tv The Stream Al Jazeera March 9, 2021 10:30pm-11:00pm +03
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try not to contradict your competition south korea's and taiwanese production mastery of a tiny component that makes any potential conflict in east asia a matter of global concern rob mcbride al jazeera so remember you can keep up to date with all of our stories on the web site there it is one of our top stories there as well the continuing violence. and we will have more on that in the coming alice. now a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera a jury is being chosen for the trial of a former american police officer accused of killing an unarmed black man whose death caused widespread protests there a show then faces murder and manslaughter charges for the death of george floyd the minneapolis police officer was filmed with his knee on floyd cynic the jury
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selection has already run into difficulties with potential jurors having seen the video and on going disagreement over the charges john hendren is at the court. the stakes are enormous and if you just look here at the city of minneapolis that's a courthouse behind me you can see the high temporary prisons style gates that they put up on the other side there are national guard troops in cammo gear with military weapons standing in front of this courthouse there are no protesters here because it's at such an early stage in the case but around the buildings are being boarded up and be concern is that what happened with the may death of george floyd when crowds came out were very angry having seen the video of the officer kneeling on his neck and there were buildings that were burned confrontations with police. the future political hopes of brazil's former president could get another boost as
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the supreme court votes on whether to throw out evidence against him the court overturned the suv us corruption conviction on monday and may now rule the judge who sentenced him was not partial it was stores his right to run for the presidency again the case was overturned on a technicality which could lead to the possibility of a retrial. sri catalan separatist politicians face extradition to spain after being stripped of their immunity careless freedom on to head of the regional government when it the clarity independence along with 2 other senior politicians could face jail they were charged with sedition for holding the 22070 referendum to 3 gained immunity as members of the european parliament but the body voted to remove their protection those are the top stories stay with us coming up next it's the stream and i'll have more news for you in half an hour thanks for watching but
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i. i am for me ok to dale a stream can anything be done to stop me and laws antique to crack down i'm sure you've seen the headlines so we're going to go a little bit deeper if you're on you tube you can i just thought your questions your comments put that in the comment section and equally part of today's discussion. are security forces him e.m.r.
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take on m t coupe protest as the campaign to restore civilian government continues since the military took power in the 1st more than 50 people have been killed and hundreds detained including the civilian leader aung san suu kyi the growing death toll and allegations of shoot to kill tactics by security forces have drawn condemnation and threats of foreign sanctions joining me to talk about this you know omar a bernese human rights defender living in exile in edinburgh scotland ali file is a journalist who has covered at me i'm all for al-jazeera and a number of other news outlets as well and finns are shouldn't he is a pro-democracy activist she's joining us on the phone from young gone because of the country's nightly internet shop down should let's start with these internet shutdowns what is going on why they happening what difference does that make to you as a protester 3 questions should we go ahead. thank you so
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say it's a cool stuff that the schools that are what they smash shut down and we create a current schafer nation on the 1st floor as every and that keep going and also after that we learned we are in cars you in a not just physical cause here there's a difficulty here so every night at. that info when we empty through another morning like at 9 am that it cannot shut down so anything can happen within 50 or so these they leave it we've been struggling with information flowing because that is the face of the band trigger band is instagram pat and i have the same time we've had i we've been monique her with our daily communication by the military and security for the marchers all alive but also physically while we are out on street you know it could tactfully to make sure where we leave all we where it's and that's a as a same time many activists say relocating our location because of the security rick
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day by day though these days the protests keep going on and on the streets again activists we don't care about even today after a brutal crackdown over the last week that we face see young people organizing themselves and voluntarily kind of could pass because it's kind of their award and delay track all day and they you know even in the smaller members of the stage chanting were full and it's easy so does that with being with nothing even myself at the protest yesterday was a historic day on the intonation on women they many a young woman and woman are out on street waving their flags waving flag that was the story tape yesterday ok let me go to omar while you were watching this from outside as an outsider with somebody who knows what it's like to be protesting and to be pushing back and all things that democracy how strong is this
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what you say is it even a movement. it's definitely is a movement it's fairly fiber and also involved by the various sectors of the society also like ages ranging from like 8 years old to 80 years old and also the protest a surely that i served our covering and i pretty much across the country like a 3 quarter of the country's geography is for with these peaceful protesters of other young age and. elderly and because i was a surely one of the protesters and i go also a part of this organizing the media why democracy uprising back in 1888 and i compare where the these young people like sean lay and also the the rest of the the the in the those students and to you the the rest of the country as well as those
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civil servants and public and private sector world you know who joined them selves in this movement called the civil disobedience movement and i see that you know the but right now is much more stronger much more like that diverse and also with a lot more like a creativity and in terms of their. tactics that they apply you know which i even see as the very home grown which something that we didn't have a bag and i did 88 because you know at that time we were the country was come under the complete darkness of under the complete control of the iron fist of the men of the previous military region in which we didn't have you know like phone or social media so. we compared to them compared to the big but this is a much more vibrant but also like shown there already stressed the point that as much as this social media is a foundation for the movement but also it is the internet and
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communications are in hands of the very this very brutal very brutal military hanta so that is already also posing a major threat today to the peaceful protesters that i see very worried. do you have a greater understanding please help us understand what the hunter was thinking for this coup. from the beginning of february and how that handling the pushback from the citizens on the street what happened i mean i wish i could tell you i own in the weeks leading up to the coup we there were rumors that it was going to happen because there were there were signs there was a military press conference where they had said the military surge hasn't said that they wouldn't rule it out so obviously rumors were flying but really everyone i spoke to thought that it was going to happen because it just didn't make any sense you know this the military have
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a huge amount of control under the current constitution they have veto power over that constitution so it can't be changed they have a lot of business interests press they're financially secure they've continued to act with impunity they've never ever been held to account for things they've done in the past so this seems like absolutely no logic and no reason for them to do it and they n.l.b. the sense that she's government the government has just been voted in the 2020 lections was and is incredibly popular so they knew that if they did anything like this it would be an extremely unpopular move and it would it would lead to a lot of backlash which we've seen and so the only thing i can think of is that it is the power hungry. kind of i'm personally ambitions of men on line who was jus to retire in july and who had probably hoped he might be able to get enough military back seats in the in the november elections that maybe he'd be able to get
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voted in as a c. in your position but when that became completely clear that when it became clear that was not going to be an option he still will have false kind of hold on to power it's the only explanation i can think of i also don't understand and can't explain the pushback from the security forces in the in the days after the coup. out on the street or a country how wonderful the atmosphere was that like the was obviously a lot of peer intention but that the movement was so big and has so many protesters and people said to people and old colleagues of omagh who had been marching with her in 1980 this is different this is bigger than we've ever seen before you know these are people who were there in 88 then they were saying to me this is something different and it did feel hopeful and then when the crackdown really started
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i think the atmosphere was just so different and now the brutality that we're seeing coming from the military over the last couple of weeks from security forces has just spread so much fear and that and there's increasing anger cools but just so much tension and they're everywhere and the just seems to be no logic behind it no seems to be no end game apart from spreading terror. i want to show you a little snippet of what it might be life a shanae here who is. in nam all right now we have video showing the way of protesters being surrounded by security forces work at a play this video i know that you live on what was it like. it was able to play during at the same time i was and courageous because one of the protest the withdrawal deadline to security forces and the when not alone i am a. great joely great jilly mentally many people are sending its oligarchical with
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them so many people break in the cars at 9 30 am on 1 30 pm and they were out on street carrying them some chandy i saw their faces their favorite was so concerned about the protests that they look at i feel so powerful at the time like oh my god we can do something i will make a noise to distract attention from the security forces and that was that the security forces follow us the security full to chase us down and they put the stan grant aid if in front of us and we would all start self away in such a way that we are eventually. given the pressure to the security forces that we don't like this is happening we know that you are surrounding our people so this is a clear signal that the think that it's a mission that communities like that and that's the issue a different statement out at night than all the stuff you know eventually. they
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have to just leave the area and then in the morning all the protests the way they go freely they were freely going backward tends to be a place there's because there was such a kind of you know a day for all of us if such a long day but i fail and grapes by our own people i we have all itself but this is that motivation for me yesterday was like a day for me i'm i'd love you to react to this headline this is from reuters and the headline says me mommy tells the un it is ready to wear the sanctions and isolation on voice says so this is the pushback from the military about maybe what the international community's deciding to do what do you make of the international community's reaction so you saw to this could. you see there is some international some part of the international community has
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taken steps into the right direction such as the united states for example like stepping up with the very concrete action such as like you know. freeze in the $1000000000.00 reserves that this military was trying to seize where there's also the. the new administration coming up with and like father sanction in the individual military generals as well as non-target in the. 2. military congo married the economic cooperation and then by going on the holding limited and i just to go back to alys point of like you know how do we make sense of this coup and like like elie already stressed a point like that is this person ambition buying their dismay on why the leader of the coup. and because you know he's losing to the military power is number one.
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in next few months if he didn't take this coup but at the same time it's not only one motive that i actually find also in a way because you know haven't this commander in chief position he and his family made so much of what so much personal what out of these 2 military conglomerates that he and his. the military elite club share throughout the you know like a past 10 years and before but also because of the you know in the past 10 years as the country open up they had so much opportunities and privileges to to seize the moment of the 10 years to have this business relationship. with the western part of the country the western world and you like a and where the able to procure the military hardware is as much as also the joy used goods joyeuse good where they can in and they really get. what he called
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advance with their. technology and all of that which many of those are being be applied and used to suppress the people so i was i'm just sorry and not wanting to condemn i just also wanted to point out you're absolutely right it's that he already has so much well consolidated and there's so much personal money going on in their family but also i think he doesn't care at all about international opinion and i think that's been made very clear by the actions of the last few. weeks because they just basically reacted to any kind of condemnation by saying you know we'll we'll weather this storm we've lived under isolation before we've lived under sanctions before we don't care and. in the early days of the q i feel like lots of people were saying well it's unlikely they'll do that because it would look really bad to the international community and look how far the military
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common in improving their image and you know even though obviously terrible things are still happening there was still this kind of idea that the military had conceived it the power but the actions recently just show you have absolutely no interest in peeping the military and keeping the international community onside and i think that you're right it's personal well and which makes him less personally worried about that kind of thing but also just an absolute lack of interest in maintaining a good reputation in the international scene in the globe in global diplomacy and so i guess let me just play you this analysis from alina nor she's in washington d.c. but just in political analysis of what is happening in me i'm all right now have a listen have a look at what causes a sense haven't worked in the past and even with engagement there is always the
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question of just how much engagement is appropriate without appearing to legitimize the military takeover. additionally there is no one single stakeholder that has enough leverage over the top of my door to reverse the coup. any efforts to pressure the myanmar military will have to be done in a coordinated and preferably multilateral fashion and coordination as we all know it takes time and it's painfully laborious janae i am looking at a picture right now of you holding a flag you are demonstrating you are bold you are in the middle of protesting are you hopeful that what you'll doing will have positive results the cynicism from outside of the country that this could be reversed john like go ahead. so while we're looking
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not the whole you're looking at something what we had doing we're not just looking at the result but also we're looking at the process so this is the process that we or it with nothing and experiences together not just our accept but also with all of us to you know this if there is a pall of a keel as we see there is no one single leader like big leader or. also at the same time we all are equally rejecting the military participation in the in the politics this is such a rare moment for all of us that we totally reject them militarily and we don't acknowledge they are whatever the a thing that the issue difference is that now we just love about the issue of the old and the we don't take to account of can we are ready to break down though this is such a rare women for all of us to have in our own space talking about our own politic you know including the you has got including the eponym minorities women young
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people i would get even the equal space for all of us to express our consent for all of to chat and stuff so i think we have so much benefited from this whole process why protesting on the ground why organizing protests why believe c.d.n. you know we are here is full of are really not as good as never before so i feel like because important process for all of us we have benefit in that we don't know what cannot be happen in the next few days or so but i think only the political move amend the political leaders can eventually bring the change like that our daily put pats on the streets and that could pass with the cdn it's all important because you know all given pressure not to intimation a community but also all you need is for different communities absent leaders and even today and army you know also i know that their little party we're all given
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that. question how many for you might take an action that clearly and question that we act. and also we actually did well could i believe it really to get a quick run for their future. so i think we all really i am going to put to you ellie and some rapid fire questions because on you tube there's a conversation happening and i would love for your help to understand this story a little bit more now as rain asks for instance why is the world silent when such brutal things are happening in medium our oh my you take that. why is the world is that a question that is the question ok well i wouldn't say that the world is silent but definitely the the top of the key leaders of the world the the the leaders of
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the world are still silent you know who the one who are actually able to take their actions so just like the security council you know like the politics within the security council where whenever it comes to myanmar burma in particular like china and russia always always always always defend this military region and then i think that's a those a major problem that we're having but the world is there usually i believe it is on the side of the people whereas the the ones who can take the actions are not so much this one that is feel you the military is already infamous the government a lot why would they have a coupe what would they hope to achieve. i think that it really comes down to just being power hungry as i mentioned before there the only thing that i see them achieving is just the absolute lack of.
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flexibility and freedoms and just having things absolutely in their way and total control and the only other explanation which i hope is not true but is becoming closer to my my belief recently is that they are sadistic and that they enjoy seeing people suffering but i feel like that's just too depressing a little to think but that's how it feels and and certainly how it feels on the streets of myanmar. and you know i only left a few days ago and it feels like there is an active cruelty and with no real goal at the end of it and that's what's really frightening i want to pinging she. me i'm making sure that you can hear me so this question is for you and it's a very brief response is coming from sarah till on you change do you think she lay that this code might actually be an opportunity for groups to and night against the
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brutal military go ahead. yet the cool tech created a kind of. the cool to lizzie the true color all the military before we was so it lucian dot and up at the thought they could be jewish and. it was glad to direct that final military and accept that fine the ruling party and you know all of us that we with lenny elections and all these solutions we to see that we were and democratic because they churn but eventually it was all guided finally tree and now we are truly in the true kahlo the military and now we all call the fact that the ok we need to get rid of it the military already taking over you know our politicos peer at the same time now they are plekanec our household and all our daily security so i think. for sure it creates
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a port city for all of us to recycle what we want to round into the jam it's really difficult matings not to make comparisons between all the times when they have been pro-democracy movements in me i'm all and use this different from 2007 is this different from. this is sent from the wind who says this is different and have a listen. the gov of illusion is very much different from the previous previous revolutions like 98 or 2007 because we now have seen to know we don't have the official media there we all have the 1st polls to get to all of the happenings in the country in the we get i believe that into the social media platform to reach out the whole war also we have some media we should of got cherry and that was over reporting to the people you're dime me and we have this is a group which have been defending and promoting democracy human rights and freedom for the all of the people for all of the people i know very much into both the
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freedom and democracy and we are ordered to gated to fight but for those ingested military hunters and guests today have taken us deeper into what is happening right now i know you will want to follow them have a care at my laptop we have. who is on the phone right now because of internet lockdowns over night. and also when he hath. internet wins i mean using his kin well. on twitter a place to go in this is al you file she's a documentary filmmaker and she tells us many many stories for me i'm ah well with this he's in me i'm all outside of me ma guess i really appreciate you that's all the time we have i will be back with another edition of the strain very soon thanks to watching a carrot like. it's
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hello i'm barbara starr in london these are the top stories on al-jazeera a jury is being chosen for the trial of a former american police officer accused of killing on unarmed black man whose death caused widespread protests beric show in faces murder and manslaughter charges for the death of george floyd the jury selection has already run into difficulties though with potential jurors having seen the video and ongoing disagreement over the charges john hendren is at the court. which takes on.
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