i think this is really important to know is south korea made a really important decision yesterday in saying essentially that they're going to
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under freeze assets in nearly 1000000000 dollars worth of assets iran can have access to and i'll tell you that probably did not happen unless the united states an ally of south korea said it was ok so i would just look at these as a very subtle optimistic confidence building measures that i hope iran recognizes. i want to bring in the voice i have to marandi the yes we can go you go ahead i'm going to be bringing professor marandi from the investment to run when you confess can't or i decided you know one where there's certainly a difference between the bite and the trumpet ministration i don't think there's any question that biden like he said has wants to return to diplomacy but it's a question of how we're going about doing it and the reality of it is there is a certain amount of domestic pressure on both sides both the iranian side and the american side but the rouhani administration is taking up pressure on and for instance we can see that with what they negotiated with the i e a to compromise yet again and that has caused huge backlash amongst the running
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parliamentarians against the rouhani administration what i think the iranian side needs to see is the biden ministration willing to take on some of that domestic pressure which we have yet to see. this is really could very quickly of the term address the very consul back here to the iran need to explain anything dolls and why just very briefly no one move on it when the material was formed back in $250.00 because it wanted to prove that it's going to well and now that the program. that really a nuclear program is cheese school and iran is absolutely ready to engage with world powers to prove that but right now if. this is going to continue to same way as it has without any sections for me and what sanctions or labor i don't think iran really needs. my promise to professor marandi from the universe
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seems to ron he spoke to us have a listen. iranians hate try obviously but that doesn't mean you like biden after all it was during biden's vice presidency the united states initiated the maximum pressure campaign using sanctions targeting ordinary iranians and making women and children suffer people died as a result so biden is not a friend of the global south or iran or the region but the iranians are so willing to give him a chance and so far he's failed because he's continuing with trump's maximum pressure campaign and therefore he's brutalizing ordinary iranians and still making them suffer so far he's failed safe this is from january the 20 s. and has been a mother fadia but also this maximum pressure campaign that happened during the
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champs yes jason what came out of it. not a lot of good quite frankly i mean it definitely hit the iranian economy extremely hard we saw a significant decline like you demonstrated a few minutes ago but what we also saw was around doubling down on a number of things that are extremely problematic in the context of u.s. national security interests and the interests of its regional security allies and by that i mean support to various proxy groups what we saw in terms of support groups like the who these in yemen has causing instability there as well in that post 2015 advent we saw a significant movement ira g.c. personnel to prop up the assad regime also problematic in the context of u.s. relations we saw the united states observe that iran started getting closer to the orbits of the russian federation as well as the chinese government the chinese government in terms of the economic relationship in terms of russia for instance
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providing russia the ability to use iranian air bases and hama don so these are all things that are in a medical it's a broader u.s. security interests and of course we are long aware of the fact that you know there are certain level of al qaeda individuals that pretty senior level who still call iran home and that passive support provided by the iranian regime is problematic to say the least i would just go into just at the end here that i disagree with the trump administration assessment of the level of the support to al qaeda it's passive supports it is a chip that iran has quite frankly and there has been a past where they're willing to actually i'm just sitting or trading these outside individuals living in iran see united states and they they offer them up to trade them for the any case for instance the mujahideen e cocked about a decade ago so these are things that are extremely problematic that have become worse because of the maximum pressure campaign mess and pressure campaign a significant failure of u.s.
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foreign policy. to seize our strength as the screen often raised issues he didn't send to town or paid earlier with a sense of urgency. the by the restriction ran on a platform or cozy maximum pressure strategy on iran the total failure that had undermined u.s. national security 'd it was even written into the democratic platform that the united states needed to urgently return to the play this has not yet happened and it's not entirely sure why not but if the bio ministration doesn't move much faster than this there's a high likelihood that the next president of iran will be conservatives and who will be elected on a platform opals in the j.c. puree just as trump was in 2060 set at a set a sense of urgency within iran to something has to be done about the joint comprehensive plan of action i used feeling that against sensing that.
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well everything that. is ealing. with the brought to. urgency is us taking an urgent urgent plea taking action to return to the deal and to. reconvince i mean compared save for the damage that it has cost to bring a nation and to deal. so yes the iranian nation is willing to see that and the not going to i mean they have given and now time to the united states and other signatories to. rehearse what they have done so far gone to one year after strong. in order to start reversing its commitments and it has been some occasions just recently after you had an incident in iran another.
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chance and at the. time 3 months time. to steal. by and by. cancer that agency has said and iran has done everything to show that it's willing. to continue with the deal if the united states left sanctions if the united states go by. and of course compensates for what it has done. what it is also important to remember that they are really a nation has a very bitter memory very recent better memory of their child general you know being killed under the interim administration do you have a memory of their. each a terrorist group being supported and trained by the u.s.
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government and most. it's too especially when you know there are scientists so it is it's very difficult to. imagine any nation but trust us. a little bit of changing. and thinking it's interesting. to know what i'm thinking is one of the hardest things is we've been talking around this and and who moves fast and he does what fascinates me little steps towards working out some kind of agreement but how do you get that done reza has a year where does the disappearance of their heart talk to is for the united states and for iraq because analysing it from both countries from the want to have to use for their domestic constituents or national our allies ensuring that they're not we take that 1st step however it is in their national interests their personal interest possibly for global image to reintroduce appearance which is why i think
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through back shouts almost see the past 2 or a simultaneous reactionary consciousness a sense. i am sure we took you that year and our relations in she episodes of the screen but for now so did i find this is where you can find him on twitter a south thank you very much this is where you can find a silence was it and jason we appreciate it this is jason. thanks for watching everybody seen extern. frank assessments should we be buying big court ultimately it will be sovereigns and governments who are buying this and in-depth analysis of the day global headlines inside story. to say just that and it's time for a different approach one that is going to challenge the way you think on asking the
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questions now is the new host of the next season of the show that's got no space for sound bites only cavity so let's listen closely to the headlines join me as i take on the last dismantle the misconceptions and debate the contradiction. of marc lamont hill and it's time to get up for it right here on out there. there is no channel that covers world news like we do we revisit places in the state and just there are pretty invests in them and that's a privilege as a journalist. and. the health of humanity is its stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering lifesaving to lose supplies and training to help the world's most vulnerable people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of the x.e.
8:00 am
keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the wounded and in the lab now more than ever the world needs w.-h. on making the healthy a world for you. to everyone. safe and highly effective u.s. regulators are set to approve johnson and johnson's single shot coronavirus vaccine paving the way for global rollout. problems all rommany want to al-jazeera life my headquarters here in doha also coming up facebook targets me and miles military bombing the armed forces of using any of its platforms as protests against the coup showed no signs of letting up. i
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believe. also more violence at one of 3 prisons in ecuador where riots broke out killing at least 79 people.


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