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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm +03

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andrew symonds i would want to even cumbria. now u.s. and canadian diplomats have praised the quality of pineapples burn in taiwan the show of support for the self ruling island comes off to china abruptly imposed an import ban on in their sizing harmful creatures in the for years taiwan's government has urged locals to buy more of the fruit in order to cushion the blow for farmers and before that ban china about 90 percent of the pile apples that were grown on taiwan. and that this is al jazeera these are the headlines $279.00 schoolgirls kidnapped in the north west a nigerian state of them foreign have been released a gunman took them from a state run school on friday it's the latest of a series of abductions in the region security forces and myanmar continue to crackdown on protesters 2 days after the bloodiest day yet of the unrest there are
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reports that live rounds were fired in the northwestern town of kalak. you can see there have been street battles between security forces and anti huge demonstrations in cities across the country on tuesday and that's despite the use of increasingly violent tactics to disperse the crowds at least 18 people were killed on sunday a u.s. state department spokesperson says the escalation in tactics is reprehensible and has declared the violence of horns u.s. president joe biden is set to announce an unusual partnership between pharmaceutical rivals that aims to fast track the country's vaccine rolled out there are reports that merck will help to produce johnson and johnson's coronavirus job. and now nigeria has received its 1st vaccines through the global kovacs sharing scheme close to 4000000 astra zeneca jobs arrived in the capital of bridge on tuesday health care workers and frontline workers will be the 1st to be inoculated it's now the 3rd west african country to benefit from this u.n.
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sponsored program amnesty international says war crimes are being committed in mozambique more than couple delgado province in a new report the rights group says hundreds of people have been killed there since 2017 it's documented extrajudicial executions human rights violations and indiscriminate attacks hong kong court has adjourned the 2nd hearing of $47.00 pro-democracy activists who are facing subversion charges under a national security law dependence so he defendants have complained of exhaustion during proceedings that on monday went for more than 15 hours so far 5 of them have felt unwell and were taken to hospital they're accused of participating in an unofficial election primary for the territories legislature well those are the headlines they'll be more news here with fully on al-jazeera at the stream to stay with us. 4 months ago violence erupted in ivory coast after
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a disputed presidential election now it's time to choose members of parliament on march 6th voters cast their ballots but the vote revived the fortunes of the main opposition and how will this affect the region the ivory coast parliamentary election on al jazeera. high after me ok on today's episode of the stream the are talking to palestinians about the impact of the code 19 pandemic on gaza and the west bank what is needed to tackle a very serious public health crisis that is one question i'm so you have many people you know what to do if you watch even you tube right now jump into the comments section and be part of today's program. i am going to say hello to the guests the guests will say hello to you how you are
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a doctor or some other we are nice to see you yeah right tell our international audience who you are and what you did. well hi amy thanks for having us and i'm dr e. r r c i'm a post doctoral scholar at the university of central florida and i will be a fulbright scholar to the west bank hopefully next year and assuming we can travel next year. hopefully dr as well welcome to the stream tell everybody who you love what you do. for me thank you for having us please call your sama at the attrition i'm a children's doctor usually based on how far and our public health scored and now i am on our fellowship that many university and public health and health policies thank you so much welcome rest am i we have to tell you what he and what. hi my name is graham who are there i'm an assistant professor of and have community and public health at it is that university and the west bank oh i teach in the master's
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and public health program and i also do research related to gaius as the. nice to have you everybody and it is a light at the top of this discussion that i reached out to the ministry of defense in israel wanted to get in touch with the unit that coordinates activities and and the will being of palestinian students in palestinian authority and the israeli authorities that unit is the coordinator of government activities in the territories we asked them if they were conscious using a statement some element that we can bring into station we haven't heard back from them yet if i get something before the end of the show i promise i will share it with you where should we start let me start in gaza city where the vaccination campaign was rolling out on separate a 22nd have a look at this. was i was we in the gaza strip have started the vaccine campaign against
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covered 19 we have started with health workers and the campaign will continue as they receive 22000 doses in gaza and i was. jonesy chief 1000 doses of summer how many which you guessed i'm an educated guess is needed to all of the areas where palestinians are to keep them healthy and safe. ok for me 1st of all it's very good to remind our audience when we talk about israel palestine where are these geographical unit located it's you know these artificial geographical unit the gaza strip is an artificially created unit by israeli occupation it's basically a very small piece of land that houses more than 2000000 population most of them out of refugees that cannot return to their home countries the same about the west bank you know it's infused with this settlements that are part of the israeli system and with an accession problem with an accession going ahead. you know these
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will be part of the israeli sovereignty so it's important to understand that the west bank and gaza strip and not to you know and dependent geographical unit and then they don't have any access to port or airport and then there are you know an israel for the entrance of anything a fair vaccination of tests and so on so vague as it is a very crowded place with over 2000000 population of course 20 $2000.00 this is just a joke not if you want that. but this this seems to me this sort of push and pull between israeli authorities in the palestinian authority in terms of what happens next in it we show you an idea as they spread here so we have is your help that shipment of russian sputnik that seemed to gaza next headline palestinians begin kind of vaccinations an occupied west west bank what is happening here and we are talking about potentially life and death and even the extreme politics that we know
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happens in this region that's even playing out when anyone does it there is no border because it. right absolutely you know and this is what happens you know 50 years into an occupation and 30 years after the signing of the oslo accords which was an interim deal that was meant to lead to a palestinian state within 5 years which would have been you know the year 2000 and i think we all are aware that that hasn't happened you know if you're looking at the legal basis putting aside practicalities and moral obligations all human rights scholars all human rights entities civil society throughout the west bank gaza and israel put the onus of this on israel israel is the occupying power all international bodies recognize this israel's own supreme court reaffirmed this in a court case from just last summer so this this push and pull is really. marilee
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israeli politicians and ministers and defenders from outside of israel who simply don't want to vaccinate palestinians they want to maintain this illusion that a neighboring state who needs charity and kind of dissociate themselves from that again 50 year occupation and say that they don't have this legal duty because of the oslo accords well this question has been asked and answered many times especially since november when the hearse maxine's were starting to arrive in israel and you know for them to still be pushing back at this point now as they're shipping vaccines to countries a 1000 miles away they're starting to actually teenagers meanwhile we have higher risk elderly palestinians who don't even know when they're going to get their vaccines it's estimated that many palestinians won't be able to receive the vaccine at all in 2021. so let me share with. your head i'm
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going. to come of the comment he's run. well more than half of israelis have now received a covert tax a nation that's not a fraction of percentage of palestinians in the west bank and gaza have received the same that's deeply inequitable so a young and healthy israeli living in illegal west bank settlement may have received a chap but not a vulnerable or elderly palestinian on the same occupied land the palestinian health system simply doesn't have the resources it needs to sustain its response long term nor to provide the rapid comprehensive and equitable system of vaccination needed to recover from the pandemic international or it's incredibly clear israel remains the occupying power and as such must control power since can access vaccines and they also of course don't stop it of that duty. exactly so it's really works on exporting the illusion that palestine as the other said is a neighboring country in need of charity while israel tightly controlled of the borders of of the occupied palestinian territory and also
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a continuously defines these borders you know we're building settlements expanding settlements so on so you have this absurd situation where a settler living in the west bank has all the access to a vaccination and healthcare simply because he is jewish you know a jewish settler with an israeli passport so he has access to all the vaccination verses the vast majority or like a philistine and that's just the west bank gaza how can possibly gaza get its own vaccination if it has to go through israel and israel is the ruling by the it is the militant occupier of the entire region of. israel west bank and gaza and it has the obligation and duty to faxon it all palestinians whatsoever but it continuously . swings between saying that i have no obligation towards the palestinian to saying that i will fulfill some of my humanitarian duties without really defining what are these humanitarian obligations or you know they're not even humanitarian that political obligations to any occupying power. we can you bring and people
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real people and salaries in this conversation because we could tell politics for the whole 25 mi and not really get into what does this mean for thousands of people and people's lives if we're struggling to get vaccines to an m. and a vaccine is it not that far away. and many think before i do that i actually want to say a prayer related to what sam i just said and you know israel talks about you know israel does like it's not an occupying power like. a ranch and then kind of you know assumes that the accords actually takes away the stress responsibility and you know we know that it doesn't but there is another issue what we're seeing right now these under-resourced health system the structural issues there is that we're actually experiencing are not new to cope that they just only become more pronounced and we're paying more attention to them because of the global pandemic and i think this is really important to keep in mind and israel also controls like
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every minute facet of daily life and i think this is something that like we all need to remember because it controls what can actually go in and it happened with testing kids it's happening with axioms recently a little while ago that we're not refuse entry into another thing and i thought he was trying to send them. i mean and it's not only not actually abiding by its responsibilities it's preventing me more who are actually trying to solve the problem and how the billions are seeing that we have people believing because you all agree about how this is unethical and it's you know a good idea so i take that i need that now tell people. yeah and i think people are very frustrated because they see the systems there they're having to face this pandemic under incredible facility that's a result of like the structural problems that patients and sat there colonialism their resources are extracted by the israeli state taxes are collected by the way
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every facet of life is actually controlled but palestinians don't get any of these benefits and what they're having to deal with are more and more obstacles and so we're seeing more pronounced economic impacts we have a very weak political system or a government system that can actually provide the kinds of social protections that israeli citizens and people see that and i think this is another part of the frustration. and mental and at the same time in their dealing with coded and they're also dealing with threats of annexation then country station if we go back to the un office for the mission of humanitarian assistance if you look at the demolition record there was an again early on in 2020 that no demolitions would occur during the pandemic 2020 was a peak here in terms of demolitions so instead of people actually having access. very hazy and sanitation infrastructure their homes were demolished. and the
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economy was already a captive economy it's only a situation has and where it's become a lot more reliant on the israeli economy so you have the surplus they brought for us. use that israel's well and when it's convenient when it's not convenient and this is also another issue that's coming up with fascinations sometimes they say that they're going to vaccinate work or sometimes they're not going to x. and it workers and there is a lot of pick harry like there is you know and it's very hard to actually plan a day to day. and this is. actual economic and other aspects of daily life. i might also add to that that israel is not only diminishing houses in the west bank also for the palestinians living inside israel so if you look at the between. community in the south in the now you have a tens of thousands of people living in and recognized villages israel just like you know last week demolished it once again at our village so when people are struggling literally you know to get to a water sanitation hygiene proper house in israel demolishes house is inside its
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own borders for the palestinian community inside but. and you know when we hear you talking about life on the ground and i just want any you know there was a report from the united nations in 20 well that would be unlivable by 2020 and this was pretty home in fact 3 vaccines into may and so this is the environment that cope with entering an environment that was already deemed on remember by human rights groups yes you have established a case for wind back scenes and good health care needs to be in gaza and the west bank occupied territories and you have made that case let's look at what is happening in terms of look here on my laptop israel to vaccinate palestinian laborers against because it 19 that is because the business is themselves pushed for that to happen because they didn't want their workers to come into work sick so that's the economy saying we need them. here and that's also as after pressure didn't give it from the beginning. so that you know it will vaccinate asylum
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seekers refugees people that have that and the undocumented refugees except for palestinian they're literally issued a statement by the ministry of health that it will vaccinate anyone inside it's that authority that is undocumented except for palestinians so that also included workers or people who are you know families that are partially one with israeli id one with listing an id who are an artist so it really divided that racially and ethnically and then afterwards after pressure from human rights groups they've managed to to vaccinate only people that they can exploit right so if that is. what occurs really palestinian workers in construction because a full day for israeli construction you know businesses the palestinians are a captive market you know you have these millions of people who you control that that have very limited options of job options that have to work and sometimes in
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building itself and building settlements you know and then as to control that. it will want to to vaccinate that but also after pressure it didn't come at the knees . in the family i think it's important for the audience to know that most of the exports from palestine are to israel and so israel has not only uses out in workers but most of the agricultural output the stone that is mined in palestine a lot of that goes to israel so at the beginning of the pandemic israeli politicians were in fact predicting an expedited rate of construction and building and economic development during rock downs because people weren't leaving their houses depending on that and you know labor are still while the palestinian economy was at a standstill israel was still able to reap those benefits so some are mentioned just a moment ago the pressure being put on israeli authorities to that snake palestinians they will show you what the pressure can do but from the palestinian territories
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and from overseas palestinians condemn israel's move the same vaccines overseas and then nice things headline this is new for this week is your oil suspends plan to give coverage that seems to allies a broad base for most palestinians let me take you to a scene in east jerusalem and this is just in the past few days are police palestinians are getting vaccinated take a look a. little bit about some of her are looking forward to having we want to do we have oxy install the people in jerusalem because a very important we know the vaccines here in the mosque. in your will and i have a palestinian id and i have a residency and israel we thank those people this enables the vaccination for us so we can get vaccinated because we can go to the west bank to get vaccinated god
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bless them every person should get the vaccine against this pandemic and then what . it's when i started this show i say so how do you i guess see the way forward in terms of how do you tackle this major public health crises we have and he starts. so i think you know you started off with the international question and i think there needs to be more international pressure from there and as a veil in order for it to actually abide by its responsibilities and i think yetto probably have more to say on this point but what i'll also talk about is that we need to also focus on the health system the health system has been under-resourced a large part of that has also been because of the structural barriers created by the agreements that also you know continue to put palestinians. create this codependent relationship between palestinians and israeli occupation so you're also at the mercy of the israelis constantly so you see this man that's thankful that
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he's getting other axion but at the same time it's not you know and it's not just like this humanitarian gesture from the israelis like this is a responsibility these are people that have lost their lands themselves their livelihoods. and there is also been a lot of the development and you know there's the air i have talked about this in the context of us. and what we need to do is we need to refocus and actually shifting to towards a more developmental view and building institutions building and also holding us her accountable and holding the palestinian authority accountable to their people as well you may think you also don't it's nice that you mention jerusalem it is a specific case you know east jerusalem was occupied in 1067 just like the west bank and gaza strip and they got on height but then israel gave jurors and i might a specific until you can look at the head and he you know offer of papers and citizenship but some people in jerusalem they are not israeli citizens they are residents and then they have to continuously prove that they are actually part of
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the city that they were you know as if that applying for a green card they have to continuously improve that so the unprovided health care by the israeli health care system but because they simply you know israel controls their land and they pay taxes for that right so it's not a charity or anyone. they pay taxes. to israel but we are what we saw in the beginning of the pandemic israel didn't put any testing centers in the palestinian neighborhoods in east jerusalem and when the pm starting putting test in center as i simply demolished it so it's really treated it as a community that you know i don't want to test you but i don't want you to get to services by other providers you know and so jerusalem is a very specific and but and peculiar case and also it of course the health care the x. axis and delivered in jerusalem is way worse if you compare it western resident to east jerusalem so i guess there were so many questions for you and i you comment sections of it this is the speed round i'm going to ask
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a question you're not really quickly no pressure all right this is from sin yet where is the un when the getting involved in vaccination for the palestinians i. think that is about to start a young he's not the well the un has you know issued statements but i mean ultimately the un is a political body and they are they run by the support of member states so the un is not going to you know i mean they have agencies for refugees they have agencies for specific population groups but it's not their responsibility to be the one procuring distributing and disseminating the vaccines to palestinians they are doing what they should be during which is calling on israel to fill its duties. 2 questions about kovacs and some are put these teen clovis is asking about kovacs which he rightly says is the international initiative to vaccinate the globe more equitably and so he's asking about that what about how thanks and vinicius says the
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same thing do you guys think the u.n. kovacs program was actually have a quick and substantial impact on the palestinian cause the crisis that was what it was designed to do yeah exactly for populations in the global south of again this doesn't relieve from oblique implication israel is the one responsible but i think that is part of the kovacs i think here and we may know as more information you know about the p.s.c. will have to go to neck. so with kovacs the way it works is that they're supposed to provide 20 percent of the need for vaccinations and that's that would alleviate but it's not coming and quickly enough the 1st step as expected sometime in march but it's going to be a pretty small shipment and there's a larger shipment later on but at the same time what we're seeing in especially yesterday and the day before there had been warnings by the ministry of health and others that we're entering the 3rd phase and it's actually more dangerous than these new variants that were discovered that in the u.k.
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in. south africa are also found here and so the spread has been increasing quite dramatically in the last couple of days compared to a few weeks ago and so what we've had is they can last for months there's been almost a year billing of. cases and these are the ones that we know of and there is a there is a shortage of testing and estimations are that the actual numbers are much higher than what actually reported so it's important and it would alleviate some of that burden but it's not happening quickly enough and it won't be at the scale that actually needed. this is right and just to ngo's at l.a.x. is only meant to vaccinate 20 percent of the palestinian population so even if that entire shipment arrives tomorrow you still have you know 80 percent minus health care workers with no immediate vaccine. i love these questions he just bluntly do the consumers have any friends in the health authority or of health authority
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like let's just say the monetary and that seems such a sweet seem to think i'm put out thank exactly sticker. no and we reject that. you don't have friendship between occupier and occupied again these are not to a neighboring countries that are trying to establish something you have a country that military 1st of all you know that israeli basically created the west bank and gaza strip. you know as a geographical unit as an occupied unit they did not exist in the past and israel exposed the listing as you know most of the people that we're not talking about of refugees the most of the palestinians are refugees or that and lebanon syria and other neighboring countries and then it continues to occupy these places so of course we don't want what we are arguing for is not a friendly the elation ship between occupier and occupied in order to is that we are talking for the fulfillment of duties what we would like to see in the future as the couldn't. you know and tell you of the colonization of the region. and when
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the no doubt friendly relations. i know it now is if i miss a one sentence because all right at the end of the show one sentence go ahead i was going to say like we say in public health like these you know these references to from the just areas would only maybe alleviate some of the symptoms but they would not actually cure the disease and if we want real change we need such as the structural issues room and who knows when that may well happen i don't know what the code of 90 might be the push is not direction. yara osama. thank you so much huge she has such an amazing array of questions and debate and discussion we appreciate you find around to get us onto it and this is what he shared with us from a very simple when we were talking to him about the shimmy and she disclosed down here so he was talking about israel we also are colds responsibility of code 19 in
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vaccination this is what flies insists to sneak in here medical apartheid. thank you guests appreciate you this appreciate you that me ok sunny often the home edition stands yet i see next time take your. march on al-jazeera. 10 years on from the tsunami that struck japan al-jazeera revisits the people most affected by the disaster football rebels eric cantona presents a new series about iconic plants this influence has been as great off the page as on at. conferences makes history with the 1st papal visit to iraq his 1st trip outside italy since the coronavirus pandemic. upfront mark lamont hill cut through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom. hope for the future the ivory coast to coast to the polls for its parliamentary election. march on al-jazeera.
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abuse of power around the globe. on how to see and. be the hero the world needs. washing ready. this is al-jazeera. hello this is the news hour on al-jazeera i'm fully back to your life from our world headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes new u.s. sanctions send russia message about both the treatment of dissidents alexei navalny and their broader relationship. 279 schoolgirls have been released in northern nigeria after being.


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