tv The Stream Al Jazeera March 2, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm +03
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cinnabon became active 10 years ago after lying dormant for centuries since then 130000 people living within 5 kilometers of the volcano have been forced to leave their homes could monday catch up any time on our website dresser that is ours era dot com. top stories on our syria the white house is not sanctions over the poisoning of opposition figure aleksandr valley the u.s. accuses russia poisoning the kremlin critic with a nerve agent last august something it denies 7 senior russian officials and 14 agencies associated with chemical agent production have been targeted they cleared the director of russia's f.s.b. security agency the successor to the k.g.b. the european union also now sanctions on 4 top officials and only was jailed last month on his return to russia for violating parole last being treated in germany.
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it was not meant to be a silver bullet or an ending to what has been a difficult relationship with russia we expect the relationship to continue to be a challenge we're prepared for that and we're neither seeking to reset our relations with russia nor are we seeking to escalate. the 279 schoolgirls kidnapped last week from a government run boarding school in northern nigeria have been recounting their ordeal after being freed they say their abductors beat them and threatened to shoot them as they were marched into a forest their release follows 4 days of tense negotiations officials say no ransom was paid for their release. was one hour the hours are now words they drove us like animals some of us were falling and getting injured they made us trek for 2 to 3 hours and spent the 1st 2 days in the camp they pushed us forward threatening to
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kill anyone who refused to move despite the blisters on our feet they forced us to walk further into we reach the 2nd and then the 3rd camp security forces in man marcantonio him to crackdown on protesters 2 days after the country's bloodiest day since the military coup there are reports that live rounds were fired in the northwestern town of color this as foreign ministers from the regional bloc asin held talks with a nearly mom military representative in indonesia and said all parties should refrain from instigating violence when wasn't passed into the un says he will remain in the role despite the military announcing he's been fired from a position the stream is up next asking if activist athletes can force real change a bit more news after that.
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hurt. her was one of the clear black lives matter. so that was an n.b.a. video released in june of this year's showing support for the black line and social justice movements we're talking about the power of athletes and activism and using that platforms i know you've got opinions you can jumping to the cheap comment section and be part of this discussion let me introduce the stream very own dream team no pressure gas that day say hello to tell everyone who you are. oh hey my name is dave zirin on the sports editor at the nation magazine and i've written a bunch of books about the politics of sports nice to have you welcome back to the
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stream hello max so tell everybody he wanted you an introduction. hello everyone my name is maxwell piers i'm at 3 i'm an influencer and i play for the harlem globetrotters thanks for joining us next hour and then tell introduce yourself how everyone my name is chantelle lavender i'm with the indiana fever is the debbie in the 18 the women's national basketball association and i am an activist and i am happy to be here until i'm just looking at the denver n.b.a. and they are out there now all with using app tally using our phone if you could pick one moment in the last couple of months of athletes using that platform for activism what was the moment that stuck out to you that we. were definitely the entire initiative that the debbie n.b.a. has pushed forward with say her to say her name campaign and where brianna taylor's
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name on the back of their jerseys has been huge sports is one of the biggest platforms i think you can use force for activism because people watch it in people want to see it on t.v. and when you see at least taken a stand people take notice people to eat and i think that that's been the largest the biggest thing i've seen since cabernet in the one sitting out because of the recent killing there jacob lake. next it was a moment familia where i just went gulp i cannot believe they did this and that was in the n.f.l. players came out and said. we have to pull life not a movement just so you don't have to being so controversial after the take a knee became a political discussion what was the moment for you where you just said this is extraordinary in the world of sports today. for me it was when the n.b.a. teams decided not to play their games and seeing the impact of that and how quickly
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it spreads who other leagues i mean the m.o.v. the m.l.s. a few other leagues and other teams followed suit within 24 hours so to see the impact and and the silence that it brought so many people were looking forward to watching sports games when it's an honor t.v. and there's no sports and they're seeing why these players aren't playing it really forces us to think about the injustices that they're speaking up about them e n and yeah yeah i mean i really have to agree with what maxwell said because i think what happened a couple of weeks ago in the n.b.a. at the w n.b.a. major league baseball major league soccer the national hockey league naomi osaka in tennis when all of these folks in quick order in a matter of hours decided that they were going to go on strike for black lives it was such a remarkable moment because it is an equal in sports history we're dealing with
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history without a compass we've never seen athletes step up to this degree and we've certainly never seen them use their labor power to say that racism needs to be challenged. and that's right that happened because so many different sports happened because jacob blake who who thankfully is not dead was shot by the police in the back and that video went viral and then after that we're not we're not playing we can't we play i want to share with you shannon ryan stuart she's a sports reporter at the chicago tribune and she let me dave says this is something that very different that's happening with sports and athletes let's take a look usually when you think about athlete protests or thinking about individuals maybe muhammad ali or tommy smith and john raising their fists at a 960 olympics a contest really taking any and what's different about today's protests is we're seeing across different leagues different sports different races genders it's
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really been a collective push and that's i think through history we've seen the most changes when there's been a united front from athletes right now you're seeing and be a has demanded arenas be used for voting sites. mississippi athletes helped me push for a change to change their state and to get rid of a confederate symbol whether it becomes a tipping point or not really depends on how much they can keep this momentum going and remain united i also want to show he since thoughts from the cheap comments and some people are upset that you're using your platform gentile a maxwell to come all says the only thing you are doing is destroying the sport and the league gentil you take that festival. that's very interesting because when you have world issues you need to focus on them and being a black woman being a part of sports we are we make up
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a large percentage of the sporting community especially in that school and i feel like if we're not being respected how are we able to get out on the court and play a game and that's the part that frustrates me and gets me a little rowdy is because you have to respect us as a human being 1st we are people we do we play this sport but as a people we have to be respected and if you can come to a game and shearers on one and you should be able to respect us you can go home. with a guy sans max and fascinated by what you want is going to be with you guys thank you for being on the shot just because someone knows how to hoop doesn't mean that he's all her opinion is of any how you. wow. first of all it's this important to understand that whatever whatever job you have that say you're a politician who's interested in sports. you know everyone is entitled to
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their own level of opinion or intellect on things that they are not a professional in that that's 1st and foremost and then secondly. i am going just like all of the other athletes i am going to continue to use my platform that i have to speak on issues that i had direct ties and direct connections to as well as my family members and the members in my community just like. if you can come to a game and support me as an athlete then you should be able to support and respect me as the human behind the jurors because we are human beings 1st and athletes 2nd no matter how the way you want to look at. you know just leave the ignorance of those statements with all due respect coming
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from the internet are really overpowering when people say that they don't want sports and politics to mix what they're really saying is they don't want sports and a certain kind of politics to mix they have no problem with politics in sports when we're talking about nationalism when we're talking about celebrating the military hack when we're talking about celebrating the police many teams do these celebrations of law enforcement knights in war or whatnot but when it comes to the athletes themselves trying to use the platform that they have built that they have earned to speak out about their lives then all of a sudden the hammer comes down and there is i would argue s. of a seriously racist undertone or sometimes overtone to this statement which is basically shut up and play which is basically get out there and entertain me and i don't want to hear what you have to say and it's amazing that in 2020 we're still wrestling with what was said in 1968 when tommie smith and john carlos raised their fists one
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of their slogans at in the for the $68.00 olympics was they said why should we run in mexico city only to crawl home which is still what animates i think the athletic protests today why should we be loved with our uniforms on but then disdained when the uniform is off. let me just show you naomi a stack as she won the u.s. open on september the 12th and these images people who are waiting every day what mosque is she going to have a lot and you can see and she is wearing the mosques of people who met a violent and because of police brutality every day she had a black eyes mats and movement mosque on and then at the end of the u.s. open when she won it this is what she told the commentator who asked her about the months you said from the beginning you had 7 matches 7 masks 7 day what was the message you wanted to send mail to tom or what was the message
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that you got it was more the question or feeling the point is to make people start talking what we most 'd gratified about the awareness that you raised on i mean for me where i didn't find of the bible so i'm not really sure what's really going on in the outside world all i can tell is what's going on on social media and for me i feel like you know the more retreats it gets or that's so when but you know when more people talk about it gentile what's it like being a female athlete seeing other doesn't even matter being an athlete seeing other athletes all working together to the same and when you still naomi do you that maxwell i know you tweeted out namely success on your twitter account as well gentle fest that's what you guessed it. well it's phenomenal and she's on one of the biggest stages that she can ask for in this work community and to see her speaking out and let people know the seriousness of what's going on in the world
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and she said something that was very interesting to me she said she want people to talk and i feel like i would i would kind of tweet that in a sense being with being in 2020 and this is about action it's about physically going out and physically doing something and i think that there has been a generational shift with this generation and we're tired and we're not going to deal with it and she knows the people that she's around and i love her response when she said what did you get out of it and that's and he was huge because if the 1st is our friends that we need to step up is the people that are around or playing with are our teammates that are not black or teammate that that love us every day when we put on that jersey and compete with them but it's about what they think it's about what they feel if they can hear us cry out and speak out about it and go home and be with a racist family member that's not the message of that being clear and i love that she mentioned that it's about how the world she is not an african-american people
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that are not being oppressed how they respond. why absolutely for a while you know it's it's extremely admirable how. naomi has spoken up and really how the w. m.b.a. had been leaders in this movement i mean when you think about women in sports they deal with a whole nother layer of adversity they have to deal with massage me they have to deal with hyper masculinity people constantly telling them that they shouldn't be playing the sport which is just completely blasphemous so there's so many additional things that they have to encounter and deal with outside of being especially women of color in sports so i really do it's at my head off to them and i am and i am trying extremely hard to match that energy and be in support even
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when support there can be scarce sometimes do you have any. decent mohammed watching her how much can sports change racism in america. well i keep when i hear that question i think about what dr martin luther king said about jackie robinson who called him a sit in or before sit ins of freedom rider before freedom rides jackie robinson integrates major league baseball in 1947 almost a full decade before the flowering of the monk army bus boycott and the civil rights movement in the south a sit in or before sit ins a freedom rider before freedom rides often times sports is like a weather vane in our society and it tells us which way the wind is blowing and scarcer enough right now what we're seeing is the wind blowing towards justice the wind is blowing toward some sort of reckoning with the history of racism not just in the united states but throughout the world this is a global movement and i think what you're seeing it with so incredible about this
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is that what it does is it punctures privilege because it's very easy to be a white person in the united states or i guess anywhere throughout the world and not have to confront the reality of what it means to be black not have to confront the reality of what it means to be an indigenous person and when you have sports athletes when you have them speaking out about these issues it punctures that privileged it severs that segregation and it forces people to really confront the reality is that people i mean that's what naomi who was doing she was saying look if you're a tennis fan you might have the luxury of not knowing who alijah mclane is but i'm going to put that name in front of you you are going to know who lives in mclean is and that's powerful but that's also why athletes i would argue are policed so heavily by the reactionary powers that be because they don't want them using that power precisely because they understand how powerful it is. i want to share a few athletes jonjo
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a max of some really supportive comments these ones this time coming from twitter some thoughts about athletes and activism citizens speak out that's democracy for you and no one cement just assistantship at the locker room. doug says the better question is not why. but why should they be denied an activist role in whatever they believe in and then actually just going to jump across to maxwell some that you tweeted out in a story that reminds us that there is racism effete way and in sports and in the sports well so t.v. host and banana at. the harlem globetrotter what happened to me why is it relevant to what i speaking about today. so i was given an interview about an upcoming game and i was showing a few tricks with a basketball when one of the reporters were sued and one of the news anchors pulled out a tangerine from his pocket and threw it to me so i caught him very confused returned
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it to him and then he then threw it to someone off camera who threw the tangerine at me for a 2nd time this time i didn't catch it and then shortly after that a weight woman behind the camera threw a banana at me this is all happening on live television and so my initial reaction i caught them and then extremely stunned shocked i didn't know how to even begin to unpack what was actually of happening so then i left there immediately and my 1st thought was i need to get a copy of this video so i got a copy of the video and i debated on whether or not i wanted to go public with it for a while but i knew that i still had a job to do and i didn't want to ruffle the feathers of my job. so i try my best to suppress it and then briana taylor a motto or george floyd all of these things reignited the flame that had been
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applied at the time of this experience and that's when i knew that ok i have to speak up about this so i decided to go public with the story mainly to use it as a teachable moment for everyone who came across the experience for me i learned the value in using my platform and my voice and the power that i truly have. it empowers other people who experience mike regressions on a daily basis to voice their experiences and not be quiet about it and it also shows that you know we need to in order to create real change we're going to have to figure out how to take full accountability for the things that we do and learn from them. these micro aggressions have a shoe mongoose impact on us and may seem sorrow boy any person who
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experiences my progress on a daily basis can tell you the actual and true weight of what these companies take up i want you in on a couple things that happened big things happened said the n.f.l. was sort of sank you know something about the contaminant thing and not so many words the celtics for instance my laptop celtics unveiled 20 $5000000.00 a 10 year plan to fight racial injustice and you could be cynical because this isn't just happened in the last few months in the mood last year was not quite this story the new tone we've entered the era of branding for black 9 maybe suggesting that this isn't truly real but maybe teams in a new don't have any option but to go along with it because what are they going to say no you can't mean right now how would they say to date exactly i mean we just have to remember that these are multibillion dollar corporations and they know which way the wind is blowing and they know that they have a very restive players so the n.f.l.
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for example they do not want their players to go out on strike like the n.b.a. the n.b.a. major league baseball except for a because they make billions of dollars off of television deals so they're trying to figure out ways to make sure that their players are appeased so they're putting forward these initiatives but for a lot of the players that's not enough and that's what's so real in all of this so there's all of this fluff there's a lot of branding there's you know putting things like end racism in the end zones and assistant coaches wearing t. shirts that say it starts with us but the players themselves have their own independent line their own independent analysis of what's happening so a lot of teams for example did not go out for this kind of stage national anthem where they also played the black national anthem as it's known lift every voice and sing they stayed in the locker room in the miami dolphins. we don't want to be part of the propaganda we don't want to be part of the fluff and what's so interesting about it is that what the n.f.l. is doing in particular is they're putting out all these statements for racial
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justice initiatives but if you look at the one word they're not using and the players are acutely aware of this the one where they're not using is police you know they're keeping that out of the picture because they don't want to offend that they're scared i would argue scared of law enforcement scared of the police unions in this country and so their kids staying off actually addressing what the players want to address and frankly what the nation wants to address the nation that's been in the streets for the largest demonstrations in the history of the united states and that's police reform and that's the part that i have an issue with sometimes is the money and it was mentioned also that i have a job to do or it's something that i don't want to lose my job or i want to make sure i'm saying it in a nice way and i think that that's where athletes have to get to where that we know that it's not about oh hey we have to make sure we don't include police officers not to upset them i know one time in the w.b. and we had a team that was boycotting against minnesota which was boycott and against the
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police and the police officers left the game because we were making a stand and saying hey we're tired of the police brutality that our race is experiencing and they don't even want to hear so to me it's about getting to a place where people aren't afraid and even in a sports world is there still has to tour around the actual idea there still is to talk where you only can do a certain amount in order to keep our fans engaged and that's the problem as well and i feel that's where we have to get to in order to actually see ship people not being worried about the millions of dollars that are being talked about it's really a social issue that has to be be excluded in a women and money can't be talked about and hurting people still it can't be talked about because this is a race that's being oppressed against and it is blame it's clear in the media what's happening to black individuals that are on arms and. to me it's not about money it's not about anything other than what it is and that's what we have to really make a change in a ship and not worry about hey i'm going to lose our money or hey i'm going to us
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that the wrong group of people who are going to lose this 'd has to move from that to hey this is the 1st issue in then we'll worry about that as a fall. time and i just did. yeah and i sorry i know i when we hear that because and i think what's different about right now is that you know where we're starting to see a shift in the percentages of athletes that are speaking out within these leagues i mean when when you look at the totality of all of the athletes that are now starting to use their platform you're seeing a shared empowerment from the athletes that stood up at the time when they were by themselves and so when you're when you stand up by yourself you're you because your job becomes more of a threat because it's very easy to single one person out but there is strength in numbers and so now that we're seeing
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a multitude of athletes use their platform and speak about the same things it makes it that much tougher for these leagues in these industries to want to go ridicule them for voicing their opinion or voicing how they feel about human rights and flat out what is right. i'm going to bring one mostly seen just for the end of the show this is and if you have to keep athletes using that platform right it's essential in 2020 it's taken. the union side is a person of influence and overtly whitespace she says use her platform to ways awareness on the longstanding issues that are yet to be fixed stomach racism police brutality the fact that countless of black people are being done justifiably profile of and killed by those that are paid and sworn in to protect and serve as someone of the media it's not only how she uses her platform but also how our influence of beck's her fan base and how they talk and see in these matters that
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affect people who are still marginalized by the powers that be. after weeks getting a chance getting that public to talk about social justice john tao day thank you for using our care home to talk about athletes and activists and appreciate you thank you as the next. march on al-jazeera studio b. unscripted brings you 2 special guests in called the citation exploring ideas and
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finding common solutions 10 years on from the tsunami that struck japan al-jazeera revisits the people most affected by the disaster football writers eric cantona presents a juicy raise about iconic players whose influence has been as great off the page as on its israel's 4th election in 2 years after the unity government's failure to pass a national budget up front smocked lamont hill cuts through the ad lines to challenge conventional wisdom. march on al jazeera. amidst destruction and despair a group of friends resist. rescuing books from the rubble they build a refuge for freedom and democracy. a secret library of hope from which they endeavor to rewrite their story and that of their country. who witness.
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bombs on al-jazeera. ready. hello unearned taylor nandan the top stories around his era the white house has announced sanctions over the poisoning of opposition figure alexei navalny the u.s. accused russia of poisoning the kremlin critic with a nerve agent last august something they deny 7 senior russian officials and 14 agencies associated with chemical agent production have been targeted thank you director of russia's f.s.b. security agency the successor to the k.g.b. the european union has also announced sanctions on 4 top officials novelli was jailed last month for his return to russia for violating parole whilst being treated in germany. it was not meant to be a.
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