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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2021 7:00am-7:30am +03

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when the tragedy of the ruling was mostly unknown. hold. it in genocide on al-jazeera. we say to america help is on the way. the $1.00 trillion dollars covert $900.00 relief bill passes its final hurdle in the u.s. offering a financial boost to millions of americans. are about this and this is all to 0 live from doha also coming up the united states top diplomat announces his 1st face to face meeting with china promising frank talks on beijing's human rights record. as militaries accuse of using battle tactics as it
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intensifies its crackdown on anti cool protesters. and justice from donna fans of one of the world's greatest footballers march in argentina seeking answers over his death last year. it's a stimulus plan u.s. president joe biden says will give millions of americans are fighting chance the house of representatives has approved his $1.00 trillion dollars covert $900.00 relief bill that includes funding for more vaccines and extends unemployment benefits alan fischer has more from washington d.c. . thank you can applaud the house deliver job by significant victory as president a 1.9 trillion dollar covered relief bill and all done without
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a single republican vote in support this is a momentous day in the history of our country because we have passed historic. and transformative legislation thanks goes to the senators who are standing here great committee chairs and all of our senators who pulled together as one unit. beating back killer amendments making sure the bill was as strong as possible the bill has overwhelming support across the country 61 percent approval but republicans claim it spends far too much and delivers far too little we are here today mr speaker because democrats made a choice i choice to put their own partisan political ambitions ahead of the needs of the working class the deal delivers $1400.00
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stimulus checks to every qualifying american targeted mainly at lower incomes there's $350000000000.00 for states cities and tribal governments $130000000000.00 for schools $40000000000.00 for further education and $50000000000.00 in relief for small businesses the package was a big pre-election promise from biden he wanted to do it with republican support but was happy to push on without it. everything in the american rescue plan addresses a real need including investments to fund our entire vaccination effort more vaccines more vaccinate tours and more vaccination sites millions more americans will get tested including home chesty schools will soon have the funding and resources to reopen safely a national imperative biden is expected to sign the bill when it hits his desk on friday the administration says the 1st checks could start going out soon with many
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people receiving their money before the end of the month alan fischer al-jazeera washington. the buy the administration's announced plans for its 1st high level face to face talks with china secretary of state is on to the brink and says he'll be laying out his concerns on a range of issues at next week's meeting in alaska they include the enforcement of a controversial security law in hong kong and china's treatment of ethnic minorities i think it would be very important if china claims that there is nothing going on that it give access to the international community to the united nations if they have nothing to hide show it to us show show the world and so we'll be calling for that and then i think there's a series of practical things that are very very important for example we should make sure that we are not exporting and others are not exporting to china any products that can be used for the repression of their people and their minority similarly we shouldn't be bringing into this country products that are created by
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forced labor including from changing roselyn joins in washington d.c. and she says the u.s. has identified china as its number one rival we've heard secretary blinken say it several times now in the past week that the u.s. is going to be cooperating where it can with the officials in beijing and climate change is what course one of those issues there's a very small working group that has been set up under the auspices of the g 20 currently being run by the u.s. treasury department along with the their chinese counterparts to work on these sorts of issues involving the warming planet but that does not mean that the u.s. as we heard there from blink ins testimony on wednesday that the u.s. is going to be overlooking china's human rights record particularly against its minority weaker community in the western part of that country the administration is
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taking the position that the previous administration took which is that what is happening to the weaker community in china is in fact genocide. the u.s. is imposing sanctions on 2 children of myanmar as military leader in a line over violence against anti coup protesters washington's frozen their assets and blacklisted 6 companies they control sanctions have already been imposed online and other top military figures the u.n. says at least $67.00 people have been killed since the military seized power last month i'm listing international says an analysis of more than 50 videos shows me on mars military is engaging in premeditated killings and deploying battlefield weaponry now let me give you a warning some people may find a lot of burden manley's report the starving. neon month military is using increasingly be through tactics and weapons newly theme on the battlefield. it's target protesters in bystanders across the country
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that's according to new research from amnesty international. the rights group verified dozens of videos like this one and says they confirm security forces are engaged in what it calls systematic and premeditated killings it was around $28.00 and every day we started seeing passion more lethal force people being shot with live rounds and being killed in the process earlier on there had been a mixed use of like bullets and probabilities but and now what we're seeing is a mounting death toll. in this video recorded on march the 2nd in young gone i'm a c. international says a commander can be seen standing over an officer in operating a sniper rifle and appears to be giving him orders to direct aspire towards
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specific protests as. well. since last month's military coup thousands of held daily protests across the country. an increasingly bloody crackdown by security forces is so far led to dozens of deaths. according to the u.n. at least 61 people have been killed activists believe the death toll is higher. in another development i'm a senior national report some soldiers deployed to me on must 2nd city of mandalay belong to the 33rd light infantry division that's a division which has been accused of war crimes against the muslim or hindu in the western rakhine state in 2017 days. into entry divisions that have been responsible said heinous crimes elsewhere in the country that are no doubt in the streets shooting people. videos analyzed by amnesty also appear to show civilians
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being beaten at the hands of security guards. but the demonstrators say their own deterrent. be showcasing their resilience to military rule by continuously adapting their tactics no matter how much they. are manly on to the. days of wrangling the u.n. security council's condemned the military crackdown the u.n. chief says he hopes the military will now recognize it's time to step aside our diplomatic editor james bays has more from the united nations. the security council has been discussing a statement on myanmar for 5 days it is a watered down version compared with an earlier draft which had the word coup in it and also threatened future tough action against the military in myanmar they couldn't get unanimous approval for that i asked the un secretary-general for his reaction to the statement you security council statement on myanmar what are your
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hopes on what effect it will have on the military now i hope that this statement. there will be any increase in conscious in the military in myanmar that it is absolutely essential to lily's all prisoners it is absolutely essential to respect the result of the elections and to allow for a situation in which we move back to a democratic transition human rights campaigners will be angry that the reference to toughen measures in the future has been removed from the statement they say the time for words is over it's now time for action and more than 130 n.g.o.s have called for a global arms embargo on the me and maher military. libya's parliament has approved a new interim unity government as part of a un backed plan it will oversee elections in december this year libya's been
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divided between 2 rival administrations supported by rebel groups and foreign governments until a recent peace deal malik trainer reports from misrata. this was their 3rd day of meeting in the city of sirte and pease voted to approve libya's national unity government and what many are calling a historic day the main objective for the interim administration is to lead the country until elections in december the own can. today is a historic day in libya and a great historical transfer of power which will unify institutions unify the country and end the fighting years of conflict and political divisions have weakened state institutions and divided people libya has had 2 rival powers for years the internationally recognized government of national court in the capital tripoli and another administration in the east which was controlled by the warlords lisa huster who launched the failed military campaign to capture tripoli in 2019
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with the support of egypt the u.a.e. and russia his forces later retreated towards the east after the u.n. recognize government receives support from turkey in june 2020 but not before shelling residential neighborhoods hospitals and migrant centers the attacks have led to accusations of war crimes. after government forces we took western libya reports of mass graves rumors in the city of 2 who know where have to this military command center was base according to officials at least 139 bodies have been recovered so for the families of those killed want justice and those responsible to be held accountable before any reconciliation process can begin but for m.p.'s and certain ones a vote is a new beginning the parliament convened for this is story for the sake of reuniting libya and giving confidence to the government that we see a glimmer of hype and an end to the institutional division. this is an important
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lesson that the libyans have been waiting for in order to unify the country after there are no longer 2 governments in libya international support for libya's new unified government has been pouring in but the road ahead is filled with many challenges according to the u.n. support mission here there are more than 20000 foreign fighters in libya forcing them out will not be an easy task but without doing that holding a fair and democratic nationwide election in december could prove difficult traina al jazeera misrata. so ahead on al-jazeera. i'm going to see a new man in from the country what is now leading the world in covert 19 inoculations the number of infections it is escalating. and will face still be as safe contamination worries in japan 10 years after the meltdown of the focus ema nuclear plant.
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it's time for the perfect gentlemen. sponsored point at ways that we got some rather active weather moving across the middle east at the moment re snow and wind will be a feature for many as we go in through the next couple of days lost a cloud pushing across turkey some snow there once again over the high ground south of that generally drive a quite a brisk wind 50 dust and sand here into southern parts of iraq as we go on through thursday there was a system continues to move a little further south what's an ace was the winds stay pick up just around that northeastern corner saudi arabia here in concert as well look at the temperatures though 34 celsius for drawing in some warm air once again as we go on through the next couple days now of course the war in iraq cohen off the snow actually them will be a fair bit of rain on the southern flank of this particular system but some very
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active weather as i said coming in behind things do turn some aquatic and prices behind quite and dry weather across the whole of africa at present we do have some shallow is just around lake victoria ga the shower was going to be as southern parts of tanzania into northern areas of madagascar joining up with showers that we have to know the madagascar mozambique pushing across sam be right across into the gulf of guinea that a bit wet weather say for the far south of south africa but clearing through for friday. qatar airways jump into the story there is a lot going on in this and julia not global community when i talk about the misinformation i think we are more afraid than we are and where it be part of the debate don't ever take anybody's one word because there's always a difference when no topic is off the table we have been disconnected from our land we have been disconnected from who we are who would love to heat
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a new in the to be part of today's discussion this streamed on out is the era. i want to go to 0 reminder of our top stories this hour the u.s. house of representatives has appointed a $1.00 trillion dollars pandemic relief bill that's going to provide stimulus checks for millions of americans as well as extend unemployment benefits and tax breaks. international pressure is building on near mars military over its crackdown on anti cool protesters the u.s. is imposing sanctions on 2 children of the country's military leader while the u.n. security council has condemned the violence. libyans parliament has approved
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a new interim in unity government which will oversee elections in december libya's been divided between 2 rival administrations into the recent u.n. tax deal. brazil has recorded its highest number of deaths from corona virus in a single day nearly 2300 were registered on weapons day and chile is seeing a rise in cases despite leading the world in vaccinations are luck in america added to the sea and human reports from santiago. 75 year old lida his wife and his granddaughter arrived to get their 2nd jab at this and pavel vaccination center. all of us medical students are being inoculated sure that we can help out in this pandemic with 1000000000. i'm thankful to lose my fear of the pandemic to recover somewhat of a normal life thanks to the vaccine. chile has now surpassed israel as the country
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with the narges percentage of citizens to be inoculated but it will be months before 80 percent of the population is vaccinated and in the meantime a new aggressive wave of coverage 19 is forcing authorities to impose more lockdowns it seems pretty clear that a dose of overconfidence mixed with pandemic fatigue. are making many people take unnecessary risks new data shows that while the vaccine is helping to keep the elderly out of intensive care units hospitals here in chile are receiving record numbers of patients under the age of 14. brazil it's the worst of both worlds not enough vaccines a few precautions and now record numbers of people dying nearly 2300 on wednesday alone in sao paolo your family mourns one of the latest victims to be taken by the virus got a mind to kidney now more than ever people have to understand the seriousness of
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this unfortunately every family's pain for the irresponsibility of others. in order to state capitals 80 percent of intensive care units are occupied in brazil's largest cities there are 90 percent full medical experts warn that many city health systems risk total collapse the argument is that assume but while the president. has called both to complain. about the clogged. by contrast chile's president has just obtained congressional approval to extend the world's longest curfew as part of a state of sanitary emergency declared exactly one year ago critics question whether the real motive for such a long curfew is to maintain crowd control and use the army to patrol in rest of areas of south central chile the government insists is indispensable to combat the epidemic but as an ocular continue full speed ahead the biggest challenge as we
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come to convince people not to lower their guard the end of the pandemic may be closer but it's still far away. you see in human al-jazeera santiago. brazil's former president's new for nothing a little of this slamming the balsa not a government's handling of the pandemic calling it monic than is back in the political limelight after his corruption convictions were overturned this week but he hasn't confirmed if he'll be running for president again next year when again i have reports from the. he may not yet have been proven innocent but brazil's former president lula da silva is no longer a felon and he's back on the political scene with an eye on next year's presidential elections. i know that i was victim of the biggest legal lie in the 500 years of history i know my wife died due to the high pressure and the stroke
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came fausta i was forbidden to even see my brother inside a coffin. roula speech on wednesday was the 1st since a supreme court judge overturned the corruption convictions which put him behind bars for 18 months and stripped him of his political rights than from the $28000.00 elections the leader of brazil's left wing workers' party is now seen as a political threat to president bush on not over he says it's too soon to talk about next year's presidential race he spoke like a candidate rule is already a very popular leader presents himself as a moderate leader that this time and i think that the 1st speech that he gave those one as they was an attempt to show that himself is a moderate it can. be had to put together different groups different sectors of the blues in society and so i think that he is a problem a real problem for also not one for bills when i was at them to be reelected
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blasted both are now 2 for downplaying the coven 1000 pandemic which has already claimed the lives of almost 270000 brazilians the 2nd largest death toll after the united states. we have a president who says cover 19 is a small flu who says that only cowards fear the virus and that he does not because he's an athlete this is not the way a president should act in a civilized world. well so now 2 points out that lula is still not off the legal hook the decision to throw out the corruption charges was based on a technicality the supreme court judge said brazil's former president had been tried by a court in the southern city of could each eba that had no jurisdiction over his case he may still be retried in the capital brasilia there are many legal twists and turns in this case the supreme court still has to decide whether the judge who
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convicted in the law was impartial or had his own political agenda and coated with the prosecution. has started negotiating in alliance with other left wing parties and even conservative politicians who are not happy with president jalal santa monica al-jazeera rio de janeiro. a man's been killed in the south african city of johannesburg after police fired rubber bullets to disperse a student protest it's believed the 35 year old was not taking part in the demonstration in averseness shouldn't have been protesting since january against a decision to stop those in debt from returning to starting this year a senate inquiry is underway into the killing of dozens of judges and lawyers in the philippines cheering president will go to tell it to his so-called war on drugs at least 54 have died since he took office 5 years ago rights groups say most at
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risk of lawyers representing people accused of terrorism or drug related crimes jamal allen dorgan has more from the miller. senators who are part of the justice committee are actually trying to find a way how to the government can better protect those who work in the legal profession a majority of those who've been killed are actually working in many provinces who represent activists journalists and indigenous peoples the numbers speak for itself out of the 54 killed only 5 cases were actually filed in court out of the 54 of those killed 13 were prosecutors 8 were judges and out of the 5 cases only one actual result that to an actual charge being filed in court so the department of justice being questioned as to why when it comes to due process things are relatively slow for lawyers or human right look room and rights lawyers in particular the response of the o.j.
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secretary was that most of these killings were so carefully planned they were carried out by professional killers that these have been very very difficult to investigate now critics of the government are saying that if those who actually administer justice are being killed incessantly then what is left for ordinary citizens. fans have been demanding justice for one of the world's greatest footballers to go a lot of don't know the 16 year old died of a heart attack in november weeks after having brings surgery supporters believe his death was caused by medical negligence the reports from one of. you might have known that did not die he was killed chanted hundreds of his followers in the center of when a site is. whatever has daughters attended the rally and joined his fans in the call for justice he got up and they took his entourage used him were with him for money they let him die they gave him weed beer if you love someone you don't do
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that they have to pay if it's not in jail there has to be social condemnation. people blog to one of the main avenues of argentina's capital they want a full investigation into what happened to their i don't. know whether god like figure in argentina who struggled on alcohol and drug abuse he had a poor health but still the ministry of justice in argentina appointed an medico committee to investigate metal enough that it is expected to take 2 to 3 weeks to issue its findings to to have. a documentary by him for why the local media company revealed all your recording said to be between one of the nest lawyers doctors and caretakers in them prosecutors say there is enough evidence to prosecute modern us doctor and 6 others. the documentary reveals how his daughters wanted to hospitalize him after his brain surgery but it's alleged his end to rush wanted to
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take him to a private home so they would lose control over him and the profits he generated. but what we expect is that the detectives can have access to all of the documentation that the public prosecutor has been gathering very much. to reconstruct this great puzzle that is the events at the end of our manda marathoners life so what we expect is that each of the detectives will issue an expert opinion one of his biographers says what's happening is a legal battle but. i feel it's a battle between lawyers between his descendants dear good heart problems lung problems addictions all sorts of problems what's extraordinary is that he made into a 60 years old. when i was a man who generated passion when he was alive and continues to do so now that he's
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dead. and when a scientist a memorial is getting under way shortly to remember the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in japan 10 years ago thousands of people were killed and there's still a risk of contamination around the damage to focus nuclear plant robert bright as more. it was the biggest quake japan has ever recorded. creating devastating tsunami waves that crashed into towns and communities along its northeastern coast it left around $20000.00 people dead or missing and it caused a meltdown at the fukushima nuclear power plant that led to more than 150000 people being evacuated from surrounding areas 10 years on and just 10 kilometers from the plant the town of tommy yoker still hasn't recovered u.-turn was just 14 when he was evacuated with his family residents were allowed to return only 4 years
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ago but parts of the town are still off limits and strewn with bags of radioactive soil like another 30 they used to hold a teddy blossom festival here and this lordly filled with food stars and people further along the coastline away from the contaminated areas lives have been rebuilt and sea defenses strengthened the government has turned the reconstruction effort into a symbol of national revival coinciding with the delayed summer olympics but the games remain in doubt and the decommissioning of the reactors poses a challenge for years to come. as of now i think we should keep our current plan to decommission within the next 30 years more than a 1000000 tonnes of contaminated water has now built up at the site amid speculation it might be released into the sea there is widespread opposition in
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spite of government assurances that the water has been treated your hanging on they're going to go in and i'm concerned about what will happen to the fishing industry in the next 10 years there is talk of releasing the water and i'm very worried for many this anniversary to reflect on a natural disaster that took so much from this part of japan and that is still. dealing with the legacy of it some precedented fools rob mcbride al jazeera. this is all just here are these of the top stories the u.s. house of representatives has approved a $1.00 trillion dollar pandemic relief bill it's going to provide stimulus checks for millions of americans as well as extend unemployment benefits and tax breaks everything in the american rescue plan addresses or.


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